Canadian here. Overall, good analysis. One detail: the city state of emergency doesn't really give the city government any new powers - it mostly just expands their ability to procure resources to address the issue. Expansion of powers only occurs when whole provinces or the entire nation declare a state of emergency.
Ive had 3 vaccines and support vaccines, however I oppose any mandates, because where does it stop, I'm not opposed to things like needing a vaccine to fly or a negative test , but mandate just opens a flood gate to a scary world. I've lost two people to covid and no how bad it is, but personal freedom, unless it truly endangers others shouldn't be taken away. Even if we don't agree, a good democracy allows for contention due to the fact there will be people with opposite views
I would also add that TLDR missed that Teamsters Canada, a labor union that represents truckers in Canada has also condemned the protests saying that the convoy has served to "delegitimize the real concerns of most truck drivers today"
@@olibob203 With personal freedom comes responsibility. Most have ignored that concept. In a broad sense, I have some of your same concerns now that the vaccine is widely available.
@@USSAnimeNCC- kinda true though, i live in Toronto, and almost nobody supports it here, it just seems they want to drag this hell bit more longer. Everyone is tired
The MSM coverage of it is pure character assassination. Lets be honest, there hasn't been fair and unbiased coverage of protests since before Occupy Wallstreet. If your protest/riot is supported by gov/media, they'll sing your praises. If it's critical of government and media interests then you'll be slated as being the return of the Nazis and a far right movement comprised of racists.
With regards to the vaccine mandate, I think you might have missed the part that US has a mandate that you must be vaccinated to enter the US from Canada. So, if the Canadian truckers weren't vaccinated, they wouldn't be able to cross the border anyways, and it also means they wouldn't have to legally quarantine for 14 days either, because they never left Canada.
Yeah there is a lot of exceptions to the USA vaxx mandate. My GF sends regularly workers to USA, some of them not vaccinated and they often were able to get through without quarantine. I don't know specifics but I know it happened. I am guessing that essential worker thing was at Play.
Don't even try to uphold this via the US where people are fighting rights violating, unscientific and fascist Biden mandates. Not as effectively, obviously! ❤️🇨🇦
That's because the "freedom convoy" is financed and motivated by right-wingnuts in the USA. It's not Canadian, it's another illegal American invasion. One would think that after three failed tries (1775, 1812,1870), the Americans would give up.
@@allanlank I don’t support the convoy, but let’s be real here, Canada has plenty of our own “right wingnuts”, not everything is CIA conspiracy to take over Canada
Better than even independent media like man the convey is full of fascist and racists and they been lying all the time about their numbers, about how natives Americans support them when natives Americans don't out side a few also they stolen stuff form them also lied how much truckers in Canadian support them and some of them threaten women as in they'll sexually assutle them if they don't listen to them this movement is full of awful people
Canadian here also from Toronto. Other than a few mistakes, I agree with you that this is an overall great video explaining the situation. Will definitely share this video with my foreign friends!
There is a hugely unfortunate trend of relatively reasonable protests being highjacked and becoming unacceptably extreme. I think it's a combination of extremists wanting to latch on to any even remotely relatable protest, and those in opposition to the stance of the protesters wanting to push public sentiment away from the protestors. It makes me feel that protests are an overly risky way to push for political change since it's too easy to twist them into something terrible.
They were their form the start the thing is how they haven't done anything about it which make me think they're are supportive of neo-nazi and confederate supporters why have their been no push back or call outs
This report was highly inaccurate. It hasn’t been extreme at all. I’ve watched 60 hours of live streams and the only extreme has been on the side of the government.
I think its good for the human race for such divided views to exist. Natural selection will take care of whos wrong because they will naturally get wiped out, whether it be the unvaccinated as science and stats say or whether it be from "toxic/forced vaccines is bad" says only these protesters. Let nature decide
It has already been shown that at least one of the neo nazis was working hand in hand with Justin Trudeaus photographer. If you watch the Livestreams its downright hilarious, Canadians even protest in the nicest and friendliest way imaginable. The authorities need to find a reason to shut it down and if there is np reason they will create one. It was the same in Melbourne, instigators were put in the crowds to try to create trouble so the police could attack. The completely unreasonable level of violence from the police and absurd reporting from the media will hopefully one day put a lot of them behind bars.
This coverage is better than I expected after the federal election coverage and I appreciate that there’s been an effort towards improvement. However, still a couple things to add (and I acknowledge that some of this probably had to be cut for time, but it’s still worth noting). With O’Toole, it’s wrong to imply that he was ousted because of the convoy - he’s been a poor leader generally, and most of that comes down to trying to play both sides of his party. Canada’s Conservatives come from a merger of the centre-right Progressive Conservatives and the right-wing Reform/Canadian Alliance, and trying to keep both sides of that happy is an ongoing challenge. O’Toole failed to make any meaningful gains in the 2021 election, and couldn’t seem to make up his mind about what kind of Tory he is. His leadership campaign was about how he was a “true blue conservative” who “wanted to take Canada back” and he was very much so characterized as the solidly right-wing Reform/Alliance candidate in opposition to Peter Mackay as the PC candidate and Derek Sloan as the far-right candidate - but he couldn’t keep his perception straight from there on out, trying to seem like a modern, progressive party in some instances while veering wildly to the right on others, seemingly largely based on polling. The real death blow came a couple months back, though - O’Toole agreed to unanimous consent with the Liberal minority government on a bill that would ban conversion therapy in Canada, something many in his caucus opposed. He effectively waited until they were all out of Ottawa and then they rushed it through, and many of those pro-CT MPs are the ones who led the charge against O’Toole. It also would’ve been good to touch on who the organizers of the convoy actually are; that’s been a major point of contention when it comes to discussing the intent of the convoy and it really matters. Organizers include long-time infamous folks like Pat King as well as executive members of far-right extremist parties like the Maverick Party, who call for western Canada’s independence. Lastly, it would’ve been worthwhile to mention the Coutts border crossing blockade. Alberta - historically the most conservative-friendly province of Canada - has seen a lot of pushback against its United Conservative government, and discord within the government caucus. Along with the general convoy, a major US-Canada border crossing was blockaded at Coutts - and despite being objectively illegal, it’s been allowed to continue Multiple former UCP MLAs who were expelled for opposing Premier Jason Kenney participated in the convoy in one form or another, and at least two current UCP MLAs (one of whom I believe is in cabinet but don’t quote me on it) joined the blockade at the border. Kenney faces dismal polling numbers and will likely lose power in 2023, his government is collapsing around him, and he will be facing a leadership challenge this spring - so in a desperate bid to win back some points, he acquiesced to the demands of the blockade. This has primarily involved moving the end of Alberta’s vaccine passport system (called the Restriction Exemption Program) from “sometime in March” to “end of February” to “early this week”. Obviously nobody can see the future, but given that the convoy moved to blockade another border crossing in Ontario shortly after this proved successful in Alberta, it’s unlikely that this will improve the situation.
Excellent additional points. The UCP (and Kenny especially) is in a lot of trouble. To be fair, it's an extremely difficult situation for an Alberta government to navigate a pandemic that requires heavy-handed government control. Kenney tried to play the middle ground (and did relatively well IMO) but ended up flip/flopping a few times and failed on the messaging side. Even without that it's difficult to imagine a scenario where Kenney wouldn't be vilified one way or another. He could have listened to his base and imposed virtually no restrictions but that would have likely lead to a collapsed health-care system and he would have been hated for that as well. Compare this to BC where the voters lean more to the left and the NDP is doing really well politically, despite having somewhat similar policies and outcomes as Alberta.
The information in this reply would have made the report much more accurate. However a major point missing in most media coverage now is that the main organizes published a manifesto where they declare their intentions are to remove Parliament and arrest the Prime Minister. Our government would then be the leaders of the occupation, that would rule with the Govenor General (an appointed Queens representative) and the Senate (also an appropriated body). They would then over turn the constitutional divisions of power with the provinces. Because most mandates they are angry at are provincial laws (i.e. one can't go into a pub in some Provinces if you are not vaccinated) the others are pandemic health related restrictions a provincial responsibility. The federal border mandates are reciprocal with the US. No Canadians can cross a land boarder with America without being vaccinated. So the restrictions on getting back in are not a real issue if a Canadian can't leave the country is it. This convoy and occupation is largely a gathering of a wide range of our nations right-wing movements, separatis, white nationalist, radical conservatives, the Christian Right, Trump supporters etc. What ties them together is they don't believe in medicine when it comes to vaccines and they hate the Prime Minister whose party they didn't vote for. If they were Muslim occupiers demand the removal of our government they would be prosecuted as terrorists.
@@sacksis even in the US most pollsters were accurate. Especially nationwide. The problems start when a few thousands votes in key states can completely change the election results because of the electoral college system. There were some slight outliers like Florida and Ohio, but still within the margins of errors of the most widely accepted pollsters.
@@sacksis pretty sure the polling was almost spot on this past election, the election results were almost the same between 2019-2021 and the polling for both elections are incredibly close.
As a note, in Canadian politics it's normal for a sitting PM who lost an election to resign their party leadership role and walk off into the sunset. They had to pick a leader from whoever was left. Rona Ambrose was only an interim leader until an election could be held for the position *edited to remove a wrong assumption*
Harper didnt lose his seat btw he resigned some time in 2016. Calgary Heritage is a solid Tory seat. Ambrose was picked via a caucus vote and then grassroots picked the leader in May 2017.
Support is a lot higher than that, it's the question that was slanted. The truckers themselves have been demonized in the media so the fact that you ask people if they support them and still get a third of the population saying yes is very telling. A more interesting poll was when Canadians were asked about the specific points the truckers are protesting about, without asking about support for the truckers. That poll showed 54% of the population shared the same views as the truckers. Considering 54% is a significantly higher portion of the population then any political party in recent memory has garnered in an election, it seems pretty dangerous to describe the majority of the population as a radical Fringe.
@@jeopardized9293 You are either ignorant or not a Canadian. There was no coalition, the Canadian government is based on the Westminster model and the Liberals presently have a minority government. One of the many in Canadian history.
It should be noted that Erin O'Toole removal was a culmination of growing dissatisfaction among the more socially conservative parts of the conservative party. Stemming mainly from Erin O'Toole endorsement of banning conversion therapy
@@Nukestarmaster Just people inserting the LGBT stuff where it was never relevant, it mostly had to do with O'Toole endorsing most of the stuff the truckers are against
For international viewers, the vaccine mandate for truckers is of federal jurisdiction, whereas most health restrictions are mandated by provincial governments. The commonplace mask and immunization record measures that some are protesting have very little to do with the federal government, and each province has taken more or less cautious approaches to public health restrictions.
Can u explain to me tho y truckers need a vax mandate? Their whole job consists of sitting in a cab alone for long hours at a time, they're probably among the least likely types of employment in which there is substantial risk of covid transmission (contrast this with vax mandates for healthcare workers, which the US supreme court said was constitutional because they get federal money and some people are likely to suffer if hospital workers who don't have the vax have an increased risk of covid transmission to already sick individuals).
@@Ryan_Alwi Everyone else already has to get vaccinated to cross the border. The case here is that the exemption is being lifted and truckers now have to follow the same rules. Presumably the federal government waited until the vast majority (80-90%) of truckers were vaccinated before removing the exemption. Note that the protest has very little to do with truckers at this point. It's morphed into more of a general populist protest again anything related to Covid (and beyond in many cases). The point the commenter is making is that while the federal government is responsible for cross-border vaccination requirements, they have almost no control over other Covid related restrictions. The video also should have mentioned that these protests are occurring in most major cities to some extent, though not every day. In fact, pretty much every Covid measure has been met with protests in most cities.
@@guysumpthin2974 The government did act in a number cases early in the pandemic against true price gouging when people were hording and reselling. Companies slowly raising fuel prices, food prices, etc because of global supply issues and increased monetary stimulus is not gouging. Should those companies just sell their products at a loss for 2 years? Widespread price controls are the kind of thing populist dictators do to appease their citizens.
As a non-Canadian, regarding that Nazi imagery: in my country (Turkey) terrorist imagery in protests are used by government to do propaganda against protests. It's actually very easy. You pay some people to join a protest, then they wave some offensive flag or shout offensive slogans to discredit the protests. I don't know if Canadian government does that, but it's a very efficient and popular way for a government to discredit a protest. Modern equivalent of false flag operation. Also, sometimes this happens naturally. An idiot, by their own free will, joins a protest with offensive flags/slogans and the government and media immediately uses this to discredit the protest. Again, I'm not saying that this tactic was used in this protest, but you should know that this is a possibility before speaking about protests. Also, "follow the science" made me burst into laughter. That sentence just sounds like this "science" is some kind of a religion, rather than science we all know and love.
Totally agree! I’m Canadian here and nobody in their right mind wants to sympathize with swastikas or the likes that we’ve seen and there are video recordings of people with Confederate States of America flags all covered head tot toe so they cannot be identified and were being harassed by the entire crowd for their pooor choice in flag. They are definitely on government payroll to destroy the freedom convoy
@Neil Peters You missed my point. False flags operation are very common in politics and may take place in every country. From most autocratic to most democratic. Most notable examples of this are Reichstag Fire by Nazis (autocratic) and Levon Affair by Israel (democratic). Nazis set fire to Reichstag (German parliament) and then blamed it on Socialists to be able to purge them and establish a one-party dictatorship. Israel, on the other hand, planned to attack US citizens in Egypt disguised as Egyptians to worsen US-Egypt relations, but Americans found out. Canuck letter is also an example as a civilian usage of it in a democratic country (US) Also, even if it's not a false flag operation, you can't deny how media abused selective exposure by highlighting a single person that carried a fascist flag.
@Neil Peters You can be right, the only things I know about this protest is what social media algorithms show me online, at the end, and I didn't make a full research on this particular protest. But I know how democracies work in countries like Canada, US, Germany, etc. and things like free press and democracy, sometimes, become illusions. At the end, most of the "free" press are owned or funded by billion-dollar companies, which have their political agendas. And even if some journalists actually do their job as they should, platforms like Google, Twitter and Facebook take care of them. It's just, these things aren't as obvious and as much as it is in countries like mine, or countries like China and Russia which are even worse.
In Nigeria, on October 2020, there were protests against police brutality (search for #ENDSARS) and we saw images of government-sponsored agents infiltrating the protest ground in a bid to make it look violent and discredit its true purpose. I agree with what you're saying.
What's also interesting about the conservatives kicking out O'toole is that, according to polls, most conservatives don't agree with the truckers either. 56% of conservative voters responded in that poll you mentioned that they had ''little in common'' with the truckers. The only Canadian party where the majority of voters agree with the truckers is the Popular Party. So basically he got kicked out for taking a stance that most of their electors agree with anyway. Frankly, I don't think the conservatives are gonna be able to come back from this. They're never gonna be able to win back the more radical wing of their party from the Popular Party and kicking out O'Toole for something they agreed with just proved to the moderates wing of the party that most of the leadership of the conservatives are getting too radical for them.
