How much longer will they hurt each other before they start rebuilding?💔 Hira and Orhun's beautiful love has turned into a path of torment and is currently being effectively destroyed😢 The scattered pomegranate seeds, so symbolic for them, in a place as important and intimate as their former shared bedroom full of their love memories, open up more wounds in their hearts, trigger a cold war of words between them and once again they hurt each other😢 Only, under their apparent composure, a fire of pain, regret, longing and mutual claims is raging, and everything inside them is screaming with despair that one no longer belongs to the other💔Hira cannot cope with the pressure of Orhun's presence next to her and her daughter, and when she hears his critical remark, something inside her breaks, and the old anger, bitterness and pain of rejection make her stop holding back and slap him😒
🎇🎇Es hora de que Orhun descubra toda la verdad y saque a estas serpientes a la calle, El hermoso amor de Hira y Orhun está siendo destruido 😢 una vez más se lastiman😢
Orhun should find out the whole truth not part of the truth. I suspect that Afife's actions toward Hira forcing her to abort her pregnancy will not be unmasked for Orhun. When he finds out about his daughter, he will blame Hira for lying to him and not telling him the truth. This is what the writers prefer to unmask part of the truth.
Oh dear, this was so heartbreaking, i cried my eyes out on the pomegranate scene.. they took their most intimate, sacred and most beautiful moment and just stepped on it 💔😭😭😭
They would not be where they are right now if Hira had never kept anything from Orhun, the abuse from Afife, and Orhun’s cousin whose games sent him to prison. Hira is to blame allot for all of this because of her silence. Even now she is staying silent and actually protecting Afife who forced her into an abortion (which didn’t take place). Hira protected Afife while Orhun was in prison by failing to tell Orhun about being locked up in the dungeon of his home and only brought out when he wanted to see her. It’s like being married to an abusive husband and every time you have the opportunity to report him and get free from him you go right back for more of the same. That is what Hira has done for 3 seasons with Afife…
We cried in season one and two for these two, now we are going to cry again for them in season 3 also? I feel sorry for myself along with feeling sorry for them because what is this atrocity? They should just give us back our Cenk and Mahassine. Hira is so unrecognizable and Orhun is getting worse. Heartbreak and anger are a bad combination.
Această explozie a Hirei după faza cu rodiile împrăștiate în dormitorul lor și apoi văzându-l pe Orhun lagăr Sahra dându-i și sfaturi…poate-l determină pe Orhun să-și dea seama ca este mai mult decât acel divorț…și va începe să investigheze..🙏❤️
I agree, if this keep going on, is the hate going to be so bad that they don't come back from it. I don't recognize Hira anymore. I knew Orhun would come looking for his only love when he got out. Why can't Hira talk to him about this? Would you be surprised that Orhun wouldn't have a clue to what you are talking about? Yes, Orhun wanted you to live your life so he wanted a divorce, but the Orhun I know would have come out if he knew you were pregnant. Why doesn't Orhun ask why she is so angry with him. Orhun isn't asking any questions and Hira is not telling why she is so angry. Now, really, Hira would take Afife Hanim for her word that Orhun does want you to have this abortion. Really I guess in this season Hira still hasn't learned. She still doesn't tell Orhun that Afife Hanim kept her in that basement. No lessons were learned. I didn't understand when she got in the car with Afife Hanim. I was saying why did you do that?
Nu am terminat ideea cred că din acest motiv abandonez acest serial este foarte lung și multă violență cred că acest scriitor promovează violență 😢scuzați-mă dar este opinia mea.
Mas e assim cd vês que começa tem novas complicações ninguém sabe de ND não descobre ND cd vês mais humilhação mais sofrimento vão fazer hora da um tapa em orum
Nazmiye Yilmaz qui écrit cette série, a écrit aussi Emanet et c'est pareil. Que des tortures, souffrance et mort. Cette femme ne connais pas le bonheur.
