Goldilocks and the Three Bears

  • Опубліковано 23 чер 2024
  • once upon a time
    there was a papa bear a momma bear and a baby bear
    who lived in a small cottage in the jungle
    and there was a little girl
    named Goldilocks who lived with her family
    one morning
    Goldilox was playing
    and she entered the woods
    that morning the bears made porridge for breakfast
    the porridge was very hot
    so they decided to go for a walk in the forest
    while walking through the woods
    Goldilocks came across the house with a huge door
    she was very eager to go inside
    she went ahead and knocked on the door
    hello is anybody in there
    no one answered
    so she walked right in through the door
    she saw a table
    on the table there were three bowls of porridge
    goldilocks was hungry
    that porridge smells so good
    let me eat some
    she went to the first bowl and tasted the porridge
    outch this porridge is too hot
    I burned my tongue
    so she tasted the porridge from the second bowl
    this porridge is too cold
    now she tasted the last bowl of porridge
    this porridge is just right
    after having breakfast she was feeling a little tired
    so she walked into the living room
    where she saw three chairs
    Goldilock sat in the first chair to rest her feet
    this chair is too big
    so she sat in the second chair
    this chair is too big too
    so she tried the last and smallest chair
    this chair is just right
    but just as she sat down onto the chair it broke
    oh no
    goldilocks was very tired now
    she had no place to rest
    so she decided to go upstairs to the bedroom
    she laid down on the first bed
    this one's too hard for me
    then she laid on the second bed
    this one's too soft
    then she laid down on the third bed
    this one is just right
    as she was sleeping
    the three bears came home
    someone has been eating my porridge
    growed the daddy bear
    someone has been eating my porridge too
    someone has been eating my porridge too
    and they ate it all up
    someone sat on my chair
    someone sat on my chair too
    someone sat on my chair
    and they've broken it all into pieces