To be fair to the Conservative caucus (which is difficult for me), the caucus' issue with O'Toole is much more than just the trucker issue. He flip-flopped during the election, causing them (in the caucus' view) to lose the election, and they feel he didn't take responsibility for it. And from media reports, it seems that his speech to caucus before the vote really pissed some of them off. He didn't take responsibility and even attacked some members of caucus who he believed were behind the vote. That's why he lost so badly.
It's interesting that similar thing happened here in Brazil in 2017. A truck strike happened against our president in that time and both the left and old right didn't support them. The only candidate that support them was the far right candidate Bolsonaro that, well, won the election of 2018.
O'Toole ran on a more centrist platform, which is traditionally the best way for the Conservatives to win an election in Canada. However, the People's Party took enough of the vote to arguably cost them the election. I agree with your analysis that the Cons moving further to the right, especially on social issues, basically ensures that they won't win an election. They're placating the loudest of their base which is only ~20% of Canadians at best. They may not lose a lot of Conservative voters but they certainly won't be gaining from the Liberals or NDP. The Liberals should have an easy time of the next election as long as they don't stray any more to the left (which is entirely possible) or have a major scandal driving voters to the NDP. Personally, I'm right in the middle politically and I'd be on the fence choosing between the current Liberal government (which is a fair bit left of the norm for them) and past Conservative ones. But I just can't accept many of the current Conservative ideological beliefs. IMO, they've taken too much influence from the modern Republicans.
3:53 let’s see an upsidedown Canadian flag with a swastika and some writing on which cannot be understood due to poor resolution We’ve got two options 1 : all the truckers are Nazis 2 : they are comparing the Canadian government to Nazis
Option 2 is not much better though, “uses Nazi imagery and comparisons lightly and poorly” is surely less worrying than “is themselves a fascist” but it’s still an indictment of the kind of person who joined the protest
Interesting! I wasn t even aware of such an election which should be quite important on a world stage. Especially considering South Korean economic and cultural influence, in addition to its geopolitical cituation. Such a vast subject really deserves a video! (PS:sorry for bad spealling)
A bunch of Finnish people tried to replicate this last Friday, but it turned out as maybe a single truck, a couple cars parked neatly and a couple thousand people drinking and singing the first verse of the national anthem and then kindly leaving when the police told them "hey pls leave" and the next days continuation of the "protest" was a couple hundred people drinking and grilling sausages.
@@outerspace7391 Yep, I watched some live streams from the protesters during the time they were told to disperse and every other one had a cheap store brand lager can in hand. Mind, in the telegram group of thousands of members they were promising to take down the government.
While I have seen more concerning Nazi imagery in the protests, the specific images you keep pointing to in this feels more like they are calling the current government Nazis (i.e. flag upside down replaced with a swastika, using SS in reference to Trudeau).
flag was upside down, but these sily linoes on them were svistikas, not proper ones. No real nazi will draw them this badly. It's their sacred symbol, you always draw it properly.
Even if there were a few actual swastikas I don’t think that would accurately represent the whole group, protests like these attract all kinds of people even the worst kinds. When BLM protests were happening in the US some people were flying the hammer and sickle flag, as someone who went to those protests I can assure you I’m not a communist, nor is anyone I knew there yet it attracted people from this extreme ideology, even so I don’t think that detracts from the message of the overall protest. The same logic can be applied to these truckers.
If you see swastikas or godamn Confederate flags the left will say that these working class truckers are nazis or racists (which they are trying to do rn) and that they'r peaceful civil disobedience is a threat but those are just bad actors like there were bad actors in BLM protests but the difference is BLM soon started to go violent and started to protest along side with a terrorist organization which is ANTIFA, but these protest are working class people telling their government to stop their authoritarian overreach.
Was it meant to be a swastika? It didn't look like one and is definitely a "Hail Hotler" (a swastika drawn so badly that the drawer seems to have suffered a recent traumatic head injury) if that's what they meant.
@@CultureCrossed64 So what? More people vote for Hillary than Trump. If Canada had proportional representation like Germany, both the Liberals and Conservatives would have lost seats. The NDP who I would like to remind you lean further to the left than the Liberals would have more than doubled their seat count. In other words, if you are complaining that the Liberals lost the popular vote, just remember that had there been a more proportional system, the Conservatives would have even fewer seats and the entire parliament would have leaned further to the left as the NDP would have more influence. Clearly, if Truedau is politically shrewd, he would not yield to the demands of the Truckers as they clearly do not form his voter base and have the support of only a minority of Canadians. It is what it is, regardless of which side you are on.
I just want to point out that regardless of your views on the Convoy, 32% support is not a "fringe minority". That support would basically be enough to form an official opposition in Canada's House of Commons if they all voted for the same party.
Not how that works. If you get 32% of the vote in every county, you get zero seats. To get seats you need to have specific counties where you are a majority opinion. Might have some in the prairies but it's always going to be a fringe movement.
@@GregTom2 You don't need to be the majority in any individual riding. You just need a plurality in that riding. In a 4-5 way race, 32% would easily get a plurality in many, many ridings.
The bigger point they missed is that polls show that 54% of the population have exactly the same views as the truckers towards the mandates, it's all about how you phrase the question. The truckers have been falsely accused of being extremist nuts instead of the peaceful protesters they actually are, so the fact that 32% of the population still claim that they support them despite those false accusations is really telling. So by asking people if they support the truckers you get a very different answer than if you ask if they support all the same things that the truckers stand for. I must say that this reporting from tldr was much better than I expected given their usual very left-wing stances, but it still followed much closer to the left-wing talking points, and the reality on the ground. The reality is that there has been no violence at all, not mostly peaceful, completely peaceful. There were two examples of people carrying racist flags, in the first example the protesters themselves immediately escorted the person out, and in the second example they set up a reward to try to identify who the person was. It was also interesting to note that in both cases those particular people were masked, and those were the only masks that we've seen so far. It would be easy to suspect that those people were planted. And while there was an incident of some minor graffiti on a memorial, what is being reported is that the protest organizers have since cleaned and polished the memorials in the area, and established 24-hour security around them. They've also been picking up garbage in the area, and overall the crime rate in the city has gone down, not up during the protest.
Protests, even successful ones, rarely enjoy majority support. If 1/10th of Canadians had "a lot in common" with the truckers there would be little cause for concern, but 1/3 can win an election. That's nothing to sneeze at, and genuinely mortifying from a position of wanting to hold the moderate middle. Communication about covid hasn't been perfect and neither have mandate policies, but that such a volume of people have made policy misfires on suggesting people get too many vaccines a big issue for them is alarming, given literally everything else matters more. Similarly wrt inflation, given it's mostly supply chain related, it's unclear what anyone would even be protesting. Maybe deficit spending, but this amounts to ending necessary stimulus and severing spending that saves lives for literally no benefit because it's not like penny pinching is going to pump natural gas our of the ground or have anything to say about ships in China. Drives me nuts.
Protests are meant to be disruptive, they are key to holding the government accountable. From the black lives matter to the freedom convoy. Protests can also be infiltrated by rioters that destroy private properties, and that's fine as the police are there to arrest them, and they can file for the writ of habeas corpus if they're wrongfully detained.
For real. The original policy just seems like a regular authoritarian-left power trip you get from the east. Poor people are struggling to eat, and rich politicians only care about their virtuous fight against a deadly plague that isn't so deadly anymore.
It's far worse than that 32% quoted here, 54% of the population wants an end to all mandates. The fact that only 32% claim to support the protest just shows how successful the lies in the media have been a demonizing the peaceful protesters.
I think the one thing you missed here is the American contingent. Many donations, and I've heard reports that even some of the organisers are American. This isn't to say there aren't Canadians who are involved or that they're not legitimate, but when you have so much ambiguoity and you have American politicans talking about it, and you have a Texas representative saying that he will get justice for Texas Donors, as if it's at all okay for Americans to donate to political campaigns in a seperate sovreign country, makes it really hard to take it as anything other than foreign interference. There is also the fact that this border mandate was agreed on by the US so both countries bring in similar mandates at the same time, so any unvaccinated Canadian trucker would be required to quarantine entering the United States. I believe they have different laws for American citizens, though I haven't double checked, but again, that brings into, is this an issue to Canadians or to Americans. And maybe this is controversial, but I don't think people who aren't citizens or residents of Canada have the right to protest our government.
I agree with everything apart from the last paragraph, those people pay taxes as any other citizen with less rights than an citizen. They have the right to protest, they contributed as much if not more working abroad in Canada than the citizens. It is problematic if someone is denied the right to protest in a democratic society, even if those who are manifesting doesn't have the right to vote. Edit: More over its the only way they have to organize politicaly, so its not surprising to see them assembling to participate in this way.
Before the last couple of years I'd have said that you're correct, but after the wave of foreign support, donations, and involvement in domestic protests in America (obviously you probably didn't have anything to do with that, nor necessarily Canadians, I'm just saying in general) I can definitely see why Americans would want to return the favor with things they agree with
@@hostedbysimples Imagine the US media reaction if Canadian truckers were trying to shut down Washington, using money donated from Canadian right wing politicians and far right extremists.
@@hostedbysimples I said residents or citizens, which means anyone with a legal right to be in Canada and reside/work in Canada, I didn't intend to exclude anyone who pays taxes or is otherwise actually a member of Canadian society. My point was about Americans who are only American (or other country) citizens who have no legal president in Canada. Truckers who cross the border regularly are going to be a bit of a grey area there, but I was primarily thinking of people who donated money who are not crossing the border as part of their job, and American politicians. Edit: Also an American Trucker or other person who's job involves them crossing the border, but is hired in and based in the US will not be paying Canadian income taxes. The only Canadian taxes they will pay are normal sales taxes on goods bought in the country, the same that tourists pay. Unless their base of work is in Canada they will not be considered Canadian for the purposes of taxation.
Canadian here and former Ottawa resident. Overall, good reporting and well balanced. What was missed though is that although the original purpose was to protest the mandate imposed on truckers, removing it makes no difference. The US imposed a similar mandate effectively barring unvaccinated truckers from entering, so removing the Canadian one is a moot point. Second, the vast majority of the mandates currently in place are at rhe provincial level. Other than the restrictions in place to enter Canada in general, everything else was put there by provincial premiers. This means that they should be protesting in Toronto and discussing with Premier Ford, who has been pretty absent up until recently. Third, the impact on local residents and business has been devastating. There have been multiple reports harassment, some violence and most recently, attempted arson of a nearby apartment complex. Lastly, there have been reports that donations being made have been coming in from the US which I have a huge issue with. Interference from a foreign country in our internal affairs is unacceptable, if the reports are true, they need to butt out and stay in their lane
@Caiden You're comparing a movement for racial equality with a movement that has flat out stated it wanted to remove/overthrow the sitting government. That's not even remotely close to being the same
@@LordCoeCoe The truckers "union" is a group of the largest corporate shipping companies that extorted their drivers to get vaccinated or get fired. They do not represent private owners/operators. In other words, is a trade association, not a workers union.
Pretty decent overview from an outsider. There are a few additional things to note. There are additional sister protests in most major cities in Canada. They are also losing a large amount of any sympathy people had by constantly blasting their horns on the trucks (very loud commercial truck horns) for nearly 24hr/day (in the worst cases) in densely populated areas. For some more political nuance, these protesters are mostly a part of the larger conservative populism that has been sweeping the western world for the past decade. The right in Canada has fractured into 2 camps, the traditional Conservative party and the new populist People's Party which failed to gain any seats in the recent election but did take a fair amount of votes from the Conservatives, possibly costing them the election (helped along by the poor performance of the left-leaning NPD). The now-ousted leader of the Conservatives tried to run a more centrist platform which was heavily criticized by the ever more right-leaning base and the reason for his firing. I'd personally estimate that about 25% of the population holds a smattering of these "far-right" views and is vehemently anti-Trudeau similar to the polarization in the US where they opposed anything he does regardless of what it is. This could be the wakeup call to the rest of Canada that we need to listen to these people before we drive them further into the fringe. For the next few years and probably into the next election (~2025) this division of traditional conservatives and neo-conservatives will likely keep the Liberals in power. I'm really hoping that the irrational populism dies down and we can return to more reasonable politics before the right gets their shit together and we get a Trump-esque government. We'll see who gets nominated to run for the Cons. Really hoping not Kevin O'Leary who is basically a smarter version of Trump.
Where do you live? You have been truly brainwashed by the woke and neoliberalism. People protesting want their freedom back (yes, our freedom was taken away and most sold it for an experimental drug) and they clearly stated they don't want to be involved with any political parties. Our society would operate much better if we wouldn't constantly judge people based on their political beliefs. Live and let live.
You forgot to talk about th 24-7 nonstop truck horns blurring that are a legitimate concern for damaging hearing, lack of sleep and mental health concerns. Not so peaceful as the entire downtown core and many residential areas and a university have essentially needed to be shut down or evacuated. Pure madness.
Well. It's important to make a distinction between anti-vax and anti-mandate. I'm fully vaccinated plus booster shot, however, I believe that to be my personal decision and thus won't support any mandates.
THIS. This is what a lot of people are ignoring. A huge reminder to everyone that the Covid vaccines are still EUA/experimental. Of course it's natural that there are huge pushbacks against mandates. Another one is that Omicron just went to town with anyone it can find regardless of vaccination status. It's highly likely you get natural immunity from it. Vaccines are supposed to prevent transmission. The likes of polio, smallpox vaccines have done their job and it took how many years of R&D it took for it to be effective? Mandates are wrong and are infringing on God-given freedoms. If something happens to you in the event the side effects of the jab kicks in, will the government take care of you and your family's expenses? They're protected by that stupid waiver. So, yeah. Think again. Vaccine manufacturers and govt are not liable for anything. And finally, just because someone is against Covid vaccines does not make one an anti-vaxxer. It's more of pro-choice and informed consent. If it's really working as intended, it should not be forced upon anyone.
Polls show that 54% of the population want an end to all mandates at this point. So to claim that only 32% support the truckers shows that more than 20% of the population has bought into the lies being spread by the media about the protest.
Wish the video mentioned that the truckers have caused endless noise in Ottawa and have harrased people there too. A court injunction had to be filed to get them to stop their incessant noise. People in residential areas couldn't sleep.
@@DeadSetOnDestruction And you know setting apartment building on fire. But you know, that's just proud boys being boys. Anyway, how's the weather at Kremlin Igor? Any new incidents you got planned to turn the worlds attention away from Ukraine?
