Top 10 Shocking America's Next Top Model Moments

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @triforceninja13
    @triforceninja13 2 роки тому +471

    So let me get this straight? Tyra yelled at Tiffany because Tiffany was being a good sport?

    • @veronicapiccinini7956
      @veronicapiccinini7956 2 роки тому +89

      She took her defeat with dignity, and Tyra stole that dignity from her

    • @felixmeow660
      @felixmeow660 2 роки тому +48

      Watch Tiffany's chat with Oliver Twixt from a few months ago..she talks about Tyra yelling at her and she said Tyra was being dramatic for ratings..she never felt like they were rooting for her

    • @cocowiggy85
      @cocowiggy85 2 роки тому +16

      To this day I still didn't understand that...which led me to believe it was all for ratings. Smh!

    • @felixmeow660
      @felixmeow660 2 роки тому +27

      @@cocowiggy85 Tyra did alot of things for ratings on the many of the girls have said she was very distant and fake..some said she really mean off camera...just like I've heard that RuPaul doesn't interact with the queens on his show unless cameras are on

    • @Paige-pk8dr
      @Paige-pk8dr 2 роки тому +4

      Tyra yelled at Tiffany to get ratings she could less about the girls

  • @luxuryhub1323
    @luxuryhub1323 2 роки тому +449

    the fact that these challenges do not actually teach or help you be a model. You literally just make a fool of yourself on tv while Tyra makes money...

    • @veronicapiccinini7956
      @veronicapiccinini7956 2 роки тому +16

      Welcome to show business world

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 2 роки тому +20

      And Tyra never even demonstrated how they should do the challenges.

    • @Never-mind1919
      @Never-mind1919 2 роки тому +8

      It’s a TV show. For ratings, not for creating actual models.

    • @bryiad
      @bryiad 2 роки тому +2

      And laughs at you

    • @The67jeffery23
      @The67jeffery23 2 роки тому +2

      Why do y’all just keep blaming Tyra…. This is a reality television show!!!!

  • @Chocobear555
    @Chocobear555 2 роки тому +277

    I hate the idea of Angelea being disqualified because of her past. And don't get me started on the way Kenya was treated when she called that pervert out on his behavior.
    As far as the #1 pick is concerned: I despise Tyra's behavior. There is absolutely no excuse for what she did. I do not believe, for one second, that she acted that way because she cared about Tiffany. I think we saw the real Tyra Banks in that moment. And the real Tyra Banks may be beautiful on the outside, but horrifically ugly on the inside.

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 2 роки тому

      Also she said: "When my mother yelled at me it because she loved me!"
      No Tyra, that means you either ever did something wrong in your past or your mother likes to yell at you because she abused you mentally

    • @lexxitrexxi
      @lexxitrexxi 2 роки тому +7

      100% agree!

    • @chisomokhuvulo6442
      @chisomokhuvulo6442 2 роки тому +1

      That's why people would go into modelling as good girls with values and then you wonder how they become alcoholics and sleep around with whoever, they are taught that that's normal in their job but it isn't.

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 10 місяців тому +1

      Also, she just exposed herself after saying: "When my mother yelled like this because she loves me!"
      That means, she just told the viewers that her mother likes to yell at her many times either she made a lot of mistakes on her childhood or her mother liked to verbally abused her!
      And there's also some line on that infamous yell that get cut:
      "You can sleep with your baby at the mattress on the floor or something like that" which Thank God, it didn't make it to the cut.

  • @nickwheeler5396
    @nickwheeler5396 2 роки тому +230


  • @Becsx
    @Becsx 2 роки тому +79

    The girl who get blame for that male model who was harassing her, that was the worse... I can't even think about how she felt...

    • @marissa9873
      @marissa9873 Рік тому +1

      I totally agree. That's happened to me one too many times and I get blamed for it!

