It will forever go down in history that the reception to PHY Ultimate Gohan was SO BAD that Omatsu and the team had to specifically address it, and came as close as they were legally allowed to saying "We know you hate it, we're sorry, and we're releasing a real Beast before 10th anniversary guaranteed."
Because honestly what the fuck where they thinking . Half releasing a new form on a new movie on one of the main characters. AND HES ASS? guillotine -able offense
Perhaps because I thought the movie itself was a massive step down from the Broly movie, I actually liked PHY beast Gohan and wasn't at all disappointed. I think it's probably the best-looking active still today. And I thought it was obvious that they were saving another beast for an anniversary. I was very surprised when everyone seemed to hate the character but I do get it since many people really liked the movie way more than I did and were just waiting with hype for the character to make an appearance in the game.
@user-6-9-4-2-0 TRUE, I feel like so many people forget the fact that not only we got robbed from beast but on top of that the unit wasn't even that good, Of course he wasn't unusable and i was using him in basically all events through whole 2023 and the first half of 2024 because he was "okayish" and had many teams and stuff but he definietly didnt feel as good as he should
@@fritz0vall425 you know it's gonna be phy Rose. Truth has been saying how much that unit sucks since day 1. Since before day 1 for him since he came to global first. Frieza's problem is he got no help.
Ultimate Gohan's active skill into beast doing 2.1m to an enemy was one of the most interesting blunders I've ever seen. I wouldn't mind Ultimate Gohan, if his Beast Makankosappo did like 80million nuke. Then, it would've been like the movie. lmao
My number 1 is LR Ssj Goku, Gohan and Trunks, i did a lot runs with then trying multiple setups, they might have their risks, but It was worth It for how much units they made runnable with their support, i had a lot of fun with their team
For me it's between carnival teq broly and the unit you mentioned. Initially I was so excited for beast, but he very rarely makes any of my teams now, other units are just so much more fun.
For me Favorites: 1. Beast 2. MUI 3. SSBE Vegeta 4. Teq ultimate gohan 5. teq gogeta 6. agl ssj3 goku 7. Janemba 8. Phy gogeta 9. teq majin vegeta 10. Slug Honestly pretty hard to rank, it was a very strong year for dokkan, new release wise and ezas.
Glorios is pretty fun all things considered but no SS Trio is CRAZY. Wouldn't be surprised if they were on his Top 10 least favourite list, even tho they're not all that different from Glorilla.
I feel like they deserve to be on the favorite list ngl. They on their own inspired like 100+ videos of 'mini ezas' of units being on their setup, that unit was fun asf for testing old units.
Favorite units list is awesome. Like for me str omega is still a favorite unit cause I always had the best luck with him. Always additional supered, always critted, and would already dodge a super for me. He's ass rn but definitely on my favorite unit list Had to edit cause I was naming all time lol
Favorite of the year though is probably teq vegeta. Pulled him with a dupe when he came out and he's been the reason I've won bunch of fights this year, but has rarely if ever been the reason I lost
Beast only being an active skill would've been fine if the unit itself was good but even on release Beastless was pretty underwhelming especially with how much better Orange Piccolo was than him. And it being an active skill ended up being a good thing because then we would've had our first Beast Gohan saddled with the kit of Beastless and that would've been even worse
I just i wish I could understand what their intentions were. Piccolo was built to be a defensive GOD and managed to be for a while. But Gohan had bad to awful defense, loved giving additional normals, and his active skill did terrible damage.
Honestly, after listening to truth talk about the hypothetical “family kamehameha only” Gohan, I’m sold on that type of unit idea. Just a unit that’s defensively solid that you have to defend like Goku charging the spirit bomb. Then you just NUKE the enemy and are rewarded for playing smart.
10.toppo 9.Lr Int Uni 7 eza 8. Lord slug 7. Daima characters 6. Lr AGL Gohan 5. AGL ss3 Goku 4. Lr PHY buutenks 3.Lr Eza Str UI goku (nostalgia and he dodges so much for me ) 2.Lr gotenks ( fucking finally a good LR gotenks ) 1.Lr Str gohan ( Gohan has always been my favorite character and the animations are so fucking beautiful)
For me, Beast is one of the best(maybe The best) character in the game, but not that fun to use. Like, Teq Broly with his gimics (turn 1 active) is much more cool, or AGL Broly 200 dozilins damage, or UI with Domain+Counters.
