well first of all pilota is a good pick, but the original biscuit which looks like oreo a bit just older and better i think :D, pötyös is another very good thing, if u have a chance look up some hungarian traditional confectionery we have many biscuits/baked stuff what not sold in simple shops. :)
Bohóc, lottó, szamba... Stay away from them. As a hungarian I have to admit I eat haribo, snickers, kinder, milka mostly.... :/ BUT Sport is one thing i love (most foreigners seem to hate artifical rum flavor tho). Negro means black in latin, it started by an italian man, its been around in hungary since 1920. There are lots of flavors. Csipkebogyó is actually rose hip. Pilóta is a good brand if you want biscuits. Balaton is also old school waffle thing. But they make now Balaton BUMM (bumm means boom, not bum), which is like a lion bar I guess. Boci makes all kinds of chocolate, but most hungarians will prefer Milka probably. If you want quality, fancy chocolate look for Szerencsi brand. Or if you also like marzipan then Szamos. Not much salty/savoury snacks pop into my mind. Chio is not hungarian, but its very popular in Hungary. Any tipe of salty sticks or pretzels. A new thing is called Pörc, whic supposed to be similar to "tepertő". Tepertő is one of the most hungarian things. :D Its basically little pieces of fat tissue, which is cooked in a pan, and a part of the fat melts, and some remains solid. So the "solid fat tissue" gets fryed in itself. And if you take it out, let it cool and pour some salt on it, its like a crispy essential of a pig. You can buy it at most butchers.
Én nem mindegyiket ettem volna meg. De mivel magyar ezért KÖTELEZŐ megenni (ha ezt olvasod remélem érted szóval ha magyar vagy akkor a magyar kaját meg kell enni.)
Pont a turó rudit hagyták ki ezek a ribik mert azt csak is magyarországon lehet kapni, most nekik ebből az fog le jönni hogy a magyar csokik, cukrok édességek mennyire szarak, pedig csak rossz ízűt vettek!!! >:(((
Tévedés. A csokival burkolt túrós édesség orosz, eredeti neve szirok. Bár az inkább egy lapos mignonra hasonlít, krémesebb és nem ropog a külseje, de a túró rudi az ennek a továbbgondolása.
Bazmeg fogadni merek hogy a csaj szerint a saját hazájában van a legjobb édesség kurvára megjátsza magát a csávó legalább tisztában van vele hogy sok magyar fogja megnézni és hogyha nem ízlik neki akkor nem úgy fejezi ki hogy "Ewwwww,,
I hate Lotto, Bohoc and Szamba are awfull... elderly people buy these, they are “retro” flavours. Sport szelet is basically the same thing, but it’s a bit better. Verbena is not hungarian. Choco is unfortunatly nothing like bounty. It’s also one of the retro candies no one likes. :) Boci chocolate was cottage cheese flavour. Similar to what you had at the coffee shop in the morning. Negro is latin, but it’s a typical hungarian hard candy. Piskota taller is jummy. It’s the same thing as jaffa cackes. Balaton is nice and it’s ned after the biggest lake in central Europe. But I agree with Jess, these taste bad. Next time try “Mese keksz” and “Pilota keksz”. As for chocolate try anything from “Stühmer”. Even their packaging is awsome! Try “Sió” fruit juices, they are hungarian and very delicios. Oh, an “Pöttyös Túró Rudi”, which is sweet cottage cheese bars covered in chocolate (milk or dark). The packaging is white with red dots and you can find it in the fridge, usually next to yoghurt.
Negro is not latin, its the name of the man who invented this candy. And its not true that only old people like lotto, samba or choco. Many children loves it, including me and my sis as we grew up, Sport, lotto and choco are rum flavoured, maybe thats why you didnt like them :D
The first one is called Zizi, it's a classic, the figure was only on it for marketing( he is a character from a famous hungarian kids "show", based on the novels of one of our most famous writers , Csukás István.)
the Verbena candies are actually produced in Slovakia, they are herbal filled candies, you tried out the rose hip flavor. the BOCI choc was Túrógombóc - "Farmer Cheese Dumplings" flavor basically it is a dessert - sweetened quark (cottage cheese) dumpling in breadcrumbs usually served with sour cream, try it in a restaurant next time in Budapest. Those little chocolates are retro 'not chocolate' bars, only rum flavor not actual alcohol in them: BOHÓC - chocolate coated bar with orange and rum flavor with cocoa filling. LOTTO - chocolate coated with a rum flavored walnut filling. SZAMBA - chocolate coated with a rum flavor with cocoa and marzipan-sour cherry filling. SPORT - chocolate dipped cocoa bar rum flavor. From this line of you missed out the KAPUCINER (chocolate coated with coffee and cream flavored filling) and the sweet&sour VADÁSZ ( in alcohol (2%) dipped sour-cherry filled chocolate flavored cream filling). For licorice based sweets ask for "medvecukor (bear sugar)". So many good foods to try in Hungary, it should be a reason for 2-3 trips back to Hungary itself :)
Csaba Köböl Ez a két személy kiábrándító a lány főleg általában nem vagyok kritikus de mint magyar nekem ez a két személy kiábrándító mint magyar sértő volt a kritikájuk !!!Sajnos nem tudok angolul válaszolni nekik kikérem magamnak a magyarok nevében ...Magyaroroszág a magyar termékek nevében...
ha válaszolni nem tudsz akkor vajon mit értettél az egészből? Mit kérsz ki magadnak? Semmit rosszat vagy bántót nem mondanak te szerencsétlen, sőt a másik két videóban kifejezetten lelkesednek. (gondolom azt se érted)
Olga Edit Darkó: orly?! ezt nem gondolhatod komolyan ha nem is érted a videót. egyébként tényleg a leggagyibb édességeket próbálták és én sem szeretem azokat. semmi sértőt nem mondtak!!!
