I’m very disappointed that I took my grandson to many doctors and therapists and none of them ever suggested a helmet. He is 4 years old now and it’s too late for him. He has uneven ears and a weak right eyelid. I have seen children wearing a helmet but I had no idea what it was for? So sad that if we never studied any of this treatments and suggest or ask for a helmet it just goes without being addressed.
My email address is in the video description. Please remember it is considered unethical for me to provide treatment recommendations for a child I have not personally evaluated
@@mashaallah2238 I recommend you find a local pediatric physical therapist who can assist you. Hopefully my videos and playlists can be of use for you and your baby.
I’m very disappointed that I took my grandson to many doctors and therapists and none of them ever suggested a helmet. He is 4 years old now and it’s too late for him. He has uneven ears and a weak right eyelid. I have seen children wearing a helmet but I had no idea what it was for? So sad that if we never studied any of this treatments and suggest or ask for a helmet it just goes without being addressed.
I am sorry for you frustration. I hope this video will help educate others in the future
In case it’s mild, do we need the helmet?
Not everyone needs a helmet. Head shape can improve in very young infants. Assessment is typically free. I would recommend that
Mam plz let me know that what are the treatments are available on that ...that can do at our home...same happend with my 5 month baby
Plagiocephaly is best treated by a helmet if it has progressed significantly and does not improve with aggressive repositioning
Mam I want to talk how could I contact you
My email address is in the video description. Please remember it is considered unethical for me to provide treatment recommendations for a child I have not personally evaluated
@@pediatricPTexercises for my baby only mam pls help me pls
@@mashaallah2238 I recommend you find a local pediatric physical therapist who can assist you. Hopefully my videos and playlists can be of use for you and your baby.
We do not want to go with helmet
The helmet is the best treatment After a head shape has worsened to a certain level