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 Рік тому +1

      The worst part is they didn't do anything to do that and instead calling her for being unprofessional for complaining. That guy touched her without her consent and even moaning to her ear! What if he grabbed her boobs or her private area?

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. 2 роки тому +273

    This whole show was one shocking moment after another. You need atleast 150 videos to go through the major WTF moments.

    • @vanessastegall
      @vanessastegall 2 роки тому +9

      I actually think one of the models did right by leaving the show! Cassandra wasn’t going to let the show change her and coming from somebody who had a horrific experience with short hair all I can say is that you go girl!

    • @oliviahunter2821
      @oliviahunter2821 2 роки тому +2

      No kidding. It was one of my favorite shows as a teenager (I’m now 30) but looking at it these days…damn.

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 Рік тому

      ​​@@vanessastegallI remember when I was a teenager that Cassandra was being ridicullous over her hair and then I realized, her haircut at that time can be considered as "Karen Haircut" nowadays

    • @vanessastegall
      @vanessastegall Рік тому

      @@margarethmichelina5146 look at Cassandra now. She’s a wife and mother

    • @flixtrue6300
      @flixtrue6300 3 місяці тому +1

      People were so naïeve back then 😅

  • @Slm99
    @Slm99 2 роки тому +118

    That show was so unhinged and Tyra has the emotion range of a spoon.

    • @Assassin_X
      @Assassin_X 2 роки тому +1

      Not a spoon 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 2 роки тому +4

      Tyra is the real definition of what if cringe in a human form

  • @mypeopleskillsarerusty4569
    @mypeopleskillsarerusty4569 2 роки тому +105

    I did not realize how toxic that show was when I watched it

    • @flixtrue6300
      @flixtrue6300 3 місяці тому

      So many people didn’t… I was very young, but hated the model industry for this!

  • @margarethmichelina5146
    @margarethmichelina5146 2 роки тому +94

    Watching ANTM as an adult, I realized that this show is not about Tyra Banks helping those aspire models to be famous but instead it's about her making a cult to worship her. She embarrased them by giving extreme challenges, humiliate them if they either too cocky or too quiet and if someone tried to stand up for themselves, Tyra and the other judges will said that they crossed the line and disrespectful the judges.
    Also, notice how most of the words that came out from this show has the word "Tyra" or"Ty" on it?
    Like Ty-over, Ty-vision, Tyra Mail and many more???
    And every team members of the show always said "Tyra wants this, Tyra wants that, This is not Tyra's standard! You should follow what Tyra said."
    That's something a cult leader will do!

  • @asymrsqueezes9675
    @asymrsqueezes9675 2 роки тому +217

    If I was Tyra Banks I would live every day in fear of the inevitable documentary about the toxic ANTM culture.

    • @sukma5277
      @sukma5277 2 роки тому +15

      She is a true manipulator and horrible narcissist person ,I doubt she would feel that way

    • @tommy9758
      @tommy9758 2 роки тому +4

      Yes and the ‘PR Maven’ Cutthroat who told nothing but a toxic and disrespectful comment.

    • @lionessbynature8007
      @lionessbynature8007 2 роки тому +9

      Oh it's coming. The Victoria secret documentary came out. I have no doubt a documentary on ANTM is coming soon.

    • @domotemujin7780
      @domotemujin7780 2 роки тому +6

      American Horror Story needs to do the new season on ANTM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @frankieseward8667
      @frankieseward8667 2 роки тому

      ​@@lionessbynature8007 when is it coming out?

  • @charleneelyce
    @charleneelyce 2 роки тому +95

    I'm surprised the cycle 7 challenge with the wobbly runway in the middle of the water wasn't included. That challenge was unbelievable and wouldn't ever happen in the real world. It was unnecessarily cruel. Actually....most challenges on the show's run were cruel and unnecessary. But for some reason that one sticks out in the my head the most.

    • @ventrue7
      @ventrue7 2 роки тому +6

      Or conveyor belt one

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 2 роки тому +3

      Fun fact:
      There was a young Jeffrey Star in the Cycle 7 water challenge as the audience.