The EZAs for Int Ssj3 Goku and Teq Majin Vegeta are probably my personal favorites for this year. They were two of my favorite units to run back when they released on Global in 2020; up there with Teq Vegetto Blue and Str Rose in 2018, and EZA UI and Evo this year. To me, they've returned properly ^ ^)
I was playing leyends on 2023 and when I noticed Dokkan didnt get I felt bad, legends even got a second one before yall did, honestly this year for dokkan I can tell has been one of if not the best year for Dokkan and its something to celebrate
The Z Broly’s, teq Goatgeta, Carnival ss3 Goatenks, teq exchange Buu, Buutenks and Kefla had my heart this year fs Btw I still don’t understand how some ppl say that Teq Gogeta’s OST isn’t top 3 (no bias)
It's not even Top 10 for me. (And no, I'm not one of those, "No hard rock, need adrenaline, slow=trash" people, I just don't fw it.) Some slower and/or non-rock based OSTs I really like are the more orchestral ones. INT LR Broly Intro, STR Family Kamehameha Finish skill, AGL Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan Goku, AGL Jiren failed Finish skill, TEQ UI transformation come to mind. I hold great appreciation for the violin as well, if you could tell.
Truth you have to do a beast gohan video under double glorio support, he never left the number 1/best unit in the game spot. I was stunned with my 55% beast, reaching unbelievable stats with guard and damage reduction while easily breaking Goku and Frieza's damage limit with only one stack, glorio is fking crazy
This list and what you said is what i would have said if i was truth, i loved the game this year because of those units in the EXACT order you made them 💯💯♥️🤝
Teq Buuhan is my favorite unit of the year. I always prefer villain units when they’re good and especially when they have good teams. Buuhan and his team are the second coming of the Cooler team. All the Broly’s are good to but I view them as Saiyans more than typical villain teams.
I wouldn't say he's the most fun unit throughout the entire year, but just in the time as the 9th Anniversary was going on and shortly after it ended, AGL Broly was some of the most fun unit I've had in the game's history. His base form is obviously VERY vulnerable now, but during the 9th Anni, he didn't really become a risk factor until the later content like SBS Beast Gohan came out, and even Base Broly's damage was crazy when the start of the anniversary happened. But his transformed state? First of all, his domain wasn't nearly as much of a problem, as the only conflicting domain was the friend Broly (which wasnt bad, because you could run a transformed one with the untransformed one) Transformed AGL Broly was also still a slot one monster back during the 9th Anni, and his damage was completely unparalleled, besides Gogeta somewhat keeping up on his active turn. Broly's animations were also absolutely amazing, and so I remember staying up until daylight, using a Broly friend lead (because I never pulled him until months later lmao) and just gassing him up as much as possible to just see how fast I could obliterate both new and old events. Units are the most fun when they make you/your team feel overpowered asf, and AGL Broly on release gave that feeling like few units ever have imo
My number 1 character this year is easily EZA STR Kefla. She has saved my ass so many times and hasn't let me down once. If there was a team I could run her, I would. 8 additional, 5 crit, and 25 Dodge was all I needed to fist fuck all the toughest content.
We NEED a new beast showcase on glorios team. My beast gohan on global outright was damaging gofrieza on glorios team, and he isnt rainbow 100%, and it wasnt even a great rotation for links, AND I wasnt even really juicing him, it was mostly just glorio.
Fav Animations: AGL Broly (honorable mention teq UI) Fav Kit: Beast (honorable mention for Teq Gogeta) Fav Mix of Animations + Kit: Teq Broly (honorable mention for Phys Trio) Fav TUR: Fat Buu cuz he's fun to use (honorable mention for freeza cuz fav ost and animations for TUR and glorio cuz yeah)
Only after SSJ3Gotenks and the EZAS, then this AGL SSJ3 Goku is worthy of the list. His team (TEQ Gohan, STR Vegito especially) wanted to stack for many turns and he got me killed so many times because he becomes the weak link due to turn-limited DR.
I'm betting the Saiyan Day unit for 2025's gonna be a SSJ2 Vegeta (Mini) who transforms into SSJ3 and will probably have like a Piccolo (Mini) or some other character as the banner unit
Id definitely put teq buuhan in my top 5, pretty much my favoruite ost, animation and voice acting this year and he hits like a nuke after you pull out from inside him (😉)
Hey Truth or anyone that can reply to me, I am trying to complete all the missions for the (Tremble with Fear! The Devil Awakens) event, as I just recentrly return and was not playing while the broly and the event were up, my question is, is the event to get the F2P TEQ paragus and INT ssj1 Trunks, going to be available again in the future, or have I already lost the only chance to get those two and am not able to do the missions anymore, cause there is no other paragus if i´m not mistaken.
