Sam Wise - Winter Chill [Full BeatTape]

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @abovedacloudz9315
    @abovedacloudz9315 2 роки тому +22

    I miss bumping this kind of lofi all through out 2016

  • @jeffgoode9865
    @jeffgoode9865 8 місяців тому +4

    I listened to this after just moving to japan in summer 2016. A crappy apartment, broke, knew no one. Just come home from work, exercise, and sit on the back porch.
    Still live here. Now i have a wife and a house. Still come back to this, sometimes, to remember that feeling of being completely unsure of the future. It was awful but amazing all at once.

  • @limited_youth7249
    @limited_youth7249 3 місяці тому +3

    I used to listen to so much lofi back in this era. It makes me reminisce about the good times of the internet. Just revisiting some old vids on my playlist

  • @teriyakov
    @teriyakov 8 років тому +39

    I swear, being stuck in front of a pc all day for the 9-5 would be so much worse without this.
    Thank You!!!

    • @VanHornJosh
      @VanHornJosh 8 років тому +1

      teriyakov same

    • @cameroncox859
      @cameroncox859 8 років тому +1

      For surrrre, Steezyasfuck uploads all day at work.

  • @Abraham987881
    @Abraham987881 8 років тому +6

    this lo fi hip hop style is so special. Going through some really hard times and listening to this at home with the earphones in dancing around the house whilst breathing deep liberates me who's with me on this

  • @MostGenericUser
    @MostGenericUser 8 років тому +183

    I always am so captivated by the art work used in your videos

    • @SoRisky
      @SoRisky 8 років тому +13

      the artwork i suppose are usually chosen by thee artists themselves ! they really do have awesome tastes :o

    • @jacksonhenry2000
      @jacksonhenry2000 8 років тому +4

      Ancient Japanese print.

    • @OliveMeMakeup
      @OliveMeMakeup 8 років тому +38

      I love these prints. They are by Hiroshige. This ones called "Uraga in Sagami Province" from the Harbors of Japan series circa 1840. If you like this one you should check out more of his stuff.

    • @Alec-pc2kk
      @Alec-pc2kk 8 років тому +2

      You a fan of the Van Gogh remakes of a few of HIroshige's pieces?

    • @willanthoniozeppeli7913
      @willanthoniozeppeli7913 5 років тому

      @@OliveMeMakeup you should check out Kawase Hasui's prints if you haven't yet

  • @yohailastname1506
    @yohailastname1506 8 років тому +199

    found 100$ bill on the ground today didn't think the day could get any better thanks for proving me wrong steezy

    • @brycegeurts3345
      @brycegeurts3345 8 років тому +34

      please return it back to me :)

    • @apeirophobehotline4746
      @apeirophobehotline4746 8 років тому +3

      None None That was a test. You will receive your results shortly.

    • @kwekuyakubu2587
      @kwekuyakubu2587 8 років тому

      haha! But for real None None.... It was a test ;)

    • @rvnwy7261
      @rvnwy7261 7 років тому +9

      Someone had to have a really shitty day for you to have a really good one.

  • @WelderB1Family
    @WelderB1Family 8 років тому +334

    roll one and sip some hot Coco. peace from Toronto

    • @UprightEnjoyment
      @UprightEnjoyment 8 років тому +3

      you high? go watch the disco moon video from vsauce. i cant smoke right now but at least i can give a good link which i smoked to it last night. good shit

    • @WelderB1Family
      @WelderB1Family 8 років тому +1

      ***** cool I'll check it out

    • @0oidiedinatimemachineo024
      @0oidiedinatimemachineo024 8 років тому +4

      no coco but drinking tea tho. damn wish I had some coco.

    • @WelderB1Family
      @WelderB1Family 8 років тому +2

      0o I Died In A Time Machine o0 lol it's colder than mf up here Coco n beat tapes go hand in hand

    • @QuickShiftGaming
      @QuickShiftGaming 8 років тому +1

      D Davis ayy that's what's up bro, Ontario grown✌️️

  • @mansamusa3677
    @mansamusa3677 8 років тому +141

    good evening from Jamaica.

    • @Spaccaspecchi
      @Spaccaspecchi 8 років тому +13

      mansa musa Good night from Germany, brother. Hope you have a great day

    • @mansamusa3677
      @mansamusa3677 8 років тому +8

      TheKillerManfred thanks bro goodnight to you.

    • @mansamusa3677
      @mansamusa3677 8 років тому

      Sanguisium OK my friend. 👌

    • @kwekuyakubu2587
      @kwekuyakubu2587 8 років тому +1

      Mansa Musa! , The King! Good evening from South Africa!