  • @WhitfieldSinclair
    @WhitfieldSinclair 2 роки тому +69

    Keenyah wasn't the first model with a terrible male model. When they went to Spain in season 7, a Spanish model told Jaeda, the African American contestant, "I don't like black girls." Tyra nor her crew did a thing.

    • @michelledawn7446
      @michelledawn7446 2 роки тому +6

      Keenyah was in cycle 4.. so she might have been the first. I don't recall anyone in cycle 1-3 having an issue with a male model.

    • @yournameinapril30
      @yournameinapril30 2 роки тому +4

      I think that the season 1 and 2 have a huge issue with having male models invited. In cycle 1, it is so uncomfortable to watch the girls having "date" with French male models". Then in cycle 2, they have male models in their apartment which Shandi have committed that act with one male model with them. So from the very beginning, the show is very problematic It is just that at that time, people tolerate that.💀💀

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 2 роки тому +6

      @@yournameinapril30 And in Shandi's case, she apologized to her boyfriend for cheating on him and they had to show their heartbreaking conversations on camera! It should be a private conversation for God's sake!

  • @larahedge8960
    @larahedge8960 2 роки тому +52

    Lots of the stuff Tyra did to the contestants of the show was mean yet she hasn't apologized for anything

    • @yamiclaisx333
      @yamiclaisx333 2 роки тому +3

      She got cancelled about this a few years ago and she did apologize for some of it, specially the black face. It still doesn't justify it at all, but at least she is aware of the comments about this show and it seems like she is willing to recognize her mistakes.
      I still don't trust nor like her and her team though. 🙃

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 Рік тому

      And after ANTM is over, Tyra is struggling to find a better job. She tried to be the host of America's Got Talent and Dancing With The Stars but she only lasted of 2 seasons for both of the show. Also, ain't no way ANTM make a comeback after everybody opened up their experience on the show in the past and Tyra will never do Black Face again in this woke era.

  • @veronicapiccinini7956
    @veronicapiccinini7956 2 роки тому +28

    How about that time they made photos inside coffins, and one of the girls just happened to learn that one of her friends died from overdose in that same day? That’s insensitive.

  • @dainalopez2007
    @dainalopez2007 2 роки тому +87

    I remember that episode about Rebecca thought she was going to have a seizure. Made me upset no one didn't caught her to prevent her from falling to the ground. 😔

    • @rebeccamcmurrer9683
      @rebeccamcmurrer9683 2 роки тому +10

      If it makes you feel better I’ve heard her say the weave helped cushion her head in the fall…

    • @xenablossom4682
      @xenablossom4682 2 роки тому +2

      @@rebeccamcmurrer9683 Talk about a lucky break

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 2 роки тому +2

      Everyone was shocked at that time. Even they said : "Oh my god!" Many times.

  • @kataw0404
    @kataw0404 2 роки тому +52

    For me, the most shocking moment was when they aired Shandee's confession. It was so shocking and inhumane to air something so painful and personal that all that they did afterwards didn't surprise me.
    The one they didn't list here that I found to be even more inhumane was when they did the 7 deadly sins photo shoot inside a grave the day after Kaylen(?) found out her friend died.

    • @fizzao1342
      @fizzao1342 2 роки тому +2

      Yes, I have never forgotten that episode or Tyra having a meltdown at Tiffany.

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 Рік тому

      There's also another photoshoot where they have to potray as dead bodies when Jael's friend just died because of OD. Either they already planted the photoshoot a long time ago or maybe they purposedly planted it due to the circumstation. There's no such thing as coincidence, right?

