Why Norway Will Never Succeed At All

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @ivarbergheim3485
    @ivarbergheim3485 7 місяців тому +27

    What are we missing out on? Oil, munitions, tech, fish and loads and loads of service oriented industries

    • @user-ls6fb5so8c
      @user-ls6fb5so8c 6 місяців тому +5

      honest and non corrupt politicians

    • @Downsyndrome100IQ
      @Downsyndrome100IQ 6 місяців тому +3


    • @vikinnorway6725
      @vikinnorway6725 4 місяці тому +2

      @@user-ls6fb5so8cevery country have them, atleast in Norway the get fired.

  • @allux2020
    @allux2020 7 місяців тому +44

    friendly reminder, norwegians dont pay half there pay in taxes. say u make 55000$ ( about 575k NOK) a year, single and no dept (house, car and student loan etc.) u pay about 30-33%.
    the demographic cliff is a global phenomena and its a big problem for us all. Norway is not a member of the EU but a part of Schengen so the border is controlled by Oslo not Brussels . one last thing, the government of Norway has not hyped up the discovery of minerals, a quick google search would have told u as much, the average norwegian dont even know about it, and its almost never talked about in the papers unless its the Green party making a fuss

    • @faithnomore101
      @faithnomore101 7 місяців тому

      the fucking Greens screw us up in Germany too.
      Wasting our money all over the world and trying to power a industrie natios as us with solar and wind.
      We are close to a civil war against the left eco socialists.
      Theyre all WEF whores of Klaus Schwab.

    • @stian56
      @stian56 7 місяців тому +3

      It's more correct to also add the VAT as it's added to everything you buy. Which means of the 70% you are free to spend as you please the government will take 25% on most goods and services (15% for food). And lets not forget about fees, although they are a bit easier to tailor your consumption to avoid it. There's fees on alcohol, tobacco, fossilfuel, etc... Norway is the 8th most expensive country to live in
      Most people in Norway does in fact have a student loan. 1/5 of the population are registered at lånekassen, which means they are either paying or have debt. 2/5 of the population are either to young to have a student loan or likely to have paid it off (older than 67). The average debt at lånekassen for 2023 is close to 400k. That means that 1/3 of the population in working age has a debt of, on average, 400k. Norway are the country with the 4th highest indebted population.
      The increased government spending and the increasingly higher demands of a spoiled population means that unless other sources of income is added, the Norwegian economy will crash hard.

    • @johnmcmullan9741
      @johnmcmullan9741 7 місяців тому +4

      BS! Norway has high taxes on pretty much everything with among the highest levels of household debt in the world. And the NOK is the weakest currency in the West. Norwegians are struggling. Being cursed by oil and governed by incompetent loons is not a global phenomena. In Europe, it's pretty unique to Norway.

    • @allux2020
      @allux2020 7 місяців тому +2

      @@johnmcmullan9741 im just telling what i pay. and is not 50% as the vid. states. but ye norwegians do borrow a lot tho., we just finally have too learn good cash management. im guessing ur not norwegian or spend a large time thinking back on the good ol days in the 90' and not seeing a bigge global pic.prob. wanna go back tho the old KRF and AP days

    • @johnmcmullan9741
      @johnmcmullan9741 7 місяців тому

      @@allux2020 I live in Norway. Seen it all with my own eyes, thanks. Don't waste your time boring me with your insecure flag-waving BS. Norway remains among the poorest nations in Europe in pretty much every respect that matters. A peculiar belief system that claims GDP per capita and artificial wealth (mainly accumulated by the wealthiest 10%) equate to a good economy. Wrong. Norway has one the the worst economies in Europe. A crude extractive economy lacking sufficient diversity therefore skills to be functional. A petrostate cursed by oil and greed. I pity the average Norwegian. Take key workers in society, like teachers and nurses, for example. They earn less than some of their European counterparts and not much more than most, yet the cost of living in Norway is 2-3 time more and has been an issue promoting poverty for years, not just the last few. And with a krone that been steadily decreasing in value for over 10 years. Taxes and other extortionate charges are stamped on everything making things progressively worse for most Norwegians. It's not frugality or wise investing in society. It's the complete opposite. Compulsive greed and divesting from society. Successive Norway government incompetence expressing the ethics of vikings and heroin dealers.

