Alleluia...Cristiani di tutto il mondo uniamoci nella preghiera che ci ha richiesto Gesù "pregate per la pace di Gerusalemme", noi siamo innestati nell'ulivo, ne facciamo parte indissolubilmente, grazie al nostro salvatore Cristo Gesù il Signore.
Que voz tan bonita y que cancion tan maravillosa......Elohim los protega de sus miles de depredadores de los que siempre estan rodeados...Elohim protege a tu pueblo de envidias y corazones negros...AMEN
Somos creación de DIOS separado por el pecado el cual Jesús el Señor nos volvió a dar la oportunidad con su redención de tener la presencia del altisimo (Espiritu Santo) por fé en nuestros corazones. El cual me llena de alegría, gozo, paz y amor aún a mi enemigo. Dios le bendiga.
MARANATHA ❤ I love Jesus Christ ❤ Jesus I need you every day 😢 Please help me 😢 Jesus Christus Son of God 💕 My Savior 💕 My Lord 💕 My King 💕 My life 💕 God is Great 💕 God is Good 💕 God is Love 💕 God is Holy 💕 Holy 💕 Holy 💕 I love Israel ❤ I love all people ❤ God bless you all ❤
כל עוד בלבב פנימה נפש יהודי הומיה, ולפאתי מזרח קדימה עין לציון צופיה - עוד לא אבדה תקותנו, התקוה בת שנות אלפים, להיות עם חופשי בארצנו ארץ ציון וירושלים. Kol od ba-lewaw penima - Nefesch jehudi homija (U-l-)fatej misrach kadima ajin le-zijon zofija. Od lo awda tikwatejnu Ha-tikwa bat schnot alpajim: Lihjot am chofschi be-arzenu - Erez Zion wi-jruschalajim. Deutsche Übersetzung Solange noch im Herzen eine jüdische Seele wohnt und nach Osten hin, vorwärts, ein Auge nach Zion blickt, so lange ist unsere Hoffnung nicht verloren, die Hoffnung, zweitausend Jahre alt, zu sein ein freies Volk, in unserem Land, im Lande Zion und in Jerusalem!
Cuanta falta les hace falta la paz del Señor y su Amor, Shalom, las expresiones reflejan los sentimientos del alma, y todavia no necesitas a Cristo el romano el mismo es Dios, el fue el era y el sera... siempre ha sido asi, y asi seguira.
Oh Jehová, he oído tu palabra, y temí. Oh Jehová, aviva tu obra en medio de los tiempos, En medio de los tiempos hazla conocer; En la ira acuérdate de la misericordia.
Jehova no es el nombre del Eterno. Al pueblo de israel no se le dio ese nombre y mencionar a otro dios es adulterio. El que lea entienda dijo el señor.
Hey guys enjoy this peaceful music and stop fighting to each other that have nothing to do with your verbal violence let the christians be christian and the jews be Jew. God is about love, mercy and righteous Just don't misjudge to each other and make your soul darker. you should learn the good things from each other because both sides have some issues Christians must holy the sabbath as God laws required, do the right way as Jewish people do learn from them and do not do idolatry what means not to build statues or do any drafting from anything above the heaven and earth follow and respect the law of the commandments, eating right its very important too dont eat impure meats and food mix like the meat and dairy together remember your body is the house where your soul reside Yashua (Jesus) was Jew and he respect the law of God he was a rabbi (priest) and to be a rabbi he obey the law and know the torah very well even he proclaim that... he is the son of God he will never allow that his followers break his father laws he never mention about break the law ..he just making prophecies about the outcome and to warn the people of Israel about what will happen and bring the salvation according from the book of Isaiah. The most of high priests was corrupted and making deals with romans and pagan king Herod Antipas accepting impure deals and vane roman politics kickbacks they was corrupted and blind. the people of Israel was angry making riots and rebellions attacks against the roman and the false king Herod but the high priest (Caiaphas) look Yashua as dangerous environment for his own self benefices and false accusing him of blasphemy and trow to romans to kill him (Crucifixion) plain and simple and the people of Jerusalem miss the Messiah and after 40 years Rome destroy the second temple and the Jewish people was cast out from Jerusalem. Christians need to find the true about Jesus and don't named as God because he never said that even for him that is blasphemy and that goes against his father will even he is the son of God " the Messenger of Peace" but not God Hashem is only one there is not other
