After seeing this video showing the hidden microphone of the Tecsun PL-990x, I thought a little about what this microphone is for. So I decided to do an experiment that seemed obvious to me, which allowed me to discover the function of the hidden MIC: I paired, via Bluetooth, the radio with my smartphone, and instead of using it to play music, I decided to make a call ― et voila ― I was then able to use the radio to listen and speak without needing to do so on my smartphone.
Thank you, I wasn't aware that the PL-990 could be turned into a speaker phone on a Bluetooth call. I have always thought the radio's BT was for playing music from a smartphone or laptop. The radio doesn't seem to want to pair with my Sony BT earphones though, which is a shame as it would be great to be able to use a wireless headphone set instead of a wired one.
Excellent troubleshooting procedure. The issue was for sure remains of the automated soldering that the automated cleaning did not remove, and the final test did not revealed the anomaly because they are not testing the standby current, or else they just test one in each 100 units
I got a new 990x last week plugged in the charging cord and pow the cord caught on fire where it plugs into the radio. No damage to the radio caught it just in time. Cord is too thin and short. Can't find another cord for the 990x. Be careful------
This is why I gave my PL-660 to a friend. Great radio when it had fresh batteries. Had to take out batteries when I got done using it. Charger was wrong polarity. Won't buy another Tecsun.
What tools do I need to desolder and resolder those pieces? Is it an easy task to perform simply with a cautin ? Did you use solder paste , flux or some other element for the job?
I own a tecsun pl 600, my device works, but the keys sometimes work and sometimes they do not, the power button is rarely turned on, even if the device is turned on, the screen does not turn off when the radio makes a sound, the screen shows no problem, but the buttons rarely work, what could be the problem?
I wonder if you could investigate why SSB oscillator becomes unstable above 21 MHZ to test tune to a SSB station example 27.385 LSB to see what I mean. (AM is good)
Hi folks, I just measured the standby current consumption on my PL-990x when it's turned off. It is about 150 microamperes. Not too shabby. Bought the radio just 3 days ago.
I have discovered a major issue with the 990x on SSB on the higher bands. Example tune to some SSB speech on 27.385 Mhz LSB or USB horrible DSP Warbling / wobble not to be confused with AGC issue on the oscillator seems to be the whole top end of the band on SSB rendering SSB useless possibly 25 to 29 MHZ however AM seems ok. Going to be a whole lot of disappointment owner's when the solar cycle comes up opening the top bands. I Believe this was an issue with some early 880's
@ zzxxenith I don’t think a solution has been found. Mine has the newest firmware and SSB is still warbling above 21 mhz. This and the volume issue is not going what I expected. Looks like the 990x is suffering from the same fault.
hello all Tecsun pl990 gurus, i hava problem with my Tecsun Pl990, i made big mistake and connect wrong type external power supply (5v and 5a) in tecsun micro usb connector so smd componet in near micro usb connector burn totally black the smd sitting between +5 and ground does some nows and tell me what type smd componet it is, also there near is empty place named c124 and c125....
Donde se podrá comprar el modelo PL990x...recalco la x ...según leí por ahí es ensamblado en Japón ( lo que no es certero). Con respecto a puertos USB, al igual que en teléfonos se recomienda 1- enchufar el receptor de primero 2- enchufar transformador en corriente alterna sin el cable y 3- enchufar cable a la fuente de corriente directa. Con eso se alarga la vida de los microcontactos eléctricos, a saber hembra y macho, al no haber el chisporroteo normal y tampoco picos de corriente. Saludos.
Thanks for sharing this teardown video, I've subscribed to your channel! 📻👍🏼 I have a Chinese market PL-990, purchased in November 2021. It has the firmware 9902B like WaveZone, but I have not noticed a battery drain even when my radio is put away for a month. Do you suppose Tecsun's PL-990 circuit board was poorly designed or it so happened that the unit which you own was soldered poorly at the factory, which caused the micro current leakage? I know very little about electronics (I remember the term Schottky diode but have no idea what it's used for) but really appreciate what you've shown in this clip. 🙏🏼☺️
Hallo Hans, hast Du auch rausgefunden, wie eine Aufnahme gestartet wird? Das wäre der Knaller, denn das weiß bislang niemand! Ich halte die Antwort von scottjweber für sinnvoll. Freisprecheinrichtung wenn das Smartphone per Bluetooth verbunden ist...
@@e-teacher9402 I agree with you. Certain Retekess portable radios allow off the air recording to the micro SD card, but Tecsun's PL-990 does not. If recording was possible it would have been a documented and an advertised feature for this receiver. Hands free speaker feature seems a more logical explanation for the microphone's presence. ☺️
After seeing this video showing the hidden microphone of the Tecsun PL-990x, I thought a little about what this microphone is for. So I decided to do an experiment that seemed obvious to me, which allowed me to discover the function of the hidden MIC: I paired, via Bluetooth, the radio with my smartphone, and instead of using it to play music, I decided to make a call ― et voila ― I was then able to use the radio to listen and speak without needing to do so on my smartphone.