I've never commented on one of your videos ever, but I will NOT stand for any slander sent towards SS Gogeta's OST lmao. It has, is, and always will be an absolute banger and I will hear no argument otherwis
Mine is definitely teq vegeta Pulled 2 copies in the same multi Personal time for fastest ll10 50 additionals always crits dodges when needed And hes the only recent unit to not die ONCE on my account
In No Order my top 10 gotta be Beast Teq Broly teq Buuhan Teq Slug Team Turles Goliro STR DRAGON FIST IDC EZA phy Goten /' Trunks Phy Buuhan Phy Janemba honestly a top ten is so hard I feel this year for all types of premium units its been a complete slam dunk of units cant think of any super stinkers from any of the big celebration and alot of the monthly DFE have a home
Do yall think lr bulma could hang in glorios team under the 60% stats, with all the support from both leaders, was only thinking of all the multiple support turns with having both glorios and bulma being the floaters, but i could just be coping lol
Bulma is not on Glorio's leader skill at all lol. That's why it says "for characters who also belong to" those extra 30% stats are for the characters who are under the 170% categories and the 30% categories. That's how all 200% leaders work. Double Daima Goku leaders is how you can get Glorio and Bulma on the same team tho.
@biddz3884 Not a problem. I think you'll end up with even more support on that team too since Goku himself gives a support buff with each super he does
Mine be: 1. TEQ UI 2. PHYS SS Gogeta 3. EZA AGL UI 4. TEQ Broly (Prize Unit of the WWC this year.) 5. AGL DBS Broly 6. STR Cell Max 7. STR Beast Gohan 8. INT SS Goku (Mini) (I like the animations and his Intro OST) 9. INT Buu 10. STR Roshi Felt easier with the top 5 than it did with 6-10. Number 1 was a definite for me, considering I'm always using TEQ UI whenever I can lol
Finally someone with fat Buu on their list, that was my first taste of a truly powerful team this year because global was shafted for the first half of this year. I remember running double fat Buu and cackling to myself as I revived and ghost ushered two turns in a row to finish a fight, felt like i was cheating.
Do you mean Xeno Goku or Blue Goku? Those are two different charactesr lol. If you mean Blue Goku you'll have to wait until next year for it to return.
I would honestly put TEQ Gogeta (he's number 1 he's too good and I prefer Vegito), STR SSJ Gohan and then the TEQ Exchange Piccolo as my top 3 favorite units of 2024 Runner ups are AGL Broly from 9th, TEQ Broly and I know he's an older unit but I gotta rep TEQ Orange Piccolo (he's my favorite character lmao)
I'm glad to see TEQ Broly get the respect he deserves 💪 he's one of the most free units I've ever seen, and a lack of dupes hurts his performance *way* less than 99% of other big premium units. My 55% TEQ Broly has lived just about every big super in the game, and many of them (excluding like, buffed Goku and Frieza obviously lol) he even tanked after his first turns of DR wore off. My Broly also, when linked with SEZA Broly and with the INT domain up, regularly hits 30-35 mil and then throws out another additional too. Again, this mf is at *55%* The only other units that are even close at 55% to my 55% Broly is TEQ Gogeta post-transformation, Beast (and even then, my Broly tanks better outside of Beast's active turn), and *only sometimes* my 55% Carnival Gotenks. Broly just wrecks every single event, has barely any weaknesses if any at all, and he does it all without any bad restrictions. He's the GOAT
I got up to Teq Broly n ngl Im shocked either Beast or Lord Slug didnt make list, And got a feeling its gunna be Slug that didnt make list, Which is crazy lol…
Wow my take on str carnival gohan is kinda hot huh, dont find him too fun at all, im happy i got him and i recognize him as a top tier unit but when it comes to actual usage i do find him a bit overrated and not very fun, regardless im still glad i got him but i dont think hed be in my top 10 for the year
I'll say it again, if people didn't complain about physical beast not being beast then most likely Dokkan would of done A ssj Gohan that transforms into Beast A ultimate Gohan and orange Piccolo unit that swaps into Beast and a new ultimate Gohan that transforms into beast basically what they did to Dbs Gogeta where there is 0 start of battle SSB Gogetas. I had a feeling if phy beast wasn't complained about then they would of done that which is a massive no and I'm glad they did release beast. Also I don't think no unit could ever replace STR Gogeta as the Best unit in Dokkan history because not having STR Beast didn't make your account worthless. I was there when str Gogeta was out and I can tell you Gogeta is better than beast imo release date wise.