The first seen orhun's working in the room and on bed 😂😂 hira finally using the vacuum cleaning then changed to broom,dustpan 😅😅 two sights crack me up
Somos concientes que está verdad será un largo camino por recorrer 😢 Orhun está adentrado en su dolor de haber perdido a Hira por su culpa, ésa actitud ruda hacía ella sólo para demostrarle que no la ama 🥺 cuándo en realidad sus corazones todavía laten🔥❤️ Hira dice borrar el pasado dónde claramente ninguno de los dos lo han olvidado ❤️🥺 y con ése hermoso recuerdo íntimo con los granos granada realmente dolió hasta el alma esa escena 💔😭😭 ambos se están lastimando entre sí, con cada palabra hiriente que se dicen, cómo una daga en sus propios corazones 💔💔
Hello 🤗 I'm glad we see Orhun the same way, because it seems that not everyone understands why he behaves like this and what a high price he pays for it... They both suffer a lot, only each shows it differently... Now Hira is the angry one, and he is the withdrawn one.😒😒
@@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbitHola 😊 es que ellos sólo piensan que Hira solamente es la que ha sufrido todo esté tiempo y no, no es así..ambos sufren aunque el otro piense que no es así 😢
A verdade só vai ser revelada com a morte da Hora,aí sim vitória pra todos , gente a maldade que prevalece ,isso está me fazendo mal só vejo o resumo não tenho estômago pra ver tanta maldade com uma pessoa só tô fora!
Que barbaridad con estos escritores joden la serie casi 400 capitulos d maldad ,humillacion, tiros etc y poca creatividad para tantos capitulos que quieres enseñar al publico q asi se vive en turkia guau paso😢 ningun actor se rie ni es feliz que libreto y que aguante de todos los actores😮 y la Hira modo resentida y muda por no decir la verdad y Orhun ciego queremos al orhun de antes el inteligente ,la flacucha abogada q se hace la tontita😂y la rata🐀 del yektar un entrevero todos lo unico hermoso e inteligente la niña Sahra ❤ saludos 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷💯💯
Hira z każdym dniem staje się nie do poznania a jej agresja wobec Orhuna zaczyna wymykać się spod kontroli. Ta scena w sypialni..Rozsypane nasiona granatu uderzyły OrHir w czułe miejsce bo mają wyjątkowe znaczenie i kiedyś były zapowiedzią magicznych chwil 💔 a teraz przywołują bolesne dla nich wspomnienia ale to nie wina ani Hiry ani Orhuna, że skrawki ich przeszłości ciągle do nich wracają zbyt wiele dla nich 😟. Widząc Orhuna i Sahrę razem wściekłość Hiry sięga zenitu i znów go rani przez co jest mi szczerze żal Orhuna bo nie zasłużył na tak podłe traktowanie z jej strony. Ale ostre słowa Hiry bolą go mocniej niż to, że go spoliczkowała..nie rozumie dlaczego tak się zachowuje 😥..Szkoda tylko, że w przypływie złości podniosła też głos na Sahrę.. 😟.
Witaj🤗 Jeżeli nie dadzą nam i im trochę wytchnienia, to to ciśnienie sprawi, ze ro będzie nie do zniesienia.😒😒Hira tez nie wytrzymuje tego ciśnienia... Wszystko się w niej burzy... Odzywają się stare rany i sobie z nimi obok niego nie radzi... Orhun cierpi i jest załamany, ledwo to znosi i udaje chłód i obojętność... Matko kochana... To się robi coraz straszniejsze do oglądania 😢😢
@@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit Witaj 🤗 Ciężko się patrzy na nich..takich obolałych i poranionych.. Takich wspomnień będzie coraz więcej i coraz trudniej będzie im znieść siebie nawzajem..😟😟. Najgorzej, że Orhun jest zszokowany coraz większą wrogością Hiry i ten wymierzony przez nią jest coś czego się nie spodziewał..I nawet Sahra nie pojmuje dlaczego tak "wujka" nie lubi , przecież jest dla niej dobry 😢😢..
@@SabaL-gu9wu Najgorsze jest to, że rozcierają ich miłość na taką miazgę, ze nie mam pojęcia, jak długo to będą potem składać i odbudowywać... Na razie można się udusić od ich smutku i bólu😢😢Sahra nie rozumie, czemu mama jest zła, Orhun nie rozumie, czemu jest aż tak zła, a Hira nie rozumie, ze tak wielka wściekłość na byłego męża, nie przystoi szczęśliwej mężatce i matce... Orhun nie widzi drugiego dna tej sytuacji...