Nem is ertem miert kiabrandito valakinek az izlese amikor en is magyar vagyok es a szamba meg ezekbol egyet sem tudtam volna megenni mert regen is utaltam oket maximum a kapucinert tudtam megenni...teljesen jogos szerintem a reakciojuk...
Hi, I'm a Hungarian.Which you had sweets, they were widespread in the '90s. It's still available today to find out today's generation of parents growing up. What kind of poetry is that? What happened to me? :D
You picked the wrong candies. You could've just picked the Kapuciner, Túró rudi, Boci chocolate, Tibi chocolate etc, but these are the best. :)) if you will go back to Budapest you must try out our traditional goulash! as well as the Túrósgombóc, or the stuffed cabbage, the traditional fish soup, sausages, the really well-known hungarian pancakes, scones of different tastes. Although that dough with cheese and sour cream's name is Lángos :D and it's really good. aaaand, also, if you travel in Hungary you must get a view of Transylvania. here are also really beautiful sights, and breathtaking views. I swear, you will surely like that part of Romania, 'cause this makes valuable the country . The traditional foods are the same here, for hungarian people, with some changes. I hope I could help you. best wishes :)
mar amennyire azok magyarok, ugyanis mar mind kulfoldi tulajdonban van, fokent amerikaiakeban. Nem is tudom van e meg barmi ami magyar kezben lenne elelmiszer. A magyar kajak java resze meg az itthagyott orosz receptek.
many of these are not Hungarian and you've literally picked out the cheapest, crappiest candy sold in Hungarian grocery stores :'D noone eats these. we've got lot better ones. Negro and Verbena are not even candy, they are for people with a sore throat. :D
+The G4M3R Attila9899 Amúgy nem gondoltam, hogy észre veszi valaki. Nem azért mert nincsenek itt Magyarok, hanem igazából azért mert nem szoktam hozzá, hogy olvassák a kommenteket. De amúgy eskü nem néztem, hogy mást írtam, bocsi😂.
10:33 Those cakes/biscuits aren't melted. They are sponge-cake disks with jam and chokolate on top of them. Btw I like your videos. Keep up the good work. Greetings from Hungary.
The first one you guys tried is called a 'Zizi'... Fruit Loops, as you called them and that guy on the front is from a famous Hungarian cartoon(Pompom) and what you thought was his belly is actually his nose and he always has to sneeze!😁
And also you guys missed all the good ones!!! And these taste all amazing!!! If you're going to Hungary again go to Bikal or Siófok! These are my favourites, but go when it's summer!
Fú, én imádom a csokit, szinte az összeset, de amikor a túró gombócosat megkóstóltam... Kiégtem... Életembe nem ettem olyan szar csokit 😂. sry aki szereti😅
You guys missed out on the best one! It’s called Turó Rudi! It’s a sweet like ricotta cheese kinda that you find in a cannoli with chocolate on the outside. Even people from different countries have loved it so much!
I'm from Hungarian and i hate these snacks😂 The best Hungary snacks: Túró rudi, Tibi csoki, Balatonszelet and Mia krémtúró😄 (btw sorry i little speak English😅)
I'm Hungarian and I've travelled a lot around the world fortunately. The thing is, we have very different tasting chocolates and snacks, but not all of them is bad. Also, as our cuisine shows, we have very different taste then other countries, that's why we have those snacks here, but nor exported elsewhere. If you come back some day, ask some of your Hungarian fans what to try. Like, túrórudi, which may seem strange at first, but is really tasty, and you can't find it anywhere else. But there are a lot of other good things to try out here ;)
The Boci (Hungarians pronounce C as a very fast ts not k ) branded chocolate is flavoured with Turo gomboc, which is one of our famous desserts made from cottage cheese or quark covered in breadcrumbs served with sour cream and icing sugar. I've never tried that flavour before, but I hope my description helped what it supposed to taste like.
Hi guys! 😍Thanks this video, thanks that you two try our traditional 🍬 and sweets. I give huge thumps up to you two. I'm Hungarian girl who live in Uk, so i really miss those are things. ❤️😘Ria
Az a vicces azokban a videokban ahol kulfoldiek kostoljak a magyar edesegeket hogy a bohoc, szamba es a lotto csokit meg mi se szeretjuk csak egy par ember
Polita is a Jaffa cake from the UK!! They're supposed to be like that and they are orange flavored here! Glad you tried Balaton bar - You need to go to Lake Balaton, which isn't too far from Budapest. Its an amazing lake! Visit Siofok there for nightlife and Tihany and Csopak are cool if you cross the lake via ferry!!
