47's other gun of choice is the Silverballer (silenced, and often coming in a pair) - actually AMT Hardballer AMT Hardballer is yet to have her own T-Doll interpretation in the GFL1 game proper.
I mean it makes sense that Macchiato is releasing soon imo. They wanna capitalize on the ice team with Suomi and id say maybe 75% of the playerbase did get Suomi so I guess they wanna push out some ice synergy and get some sales there
@@KABLAMMATSPls don't forget about us who didn't get Suomi, "F2P or P2W, we are all slaves to RNG" 😂 At least we all still get the free 4star -Lotta, she is ice damage unit too 👍✌️
me: skipping the the first good character, so i can have fun with the game. suomi is just so broken that she turns this game into an idle auto battler. so i gonna grab her on anniversary when they release that juicy selector banner with 100% guarantee! plus makiato is so hot!
@@ShinichiKudo14122 Honestly I mostly grabbed Suomi because of mono freeze team and because she is cute. She is tad too strong, but im shipping klukei to not make rhe game boring😂
@@nightcliff5411 yes i know! but the way i like to play, is to not to any pulls at all, till im really stuck! i cant help it... thats how i enjoy the launch of a game ;D and this is also a way for me to fight against fomo. also getting suomi now will tempt me to buy the skin and im trying to stay f2p here^^
Seems they've taken a page out of genshins' playbook when it comes to fortification. Is it gonna end up a thing where the characters' performance feels incomplete without one or two dupes?
Same, but I will also try to get their weapons cause I love seeing my limited characters with their weapons lmao. I also want Mechty but I might just get her and her weapon when anniversary comes since there are selector packs for limited characters and weapons. For Klukai, I might stick with V3 + Planeta on her first banner then come for V6 and her weapon in her re-run.
Got lucky with my reroll and got Suomi V1 early so I'll definitely be getting her, the next I want is Klukay but she's most likely be months away so I could still save until then. Just wanna share, ofc take it with a grain of salt but according to KR datamine next banners is Macchiato(confirmed now) & Tololo then Daiyan & Mosin
I wonder if they will be doing banners with 1 legacy GFL1 character and 1 new character, in order to get the old players pulling. Going by popularity, next should be Springfield, then Klukay, and then Lena.
Wa-chan banner? Ofc! Since GFL1 she still my best t-doll operator that I have. I even partner her with Mama Springfield and Mosin Nagant back in a day.
oh god, i was just looking at the list of characters yesterday trying to think of who i wanted in the future and picked Makiatto as my best girl to go all in for...
WA200 my beloved! I mean weapon ofcourse :P gonna swipe for V1 and weapon but keep the WA2000 skin - who remembers railroad mission in Hitman with that weapon is going to cry the river!
I got suomi twice and her weapon, and no lived the crap out of the game to currently have 130 wishes for macqiato. The goal is once again v1 + weapon:)
i hope they will keep with single limited character release per update from now on, 2 limited per update is no f2p friendly and not healthy for the game :/ edt. if ill get dolla on 50/50, ill probably gonna do a few 10pulls trying for v1, i need to get her purple sig anyways :)
I'm a bit annoyed by Macchiato showing up so soon. I do want her, but I was hoping to skip this first banner in order to build up my stockpile of pull resources some, so I could have a reserve for when Klukai shows up. I'll probably wind up getting Macchiato, though. For the ice team (even though I only got 1 Suomi...losing the 50/50 was painful, but only a bit, as I got QJ), and because that plum colouring is enough to satisfy my eternal love of purple, The Best Colour.
I want to make 2 element team ice and burn it will be top for now. Makiato is must pull for me next pull will be Centauri Klukai or Springfild depends who will go first.
