Mango is always pay2win, but only with him we saw KJ moveset. BUT STOP DONATING IN SUCH VIDEOS!!! Demon too, only Stud is not pay2win. Only sometimes when he is trolling.
Well let’s face it the video would be boring if mango wouldn’t pay to win plus it is very cool when Mango and Demon use there pay to win powers and fight
The goobers is one of the many ytbers that carries my child hood people like infernase red weeb hw5567 and so many others if it wasn't for these ytbers my child hood would have been more boring then it Alr is and for that I thy all of them
Every goober: "screaming and fighting"
Mean while stud: "🙂"
Don't forget to like And subscribe
Ngl stud is the only chill goober in the gang😅
Mango: ThIs GuY tHiNkS hEs KaI cEnAt SiGmA
Mango: i am the top rizzler and top g nobody can defeat me
Also mango :buy everything in the game
on every video
i love the goobers videos who agrees
👇 (not forcing)
Your the best xdemon and stud
You mean stud?
@@LFlint5he said the best zombie because studs avatar is a zombie
XDemon and S7ud? Bro can't write right
@@jaydenpla8685 mhm not adding X to a name means you can't spell right make sooooooo much sense
Stud is neither calm and claims to be strongest goober but it's true
Mango is always pay2win, but only with him we saw KJ moveset. BUT STOP DONATING IN SUCH VIDEOS!!! Demon too, only Stud is not pay2win. Only sometimes when he is trolling.
does the game link send you to dusty trip??
Only GOOBERS can sub in this video!!
I feel like stud is the only chill member of the Goobers
Goobers like this and we set a new world record
Goood vid stud-top g👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
THIS A W CHANNEL SAY ME IF UR A GOOBERR and if u love the goobers i llove ur vids ngl ubrighten up my day
Stud:i can do domain nerd emoji 🤓🤓 demon: uno reverse card
Mango sounds like speed when he barks😂
Yo I like the vid btw tho what's the name of the game
Under 20 minute good vid
Just I am playing physics power tycoon 😂
I love you all ❤
Great vid❤❤❤
I love all the videos❤
Everybody gets so many likes, so make this like infinite hyper
Demon is neither a smart fella or a fart smella
Pls play ultimate battle grounds next
whyd the notification come 1 min later
Mangle: This guy is a cheater and I think he drop his he’d was he was a kid and like the ved if you agree that stud is the goat🎉🎉🎉
Stud hits a 1m subssss
GOBER IS MY Favorite UA-cam😊
U can’t spell it’s GOOBERS
1:04 guys this part has no sounds for me
I love the way each of them did one each of the most popular animes
Its over when rimuru or goku or saitama gets added 💀
Goku is already added in this video
demons location got leaked 💀
Can u tell me
game name: psychis power tycoon (im from a diffrent country and idk how to write the first word of the name)
Mango is the definition of brainrot💀
Yo stud I'm bladeicekitsunefruit
Want the funny moments
I gotchu
1 - 1:56
2 - 2:53
3 - 3:03
4 - 3:22
5 - 4:04
6 - 5:58
7 - 6:43
Bro you should face collab with robros
What game is this??
Everyone: Nami
I think you forgot Saitama
I respect mango for picking luffy👒
I love watching your videos goober can I please get early access on unlimited battlegrounds
STUD Wearing The Chain But Mango and Demon Not Wearing it so is Goofy Ahh UA-camrs But STUD Not
Please play Z battle grounds please
xdemon: im the alpha sigma im the tp g skibidi rizzler
My fav trio❤❤❤❤❤ GOOBERS
Can you play ultimate batlegrounds goobers❤
Yea I would love to see them play that.
Demon is smart and the strongest cause he has GOKU!
Demon is the best
Make it so that Mango can’t P2W the next video
Well let’s face it the video would be boring if mango wouldn’t pay to win plus it is very cool when Mango and Demon use there pay to win powers and fight
The day is always better when GOOBERS uploads! ❤
i am such a gya- i mean i love goobers u need gya- nah i need rubux
U can’t spell it’s robux
One min and 35 likes nah that was needed to be 100k
Imma gonna recreate my own shibuya🤓🤓🤓
Xdemon- 2024
The crazy thing is that swords Is luffys weakness
1:16 np sound
You guys never know how it feels to be poor
Nerd emogii Xdemom🤓🤓
How much yall think mago spended on 16.9M robux🗣
Stud don't put mangopull on your gang his pay to win
When xdemon hit the 63 no scope😎
Stud I lake your videos
i just love the 💀emoji
Game name in Roblox?
What's the game name 🙏
Stud = zombie God
If you use F1 cars parts ön the van you Will go 10x faster then the fastest cár ín a dusty trip
What is this games name?
The goobers is one of the many ytbers that carries my child hood people like infernase red weeb hw5567 and so many others if it wasn't for these ytbers my child hood would have been more boring then it
Alr is and for that I thy all of them
If they should play story games again
👇 (I swear if someone says like beggar)
Like begger😂
Like begger
damn mango and demon is a fricking furrie💀💩
if mango didn't pay2win he was gonna be the worst in everything the pay2win is carrying his ass
Day 7 not breathing until early access (kinglolxdksjs
Blud is lying. I know blud has been breathing😂
Wow I like this video
Fun fact .luffy don't know how to use a sword
Hello goobers
Have you ever heard of #Robros
I started my channel because of you GOOBERS ❤
Gimme link to this tycoon please
They put the wrong link in the description😭. Game name?
That ain't gear 5 luffy that's gear 1 puffy💀
Im not a fan but i love his vids
Mago is robux lord
You mean mango
Cool vid
Bro mango be crazy
Team goobers
ME NAME OKIDONKID I WANT EARLY ACCES THE STRONGET BATTLEGROUND thi video i verY good and alSo im Subscribed and the firt one to atch thi video
I declare War with both of u nerd emoji 🤓
What is game called?😢
What isnthe name of the game
The real mangopool name is monkeygyats
Gear five luffy solos every anime verse, except for one punch man
Change my mind
Only real goobers can like this comment