Guys, you should try these: Túró Rudi (It is something like cottage cheese, but not exactly. It is a milk product and it is covered with milk or dark chocolate. It has a lot of different flavors, but the best is the natural onne) Pilóta vaníliás karika (It is a circle shaped biscuit with vanilla flavor dipped in chocolate. It is very delicious) Boci: Sárgabarackos kekszes (It is a Milk chocolate bar with apricot and biscuits)
I'm sorry but you guys' picks are like at most mediocore :( 2:10 is pronounced like EEsVeelagh (means Taste-World :) ) 3:10 is Bohotz (means clown) These 3 (with Szamba) are the lowest budget/quality chocolate (aside from supermarkets' own brands) you can get Sport is a much more succesful chocolate, there are some variants, you picked the classic 40 year old design of it. This Verbena is a cure-candy brand and "csipkebogyó" is rosehips. 7:20 is pronounced Botzi it's a childish nickname for a cow, and you should have picked the classic one without flavouring. 9:00 Negro is Negro because of Paolo Negro who designed it 100 years ago. It's also a medicine category candy and called the chimney sweeper of the throat. If you ever have a chance again here's my suggestions: PILÓTA KEKSZ (blue cover biscuits) TRIPLA CHOCOLATE PILÓTA KEKSZ (same w brown cover) PIROS MOGYORÓS (chocolate bar with whole hazelnuts) CERBONA MŰZLI SZELET (Musli bar, I recommend the coffee and the orange one) GYŐRI ÉDES or GYŐRI ÉDES DUPLAJÓ (biscuits) GYŐRI ÉDES ZABFALATOK (an english type of biscuits with GYŐRI flavour) DIANÁS CUKOR (Traditional liquish candy of Hungary) PIROS PÖTTYÖS TÚRÓ RUDI ("ÓRIÁS" is the big one, it's sweet cottage cheese covered in chocolate) Hope you'll have a chance to visit again!
you choosed the worst and cheapest brands, thats why you didnt like those, sorry. i would never eat them, (exception the nergo, pilóta,and balaton) i wish you better luck for the next time from hungray.
Nem, mig otthon eltem is azoktol vasaroltam kulfoldi edesseget, akik ezzel foglalkoztak. Attol meg Magyar vagyok es szeretem Magyarorszagot, sok Magyar etelt, imadom. .
If you making a food testing video why don't you spend some time reading the words in the "ingredients" section and translate what the heck you are about to eat. The problem with your selection is that half of the small chocolate bars your selected are such retro things from the 80's. These are our childhood back in that political era when nothing came into the country from the western world yet. The other problem is that you wanna compare every flavour to the know flavors you've eaten in your life. Same olda same old. In the western world is everything with chokolate, caramel or coconut or jelly. So bloody boring. You need to be more open minded when you try food from other countries. Our chokolate industry loves rum and chocolate or cocoa together. It is part of the culture somehow. Also the first chocolate is walnut not hazelnut. You can see that on the illiutration. The Verbena candy is rosehip. You need to do some reading first if you do not recognise food from pictures or if they are unknown to you. There are so many good chocolates in Hungary you just picked the most retro ones from the socialist era. The Boci bar (green 100 gr one) has a hungarian dessert flavour inside. Semolina and sweet curd cheese dumplings (Túró gombóc) which is boiled in water and humped in fried breadcrumbs. You would never ever recognise that flavor unless you are a hungarian. The Pilóta is sponge cake with jelly and choc coating. Has to be soft. Shame that you dislake every one of them . Next time ask a Hungarian what to buy and try to be more considerate on your oppinion if you have no clue what you are abouit to eat.
imádom hogyha külföldiek magyar kaját kostolnak vagy magyar szavakat mondanak videoba akkor 100% hogy velunk lesz tele a kommentszekció
És ez így is van XD
alap xddd
Ez nyilván való!!
Legközelebb ha Magyarországon jártok pálinkát kostoljatok jobban jártok
ha az édességeket nem bírták a pálinkával ne is próbálkozzanak XD
리아방탄소녀단DanceSingHungary jogos😂🔥
Senkise 14 😂👌
Nem talalnak haza az senkinek nem jo xd
Nekik ez a finom étel fura szerintem nekünk meg csak átlagos ételek
Mi lett volna akkor ha megkóstolhatják a krumplicukrot?
Vagy a télifagyit XD
Az a civás hogy a medvecukrot még a legtöbb magyar se szereti nen hogy a külföldiek😂😂😂
Én imádom a krumplicukrot, a Téli Fagyit nem :D
@@sbkmt Èn is :)
Ahh azt egyszer kis koromban meg kóstoltam hátha finom lesz de aztán majdnem hánytam😅
Next time you should try Túró rudi
Sokan szokták ezt írni csak ez nem annyira megoldható mert ha nincs hűtve a túró elég hamar megromlik. Bár én is kiváncsi lennék rá.