    • @d1sastergirl136
      @d1sastergirl136 6 місяців тому +1

      when shandee asked tyra for advice, tyra all but called her a whore. and janice dickinson told a contestant to be honest and open up about how she's feeling regarding another contestant, and when the girl did open up, janice told her she's dead to her because you never air your dirty laundry. it was a toxic show all around

  • @henriklarssoneurovisioncha6515
    @henriklarssoneurovisioncha6515 2 роки тому +27

    The fact that all the models who did the interviews with Oliver Twixt said about what they did on ANTM : "that will never happend in the fashion industry "... that say alot !!

    • @darkcatra9841
      @darkcatra9841 2 роки тому +6

      I think the most shocking fact from the Oliver Twixt interviews were that the models were basically blacklisted in the industry and couldn't use their portfolio.

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 2 роки тому +4

      Or with Jessica Kobeissi. She also liked to interview former contestants of ANTM and they also "spill the tea" about the show.

  • @AyameObsessed
    @AyameObsessed 2 роки тому +20

    There are tons of upsetting things about ANTM but it deeply deeply upsets me that Angelea was disqualified at the last moment for being a sex worker, especially if the production was well aware of the situation before letting her compete. Trashy.

  • @BasurasaurusWrecks
    @BasurasaurusWrecks 2 роки тому +36

    Judge: “You need to work on your stage presence…”
    Rebecca: 🙄😴

  • @19aml89
    @19aml89 2 роки тому +19

    ANTM was just a way for Tyra to play the mean girl roll while pretending to be a big sister to these girls.

  • @StatRM
    @StatRM 2 роки тому +8

    There was also that time when a contestant with vitiligo got called "panda" by a famous photographer or costume designer (I can't remember which it was), and when she approached him and told him how inappropriate it was for him to call her that, he, instead of apologizing, got defensive and said she was being ungrateful and should consider herself lucky to have earned an "affectionate nickname" from him.

  • @blugreen123
    @blugreen123 2 роки тому +26

    Tyra's a sadist. Holy sh*t. 🙁

  • @satwikbardhan3245
    @satwikbardhan3245 2 роки тому +19

    the most shocking thing on ANTM was how it was on air for so long!!!

  • @charlotte241000
    @charlotte241000 2 роки тому +14

    Mr J didn't help matters with Michelle's skin infection because there's a scene where he's talking to the makeup artists and is all you can't use the same make-up because it might be leprosy I was glad when Tiffany's Grandmother yelled at them for being over dramatic and was all read a book or something!

  • @ATallTransgender
    @ATallTransgender 2 роки тому +9

    For those "dangerously high" heals AKA stripper heals (which they are), you walk on carpet with something to hold on like a wall or another person. Then you walk on carpet without holding on. Then you walk on tile while holding on. Then you walk on tile alone. That's how you learn to walk in those types of shoes NOT just putting girls in the heals then saying "well have fun". Fucking insane

  • @fizzao1342
    @fizzao1342 2 роки тому +7

    Our youngest daughter just told me the other day that she never realised how problematic ANTM was at the time. In her defence she was ten or so. It horrifies her now.

  • @angeleapreston4411
    @angeleapreston4411 2 роки тому +5

    Thanks for pronouncing my name right Ms. Mojo!!! 😮‍💨🙌🏻🙌🏻

  • @domotemujin7780
    @domotemujin7780 2 роки тому +6

    American Horror Story needs to do its new season on ANTM 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @vanessastegall
    @vanessastegall 2 роки тому +27


  • @delmicortave
    @delmicortave 2 роки тому +11

    In number 8 one model hurt her foot and use crutches also the cold water one model had hypothermia and the judges got mad because she didn't complain then in other challenge one model said she was feeling bad and couldn't do the photoshoot and they got mad because she did suck it up. This list should be at least 50 and Tyra should apologize

  • @ItsJustJakieG
    @ItsJustJakieG 2 роки тому +7

    Angelea getting disqualified from All Stars was so shocking because 1. Lisa winning after Angelea was crowned means Allison was originally 3rd…. That’s the craziest decision ever… even though she was the best performer and the fan favorite. And 2. THEY KNEW PRIOR ABOUT HER PAST AND CHANGED THIER MIND LAST MINUTE…. Horrible