@@DeadSetOnDestruction I don't think you understand how truck horns work. You can't direct truck horns at a single person. And you're in the middle of a city.
@@DeadSetOnDestruction There have been reports of seniors getting harrased and also businesses which displayed pride flags. Sure act like the truckers are innocent in all this.
How Canada could stop future trucker rallies: Freight trains… And sawing its border off with the US to float away to Europe. The world could also put up a firewall against US media, or more specifically, News Corp.
Classic example of dumb Canadian nationalism. It seems like you can’t fathom that your country has internal problems without in someway blaming it on the US boogieman.
I remember Trudeau giving his 2 pennies worth of advice to our Indian PM on how to handle a protest a few months ago. So right now, I have grabbed my popcorn to enjoy the Canadian Chaos Season 1. 😂
I don’t fully support this protest but I find it convenient how government and media describe them as tiny to downplay their support. But describe them as massive when talking about their threat and disruption
Well they use trucks… those are a local disruption on their own - even without a convoy. But in case of national scale those are a completely irrelevant minority.
Trudeau hasn't been the best PM, but as a Canadian, I prefer the harsh policies he has (finally) gotten around to implement over Sweden's lack of them early in the pandemic.
@PatchesRips I did not once mention oppression in my three sentences. But to tackle your point. Should we really strive to be like those authoritarian governments? Should we silence opposition and protests? The Canadian government caused this problem and now they must face the consequences. We should not be protecting governments from responsibility…
3:55 It's good that monetary values are displayed on other currencies for better understanding... but why only GBP? Considering this is TLDR global and not TLDR UK, maybe add some Euro values at least?
I'd like you to back that up, because last time I checked what they want is a end to the lock down measures impellmented during the Pandemic like mandatory vaccination, vaccination passports ect... only one spreading conspiracy theories and such is Trudeus Government.
Oh, I thought comparisons of this to an insurrection or seige were overblown and just stretching to compare it to the US’s Jan 6th. I guess they’re still festering in Ottawa so there’s always the chance they’ll do something that stupid.
Canadian here, why would most Canadians say they don’t Identify with the truckers but in other polls most support ending the mandates and all other things the truckers stand for? That’s so stupid
Great video. Two things I would add, the gofundme is being investigated for massive donations from “anonymous donors” in the USA. Likely some government officials. Also though the protests have been peaceful, they have been harassing reporters on site for “not telling the truth” and “being part of the left mob.” In addition, the truckers are constantly blowing their horns through all hours of the night, creating massive disturbances for those living and working nearby
Is there any law against government officials donating to a public fund like that? In Australia protestors were shouting the same things at the mainstream media reporters because to be frank, they are a bunch of scum that are deliberately trying to misrepresent what they are meant to be reporting. Fair enough if media was only a corporate entity out to make money, but the press are meant to be the third branch of the democratic system, having them deliberately lie to the public with intent to mislead should be a criminal offence. So when protestors tell them to piss off its because we see them as criminals engaged in a criminal activity.
Gofundme recently canceled donations to the truckers. I find this very hypocritical for an organization that allowed donations to the CHAZ and bailout funds.
@@Jake12220 it’s not illegal afaik, just super sketchy for government officials of one country to be donating or fuelling unrest in another county. It’s a constant problem for the US when Russia or China does the same. As for the media misleading the public, yeah there are actual laws for that. Stuff that can open you up to lawsuits, fines or license revocation. If you don’t believe in what the media is telling you then fine, but if they are deliberately(or unknowingly) misleading the public, there are avenues available to shut down completely or force them to withdraw those claims or statements if they are actually false. Most countries have checks and policies on media like that, otherwise they’d be able to make up literally anything and pass it off as reality. Which some tabloids do tbh, but fly under ‘satire’ type protections or twist things just enough to technically not lie. Like you telling your wife you didn’t cheat on her with her best friend Cindy. You cheated on her with Brianna. I see Fox News do it all the time.
@@knightshade2654 They reserve the right to cancel any fundraiser as they see fit. Not familiar with the fundraiser tho, but I never trust anything through gofundme, lots of sketchy people set up fundraisers and abscond with the money after making flexible goal targets. Gofundme doesn’t really vet them properly either.
@@AppleGameification To change the narrative to woo countries that have intelligent life, to pretend it's just a dissatisfaction with Trudeau and is in "no way" related to the vaccine.
Here in Africa, Uganda tried to impose a costly vaccine test for truckers travelling from Kenya's mombasa's port into the landlocked country of Uganda. The truckers protested the heavy cost of covid tests at the border and this led to 70-km long stretch of trucks from the border. Ugandan economy suffered significantly as a result of this stalemate, thus prompting Museveni to scrap off the costly Covid tests.
Seems like a classic example of 3rd world leaders thinking they can just copy 1st world policy without any issues at all. Similar thing happened in India when they shut down all the trains for "social distancing" which went about as well as you would expect.
@@williamwade3443 well, the United States is, how trump would phrase it, a shithole. That’s why you guys need public healthcare. That’s what Canada has.
@@franekkkkk it's really dependent on where you live and you're economic status. Trailer park suburban lower class ppl have a harder time getting free covid tests than urban lower class ppl. They're throwing free tests everywhere in Boston on random street corners. We also got that online program to sign up for free tests but it's hard to do that if you're so poor you don't have access to the internet.
Canadian here. Good analysis. I would like to point out that residents of Ottawa have launched a class action lawsuit against the truckers and succeeded in getting a judge to issue an order that does not allow the truckers to honk their horns due to the amount of stress this is causing the locals. To be honest, it looks like the protest has become a 24/7 party that has gotten out of control of the organizers.
That’s good news for us here in the US. We may have grounds for class action lawsuits against the next protests that burn our cities and scare our citizens. Thank you Ottawa residents!
@Olaf Sigurson as they said in the video the us has similar laws so even if the federal government removed all laws regarding border crossing and vaccines there would still be the American laws and most of the footage I've seen is people bitching about vaccines which is not a federal issue.
@@tylerstevenson8085 American laws which Trudeau pressured them into implementing. And, there is substantial opposition on the US side of the border as well.
@Olaf Sigurson I think most of the protest has evolved into a broad protest against mandates. That specific issue has kinda just blended in with everything else
How is this in any way shape or form similar to any protests in India? He details in the video that the majority of Canadians disagree with these truckers and they arent doing anything useful. if you had decided to educate yourself you would have know the federal government has no control over provincial mandates and the US government already has law regarding border crossings so these people harassing Ottawa citizens blocking hospitals and roads are doing nothing but throwing a hissyfit that the government won't listen to a minority of a minority which is called being undemocratic
As a Canadian and Ottawa citizen, I wouldn’t agree that this is a generally peaceful protest. The analysis left out the part that the convoyers were honking from morning until night, defecating all over our streets, and has been getting into peoples faces to the point where people of colour, women, and queer folks are afraid to go outside. This will leave many people and pets from the downtown core traumatized. Not the mention the devastating impact this has had on local businesses in Ottawa.
Sounds peaceful to me. Whenever you get a large group of people protesting there will always be unpleasantness. So long as vandalism and violence is kept to a minimum I'd argue it's a success. Getting thousands of angry people to all act respectfully is just flatout impossible to be honest.
thanks for covering this topic! you missed a few parts, like the others in the comments have mentioned but very nice to have this representation! (Also, as a resident of the very city, it's spelt Ottawa, even though it might not be pronounced like that.) I also feel that you missed out on a few points, such as the desecration of the tomb of the unknown soldier (someone danced and pissed on it) and the Terry Fox memorial, who's a national hero.
@@levitschetter5288 its not a tomb, it's a statue in front of parliament. We have guards for the tomb of the unknown soldier, but the last time something happened a man shot a guard and ran into parliament with a gun and was killed
GoFundMe stopping the funding of the Truckers due to a fringe minority is so hypocritical when it and other platforms allowed for BLM to not be de platformed for the destructive actions of a fringe minority. Not even picking a side here, besides saying GoFundMe is in the Wrong.
@@crose7412 I would care to argue. The terms of service they broke were the same as ones broken by left leaning protests throughout the past few years. More about violence than anything else. None of them lost GoFundMe support. The standard is not consistent when it comes defining the entire protest by the actions of a few.
There's one thing an individual being all for vaccines and choosing to get one themselves, there's another thing forcing people who don't want them, when the vaccines were being rolled out there was no talk of a mandate. Rule by the majority is a stupid idea just because most people are pro government dictating doesn't make it right.
Vaccines are designed as a public health tool, not an individual tool. We force kids to get vaccines if they want to access public school and sports….what’s the difference, exactly? Just because a small minority of Canadians are flat Earth antivaxxers who reject science and public health, doesn’t mean the majority have to entertain their delusions.
@@bartwilson2513I doubt that people being pro vaccines means forcing your neighbor to take them, keep in mind the vaccines don't stop you from getting c19 so the only risk anyone who's not been vaccinated is taking is on themselves which makes mandates inadequate , just because people like you want to be a dictator doesn't make it right.
@@random-J They greatly reduce the chances of contracting AND spreading Covid. They are not a personal choice but a public responsibility. If we live in a society together the government exists to ensure that you DON’T have the right to endanger other people’s lives, wellbeing, and liberties.
@@LoudWaffle the Canadian prime minister has been triple vaxxed yet he still got covid so your incorrect on the science but that's not the sad part, the worst part is that you are willing to force your fellow man in doing what they don't want with their bodies something left wingers have been saying for years, "my body my choice" and all over what to "not endanger people's lives" you say, when more than 90 percent of Canada has been vaxxed it should not be an issue if it was it should have only been to the people that are not vaxxed but it isn't so. there's no competent science behind your dictator like talking points. It's hilarious that you actually think you care about others by using force
@@random-J not forced, but if they want to participate in public life, kids get vaccinated. The parents could choose homeschool. They make a choice. Same choice here. Ps. NO vaccine has ever been designed to prevent infection, only to prevent serious disease and death. So, your “point” about the COVID vaccines makes no sense. Vaccines make you less likely to be infected at any given moment, when infected you are infectious for a day or two vs a week for unvaccinated, and that reduces potential for mutation and transmission. Again, according to your definition, we are already dictators because of our school vaccine requirements. Your logic is incredibly shoddy.
Canadian here, born and raised in Ottawa. I think this video does mostly well, but it glazes over the impact this movement has had on downtown Ottawa. I have a few friends who live in the so-called "red zone" of these protests. None of them have been able to sleep for more than 4 hours per night because of the constant barrage of truck horns (which are much louder than car horns) going well into the night. Not to mention the fireworks, the shouting, etc. It only just stopped yesterday because a court injunction had to be obtained by a local resident. The citizen who started the injunction reports being doxxed and receiving vile harassment and hatred because of it. Otherwise, many stores in the area have been forced to close since Day 1 of the protest due to unruly crowds, ambulances have been pelted with rocks by protestors, businesses and homes with LGBT pride flags have been vandalized, people who walk downtown with masks on have been intimidated, harassed, bullied, and in some cases physically assaulted. The local councillor representing the area most impacted reports having received "hundreds" of emails from constituents who have suffered negative impacts of the ongoing demonstration. The impact this has had on people living there has been unlike anything Ottawa has seen in recent years.
proud Canadian, born and raised... I stand with the #FreedomConvoy. God bless these blue-collar heroes, standing in the cold for weeks, fighting for our liberty. And no, it's not an overstatement. Everyone has the right to say "no" to anyone 'demanding' you put something in your body. (who instilled these traditional Canadian values? #TheBritishandFrench how do u guys in Europe feel about it?)
5 opposition leaders since 2013? We've had 4 opposition leaders over the course of the pandemic (Excluding an interim leader as one was ousted without a replacement for trying to smear a former leader who looked poised to try and roll her)
I don’t really know what to think of the protest itself but the fact that gofundme revoked their funds is a bit weird seeing as funding for blm was just fine
I get what you mean ( it’s stupid and don’t agree with it) but the people running the go fund me kept change what they said they were going to do with the money. That alone is against go fund me terms of service and people were calling it a scam from the start
@@bartwilson2513 Always the ultra form of intellect, scream racist. No one is jumping at that anymore I’m sorry to break it to you. Have a real conversation and we will see real progress in the world.
I dunno, If the truckers are essential workers and most of them are already vaccinated I don't really see a practical reason to enforce the mandate so heavily.
Well the point of a mandatory vaccination of the population is that those with weak or compromised immune systems including but not limited to; the elderly, HIV patients, diabetic people are better protected from Covid since the vaccine is generally less effective for them. In other words, you get vaccinated to protect other people.
They should have been more enforced to begin with since they are constantly crossing the border. The very small amount of people who are actually truckers in the convoy where getting a special exemption to begin with.
Totally agreed. There is no practical reason to enforce it but there is no practical reason to protest it either. The US still has vaccines mandate for entry. The truckers have to be vaccinated regardless of Canadian government’s decision.
@@bemusedpanda8875 you don't have to tell me that, I got my vaccine a year ago, way before most of the people on the planet for those exact reasons. My point is that if it was not required before, when the pandemic was way more severe and way less people were vaccinated, enforcing it now when the vaccination rate is above eighty, is not going to make those who are less fortunate any safer. Meanwhile, an unvaccinated trucker will have to lose more than a month's worth of income just to have the papers ready. I'd say testing should more than suffice.
@@victording6698 Didn't know that. One might perhaps argue that there is even less of a reason to enforce it and bear the political consequences in that case :D
This was very informative. I live in Vancouver Canada. It's been really hard to figure out what the trucker convoy is about. Our national broadcaster, CBC, seems to cover the one idiot who compares truckers to Jews in the holocaust, or when one protestor is trying to be interviewed, a video bomber cuts in to shout "Lying media", and CBC focuses on the video bomber idiot, so I never heard what the original protester was trying to say. It makes it really hard to have an informed opinion on these protests. Although, I do think that blocking the border is a stupid way to protest that mostly just hurts other ordinary Canadians.
Good video, but 32% of the population is hardly a small minority. Clearly, a large (if misguided) segment of the canadian public support this protest convoy.
As people see videos of flags and bouncy castles and people dancing in the streets and then they see newscasts of the mayor calling for troops, they see the disparity and what a farce this government has become. We will be the majority in another week or two. The changes we are hoping for are all falling into place. All we want is a return to the rule of law and for democracy to work again. There's no such thing as free and fair elections when the government controls the media. How about a debate between the public health officials that destroyed our lives and stole our freedoms and a few of the thousands and thousands and thousands of health experts who have stood up to this tyranny to warn us things are going wrong, many of whom were willing to lose their careers and pensions to avoid these deadly shots. It should be very jarring that there has been no discussion of these issues and that we are simply told that something is true and that anything that contradicts it is misinformation. We've gotten to the point where Joe Rogan interviewing a doctor is controversial. Anyone who has a problem with that is completely deranged, out of their mind psychotic. There is absolutely nothing problematic about anyone interviewing any medical professional at any time abnout any subject in any way, at all, period.