Best Thing in the World.. Everytime im Home i am taking bags Full of it with me 😭😍
Potjosz Türürüdi
Best Forever
Balázs Baranyai el olvadt volna/it would have melted BADLY
As a hungarian I should say: guys u missed many of our best candys and snacks and closely u bought all the worst :(
Oh no 😥 which ones should we have picked up?
Dunakavics is a good candy, vaniliás karika is a good buiscit.
well first of all pilota is a good pick, but the original biscuit which looks like oreo a bit just older and better i think :D, pötyös is another very good thing, if u have a chance look up some hungarian traditional confectionery we have many biscuits/baked stuff what not sold in simple shops. :)
Flying The Nest My favs are túró rudi,mia krémtúró.God they are amazing.
Bohóc, lottó, szamba... Stay away from them.
As a hungarian I have to admit I eat haribo, snickers, kinder, milka mostly.... :/
BUT Sport is one thing i love (most foreigners seem to hate artifical rum flavor tho).
Negro means black in latin, it started by an italian man, its been around in hungary since 1920. There are lots of flavors.
Csipkebogyó is actually rose hip.
Pilóta is a good brand if you want biscuits.
Balaton is also old school waffle thing. But they make now Balaton BUMM (bumm means boom, not bum), which is like a lion bar I guess.
Boci makes all kinds of chocolate, but most hungarians will prefer Milka probably.
If you want quality, fancy chocolate look for Szerencsi brand. Or if you also like marzipan then Szamos.
Not much salty/savoury snacks pop into my mind.
Chio is not hungarian, but its very popular in Hungary.
Any tipe of salty sticks or pretzels.
A new thing is called Pörc, whic supposed to be similar to "tepertő".
Tepertő is one of the most hungarian things. :D Its basically little pieces of fat tissue, which is cooked in a pan, and a part of the fat melts, and some remains solid. So the "solid fat tissue" gets fryed in itself. And if you take it out, let it cool and pour some salt on it, its like a crispy essential of a pig. You can buy it at most butchers.
Jucó LPS szia
Azért likoltam hogy meglegyen a 200
Genji The UA-camr :D ❤
Jucó LPS nosztalgiaaaaa ki eszik már ilyeneket?? Oké negro meg pilóta meg vannak jobbak de a többi? Pffh
Csak engem idegesit fel, hogy a csajnak nem izlett semmi?
Vivien A negró pl. ízlett neki..😊
Tiszta idegesítő volt. Meg ha pl nem szereti az étcsokit (pl) akkor elolvassa az angol szöveget és nem veszi meg. És nem mondja hogy fúj...
Vivien ‘utálok mindent’ 😂😂
Vivien Undorító az a nő!
Tényleg elég zavaró volt meg hogyha tudja hogy nem szereti azt a cukrot akkor nem veszi meg
@@zsofiafurjesi5670 itt az idő! Most vagy soha!
@@noratoth8273 az ám😂
You should try these things:
pöttyös túró rudi
pilóta keksz
győri keksz
These are more popular in hungary:)
Wow like 😂like a boss xD
Ebben van valamo
Győrit külfölfön is lehet kapni
És a milka? XD
Miiii??? Ezek mindd kurva jok😂😂
Azért a bohóc meg a szamba elég szar... :D
@@szandimeszaros7657 igazad van én mindent megeszek ami édesség és ami magyar azt meg főleg
@@szandimeszaros7657 igyvan :DDD
Én nem mindegyiket ettem volna meg. De mivel magyar ezért KÖTELEZŐ megenni (ha ezt olvasod remélem érted szóval ha magyar vagy akkor a magyar kaját meg kell enni.)
You guys picked the worst chocolates that nobody eats in hungary :D
haha oh no! Which ones should we have bought?
Try Pilóta keksz. Hungarian Oreo, pretty good. Anything from Stühmer is also a good pick, these are high quality.
Melani 😂😂😂
Melani soooo True 😂😂😂
Melani except pl. Sport xD I always buy Sport and I love it xD
Pont a turó rudit hagyták ki ezek a ribik mert azt csak is magyarországon lehet kapni, most nekik ebből az fog le jönni hogy a magyar csokik, cukrok édességek mennyire szarak, pedig csak rossz ízűt vettek!!! >:(((
Mann Milla a túró nagyon hamar megromlik ha nem hűtőben tartják és erre nekik gondolom nem volt lehetőségűk
Hogyan küldték volna el nekik Ausztráliába? :) anélkül, hogy megromlana :)
Amúgy hozhatók volna mert az american Express én ku*va hideg van
Külföldiek általában nem szeretik a túró rudit.
Tévedés. A csokival burkolt túrós édesség orosz, eredeti neve szirok. Bár az inkább egy lapos mignonra hasonlít, krémesebb és nem ropog a külseje, de a túró rudi az ennek a továbbgondolása.
A csaj túlélési képessége -2000
Jesus... How that girl can't like those,those are amazing! #MAGYAROK
Bazmeg fogadni merek hogy a csaj szerint a saját hazájában van a legjobb édesség kurvára megjátsza magát a csávó legalább tisztában van vele hogy sok magyar fogja megnézni és hogyha nem ízlik neki akkor nem úgy fejezi ki hogy "Ewwwww,,
Én csak azt láttam/hallottam h a csajnak semmi se ízlett😂 a nokedlit meg nem is ismernék ha “mi” nem lennénk😂
Only Negro and Balaton are good from among these the rest are crap. Even I can't eat the rest being Hungarian.