Yeshua is truly God. Yeshua is Elohim. The mistake that many make is to think that when we speak of God, there is a whole person. That's what the Romans and Greeks taught to men because for them, a god is a supernatural being full. Yet with ELOHIM this is not the case. Already Elohim means "Gods". This plurality is voluntary even more than in the first book of the Bible and the Torah, God is expressed in the 3rd person plural. Many think that Elohim is a plural of majesty, but there is no plural of majesty in Hebrew and if that were the case, God would not express in the 3rd person plural. So we have Elohim (Gods) and not Eloh (God). This is not accepting the idea of polytheism, but to understand who is the God of Israel. Elohim is certainly plural, but a plurality in singularity. There is a perfect unity in this diversity. Elohim himself shown in the first chapter of Scripture, saying, "Let us make man in 'our image' and according to 'our likeness' (B'reshit 1: 26)." If he really was a being full, he would have said : "I create man in my image and my likeness." And again, when God says ''we'', ''our'', He's not speak of him with the angels, since angels are not created in the image or likeness of God. But he speaks of those who are in himself, the Elohim, in the perfect unity. In this plurality, those who worship must see him as ONE and UNDIVIDABLE. Therefore he reminded his people: '' Sh'ma Yisrael YHWH Elohenu YHWH Echad". It must be understood that there are three people in this plurality, and is these three who are God, to know: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It's so undeniable since ELOHIM still shows in Genesis 1: 2: "The Spirit of Elohim moved upon the waters." So God has a Spirit, which most can move and act. Yet God says in Genesis 6: 3: "My Spirit shall not always strive with man". This shows that God can be sitting on his throne in heaven, and his Spirit to be in man. This is very obvious. Furthermore, according to the word of David, the prophets Isaiah and Zechariah, it can not be denied that Yeshua is God. Consider David in Psalm 45: 7 and 8: "[7] Thy throne O Elohim is for ever: thy scepter is a scepter of equity [8] You love justice and hate wickedness: therefore O Elohim, your Eloha has anointed you with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. " Consider again Isaiah 9:5: ''For unto us a child is born, into us a Son is given, the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his shall be called : Wonderful, Counsellor, Elohim Gibbor, Aviad, Sar Shalom." Finally consider Zechariah 14.: 1 Behold, the day of YHWH cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in your midst, Jerusalem. 2 I will gather all nations to Jerusalem to make war against him that; the city will be taken, the houses rifled, and the women raped; half of the city shall go into captivity, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city. 3 Then Yahweh will arise, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. 4 And his feet shall stand in that day on the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, so it will be a very great valley; half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and the other half toward the south. 5 You shall flee by the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach to Atzel; and you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then YHWH my God shall come, and all the saints with him. 9 Yahweh will be King over all the earth; in that day, Yahweh will be One, and His name will be One. Which God David speaks when he says: "O Elohim"? Who is this Son so called Elohim-Gibbor and Eternal Father by Isaiah? Finally, who is YHWH who will come to earth with His saints and His feet (thus a man) will stand on the Mount of Olives (the same mountain where Yeshua was taken)? Who is this God who will be King over all the earth as a man according to Zechariah? You can no longer doubt that it is Yeshua. No man can say who is Elohim. God himself told to Moses when he asked him his name: "I will be who I will be." God has made himself the Son to save man. There is absolutely any difference between the Father and the Son and both are Elohim. Jesus never said that he is not God. He said, "I and the Father are One" yet "I am in the Father and the Father is in me." This type of Father-Son relationship is not to be understood as human father-son relationship. That is the mistake that many commit and which they do not see the truth. When a man make a child, he formed another human being, but it can not be in his child and the child can not be in his father when is already born. But with God it is possible because it is not two people with the same genes, but it is the same person who self-generates. John 1: 1 says elsewhere: "In the beginning the Word was with God and the Word was God." Not that the Word was 'a god ', but He was God from the beginning. Jesus is the true God, the Jews were also killed because of it. They tightly refused to believe that the Son of man might be Elohe Yisrael. See Apocalypse 19: 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse appeared. And he that sat thereon called FAITHFUL and TRUE, and he judges and makes war in righteousness. 12 And his eyes were as a flame of fire; there were many diadems on his head, and he had a name written which no one knows, if not himself. 14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 16 And on His coat and on his thigh a name is written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Isn't it the prophecy of Zechariah? Yeshua is YHWH who is to come. Elohim has reveled himself to the Hebrew through Mashiach. Is he Elohe YISHUAH, that King David was talking about. He saved Israel and the whole world, believe in him and receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Shalom.