    • @mansamusa3677
      @mansamusa3677 8 років тому

      Kweku Yakubu good evening my friend 😇😊

  • @cosmosval6085
    @cosmosval6085 8 років тому +931

    i love this comment section because, most of us are dead inside person who finds love in this music. everybody is kind, and grateful. Be strong and keep smiling in the street when your are listen to this :) luv from france

    • @andrewkreisher689
      @andrewkreisher689 8 років тому +4


    • @Brettm501
      @Brettm501 8 років тому +33

      Zean Pierre youre right lol I like the steezy community. You would think it's just pot heads but there's so many different personalities and nice ppl here

    • @cosmosval6085
      @cosmosval6085 8 років тому +16

      We all have different life and story that's right 🎶

    • @KamiTVe
      @KamiTVe 8 років тому +5

      Thank you friend!

    • @cosmosval6085
      @cosmosval6085 8 років тому +5

      I did not do it man ! ☺️

  • @Calmdownpaco
    @Calmdownpaco 8 років тому +55

    Hey, hope you're all doing well. Times are tough, but there is beauty in the world, and it's just around the corner. If you have even the smallest bit of hope, hold on to it tight and don't let go. There is a lot of life we all have yet to experience, and it's going to be wonderful.

  • @EdwardJOctopus
    @EdwardJOctopus 8 років тому +2

    We need warm beats like this in Wisconsin when the weather gets cold, thanks Steezy for keeping us warm this winter!

  • @luis567lr
    @luis567lr 8 років тому +68

    ripping dabs to this from Houston TX good afternoon y'all

    • @chase0071
      @chase0071 8 років тому +1

      Waco right here bro

    • @brockmichaelpearce
      @brockmichaelpearce 8 років тому +2

      hell yeah H-town represent

    • @AceIV
      @AceIV 8 років тому +1

      H-Town ayyy

    • @Woozee_
      @Woozee_ 8 років тому +3

      Houston, what's up! I'm so glad everyone is here just hanging out and listening to this chill music

    • @VanHornJosh
      @VanHornJosh 8 років тому +2

      H tiiiine

  • @remzqqc5003
    @remzqqc5003 8 років тому +71


  • @Beutax
    @Beutax 8 років тому +2

    Everything from the community to the tapes man... It's something else, this channel. Never fails to make me drift away.

  • @basic4202
    @basic4202 6 років тому +1

    27:25 that crossover was dope and that scratchy noise in the background is soo satisfying! 🎧

  • @michellerojas5564
    @michellerojas5564 8 років тому +55

    hello from Bolivia, this music you upload makes my days better

    • @ToHarsh4blitz
      @ToHarsh4blitz 8 років тому +8

      hello from America, your comment has made my day better

    • @tomaso909
      @tomaso909 8 років тому +25

      hello from Hello, your hellos have made my day helloer

    • @user-vd1zd8gr2h
      @user-vd1zd8gr2h 8 років тому +3

      I'm from Ecuador hello xD cigarettes after sex, I approve

    • @raulm6073
      @raulm6073 8 років тому +1

      Hermosos latinos, greetings from Panama

  • @thatsthe1kidjohn
    @thatsthe1kidjohn 2 роки тому +2

    every winter ive come back and listened since this came out, too good

  • @arizonateac
    @arizonateac Рік тому +1

    golden era of lofi

  • @cmemce682
    @cmemce682 3 роки тому +21

    this is amazing. I miss this type of lofi so much its so superior

  • @leonstone3443
    @leonstone3443 2 роки тому +4

    the era of true lofi

  • @Vercettislugger
    @Vercettislugger 8 років тому +445

    Another Steezy video to distract me from the world turning into garbage. Thanks, mane.

    • @Vercettislugger
      @Vercettislugger 8 років тому +1

      +Chris billing Global warning will make short order of out quality of life.

    • @hemokinesis8804
      @hemokinesis8804 8 років тому +5

      Maytricks imagine if 'they' turned off the electricity for us (and not them) ...sounds like the start of a really good anime if I say so myself 🤔 that would mean no steezy is what im long windedly trying to say lol

    • @zacke6
      @zacke6 8 років тому +3

      balance distraction w/ improving shit AKA making entrepreneur dough, bro.
      yallll be hearing from me soon ima hook yall up

    • @alessandramattioli8915
      @alessandramattioli8915 8 років тому

      zacke6 no non caisço !