Ezeket pl en se szeretem , pedig magyar vagyok :D
Pedig finomak
Rosszul eszitek a pilóta kekszet😂 Le kell enni a csokit a zseléről😂 Like, ha te is így eszed🤣
Adom én is😂😂
3 perc alatt 3 doboz.. Után néma csend és has fájás, én a mohóság híve vagyok.
Miaz hogy a csajnak semmi sem jó!😂😂
Válogatos szrxdd
Ilyen ízléssel csoda hogy ezt a hapsit fogta ki. 😂
Csak a fasz ízlik neki😂
@@Nitionful adom
Pedig ezek közül szerintem minden finom
I hate Lotto, Bohoc and Szamba are awfull... elderly people buy these, they are “retro” flavours. Sport szelet is basically the same thing, but it’s a bit better. Verbena is not hungarian. Choco is unfortunatly nothing like bounty. It’s also one of the retro candies no one likes. :) Boci chocolate was cottage cheese flavour. Similar to what you had at the coffee shop in the morning. Negro is latin, but it’s a typical hungarian hard candy. Piskota taller is jummy. It’s the same thing as jaffa cackes. Balaton is nice and it’s ned after the biggest lake in central Europe. But I agree with Jess, these taste bad. Next time try “Mese keksz” and “Pilota keksz”. As for chocolate try anything from “Stühmer”. Even their packaging is awsome! Try “Sió” fruit juices, they are hungarian and very delicios. Oh, an “Pöttyös Túró Rudi”, which is sweet cottage cheese bars covered in chocolate (milk or dark). The packaging is white with red dots and you can find it in the fridge, usually next to yoghurt.
Negro is not latin, its the name of the man who invented this candy. And its not true that only old people like lotto, samba or choco. Many children loves it, including me and my sis as we grew up, Sport, lotto and choco are rum flavoured, maybe thats why you didnt like them :D
Marianna Szilágyi-Hegedűs she just said that chocolate is retro
Marianna Szilágyi-Hegedűs nekem a lotoo meg ezek a kedvenceimXD
I'd say from the Bohóc, Lottó and Szamba line, Lottó would be my favourite...but from the same family, Kapucíner is the best, in my opinion.
Marianna Szilágyi-Hegedűs those were my nightmares when i was a kid but my parents bought them all the time anyway. Lol
Ezek nem tudják mi a jó😂😂
Beszivezzte 😂
@@sandorirhazi5182 úgy elkapott a röhőgőgörcs hogy megláttam hát beszarok😂😂😂
És beszivezte hát beszarok😂😂😂
Meglátszik hogy nem magyar bélű népség, Nemde?
The HAPCI-zzz is puffed rice with sugar!😁
Like aki magyar!
The first one is called Zizi, it's a classic, the figure was only on it for marketing( he is a character from a famous hungarian kids "show", based on the novels of one of our most famous writers , Csukás István.)
the Verbena candies are actually produced in Slovakia, they are herbal filled candies, you tried out the rose hip flavor. the BOCI choc was Túrógombóc - "Farmer Cheese Dumplings" flavor basically it is a dessert - sweetened quark (cottage cheese) dumpling in breadcrumbs usually served with sour cream, try it in a restaurant next time in Budapest.
Those little chocolates are retro 'not chocolate' bars, only rum flavor not actual alcohol in them:
BOHÓC - chocolate coated bar with orange and rum flavor with cocoa filling.
LOTTO - chocolate coated with a rum flavored walnut filling.
SZAMBA - chocolate coated with a rum flavor with cocoa and marzipan-sour cherry filling.
SPORT - chocolate dipped cocoa bar rum flavor.
From this line of you missed out the KAPUCINER (chocolate coated with coffee and cream flavored filling) and the sweet&sour VADÁSZ ( in alcohol (2%) dipped sour-cherry filled chocolate flavored cream filling). For licorice based sweets ask for "medvecukor (bear sugar)". So many good foods to try in Hungary, it should be a reason for 2-3 trips back to Hungary itself :)
Csaba Köböl Ez a két személy kiábrándító a lány főleg általában nem vagyok kritikus de mint magyar nekem ez a két személy kiábrándító mint magyar sértő volt a kritikájuk !!!Sajnos nem tudok angolul válaszolni nekik kikérem magamnak a magyarok nevében ...Magyaroroszág a magyar termékek nevében...
Hahahaha that doesn't work to well for someone who doesn't like rum
ha válaszolni nem tudsz akkor vajon mit értettél az egészből? Mit kérsz ki magadnak? Semmit rosszat vagy bántót nem mondanak te szerencsétlen, sőt a másik két videóban kifejezetten lelkesednek. (gondolom azt se érted)
Olga Edit Darkó: orly?! ezt nem gondolhatod komolyan ha nem is érted a videót. egyébként tényleg a leggagyibb édességeket próbálták és én sem szeretem azokat. semmi sértőt nem mondtak!!!