Ya no hay judio ni griego, hombre o mujer, gentil o publicano todos somos iguales ante los ojos de Dios, siempre ha sido asi, Cristo lo vino a declarar de la misma manera que todos vamos al mismo hollo a sepultar igual resucitar no hay jerarquia para enterrarnos el unico grande es JEHOVA nuestro Dios.
Mas el que hace maldad es malo y el que hace lo bueno o recto es bueno. Por lo tanto hay buenos y malos, al morir no se acaba todo. Leer lucas 16:19 el que hizo lo malo a donde fue y el que hizo lo bueno a donde fue. El que lee entienda lo dijo el señor.
Jehova nombre falso de Dios interpretado por los masoretas en el año 110. La biblia dice no tendreis a dioses falsos delante de mi. Lo debes de saber que esta en los mandamientos. Pedro galatino fue un distribuidor de ese virus espirutual. Charles t roussel anciano y lider de los testigos de jehova se como la carnada y lo distribuye a todos los seguidores que no investigan de donde o como llego ese nombre compuesto y lo dan a sus seguidores incensatos y ahora son testigos de jehova. Busquen al eterno Dios dd israel pues la salvacion viene de los judios no de testigos de jehova. Alerta
I can't help feeling some connection to Soviet popular music including the one written in kind of "Russian" style: harmonies, flow, Rythm, voices. And there is something additional, different: occasionally "oriental" accord-resolution into minor rather than major accord. It can't be incidental since the most famous Soviet composers were Jewish.
Po 100 latach można by rzec ponownie...;)Jak zawsze u ulubionego wykonawcy w ulubionym repertuarze....niestety wojna na horyzoncie ,czas to wreszcie werbalnie i epistolarnie wyrzec ...przyszło mi teraz zajmować się ważkimi sprawami....zajmujące jest to,że zwykle nazywa się działania wojenne po fakcie,jak dawna wojna pozycyjna,zapominając,tu się powtórzę;) jak zwykle o funkcji zaskoczenia przez stronę przeciwną,natarcie Muzułmanów na Europę jest już faktem...!
Desde, Mi País, Costa Rica, Provincia Heredia, BENDITA seas Jerusalén, BENDITA ISRAEL, Santa. Te amamos, Que JAH JIREH, tenga Rajen Atravesando Jeshuahamashia. Att Franklin y Felicia De Fernández. JUDÍOS Sefarditas
Es verdad, si los cristianos fueran menos cristianos y más como Jesús, entonces al igual que él también serian Judíos y al igual que él no creerían en tonterías.
Alleluia...Cristiani di tutto il mondo uniamoci nella preghiera che ci ha richiesto Gesù "pregate per la pace di Gerusalemme", noi siamo innestati nell'ulivo, ne facciamo parte indissolubilmente, grazie al nostro salvatore Cristo Gesù il Signore.
Que hermosas alavanzas, dignas para el unico y santo Dios...EL TODOPODEROSO Y NO HAY OTRO...
Que voz tan bonita y que cancion tan maravillosa......Elohim los protega de sus miles de depredadores de los que siempre estan rodeados...Elohim protege a tu pueblo de envidias y corazones negros...AMEN
Beautiful beyond words! Makes me cry!
Gracias al Eterno porque nos sigue amando. Y gracias a su puebo Israel por el ejemplo de ese amor al Eterno. Desde mexico
somo hijos de dios todo aquel que le emos creido y aceptado en nuestras vidas como unico señor y salvador.
hermosa cancion!
Rachem, misericordia Senhor Deus, arquiteto de todo o universo!!!
May Hashem bless you Yaakov! You continue to make me cry. Thank you!
Somos creación de DIOS separado por el pecado el cual Jesús el Señor nos volvió a dar la oportunidad con su redención de tener la presencia del altisimo (Espiritu Santo) por fé en nuestros corazones. El cual me llena de alegría, gozo, paz y amor aún a mi enemigo.
Dios le bendiga.
I have no idea what the lyrics are! But Yaakov could melt butter with his beyond beautiful voice. And now I cry.