كل هذا بسبب كذبة عفيفة الشريرة استطاعت بهذه الكذبة تفريق عصافير الحب وجعلت حياتهم مثل ساحة حرب ضارية كل واحد منهم يوجه سلاحه في وجه الآخر الاثنان ينزفان من الداخل والغضب لم يقتصر عليهم فقط بل وصل هذا الغضب الى ابنتهما الوحيدة الان حتى صحراء لم تسلم من هذا التوتر هيرا غاضبة من ارهون لانه من رغم من معرفته بحملها تركها وزاد من غضبها هو اعتقادها انه اراد تخلص من حملها وهو مستسلم لفكرة انها تزوجت برجل غيره كلاهما وقعا في فخ عفيفة الشريرة اتمنى ان الحب الذي بداخلهما يظل قوي ولا يستسلم اتمنى من ارهون ان لا يستسلم لأمه ويتقرب من دفنا اذا الكاتبة ذهبت في هذا الاتجاه وفرقتهم سيكون ظلما لكليهما وقصة حبهما تنهار وبالتالي سينهار معه المسلسل باكمله
@@FatimaHamri-yj4obAfife w kłamstwach, intrygach i niszczeniu życia wszystkim dookoła nie ma sobie równych, niestety 😏. To co zrobiła OrHir na początku tego sezonu jest nie do wyobrażenia..te sidła które na nich zastawiła po to by jej to cholerne nazwisko, status społeczny , majątek i opinia publiczna nie daj Boże nie ucierpiały 😡😡.. Miłość między Orhunem a Hirą nie upadnie ale będzie blisko dna od którego mam nadzieję że się odbiją 🙏🙏.. Kurczę..kiedy piekło się o Afife upomni..
Orhun needs to do some math with regard to Sahra. The script writers do love their "poison." Please stop the physical and mental abuse of Hira. Orhun's mother's plans need to backfire-- one evil act after another by her, and she suffers no consequences. The script writers must spend enormous amounts of time engaging in and feeding their inner aggressions; this is not entertainment for viewers who watch. Cenk Torun and Mahassine Meherabet deserve better. They are amazing actors who are delivering masterful performances in spite of the writers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it CL, I was wondering if anyone else was going to ask why he hasn't said a word about her age but I guess since he wasn't told Hira was pregnant. You'd think he would calculate and realize that Hira would have taken a lot longer to be with someone so more than likely that child is his. I don't get Orhun, he seems like such a smart good man but look at how his mother has more control of his life than he does. Orhun can say something, Afife Hanim does the total opposite. You'd think that Orhun would have moved with Hira so he can live his life, but no. He goes and here comes his mother and all her evil. That baby girl didn't deserve to be yelled at by Hira because you are mad at her dad. Orhun is not at fault here, you are for listening to Afife Hanim and getting in that car with her.
Awkward moment for Orhun, Hira, and Sahra. All in a difficult situation because of the hatred between them, and now Sahra is caught in the middle. They're both denying the love they once had. How are they going to move into a calmer days? Sad but true. 😢
تصرفاته لا علاقة لها بكبريائه هو كل همه انها لاتترك القصر لو تابعتى حلقه إمبارح بعد مشهد بكائها فى الحديقه قال ماذا لو تركت القصر كيف ساحميهما فضل انها تكره وتبقي عن انها تعرف بحبه لها وترحل للمجهول
Até quando vai durar tanta agressividade entre eles e até quando está hostilidade vai acabar entre os personagens que só estão se atacando mutuamente, mas sempre com a sombra do passado entre eles, quando Orhun descobrirá que Sahar é sua filha para ter uma aproximação entre o casal.
