• @gu3r1tar
    @gu3r1tar 3 роки тому +1

    Brilliant talk, as always. Thank you Sir Christopher.

  • @vineetverma4547
    @vineetverma4547 5 років тому +2

    Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

  • @IKnowNeonLights
    @IKnowNeonLights 5 місяців тому

    Second part
    In order to see to what I am aiming to refer and describe with words, it's plausible span in a possible measured time, one can use information that of which is known in regards to Egypt's dynasties. Taking such a record of history, then a application in regards to language one can apply to it.
    In doing so, one will soon clearly see a very early period where language is a written in stone, stone tablets quite often, a method which was adopted by Mesopotamia, Rome and Greece later. After that, not long, a period where language is a written in papyrus appears simultaneously with the one in stone, and a conflict is there to deliberate.
    After that a introduction through conflict arrives from the opposite side of the Mediterranean, introducing a new addition, where language is a written in parchment, simultaneously with the one in stone and papyrus, and a conflict is there to deliberate again.
    After that the same introduction where language is a written in parchment which first appears from the opposite of the Mediterranean, is reintroduced from the side of Egypt, through a conflict, and a conflict is there also to deliberate, all the way to actual paper and the digital present.
    Throughout all of the example given, including all of inconsequential branches, spaning all of the habitable world, language is passed along, in all methods and forms forced upon or chosen by, and is here now with and within everyone, including very simple and intricate copies with and within a lot of things. Through a one, two, three point reference, stone, papyrus and parchment, which if and when investigated will produce a great number of other one, two, three points. (Never reached and highly probable never to be reached as a consequence of being triggered into reaching that)
    The other example regards eating, and is much more complex to see it as that, and especially understand it as that, yet as very existing fact is uttilised precisely as that consciously and unconsciously by anyone, often by most anyone.
    One culture has preserved it in the best and most accurate way, and this is the Chinese culture. Almost all of the features of the service, eating and the cooking in Chinese culture make the example to fit perfectly and unnoticed by most, although used by all.
    It regards to a feature which if and when applied or noticed as happening is taken as anything but it's intricate complex and unknown triggered moment in history. The feature is the proximity a dish, any dish, which in itself is often a sub dish or only a part of a dish, including the utensils used to eat, is in regards to one's face and mouth. All of this, in regards to one, two or more people, round table, place, while speaking, not speaking, in regards to any occasion, age, sex or time. In order to sense the unknown consciousness with and within it as a happening, one can make use of it themselves, and while doing observe oneself, observe the silence, the joy, the excitement, the wonder etc etc and especially anger or a threatening volatile situation.
    Understanding this very simple yet highly complex, intricate and unknown triggered moment in history, one's consciousness completely unaware as a happening, will in most cases see the exact reality to which it is presented with, although it might look and behave completely different to that which it is, giving one an advantage or a disadvantage.
    Creating a state of being where it's senses, feelings, behaviour, emotions, incentives, rewards, trigger structures and extremely often actions are equal to that of a conflict, a physically violent conflict state of being, spreading its range to include a ever increasing habitable space throughout the world, has, is and will simultaneously force all possible types and forms of consciousness to nothing more but pass it through it's corresponding consequential equilibrium structure, achieving more and more numbness and consequently inevitable heirarchical jumps.
    I am simply pointing to actual existence. One only has to observe anything, be it a plant, creature, stream, element, and see directly that without no direct or indirect physical interaction such existence is already at a fluctuating motion by itself in search for that equilibrium which if and when happening is impossible to not sense it as beautiful. Even a stone, one can take a stone move it, and one has to wait for an eternity to see it as being in it's rightful place. This is the often state of being which is recognised as peace, a peaceful state, yet fluctuation, natural fluctuation is not peaceful, it can be harmful or not, and it is at such a balance where the few moments of peace can be deducted from and for.
    Adding the actual, or the plausible intention of introducing physical and mental violence on top of already fluctuating state of being goes beyond peace, and in doing so triggers it's corresponding consciousness form and type. Doing so under the presupposition of this is life's game, or this is how life is, is false, and not true.
    This means that while eating and not animal, one is eating and animal. That is how consciousness works, one cannot disguise the opposite of that which is presenting it as, which in the case of eating is eating, and confrontation is confrontation. All what one can do in order to see it, is to become eating itself and observe eating in turn as being that or something else. Which is exactly what confrontation does, by presenting itself as that which it is not, triggering itself on the other, and maintaining its false part within itself.
    Moments of peace within a fluctuating state of being are few and beautiful because such moments are difficult to achieve and be with, it requires often an infinite number of everything for such moments to occur, and an equally good infinite number of everything for such moments to be with.
    All is often neglected either by a constant introduction of disruptions in regards to the actual fluctuation to begin with, or the fact that everything which has level's of density, it already possess the ability to achieve such states of beautiful peace as itself. One can think how hard it is truly to make something beautiful, and upon doing so how hard it is for such beautiful to be among all other possible beautiful already in existence or to be made.
    The difference is simple and categorically important. Conflict relies on the ability of existence to adopt quickly, giving a possibility to use such quick adoption correctly or incorrectly .
    Natural fluctuation relies on the ability of existence reaching a equilibrium, as an ascending and descending heirarchical order through different levels and degrees.
    I believe the latter one to have more of everything whereas the first one only a uncertain end especially in regards to it as a conflictual quick adoption.
    A conflictual be it as existing or as introductory state requires for one to accept it as such and adopt, which in turn maintains it or increases it. That or accept it as something else and adopt, which maintains it, and increases it to a higher intensity.
    A fluctuating state is always existing and requires for one to also be existing with it, moving and waiting for that equilibrium in order to recognise it as beautiful, which in turn gives the ability to put it up with all other beautiful things and see where it stands as equilibrium, meaning is it really that.
    Regardless of denial science has always worked in two ways which are the known aplicabilities of consciousness, and there is only one country which applies one of such ways as it's rule of law foundation to this day. (With the caveat of a lot of people knowing and considering such state as an evil one).
    The ways are...
    (1) Being, stated as being, and proof of such state.
    (2) Stated as being, being what, and proof of what being.
    Logic, philosophy among other insignificant things fallow such a way. In understanding this, it is much easier to see where a conflictual attitude will benefit more than an equilibrium while fluctuating attitude.
    One gets you laid, the other everything gets laid.
    © EMIR
    May 9/2024