Top 10 anniversaries when?
good one
Unironically could see him do it after the 10th ani
Beginning of March trust
when there’s 10
It will forever go down in history that the reception to PHY Ultimate Gohan was SO BAD that Omatsu and the team had to specifically address it, and came as close as they were legally allowed to saying "We know you hate it, we're sorry, and we're releasing a real Beast before 10th anniversary guaranteed."
Because honestly what the fuck where they thinking . Half releasing a new form on a new movie on one of the main characters. AND HES ASS? guillotine -able offense
Perhaps because I thought the movie itself was a massive step down from the Broly movie, I actually liked PHY beast Gohan and wasn't at all disappointed. I think it's probably the best-looking active still today. And I thought it was obvious that they were saving another beast for an anniversary.
I was very surprised when everyone seemed to hate the character but I do get it since many people really liked the movie way more than I did and were just waiting with hype for the character to make an appearance in the game.
@@adasga nah he was like dogshit in his own event, fully built up and double super he still couldnt tank for shit
@user-6-9-4-2-0 TRUE, I feel like so many people forget the fact that not only we got robbed from beast but on top of that the unit wasn't even that good, Of course he wasn't unusable and i was using him in basically all events through whole 2023 and the first half of 2024 because he was "okayish" and had many teams and stuff but he definietly didnt feel as good as he should
@@adasga His animations aren't bad, but he shouldn't have been so terrible mechanically (especially compared to teq Piccolo)
Thumbnail is LR int datruth,best unit in the game fr
Not even Beast can beat him
Has to be INT for the extra dodge
@@frostydog6068underrated comment 🫡
Real shit
Hes Super INT.. they shoulda given bro extreme 😭😭🙏🙏
Can’t wait for agl first form frieza to be number 1
Wake me up when Truthy boy does the *Top 10 Hated Units of 2024! (DBZ: Dokkan Battle)*
placing my bet for dokkanfest first form frieza at #1
@@fritz0vall425 you know it's gonna be phy Rose. Truth has been saying how much that unit sucks since day 1. Since before day 1 for him since he came to global first. Frieza's problem is he got no help.
Teq 17 and beastless gohan making that list
Nah probably teq trunks or super 17
@@Zer0Hour17 nah in that case it’s eza int df broly
Ultimate Gohan's active skill into beast doing 2.1m to an enemy was one of the most interesting blunders I've ever seen. I wouldn't mind Ultimate Gohan, if his Beast Makankosappo did like 80million nuke. Then, it would've been like the movie. lmao
It would’ve benefitted from being a standby, like he goes into beast and charges up, and you could release for the special beam cannon
I agree, but I gotta point it out:
What tf is your profile pic bruh 💀
all they had to do was make him a costume change lmao, such a blunder
SSJ3 Goku is CRAZY good, and I don't understand why people think he is bad?
Super buus agenda
Yeah 90 dmg reduction for 5 turns is crazy
@@Kingngur 1st turn I'm pretty sure but he does have above 50% dr most of the fight
Low damage ig
@@LeFortIV He throws out multi million attacks lol.
Lr Str Carnival Gohan was my favorite unit of this year his animations and osts are some of my favorites
His standby ost is my favorite. Anytime I’m using him I always let it play
My number 1 is LR Ssj Goku, Gohan and Trunks, i did a lot runs with then trying multiple setups, they might have their risks, but It was worth It for how much units they made runnable with their support, i had a lot of fun with their team
For me it's between carnival teq broly and the unit you mentioned. Initially I was so excited for beast, but he very rarely makes any of my teams now, other units are just so much more fun.
For me Favorites:
1. Beast
2. MUI
3. SSBE Vegeta
4. Teq ultimate gohan
5. teq gogeta
6. agl ssj3 goku
7. Janemba
8. Phy gogeta
9. teq majin vegeta
10. Slug
Honestly pretty hard to rank, it was a very strong year for dokkan, new release wise and ezas.
Glorios is pretty fun all things considered but no SS Trio is CRAZY. Wouldn't be surprised if they were on his Top 10 least favourite list, even tho they're not all that different from Glorilla.