Praise God, prayers for peace for Jerusalem, love you all 2020, the songs blessings to whole worlds,🙏
El pueblo de Israel sea bendecido por siempre en el glorioso nombre de Cristo Jesús AMÉN y AMÉN 🙏🙌🙏
Shalom Aleijem
Preciosa musica
Oh mi Rey YHWH cuanto timpo lejos de ti sin saber que TU siempre estuviste al pendiente mi gracias por TU rake Padre amado
Слава Господу! 🙏🙏🙏
Spiritual beautiful and uplifting
I love Jesus Christ ❤
Jesus I need you every day 😢
Please help me 😢
Jesus Christus Son of God 💕
My Savior 💕 My Lord 💕
My King 💕 My life 💕
God is Great 💕 God is Good 💕
God is Love 💕 God is Holy 💕 Holy 💕 Holy 💕
I love Israel ❤
I love all people ❤
God bless you all ❤
Слава Господу!!!
Люди, будьте добрее друг к другу.Миру мир! Мир Израилю
hermoso canto hermoso ten misericordia padre te amamos en el nombre de jesus grasias padre yhwh
Que el Séñor bendiga a su pueblo Israelí, paz para todos.
כל עוד בלבב פנימה
נפש יהודי הומיה,
ולפאתי מזרח קדימה
עין לציון צופיה -
עוד לא אבדה תקותנו,
התקוה בת שנות אלפים,
להיות עם חופשי בארצנו
ארץ ציון וירושלים.
Kol od ba-lewaw penima -
Nefesch jehudi homija
(U-l-)fatej misrach kadima
ajin le-zijon zofija.
Od lo awda tikwatejnu
Ha-tikwa bat schnot alpajim:
Lihjot am chofschi be-arzenu -
Erez Zion wi-jruschalajim.
Deutsche Übersetzung
Solange noch im Herzen
eine jüdische Seele wohnt
und nach Osten hin, vorwärts,
ein Auge nach Zion blickt,
so lange ist unsere Hoffnung nicht verloren,
die Hoffnung, zweitausend Jahre alt,
zu sein ein freies Volk, in unserem Land,
im Lande Zion und in Jerusalem!
Shalom Isreal...
Мир на Ізраїля.Йоші,Яаков Швекі генії.Шалом Єрушалаїм.
Cuanta falta les hace falta la paz del Señor y su Amor, Shalom, las expresiones reflejan los sentimientos del alma, y todavia no necesitas a Cristo el romano
el mismo es Dios, el fue el era y el sera... siempre ha sido asi, y asi seguira.
Dankeschön für schöne Lied
si me gustan mucho estas alabansa ,, y la misericordia se para todos nosotros,..
¡¡ Hermooosoooo ¡¡ no hay mas solo ¡ Hermoso ¡
❤ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד:❤
🗼🖖🗽🤙거룩하신 하나님의 눈나라🤙🗽🖖🗼
Мир. Исраел. Тебе. Мир.!!!
Oh Jehová, he oído tu palabra, y temí.
Oh Jehová, aviva tu obra en medio de los tiempos,
En medio de los tiempos hazla conocer;
En la ira acuérdate de la misericordia.
Jehova no es el nombre del Eterno. Al pueblo de israel no se le dio ese nombre y mencionar a otro dios es adulterio. El que lea entienda dijo el señor.
Am Yisrael Chai ~ Forever and Always!
esta cancion es hermosa bendiciones alleluyaa
Es ergere lselov mejs shat mec cankutyuna arajanum ebrayeren sovorem, vor haskanam nranc hogevor ergeri barere, vorovhetev hrashali barer unen targmanvac....... erazumem mi or gnam erusaxem....... Astvac iiiiiiimmm!!!
Saten Aleksanyan rahem nchanakim e voxorma .☺
Astvac ta erazanqt katarvi
Sempre amei esse louvor
gracias amados del el señor DIOS PODEROSO
Hey guys enjoy this peaceful music and stop fighting to each other that have nothing to do with your verbal violence
let the christians be christian and the jews be Jew. God is about love, mercy and righteous
Just don't misjudge to each other and make your soul darker.
you should learn the good things from each other because both sides have some issues
Christians must holy the sabbath as God laws required, do the right way as Jewish people do learn from them and do not do idolatry what means not to build statues or do any drafting from anything above the heaven and earth follow and respect the law of the commandments, eating right its very important too dont eat impure meats and food mix like the meat and dairy together remember your body is the house where your soul reside
Yashua (Jesus) was Jew and he respect the law of God he was a rabbi (priest) and to be a rabbi he obey the law and know the torah very well even he proclaim that... he is the son of God he will never allow that his followers break his father laws
he never mention about break the law ..he just making prophecies about the outcome and to warn the people of Israel about what will happen and bring the salvation according from the book of Isaiah. The most of high priests was corrupted and making deals with romans and pagan king Herod Antipas accepting impure deals and vane roman politics kickbacks they was corrupted and blind. the people of Israel was angry making riots and rebellions attacks against the roman and the false king Herod but the high priest (Caiaphas) look Yashua as dangerous environment for his own self benefices and false accusing him of blasphemy and trow to romans to kill him (Crucifixion) plain and simple and the people of Jerusalem miss the Messiah and after 40 years Rome destroy the second temple and the Jewish people was cast out from Jerusalem.
