  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • A Detailed Journey through the Inifinity of the Mandelbrot set, choreographed to an original musical score.


  • @ChildOfBodomx13
    @ChildOfBodomx13 16 років тому

    Exactly. FractalGod, you open my mind and inspire me to make something of my life and show the world what they are missing from their lives, and how it's right in front of their very eyes...

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    Awesome. I truly believe that understanding fractals is the key to understanding our universe, our very existense. Fractals can give you an insight of how infinity takes shape, and how shapes are the disturbance needed to create our very own universe of mass and energy.

  • @ShadowSkiff
    @ShadowSkiff 15 років тому

    Simply beautiful. I particularly loved the slow-down transition around 4 minutes in.

  • @StanleyLikesCyan
    @StanleyLikesCyan 2 роки тому

    I first watched this when I was 5 and it blew my mind. Thank you for this! You obviously put a lot of effort into it and certainly made an impression on my childish brain.

  • @lakshmi313
    @lakshmi313 16 років тому

    A joyous, delightful, and AWE inspiring video.
    Thank you

  • @SilkyVelvetChic
    @SilkyVelvetChic 16 років тому

    Your work is extraordinary! You have made magnificent and professionally-made fractals (and to think that you made over a decade ago)! You're blessed with a one-of-a-kind talent not many have it. Thank you for sharing it. After having watched this video, I thought I should consider making my own fractal art designs (stills and later motion ones). But first, I must learn the trick...I know it's not easy but somebody like must inspire me. :)

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    DOn't know what inspired the 'lol' - but the beauty about this stuff is that you can make anything out of it - glad you enjoyed it.

  • @GR1o6180339887498948
    @GR1o6180339887498948 15 років тому

    Great video, who could predict that complex numbers would produce such infinite beauty! If you want you can produce our own fractals by closing your eyes and pressing slightly your eyelids.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  16 років тому

    Thanks - I find the Mandelbrot set, especially observed from a dynamic perspective like this, brings it out of the realm of science to do a dance with philosophy amd spirituality. Who would have thought that such a deep truth could be based in mathematics.

  • @elrafagongora
    @elrafagongora 14 років тому

    @fractalgod You put in my mind some sunrise or sunset: natural, matematically explainable, beautiful... and with the music added by birds, plants, waterfalls, wind, the artistic effect is complete... and all of that is explainable too. Just one thing: Someone, a human, begin a mandelbrot set,and select a music... Who began all the others? I don't try to say more than I wrote. And, in general, I like all that you upload. Regards.

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    The origin of our known universe originated from a shift of the primordial balance creating a boundary (matrix). The two sides of the divide interacted to try to restore the primordial balance resulting in a fractal algorithm that created the Big Bang releasing energy that is equivalent to the sum total of all matter and energy in our known universe.

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    "The Matrix is that which stands right in the middle of 'this' and 'that.' The Matrix is all-inclusive, having no opposite - there is nothing which it excludes or opposes. It is Living Matrix because all forms come out of it and whoever realizes the Matrix is filled with life and power and the love of all things." (Paraphrasing Bruce Lee)

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    Something to ponder:
    "Instead of complex molecules, life started with small molecules interacting through a closed cycle of reactions, Shapiro argues in the June issue of the Quarterly Review of Biology. These reactions would produce compounds that would feed back into the cycle, creating an ever-growing reaction network."
    Sounds like a fractal algorithm to me.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    @elrafagongora Thanks for the comments - nice imagery in your words. I have seen others who put soundtracks, trance themes and so on - but for what I have seen I am the only person who has gone to such lengths to produce complete works of musical art with fractals. It is *extremely* time consuming and can take months to just create the image sequences and music. I'm glad you enjoy it.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    LOL - Thanks. Actually making money from it is the hard bit. I put on a couple of shows this year in a small local movie theatre - Big screen - rocking sound!
    I'm doing a 4 day rave next month. We'll be getting a video projector, and I'll be playing this stuff *live* to the music - and tuning into the crowd.
    What a kick that's going to be. I still won't make money - but I think I'd probably pay to do it - outrageous concept.