Nem is ertem miert kiabrandito valakinek az izlese amikor en is magyar vagyok es a szamba meg ezekbol egyet sem tudtam volna megenni mert regen is utaltam oket maximum a kapucinert tudtam megenni...teljesen jogos szerintem a reakciojuk...
Hi, I'm a Hungarian.Which you had sweets, they were widespread in the '90s. It's still available today to find out today's generation of parents growing up. What kind of poetry is that? What happened to me? :D
take comfort in the fact that these sweets aren't even popular with us hungarians:D i don't even know anybody who eats these haha
That makes me feel much better 🤣
try Túró Rudi next time you're here!!!
Yes Túró Rudi, but you have to eat it in Hungary because it won’t be edible after a 20 hour flight.
You picked the wrong candies. You could've just picked the Kapuciner, Túró rudi, Boci chocolate, Tibi chocolate etc, but these are the best. :)) if you will go back to Budapest you must try out our traditional goulash! as well as the Túrósgombóc, or the stuffed cabbage, the traditional fish soup, sausages, the really well-known hungarian pancakes, scones of different tastes. Although that dough with cheese and sour cream's name is Lángos :D and it's really good. aaaand, also, if you travel in Hungary you must get a view of Transylvania. here are also really beautiful sights, and breathtaking views. I swear, you will surely like that part of Romania, 'cause this makes valuable the country . The traditional foods are the same here, for hungarian people, with some changes. I hope I could help you. best wishes :)
We will have to do that when we return!!
Ez így van 🙂
Flying The Nest Transylvania welcomes you with open arms. The food is just as freat as in Hungary and the view is priceless everywhere
mar amennyire azok magyarok, ugyanis mar mind kulfoldi tulajdonban van, fokent amerikaiakeban. Nem is tudom van e meg barmi ami magyar kezben lenne elelmiszer. A magyar kajak java resze meg az itthagyott orosz receptek.
A lecsót persze nem írtad le neki, jó erősen kérje hogy utána szoruljon a wcbe hasmenéssel !
Jó hogy a címet magyarul írtátok😂😂😍
Magyarok is szoktak angolul címet írni(vagy mi)😂
Ennek a csajnak semmi nem izlik?🙄MAGYAROK❤️
Csóri csaj
Szegény gyökér az evéshez
XD szakadok :D Magyarország!!!!
I'm sorry to say but you managed to have the crappiest level of treats that could only survive out of nostalgia.
Love ya!
many of these are not Hungarian and you've literally picked out the cheapest, crappiest candy sold in Hungarian grocery stores :'D noone eats these. we've got lot better ones. Negro and Verbena are not even candy, they are for people with a sore throat. :D
It's funny to watch it as a Hungarian. You miss some typical Hungarian, and you taste a few what I never saw before :)
The Pilóta is so GOOOD
Annyira föl idegesített hogy az a csajnak nem tetszett semmi, pedig minden ebbe a videóban ojjan jó 😭
Ojjan? :')
Ja igazad van
Skacok küldjünk már nekik egy igazi jo magYar csomagot.
I 💙 Hungary 🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺
@@tomacselli5878 hol?
Nem "boki", hanem Boci, jelentése tehén ~ cow. MAGYAR VAGYOOOOOOK ~ I'M HUNGARYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
És ha magyarul írod valószínűleg nem fogják érteni
"I'm hungary"... Emberek! Találtunk egy lángészt!
(természetesen nem)
+The G4M3R Attila9899 Amúgy nem gondoltam, hogy észre veszi valaki. Nem azért mert nincsenek itt Magyarok, hanem igazából azért mert nem szoktam hozzá, hogy olvassák a kommenteket. De amúgy eskü nem néztem, hogy mást írtam, bocsi😂.
*I'm Hungarian? Bocs hogy kijavítalak :)
Ha nem izlik minek kell drámázni?A mi édeségünk a legjobb!!Huzzatok haza!! (Nyugi nem értik amit írok 😢😂)
Ez a lány akkor mit eszik meg?????
you guys should try pöttyös túró rudi it"s the most famous hungarian candy. :)
Guys, you found the worse snacks what we have... How you did that? :D
szerelemgyerek nem csak a magyaroknak vannak különleges képességeik😉
Ez nem igaz
én ezek közül mindegyiket imádom
I am from hungary😂😍❤️
Ès?...ezt kell kommentelni?
Bocsi skacok, de mi magyarok nem csak csupa cukorral töltjük az édességeink 😘😘😘
Hi! I’m live in Hungary and you took the worst and cheapest chocolate bars you can buy in Hungary
the video was good anyway
10:33 Those cakes/biscuits aren't melted. They are sponge-cake disks with jam and chokolate on top of them. Btw I like your videos. Keep up the good work. Greetings from Hungary.
Magyarok vagyuuunk!! AZOK MARADUUNK!!
The first one you guys tried is called a 'Zizi'... Fruit Loops, as you called them and that guy on the front is from a famous Hungarian cartoon(Pompom) and what you thought was his belly is actually his nose and he always has to sneeze!😁
And also you guys missed all the good ones!!! And these taste all amazing!!!