  • @KatherineMedina-wj7pl
    @KatherineMedina-wj7pl 8 місяців тому +1

    The way they handled Keenya was insane. The way they treated Danielle the WHOLE season was insane. I cannot believe this mindset was normal at a point in time

  • @gerardgarcia8501
    @gerardgarcia8501 2 роки тому +15

    Now we need a top 20 shocking drag race moments

    • @nancypollard4531
      @nancypollard4531 2 роки тому +8

      Yes, I agree. I think RuPaul has a bit of Tyra Banks in him. Lol

  • @lonellfletcher
    @lonellfletcher 2 роки тому +18

    Am I the only one who was shocked that Angelea won All-stars to begin with? I always thought the last two standing would be Lisa and Allison.

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 Рік тому +1

      ​@johnbrown9654Whitney also in bottom 2 many times back in Season 10 and somehow she won over Anya who's never been in Bottom 2 and gets so many callouts.

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. 2 роки тому +6

    Omg not the Pendulum Challenge. I remember it so clearly. More power to Alexandra and all the other contestants who had to deal with that.

  • @karengreenfield7773
    @karengreenfield7773 2 роки тому +8

    I have always thought that Tyra should show them how it’s done and then the girls will know how it’s done. Some of those challenges where they had to learn a script in one day is not what would happen in a real shoot.

  • @jpage813
    @jpage813 2 роки тому +2

    I can’t wait for the exposé documentary

  • @GalactusOG
    @GalactusOG 2 роки тому +2

    we where rooting for you!

  • @jkn8705
    @jkn8705 2 роки тому +8

    I seriously forgot how problematic this show was. My God....

  • @g-burtfred1106
    @g-burtfred1106 2 роки тому +1

    Next, do a top 20 for ANTM fights! There were definitely some shocking fights to make a top 20 and then some.

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. 2 роки тому +15

    Also, can we mention the NERVE of ANTM to put models in Brownface and Blackface while having 2 Black people in prominent positions: A Host and a Judge. Then again, it’s the network that’s somehow ok with this.

    • @margarethmichelina5146
      @margarethmichelina5146 2 роки тому +1

      Not only once, but twice! If that happened on these days, the show will get cancelled immediately!

  • @flixtrue6300
    @flixtrue6300 3 місяці тому

    ‘I was homeless for a day’ 😂😂😂

  • @chantoya17
    @chantoya17 2 роки тому +4

    Sad part is that the high fashion industry is not too far from this, especially back in Tyra's day. What looks or seems ridiculous to us is not so in the industry. There was some exaggeration going on for TV ratings but you could tell that in Tyra's mind a lot of her decisions, judging and comments were justified as that was the status quo in the industry. I also believe she only made the show and put these young women through these situations because she was traumatized from her brief time in Europe as a high fashion model. She took it out on aspiring models. If anything this show exposed how toxic the fashion industry can be. Somehow, the reality is allegedly much worse.

  • @jeannettewagner8131
    @jeannettewagner8131 2 роки тому +3

    The thing with Keenyah is actually pretty outrageous. You don't want girls with a 'questionable' past but would let another girl feel extremely uncomfortable because another male model can't understand boundaries? And the reactions? You basically told her that it's okay for people to use you and to suck it up as long as it helps your career. And dear Tyra, gtf out with your explanation of how to handle it. "Yeah, make it fun, so he knows he has to stop" Yeah sure as if that would have helped.
    Can anyone explain that logic to me as if I was a child, please?

  • @yadielenielbellecolon982
    @yadielenielbellecolon982 2 роки тому

    Great Video ♥️♥️💙💙

  • @twiggystardust9573
    @twiggystardust9573 2 роки тому +4

    I never did understand why Tyra got so upset at Tiffany...

