Hey, I'm working on a BBC production and this footage would be so useful for us! I understand I can't put email addresses in the comments here, do you have a faceboook/instagram page where I could get in touch with you? Thanks!
Hi! I'd be happy for you to use this footage, thank you so much for getting in touch. As my account is anonymous, I'm not sure what the best way to proceed is. Perhaps if you have an Instagram account, I can follow and message you on there? I don't have Facebook so that won't be possible. Hope that's ok!
Hey, I'm working on a BBC production and this footage would be so useful for us! I understand I can't put email addresses in the comments here, do you have a faceboook/instagram page where I could get in touch with you? Thanks!
Hi! I'd be happy for you to use this footage, thank you so much for getting in touch. As my account is anonymous, I'm not sure what the best way to proceed is. Perhaps if you have an Instagram account, I can follow and message you on there? I don't have Facebook so that won't be possible. Hope that's ok!
Awesome thank you so much; Cheeky Peaky 22 :)