If you're going to Hungary again go to Bikal or Siófok! These are my favourites, but go when it's summer!
Én a túró gombócos csokinál kiégtem. XD Magyar vagyok de nem kóstolnám meg. (Elnézést kérek attól akinek ízlik)
Fú, én imádom a csokit, szinte az összeset, de amikor a túró gombócosat megkóstóltam... Kiégtem... Életembe nem ettem olyan szar csokit 😂. sry aki szereti😅
@@epervirag5096 Kóstolnád a gypsy rudit.. Akkor nem égnél ki ! :D
I am hungarian girl and i love my special sweets!!😍😍😍
Eszter Váczi but they didn’t show other tasty sweets. Sad.
Kb mindeggyik csoki vagy ilyesmi az ovis korom kajája volt én mert nem öklendesztem tőle!?
Az nem etel. Nem oklendeztel, mert nem ismertel jobbat.
The Verbena is a healing candy, not like a snack! 😂 A Verbena gyógycukorka 😂
I'm from hungary and we never eat these. They are very bad.I love your videos guys.
Réka Vaskovics nekem is!
Válógatós kis..
Olyan fura ezt nézni és szerintem a zizi nagyon finom
Fun Video! It is amazing how different tastes are all over the world.
You guys missed out on the best one! It’s called Turó Rudi! It’s a sweet like ricotta cheese kinda that you find in a cannoli with chocolate on the outside. Even people from different countries have loved it so much!
Sport szeletet nem szeretik..:( XD
Pedig az az eggyik legjobb
Ezek kritizalnak akik az £1.99-es chicken and chips-en nottek fel
Haggyad mar
So glad you guys loved the last chocolate cos it’s my favourite
Nice favourite :)
I'm from Hungarian and i hate these snacks😂 The best Hungary snacks: Túró rudi, Tibi csoki, Balatonszelet and Mia krémtúró😄 (btw sorry i little speak English😅)
Én meg csak a Tibi csokit és a Balatonszeletet szeretem😂💁
Bojána Perei azok a legjobbak😁
Na szép , mondhatom
Balaton is the hungaryan sea.A big lake
I'm Hungarian and I've travelled a lot around the world fortunately. The thing is, we have very different tasting chocolates and snacks, but not all of them is bad. Also, as our cuisine shows, we have very different taste then other countries, that's why we have those snacks here, but nor exported elsewhere. If you come back some day, ask some of your Hungarian fans what to try. Like, túrórudi, which may seem strange at first, but is really tasty, and you can't find it anywhere else. But there are a lot of other good things to try out here ;)
Túró Rudi is much more of a traditional snack
All hungarian girl is like gypsy rudi !
The Boci (Hungarians pronounce C as a very fast ts not k ) branded chocolate is flavoured with Turo gomboc, which is one of our famous desserts made from cottage cheese or quark covered in breadcrumbs served with sour cream and icing sugar. I've never tried that flavour before, but I hope my description helped what it supposed to taste like.
He csaje nincs ízlésed.
Valahogy én nem làttam a tūró rudit,amit a magyarok több százaléka ismeri és szereti.A kūlföldieknek nagyon tetszik,ajánlom megkóstólni!
Bojler eladó
Hi guys! 😍Thanks this video, thanks that you two try our traditional 🍬 and sweets. I give huge thumps up to you two. I'm Hungarian girl who live in Uk, so i really miss those are things. ❤️😘Ria
Yasssss to the sweetie tasting videos!!! Can’t wait to start these when we go travelling!!!
The strawberry jam cake thing is basically like jaffa cake but with a different flavour filling and softer base
Az a vicces azokban a videokban ahol kulfoldiek kostoljak a magyar edesegeket hogy a bohoc, szamba es a lotto csokit meg mi se szeretjuk csak egy par ember
On the front side of the package of Boci chocolate it's a hungarian sweet "dish" túrógombóc which is made of sweetend cottage cheese .
Like ha magyar vagy! 😉
Polita is a Jaffa cake from the UK!! They're supposed to be like that and they are orange flavored here!
Glad you tried Balaton bar - You need to go to Lake Balaton, which isn't too far from Budapest.
Its an amazing lake! Visit Siofok there for nightlife and Tihany and Csopak are cool if you cross the lake via ferry!!
I thought we had seen it before! I swear we have Jaffa cake in Australia as well!
Guys, you should try these:
Túró Rudi (It is something like cottage cheese, but not exactly. It is a milk product and it is covered with milk or dark chocolate. It has a lot of different flavors, but the best is the natural onne)
Pilóta vaníliás karika (It is a circle shaped biscuit with vanilla flavor dipped in chocolate. It is very delicious)
Boci: Sárgabarackos kekszes (It is a Milk chocolate bar with apricot and biscuits)
Im from hungary and i have never seen half of these.
There is so much better candy out there
Valaki pofozza fel helyettem a csajt!!!!!😤😠Nem ízlik neki semmi! Folyton azt mondja hogy ewww!(csak néhány dolog ízlik neki)(az sem sok)
Magyarként elég vicces ez a videó...