    • @d1sastergirl136
      @d1sastergirl136 6 місяців тому

      I'm not excusing the behavior but I truly believe Tyra was upset because it seemed like Tiffany didn't care whether or not she won or was getting eliminated. That is a slap in the face of all the girls who dreamed of being Top Model who either didn't make the show or got eliminated before Tiffany. I believe that's why Tyra was mad, which is fair because I'd be pissed at a girl who's heart isn't in it, wasting everyone's time. However, the way she screamed at her was 100% uncalled for. I'd have asked her to leave immediately and excused her from the room. Tyra and the producers both handled this wrong. Usually, if someone isn't enthusiastic about something, it's obvious, and therefore, the producers would have known Tiffany wasn't in the game. They'd have cut her sooner. But instead, they let it get to this point and Tyra blew up about her lack of emotion for a job Tiffany no longer seemed to want.

  • @olvialee7221
    @olvialee7221 2 роки тому +2

    From other previous videos, it’s pretty obvious that her speech to the model is going to be number one

  • @angelleftwing
    @angelleftwing 2 роки тому

    I love your ANTM videos 💟

  • @PHSDM104
    @PHSDM104 2 роки тому +7

    They were reaching with the MJ shoot. If Latoya Jackson was on set and saw nothing wrong with it, why is anyone else trying to find fault with it? SMH

    • @zairnermuller4960
      @zairnermuller4960 2 роки тому

      Latoya wasn't exactly Michael's favorite sister

    • @PHSDM104
      @PHSDM104 2 роки тому +1

      @@zairnermuller4960 Doesn't matter. Still his sister.

    • @funmilayotijani3119
      @funmilayotijani3119 2 роки тому

      Seeing as I and my sister Don't see eye to eye, she is the last person I will appreciate making choices on my behalf...Just because they are siblings doesn't mean they have your best interest at heart

  • @xPockyCrazy
    @xPockyCrazy 2 роки тому +2

    Number one will always be number one 😂

  • @tajsimms8976
    @tajsimms8976 2 роки тому +1

    Tyra be like “oh sweetie I was doing a fashion show in NYC during 9/11, and people were dying, and buildings were burning, but I still had to work it and be fierce…The judges don’t think you have the strength for modeling and it’s time to pack your bags, we’re sending you home. All of you will actually be packing your bags today because we’re sending you to JAPAN!!!!!!”

  • @tomasjephersin84
    @tomasjephersin84 2 роки тому +1

    Cycle 4 Is ICONIC For ALL The Wrong Reasons lol

  • @A_Rose_From_Concrete
    @A_Rose_From_Concrete 2 роки тому +6

    Wow. I never realized how toxic that show was until now 😬😬

  • @11cabadger
    @11cabadger 2 роки тому +5

    I remember losing all respect for Tyra after season after season was just one embarrassing ➡️ life-endangering ➡️ WTF moment after the next. I stopped watching it after Season 2 or 3 and then when it kept getting renewed, I would think, "Maybe Tyra & Jay learned their lesson but no, the producers (of which Tyra was one) just seemed to amp up the "drama". This was the genesis of reality TV competitions. Gone were the days when you had to use your brain.

  • @TightyWhiteyTrash
    @TightyWhiteyTrash Рік тому +1

    So, for cycle 16, ANTM hired already working models for that scene. They knew they weren’t going to be chosen and were hired just to freak the chosen girls out.

  • @Adam657
    @Adam657 Рік тому

    "You need to work on your presence."
    *loses consciousness*

  • @imakat154
    @imakat154 2 роки тому +4

    Seriously, is this show still on TV? I hope not! Just in this video I've seen bullying, racism and sexual assault. Wow, what a role model these judges are for our teenage girls.