Canadian as well. I definitely agree with others here- generally well-rounded, good info. One thing, however, and most mainstream media has also missed this so I can't blame you, is that this was never *solely* about vaccine mandates, and is barely about the mandates at all. Indeed, if you look at the leaders' manifesto, or MoU, they are actively calling to be put in control of the country in place of the Liberal government and parliament in general. It's an attempt to overtake the government that we're all kind of like, waiting for any of our levels of government to actually address? As an Ottawa resident it's a little like living in an alternate reality.
As an American, I always find it hilarious when people on the left call this and January 6 a "siege" and "insurrection", where no one got hurt and there is minimal property damage. But when you bring up the BLM riots of June 2020 and CHAZ, they say they were peaceful protests, even though CHAZ was an attempt to create an actual autonomous state, with actual borders.
@@matthewvanburen6415 So did Officer Brian Sicknick just die randomly in the middle of DC during the 6th? Did Ashli Babbit get shot cause things were so peaceful? You and your folks are delusional if you think what happened last year was as peaceful as the vast majority of BLM protests.
It might be pointed out that if you look at the polling numbers for the last election, the liberal party only received about 30 % of the popular vote. Which means that the protest enjoys about as much support numerically as is required to form a minority government in Canada. Specifically, the minority government that is calling the protest a fringe minority. To be fair, not everyone agrees with the protest, but the same argument probably goes for the government. Which really only serves to point out the real problem in Canada: a profound lack of ability among our leaders to build effective and open-eyed public consensus. We used to be able to have referenda on issues such as NAFTA with a 70% margin. Now we are lucky to decide if we want fluoride in the water by a 51% majority. I think we all have some soul searching to do. Modern society effectively runs on consensus and negotiation. It’s currently not running effectively.
Most Canadian generally have similar values and are on the same page, the break down of that over issues like this is worrying and might even show a more US style political future in parts of the country
Yeah I’d rather we didn’t have American style politics. :) don’t get me wrong, America is a great country and all, but I’m not a fan of their election cycle.
I don't mind the information on TLDR but I am noticing spelling mistakes more and more often in your programming. It takes away from how thorough you are with these simple mistakes that are overlooked.
@@Nikolasz1173 shows sloppy journalism. Mistakes can happen but the more it happens the more it shows the lack of attention to detail and that's all it is. It's detail. If you can't get the spelling right how right is your information?
I don't know if it matters, since u.s. policy is unvaccinated truckers can't cross over anyway, so even if the Canadian government dropped the requirements, they still couldn't cross the border.
I am an immigrant and a Mom, I support 100% our Truckers and all people who are fighting for Freedoms, they are all heroes and the hope of our children. We are standing together, drive safe and stay safe.👍💐🙏🇨🇦
The graph at 2:25 is incredibly misleading. Saying Canada has “the seventh highest vaccination rate in the world” and then highlighting how they occupy the 7th highest position in the graph would lead one to assume the seven countries underneath occupy the 8th-14th highest position in the world. The United States in nowhere close to being the 14th most vaccinated country in the world. They barely crack the top 50. Just thought that was odd.
@@reelenz and for a country like Ireland, who has a higher vaccination rate than the US and is not featured on the graph, are their governments vaccine figures wrong because they’re in cahoots with the mainstream media?
As a Ottawa resident, I really appreciate you guys making this, and how unbiased it was. We just want our city back, it’s been closed and destroyed by extremists that are clinging onto the protest with no relation to the actual convoy, which most people have left from.
1/3 of the country aren't extremists. It's the left who refuses to listen to these people, treats them like children and offers no timelines. The pandemic is destroying their lives right now and liberals are more worried about hypothetical deaths in the future. The cure is worse than the disease and you can't see it because you've been lucky. -A triple vaxxed NDP voter
@@apoc519 don’t get me wrong, they’re not ALL extremists by any means and I support people protesting 100%! but the genuine truckers and i’m sure they’re a lot of them have been completed undermined by people who’s are destroying my city because they hate the government, it is not our fault that this is happening.
@@lsavtrr They protest area is cleaner then the rest of the city and you're kind of proving my point assuming they want to be there? They don't hate the government, they are DESPERATE for help.
Enjoy the empty grocery stores because you destroyed your supply chain because you have to jail anyone who disagrees with you. What a terrible country!
I think its sad that mandates are required at all. Too many people brainwashed by online memes about vaccines causing autism a few years ago, are now becoming extremely vocal in defence of thier "freedom", while simultaneously denying science and reasoning. In the UK, there has been a large uptick in measles cases, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's linked. I support vaccines and think every single person who can, should be. But mandates are possibly the worst way to encourage those who are on the fence.
@@brandonkobeshchak the mandate is a large reason why they complain. There is a massive amount of people who hate the mandates who are vaccinated. Mandates just result in a fuck-you mentality which then justifies itself through pseudo-science, not the other way around. Sadly the us vs them narrative is supplanted and anti-vaxxing is going to gain increasing popularity as a form of protest against the government, even the old established vaccines could get villainized due to government overreach.
@@hardrada3534 the solution is not to just give in and drop all the mandates. I couldn't even begin to imagine the consequences of that on a global scale, let alone some random hillbilly who follows Trump like he's the second coming of Jesus.
@@brandonkobeshchak Thats exactly what it is(referring to dropping mandates), its growing increasingly unpopular among large groups of people as they see governments preparing for 3rd and 4th doses. The idea of this becoming an overreach of government continues to pick up swing and when that pendulum finally swings back(which it will) there will be radical change in the other direction. The further mandates are pushed, the more the pendulum swings back where it might end up banning vaccine mandates even for vaccines which make sense to mandate.
As a Canadian, I am glad things have remained peaceful but I am dismayed to see that it has happened at all. I absolutely get the frustration with stagnating wages vs increasing inflation, but vaccine mandates for travel aren't exactly new. The fact that is has drawn far-right fringe groups and anti-vaxxers is even more disheartening. At this point, I'm just praying for a peaceful resolution to all this
Thanks, yes, most of the truckers there are "vaccinated" and they are pissed off because they "did their part" and instead of getting better things got worse. Now we know for certain the injections don't do a darned thing to protect anyone but the person who gets it and that the protection is weak at best and rapidly fading, so there is no rational reason for mandates, at all, whatsoever, period. If you want one, get one, if you don't, any pressure to do so is a crime against humanity and it's sad things are so distorted that a lot of people don't get this. These are the rights our grandfathers fought, bled, killed and died for and we are letting them slip away for fear of a fricking cold. Pretty pathetic.
Major news today in Detroit: Canada-US Ambassador bridge in Detroit shut down due to protests (25% of all us Canada trade goes over that border crossing)
I was fine with it when the truckers had organized solely against the cross-border mandate. I can understand the impact this would have on people's livelihoods. What won't support are the current set of demands that this protest has morphed into. Ending all Covid 19 restrictions and replacing the current elected government with a council is absurd. The protesters have clearly stated that they won't leave until they get what they want. This has crossed a major line. Moreover, the disruptions have a significant problem for the citizens of Ottawa. There are reports of assaults and abusive language at citizens of Ottawa for simply wearing a mask. Everyone has experienced abuse by a minority of people who refuse to do anything to prevent the spread of Covid 19. I have personally been assaulted by an individual and had someone spit in my face for simply doing my duty as a bus driver and asking a person to wear a mask. This trucker convoy has degenerated into a focal point for these kinds of individuals. There is no way to get these people to disperse voluntarily and there is a percentage of them that is prepared to use violence. Armed intervention is necessary. It will take time to deal with some of this compassionately, however, use of force will be required at some point. A large gathering of people willing to resort to violence simply to avoid wearing a mask can not be tolerated.
Be as patient and strong as you can be. It is clear from their hooliganism that they are looking for a fight. Don’t give in. Be as clinical as you can when you come up with a solution.
@@nerdlingeeksly5192 Cowards on government pay roll given socially unacceptable flags, etc. to allow a generalization and vilification of everything it stands for and you’ve been tricked
I can't comment directly about this as I'm not in Canada, but I am aware that there's going to be a Freedom Convoy across the USA too, so Biden will be dealing with similar soon. Chances are, this is going to manifest in many countries around the world :/
Your missing context on gofunme returning money and the part where government was in talks of taxing those who were unvaxxed but denied once protest began, other than that spot on
As someone from Ottawa your spelling of Ottawa triggered me. I don't live in downtown Ottawa but those I know in downtown Ottawa are pissed off. For those that don't know much about Ottawa, it's a boring city(for good or bad). We get protests for sure but they tend to be mild in scope. O'Toole wasn't just sacked because of the convoy but because of his overhanded approach to caucus management and his flip flopping during the last election.
So we're not going to talk about how GoFundMe colluded with authorities and tried to just redirect all that donation money to charities of their own choosing instead of returning it to people? Y'know, before folks caught them at it? And how they weren't or aren't returning the CC processing fees?
Canadian here. Overall, good analysis. One detail: the city state of emergency doesn't really give the city government any new powers - it mostly just expands their ability to procure resources to address the issue. Expansion of powers only occurs when whole provinces or the entire nation declare a state of emergency.
Also "Ottowa"
Ive had 3 vaccines and support vaccines, however I oppose any mandates, because where does it stop,
I'm not opposed to things like needing a vaccine to fly or a negative test , but mandate just opens a flood gate to a scary world.
I've lost two people to covid and no how bad it is, but personal freedom, unless it truly endangers others shouldn't be taken away. Even if we don't agree, a good democracy allows for contention due to the fact there will be people with opposite views
@@owenbillo5513 It's near Lundum. That's in Angland.
I would also add that TLDR missed that Teamsters Canada, a labor union that represents truckers in Canada has also condemned the protests saying that the convoy has served to "delegitimize the real concerns of most truck drivers today"
@@olibob203 With personal freedom comes responsibility. Most have ignored that concept. In a broad sense, I have some of your same concerns now that the vaccine is widely available.
I live in Canada this is the most factual unbiased coverage there has been so far. Thank you.
What sad is how independent media cover this the convey is full of neo-nazi, fascist, and racist and most people don't support them even truckers
@@USSAnimeNCC- kinda true though, i live in Toronto, and almost nobody supports it here, it just seems they want to drag this hell bit more longer. Everyone is tired
The MSM coverage of it is pure character assassination. Lets be honest, there hasn't been fair and unbiased coverage of protests since before Occupy Wallstreet. If your protest/riot is supported by gov/media, they'll sing your praises. If it's critical of government and media interests then you'll be slated as being the return of the Nazis and a far right movement comprised of racists.
@@USSAnimeNCC- there is 0 evidence of this. What the hell are you talking about?
@@stormstriker2000 if they are successful Trudeau will be gone and that's worth it.
With regards to the vaccine mandate, I think you might have missed the part that US has a mandate that you must be vaccinated to enter the US from Canada.
So, if the Canadian truckers weren't vaccinated, they wouldn't be able to cross the border anyways, and it also means they wouldn't have to legally quarantine for 14 days either, because they never left Canada.
Yeah, it's hypocritical how the media leaves this out
The truckers never had to follow that rule, it’s for everyone else up until Jan 15th
Yeah there is a lot of exceptions to the USA vaxx mandate. My GF sends regularly workers to USA, some of them not vaccinated and they often were able to get through without quarantine. I don't know specifics but I know it happened. I am guessing that essential worker thing was at Play.
Don't even try to uphold this via the US where people are fighting rights violating, unscientific and fascist Biden mandates. Not as effectively, obviously! ❤️🇨🇦
@@dawnclabaugh3598 you obviously don't know what fascism is.
This has to be the most American thing I’ve ever seen, and it’s not even in the US.
That's because the "freedom convoy" is financed and motivated by right-wingnuts in the USA. It's not Canadian, it's another illegal American invasion. One would think that after three failed tries (1775, 1812,1870), the Americans would give up.
@@allanlank anyone who wants freedom is a right wing. Didn’t see anyone protest when blm loot and burned 50 billion dollars worth of damages
@@allanlank I don’t support the convoy, but let’s be real here, Canada has plenty of our own “right wingnuts”, not everything is CIA conspiracy to take over Canada
Canadian here. This was a solid analysis of the situation. Great video TLDR!
the greater issue is the exposure of the CBC as FAKE NEWS
Better than even independent media like man the convey is full of fascist and racists and they been lying all the time about their numbers, about how natives Americans support them when natives Americans don't out side a few also they stolen stuff form them also lied how much truckers in Canadian support them and some of them threaten women as in they'll sexually assutle them if they don't listen to them this movement is full of awful people
This was still biased and leaning towards CBC information.
Canadian here also from Toronto. Other than a few mistakes, I agree with you that this is an overall great video explaining the situation. Will definitely share this video with my foreign friends!
No it wasn't. This was a total misread of this whole protest thing. Pure Trudeau news release.
There is a hugely unfortunate trend of relatively reasonable protests being highjacked and becoming unacceptably extreme. I think it's a combination of extremists wanting to latch on to any even remotely relatable protest, and those in opposition to the stance of the protesters wanting to push public sentiment away from the protestors. It makes me feel that protests are an overly risky way to push for political change since it's too easy to twist them into something terrible.
They were their form the start the thing is how they haven't done anything about it which make me think they're are supportive of neo-nazi and confederate supporters why have their been no push back or call outs
This report was highly inaccurate. It hasn’t been extreme at all. I’ve watched 60 hours of live streams and the only extreme has been on the side of the government.
I think its good for the human race for such divided views to exist. Natural selection will take care of whos wrong because they will naturally get wiped out, whether it be the unvaccinated as science and stats say or whether it be from "toxic/forced vaccines is bad" says only these protesters. Let nature decide
It has already been shown that at least one of the neo nazis was working hand in hand with Justin Trudeaus photographer. If you watch the Livestreams its downright hilarious, Canadians even protest in the nicest and friendliest way imaginable. The authorities need to find a reason to shut it down and if there is np reason they will create one. It was the same in Melbourne, instigators were put in the crowds to try to create trouble so the police could attack. The completely unreasonable level of violence from the police and absurd reporting from the media will hopefully one day put a lot of them behind bars.
Dude there always will be few guys with swastikas, if you have few Nazis in Canada it doesn't me that the whole country is Nazi.
This coverage is better than I expected after the federal election coverage and I appreciate that there’s been an effort towards improvement. However, still a couple things to add (and I acknowledge that some of this probably had to be cut for time, but it’s still worth noting).