The microphone is for when using Bluetooth to make a phone call with a connected phone.
Thank you very much for this explanation!
Thank you, I wasn't aware that the PL-990 could be turned into a speaker phone on a Bluetooth call. I have always thought the radio's BT was for playing music from a smartphone or laptop.
The radio doesn't seem to want to pair with my Sony BT earphones though, which is a shame as it would be great to be able to use a wireless headphone set instead of a wired one.
Excellent troubleshooting procedure. The issue was for sure remains of the automated soldering that the automated cleaning did not remove, and the final test did not revealed the anomaly because they are not testing the standby current, or else they just test one in each 100 units
Please tell me, will adjusting the AM 1st Mixer help to remove the frequency deviation by SW?
Thank you for sharing. How nany speakers does it have this radio?
I got a new 990x last week plugged in the charging cord and pow the cord caught on fire where it plugs into the radio. No damage to the radio caught it just in time. Cord is too thin and short. Can't find another cord for the 990x. Be careful------
This is why I gave my PL-660 to a friend. Great radio when it had fresh batteries. Had to take out batteries when I got done using it. Charger was wrong polarity. Won't buy another Tecsun.
What tools do I need to desolder and resolder those pieces? Is it an easy task to perform simply with a cautin ? Did you use solder paste , flux or some other element for the job?
I own a tecsun pl 600, my device works, but the keys sometimes work and sometimes they do not, the power button is rarely turned on, even if the device is turned on, the screen does not turn off when the radio makes a sound, the screen shows no problem, but the buttons rarely work, what could be the problem?
I wonder if you could investigate why SSB oscillator becomes unstable above 21 MHZ to test tune to a SSB station example 27.385 LSB to see what I mean. (AM is good)
Hi folks, I just measured the standby current consumption on my PL-990x when it's turned off. It is about 150 microamperes. Not too shabby. Bought the radio just 3 days ago.
150 uA ist OK!
@@e-teacher9402 Thank you.
I have discovered a major issue with the 990x on SSB on the higher bands. Example tune to some SSB speech on 27.385 Mhz LSB or USB horrible DSP Warbling / wobble not to be confused with AGC issue on the oscillator seems to be the whole top end of the band on SSB rendering SSB useless possibly 25 to 29 MHZ however AM seems ok. Going to be a whole lot of disappointment owner's when the solar cycle comes up opening the top bands. I Believe this was an issue with some early 880's
My PL880 that I bought a month has this SSB issue above 21mhz. This is one of many issues I am having with this radio. Disappointed in this product.
@@alternative3d87 the 990 has the same issue has anyone found a solution?
@ zzxxenith I don’t think a solution has been found. Mine has the newest firmware and SSB is still warbling above 21 mhz. This and the volume issue is not going what I expected. Looks like the 990x is suffering from the same fault.
hello all Tecsun pl990 gurus, i hava problem with my Tecsun Pl990, i made big mistake and connect wrong type external power supply (5v and 5a) in tecsun micro usb connector so smd componet in near micro usb connector burn totally black the smd sitting between +5 and ground does some nows and tell me what type smd componet it is, also there near is empty place named c124 and c125....
Donde se podrá comprar el modelo PL990x...recalco la x ...según leí por ahí es ensamblado en Japón ( lo que no es certero). Con respecto a puertos USB, al igual que en teléfonos se recomienda 1- enchufar el receptor de primero 2- enchufar transformador en corriente alterna sin el cable y 3- enchufar cable a la fuente de corriente directa. Con eso se alarga la vida de los microcontactos eléctricos, a saber hembra y macho, al no haber el chisporroteo normal y tampoco picos de corriente. Saludos.
Thanks for sharing this teardown video, I've subscribed to your channel! 📻👍🏼
I have a Chinese market PL-990, purchased in November 2021. It has the firmware 9902B like WaveZone, but I have not noticed a battery drain even when my radio is put away for a month.
Do you suppose Tecsun's PL-990 circuit board was poorly designed or it so happened that the unit which you own was soldered poorly at the factory, which caused the micro current leakage?
I know very little about electronics (I remember the term Schottky diode but have no idea what it's used for) but really appreciate what you've shown in this clip. 🙏🏼☺️
😊 microfone ?
As mentioned by scottjweber: The microphone is for when using Bluetooth to make a phone call with a connected phone.
Mikrofon: Ich habe gegoogelt und was gefunden bei Anon. Das Mikrofon ist für MP3-Aufnahmen.
Hallo Hans, hast Du auch rausgefunden, wie eine Aufnahme gestartet wird? Das wäre der Knaller, denn das weiß bislang niemand! Ich halte die Antwort von scottjweber für sinnvoll. Freisprecheinrichtung wenn das Smartphone per Bluetooth verbunden ist...
@@e-teacher9402 I agree with you. Certain Retekess portable radios allow off the air recording to the micro SD card, but Tecsun's PL-990 does not. If recording was possible it would have been a documented and an advertised feature for this receiver.
Hands free speaker feature seems a more logical explanation for the microphone's presence. ☺️