Christians need to find the true about Jesus and don't named as God because he never said that even for him that is blasphemy and that goes against his father will even he is the son of God " the Messenger of Peace" but not God Hashem is only one there is not other
Yeshua is truly God. Yeshua is Elohim. The mistake that many make is to think that when we speak of God, there is a whole person. That's what the Romans and Greeks taught to men because for them, a god is a supernatural being full. Yet with ELOHIM this is not the case. Already Elohim means "Gods". This plurality is voluntary even more than in the first book of the Bible and the Torah, God is expressed in the 3rd person plural. Many think that Elohim is a plural of majesty, but there is no plural of majesty in Hebrew and if that were the case, God would not express in the 3rd person plural. So we have Elohim (Gods) and not Eloh (God). This is not accepting the idea of polytheism, but to understand who is the God of Israel. Elohim is certainly plural, but a plurality in singularity. There is a perfect unity in this diversity. Elohim himself shown in the first chapter of Scripture, saying, "Let us make man in 'our image' and according to 'our likeness' (B'reshit 1: 26)." If he really was a being full, he would have said : "I create man in my image and my likeness." And again, when God says ''we'', ''our'', He's not speak of him with the angels, since angels are not created in the image or likeness of God. But he speaks of those who are in himself, the Elohim, in the perfect unity. In this plurality, those who worship must see him as ONE and UNDIVIDABLE. Therefore he reminded his people: '' Sh'ma Yisrael YHWH Elohenu YHWH Echad".
It must be understood that there are three people in this plurality, and is these three who are God, to know: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It's so undeniable since ELOHIM still shows in Genesis 1: 2: "The Spirit of Elohim moved upon the waters." So God has a Spirit, which most can move and act. Yet God says in Genesis 6: 3: "My Spirit shall not always strive with man". This shows that God can be sitting on his throne in heaven, and his Spirit to be in man. This is very obvious.
Furthermore, according to the word of David, the prophets Isaiah and Zechariah, it can not be denied that Yeshua is God.
Consider David in Psalm 45: 7 and 8:
"[7] Thy throne O Elohim is for ever: thy scepter is a scepter of equity
[8] You love justice and hate wickedness: therefore O Elohim, your Eloha has anointed you with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. "
Consider again Isaiah 9:5:
''For unto us a child is born, into us a Son is given, the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his shall be called : Wonderful, Counsellor, Elohim Gibbor, Aviad, Sar Shalom."
Finally consider Zechariah 14.:
1 Behold, the day of YHWH cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in your midst, Jerusalem.
2 I will gather all nations to Jerusalem to make war against him that; the city will be taken, the houses rifled, and the women raped; half of the city shall go into captivity, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
3 Then Yahweh will arise, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
4 And his feet shall stand in that day on the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, so it will be a very great valley; half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and the other half toward the south.
5 You shall flee by the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach to Atzel; and you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then YHWH my God shall come, and all the saints with him.
9 Yahweh will be King over all the earth; in that day, Yahweh will be One, and His name will be One.
Which God David speaks when he says: "O Elohim"? Who is this Son so called Elohim-Gibbor and Eternal Father by Isaiah? Finally, who is YHWH who will come to earth with His saints and His feet (thus a man) will stand on the Mount of Olives (the same mountain where Yeshua was taken)? Who is this God who will be King over all the earth as a man according to Zechariah?
You can no longer doubt that it is Yeshua. No man can say who is Elohim. God himself told to Moses when he asked him his name: "I will be who I will be." God has made himself the Son to save man. There is absolutely any difference between the Father and the Son and both are Elohim. Jesus never said that he is not God. He said, "I and the Father are One" yet "I am in the Father and the Father is in me." This type of Father-Son relationship is not to be understood as human father-son relationship. That is the mistake that many commit and which they do not see the truth. When a man make a child, he formed another human being, but it can not be in his child and the child can not be in his father when is already born. But with God it is possible because it is not two people with the same genes, but it is the same person who self-generates. John 1: 1 says elsewhere: "In the beginning the Word was with God and the Word was God." Not that the Word was 'a god ', but He was God from the beginning. Jesus is the true God, the Jews were also killed because of it. They tightly refused to believe that the Son of man might be Elohe Yisrael.