    • @kwekuyakubu2587
      @kwekuyakubu2587 8 років тому +2

      They actually do turn off the electricity for some of us!

  • @PiimpMachine44
    @PiimpMachine44 5 років тому +6

    Been listening to this one since it came out and love listening to it in the winter. Cheers!

    • @PiimpMachine44
      @PiimpMachine44 Рік тому

      Back again this winter, this one never gets old. Every year when the cold weather sets in I love to throw this album on and have a hot drink. Much love y'all.

  • @Kaze.No.Okami.
    @Kaze.No.Okami. 8 років тому +3

    by far my favorite UA-cam channel for lofi music

  • @NewGnosis13
    @NewGnosis13 8 років тому +2

    Loving the round the world posts, coming from middle of nowhere PA. So comforting to gather here for such beautiful sounds.

  • @thomasc2532
    @thomasc2532 8 років тому +3

    Sam wise has the best beat tapes on this channel , 1999 was so sick

  • @sillylilkoala
    @sillylilkoala 8 років тому +4

    Thank you, Steezy, for putting so many bomb albums up. I appreciate it, and have found so many new loves.

  • @davidzhang218
    @davidzhang218 7 років тому +2

    Roll back on my couch and enjoy one of most beautiful masterpieces of all time. Good afternoon from IOWA

  • @o-k9267
    @o-k9267 8 років тому +1

    Like the shortness of these ones. Its like walking thru a city seeing different situations, but after mere seconds they dissapear, making space for a totally different story :3
    Another great tape, top vibe, thx steezy!

  • @Jackieception
    @Jackieception 8 років тому +1

    you know what i like most about these kinds of sounds? its that melancholic, charming, blissful feeling of the classical world combined with the energy of the contemporary beats.... you won't get too sleepy and at the same time total relax... in a way, it keeps you human in a world of automation

  • @arturoherrera4579
    @arturoherrera4579 8 років тому +15

    A great way to start my Sunday. Thank you

  • @dinnerbucket9
    @dinnerbucket9 8 років тому +2

    This is the most love filled channel on the interweb... Keep builiding steezy!!! You are helping us so much!

  • @grenmatze
    @grenmatze 8 років тому +6

    Your channel is pure gold. Thanks for everything!

  • @EliniLinxfoot
    @EliniLinxfoot 5 років тому +1

    Love this mix so much, found it a while ago but I keep coming back to it. Reminds me so much of peaceful times being cozy in winter.

  • @StillBillyD92
    @StillBillyD92 8 років тому

    I loved 1999, and this side of Sam Wise is wonderful. I usually turn the BeatTapes on when I'm waking up, walking or skating, writing my own music, showering, or sleeping. Sometimes it's just nice to not have lyrics, ya know? I freestyle a lot so there's another reason I can dig the tapes, and of course Steezy's channel. There are so many different vibes in one tape, helps me lyrically unlock thoughts about myself, or of the world as I listen to them. I also make my own music..... Music is love in it's purest form.

  • @FueledByDaria
    @FueledByDaria 8 років тому +19

    this music helps me focus so much at work... you just gained a new sub! cold hugs from canada :)

    • @caesar3221
      @caesar3221 8 років тому


    • @alexissosa9706
      @alexissosa9706 4 роки тому

      I am a doctor. i like this music.
      a medically qualified individual.

  • @ghostofamoment
    @ghostofamoment 8 років тому +3

    Niiice, that Breath of Fire 3 sample at 8:52 caught me off guard - criminally underrated game and soundtrack. Great mix!

  • @julianaconcepcion
    @julianaconcepcion 8 років тому +2

    Steezy your channel is so pure and good. Thanks for sharing all of these wonderful beats made by talented artists, it makes my day.

  • @Knobs
    @Knobs 8 років тому +24

    Home sweet home

  • @pineappledonut5011
    @pineappledonut5011 5 років тому +2

    This soundtrack specifically has help me out a lot the first time I heard this I was captivated by it and I still am. Good memories and good feelings from back then

    • @adrian_games3234
      @adrian_games3234 2 роки тому

      Same for me, man.
      Cant believe its been 5 years since it was post on this channel. Everytime I hear this soundtrack, all that comes to my mind are good memories. I really miss those days.

  • @audiohope_
    @audiohope_ 8 років тому +1

    Drums on 'Gravity' are very unique and crisp and still thick. Love this tape.

  • @davidonuoha8622
    @davidonuoha8622 8 років тому +4

    you're too underrated
    the wörld needs more of this

  • @JyvynShpdinterlude
    @JyvynShpdinterlude 4 роки тому +1

    Beats with remixes, self-found samples, and patterns are the ideal of lofi and Chillhop & steezy lofi and Chillhop.