Problem is they restrict team building and thats NOT FUN. The things you gotta do for them just makes it not fun and separates them enough from glorio
sounds like u problem 🤣@@ayy-din
Poor guy can't even speak proper English. That's a huge problem champ!@@donzo2320
@donzo2320 no, it just sounds like a problem in general
I feel like they deserve to be on the favorite list ngl.
They on their own inspired like 100+ videos of 'mini ezas' of units being on their setup, that unit was fun asf for testing old units.
Favorite units list is awesome. Like for me str omega is still a favorite unit cause I always had the best luck with him. Always additional supered, always critted, and would already dodge a super for me. He's ass rn but definitely on my favorite unit list
Had to edit cause I was naming all time lol
Favorite of the year though is probably teq vegeta. Pulled him with a dupe when he came out and he's been the reason I've won bunch of fights this year, but has rarely if ever been the reason I lost
Beast is such a fair pick too @datruthdt imo you almost never miss with your dokkan picks
Top 10 characters you want to see the most?
I lowkey want to see a end of T.O.P Goku, Frieza, and A17 trio unit with the Goku and Frieza finishing move as an active skill
Beast only being an active skill would've been fine if the unit itself was good but even on release Beastless was pretty underwhelming especially with how much better Orange Piccolo was than him. And it being an active skill ended up being a good thing because then we would've had our first Beast Gohan saddled with the kit of Beastless and that would've been even worse
I just i wish I could understand what their intentions were. Piccolo was built to be a defensive GOD and managed to be for a while. But Gohan had bad to awful defense, loved giving additional normals, and his active skill did terrible damage.
Such an amazing year when it comes to releases
@17:31 "i remember I was in the shower" bro keep going, why you edging us like that, dafuq?
Teq Broly was top of my list too
Him and Beast just run the game, but Teq Broly is probably my favorite unit of the year because of his kit
Honestly, after listening to truth talk about the hypothetical “family kamehameha only” Gohan, I’m sold on that type of unit idea. Just a unit that’s defensively solid that you have to defend like Goku charging the spirit bomb. Then you just NUKE the enemy and are rewarded for playing smart.
9.Lr Int Uni 7 eza
8. Lord slug
7. Daima characters
6. Lr AGL Gohan
5. AGL ss3 Goku
4. Lr PHY buutenks
3.Lr Eza Str UI goku (nostalgia and he dodges so much for me )
2.Lr gotenks ( fucking finally a good LR gotenks )
1.Lr Str gohan ( Gohan has always been my favorite character and the animations are so fucking beautiful)
gloryhole is easily top 3, he has the best animations in the game and best ost in the game and he does a lot of damage
A unit with no built in super effective or crit really can't do lots of damage tbh
@@pokemonwilliams2176 I have a solution, you won't believe it
I agree that he's super high overall on the rankings but I feel like there's a bit of glaze in that animation and OST statement 😭😭
@@pokemonwilliams2176 who cares I like seeing big numbers and a lot of additional supers
Crazy how agl broly has better animations and a better ost😂😂😂
Truth be glazing TF out beast while he was in the movie for like 5 min 💀
I never knew about Datruth standing in the shower contemplating quitting Dokkan, thats sad asf and shows how dire that era was bro 😭
2:56 peak voice actor fr, he did great with shigaraki.
For me, Beast is one of the best(maybe The best) character in the game, but not that fun to use. Like, Teq Broly with his gimics (turn 1 active) is much more cool, or AGL Broly 200 dozilins damage, or UI with Domain+Counters.
Probably true but it's been fun to me all year watching bosses attacking beast a million times in slot 1 and not doing shit to him
I want to agree with you, but the fusion zamasu fight last wwdc made me wish for a character that could tank everything
No GGT after you milked them for 2 months is crazy
Also cant wait for the glorio long video where you drop his ranking
The EZAs for Int Ssj3 Goku and Teq Majin Vegeta are probably my personal favorites for this year.
They were two of my favorite units to run back when they released on Global in 2020; up there with Teq Vegetto Blue and Str Rose in 2018, and EZA UI and Evo this year.
To me, they've returned properly ^ ^)
Hey @datruthdt. Could you do a favorite/best and least favorite/worst teams of the year too. I think that would be dope.
LR Beast Gohan is still in GOAT tier 🫡
I was playing leyends on 2023 and when I noticed Dokkan didnt get I felt bad, legends even got a second one before yall did, honestly this year for dokkan I can tell has been one of if not the best year for Dokkan and its something to celebrate
The leasthan glaze is insane
The Z Broly’s, teq Goatgeta, Carnival ss3 Goatenks, teq exchange Buu, Buutenks and Kefla had my heart this year fs
Btw I still don’t understand how some ppl say that Teq Gogeta’s OST isn’t top 3 (no bias)
It's not even Top 10 for me. (And no, I'm not one of those, "No hard rock, need adrenaline, slow=trash" people, I just don't fw it.)