Trying to decide if I should stop trying to get Ulrid (Cause she has Saber vibes from Fate) and start saving for Macchiato. Or just say screw it and keep going 🤣🤣 Or take the 3rd approach and just full gamble on every waifu
I have nemesis in my main team. So far i really like Snipers, with maki comming soon, i will probaby go for her too. But this game is expensiv. Soumi v1 and now maki v1.....uff
Saving for Klukai or whatever her name is. Don't have enough resources to dupe macchiato.. so no not pulling for her, unless they give more resources.. then maybe
Needs clarification, are you saying Q girl deals more damage than her on V1? or the comparison is both V0? and does her shield stack with Soumi shield?
i got a genuine question. They even switched the “cchi” in Macchiato with a “Ki” to make the pronunciation more understandable. It should be obvious how to pronounce it now, so why do you call her Ma”che”ato? Did they change the pronunciation alongside the spelling? Or is that her name pronunciation in Chinese?
Hmm..hard decision...i already invested a lot in Mosin-Nagant and she really has a good punch. But maybe having two snipers good also be good choice for pvp team also. Or wait for next banner..but basically she is too good to skip
can any1 answer me...if i do banner lose 50/50 next ssr will be guaranted right...but if i wait to next banner to pull do i get guaranted or reset to 50/50 again ?
Still waiting for UMP. I'm not here for meta, I'm here for my favorite guns as anime girls. So i just might stockpile those orange tickets until then. Which will pain me as a gacha player.
75 pulls until guaranteed V1 Suomi, anyone wanna suggest if I should continue trying to pull for Suomi or should I just wait for Macchiato? I like Macchiato's design but V1 Suomi seems like a legit game changer.
Bro i just saved up to pay off my dept from pulling suomi V2, and now im gonna have to spend it all again for Machiatto? I mean i get that shes OP and all but come on... She's s too soon she's too good for to be skipped, i better start think first before I pull her.
Ill probably pull for her and maybe v1 her, but definitely not her weapon I got samosek and acana, so I can probably make due with those and save everything else for klukai.
just pull to build pity. My account kinda spent because of losing 2 50% and to get Suomi v1 and trying to get her weapon( I only aim for Suomi but it gave me her sign instead).
No funds to pull for the next. Duped soumi and still chasing her weapon 💀 ftp will not have a breathing room. Guess we'll see now if this game is f2p or p2w. Will they gave us enough through events and whatnot? And after this klukai next? 💀
You had enough pull/luck to dupe your Suomi, even with the 50/50 in there. That could have been Makiatto or any other character That is very f2p friendly in my book because most players only care to collect as many units they can
man i'm so happy we're getting WAWA, I didnt get Mosin and i didnt want to build my Nemesis and i already got Suomi to V1 early my 243+ pulls are coming for that V1 WAWA and weapon :D
Chads know her WA2000
Legend know her as Agent 47 gun
Mythological beings even remember having both of them in the same ad
Deities know her as the gun used by the enemy snipers from the 2009 CoD MW2 Hidden spec ops mission
47's other gun of choice is the Silverballer (silenced, and often coming in a pair) - actually AMT Hardballer
AMT Hardballer is yet to have her own T-Doll interpretation in the GFL1 game proper.
Macchiato? More like cappuccino hahaha …
Alright ima head out ..
Well macchiato itself is a coffee
I mean it makes sense that Macchiato is releasing soon imo. They wanna capitalize on the ice team with Suomi and id say maybe 75% of the playerbase did get Suomi so I guess they wanna push out some ice synergy and get some sales there
75%? Try 90% 😂
@@KABLAMMATSPls don't forget about us who didn't get Suomi, "F2P or P2W, we are all slaves to RNG" 😂
At least we all still get the free 4star -Lotta, she is ice damage unit too 👍✌️
Also Lotta the free 4star does ice damage too
@@J374338 u could have tried guarantee there was enough pulls
Meanwhile me: Game company put all the good chars out now while the game is still hot... so people can spend their money before the bad chars comes
What im thinking here is that they will do that but at the same time the not so good one would be the 2nd banner
me: skipping the the first good character, so i can have fun with the game.
suomi is just so broken that she turns this game into an idle auto battler.
so i gonna grab her on anniversary when they release that juicy selector banner with 100% guarantee!
plus makiato is so hot!