Hira está momentaneamente fora de controle, a dor e a decepção são tão presentes que ela está no limite. Contudo, ainda vejo que Orhun sofre mais, pois ele é totalmente inocente quanto todas essas mentiras. Estou desanimada, o amor está sufocado por brigas e desentendimentos e para piorar Hira continua em silêncio, mas eu sou persistente, perseverante e esperançosa. Vou aguardar!❤❤❤
Hira has only herself to blame for turning a blind eye and not opening her mouth, foolish woman ur going to push ur daughter away gurl wakey wKey. Ur just pissing me off even more
Lamentável, decepcionante, Hira descontando sua raiva na própria filha, ela que sempre foi tão meiga, delicada, bondosa, deveria descontar sua raiva e revolta na Afife, Orhun não sabe mais o que falar, como agir, está confuso, e a cobra mãe triunfante, está muito triste assistir, mas ainda assim torço por ORHIR, descubram logo a verdade! 😢😢
❤Acest episod a fost sfasietor, amintirile primei nopți de dragoste, rodia și melodia care a dat sens acelei nopți au ajuns sa i rănească atât de mult😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Writers if there is an ounce of good left in your pen, let Orhun reflect on this and ask why? Why is she so angry? What is she harboring? What does it have to do with him? Hira has never raised her had before what is it? Orhun should be asking himself this and investigate it? Writers please stop painting him as a dumb person when it comes to women let him figure it out
I love this show, more and more everyday! One day we will see them work all these problems out and be back together and then we will all be happy! Let the truth be told!
Olha essa novela se tornou um elefante branco✍️ eles realmente não sabe o que fazer inventar essa história da paternidade um assunto muito fraco pra nove meses de gravação não está tendo como assistir mesmo a gente gostando muito é impossível ver isso
I have watched all of Naz dizi's and honestly they are all toxic. The reason all her dizi's have such a huge fanbase is because of the casting of the leads🔥🔥🔥 The chemistry of the leads be lit🥵🥵🥵🥵 As much as we love OrHir and if you read my post sometimes I say I wish I had me an Orhun but in real life. If I saw a Orhun in real life I'd run for the hills. I would never want a man that's a mama's boy. She does everything possible to humilate me and abuse me yet we still in the same house. I'd make him chose either we live in a different house or it's over. Now with Hira she never tells Orhun anything always hides things. Trust is a major role in relationships. Now she acting like love is the worst thing in the World she's crying because Orhun loves her wtffff. OrHir needs serious therapy because they both have major issues. Orhun looking extrememly handsome sitting on the bed without that hot jacket🥵 Both of them affected by the pomegrante's and thinking about their night together. At least Orhun didn't intentionally knock over the pomegrantes he accidently did it. The fb the song and the looks🤧 Orhun stepping on the pomegrante's telling her the night meant nothing,but secretly dying inside after hurting her and himself these writers are something else. Orhun in so affected by Sahra🤧 Sahra is the only thing that calms OrHir's storm🥰 Poor Sahra caught in the crossfire Orhun trying to ignore her and Hira's yelling at her😒 All the child is doing is loving her parents and this is what she get in return🤧 Hira's angry at Orhun for giving her advice about her daughter then remembers the divorce and abortion. I wish Orhun will start to doubt why Hira is so angry and slapping him.
I loved the slap 👋 that’s some passion lol 😂 in Naz twisted world. I can’t wait to see orhun face on Monday when Hira either flirt with him or do something weird because that juice she drank was meant for Defne not her. It’s not poison as everyone thinks it’s some love potion or viagra lol 😂 for woman . Poor guy will be so perplexed 🤔 It be funny. One minute she slaps him across the face the next she is batting her eyelashes haha 🤣 orhun will be like wtf. Maybe that’s why she had the purple dress he will take her to doctor .
@@samali6066acel suc era pentru Hira s-o discrediteze…in fata lui Afife s-o alunge din conac..ea a vazut ca Orhun inca o iubește și știa ca Defne nu va putea ajunge la Orhun…alta Perihan, poate mai periculoasă 🤓
Așa se înțelege în lumea lor când ești puternic trebuie să fii violent, agresiv…așa ca și Hira a învățat ceva…să trântească usi( când s-a întors din Franța) și acum să-l plesnească pe Orhun…ar fi amuzant dacă nu m-ar deprima🤓😀❤️🇷🇴acest scenariu oribil
The moment when he crushes the pomegranates seeds it is terribly painful, heartbreacking. OMG! Both are briliant! We are crying, we fill all their pain, magnificent! We love them! ❤
Desconozco a Hira en su actitud con su hija Onur le a demostrado que daría su vida por protegerla y su actitud es para enojar si su disque marido las abandonó 😢
The scene when I spilled the pomegranate, I didn't realize my tears were falling. I felt Hira's heartache when I remembered that, how long would they both hurt each other?