✋ én magyar vagyok!😀
Csak én találtam őket a Travelling Veasels-alatt? xdddd Onnan jöttem és már egy órája ilyeneket nézek xddddd
Én is😂😂😂😂
That soft one you ate is like a British version of a Jaffa cake!! X
Magyar vagyok(I'm Hungarian!!!!!❤🍚💚
I'm sorry but you guys' picks are like at most mediocore :(
2:10 is pronounced like EEsVeelagh (means Taste-World :) )
3:10 is Bohotz (means clown)
These 3 (with Szamba) are the lowest budget/quality chocolate (aside from supermarkets' own brands) you can get
Sport is a much more succesful chocolate, there are some variants, you picked the classic 40 year old design of it.
This Verbena is a cure-candy brand and "csipkebogyó" is rosehips.
7:20 is pronounced Botzi it's a childish nickname for a cow, and you should have picked the classic one without flavouring.
9:00 Negro is Negro because of Paolo Negro who designed it 100 years ago. It's also a medicine category candy and called the chimney sweeper of the throat.
If you ever have a chance again here's my suggestions:
PILÓTA KEKSZ (blue cover biscuits)
PIROS MOGYORÓS (chocolate bar with whole hazelnuts)
CERBONA MŰZLI SZELET (Musli bar, I recommend the coffee and the orange one)
GYŐRI ÉDES ZABFALATOK (an english type of biscuits with GYŐRI flavour)
DIANÁS CUKOR (Traditional liquish candy of Hungary)
PIROS PÖTTYÖS TÚRÓ RUDI ("ÓRIÁS" is the big one, it's sweet cottage cheese covered in chocolate)
Hope you'll have a chance to visit again!
Amit ki kellene próbálniuk azt nem próbálták ki
Egyet sem ismernek, felkaptak 11- felet, es hat ez az eredmeny. nem az o szegyenuk.
Milyen kényesek
you choosed the worst and cheapest brands, thats why you didnt like those, sorry. i would never eat them, (exception the nergo, pilóta,and balaton) i wish you better luck for the next time from hungray.
6:09 It's a healthy candy with rosehip flavor
A pilótát ne nyomkodják:(
As a hungarian i adore you for trying these things! ❤️😄
Basszus nem is tudtam hogy van turo izes boci😍
Omg! I'm hungarian girl, and these are my favourite foods!! How can you hate these?!?!?😍😍😍😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
Ezek nem tudják értékelni aagyar édességeket
Nem, mig otthon eltem is azoktol vasaroltam kulfoldi edesseget, akik ezzel foglalkoztak. Attol meg Magyar vagyok es szeretem Magyarorszagot, sok Magyar etelt, imadom. .
heyy guys i’m hungarian , and im seeing your video for the first time😁 your amazing☺️☺️
Nah... latszik hogy nem magyarok... akkor izlene nekik! Xd
If you making a food testing video why don't you spend some time reading the words in the "ingredients" section and translate what the heck you are about to eat. The problem with your selection is that half of the small chocolate bars your selected are such retro things from the 80's. These are our childhood back in that political era when nothing came into the country from the western world yet. The other problem is that you wanna compare every flavour to the know flavors you've eaten in your life. Same olda same old. In the western world is everything with chokolate, caramel or coconut or jelly. So bloody boring. You need to be more open minded when you try food from other countries. Our chokolate industry loves rum and chocolate or cocoa together. It is part of the culture somehow. Also the first chocolate is walnut not hazelnut. You can see that on the illiutration. The Verbena candy is rosehip. You need to do some reading first if you do not recognise food from pictures or if they are unknown to you. There are so many good chocolates in Hungary you just picked the most retro ones from the socialist era. The Boci bar (green 100 gr one) has a hungarian dessert flavour inside. Semolina and sweet curd cheese dumplings (Túró gombóc) which is boiled in water and humped in fried breadcrumbs. You would never ever recognise that flavor unless you are a hungarian. The Pilóta is sponge cake with jelly and choc coating. Has to be soft. Shame that you dislake every one of them . Next time ask a Hungarian what to buy and try to be more considerate on your oppinion if you have no clue what you are abouit to eat.
Hey bohóc perfect!!! Angol tudásom =000
Noncsi Világa angol tudas lvl. 💯🤣🤣
Legközelebb a túrórudi és a pacalpörkölt legyen
Magyarok! A csajnak azért nem ízlik Pl a Pilóta és hasonlók mert PISKÓTA CSAK MAGYARORSZÁGON LÉTEZIK
Ez nem igaz, külföldön is lehet kapni pikóta tallért, csak nem magyar gyártótól.
@@bogikassai1236 Piskota van itt Amerikaban is, sponge cake a neve.
@@agotapongor2069 Nem ezt mondtam én is?
@@bogikassai1236 Te valami pikota tallerrol beszeltel. Itt sponge cake a neve, sutemeny es semmi taller. Hazilag is sutnek. Nem tudom, mi a pikota.
@@agotapongor2069 Két külön dolgról beszélünk, vagyis már úgy tűnik. De ez így van, van piskóta amerikában is csak, én nem teljesen erről beszéltem...