@@ShinichiKudo14122 Honestly I mostly grabbed Suomi because of mono freeze team and because she is cute. She is tad too strong, but im shipping klukei to not make rhe game boring😂
@@ShinichiKudo14122 You can get both with the ammount of pulls we got
@@nightcliff5411 yes i know!
but the way i like to play, is to not to any pulls at all, till im really stuck!
i cant help it... thats how i enjoy the launch of a game ;D
and this is also a way for me to fight against fomo.
also getting suomi now will tempt me to buy the skin and im trying to stay f2p here^^
Oh mai gatto its Makiato! 👯👯
Seems they've taken a page out of genshins' playbook when it comes to fortification. Is it gonna end up a thing where the characters' performance feels incomplete without one or two dupes?
F2P won't even have stamina to farm exp for LVs and we are supposed to prefarm on sniper mods? They better drop some x2 resource events real quick
WA2000 was my first SSR in GFL 1 so I’ll definitely be pulling for her here.
Pulling V1 Macchiato, V0 Vector and saving the rest for V6 Klukay, if next month is Vector I'm in trouble
Pretty much my plans as well though I might just V3 Klukai.
Same, but I will also try to get their weapons cause I love seeing my limited characters with their weapons lmao. I also want Mechty but I might just get her and her weapon when anniversary comes since there are selector packs for limited characters and weapons. For Klukai, I might stick with V3 + Planeta on her first banner then come for V6 and her weapon in her re-run.
Got lucky with my reroll and got Suomi V1 early so I'll definitely be getting her, the next I want is Klukay but she's most likely be months away so I could still save until then.
Just wanna share, ofc take it with a grain of salt but according to KR datamine next banners is Macchiato(confirmed now) & Tololo then Daiyan & Mosin
See thinks like this i suspect after machiato its kulkay
So 1 limited banner with 1 standard char rate up banner at one time?
Logically speaking, UMP9 should come first before Klukai, since her release is at Ch7, so there might be some time before we get Klukai
The only 5 star character I have other than Suomi is 2 copies of mosin…. I might be bricking my account but I’m still gonna try rolling for her.
You got suomi, you'll be fine
You know I was planning on pulling regardless of whether she’s OP or not cause...
Tsundere’s are my weakness
As a Dolla enjoyer from Nikke.
I see this as a win.
I wonder if they will be doing banners with 1 legacy GFL1 character and 1 new character, in order to get the old players pulling. Going by popularity, next should be Springfield, then Klukay, and then Lena.
Sprongfield would be too recent.
Wa-chan banner? Ofc! Since GFL1 she still my best t-doll operator that I have. I even partner her with Mama Springfield and Mosin Nagant back in a day.
I have all her costumes in GFL 1 😂
oh god, i was just looking at the list of characters yesterday trying to think of who i wanted in the future and picked Makiatto as my best girl to go all in for...
WA200 my beloved! I mean weapon ofcourse :P
gonna swipe for V1 and weapon but keep the WA2000 skin - who remembers railroad mission in Hitman with that weapon is going to cry the river!
Im actually so happy...i was planning invest in mono ice team.
We need a video talking about the best composition in the CN Server
The best teams, some like that.
Imma write reddit essay if next next banner is Klukai
I got suomi twice and her weapon, and no lived the crap out of the game to currently have 130 wishes for macqiato. The goal is once again v1 + weapon:)
suomi + machiatto really gonna be nasty combo
The game gave me 2 mosin nagant dupe and her weapon, i think imma stick with her for now even if i really want WA2000
i hope they will keep with single limited character release per update from now on, 2 limited per update is no f2p friendly and not healthy for the game :/
edt. if ill get dolla on 50/50, ill probably gonna do a few 10pulls trying for v1, i need to get her purple sig anyways :)
I will wait to see the next banner after her. What if Klukay is next ?!
Leaks show Daiyan\Mosin. Never really know, though. I’ll be so happy when people stop thinking Klukai is coming month one of the game.
I have 120 tickets and 9k gems ..was planning on skipping...but the way you describe her got me thinking the only issue now is v1
I thought that was Dolla
Man... I failed to get suomi v1 and now makiatto gonna be next banner? Im cooked
it says 80% not 100% crit dmg. increases your crit to 100% and your crit dmg 80%. in case anyone misread that.