  • @Shelly_star
    @Shelly_star 14 років тому

    I LOVE THIS!!! And the Music!!!

  • @downdatubes
    @downdatubes 16 років тому

    Very nice and I like the soundtrack, too!

  • @ChildOfBodomx13
    @ChildOfBodomx13 16 років тому

    I wish everyone could experience and understand conciousness on this level, and realize the infinite amounts of different forces that happen every microsecond of their lives... With a universe like this, how can people subject to being robots to a corporate manifesto all their lives and never give one bit of thought to science???

  • @ChildOfBodomx13
    @ChildOfBodomx13 16 років тому

    Wow. That's great! I hope to hear about you someday, creating something absolutely innovative that changes the world!
    Good luck to you and your future.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  16 років тому

    Also - if you haven't already - check out Chaotic Energy (Full). That was made a year and a half ago - with all the technology and software that I did not have when I made Chaos 12 years ago. It's not as detailed - or as 'choreographed' to the music - but the fractal sequences are amazing.

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    Fractal patterns are consistent with our very own existence, river systems, nervous systems, our galaxy, our universe, nautilus, butterfly wings, black holes, tentacles, coastlines, clouds, trees, how our blood flows, hurricanes, gyrations in the stock market...

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  16 років тому

    Thanks a lot. Choas was made over ten years ago, before comuters were fast and before there was any sophisticated software. It took two years from top to bottom, including the music. Check out Chaotic Enery (Full) - I made it last year in a fraction of the time. It's not at 'choreographed' as Chaos, but the fractals themselves are amazing.
    Thanks again,

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    All matter and energy in our universe, including us, actually move from point A to point B as a "disturbance" within the matrix. The origin of our known universe is a shift in the primordial balance creating a fractal convulsion in the A-O matrix.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    I think that many of us who have found the Mandelbrot Set see a deeper universal meaning within. Some have called it "God's Thumbprint". It is obvious that given my obsession with the exploration of Fractal Space, I hod deeply profound beliefs regarding it.

  • @Stoned_Pony
    @Stoned_Pony 14 років тому

    i love how representitive fractals are of reality. This is a good fractal vid, some of the music reminds me of hyrule market from the Zelda games.

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    Fractal algorithms, Mandelbrot's mandalas (M2s), unlock the secret of the ancients. M2s are the keys to experiencing the feeling of singularity, the restoration of the primordial balance, the unifying of the ying and the yang, oneness with the infinite Alpha-Omega matrix, oneness with the Great Spirit.
    Mandalas (Buddhism), ying and yang (Taoism), primordial balance (Islam and Hinduism), alpha-omega (Judaeo-Christian), Great Spirit (animism)...all of these are very ancient.

  • @lcn9000
    @lcn9000 16 років тому

    wow. thats just beautiful, awesome video.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Really visual acid is the perfect synergy - especially on the big screen

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Thanks - I know the part - it's almost like a 'birthing' or a convergence of everything dissolving into itself. CHAOS was my first video - made about 12 years ago - and it took 2 years to make from conception to completion (including the music). I am happy that despite the lack of technology back then I was still able to produce something visually complex. If you haven't, watch CHAOTIC ENERGY. You can really see how much flexibility I had once the technology caught up with the medium.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  16 років тому

    Thanks - had a few recently who don't - it's my music - but it was not written for the fractas - except for this one (CHOAS).
    Glad you liked it

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    The attributes (memories/information) of the fractal algorithm is evident in the largest (where the theory of general relativity reigns) and smallest (quantum level) entities in our present universe. The process to restore singularity (oneness, balance, and etc.) is what drives nature's phenomena that includes our innate desire to survive to reproduce.

  • @ananda133
    @ananda133 16 років тому

    I am impressed beyond words !!!

  • @Shelly_star
    @Shelly_star 14 років тому

    @fractalgod WOW, Well that obsessive paid off well, a very awesome vid!* I love it

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    "the DNA of the Universe" - I like that. I've thought of it before a number of times, but never actually coined a phrase to describe the concept. The depth to which my thoughts in this realm have gone, and continuously revolve, has resulted in a plethora of psycho-spiritual theorizing - an area of thought that never ceases to titillate and inspire me. Regarding Fractal Animation software, let me try and send you a private message.

