This product could have been great except that it lacks simplicity, organization and clarity. When you develop a product you do not impose your own solution to the problem but rather you work around the problem and tailor a solution specific to the problem. Such is the weakness of most developers/programmers. They are the only ones who can understand what they are doing and then they will impose their own solution and understanding to their customers. The problem is it is technical vs layman.
thanks for this video, but i was unable to understand most of the parts since there was no direction or audio. Can you or some one provide a similar video or like explain it in text form please?
It's very interesting but we need sounds to understand everything, it could be perfect if you had sounds for next time
This product could have been great except that it lacks simplicity, organization and clarity. When you develop a product you do not impose your own solution to the problem but rather you work around the problem and tailor a solution specific to the problem. Such is the weakness of most developers/programmers. They are the only ones who can understand what they are doing and then they will impose their own solution and understanding to their customers. The problem is it is technical vs layman.
can you add sound are redo, this would be nice to understand this being I bought this for this perpose and so far very disappointed in the product.
Useless discription no sound and unable to understand which tool need to use
Anyone know what happened in minute 3:46 - 3:48?
thanks for this video, but i was unable to understand most of the parts since there was no direction or audio. Can you or some one provide a similar video or like explain it in text form please?
where is the narration?