  • @lessismore8533
    @lessismore8533 2 роки тому +2

    Tyra is so so guilty! Can’t believe I took this show seriously back then! Those poor girls

  • @potterizedbn7147
    @potterizedbn7147 2 роки тому

    Cycle 4 will go down in history as the cycle with the most shocking moments

  • @julesBrockingthat1999
    @julesBrockingthat1999 2 роки тому +11

    I never watched americas top model, but I learned about it through watching Watch Mojo and Ms Mojo videos. And wow it just was a very problematic show.😅

  • @joelcostello2386
    @joelcostello2386 2 роки тому +2

    I hate sharing my birthday with Tyra 😩

  • @aislingrvr
    @aislingrvr 2 роки тому +4

    Wasn't there a girl who had been molested and didn't want to kiss a guy as part of a photoshoot and they just dismissed it and made her do it anyway?

    • @spookymom83
      @spookymom83 2 роки тому +2

      There was! I can’t remember what cycle it was, but it was the girl with the bright red hair.

    • @terrencemathew7389
      @terrencemathew7389 2 роки тому +2

      Right. That was Kayla from cycle 15.

  • @maddog6620
    @maddog6620 2 роки тому +3

    shocking moment top models is dangerously high heels the girl who kissed a roach

  • @tmbline
    @tmbline 2 роки тому +8

    I thought this was already a video! But I bet there's a whole problematic antm list 😬😅

  • @alyzu4755
    @alyzu4755 2 роки тому +3

    This entire show was about Tyra's ego and the team trying to destroy young women.

  • @olvialee7221
    @olvialee7221 2 роки тому +3

    Honestly, I could see Tyra Banks and RuPaul together in a show

  • @crimsonclover9871
    @crimsonclover9871 2 роки тому +3

    I remember watching the cycle with Michelle and her impetigo. I felt so sorry for the poor girl. The rest of the girls acted like shrieking dramatic shrews.

  • @gwen6328
    @gwen6328 2 роки тому +1

    Now I understand why this show isn't doing anymore seasons...

  • @camillaziliotto7
    @camillaziliotto7 2 роки тому +2

    i dont know if i hate tyra for making them do those things, or if i hate myself for having being enterteined by it back then

  • @sainttan
    @sainttan 2 роки тому +1

    People say the show is absurd or something that didn't age well. But do you honestly think this show would have much audience, if they played it safe or socially acceptable. They made us aware of Isis King (a trans fashion model), Winnie Harlow a model who has a rare skin condition, and many more women who has there career and life change by the show.

  • @pamelarisner5000
    @pamelarisner5000 2 роки тому +1

    It’s funny cause if Kenya had gotten mad at him and angrily told him to back off, they would have reprimanded her again and Tyra would mention the stereotypes black women face, either way she WOUDLVE been screwed

  • @puredust5797
    @puredust5797 Рік тому

    Tyra: it's important to know how to handle manipulation, and cruelty

  • @Armo5575
    @Armo5575 Рік тому

    Idk how the tooth gap wasn’t in this to be honest, that was WILD

  • @thebeatleshelp5834
    @thebeatleshelp5834 2 роки тому

    So much Mexican face, black face, white face! That's amazing!

  • @gabriellehodges1996
    @gabriellehodges1996 4 місяці тому

    Yall will never make me hate Tyra lol

  • @christinaglover9854
    @christinaglover9854 2 роки тому +1

    She had the winner picked from the beginning of each season to check whatever box she wanted checked. After that, any model who performs better than the chosen one will get knocked out over some nebulous ‘lack of personality’ or lack of commitment or some such nonsense. Basically, you’ve obviously got better pictures than the chosen one so we’re going to rip apart you as a person on TV!
    Also Tyra obviously loved choosing challenges that would upset contestants for the drama. Then criticize them for not being willing to do everything. Like making the conservative girls do a nude shoot, the obviously traumatized girl kiss a male model, the girl who just lost a close friend so a shoot in a grave, etc.
    I’ll admit that I still enjoyed seeing the photos but I could usually guess the winner in the first couple of weeks and it was all so so obviously all about Tyra. She truly doesn’t care about anyone but herself.