  • @itsj3402
    @itsj3402 4 роки тому

    listening to these songs takes me back to the most simplest of times of where growing up felt good where it was nice to go out and do things i miss those days. i can't do much besides keep them remembered in my mind going back just to relive it would be so amazing but i know i have so much more to experience in this life.

  • @katkrol2706
    @katkrol2706 8 років тому +3

    snowy sunny morning in Vancouver on my day off- this is the soundtrack. peacepeacepeacr

  • @isabellamiller8940
    @isabellamiller8940 3 роки тому +2

    If you need to study and you’re scrolling instead, here’s your gentle reminder to get back to work :)
    You got this!

  • @ahartmann13
    @ahartmann13 2 роки тому +3

    I still listen to this album annually 10/10 Masterpiece

  • @WiscomptonBoys
    @WiscomptonBoys 8 років тому +2

    Tryin to wake up my cold winter heart with this. Winter in Wisconsin is tough on your soul.

  • @jakejohengen4052
    @jakejohengen4052 8 років тому

    Yo Steezy Im a medical student so all I do is study and sit in a cubicle all day. A constant stream of fresh beats is what a dude needs to get through stacks of books. Thanks for having such an amazing channel.

  • @LilSeijiro
    @LilSeijiro 8 років тому +24

    ayyy sam wise. I loved his last one this is gunna be top notch

  • @egyptisinthe4thdimension648
    @egyptisinthe4thdimension648 8 років тому +1

    Best way to start a slow Sunday morning

  • @Peilerman321
    @Peilerman321 8 років тому

    im sure this is one of the most positive channels on youtube ever. most tapes got less than 20 dislikes and no ones hating in the comment section, so great

  • @ScourgeIsTheBest123
    @ScourgeIsTheBest123 8 років тому +4

    Steezys beat tapes he uploads are perfect for beading 👌 these mocs ain't gonna finish themselves..

  • @muelabruno66
    @muelabruno66 6 років тому +1

    Beat making has saved my life.

  • @allenhubbard6228
    @allenhubbard6228 7 років тому

    Soaking in the chill vibes. From Colorado with smoky love.

  • @thehappytwist
    @thehappytwist 8 років тому +6

    beats so chill I'm freezing

  • @DrizzLs
    @DrizzLs 8 років тому +3

    this channel is what fuels me

  • @donysaurusrex
    @donysaurusrex 7 років тому

    this is definetely the best channel on youtube right now

  • @sophiestafford7814
    @sophiestafford7814 8 років тому +76

    Perfect timing! Was just about to go to bed :)

  • @aymanbensouira5638
    @aymanbensouira5638 8 років тому +2

    the art is always stunning and fits the music, this is awesome as always, KEEP IT UP !

  • @izzy5640
    @izzy5640 7 років тому

    A way for me to finish my University work with a chill mood. Thanks for the music man.

  • @yelirriley
    @yelirriley 7 років тому +1

    this album reminds me of really cute nights out with my boyfriend. We both love this album so much! It's one of the only positive lofi hiphop albums we can find!

  • @Origamibeats
    @Origamibeats 8 років тому +10

    very nice flavour

  • @jimalaya
    @jimalaya 8 років тому

    I love you, man. Your channel lightens my days. I feel blessed.

  • @nijosmudja8362
    @nijosmudja8362 Рік тому

    Up in the Canadas Ive been rocking this one every first snowfall, bbqing outside. Its tradition now.

  • @olpdragon
    @olpdragon 8 років тому +1

    Merry Christmas! This is a perfect mix for today, as well as just the whole winter season. Glad I got to it again.

  • @charleslux6583
    @charleslux6583 8 років тому +18

    wow. the picture is so mesmerizing and beautiful

    • @clementbrun6364
      @clementbrun6364 8 років тому +2

      Looks a bit like Hiroshige's work.

    • @nicolasalvarez6995
      @nicolasalvarez6995 8 років тому +1

      i was reading the comments trying to found the authors name

    • @clementbrun6364
      @clementbrun6364 8 років тому +3

      Did you find then?

    • @tylerbork6638
      @tylerbork6638 7 років тому

      Clément Brun I think it is. I think it is from his series where he traveled all around Japan painting. His paintings of finches, blossoms, and Mt. Fuji are amazing.

