Very interesting indeed but how about taking it to the next level and using this theory and then making it big enough to generate enough power to run the average household just something I’d really like to see how it could be done in the say back yard I mean it must be possible maybe a totally sealed unit
Zor chiqibdi fantan😊
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Tuyệt vời !
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Very interesting indeed but how about taking it to the next level and using this theory and then making it big enough to generate enough power to run the average household just something I’d really like to see how it could be done in the say back yard I mean it must be possible maybe a totally sealed unit
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Dear...can I know how the water flow works?
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Bravo ❤❤❤
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Please tell what this colored liquid is made of?
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They only work for some minutes not forever, I think so
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How to do without working
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баловство для маленьких детей
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It will work for a minutes if it orks why you do not put it for 5 minetues
🎉😮 its impossible,, water no sirculation,, afteer2 minute end
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No me da🥴🥴 lo he hecho un montón de veces y no me funciona🥺
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Oye tú hablas Español
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It doesn’t work I already tried it
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Dose not work
It really works
Men kechki namaste namaste namaste namaste namaste namaste namaste namaste namaste namaste namaste
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I was try first fountain but it's failed
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So beautiful singing dear friend PLEASE share painting videos with friends regards from small sister artist
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Bhai mene banaya lekin pani nahi aaya 😢😢😢
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Hindi totoo yan.dahil sinubok ko na yan
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Jangan terkecoh...konten hoax