Well mage tower was out for months, if you did it at the start I can assure you it was not trivial lmao, obviously better gear made this fight pretty easy at the end
you can use legion trinkets, just not legendaries. It also makes perfect sense, being able to use any kind of legendaries would make it incredibly easy.
@@lqrock5438 you're right but we should be able to use our covenet abilities and legendaries for Shadowlands instead, whats the fuckin point of grinding for them if we cant use them in some pieces of content -_-
@@stealthyspy1012 the fucking point is, you use them in shadowland dungeons and raids and pvp and overall SL content. It literally makes zero sense, its called timewalking, everything is scaling down, every type of legendary in the whole game is disabled, why would shadowlands legendaries be an exception?
Bro at the end now I see you used the BFA cloak and dress?! I’m shocked I can’t believe that this expansion didn’t bring ANYthing better for these kind of stats… seriously?
please try windwalker monk next, for me it was a pain in the ass but took me 50+ tries to get it, i'm not even close being as talented as you are so it would be fun to watch how the gods do it :3
Hello, i just wanted to ask, i played wow for 11years, and today i decided to fill up my biggest wow dream, play official, but i am kind of in bas position, is Wow worth playing? Or should I start playing things such as New World ? Tell me pls, it's important
One of the best rogues in the world, having to resort to previous exp trinkets and equipment for this challenge. Why the fuck did they not go for templates...
he was playing really bad at the start man, not using gauge on healing imps, using interrupt on imps, not using defensive cds, not using drums on second phase, not using blade rush, atacking a immune Agatha!!! outlaw rogue dont need too much gear, u can see that when he starts to play better
@@palasypalas7726 u either god at rogue or u need crazy scaled down gear, crusader, oils, gems, enchants crafted pvp gear whatever. shit is so overtuned for OL rogues
soulbinds and covenant abilities are disabled in MT. i don't think people are calling agatha hard, there are a lot of other mt challenges for other specs which are much harder
@@turtle8712 Agatha is probably the easiest to do imo. You only really fail if you don’t kill adds right away. Didn’t even notice they were disabled either. But that alone is probably why many are having trouble plus having unforgivable mechanisms to boot. If you are engineering bombs are really helpful.
@@noaboa5670 yeah i'm p sure agatha is the easiest. I think the tank boss, Kruul, is the hardest actual boss, but some specs have a lot of trouble beating their bosses which other specs just don't have problems with. I've heard disc, sv and frost dk all have pretty tough times
I have all Mage tower bosses done but shammy and warrior, I never had them classes. My mate that played wow for 15 years, talking about how he was so good getting rank 14 back in the day. Being a 2000+ Arena player getting his raid mounts and gear... Could not even do one challenge on Mage tower. What the fuck does that say! I called him out for so many times, we litterly lost our friendship because he didn't even have care bear on his Druid. LOL.
I'm more of a PVE than PVP person but watched both your mage tower videos. They're hilarious. We still waiting for the Subtly one though.
Lmao you should do more PvE content, it's entertaining to watch you explore something you're brand new at
2:17 can someone explain to me why a note of harmony icon shows during his rotation? I’ve seen it in other peoples videos and haven’t figured out why?
its the celestial guidance enchant proccing
"Go sub, HAHAHA". I totally lost it lmao
Gratz, did it on my warrior today! Outlaw looks fun might give it a go
Mage tower is the best pve experience ever
I love how the imps are the actual boss fight in this one, Agatha is just a downtime target dummy.
oh god, the imp lady. feral has always had the worst aoe in the game so beating her as feral was such a drag
Was almost mandatory to get the Luffa Wrappings legendary thing haha
took me 5 tries as feral my guy u tripping
No way, Brutal Slash made this challenge trivial in Legion, and Primal Wrath makes it trivial now.
You tripping I literally wandered in and 1 shot her how do you die you can heal after your finishers plus infinite energy with predator
Well mage tower was out for months, if you did it at the start I can assure you it was not trivial lmao, obviously better gear made this fight pretty easy at the end
"I'm slowly killing Agatha"
"Go Sub, Hahahahahah" lost my shit
So we can use bfa op trinkets but not legion trinkets or legendaries? Makes sense
you can use legion trinkets, just not legendaries.
It also makes perfect sense, being able to use any kind of legendaries would make it incredibly easy.
@@lqrock5438 you're right but we should be able to use our covenet abilities and legendaries for Shadowlands instead, whats the fuckin point of grinding for them if we cant use them in some pieces of content -_-
@@stealthyspy1012 yeah no. theres a reason its called timewalk.
@@stealthyspy1012 the fucking point is, you use them in shadowland dungeons and raids and pvp and overall SL content.