With O’Toole, it’s wrong to imply that he was ousted because of the convoy - he’s been a poor leader generally, and most of that comes down to trying to play both sides of his party. Canada’s Conservatives come from a merger of the centre-right Progressive Conservatives and the right-wing Reform/Canadian Alliance, and trying to keep both sides of that happy is an ongoing challenge. O’Toole failed to make any meaningful gains in the 2021 election, and couldn’t seem to make up his mind about what kind of Tory he is. His leadership campaign was about how he was a “true blue conservative” who “wanted to take Canada back” and he was very much so characterized as the solidly right-wing Reform/Alliance candidate in opposition to Peter Mackay as the PC candidate and Derek Sloan as the far-right candidate - but he couldn’t keep his perception straight from there on out, trying to seem like a modern, progressive party in some instances while veering wildly to the right on others, seemingly largely based on polling. The real death blow came a couple months back, though - O’Toole agreed to unanimous consent with the Liberal minority government on a bill that would ban conversion therapy in Canada, something many in his caucus opposed. He effectively waited until they were all out of Ottawa and then they rushed it through, and many of those pro-CT MPs are the ones who led the charge against O’Toole.
It also would’ve been good to touch on who the organizers of the convoy actually are; that’s been a major point of contention when it comes to discussing the intent of the convoy and it really matters. Organizers include long-time infamous folks like Pat King as well as executive members of far-right extremist parties like the Maverick Party, who call for western Canada’s independence.
Lastly, it would’ve been worthwhile to mention the Coutts border crossing blockade. Alberta - historically the most conservative-friendly province of Canada - has seen a lot of pushback against its United Conservative government, and discord within the government caucus. Along with the general convoy, a major US-Canada border crossing was blockaded at Coutts - and despite being objectively illegal, it’s been allowed to continue Multiple former UCP MLAs who were expelled for opposing Premier Jason Kenney participated in the convoy in one form or another, and at least two current UCP MLAs (one of whom I believe is in cabinet but don’t quote me on it) joined the blockade at the border. Kenney faces dismal polling numbers and will likely lose power in 2023, his government is collapsing around him, and he will be facing a leadership challenge this spring - so in a desperate bid to win back some points, he acquiesced to the demands of the blockade. This has primarily involved moving the end of Alberta’s vaccine passport system (called the Restriction Exemption Program) from “sometime in March” to “end of February” to “early this week”. Obviously nobody can see the future, but given that the convoy moved to blockade another border crossing in Ontario shortly after this proved successful in Alberta, it’s unlikely that this will improve the situation.
Excellent additional points. The UCP (and Kenny especially) is in a lot of trouble. To be fair, it's an extremely difficult situation for an Alberta government to navigate a pandemic that requires heavy-handed government control. Kenney tried to play the middle ground (and did relatively well IMO) but ended up flip/flopping a few times and failed on the messaging side. Even without that it's difficult to imagine a scenario where Kenney wouldn't be vilified one way or another. He could have listened to his base and imposed virtually no restrictions but that would have likely lead to a collapsed health-care system and he would have been hated for that as well.
Compare this to BC where the voters lean more to the left and the NDP is doing really well politically, despite having somewhat similar policies and outcomes as Alberta.
Ontarian here, thank you for all that, I didn’t know half of it.
The information in this reply would have made the report much more accurate. However a major point missing in most media coverage now is that the main organizes published a manifesto where they declare their intentions are to remove Parliament and arrest the Prime Minister. Our government would then be the leaders of the occupation, that would rule with the Govenor General (an appointed Queens representative) and the Senate (also an appropriated body). They would then over turn the constitutional divisions of power with the provinces. Because most mandates they are angry at are provincial laws (i.e. one can't go into a pub in some Provinces if you are not vaccinated) the others are pandemic health related restrictions a provincial responsibility. The federal border mandates are reciprocal with the US. No Canadians can cross a land boarder with America without being vaccinated. So the restrictions on getting back in are not a real issue if a Canadian can't leave the country is it. This convoy and occupation is largely a gathering of a wide range of our nations right-wing movements, separatis, white nationalist, radical conservatives, the Christian Right, Trump supporters etc. What ties them together is they don't believe in medicine when it comes to vaccines and they hate the Prime Minister whose party they didn't vote for. If they were Muslim occupiers demand the removal of our government they would be prosecuted as terrorists.
Pretty fair coverage with polls to back up statements. Impressed.
@@sacksis That is not true, all the polls that I have seen for both the federal and provincial elections for the past few years were pretty accurate!
@@sacksis even in the US most pollsters were accurate. Especially nationwide. The problems start when a few thousands votes in key states can completely change the election results because of the electoral college system. There were some slight outliers like Florida and Ohio, but still within the margins of errors of the most widely accepted pollsters.
@@sacksis pretty sure the polling was almost spot on this past election, the election results were almost the same between 2019-2021 and the polling for both elections are incredibly close.
Thanks TLDR. Would love to see more Canadian coverage.
yah he should go over the strange way Trudeau won the PM of the country despite having essentially no political background.
As a note, in Canadian politics it's normal for a sitting PM who lost an election to resign their party leadership role and walk off into the sunset. They had to pick a leader from whoever was left. Rona Ambrose was only an interim leader until an election could be held for the position
*edited to remove a wrong assumption*
Harper didnt lose his seat btw he resigned some time in 2016. Calgary Heritage is a solid Tory seat. Ambrose was picked via a caucus vote and then grassroots picked the leader in May 2017.
@@mohamedabdourahman9845 I could have sworn that he also lost his riding and it flipped. But yeah, looks like he just resigned.
@@A_Vicious_T-Rex it's fine the Tories did lose Calgary Skyview and Calgary Center though in that election.
Harper never lost his own riding
@@MichaelSmith-ub3ek yes, that was mentioned previously
32% support doesn't sound like a lot but it was enough to get Trudeau elected.
Support is a lot higher than that, it's the question that was slanted. The truckers themselves have been demonized in the media so the fact that you ask people if they support them and still get a third of the population saying yes is very telling. A more interesting poll was when Canadians were asked about the specific points the truckers are protesting about, without asking about support for the truckers. That poll showed 54% of the population shared the same views as the truckers. Considering 54% is a significantly higher portion of the population then any political party in recent memory has garnered in an election, it seems pretty dangerous to describe the majority of the population as a radical Fringe.
Trudeau won through a coalition, he didn't win through a majority. In his coalition he had over 60%
@@jeopardized9293 You are either ignorant or not a Canadian. There was no coalition, the Canadian government is based on the Westminster model and the Liberals presently have a minority government. One of the many in Canadian history.
@@allanlank a minority government with 3 parties that almost always vote in the favor of the liberals. Also pre 2021 they did have a coalition.
@@jeopardized9293 A coalition exists when members from more than one party hold "cabinet" positions. Canada has never had a coalition government.
It should be noted that Erin O'Toole removal was a culmination of growing dissatisfaction among the more socially conservative parts of the conservative party. Stemming mainly from Erin O'Toole endorsement of banning conversion therapy
I don't know why everybody keeps bringing up conversion therapy, O'Toole lost most of his support for supporting the vax mandate.
@@Nukestarmaster Just people inserting the LGBT stuff where it was never relevant, it mostly had to do with O'Toole endorsing most of the stuff the truckers are against
For international viewers, the vaccine mandate for truckers is of federal jurisdiction, whereas most health restrictions are mandated by provincial governments. The commonplace mask and immunization record measures that some are protesting have very little to do with the federal government, and each province has taken more or less cautious approaches to public health restrictions.
i hope this gets more upvotes.
Can u explain to me tho y truckers need a vax mandate? Their whole job consists of sitting in a cab alone for long hours at a time, they're probably among the least likely types of employment in which there is substantial risk of covid transmission (contrast this with vax mandates for healthcare workers, which the US supreme court said was constitutional because they get federal money and some people are likely to suffer if hospital workers who don't have the vax have an increased risk of covid transmission to already sick individuals).
@@Ryan_Alwi Everyone else already has to get vaccinated to cross the border. The case here is that the exemption is being lifted and truckers now have to follow the same rules. Presumably the federal government waited until the vast majority (80-90%) of truckers were vaccinated before removing the exemption.
Note that the protest has very little to do with truckers at this point. It's morphed into more of a general populist protest again anything related to Covid (and beyond in many cases). The point the commenter is making is that while the federal government is responsible for cross-border vaccination requirements, they have almost no control over other Covid related restrictions.
The video also should have mentioned that these protests are occurring in most major cities to some extent, though not every day. In fact, pretty much every Covid measure has been met with protests in most cities.
No price gouging during a crisis 2yrs , where is the mandate on that ??????
@@guysumpthin2974 The government did act in a number cases early in the pandemic against true price gouging when people were hording and reselling. Companies slowly raising fuel prices, food prices, etc because of global supply issues and increased monetary stimulus is not gouging.
Should those companies just sell their products at a loss for 2 years? Widespread price controls are the kind of thing populist dictators do to appease their citizens.
As a non-Canadian, regarding that Nazi imagery: in my country (Turkey) terrorist imagery in protests are used by government to do propaganda against protests. It's actually very easy. You pay some people to join a protest, then they wave some offensive flag or shout offensive slogans to discredit the protests. I don't know if Canadian government does that, but it's a very efficient and popular way for a government to discredit a protest. Modern equivalent of false flag operation. Also, sometimes this happens naturally. An idiot, by their own free will, joins a protest with offensive flags/slogans and the government and media immediately uses this to discredit the protest. Again, I'm not saying that this tactic was used in this protest, but you should know that this is a possibility before speaking about protests.
Also, "follow the science" made me burst into laughter. That sentence just sounds like this "science" is some kind of a religion, rather than science we all know and love.
You're right but leftist media such as this channel will take that one guy holding the Nazi flag to dismiss the entire movement
Totally agree! I’m Canadian here and nobody in their right mind wants to sympathize with swastikas or the likes that we’ve seen and there are video recordings of people with Confederate States of America flags all covered head tot toe so they cannot be identified and were being harassed by the entire crowd for their pooor choice in flag. They are definitely on government payroll to destroy the freedom convoy
@Neil Peters You missed my point.
False flags operation are very common in politics and may take place in every country. From most autocratic to most democratic.
Most notable examples of this are Reichstag Fire by Nazis (autocratic) and Levon Affair by Israel (democratic). Nazis set fire to Reichstag (German parliament) and then blamed it on Socialists to be able to purge them and establish a one-party dictatorship. Israel, on the other hand, planned to attack US citizens in Egypt disguised as Egyptians to worsen US-Egypt relations, but Americans found out. Canuck letter is also an example as a civilian usage of it in a democratic country (US)
Also, even if it's not a false flag operation, you can't deny how media abused selective exposure by highlighting a single person that carried a fascist flag.
@Neil Peters You can be right, the only things I know about this protest is what social media algorithms show me online, at the end, and I didn't make a full research on this particular protest.
But I know how democracies work in countries like Canada, US, Germany, etc. and things like free press and democracy, sometimes, become illusions. At the end, most of the "free" press are owned or funded by billion-dollar companies, which have their political agendas. And even if some journalists actually do their job as they should, platforms like Google, Twitter and Facebook take care of them. It's just, these things aren't as obvious and as much as it is in countries like mine, or countries like China and Russia which are even worse.
In Nigeria, on October 2020, there were protests against police brutality (search for #ENDSARS) and we saw images of government-sponsored agents infiltrating the protest ground in a bid to make it look violent and discredit its true purpose.
I agree with what you're saying.
What's also interesting about the conservatives kicking out O'toole is that, according to polls, most conservatives don't agree with the truckers either. 56% of conservative voters responded in that poll you mentioned that they had ''little in common'' with the truckers. The only Canadian party where the majority of voters agree with the truckers is the Popular Party. So basically he got kicked out for taking a stance that most of their electors agree with anyway. Frankly, I don't think the conservatives are gonna be able to come back from this. They're never gonna be able to win back the more radical wing of their party from the Popular Party and kicking out O'Toole for something they agreed with just proved to the moderates wing of the party that most of the leadership of the conservatives are getting too radical for them.
I think you mean to say People's Party rather than Popular Party. People's Party is the official English name of the "Parti populaire"
To be fair to the Conservative caucus (which is difficult for me), the caucus' issue with O'Toole is much more than just the trucker issue.
He flip-flopped during the election, causing them (in the caucus' view) to lose the election, and they feel he didn't take responsibility for it.
And from media reports, it seems that his speech to caucus before the vote really pissed some of them off. He didn't take responsibility and even attacked some members of caucus who he believed were behind the vote. That's why he lost so badly.
I think that poll says very little… Not having much in common does not mean condemnation, nor does having something in common with them mean support…
It's interesting that similar thing happened here in Brazil in 2017. A truck strike happened against our president in that time and both the left and old right didn't support them. The only candidate that support them was the far right candidate Bolsonaro that, well, won the election of 2018.
O'Toole ran on a more centrist platform, which is traditionally the best way for the Conservatives to win an election in Canada. However, the People's Party took enough of the vote to arguably cost them the election. I agree with your analysis that the Cons moving further to the right, especially on social issues, basically ensures that they won't win an election. They're placating the loudest of their base which is only ~20% of Canadians at best. They may not lose a lot of Conservative voters but they certainly won't be gaining from the Liberals or NDP. The Liberals should have an easy time of the next election as long as they don't stray any more to the left (which is entirely possible) or have a major scandal driving voters to the NDP.
Personally, I'm right in the middle politically and I'd be on the fence choosing between the current Liberal government (which is a fair bit left of the norm for them) and past Conservative ones. But I just can't accept many of the current Conservative ideological beliefs. IMO, they've taken too much influence from the modern Republicans.
3:53 let’s see an upsidedown Canadian flag with a swastika and some writing on which cannot be understood due to poor resolution
We’ve got two options
1 : all the truckers are Nazis
2 : they are comparing the Canadian government to Nazis
Option 2 is not much better though, “uses Nazi imagery and comparisons lightly and poorly” is surely less worrying than “is themselves a fascist” but it’s still an indictment of the kind of person who joined the protest
Can you guys please cover the upcoming Korean Presidential Election? It's a huge deal here and I haven't seen a ton of international coverage.
Interesting! I wasn t even aware of such an election which should be quite important on a world stage. Especially considering South Korean economic and cultural influence, in addition to its geopolitical cituation. Such a vast subject really deserves a video! (PS:sorry for bad spealling)
It is against the mandare, most of the truckers are vaccinated. What is anti science about that?
A bunch of Finnish people tried to replicate this last Friday, but it turned out as maybe a single truck, a couple cars parked neatly and a couple thousand people drinking and singing the first verse of the national anthem and then kindly leaving when the police told them "hey pls leave" and the next days continuation of the "protest" was a couple hundred people drinking and grilling sausages.