  • @veliki111
    @veliki111 7 місяців тому +8

    Mining Norway’s seabed raises some concerning questions. While it’s a significant technological advancement, we mustn’t overlook the potential impact on marine life, which is crucial for our ecosystem. It’s disheartening to see financial gain often taking precedence over environmental protection.

  • @ZytechZero
    @ZytechZero 6 місяців тому +4

    I'm Norwegian as well, and I recognize some of the issues presented here. However, I don't think it's necessary to paint our future so bleakly. Yes, we are suffering from the same problems elsewhere in the West, which mostly stem from postmodern/Marxist ideas. However, I believe we will solve these issues in time. The future looks bright, people.

    • @bell4textu973
      @bell4textu973 3 місяці тому

      Norway is suffering from poor leadership whom selling out cheap energy to their to overlords in Brussels. Norway who became a slave of the EU is more like a German colony now. Norway must leave the EES and join UK. Freedom is way more important than anything else in this world.

  • @tjohanne
    @tjohanne 5 місяців тому +9

    What is this weirdness? Quality of life is great compared to most other countries! "Will never succeeed..."? Is there a finishing line anywhere? This is clearly a Russian propaganda video 😅 And ALL wealthy countries are facing demographic problems.

    • @uncover_with_Dawn
      @uncover_with_Dawn  5 місяців тому

      Ja, kanskje det. Men les avisene så ser du at Norge har et ufortjent godt rykte. Det er ikke russisk propaganda når eieren er norsk. Og slike usaklige beskyldninger vil vi ikke ha på denne kanalen, da holder du deg vekke fra nå av.

    • @tjohanne
      @tjohanne 5 місяців тому

      @@uncover_with_Dawn All of this "Europe is going to hell" stuff is what Eastern propaganda is all about. I agree with you on the newspaper content, though.

    • @philip4588
      @philip4588 5 місяців тому

      @@uncover_with_Dawn Norge kommer aldri til å nå det potensialet dem har med det skattetrykket og jaginga bort av bedrifter som stadig legger ned eller flytter ut av landet Norge har mye og lære av Sveits, norske modellen er det bare skandaler og skjelleter i skapene å er utdatert, trenger direkte demokrati slik at man slipper alle elendige politiske styringer vi har hatt siste 30 åra

    • @uncover_with_Dawn
      @uncover_with_Dawn  5 місяців тому +2

      Nei, det er helt sant. Nå kom ikke budskapet frem slik jeg ville i denne videoen. Men uansett, Sveits ser ut til å lykkes der vi feiler. Dog ikke bare med bedrifter. Helsevesenet er mye bedre utviklet, også med tanke på behandlingsmetoder. Jeg ønsker mest av alt at de svakeste skal bli tatt hånd om, og et mer direkte demokrati hadde fungert mye bedre. Såvidt jeg har lest kan enhver sveistser omgjøre en lov (?) hvis det samles 100 000 underskrifter. Noe slikt skulle vi hatt i Norge. Vi skal, etterhvert ha en video basert på boken "Maktens Narrespill" og "Grogate" (hvis det er lovlig, må sjekke), samt "Det Blåøyde Riket". I tillegg må jeg se om jeg finner andre perspektiver, da Eva Joly har også fått kritikk.

