19.51 - can u specify what stl project is that? (white side pads and jump pad which I guess works for oem height adjuster) Thanks, great review! I'd love to see comparision with Sherman L.
17:07 The headlight throw looks terrible? Would you trust that headlight throw blasting down an unknown road at 26+ mph at night not knowing what potholes or little ramps might be ahead? I callout since my T4 Pro headlight throw also isn't great for "high speed" riding, and I wish EUC makers would give us usable headlights.
It does the job. I wouldn't say it is the best-nah, it's far from it. For example, it is not even comparable with the Inmotion V13 headlight, but it works for most situations. Interestingly, it seems that in the Sherman L, the light is even dimmer than on the Lynx. But I have to get my Lynx back now to compare'em properly. If you ride at night often, I'd say go for a brighter third-party option.
@@nelson2095 Maybe it varies. The Lynx light isn't too bad, but the L's light is definitely not as bright the Lynx's, which is strange because I'm pretty certain that it is an identical light.
52:15 🙃 But okay, in short, the Sherman L is the Lynx with all the issues fixed and a bigger battery. If you don't need extra range and you're focusing specifically on trails or racing, then get the Lynx, but for all other use cases, you would choose the Sherman L (esp considering the price difference isn't that big).
Wobbles seem to be a common theme with the Lynx. It’s the only thing preventing me from buying one. I’m terrified to loose it at speed due to wobbles. Have you found a way to eliminate wobbles?
Every wheel wobbles under different conditions. The Lynx is not a wobbly wheel by any means; it is very stable most of the time. However, in certain conditions, it can wobble. For example, adjusting a knee pad while you're riding can cause wobbles. These aren’t a big deal, and it's an amazing wheel-probably one of the best, if not the best, currently. Compared to the L, the L is definitely more stable than the Lynx though, due to the weight distribution. To compensate for the wobbles, simply try to straighten up and lean back, but keep in mind that what works for me might not work for you and vice versa. Cheers, ride safely!
I'm at about 6000km on my lynx and personally the more locked in I am with the pads the more wobbles I feel especially braking. I ride the stock pads but i ride really loose which allows you to easily shift your foot to the outer edge of the peddle this kills the oscillation almost immediately as you have more leverage over the wheel. Feels extremely stable all the way up to 50+ once you're use to it.
@@josephmuni6196 Same here, I don't like to have my feet locked on the pedals, as I eventually move them around to find a more comfortable position for the different types of riding I do. Jumping off saved me a bunch of times so I def agree with that
@@leoenin I don’t want to have to jump off my wheel. Should not have to. If I could make it a safer ride by changing the tire or getting the pedal lowering kit, I think that would be my course correction.
@@dustinhankins2153 it's not how it works, if you jumped off the wheel then something that shouldn't fail failed. Also, the pedal lowering kit wouldn't be a good thing to avoid that situation IMO
this video was so worrth watching! ima watch everything else u got
Fantastic video, your best one yet 👏 😀
love the style and quality...since evx wend off the radar you are my new sfar, man!
Ah, good to see a properly large person also reviewing an EUC. Im 120kg too.
Awesome 😎 thanks brother!!
19.51 - can u specify what stl project is that? (white side pads and jump pad which I guess works for oem height adjuster) Thanks, great review! I'd love to see comparision with Sherman L.
It was on Thingyverse, but I think they took it off for some reason.
17:07 The headlight throw looks terrible? Would you trust that headlight throw blasting down an unknown road at 26+ mph at night not knowing what potholes or little ramps might be ahead? I callout since my T4 Pro headlight throw also isn't great for "high speed" riding, and I wish EUC makers would give us usable headlights.
It does the job. I wouldn't say it is the best-nah, it's far from it. For example, it is not even comparable with the Inmotion V13 headlight, but it works for most situations. Interestingly, it seems that in the Sherman L, the light is even dimmer than on the Lynx. But I have to get my Lynx back now to compare'em properly. If you ride at night often, I'd say go for a brighter third-party option.
@@leoenin interesting. Adam from Wrong Way was complaining that the Sherman L's light is too bright. To each his own I guess.
@@nelson2095 Maybe it varies. The Lynx light isn't too bad, but the L's light is definitely not as bright the Lynx's, which is strange because I'm pretty certain that it is an identical light.
Отличный обзор 😎👍 nice review 💫🤙
Is this 50s or 50e battery?
Did you try the sherman L? Would you buy it?
52:15 🙃 But okay, in short, the Sherman L is the Lynx with all the issues fixed and a bigger battery. If you don't need extra range and you're focusing specifically on trails or racing, then get the Lynx, but for all other use cases, you would choose the Sherman L (esp considering the price difference isn't that big).
I removed all the pads that came with the Lynx. I bought clark pads c3 Kong and they are amazing, much better than the toe lock pad.
There are so many good options out there
Wobbles seem to be a common theme with the Lynx. It’s the only thing preventing me from buying one. I’m terrified to loose it at speed due to wobbles. Have you found a way to eliminate wobbles?
Every wheel wobbles under different conditions. The Lynx is not a wobbly wheel by any means; it is very stable most of the time. However, in certain conditions, it can wobble. For example, adjusting a knee pad while you're riding can cause wobbles. These aren’t a big deal, and it's an amazing wheel-probably one of the best, if not the best, currently. Compared to the L, the L is definitely more stable than the Lynx though, due to the weight distribution. To compensate for the wobbles, simply try to straighten up and lean back, but keep in mind that what works for me might not work for you and vice versa. Cheers, ride safely!
I'm at about 6000km on my lynx and personally the more locked in I am with the pads the more wobbles I feel especially braking. I ride the stock pads but i ride really loose which allows you to easily shift your foot to the outer edge of the peddle this kills the oscillation almost immediately as you have more leverage over the wheel. Feels extremely stable all the way up to 50+ once you're use to it.
@@josephmuni6196 Same here, I don't like to have my feet locked on the pedals, as I eventually move them around to find a more comfortable position for the different types of riding I do. Jumping off saved me a bunch of times so I def agree with that
@@leoenin I don’t want to have to jump off my wheel. Should not have to. If I could make it a safer ride by changing the tire or getting the pedal lowering kit, I think that would be my course correction.
@@dustinhankins2153 it's not how it works, if you jumped off the wheel then something that shouldn't fail failed. Also, the pedal lowering kit wouldn't be a good thing to avoid that situation IMO
Hard to listen due to loud background music
Audio is garbage. 😢
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