  • @PacoRiv
    @PacoRiv 15 років тому visuals ever!!

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Thanks - the two were *almost* written as a whole. The Music was not written specifically for the fractals sequences, but for something more primitive - a kind of light show that I built for an audience of one. The whole room was built to completely surround the viewer, and used strobes, hypnotic wheels, and more. Protability was a problem :-)
    Chaos, the fractal Video, was made shortly afterwards - having found a new optical medium to exploit.
    I'm doing a live show in two weeks.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  16 років тому

    Thanks - that's quite the compliment. I have just been contacted by a Company that makes 3D Holograph machines. They want me to work with them to make 3D Fractal Holographs. I've only dreamed of the possibility of creating a virual model of infinity. Now I might have the opportunity. Pretty exciting.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    Thanks a lot - I just posted another three - some are a bit primitive by comparison - but they're all quite unique.

  • @Kittani1977
    @Kittani1977 14 років тому

    I had always looked at it as the DNA of the Universe... but God's thumbprint works as well. I wish I had the software to make the fractals move like you do... I can do the after effects thing, but actually render in steps and animating iterations is beyond me still.

  • @Boldark
    @Boldark 15 років тому

    I watch this listening deep purple stormbringer and...its AWESOME

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Hi - yeah, the layered Alpha Channels go a long way. I can't speak for my viewers, but I will take a look for sure. It may be a bit before I can get to it though - still finishing up moving house. But I'll try - it's always good to get feedback.

  • @52telecasterbob
    @52telecasterbob 15 років тому


  • @TedRaikas
    @TedRaikas 17 років тому

    Amazing video! I'm impressed, this is something i like to make myself. Brilliant!
    Where is this music from? Who is the composer/composers? It sounds little bit familiar to me. Good connection with music and visuals.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Thanks - I won't have anything new for a while - but I am putting on a show in a couple of months and I want something new for it.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  16 років тому

    Thanks - that was the goal - but it was made about 12 years ago, so the new stuff has better imagery - check out Chaotic Energy - not very produced, but nice fractals.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    @zarabow - Thanks!! Chaos was the first one I made - 15 years ago. The technology was so primitive at the time that it took me 2 years from top to bottom - music included. If you check out "Chaotic Energy(Full)" you can see what was possible once the technology caught up. Thanks for the kudos

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    ahhh - that's a big question - and would take a while to tell. This was not a program. each image was generated separately. I had to write an interface to automate creating short sequences. of fractal zoom images - or play with the mathematics.
    Then I built the images into short videos - and finally put it all together in Adobe Premiere - took 2 years from start to finish (10 years ago).
    The original is fullscreen - high resolution - and it's about 100 times better.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    Very interesting thoughts - I'd like to respond - but can't until I get a litle more internet access (moving at the moment).
    Thanks for sharing - I'll join in as soon as I'm reliably online.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    Very awesomely put. I'm finally back online, and can start responding to your comments and adding my own thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 16 років тому

    Watch this video while listening to TranceLuvers =D Megamix #7 by TranceDevotee
    It is truly totally and absolutely AWESOME!!! What do you think?

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    And owing to the fact that matter breaks down (if you omit the quantum universe) and mathematics do not - the mandelbrot set is infinitely larger (and as such infinitely more complex) than the physical universe.
    As such the body of thought, philosophy, and spiritual substance is infinitely greater in potential than that of the quantifyable manifest universe.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    CHAOS was the very first one I made- t was meant to be hypnotic... I want to control peoples minds.....

  • @Shelly_star
    @Shelly_star 14 років тому

    My fav video EVER!*

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    @elrafagongora In general I have to agree with you - but I believe that the Mandelbrot set is the exception to that rule. Something that is infinitely bigger than the physical universe deserves the homage...

  • @Seiga
    @Seiga 13 років тому

    @Grixowner Wow that's deep.... I'm gonna write that I think if you don't mind, "Infinity fits into finity through consciousness."