See Apocalypse 19:
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse appeared. And he that sat thereon called FAITHFUL and TRUE, and he judges and makes war in righteousness.
12 And his eyes were as a flame of fire; there were many diadems on his head, and he had a name written which no one knows, if not himself.
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
16 And on His coat and on his thigh a name is written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
Isn't it the prophecy of Zechariah? Yeshua is YHWH who is to come. Elohim has reveled himself to the Hebrew through Mashiach. Is he Elohe YISHUAH, that King David was talking about. He saved Israel and the whole world, believe in him and receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
J'adore, super💕💕💕🙋🙋🙋🙆🙆🙆🙆👍👍👍😘😘😘
Jak zwyklem od kilku dni niedospanam,ale nagranie wolę w wykonaniu Jakuba..;)Ciekawe co jeszcze dziś będzie trzeba załatwić...
Dios Bendiga al pueblo Amado de JEHOVA DE Los EJERSITOS.ISRAEL.
how many time i hear.........................i crie!!
God Bless Israel .
I love im the US. Can
anyone tell me where I can buy Yaakov's CD?? I am desperate!
Люди ПОКАЙТЕСЬ пока есть время
rahem para mi México .... Señor del cielo
Ya no hay judio ni griego, hombre o mujer, gentil o publicano todos somos iguales ante los ojos de Dios, siempre ha sido asi, Cristo lo vino a declarar de la misma manera que todos vamos al mismo hollo a sepultar igual resucitar no hay jerarquia para enterrarnos el unico grande es JEHOVA nuestro Dios.
Mas el que hace maldad es malo y el que hace lo bueno o recto es bueno. Por lo tanto hay buenos y malos, al morir no se acaba todo. Leer lucas 16:19 el que hizo lo malo a donde fue y el que hizo lo bueno a donde fue. El que lee entienda lo dijo el señor.
Jehova nombre falso de Dios interpretado por los masoretas en el año 110. La biblia dice no tendreis a dioses falsos delante de mi. Lo debes de saber que esta en los mandamientos. Pedro galatino fue un distribuidor de ese virus espirutual. Charles t roussel anciano y lider de los testigos de jehova se como la carnada y lo distribuye a todos los seguidores que no investigan de donde o como llego ese nombre compuesto y lo dan a sus seguidores incensatos y ahora son testigos de jehova. Busquen al eterno Dios dd israel pues la salvacion viene de los judios no de testigos de jehova. Alerta
Rahem! ✡✡✡✡✡✡💟💟💟💟💟💟🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹
I can't help feeling some connection to Soviet popular music including the one written in kind of "Russian" style: harmonies, flow, Rythm, voices. And there is something additional, different: occasionally "oriental" accord-resolution into minor rather than major accord. It can't be incidental since the most famous Soviet composers were Jewish.
Judaismo no es una religion judaismo es un metodo de vida ensenado por la torah
mto bom .
Que privilegiados son, pues El Eterno los ha elegido 😂
God bless Israel
Belle musique
La canción es presiosa
Шалом, шалом, шалом! 🙏🙏🙏
Po 100 latach można by rzec ponownie...;)Jak zawsze u ulubionego wykonawcy w ulubionym repertuarze....niestety wojna na horyzoncie ,czas to wreszcie werbalnie i epistolarnie wyrzec ...przyszło mi teraz zajmować się ważkimi sprawami....zajmujące jest to,że zwykle nazywa się działania wojenne po fakcie,jak dawna wojna pozycyjna,zapominając,tu się powtórzę;) jak zwykle o funkcji zaskoczenia przez stronę przeciwną,natarcie Muzułmanów na Europę jest już faktem...!
O nome do Eterno se escreve e se pronuncia, HaShem,
Desde, Mi País, Costa Rica, Provincia Heredia, BENDITA seas Jerusalén, BENDITA ISRAEL, Santa. Te amamos, Que JAH JIREH, tenga Rajen Atravesando Jeshuahamashia. Att Franklin y Felicia De Fernández. JUDÍOS Sefarditas
Si Adonai, sigue teniendo misericoedia de nosotros. Rajem
Es verdad, si los cristianos fueran menos cristianos y más como Jesús, entonces al igual que él también serian Judíos y al igual que él no creerían en tonterías.
Anochi asher Anochi.
God bless Israël🇮🇱🇳🇱