i cant beat chapter 6. i can only get to wave 32 as of now. im farming chapter 5 with level 125 willer. i have all of my gold, coin and coin price discount maxed out and i dont need to buy anything to beat chapter 5. So im just afking to get a lot of gold now
Man.. I just got Veinley.. I wish I had saved all my gems for buying the 10x armor/wep chests while having Veinley equipped :P
i cant beat chapter 6. i can only get to wave 32 as of now. im farming chapter 5 with level 125 willer. i have all of my gold, coin and coin price discount maxed out and i dont need to buy anything to beat chapter 5. So im just afking to get a lot of gold now
U farm for what ? Gold ?
I farm Normal auto in lvl 9. Easily got 90k+
@OngkyKai ya. I'll farm 1000k or 2000k gold at a time then upgrade