    • @jakew8443
      @jakew8443 7 років тому

  • @1veeGUN
    @1veeGUN 7 років тому

    I instantly felt more calm having arrived here

  • @pope00
    @pope00 8 років тому +1

    The Chillest of "Summer" - Best wishes from Argentina

  • @ec__bandit
    @ec__bandit 8 років тому +1

    The good vibes in the comment section is good for my spirit. Thanks steezy

  • @rickf6375
    @rickf6375 6 років тому +1

    Best way to start off your day

  • @Icouldnotgetausernam
    @Icouldnotgetausernam 7 років тому

    One of my favorite channels, highly appreciate all of this

  • @baronvonsauna
    @baronvonsauna 8 років тому

    you got love in South Carolina bangin this real loud blazing high pressure watching snow fall in the south

  • @aleciacorrea4219
    @aleciacorrea4219 8 років тому +2

    dope. like a symphony to my ears and brain. got me in the feels and vibes

  • @bingbungbong
    @bingbungbong 8 років тому +1

    music can calm the most bloodthirsty of us. there would be peace if everyone gave this a listen. i love it !!!

  • @luca35567
    @luca35567 8 років тому

    Very good feelings from this music and Hiroshige's artwork gives a perfect background. Greetings from Rome to all the people around the world enjoying such peaceful music.

  • @vickmanson1373
    @vickmanson1373 8 років тому

    jesus. I've been stressed out cause we just had a baby and he's amazing but insane at time this playlist. put him to sleep with a smile on his face thank you steezy

  • @daevid21
    @daevid21 6 років тому

    This is my favourite genre of music there is nothing that compares to the sense of ease I get from it

  • @KajusBeats
    @KajusBeats 8 років тому +1

    nice after 1999 been waiting for another Sam Wise beat tape, thank you for blessing us with one, stay Steezy!

  • @coffee-www
    @coffee-www 8 років тому

    I don't know what's the best, your beattape, or your community, cheers from France :)

  • @walkwayblues
    @walkwayblues 8 років тому +8

    this is beautiful

  • @aleciacorrea4219
    @aleciacorrea4219 8 років тому +1

    dope af. like a symphony to my ears and brain. got me in the feels and vibes

  • @indiidesign8558
    @indiidesign8558 8 років тому +1

    literally the first note and i'm in love
    thank you STEEZY!

  • @updnup
    @updnup 8 років тому

    Much love coming from SLC, Utah! Thanks for providing the finest.

  • @UnseenDiversant
    @UnseenDiversant 8 років тому

    Another Steezy video to remind me the world's not turning into garbage. Bless.

  • @SomethingSoOriginal
    @SomethingSoOriginal 8 років тому +2

    2 seconds in i already know i'm in for a chill ride

  • @ataylor992
    @ataylor992 8 років тому

    that larry david soundbite was op. 10/10. would bang.

  • @rew7443
    @rew7443 3 роки тому +1

    instant chills... damn

  • @raquelestelag
    @raquelestelag 8 років тому

    This is wonderful, thanks! I've been playing it at the coffeeshop I work at, and it gets me through the day :)

  • @Lukageek
    @Lukageek 8 років тому

    Sam Wise putting work in those chops.

  • @djnativemist3852
    @djnativemist3852 7 років тому +1

    i'm listening from the clouds in miami and this is lit

  • @theamberofyoureyes-
    @theamberofyoureyes- 7 років тому

    this music helps me find beauty in overcast days just from staring out the window when im laying in bed

  • @YargMonster
    @YargMonster 8 років тому

    Damn I aint even four minutes in and I am in love, picture is beautiful as well. Keep up the quality uploads man

  • @younghyunator4611
    @younghyunator4611 8 років тому

    ur content helps me to relax when i study tbh god bless ur soul

  • @BigBoi-qf6vp
    @BigBoi-qf6vp 4 роки тому

    Remember listerning to this in my last years of College 3 or 4 years ago in November time. It was my first experience of LO-FI hip hop at the time and fuck was it magical back then.

  • @ariesphenix1
    @ariesphenix1 6 років тому

    Love this got me sitting down appreciating my life. Thank you for sharing ❤️

  • @Sammy-tz4ci
    @Sammy-tz4ci 8 років тому

    Making my Sunday better than ever. :)

  • @AlexoSemifiction
    @AlexoSemifiction 8 років тому +44

    thank you for saving my life

  • @persycabrera5915
    @persycabrera5915 7 років тому

    I just have found this genre and i'm really in love with it.

  • @bryantlazo
    @bryantlazo 7 років тому

    Damn, this beat tape is out of this world. I have to listen to it a couple times a week. Thank you STEEZY!!!