  • @isuriono-gaming519
    @isuriono-gaming519 3 місяці тому +3

    As a Norwegian i would say this is a very narrow view of the situation and fails to point out the actual issues Norway is facing. The demographic issues of declining birthrates is far less of an issue in Norway than other western countries. The whole reason why we have the 1.5 trillion dollar government pension fund is so we can subsidize pensions as the workforce becomes to small to provide for the elderly (no other western country has anything close to a pension fund worth 3 times their GDP). As for the minerals, i believe most of them were found on land and the actual issue was how deep those deposits were located (requiring a lot of investment). Although the state of the Norwegian economy has been good according to GDP statistics due to oil revenues. Its actually been getting worse for most people since the pandemic. However, many economists in Norway are now predicting an economic golden age in the late 2020s. Well see if this is true or not when we get there. Although the seabed mining is worrying, i didn't know about that and its concerning considering seafood is Norways second biggest exports. Lastly, i think overall Norway is doing better than most western countries and i think its a reach to say Norway is doomed. If your looking for doomed then i have a certain country across the sea from Norway in mind. (no offense)

    • @uncover_with_Dawn
      @uncover_with_Dawn  3 місяці тому +2

      Thanks for your opinion. Unfortunately the scriptwriter failed a lot with this video. Also we cannot cover everything in one video. And as a Norwegian you also know that it was Erna Solberg who first told us to get more children. And from a nature perspective, I hope we do get fewer children, all over. Instead, adopt. Nevertheless, times are changing, and we cannot keep it as it always have been. The seabed mining has been a huge source of critism. Petroleumtilsynet har endret navn til havindustritilsynet, og flere politikere har gått hardt til verks for å få dette gjennom. If its ever happening within a Norwegian borders remains to be seen. They are stressing this because we need to find the new oil to fund the pension fund after the oil is gone.
      Unfortunately the scriptwriter didnt didnt catch what we wanted with this video. But as a Norwegian, you know we arent doing very well within many areas like in school, raising our kids to handle life, taking care of the sick and or elderly, healthcare in general etc. And the sea food is concerning indeed. But of all of this is for another video(s). I appreciate your opinion, but this was never a video supposed to compare Norway to other countries. Given our wealth we should have been much better taking care of a lot of things. Like not let people go hungry etc. . Those issues will be for upcoming videos. I have never talked to anyone who think Norway is going the right way anymore. And I am sick of all the videos who paints a fairytale of Norway. But we will try to keep one topic for each video.

    • @eyvindr.
      @eyvindr. 11 днів тому

      Low birth rate is a symptom of a dying society, its nothing positive about it. The western world certainly do not need low birth rate to add to all the problems. We are pressured on all sides. Have more children people. Same goes for me as well as you, we can't solve these problems alone.

  • @gautearefjord
    @gautearefjord 7 місяців тому +8

    I don't think we will try to find minerals on the seabed. We have found phosphate in southern Norway. It's actually double the worlds phosphate ressorse.. And we need it outside China... Europe need this.. Its actually more worth than our oil and gas values...If we do the same with the phosphate as we have done with the oil and gas, its easy.. We have most tunnels in the world, so we know how to get it...

  • @chavaledeni
    @chavaledeni 7 місяців тому +3

    Biggest VAT rate in Eu have (Hungary 27%), (Norway, Croatia,Sweden and Denmark 25%) , (Greece and Finland 24%, ), (Poland, Portugal and Ireland 23%)...

  • @hakonl6047
    @hakonl6047 5 місяців тому +6

    Norway is headed for economic disaster in a few years, as the income from the oil and gas industry is steadily declining. Very little private capital left in the country, and the industry is largely based on raw materials and not very diversified. The purchase power has declined rapidly with a severely weakened currency, and average household debt is the highest in the world relative to income (just check official OECD statistics). Norwegians are not wealthy at all, but the state is, and the progressive tax rates makes sure that the average citizen will never be financially independent. Norway is also rated among the worst countries for expats, and I assume the limited career opportunities along with the low salaries for the educated workforce are major factors. As a Norwegian, I pay 60% of my income in taxes, and I can confirm that the sales tax is 25%. Public spending per capita is twice as high per capita compared to the other Nordic countries, which is just not sustainable. I am planning on leaving Norway, despite being born here and having spent most of my life here, and I will never return.

    • @BrXsu
      @BrXsu 5 місяців тому +1

      Are you talking about income tax or all taxes that we pay, income, vat, etc?