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Thank you

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    Thanks. It's all me. I wrote the music and created the video to go with it - about ten years ago. I took a break - but I'm back at it again.
    Feel free to email/message me (comment space is limited) if you have any questions.
    Thanks again,

  • @jbolob
    @jbolob 17 років тому

    how can somebody do such a great video? if there is a program i can use to create vids like this would you please notice me?

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    LOL - what a silly question. As often as I can - but not as much as I used to.

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    The classical understanding is that light, electromagnetic radiation, is a wave. However, it does not always have the attributes of a wave. It is also the current understanding that light does not require a medium to travel like other waves. I beg to disagree. I postulate that light requires a medium and that medium is the A-O matrix. The speed of light is actually the maximum velocity of travel of the "disturbance" in the matrix.

  • @supermechadeath333
    @supermechadeath333 13 років тому

    either this is chaos or this is LSD, it is still awesome.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  16 років тому

    Thanks Jake,
    I'll bring over the original (fullscreen desktop) sometime - it's a million times better.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    @zarabow Yeah - it really *was* unique back then. I diod most of it on a pentium 75 - ending up on a 233 - maybe 64 megs of RAM. It took literally *thousands* of hours to generate the video which was actuall generated as individual images. I then took the images and turned them into a video.
    When I finally finished - two years after the idea first came to me - My computer wasn;t fast enough to play the video file. I had to transfer it exported onto video tape.
    Man, am I obsessive...

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    I am putting on a cinema show in 16 days. Second show this year. I just live on a small island - it's how I can get the Cinema. It's not *that* big - maybe 14 feet by 10 feet.
    But you can't really go much bigger with Video. I would like to try to raise funding to do a film - maybe even IMAX (but it is very expensive).

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    Understanding fractals is a good start to unify the theory of general relativity with quantum mechanics. The magnification of an observer, or the observer of the observer and so on can be modeled using fractals. Fractals can be used to model the beginning of our universe (alpha fractals - where relativity reigns) down to the photon (omega fractals - quantum level). Can you and your math wizzs friends make a model?

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    @ramzzes100 Hey - it`s Chaos Theory in motion. I didn`t define the universe - I only play with it :-))

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    The model...
    I've been pondering that one for a while. Contemplating a fractal algorithm where the relationships between the masses,gravity and energy of our universe could feed the values to the initial equation.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    LOL- it's kind of part and parcel of the gig - but it (all psychedelics) is always a source of inspiration. Perhaps it's time that I should start taking one of my pet beliefs seriously (that psychedelics are actually discarnate alien entities, that communicate with us when we ingest them). But then I'd have to put them in the credits.
    Music: fractalgod
    Math: Benoit Mandelbrot
    Visuals: Psilocibin
    Optical effects: LSD
    With a special brief guest appearance by DMT.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Hi - you're forgetting that this video was the fiorst that I made - 14 years ago. The entire movie was made out of individual images. There was no software to do it - I had to write it. Take a look at Chaotic Energy (full), and you'll see the differences that became possible when the technology improved.

  • @skhooll
    @skhooll 15 років тому

    Wow! You're just swell! -Peace

  • @AileRose
    @AileRose 17 років тому

    Très beau !

  • @azndeuce
    @azndeuce 17 років тому

    Mandelbrot's mandalas - the secret of the ancient. This is the feeling of singularity, oneness with the alpha-omega matrix. Does God exist?

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    @ArcanePath360 - I beg to differ - it is after all, Chaos Theory, a respected, accepted science. As for the 'same result' - no-one has ever seen, or will ever see the entire mandelbrot set. (smaller than a breadbox, bigger than the universe). It is infinite in size, with no two identical places. No matter how much of it you explore, if you round off the ratio of the explored percentage to the whole, it will always round off to 0. GIven these facts, perhaps you can clarify your perspective.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  16 років тому

    Give me a description of what you see in your head - and I'll make it real...