Its official, finns love alcohol
@@outerspace7391 Yep, I watched some live streams from the protesters during the time they were told to disperse and every other one had a cheap store brand lager can in hand. Mind, in the telegram group of thousands of members they were promising to take down the government.
Ah, Finland.
While I have seen more concerning Nazi imagery in the protests, the specific images you keep pointing to in this feels more like they are calling the current government Nazis (i.e. flag upside down replaced with a swastika, using SS in reference to Trudeau).
flag was upside down, but these sily linoes on them were svistikas, not proper ones. No real nazi will draw them this badly. It's their sacred symbol, you always draw it properly.
Even if there were a few actual swastikas I don’t think that would accurately represent the whole group, protests like these attract all kinds of people even the worst kinds. When BLM protests were happening in the US some people were flying the hammer and sickle flag, as someone who went to those protests I can assure you I’m not a communist, nor is anyone I knew there yet it attracted people from this extreme ideology, even so I don’t think that detracts from the message of the overall protest. The same logic can be applied to these truckers.
If you see swastikas or godamn Confederate flags the left will say that these working class truckers are nazis or racists (which they are trying to do rn) and that they'r peaceful civil disobedience is a threat but those are just bad actors like there were bad actors in BLM protests but the difference is BLM soon started to go violent and started to protest along side with a terrorist organization which is ANTIFA, but these protest are working class people telling their government to stop their authoritarian overreach.
Was it meant to be a swastika? It didn't look like one and is definitely a "Hail Hotler" (a swastika drawn so badly that the drawer seems to have suffered a recent traumatic head injury) if that's what they meant.
Truckers and like minded individuals could have voted out Prime Minister a few month ago - General Federal Election
I must remind you that more people voted for the conservatives than voted for the liberals, for the 2nd election in a row
@@CultureCrossed64 So what? More people vote for Hillary than Trump. If Canada had proportional representation like Germany, both the Liberals and Conservatives would have lost seats. The NDP who I would like to remind you lean further to the left than the Liberals would have more than doubled their seat count. In other words, if you are complaining that the Liberals lost the popular vote, just remember that had there been a more proportional system, the Conservatives would have even fewer seats and the entire parliament would have leaned further to the left as the NDP would have more influence. Clearly, if Truedau is politically shrewd, he would not yield to the demands of the Truckers as they clearly do not form his voter base and have the support of only a minority of Canadians. It is what it is, regardless of which side you are on.
I just want to point out that regardless of your views on the Convoy, 32% support is not a "fringe minority". That support would basically be enough to form an official opposition in Canada's House of Commons if they all voted for the same party.
Not how that works. If you get 32% of the vote in every county, you get zero seats. To get seats you need to have specific counties where you are a majority opinion. Might have some in the prairies but it's always going to be a fringe movement.
You don't need to be the majority in any individual riding. You just need a plurality in that riding. In a 4-5 way race, 32% would easily get a plurality in many, many ridings.
The bigger point they missed is that polls show that 54% of the population have exactly the same views as the truckers towards the mandates, it's all about how you phrase the question. The truckers have been falsely accused of being extremist nuts instead of the peaceful protesters they actually are, so the fact that 32% of the population still claim that they support them despite those false accusations is really telling. So by asking people if they support the truckers you get a very different answer than if you ask if they support all the same things that the truckers stand for. I must say that this reporting from tldr was much better than I expected given their usual very left-wing stances, but it still followed much closer to the left-wing talking points, and the reality on the ground. The reality is that there has been no violence at all, not mostly peaceful, completely peaceful. There were two examples of people carrying racist flags, in the first example the protesters themselves immediately escorted the person out, and in the second example they set up a reward to try to identify who the person was. It was also interesting to note that in both cases those particular people were masked, and those were the only masks that we've seen so far. It would be easy to suspect that those people were planted. And while there was an incident of some minor graffiti on a memorial, what is being reported is that the protest organizers have since cleaned and polished the memorials in the area, and established 24-hour security around them. They've also been picking up garbage in the area, and overall the crime rate in the city has gone down, not up during the protest.
Protests, even successful ones, rarely enjoy majority support. If 1/10th of Canadians had "a lot in common" with the truckers there would be little cause for concern, but 1/3 can win an election. That's nothing to sneeze at, and genuinely mortifying from a position of wanting to hold the moderate middle. Communication about covid hasn't been perfect and neither have mandate policies, but that such a volume of people have made policy misfires on suggesting people get too many vaccines a big issue for them is alarming, given literally everything else matters more. Similarly wrt inflation, given it's mostly supply chain related, it's unclear what anyone would even be protesting. Maybe deficit spending, but this amounts to ending necessary stimulus and severing spending that saves lives for literally no benefit because it's not like penny pinching is going to pump natural gas our of the ground or have anything to say about ships in China. Drives me nuts.
Protests are meant to be disruptive, they are key to holding the government accountable. From the black lives matter to the freedom convoy. Protests can also be infiltrated by rioters that destroy private properties, and that's fine as the police are there to arrest them, and they can file for the writ of habeas corpus if they're wrongfully detained.
For real. The original policy just seems like a regular authoritarian-left power trip you get from the east. Poor people are struggling to eat, and rich politicians only care about their virtuous fight against a deadly plague that isn't so deadly anymore.
It's far worse than that 32% quoted here, 54% of the population wants an end to all mandates. The fact that only 32% claim to support the protest just shows how successful the lies in the media have been a demonizing the peaceful protesters.
The "supply chain" issues that cause inflation are linked to Covid restrictions.
I think the one thing you missed here is the American contingent. Many donations, and I've heard reports that even some of the organisers are American. This isn't to say there aren't Canadians who are involved or that they're not legitimate, but when you have so much ambiguoity and you have American politicans talking about it, and you have a Texas representative saying that he will get justice for Texas Donors, as if it's at all okay for Americans to donate to political campaigns in a seperate sovreign country, makes it really hard to take it as anything other than foreign interference.
There is also the fact that this border mandate was agreed on by the US so both countries bring in similar mandates at the same time, so any unvaccinated Canadian trucker would be required to quarantine entering the United States. I believe they have different laws for American citizens, though I haven't double checked, but again, that brings into, is this an issue to Canadians or to Americans.
And maybe this is controversial, but I don't think people who aren't citizens or residents of Canada have the right to protest our government.
Also another thing is where the money going I don't think no one in the convey answer what they'll do with it
I agree with everything apart from the last paragraph, those people pay taxes as any other citizen with less rights than an citizen. They have the right to protest, they contributed as much if not more working abroad in Canada than the citizens. It is problematic if someone is denied the right to protest in a democratic society, even if those who are manifesting doesn't have the right to vote.
Edit: More over its the only way they have to organize politicaly, so its not surprising to see them assembling to participate in this way.
Before the last couple of years I'd have said that you're correct, but after the wave of foreign support, donations, and involvement in domestic protests in America (obviously you probably didn't have anything to do with that, nor necessarily Canadians, I'm just saying in general) I can definitely see why Americans would want to return the favor with things they agree with
@@hostedbysimples Imagine the US media reaction if Canadian truckers were trying to shut down Washington, using money donated from Canadian right wing politicians and far right extremists.
@@hostedbysimples I said residents or citizens, which means anyone with a legal right to be in Canada and reside/work in Canada, I didn't intend to exclude anyone who pays taxes or is otherwise actually a member of Canadian society. My point was about Americans who are only American (or other country) citizens who have no legal president in Canada. Truckers who cross the border regularly are going to be a bit of a grey area there, but I was primarily thinking of people who donated money who are not crossing the border as part of their job, and American politicians.
Edit: Also an American Trucker or other person who's job involves them crossing the border, but is hired in and based in the US will not be paying Canadian income taxes. The only Canadian taxes they will pay are normal sales taxes on goods bought in the country, the same that tourists pay. Unless their base of work is in Canada they will not be considered Canadian for the purposes of taxation.
Canadian here and former Ottawa resident. Overall, good reporting and well balanced. What was missed though is that although the original purpose was to protest the mandate imposed on truckers, removing it makes no difference. The US imposed a similar mandate effectively barring unvaccinated truckers from entering, so removing the Canadian one is a moot point. Second, the vast majority of the mandates currently in place are at rhe provincial level. Other than the restrictions in place to enter Canada in general, everything else was put there by provincial premiers. This means that they should be protesting in Toronto and discussing with Premier Ford, who has been pretty absent up until recently. Third, the impact on local residents and business has been devastating. There have been multiple reports harassment, some violence and most recently, attempted arson of a nearby apartment complex. Lastly, there have been reports that donations being made have been coming in from the US which I have a huge issue with. Interference from a foreign country in our internal affairs is unacceptable, if the reports are true, they need to butt out and stay in their lane
Plenty of donations for blm riots came from canada...
@Caiden You're comparing a movement for racial equality with a movement that has flat out stated it wanted to remove/overthrow the sitting government. That's not even remotely close to being the same
@@travelguy1179 Acting like CHAZ never tried to rebel
@@travelguy1179 "Let's compare the most innocent side to the most extremist side"
@Caiden I simply commented on one group, you decided to bring up BLM as a comparison. When you're done trolling, let me know.
Once this protest got hijacked, then its already more than certain that its going to be backfired to those truckers and anyone that supports it.
It wasn't hijacked. There were 2... just 2 guys with naughty flags that were booed out of the protest.
Media: It's a Nazi rally!
Exactly, its just a police provocation.
The Truckers union of Canada is against them. Their own people turned against them. Lol.
@@LordCoeCoe The truckers "union" is a group of the largest corporate shipping companies that extorted their drivers to get vaccinated or get fired. They do not represent private owners/operators.
In other words, is a trade association, not a workers union.
@@gungan5822 t. right-wing extremist
Pretty decent overview from an outsider. There are a few additional things to note. There are additional sister protests in most major cities in Canada. They are also losing a large amount of any sympathy people had by constantly blasting their horns on the trucks (very loud commercial truck horns) for nearly 24hr/day (in the worst cases) in densely populated areas.
For some more political nuance, these protesters are mostly a part of the larger conservative populism that has been sweeping the western world for the past decade. The right in Canada has fractured into 2 camps, the traditional Conservative party and the new populist People's Party which failed to gain any seats in the recent election but did take a fair amount of votes from the Conservatives, possibly costing them the election (helped along by the poor performance of the left-leaning NPD). The now-ousted leader of the Conservatives tried to run a more centrist platform which was heavily criticized by the ever more right-leaning base and the reason for his firing.
I'd personally estimate that about 25% of the population holds a smattering of these "far-right" views and is vehemently anti-Trudeau similar to the polarization in the US where they opposed anything he does regardless of what it is. This could be the wakeup call to the rest of Canada that we need to listen to these people before we drive them further into the fringe.
For the next few years and probably into the next election (~2025) this division of traditional conservatives and neo-conservatives will likely keep the Liberals in power. I'm really hoping that the irrational populism dies down and we can return to more reasonable politics before the right gets their shit together and we get a Trump-esque government. We'll see who gets nominated to run for the Cons. Really hoping not Kevin O'Leary who is basically a smarter version of Trump.
I imagine you just love to hear yourself talk don't you?
I think Kevin O'Leary would have too much baggage to run, given that boating accident with his wife.
Where do you live? You have been truly brainwashed by the woke and neoliberalism. People protesting want their freedom back (yes, our freedom was taken away and most sold it for an experimental drug) and they clearly stated they don't want to be involved with any political parties. Our society would operate much better if we wouldn't constantly judge people based on their political beliefs. Live and let live.
@@Asuram23 utter lies
@@righthandstep5 How is that lies?
You forgot to talk about th 24-7 nonstop truck horns blurring that are a legitimate concern for damaging hearing, lack of sleep and mental health concerns. Not so peaceful as the entire downtown core and many residential areas and a university have essentially needed to be shut down or evacuated. Pure madness.
Just get some earplugs lol
How is 1/3 a fringe minority!????
Well. It's important to make a distinction between anti-vax and anti-mandate. I'm fully vaccinated plus booster shot, however, I believe that to be my personal decision and thus won't support any mandates.
This is what a lot of people are ignoring. A huge reminder to everyone that the Covid vaccines are still EUA/experimental. Of course it's natural that there are huge pushbacks against mandates. Another one is that Omicron just went to town with anyone it can find regardless of vaccination status. It's highly likely you get natural immunity from it.
Vaccines are supposed to prevent transmission. The likes of polio, smallpox vaccines have done their job and it took how many years of R&D it took for it to be effective? Mandates are wrong and are infringing on God-given freedoms. If something happens to you in the event the side effects of the jab kicks in, will the government take care of you and your family's expenses? They're protected by that stupid waiver. So, yeah. Think again. Vaccine manufacturers and govt are not liable for anything.
And finally, just because someone is against Covid vaccines does not make one an anti-vaxxer. It's more of pro-choice and informed consent. If it's really working as intended, it should not be forced upon anyone.
Polls show that 54% of the population want an end to all mandates at this point. So to claim that only 32% support the truckers shows that more than 20% of the population has bought into the lies being spread by the media about the protest.
@@Green__one or that they re;ate to being anti mandate but not so much o being pro-economy disruption
Wish the video mentioned that the truckers have caused endless noise in Ottawa and have harrased people there too. A court injunction had to be filed to get them to stop their incessant noise. People in residential areas couldn't sleep.
Noise!? Oh no! And I'm sure the people being "harrassed" did NOTHING to bring it onto themselves. LMAO
@@DeadSetOnDestruction And you know setting apartment building on fire. But you know, that's just proud boys being boys. Anyway, how's the weather at Kremlin Igor? Any new incidents you got planned to turn the worlds attention away from Ukraine?
@@DeadSetOnDestruction I don't think you understand how truck horns work. You can't direct truck horns at a single person. And you're in the middle of a city.
@@DeadSetOnDestruction There have been reports of seniors getting harrased and also businesses which displayed pride flags. Sure act like the truckers are innocent in all this.
Protests is always inconvenient, that's the point. Welcome to democracy.
I read the title as "femdom cowboys" omgggg 💀 💀 💀
I read your comment as "femboy conwoys" lmao
yuo got something on ur mind? 🤔
The council emplores you to touch grass
How Canada could stop future trucker rallies: Freight trains…
And sawing its border off with the US to float away to Europe.
The world could also put up a firewall against US media, or more specifically, News Corp.
ask england, maybe you could swap places, you might need to compress the country some what but itm sure that would not be the biggest problem
Classic example of dumb Canadian nationalism. It seems like you can’t fathom that your country has internal problems without in someway blaming it on the US boogieman.