    • @KyuuketsuhimeMiyu
      @KyuuketsuhimeMiyu Рік тому

      Or the makeovers, where they were like "Let's pick one girl who is clinging to her long hair and give her a pixie cut, just to see her cry so we can criticize her for being a baby over hair."

  • @wongchi8027
    @wongchi8027 2 роки тому

    Tyra just being Tyra

  • @terryfree8214
    @terryfree8214 2 роки тому

    It seems that you just need to do Top 10 shocking ANTM moments from Cycle 4 since the top 4 are all from that one season. I am sure there are six more you can find. :)

  • @Missmagazinebura
    @Missmagazinebura 2 роки тому

    We were all rooting for you should be on here

  • @felipehernandez1196
    @felipehernandez1196 2 роки тому +1

    Tyra should of had that same energy from the last one to the guy that was sexually harassing one of the contestants.

  • @maryloufarnsworth8461
    @maryloufarnsworth8461 2 роки тому

    Does anyone else seen a similarity between the ANTM shoots and the show, "Wipeout?"

  • @rosilenesousa361
    @rosilenesousa361 2 роки тому +2

    These girls are tortured. That's it! Don't tell me that the "industry" needs this. People are the industry. People torture them. Wicked show, wicked people on fashion world!

  • @sukma5277
    @sukma5277 2 роки тому +4

    Years from now ,this show will be remembered as a toxic show ,very horrible

  • @erimator17
    @erimator17 Рік тому

    11:10 I’m arachnophobic. Seeing this photo shoot just straight up pissed me off. Why would they do this to her? That’s LOW.

  • @TheTaylorsparks
    @TheTaylorsparks 2 роки тому +3

    No surprise about number 1. Am I correct?

  • @Masood.Wafayee
    @Masood.Wafayee 2 роки тому +3

    ANTM: Ratings FIRST, Safety SECOND.

  • @gabrielleashley8939
    @gabrielleashley8939 2 роки тому

    Toothless and homeless lmao

  • @jeannedecembre4514
    @jeannedecembre4514 2 роки тому

    The high hells challenge... Well, there're still several runways show with high heels.

  • @pythonkatie1985
    @pythonkatie1985 2 роки тому +1

    Not to mention, the producers KNEW that she had been working as an escort before she came back for the All Star season.

  • @puredust5797
    @puredust5797 Рік тому

    Tryra: I was homeless...for a day....

  • @danaarmas956
    @danaarmas956 Рік тому

    Tiffany cried

  • @Lucindanata
    @Lucindanata 2 роки тому

    Season 4 had to be there 🙈🙈

  • @thebeatleshelp5834
    @thebeatleshelp5834 2 роки тому

    The Beatles are amazing!

  • @jeannedecembre4514
    @jeannedecembre4514 2 роки тому +2

    Well, Michael's sister didn't have any issue with it... Why would we have ?

  • @tarynnewman6877
    @tarynnewman6877 2 роки тому

    Tyra was a monster

  • @sailorkeyblader
    @sailorkeyblader 2 роки тому

    Main reasons there is no ANTM 25..... Tyra was so toxic for this whole season

  • @tajsimms8976
    @tajsimms8976 2 роки тому +1

    Idk what it is about dissecting this show but every few months I find myself watching clips and it seems everyone else is doing it too. This show was really crazy and it went on for 23 seasons right. With so many episodes the discourse of this show will never end and I bet tyra doesn’t care because she’s getting BANK after traumatizing these girls

  • @reeslays3894
    @reeslays3894 Рік тому

    As a fellow arachnophobe the eva episode definitely had me like nahhh i would quit

    • @erimator17
      @erimator17 Рік тому

      Ikr?! It’s like taking a germaphobe to Chuck E Cheese

  • @CarlosRIOS777
    @CarlosRIOS777 2 роки тому

    It’s wild how I used to eat this show up but it was INSANELY problematic!

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. 2 роки тому

    10:06 Iconic Meme Template on TikTok.