Cute tsundere incomming
I'm a bit annoyed by Macchiato showing up so soon. I do want her, but I was hoping to skip this first banner in order to build up my stockpile of pull resources some, so I could have a reserve for when Klukai shows up. I'll probably wind up getting Macchiato, though. For the ice team (even though I only got 1 Suomi...losing the 50/50 was painful, but only a bit, as I got QJ), and because that plum colouring is enough to satisfy my eternal love of purple, The Best Colour.
I want to make 2 element team ice and burn it will be top for now. Makiato is must pull for me next pull will be Centauri Klukai or Springfild depends who will go first.
Same. Gotta grab Centaureisse and Dush, then hoarding until Vector.
Same! I wanted to make an ice and Burn team, so the next unit after macchiato i Will be going for Will be either centauri or Springfield
For those who aren't on the know: AK-15 was teased by the CN devs.
wtf is ak 15? Some Russian gun?
Not pulling weapons, only characters
Trying to decide if I should stop trying to get Ulrid (Cause she has Saber vibes from Fate) and start saving for Macchiato. Or just say screw it and keep going 🤣🤣
Or take the 3rd approach and just full gamble on every waifu
what's her gift favors? since we can farm first in dispatch
So it is safe to say next one will Klukay
If that then many players will be pissed off and quit game me included
Hell nah don't make us suffer
Does the pity on the limited time banner carry on to the next limited time banner?
I'll just aim to get MAKIATTO once... two is a huge + but a luxury...
The banners being different is only a good thing if its part of an effort to unify CN and not-CN versions.
Not with rates of 0.6% now when honey moon is ending it will not be raining tickets anymore
so i got suomi v0 and cubes for around 200 rolls.
Should i roll for suomi v1? or roll for espresso? v1?
Both. Food is overrated, waifus are forever.
Get both
Really hard, but I'm leaning on suomi v1 for the long run
This is crazy were getting all the good characters this early?
I have nemesis in my main team. So far i really like Snipers, with maki comming soon, i will probaby go for her too. But this game is expensiv. Soumi v1 and now maki v1.....uff
Yea… All I needed to see is was her outfit… waifu>meta. That being said I am pulling for klukai
Suomi then Macchiato...I was hoping for a banner or 2 I can easily skip until their rerun. Didn't expect to pull out the wallet this early.
Well then, thank you for the carry Mosin-Nagant.
Now go work overtime along with Mayling 24/7.
wallet-kun : noo , don't do it
as a dedicated f2p player i will save for klukai and get machiato after that... i will settle on nemesis for now. i love her anyways.
i think klukay will be a bit long because she is around chap 9 or 10
@@ilovedentistry3934 good
More time to save cause I'm getting all of her dupes, so makiatto is a hard pass
Me: ah yes Kafka my love, Asuna from SAO (JP VA)
Suomi's skin 😭
Saving for Klukai or whatever her name is. Don't have enough resources to dupe macchiato.. so no not pulling for her, unless they give more resources.. then maybe
it's good news we get inform 10 days before they Release, at least I can stop to infest my sniper chara now
Damn I was hoping it was going to be Dushevnaya.
Needs clarification, are you saying Q girl deals more damage than her on V1? or the comparison is both V0? and does her shield stack with Soumi shield?
Time to use my 13th month pay.
i got a genuine question. They even switched the “cchi” in Macchiato with a “Ki” to make the pronunciation more understandable. It should be obvious how to pronounce it now, so why do you call her Ma”che”ato? Did they change the pronunciation alongside the spelling? Or is that her name pronunciation in Chinese?
Should I keep trying for Suomi V0 or save up for Machiatto??
When is Daiyan gonna release I save up for her.
im already guaranteed so yea my body is ready
So which one better suomi v1 or wawa (i have 1 pity)
Meta for low IQ player
Strategic for high IQ player
Hmm..hard decision...i already invested a lot in Mosin-Nagant and she really has a good punch. But maybe having two snipers good also be good choice for pvp team also. Or wait for next banner..but basically she is too good to skip
can any1 answer me...if i do banner lose 50/50 next ssr will be guaranted right...but if i wait to next banner to pull do i get guaranted or reset to 50/50 again ?