I remember Trudeau giving his 2 pennies worth of advice to our Indian PM on how to handle a protest a few months ago. So right now, I have grabbed my popcorn to enjoy the Canadian Chaos Season 1. 😂
Guess it never worked out how you thought. Maybe he should take the pms two cents. How are the riots going over there anyway?
I don’t fully support this protest but I find it convenient how government and media describe them as tiny to downplay their support. But describe them as massive when talking about their threat and disruption
Well they use trucks… those are a local disruption on their own - even without a convoy.
But in case of national scale those are a completely irrelevant minority.
As a Norwegian, i side with the convoy, even though i don't got a lot of say in Canadian politics, i think Trudeau's comments are frightening.
As a fellow Nordic, agreed. Governments are supposed to listen to protests. Not silence them.
Trudeau hasn't been the best PM, but as a Canadian, I prefer the harsh policies he has (finally) gotten around to implement over Sweden's lack of them early in the pandemic.
@PatchesRips I did not once mention oppression in my three sentences. But to tackle your point. Should we really strive to be like those authoritarian governments? Should we silence opposition and protests? The Canadian government caused this problem and now they must face the consequences. We should not be protecting governments from responsibility…
The tow trucks called to tow the protesting trucks joined the protest upon arrival.
So when will TLDR Canada launch?
3:55 It's good that monetary values are displayed on other currencies for better understanding... but why only GBP? Considering this is TLDR global and not TLDR UK, maybe add some Euro values at least?
Vaxed or lose your job is not informed consent that is why numbers are so high.
Listen, we mandate vaccine for kids to enter the school system. What are these babies whining about?n
There has also been a memorandum circulated by these truckers which called on the governor general and senate to conduct a coup d´etat.
True their were some people who are hoping for a coup and they also spread conspiracy of the government none of it is true
I'd like you to back that up, because last time I checked what they want is a end to the lock down measures impellmented during the Pandemic like mandatory vaccination, vaccination passports ect... only one spreading conspiracy theories and such is Trudeus Government.
Oh, I thought comparisons of this to an insurrection or seige were overblown and just stretching to compare it to the US’s Jan 6th. I guess they’re still festering in Ottawa so there’s always the chance they’ll do something that stupid.
Do you have any evidence of this damning claim?
Canadian here, why would most Canadians say they don’t Identify with the truckers but in other polls most support ending the mandates and all other things the truckers stand for? That’s so stupid
Because Canadians are gay
This has spurned similar protests in numerous countries including Finland, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.
Great video. Two things I would add, the gofundme is being investigated for massive donations from “anonymous donors” in the USA. Likely some government officials. Also though the protests have been peaceful, they have been harassing reporters on site for “not telling the truth” and “being part of the left mob.” In addition, the truckers are constantly blowing their horns through all hours of the night, creating massive disturbances for those living and working nearby
Is there any law against government officials donating to a public fund like that?
In Australia protestors were shouting the same things at the mainstream media reporters because to be frank, they are a bunch of scum that are deliberately trying to misrepresent what they are meant to be reporting.
Fair enough if media was only a corporate entity out to make money, but the press are meant to be the third branch of the democratic system, having them deliberately lie to the public with intent to mislead should be a criminal offence. So when protestors tell them to piss off its because we see them as criminals engaged in a criminal activity.
Gofundme recently canceled donations to the truckers. I find this very hypocritical for an organization that allowed donations to the CHAZ and bailout funds.
There was an incident where protesters tried to set a residential building on fire so not totally peaceful.
@@Jake12220 it’s not illegal afaik, just super sketchy for government officials of one country to be donating or fuelling unrest in another county. It’s a constant problem for the US when Russia or China does the same.
As for the media misleading the public, yeah there are actual laws for that. Stuff that can open you up to lawsuits, fines or license revocation. If you don’t believe in what the media is telling you then fine, but if they are deliberately(or unknowingly) misleading the public, there are avenues available to shut down completely or force them to withdraw those claims or statements if they are actually false. Most countries have checks and policies on media like that, otherwise they’d be able to make up literally anything and pass it off as reality. Which some tabloids do tbh, but fly under ‘satire’ type protections or twist things just enough to technically not lie. Like you telling your wife you didn’t cheat on her with her best friend Cindy. You cheated on her with Brianna. I see Fox News do it all the time.
@@knightshade2654 They reserve the right to cancel any fundraiser as they see fit. Not familiar with the fundraiser tho, but I never trust anything through gofundme, lots of sketchy people set up fundraisers and abscond with the money after making flexible goal targets. Gofundme doesn’t really vet them properly either.
The Freedom Convoy has a point. This is about Trudeau more than the vaccine mandate. Most people protesting are vaccinated.
What's the point?
@@AppleGameification To change the narrative to woo countries that have intelligent life, to pretend it's just a dissatisfaction with Trudeau and is in "no way" related to the vaccine.
Here in Africa, Uganda tried to impose a costly vaccine test for truckers travelling from Kenya's mombasa's port into the landlocked country of Uganda. The truckers protested the heavy cost of covid tests at the border and this led to 70-km long stretch of trucks from the border. Ugandan economy suffered significantly as a result of this stalemate, thus prompting Museveni to scrap off the costly Covid tests.
Yeah true, but Canada is different than Uganda, covid tests are not really pricey here
Seems like a classic example of 3rd world leaders thinking they can just copy 1st world policy without any issues at all.
Similar thing happened in India when they shut down all the trains for "social distancing" which went about as well as you would expect.
@@franekkkkk In the US, if you don’t have insurance a COVID test can cost up to $300
@@williamwade3443 well, the United States is, how trump would phrase it, a shithole. That’s why you guys need public healthcare. That’s what Canada has.
@@franekkkkk it's really dependent on where you live and you're economic status. Trailer park suburban lower class ppl have a harder time getting free covid tests than urban lower class ppl. They're throwing free tests everywhere in Boston on random street corners. We also got that online program to sign up for free tests but it's hard to do that if you're so poor you don't have access to the internet.
Canadian here. Good analysis. I would like to point out that residents of Ottawa have launched a class action lawsuit against the truckers and succeeded in getting a judge to issue an order that does not allow the truckers to honk their horns due to the amount of stress this is causing the locals. To be honest, it looks like the protest has become a 24/7 party that has gotten out of control of the organizers.
That’s good news for us here in the US. We may have grounds for class action lawsuits against the next protests that burn our cities and scare our citizens. Thank you Ottawa residents!
Also a lot of vaccine mandates are enforced at a provincial level so the federal government can't really remove them all anyways
@Olaf Sigurson as they said in the video the us has similar laws so even if the federal government removed all laws regarding border crossing and vaccines there would still be the American laws and most of the footage I've seen is people bitching about vaccines which is not a federal issue.
@@tylerstevenson8085 American laws which Trudeau pressured them into implementing. And, there is substantial opposition on the US side of the border as well.
@@averagebilly yeah I'm sure Trudeau is over here forcing Biden to do what he says regardless of what the people want
@Olaf Sigurson I think most of the protest has evolved into a broad protest against mandates. That specific issue has kinda just blended in with everything else
Ironic is not it...He calls protests in India a celebration of democracy and yet, protests in Canada are called a blockade of it.
How is this in any way shape or form similar to any protests in India? He details in the video that the majority of Canadians disagree with these truckers and they arent doing anything useful. if you had decided to educate yourself you would have know the federal government has no control over provincial mandates and the US government already has law regarding border crossings so these people harassing Ottawa citizens blocking hospitals and roads are doing nothing but throwing a hissyfit that the government won't listen to a minority of a minority which is called being undemocratic
As a Canadian and Ottawa citizen, I wouldn’t agree that this is a generally peaceful protest. The analysis left out the part that the convoyers were honking from morning until night, defecating all over our streets, and has been getting into peoples faces to the point where people of colour, women, and queer folks are afraid to go outside. This will leave many people and pets from the downtown core traumatized. Not the mention the devastating impact this has had on local businesses in Ottawa.
Sounds peaceful to me.
Whenever you get a large group of people protesting there will always be unpleasantness. So long as vandalism and violence is kept to a minimum I'd argue it's a success. Getting thousands of angry people to all act respectfully is just flatout impossible to be honest.
Good, you're a terrible city and you deserve everything that's happening ❤
Oh no! Not people's dumb furbabies. I'm glad your cat got ptsd
thanks for covering this topic! you missed a few parts, like the others in the comments have mentioned but very nice to have this representation! (Also, as a resident of the very city, it's spelt Ottawa, even though it might not be pronounced like that.) I also feel that you missed out on a few points, such as the desecration of the tomb of the unknown soldier (someone danced and pissed on it) and the Terry Fox memorial, who's a national hero.
No they dance they did not pass on it I watch the video One point I did not see anyone defecating on the statue in Ottawa
Sorry pissed
@@LordInquisitor701 there was someibe that pissed on it, he apologized later.
Does Canada have guards or something for their tomb? In the US if someone tried that they'd probably get shot
@@levitschetter5288 its not a tomb, it's a statue in front of parliament. We have guards for the tomb of the unknown soldier, but the last time something happened a man shot a guard and ran into parliament with a gun and was killed
I heard that the people in the convoy are not only Canadians, but that some Americans (from USA) joint them to make the convoy bigger.
Interesting. I heard that the convoy was mostly Americans with only a small minority of Canadian truck drivers who had their initial protest usurped.
GoFundMe stopping the funding of the Truckers due to a fringe minority is so hypocritical when it and other platforms allowed for BLM to not be de platformed for the destructive actions of a fringe minority.
Not even picking a side here, besides saying GoFundMe is in the Wrong.
@Anonymous The video said that they breached GoFundMe's terms and conditions - nothing to do with destruction of property.
@@crose7412 I would care to argue. The terms of service they broke were the same as ones broken by left leaning protests throughout the past few years. More about violence than anything else.
None of them lost GoFundMe support.
The standard is not consistent when it comes defining the entire protest by the actions of a few.
There's one thing an individual being all for vaccines and choosing to get one themselves, there's another thing forcing people who don't want them, when the vaccines were being rolled out there was no talk of a mandate. Rule by the majority is a stupid idea just because most people are pro government dictating doesn't make it right.
Vaccines are designed as a public health tool, not an individual tool. We force kids to get vaccines if they want to access public school and sports….what’s the difference, exactly? Just because a small minority of Canadians are flat Earth antivaxxers who reject science and public health, doesn’t mean the majority have to entertain their delusions.
@@bartwilson2513I doubt that people being pro vaccines means forcing your neighbor to take them, keep in mind the vaccines don't stop you from getting c19 so the only risk anyone who's not been vaccinated is taking is on themselves which makes mandates inadequate , just because people like you want to be a dictator doesn't make it right.
@@random-J They greatly reduce the chances of contracting AND spreading Covid. They are not a personal choice but a public responsibility. If we live in a society together the government exists to ensure that you DON’T have the right to endanger other people’s lives, wellbeing, and liberties.
@@LoudWaffle the Canadian prime minister has been triple vaxxed yet he still got covid so your incorrect on the science but that's not the sad part, the worst part is that you are willing to force your fellow man in doing what they don't want with their bodies something left wingers have been saying for years, "my body my choice" and all over what to "not endanger people's lives" you say, when more than 90 percent of Canada has been vaxxed it should not be an issue if it was it should have only been to the people that are not vaxxed but it isn't so. there's no competent science behind your dictator like talking points. It's hilarious that you actually think you care about others by using force
@@random-J not forced, but if they want to participate in public life, kids get vaccinated. The parents could choose homeschool. They make a choice. Same choice here. Ps. NO vaccine has ever been designed to prevent infection, only to prevent serious disease and death. So, your “point” about the COVID vaccines makes no sense. Vaccines make you less likely to be infected at any given moment, when infected you are infectious for a day or two vs a week for unvaccinated, and that reduces potential for mutation and transmission. Again, according to your definition, we are already dictators because of our school vaccine requirements. Your logic is incredibly shoddy.
The truckers have a right to protest
Canada: Truckers
England: *Heavy Breathing*
Canadian here, born and raised in Ottawa. I think this video does mostly well, but it glazes over the impact this movement has had on downtown Ottawa.
I have a few friends who live in the so-called "red zone" of these protests. None of them have been able to sleep for more than 4 hours per night because of the constant barrage of truck horns (which are much louder than car horns) going well into the night. Not to mention the fireworks, the shouting, etc. It only just stopped yesterday because a court injunction had to be obtained by a local resident. The citizen who started the injunction reports being doxxed and receiving vile harassment and hatred because of it.
Otherwise, many stores in the area have been forced to close since Day 1 of the protest due to unruly crowds, ambulances have been pelted with rocks by protestors, businesses and homes with LGBT pride flags have been vandalized, people who walk downtown with masks on have been intimidated, harassed, bullied, and in some cases physically assaulted. The local councillor representing the area most impacted reports having received "hundreds" of emails from constituents who have suffered negative impacts of the ongoing demonstration. The impact this has had on people living there has been unlike anything Ottawa has seen in recent years.
well said
That edit in 2:41 where you cut to Russel Brand was very strange
Shocked the shit out of me
Just because you are vaccinated, doesn't mean you are pro-vax. Many, many were forced to keep their jobs, and ability to leave.
As a french we have call this a monday
West: Protest in Hongkong, very good.
West: Protest in Canada, very bad.
proud Canadian, born and raised... I stand with the #FreedomConvoy. God bless these blue-collar heroes, standing in the cold for weeks, fighting for our liberty. And no, it's not an overstatement. Everyone has the right to say "no" to anyone 'demanding' you put something in your body. (who instilled these traditional Canadian values? #TheBritishandFrench how do u guys in Europe feel about it?)
100% correct, sir
@@jackass5592 Oh no, terrible people living in Ottawa are being affected. Good
5 opposition leaders since 2013? We've had 4 opposition leaders over the course of the pandemic (Excluding an interim leader as one was ousted without a replacement for trying to smear a former leader who looked poised to try and roll her)
Who's we? UK?
@@joshmorcombe4907 NZ
"Canadian protest results in less disruption than expected for a protest of this size"
"After YOU"
No, after YOU"
I don’t really know what to think of the protest itself but the fact that gofundme revoked their funds is a bit weird seeing as funding for blm was just fine
I get what you mean ( it’s stupid and don’t agree with it) but the people running the go fund me kept change what they said they were going to do with the money. That alone is against go fund me terms of service and people were calling it a scam from the start
They even allowed funds for BLM jail bailouts and the CHAZ, the literal anarchist group that killed two kids.
@Olaf Sigurson you’re right. BLM caused 35 Billion in damages and 30+ deaths. It was way worse than this.
@@reelenz I love it when the Klan gets upset.
@@bartwilson2513 Always the ultra form of intellect, scream racist. No one is jumping at that anymore I’m sorry to break it to you. Have a real conversation and we will see real progress in the world.