    • @hakonl6047
      @hakonl6047 5 місяців тому

      Income tax and yearly tax on my retirement savings (yes, there is a thing called "wealth tax"). VAT, and all other types of taxes are in addition. When you add it all up is is probably more like 70-80%. Thousands of people have left the country during the last few years.

    • @BrXsu
      @BrXsu 5 місяців тому +1

      You have to be super wealthy

  • @dsaanum
    @dsaanum 7 місяців тому +3

    ever been to Norway?

    • @uncover_with_Dawn
      @uncover_with_Dawn  7 місяців тому

      Live in Norway, I am Norwegian. Og leser avisene som alle andre.

    • @tjohanne
      @tjohanne 5 місяців тому +2

      @@uncover_with_Dawn Then you should know better 😅What you say about demographic problems is true for all big economies.

    • @Uncle_pepsi
      @Uncle_pepsi 5 місяців тому

      @@tjohanne And they Are really Only a problem when it comes to economic growth

    • @hamarsen
      @hamarsen 5 місяців тому

      It is a common myth and misconception that Norway only got rich in the 1960s because of the oil. In fact, in the 1930s Norway was already had one of the highest GDP per capita in all of Europe. Secondly, most of the negative factors you mentioned are true for all developed nations as well. @@uncover_with_Dawn

    • @uncover_with_Dawn
      @uncover_with_Dawn  3 місяці тому

      @@tjohanne i have never said it was specifically for Norway.

  • @scomo532
    @scomo532 7 місяців тому +9

    “…could lead to the extinction of unknown species”
    Whoa, wha, what? Clearly one of the most ridiculous comments ever in a video. If the species are unknown, how would we know they have been forced into extinction?

    • @grizz9150
      @grizz9150 7 місяців тому +1

      Most of the ocean's life is still a mystery. Every day, scientists find new species, showing we've only started exploring. Just because we haven't found them all doesn't mean they aren't part of a connected ocean ecosystem.

    • @scomo532
      @scomo532 7 місяців тому +2

      @@grizz9150​​⁠Thanks for the lecture Mr. Science, it’s clear you totally missed my point. I think we’ll call you Arrow

    • @grizz9150
      @grizz9150 7 місяців тому

      @@scomo532 You're welcome dick face. Ill dumb it down for you because you're retarded. Just because we don't know about something doesn't mean we cant kill it off.

    • @scomo532
      @scomo532 5 місяців тому

      Point? You had a point? Oh, you mean that thing at the top of your head, got it!

    • @grizz9150
      @grizz9150 5 місяців тому

      @@scomo532 you replied to yourself dummy

  • @LegendMathai
    @LegendMathai 3 місяці тому

    Good food. They’ll be fine.

  • @writheinthedeepfry3859
    @writheinthedeepfry3859 7 місяців тому

    Would be a shame to see them go the way of Nauru.

  • @Hwje1111
    @Hwje1111 3 місяці тому +1

    Finally a video that doesn’t just go on how its all sunshine and rainbows for Norway and totally gloss over its problems just because its a liberal european country.

    • @uncover_with_Dawn
      @uncover_with_Dawn  3 місяці тому

      Thank you. No, as a Norwegian, Im done believing in our politicians. People around the world should really learn whats actually going on in Norway. We will have more videos about Norway, like the health crisis in Northern Norway, the Fosen case, the healthcare crisis and how bad we great our elder and sick people. How Erna Solberg and Sindre Finnes seems to get away with everything, not to mention all those cases within the Labour Party. Not to mention how many cannot afford to buy food and struggle to survive! And all of this happens while the politicians raises their own payments! Det er avskyelig! We have an ineffective and corrupt country! La oss ta den norske maktelitens skyggeside internasjonalt! 👿

    @LOGOASSASSIN 5 місяців тому

    Look up Khazarian Mafia.

  • @Transtiraspol
    @Transtiraspol 7 місяців тому +1

    The phosphate find was a false report, it was about 1/50th of the reported amount.

    • @storewoody
      @storewoody 7 місяців тому +2

      Where have you read that claim?