Some slower and/or non-rock based OSTs I really like are the more orchestral ones. INT LR Broly Intro, STR Family Kamehameha Finish skill, AGL Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan Goku, AGL Jiren failed Finish skill, TEQ UI transformation come to mind. I hold great appreciation for the violin as well, if you could tell.
Truth you have to do a beast gohan video under double glorio support, he never left the number 1/best unit in the game spot. I was stunned with my 55% beast, reaching unbelievable stats with guard and damage reduction while easily breaking Goku and Frieza's damage limit with only one stack, glorio is fking crazy
This list and what you said is what i would have said if i was truth, i loved the game this year because of those units in the EXACT order you made them 💯💯♥️🤝
that #1 drop was fire the way you built the suspense was crazy🔥
Teq Buuhan is my favorite unit of the year. I always prefer villain units when they’re good and especially when they have good teams. Buuhan and his team are the second coming of the Cooler team.
All the Broly’s are good to but I view them as Saiyans more than typical villain teams.
I think id have to have LR AGL broly in there somewhere. He saved villains for a whole year with super bosses. It was such a fun team all year.
I wouldn't say he's the most fun unit throughout the entire year, but just in the time as the 9th Anniversary was going on and shortly after it ended, AGL Broly was some of the most fun unit I've had in the game's history.
His base form is obviously VERY vulnerable now, but during the 9th Anni, he didn't really become a risk factor until the later content like SBS Beast Gohan came out, and even Base Broly's damage was crazy when the start of the anniversary happened.
But his transformed state? First of all, his domain wasn't nearly as much of a problem, as the only conflicting domain was the friend Broly (which wasnt bad, because you could run a transformed one with the untransformed one)
Transformed AGL Broly was also still a slot one monster back during the 9th Anni, and his damage was completely unparalleled, besides Gogeta somewhat keeping up on his active turn.
Broly's animations were also absolutely amazing, and so I remember staying up until daylight, using a Broly friend lead (because I never pulled him until months later lmao) and just gassing him up as much as possible to just see how fast I could obliterate both new and old events. Units are the most fun when they make you/your team feel overpowered asf, and AGL Broly on release gave that feeling like few units ever have imo
W List🔥mine would be:
1.Carnival Gogeta
2.Teq Gogeta
4.INT SSBE Vegeta
5.Phy trio
6.Phy Rosé
7.Universal Blue Goku
8.STR SSJ Gohan
9.STR Vegito
10.Phy Buuhan or Beast Gohan(Mostly Buuhan tho)
Appreciate the content, much love Truth ❤!
no bio GOATly is saddening
Beast really did set the tone for the entire year. He was likes Dokkans SSJ3 Vegeta moment. Just straight redemption. Beast is my #1 also.
can we talk about how he had ginyu twice in the list?
My number 1 character this year is easily EZA STR Kefla. She has saved my ass so many times and hasn't let me down once. If there was a team I could run her, I would. 8 additional, 5 crit, and 25 Dodge was all I needed to fist fuck all the toughest content.
We NEED a new beast showcase on glorios team. My beast gohan on global outright was damaging gofrieza on glorios team, and he isnt rainbow 100%, and it wasnt even a great rotation for links, AND I wasnt even really juicing him, it was mostly just glorio.
Fav Animations: AGL Broly (honorable mention teq UI)
Fav Kit: Beast (honorable mention for Teq Gogeta)
Fav Mix of Animations + Kit: Teq Broly (honorable mention for Phys Trio)
Fav TUR: Fat Buu cuz he's fun to use (honorable mention for freeza cuz fav ost and animations for TUR and glorio cuz yeah)
Only after SSJ3Gotenks and the EZAS, then this AGL SSJ3 Goku is worthy of the list. His team (TEQ Gohan, STR Vegito especially) wanted to stack for many turns and he got me killed so many times because he becomes the weak link due to turn-limited DR.