  • @IKnowNeonLights
    @IKnowNeonLights 5 місяців тому

    First part
    My attention in regards to scum and consequently understanding it the way I do, has enabled me to see the concept of peace in a different way.
    Within most cases peace indicates to the succession, that is the stopping of any type of animosities between two or more waring parties, and to the highest possible level, that it is, which upon enactment peace takes place. Yet as explained through the writing in regards to scum, peace, that is a state where no direct or indirect physical violent conflict is as happening, is already quite difficult.
    In fact within most cases, as anyone who lives and has ever lived to continue living will tell you, even show you, peace is almost anything but that, it only manifests itself as plausible structure in moments, often using the most magnificent points of reference in nature, such as the sun, moon, sky, season, river, sea, hill, field, forest and mountain. People with all types of attributes and characteristics are used as well, including humanly built structures among a myriad of other possible combinations.
    This means, in having as a general existence for anyone in the world, extremely few and very precious moments of peace, then attacking the normal day to day existence which such moments can be deducted off, by, for, from and to ability, talent, luck, faith, intuition, belief, logic etc etc of anyone and in regards to anyone, is an attack beyond peace, meaning there is a lot of work to get to any moment of peace long after the violent confrontation has stopped.
    Having been thinking about it for a lot of my existence, there is no words in any language to sentence it as a method, except as a direct and indirect deliberate attempt in achieving a state of being where any party involved can not be within a state of being in order of deducting any memorable moments of peace, only to be bypassed by a state of numbing physical state of existence, some sort of growing up a thicked skin and consequently peaceful state of being, only applicable in the regards to the context it is necessarily or unnecessarily induced from and for, a type of victory or symbolic victory, giving one the weird ability to see the beauty of a sunny day from a fighting positional state, thus achieving even more weird states of peaceful numbness having successfully applied some sort of retribution as a right or just measure.
    Consciousness which is and exists within and throughout everything, does not know what to make of that observation and consequently state of being. Having been triggered to such a state, consciousness has no other choice but to literally pass it, that is integrate it throughout all of physical existence available for none other than the old equilibrium state of being, the one which peace, moments of precious peace can be deducted from and for.
    Some types and forms of consciousness will reach such equilibrium or at least a form of, one which can be uttilised in many regards as quickly as reaching a flat surface after a steep one. On the other hand, some types and forms of consciousness require a whole ocean, forest, planet,, system, orbit, solar system etc etc. The most important ones, the ones which are not believable and consequently impossible to imagine in order to understand, with such types and forms of consciousness there is no reach of equilibrium.
    Once triggered the only equilibrium such types and forms of consciousness know by being, is a total jump of degree, order, level and heirarchical ascent or descent, which means everything, making peace a problem, a requirement not applicable, thus completely ignored and not aimed for, as it only exists once a jump is made, having been triggered in none existence at its corresponding state.
    © EMIR
    MAY 9/2024

  • @goldengirlgoldengirl7498
    @goldengirlgoldengirl7498 Рік тому