  • @ArcanePath360
    @ArcanePath360 14 років тому

    @fractalgod My point is that this video has the title "Chaos" which as I originally stated has no relevance to the Mandlebrot set. There's no deeper meaning other than I think the title choice for this video is misleading. 'Nuf said.

  • @MetalSpiral
    @MetalSpiral 13 років тому

    I think I just broke the like button.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    @invisableangel16 Oh well... I named it 15 years ago, partly to do with the music. Nothing I can do now...

  • @zgriptzurocksailor
    @zgriptzurocksailor 15 років тому

    I had no idea that it is so old :D guess the nickname really fits you:>

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Thanks - it is going to in about 2 weeks. I'm doing my very first 3 night, 4 day Rave. i'll be creating the video in real time, using a couple of computers, a video mixer, and a hardware, on board sub video mixer with real time effects.
    it's going to be *awesome*. I've never done this live before - it's always been a production. *Very* exciting.

  • @ArcanePath360
    @ArcanePath360 14 років тому

    @fractalgod I also beg to differ. I think the comparison to Pi still stands. Do you know how many itterations Pi has been calculated to? It's a mind boggling numger, and yet has the same figure at the x itteration, even though no pattern can be found that is repeating. Yes Chaos Theory along with so many other theories is a respected "theoretical" science, but has no relevance here.

  • @yaliuq
    @yaliuq 10 років тому

    Ohhh Thats Why Its Called CHASO

  • @Shelly_star
    @Shelly_star 14 років тому

    @fractalgod That vid was made 15 years ago? Really? WOW

  • @Alexhauser23
    @Alexhauser23 11 років тому

    Chaos - the natural order

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Gabriola Island, Just off Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Do you know this area of the world at all?

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    LOL - nicely put - hope you're not going to file charges...

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    Not enough space in the comments to really add much - but yes - it's a grand-unified-model of everything.
    I guess I see it as a quantum model - the infintite extrapolation of every possibility - all the same - almost - and all unique.
    infinte complexity in infinite form.

  • @hypocrisy90
    @hypocrisy90 12 років тому

    Dissection - Xeper-I-Set

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    it's a religion.
    Nice to see more people finding it.
    And no-one had to get crucified... :-)

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  16 років тому

    Thank you. Sorry I didn;t see this at the time you posted it. I have been struggling with trying to get high quality videos here - UA-cam just doesn't have it - and a lot of the detail is lost here. I discovered a couple of days ago that FaceBook has amazing quality - and it;s the only place online that really does my work justice - so if you have a Facebook account - look me up (Adrian Nicholas) and take a look at the videos - they look amazing. Thanks again.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    You should be able to find plenty of them. I know I have.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  13 років тому

    @MetalSpiral LOL !!! Thanks 4 that!

  • @yaliuq
    @yaliuq 10 років тому


  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    @ArcanePath360 - OK - what exactly is your point? Is it just that you're maintaining that the Mandelbrot set is not chaotic, or is there something deeper to it than that. I see what you're saying about Pi in terms of it being a static, even if infinite and unrepeating. However I see a lot less value to Pi other than its mathematical usefulness. Specifically, as you say, Pi has no discerning pattern within, but the Mandelbrot Set has very definite similar unique patterns, Not enuff space here

  • @OHWISEONE1996
    @OHWISEONE1996 14 років тому

    You're stoned, aren't you... lol that's great

  • @Luck_x_Luck
    @Luck_x_Luck 15 років тому

    i think i did it, wrong(with my eyelids)
    cuz i saw the colours, but my head started shaking and i got a headache lol

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  14 років тому

    @diller1on1 LOL !! That's the idea :-))

  • @feefriz
    @feefriz 15 років тому

    i saw a bunch of bugs everywhere...

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  17 років тому

    But maybe with the people that are starting to voice their thoughts here we can use our collective consciousness to figure it out...

  • @ArcanePath360
    @ArcanePath360 14 років тому

    There's nothing caotic about the Mandelbrot set, it is pure ordered fractals. It's about as caotic as Pi. You get the same result when you run it each time.

  • @fractalgod
    @fractalgod  15 років тому

    Ha Ha - LOL - Nice One!! :-))