I'm betting the Saiyan Day unit for 2025's gonna be a SSJ2 Vegeta (Mini) who transforms into SSJ3 and will probably have like a Piccolo (Mini) or some other character as the banner unit
Id definitely put teq buuhan in my top 5, pretty much my favoruite ost, animation and voice acting this year and he hits like a nuke after you pull out from inside him (😉)
Teq vegeta is by far my favorite character of all time (lr phy ssj2 vegeta is up there too). Vegeta just has the hyped moments to me
For me this year it's between
STR Beast Gohan and PHY Gogeta
Hey Truth or anyone that can reply to me, I am trying to complete all the missions for the (Tremble with Fear! The Devil Awakens) event, as I just recentrly return and was not playing while the broly and the event were up, my question is, is the event to get the F2P TEQ paragus and INT ssj1 Trunks, going to be available again in the future, or have I already lost the only chance to get those two and am not able to do the missions anymore, cause there is no other paragus if i´m not mistaken.
That event may return for anniversary next month but nothing is confirmed at this time. It will return eventually, we just don't know when.
I've never commented on one of your videos ever, but I will NOT stand for any slander sent towards SS Gogeta's OST lmao. It has, is, and always will be an absolute banger and I will hear no argument otherwis
I have a 5 way tie for my top one, 2 LR Teq Brolys, LR Int Broly, LR Agl Broly and ofcourse the goat, Bio Broly.
Broly's support is in all slots, only the crit support is tied to slot 2 and 3
Any chance we know what the Anni units are before the DAIMA units leave?
Do a tierlist of all 2024 units in one video!
beast is so glazed that he appeared twice
God Goku is still one of my favorite units. I use him all the time to this day
Beast Gohan is the unit that defined this year. He is the standard every other unit compared to.
I love teq vegeta so much to this day hes awesome and i still use him regularly
Mine is definitely teq vegeta
Pulled 2 copies in the same multi
Personal time for fastest ll10
50 additionals always crits dodges when needed
And hes the only recent unit to not die ONCE on my account
Broly is so goated, plus animations are fire, I'm biased since he's my favorite dbz character besides cooler but his movie is goated
10th favourite is the newest one, truth you are so souless and without taste its crazy man.
i love how LR DaTruthDT is Int type because it gave him free 5 dodge 😭😭😭
We like new nano keep him around
Iam sorry, we all love beast, but teq broly... as you said... is in such a tierlist, the best unit ever.
In No Order my top 10 gotta be
Teq Broly
teq Buuhan
Teq Slug
Team Turles
EZA phy Goten /' Trunks
Phy Buuhan
Phy Janemba
honestly a top ten is so hard I feel this year for all types of premium units its been a complete slam dunk of units
cant think of any super stinkers from any of the big celebration and alot of the monthly DFE have a home
Personally I have blue gogeta as my favorite unit of the year he's my profile picture. His active skill in blue is so goated.
Technically his EZA was during Year 8 which is almost 2 years ago lol
I think eza broly cheelai and lemo deserve a spot and an argument for jiren
Do yall think lr bulma could hang in glorios team under the 60% stats, with all the support from both leaders, was only thinking of all the multiple support turns with having both glorios and bulma being the floaters, but i could just be coping lol
Bulma is not on Glorio's leader skill at all lol. That's why it says "for characters who also belong to" those extra 30% stats are for the characters who are under the 170% categories and the 30% categories. That's how all 200% leaders work.
Double Daima Goku leaders is how you can get Glorio and Bulma on the same team tho.
You are so right lol, I completely forgot 😅, truly a blonde moment on my end, thank you for waking me up 😂😂 and also thanks for the help :)
@biddz3884 Not a problem. I think you'll end up with even more support on that team too since Goku himself gives a support buff with each super he does
Mine be:
2. PHYS SS Gogeta
4. TEQ Broly (Prize Unit of the WWC this year.)
5. AGL DBS Broly
6. STR Cell Max
7. STR Beast Gohan
8. INT SS Goku (Mini) (I like the animations and his Intro OST)
9. INT Buu
10. STR Roshi
Felt easier with the top 5 than it did with 6-10. Number 1 was a definite for me, considering I'm always using TEQ UI whenever I can lol
Finally someone with fat Buu on their list, that was my first taste of a truly powerful team this year because global was shafted for the first half of this year. I remember running double fat Buu and cackling to myself as I revived and ghost ushered two turns in a row to finish a fight, felt like i was cheating.
I was totally expecting EZA teq gogeta on the list surprised he wasn't
The int buu disrespect is crazy his bag is tooo deep
one question, guys: why i can’t find the event to farm awakening medals for xeno ssj blue goku from the last dragonball heroes collab?