They're creating ice team fomooooooo dang
I will pull but if I lose 50/50 I won't continue
GR do you not gonna make solo raid video for Nikke?
WA2k, my beloved
Saving for belka and lenna :p
Trying to pull for makkiato, is it better v1 or should i pull sign?
Im 19 rolls away from suomi V1 or failing it. Should i just wait for macchiato then V1 her?
Yeah super excited for her!!!! I dont like waiting another week :(((((
What the hell are they doing tho? I assume we're on a 4X acceleration schedule till we catch up and they are trying to capitalize right from the start
Exactly man I hope Klukai isn't right after otherwise I'm cooked 😢
The events and banners got switched if u watch the qna, it's a good idea since CN first event was a mess, they need to rewrite the entire story
Dang why do these Ice dolls have such good upgrades at v1
What does “Zucchero Caffe” even mean in this context 😂? (Sugar, Coffee). I get her name is based on Macchiato.
already pull ulrid dang,if i know she come this early,im not pulling ulrid lol
I just got mosin nagant signature weapon, and now she got power crept soon 😢
Macchiato is coming home ahhh so nice
oh man i don't think i have enough to pull her, make mistake pulling suomi weapon
Still waiting for UMP. I'm not here for meta, I'm here for my favorite guns as anime girls. So i just might stockpile those orange tickets until then. Which will pain me as a gacha player.
Should i just v1 my soumi? Or just save up and pull for her?
V1 Suomi
V1 is for her massive global heals for ultimate.
If you need it then u should pull. But normally is fine without it.
V1 for sure
Nooooo. I thought I had time to save for Wa-chan!
75 pulls until guaranteed V1 Suomi, anyone wanna suggest if I should continue trying to pull for Suomi or should I just wait for Macchiato? I like Macchiato's design but V1 Suomi seems like a legit game changer.
Waifu > Meta 😂
Just wait for Macchiato
Only 1 banner ?
And after pullling for 100th time and still no suomi 😂
Think I’ll skip to save for Klukai.
built nemesis 2 days ago...........
Bro i just saved up to pay off my dept from pulling suomi V2, and now im gonna have to spend it all again for Machiatto? I mean i get that shes OP and all but come on... She's s too soon she's too good for to be skipped, i better start think first before I pull her.
Ill probably pull for her and maybe v1 her, but definitely not her weapon I got samosek and acana, so I can probably make due with those and save everything else for klukai.
if the drop klukay after her banner, I'm fvcked!
just pull to build pity. My account kinda spent because of losing 2 50% and to get Suomi v1 and trying to get her weapon( I only aim for Suomi but it gave me her sign instead).
suomi then wachan fun stuff
Daiyan when?? I miss mr thunderkok
Save 147,000 gems in order to get Klukay in V6 in worst scenario (Pity)
She look like dolla from nikke
it's Dolly
Then next banner is klukay☠️💀
No funds to pull for the next. Duped soumi and still chasing her weapon 💀 ftp will not have a breathing room. Guess we'll see now if this game is f2p or p2w. Will they gave us enough through events and whatnot? And after this klukai next? 💀
Next banner after her should be easy skip
It makes me wonder if they will compensate for the accelerated schedule
You had enough pull/luck to dupe your Suomi, even with the 50/50 in there. That could have been Makiatto or any other character
That is very f2p friendly in my book because most players only care to collect as many units they can
With his honeymoon dowry. Imagine the freebies keep coming at this pace.
Dolla looking hot as always
man i'm so happy we're getting WAWA, I didnt get Mosin and i didnt want to build my Nemesis and i already got Suomi to V1 early
my 243+ pulls are coming for that V1 WAWA and weapon :D
u f2p?
@@Jashin9999 naaah i spent about 75$
ha typical its always the same company strategy hyping a game but in the end it will fade away🤣🤣🤣