It literally makes zero sense, its called timewalking, everything is scaling down, every type of legendary in the whole game is disabled, why would shadowlands legendaries be an exception?
@@lqrock5438 It would make it how it was back then actually
Lol seen alot of your arena vids, never seen you so focusedxD gj
whats the outro song man its killing me
Always in the desc
Outro jumpscared me
mfd on the imps means lots of resets
Is it worth playing wow again
Hell no
yeah the mage towers are pretty fun
@Christopher fuck the mage tower everyone does it in one day, zero content don't do it
tbc is fun
It's new dalaran, old dalaran is WotLK
this is content, i like it
Bro at the end now I see you used the BFA cloak and dress?! I’m shocked I can’t believe that this expansion didn’t bring ANYthing better for these kind of stats… seriously?
Wait for SL Timewalking.
Okaaayyy Pika's kinda nice with the pve mechanics
I 1 shot this on mage. This looks miserable on rogue.
I think you get an achievement if you beat it on all classes, and a feat of strength if you beat in on all specs
you get the book mount för completing every of the 7 different encounters
mount for every single fight completed, adn special achiev for every single spec completed
But no skin for the weapon?
@@losmcdonald nope, skins are exclusive to those who completed it back in the day. Only exception is the new Fel Werebear skin.
I can get to phase 2 on sub but can’t kill the phase two boss lol
please try windwalker monk next, for me it was a pain in the ass but took me 50+ tries to get it, i'm not even close being as talented as you are so it would be fun to watch how the gods do it :3
Windwalker took me 10 tries as warlock main. But i had several tries on destro so i knew what to do. One of the more easier challenges.
Hello, i just wanted to ask, i played wow for 11years, and today i decided to fill up my biggest wow dream, play official, but i am kind of in bas position, is Wow worth playing? Or should I start playing things such as New World ? Tell me pls, it's important
my main spec is fardybuttholes :(
ive been trying to do this but its so fucking hard, im so bad at pve
As mage the channeling imps did in one dragons breath, how are yours so tanky
Oh wait
outlaw does like no damage lmao
But its tanky af
One of the best rogues in the world, having to resort to previous exp trinkets and equipment for this challenge. Why the fuck did they not go for templates...
he was playing really bad at the start man, not using gauge on healing imps, using interrupt on imps, not using defensive cds, not using drums on second phase, not using blade rush, atacking a immune Agatha!!!
outlaw rogue dont need too much gear, u can see that when he starts to play better
@@palasypalas7726 u either god at rogue or u need crazy scaled down gear, crusader, oils, gems, enchants crafted pvp gear whatever. shit is so overtuned for OL rogues
Huge gamming
This shows how scuffed classes are without borrowed power, absolute trash.
this video is in dire need of some background music
Oh how I miss drest
Noti squaaddd
Does PvE with PvP gear rofl
Use acc gear mate
I 1 shot this as outlaw kyrian with kyria soulbind. Maximizing crit gear. People are seriously overhyping how hard this is. Using AR leggo.
soulbinds and covenant abilities are disabled in MT. i don't think people are calling agatha hard, there are a lot of other mt challenges for other specs which are much harder
@@turtle8712 Agatha is probably the easiest to do imo. You only really fail if you don’t kill adds right away. Didn’t even notice they were disabled either. But that alone is probably why many are having trouble plus having unforgivable mechanisms to boot. If you are engineering bombs are really helpful.
@@noaboa5670 yeah i'm p sure agatha is the easiest. I think the tank boss, Kruul, is the hardest actual boss, but some specs have a lot of trouble beating their bosses which other specs just don't have problems with. I've heard disc, sv and frost dk all have pretty tough times
@@turtle8712 I heard the tank one got a nerf but could be wrong
@@noaboa5670 yeah a lot of different shit got nerfed in recent hotfix
Vigor > MfD in PvE all day baby
No, especially not in here when u can spam MfD on adds.
Vigor is %99 of the time a bait.
I’m in shock that a trinket from 2 years ago is still viable for anything 🤣 wtf blizzard
The ilvl is scaled because of time walking. That's why it's viable.
I have all Mage tower bosses done but shammy and warrior, I never had them classes.
My mate that played wow for 15 years, talking about how he was so good getting rank 14 back in the day. Being a 2000+ Arena player getting his raid mounts and gear... Could not even do one challenge on Mage tower. What the fuck does that say!
I called him out for so many times, we litterly lost our friendship because he didn't even have care bear on his Druid. LOL.
Wait so you bullied or harassed your friend about a game so much that you lost your friendship? Doesn't that say something about you?
@@orkunakman1541 avg wow player