I dunno, If the truckers are essential workers and most of them are already vaccinated I don't really see a practical reason to enforce the mandate so heavily.
Well the point of a mandatory vaccination of the population is that those with weak or compromised immune systems including but not limited to; the elderly, HIV patients, diabetic people are better protected from Covid since the vaccine is generally less effective for them. In other words, you get vaccinated to protect other people.
They should have been more enforced to begin with since they are constantly crossing the border. The very small amount of people who are actually truckers in the convoy where getting a special exemption to begin with.
Totally agreed. There is no practical reason to enforce it but there is no practical reason to protest it either. The US still has vaccines mandate for entry. The truckers have to be vaccinated regardless of Canadian government’s decision.
@@bemusedpanda8875 you don't have to tell me that, I got my vaccine a year ago, way before most of the people on the planet for those exact reasons. My point is that if it was not required before, when the pandemic was way more severe and way less people were vaccinated, enforcing it now when the vaccination rate is above eighty, is not going to make those who are less fortunate any safer. Meanwhile, an unvaccinated trucker will have to lose more than a month's worth of income just to have the papers ready. I'd say testing should more than suffice.
@@victording6698 Didn't know that. One might perhaps argue that there is even less of a reason to enforce it and bear the political consequences in that case :D
This was very informative. I live in Vancouver Canada. It's been really hard to figure out what the trucker convoy is about. Our national broadcaster, CBC, seems to cover the one idiot who compares truckers to Jews in the holocaust, or when one protestor is trying to be interviewed, a video bomber cuts in to shout "Lying media", and CBC focuses on the video bomber idiot, so I never heard what the original protester was trying to say. It makes it really hard to have an informed opinion on these protests. Although, I do think that blocking the border is a stupid way to protest that mostly just hurts other ordinary Canadians.
CBC is a joke
Love the non-Canadians spelling Ottawa: Ottowa
Good video, but 32% of the population is hardly a small minority. Clearly, a large (if misguided) segment of the canadian public support this protest convoy.
As people see videos of flags and bouncy castles and people dancing in the streets and then they see newscasts of the mayor calling for troops, they see the disparity and what a farce this government has become. We will be the majority in another week or two. The changes we are hoping for are all falling into place. All we want is a return to the rule of law and for democracy to work again. There's no such thing as free and fair elections when the government controls the media. How about a debate between the public health officials that destroyed our lives and stole our freedoms and a few of the thousands and thousands and thousands of health experts who have stood up to this tyranny to warn us things are going wrong, many of whom were willing to lose their careers and pensions to avoid these deadly shots. It should be very jarring that there has been no discussion of these issues and that we are simply told that something is true and that anything that contradicts it is misinformation. We've gotten to the point where Joe Rogan interviewing a doctor is controversial. Anyone who has a problem with that is completely deranged, out of their mind psychotic. There is absolutely nothing problematic about anyone interviewing any medical professional at any time abnout any subject in any way, at all, period.
@@markagirard6018 ~ Seek counseling.
Ottawa, not Ottowa.
Canadian as well. I definitely agree with others here- generally well-rounded, good info.
One thing, however, and most mainstream media has also missed this so I can't blame you, is that this was never *solely* about vaccine mandates, and is barely about the mandates at all. Indeed, if you look at the leaders' manifesto, or MoU, they are actively calling to be put in control of the country in place of the Liberal government and parliament in general.
It's an attempt to overtake the government that we're all kind of like, waiting for any of our levels of government to actually address? As an Ottawa resident it's a little like living in an alternate reality.
As an American, I always find it hilarious when people on the left call this and January 6 a "siege" and "insurrection", where no one got hurt and there is minimal property damage. But when you bring up the BLM riots of June 2020 and CHAZ, they say they were peaceful protests, even though CHAZ was an attempt to create an actual autonomous state, with actual borders.
@@matthewvanburen6415 So did Officer Brian Sicknick just die randomly in the middle of DC during the 6th? Did Ashli Babbit get shot cause things were so peaceful? You and your folks are delusional if you think what happened last year was as peaceful as the vast majority of BLM protests.
@@dunkelsteinen1747 Also remember the media and Fauci were OK with people violating lockdown to go participate in those "majority peaceful" protests.
It might be pointed out that if you look at the polling numbers for the last election, the liberal party only received about 30 % of the popular vote. Which means that the protest enjoys about as much support numerically as is required to form a minority government in Canada. Specifically, the minority government that is calling the protest a fringe minority. To be fair, not everyone agrees with the protest, but the same argument probably goes for the government. Which really only serves to point out the real problem in Canada: a profound lack of ability among our leaders to build effective and open-eyed public consensus. We used to be able to have referenda on issues such as NAFTA with a 70% margin. Now we are lucky to decide if we want fluoride in the water by a 51% majority. I think we all have some soul searching to do. Modern society effectively runs on consensus and negotiation. It’s currently not running effectively.
Well said.
Most Canadian generally have similar values and are on the same page, the break down of that over issues like this is worrying and might even show a more US style political future in parts of the country
Yeah I’d rather we didn’t have American style politics. :) don’t get me wrong, America is a great country and all, but I’m not a fan of their election cycle.
I don't mind the information on TLDR but I am noticing spelling mistakes more and more often in your programming. It takes away from how thorough you are with these simple mistakes that are overlooked.
who cares
@@Nikolasz1173 shows sloppy journalism. Mistakes can happen but the more it happens the more it shows the lack of attention to detail and that's all it is. It's detail. If you can't get the spelling right how right is your information?
@@DeMaan1988 who cares
I don't know if it matters, since u.s. policy is unvaccinated truckers can't cross over anyway, so even if the Canadian government dropped the requirements, they still couldn't cross the border.
There are religious exemptions in US and even atheists are eligible for those, or a medical exemption.
They passed this because Turdeau pushed it and will probably drop it as soon as we do.
Forcing people to be vaccinated is not ok, governments should encourage everyone to get vaccinated but forcing their citizens is evil
Mandates are encouraging measures not forceful ones. It is not as if the military is going home to home vaccinating everyone.
so you want to stay in a pandamic?
@@TheLux2077 I’m vaccinated and boosted myself buddy, I’m very pro vac actually, still against making such a controversial thing a law
@@KrysFG then why are you crying about the vaccine mandate ?
@@TheLux2077 because it’s a step towards an authoritarian government
I am an immigrant and a Mom, I support 100% our Truckers and all people who are fighting for Freedoms, they are all heroes and the hope of our children. We are standing together, drive safe and stay safe.👍💐🙏🇨🇦
Well if you like freedom so much have a little sympathy for the residents of Ottawa. Basic right have been destroyed by these occupiers.
The graph at 2:25 is incredibly misleading. Saying Canada has “the seventh highest vaccination rate in the world” and then highlighting how they occupy the 7th highest position in the graph would lead one to assume the seven countries underneath occupy the 8th-14th highest position in the world. The United States in nowhere close to being the 14th most vaccinated country in the world. They barely crack the top 50. Just thought that was odd.
It actually is. Get off main stream media. The US is actually decently vaccinated.
@@reelenz when did John Hopkins University of Medicine become the mainstream media.
@@reelenz and for a country like Ireland, who has a higher vaccination rate than the US and is not featured on the graph, are their governments vaccine figures wrong because they’re in cahoots with the mainstream media?
@@cheetos4tito Not sure what you are looking at but I literally just pulled it up again. US is 14th in the world.
@@cheetos4tito Fairly certain the Ireland gets lumped into UK overall rates.
Radicals are complaining that radicals are being radical radically...
How radical of them
As a Ottawa resident, I really appreciate you guys making this, and how unbiased it was. We just want our city back, it’s been closed and destroyed by extremists that are clinging onto the protest with no relation to the actual convoy, which most people have left from.
1/3 of the country aren't extremists. It's the left who refuses to listen to these people, treats them like children and offers no timelines. The pandemic is destroying their lives right now and liberals are more worried about hypothetical deaths in the future. The cure is worse than the disease and you can't see it because you've been lucky. -A triple vaxxed NDP voter
@@apoc519 don’t get me wrong, they’re not ALL extremists by any means and I support people protesting 100%! but the genuine truckers and i’m sure they’re a lot of them have been completed undermined by people who’s are destroying my city because they hate the government, it is not our fault that this is happening.
@@lsavtrr They protest area is cleaner then the rest of the city and you're kind of proving my point assuming they want to be there? They don't hate the government, they are DESPERATE for help.
@@lsavtrr You sound like an extremist.
@@apoc519 He didn’t say 1/3 of the country. He said a minority that have attached themselves to the protest.
Just amass the mounties and give them 1 final warning to disperse, if they dont then arrest everyone.
Enjoy the empty grocery stores because you destroyed your supply chain because you have to jail anyone who disagrees with you. What a terrible country!
I think its sad that mandates are required at all. Too many people brainwashed by online memes about vaccines causing autism a few years ago, are now becoming extremely vocal in defence of thier "freedom", while simultaneously denying science and reasoning. In the UK, there has been a large uptick in measles cases, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's linked.
I support vaccines and think every single person who can, should be. But mandates are possibly the worst way to encourage those who are on the fence.
I absolutely agree, people complain about the mandates but don't seem to realize that because of their stupidity there has to be a mandate
Only a brainwashed zombie would worry about the mandate.
Fortunately, they're not contagious to thinking people. I hope that it proves fatal.
@@brandonkobeshchak the mandate is a large reason why they complain. There is a massive amount of people who hate the mandates who are vaccinated. Mandates just result in a fuck-you mentality which then justifies itself through pseudo-science, not the other way around. Sadly the us vs them narrative is supplanted and anti-vaxxing is going to gain increasing popularity as a form of protest against the government, even the old established vaccines could get villainized due to government overreach.
@@hardrada3534 the solution is not to just give in and drop all the mandates. I couldn't even begin to imagine the consequences of that on a global scale, let alone some random hillbilly who follows Trump like he's the second coming of Jesus.
@@brandonkobeshchak Thats exactly what it is(referring to dropping mandates), its growing increasingly unpopular among large groups of people as they see governments preparing for 3rd and 4th doses. The idea of this becoming an overreach of government continues to pick up swing and when that pendulum finally swings back(which it will) there will be radical change in the other direction. The further mandates are pushed, the more the pendulum swings back where it might end up banning vaccine mandates even for vaccines which make sense to mandate.
Like Mr Spark, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one
As a immigrant to Canada I came here to search for freedom not another authoritarian regime.
As a Canadian, I am glad things have remained peaceful but I am dismayed to see that it has happened at all. I absolutely get the frustration with stagnating wages vs increasing inflation, but vaccine mandates for travel aren't exactly new. The fact that is has drawn far-right fringe groups and anti-vaxxers is even more disheartening. At this point, I'm just praying for a peaceful resolution to all this
Don't mix being Pro Vaccination Mandate and being Vaccinated. I'm part of the fully vaccineted popolance but I'm still strictly against a mandate.
Thanks, yes, most of the truckers there are "vaccinated" and they are pissed off because they "did their part" and instead of getting better things got worse. Now we know for certain the injections don't do a darned thing to protect anyone but the person who gets it and that the protection is weak at best and rapidly fading, so there is no rational reason for mandates, at all, whatsoever, period. If you want one, get one, if you don't, any pressure to do so is a crime against humanity and it's sad things are so distorted that a lot of people don't get this. These are the rights our grandfathers fought, bled, killed and died for and we are letting them slip away for fear of a fricking cold. Pretty pathetic.
I’m in Ottawa, the traffic is almost a new layer of quarantine
was waiting for this as a canadian you covered it perfectly
Probably not the first to point out that Ottawa was misspelled in a background wipe. It was spelled Ottowa.
Yeah, we truckers are workers, so we unite!
Major news today in Detroit: Canada-US Ambassador bridge in Detroit shut down due to protests (25% of all us Canada trade goes over that border crossing)
I was fine with it when the truckers had organized solely against the cross-border mandate. I can understand the impact this would have on people's livelihoods. What won't support are the current set of demands that this protest has morphed into. Ending all Covid 19 restrictions and replacing the current elected government with a council is absurd. The protesters have clearly stated that they won't leave until they get what they want. This has crossed a major line. Moreover, the disruptions have a significant problem for the citizens of Ottawa. There are reports of assaults and abusive language at citizens of Ottawa for simply wearing a mask. Everyone has experienced abuse by a minority of people who refuse to do anything to prevent the spread of Covid 19. I have personally been assaulted by an individual and had someone spit in my face for simply doing my duty as a bus driver and asking a person to wear a mask. This trucker convoy has degenerated into a focal point for these kinds of individuals. There is no way to get these people to disperse voluntarily and there is a percentage of them that is prepared to use violence. Armed intervention is necessary. It will take time to deal with some of this compassionately, however, use of force will be required at some point. A large gathering of people willing to resort to violence simply to avoid wearing a mask can not be tolerated.
The only one crossing the line is the government with its fascist mandates
Be as patient and strong as you can be. It is clear from their hooliganism that they are looking for a fight. Don’t give in. Be as clinical as you can when you come up with a solution.
@@cv4809 funny considering the people in these protests support fascists
@@nerdlingeeksly5192 Cowards on government pay roll given socially unacceptable flags, etc. to allow a generalization and vilification of everything it stands for and you’ve been tricked
@@eclements99 I'm pretty sure your the one who's been tricked
I disagree with their protest but being peaceful leave them alone this is what democracy looks like.
I can't comment directly about this as I'm not in Canada, but I am aware that there's going to be a Freedom Convoy across the USA too, so Biden will be dealing with similar soon. Chances are, this is going to manifest in many countries around the world :/
Let's hope so. We're doomed if they don't.
How very democratic, silence all opposition
Your missing context on gofunme returning money and the part where government was in talks of taxing those who were unvaxxed but denied once protest began, other than that spot on
That was the Quebec government, Nice try on trying to blame Trudeau
I won't be surprised if our neighbors to the north would go into a civil war.
As someone from Ottawa your spelling of Ottawa triggered me. I don't live in downtown Ottawa but those I know in downtown Ottawa are pissed off.
For those that don't know much about Ottawa, it's a boring city(for good or bad). We get protests for sure but they tend to be mild in scope.
O'Toole wasn't just sacked because of the convoy but because of his overhanded approach to caucus management and his flip flopping during the last election.
Canadian here as well and you spelled Ottawa wrong.
Spelled? What's the time thingy
So we're not going to talk about how GoFundMe colluded with authorities and tried to just redirect all that donation money to charities of their own choosing instead of returning it to people? Y'know, before folks caught them at it? And how they weren't or aren't returning the CC processing fees?
Aussie here, feels similar to the Melbourne protests from last year