Do you mean Xeno Goku or Blue Goku? Those are two different charactesr lol. If you mean Blue Goku you'll have to wait until next year for it to return.
5:00 he doesn’t even talk tho😂
Wait till people can't read and start hating cause they mistake the list for 10 BEST UNITS.
Beast and teq broly will be remembered as the best units from 2024 🫡
Phy ultimate gohans release left a sour taste in my mouth until beast came out ngl.
Theres also the units being iffy on release e.g. raditz
I can agree with broly and gohan in the top spots no doubt
Enough with the sports references.
You act like Dokkan is professional sports, it’s a gatcha game.
Relax. You’re insufferable.
I would honestly put TEQ Gogeta (he's number 1 he's too good and I prefer Vegito), STR SSJ Gohan and then the TEQ Exchange Piccolo as my top 3 favorite units of 2024
Runner ups are AGL Broly from 9th, TEQ Broly and I know he's an older unit but I gotta rep TEQ Orange Piccolo (he's my favorite character lmao)
Beast definitely deserves the top spot
I think I overall agree with the list but I would AGL LR Broly
You know your luck’s bad when you literally pulled none of the summonable characters (not the EZAs) on this list despite summoning for all of them
Glorio’s voice actor is also Roxas in Kingdom Hearts! He’s a boss.
I'm glad to see TEQ Broly get the respect he deserves 💪 he's one of the most free units I've ever seen, and a lack of dupes hurts his performance *way* less than 99% of other big premium units.
My 55% TEQ Broly has lived just about every big super in the game, and many of them (excluding like, buffed Goku and Frieza obviously lol) he even tanked after his first turns of DR wore off.
My Broly also, when linked with SEZA Broly and with the INT domain up, regularly hits 30-35 mil and then throws out another additional too. Again, this mf is at *55%*
The only other units that are even close at 55% to my 55% Broly is TEQ Gogeta post-transformation, Beast (and even then, my Broly tanks better outside of Beast's active turn), and *only sometimes* my 55% Carnival Gotenks.
Broly just wrecks every single event, has barely any weaknesses if any at all, and he does it all without any bad restrictions. He's the GOAT
I decided to do a yolo summon for glorio since i got shafted, finally got a copy 😭
I got up to Teq Broly n ngl Im shocked either Beast or Lord Slug didnt make list, And got a feeling its gunna be Slug that didnt make list, Which is crazy lol…
If I recall, in 2019 and 2020 you said crit was king. You never mentioned anything about defense.
I want top 10 new units in 2024. AGL Broly is #1 because his animations made me happy after. Beast Gohan is trash because animations are limited.
Wow my take on str carnival gohan is kinda hot huh, dont find him too fun at all, im happy i got him and i recognize him as a top tier unit but when it comes to actual usage i do find him a bit overrated and not very fun, regardless im still glad i got him but i dont think hed be in my top 10 for the year
How humble of truth to put himself in super intelligent rather then extremely intelligent
After his active he changes into the extreme category
If TEQ Gogeta had his actual ost, it’d be a different story
no ss trio is crazy to me
Wouldn't be surprised if they were on his least favourite list, even tho they're not all that different from glorio
He says his rainbow one dies all the time, which is weird because my 55% one never dies.
Their weakness got heavily exposed when Gogeta and Janemba fights dropped
The title does say that it’s his “favorite” units
I finally got Agl UI goku this year only 55% and no Int Evo Vegeta still... Goku is a lot of fun though paired Teq UI Goku
Glorbio number one glormlo is the best! Giornio is amazing 🎉
Gloryhol goat
i love giorno giovanna
Truth is Int because of that sweet baked-in dodge chance
I'll say it again, if people didn't complain about physical beast not being beast then most likely Dokkan would of done
A ssj Gohan that transforms into Beast
A ultimate Gohan and orange Piccolo unit that swaps into Beast
and a new ultimate Gohan that transforms into beast
basically what they did to Dbs Gogeta where there is 0 start of battle SSB Gogetas. I had a feeling if phy beast wasn't complained about then they would of done that which is a massive no and I'm glad they did release beast.
Also I don't think no unit could ever replace STR Gogeta as the Best unit in Dokkan history because not having STR Beast didn't make your account worthless. I was there when str Gogeta was out and I can tell you Gogeta is better than beast imo release date wise.
broly made you want to quit and not the 10k+ stone banner? i cant remember who it was I think lr teq goku and frieza
To me teq ui is the best character this year, so fun and versatile, but of course the transforming condition is bad…..