In this film, will there be a defeat for Afife, because we know that many of her crimes have not been revealed, especially against Hira and her daughter?
I want to see Afife's destruction in season 3 and I want to see Orhun cry tears of blood because of regret and not learning from previous events, especially his own mother.
So heartbreaking watching them like strangers and Orhun that gives orders to her in that harsh way 😢😢😢😢when this hell will end ??In the beginning when they argued and she was only a guest in his home we can accept it but now she is his maid ..I can’t stand him that submitted her 😢😢😢
A Hira quer dá uma de superada na frente do Orhun,o Orhun também quer dá um de superado na frente da Hira,mas é nítido ver o quanto eles estão sofrendo,não sei por quanto tempo a mais eles vão continuar se machucando desse jeito,queria muito que a Hira falasse pro Orhun, tudo o que tá engasgado desde muito tempo 🤔 seria maravilhoso.
Svaki dan tisuće ljudi diljem svijeta sa ljubavlju prati seriju bez obzira sto razumijemo samo svaku trecu,i desetu rečenicu turskoga jezika. I VELIKA JE SRAMOTA da se nemoze staviti prijevod na engleski jezik. A snima se več treča sezona. Pa zar je to toliko neizvedivo i nemoguće u danasnje vrijeme? Ne razumijem...Pozdrav svim gledaocima koji prate i vole, seriju, i slažu se sa mojim mišljenjem. A ja cu polako na satove turskoga jezika neka mi je Bog na pomoci.🤪 Zagreb- Croatia....❤😘😘
The whole episode was so tensed,my heart hurt when Hira turned her anger to Sahra,,,i remembered my childhood 💔 😢my whole life i witnessed my father and my mother fighting for some reasons only them can understand,,their concern is thier own feeling and forget that thier kid's haved feeling also😢❤❤😢
Waw! Cel mai trist episod! Amândoi suferă mult…așa ceva le-a făcut Afife și ea este foarte satisfăcută …Hira putea exploda reproșându-i lui OHNUR, dar poate ceva bun va declanșa această palmă venită pentru ca OHNUR i-a dat sfaturi în legătură cu Sahra după faza cu rodiile împrăștiate pe care el a călcat și totul s-a petrecut în dormitorul lor…ce scene pline de regrete, suferință, cat de greu este pentru amândoi știind ca nu mai aparțin unul altuia…totul fiind o mare minciună…care sper și cred ca va exploda ( minciuna) cat de curând🥲🇷🇴❤️
Wow finally hira slapped Orhun. Nice at least she will get her venom out this way, take it on him not poor Sahra. It’s going the right way. Slowly but surely on the right path.
I don't think it's any wow matter in this scenes of Hira slapping Orhun. That's not done, neither she to him nor he to her, it is lack of respect. When it comes to that, there is no more respect. So there is nothing left to unite them💔..
@@papiaadas5794 girl it’s not that deep . It’s not lack of respect it’s passion and love . Orhun will be just fine don’t worry 😉 . I am his biggest fan Howe he sure deserved a slap a long time ago not today but whatever it happened anyway. I think it’s good because he will know something is up with her. Hira is not a violent person per nature so he will wonder what caused that . I think hira too will question his behavior with Sahra after the little girl tell her how he treated her so gently and nicely in her absence. Like I said puzzle will fall into place soon enough we have to be patient. Haha the potion Hira will drink was meant for Defne. I think 🤔 it’s something naughty. So Hira will probably flirt with orhun or act weirdly. Poor guy I can’t wait to see his face on Monday. First slap 👋 then maybe some gushing from Hira. He will be confused as fuck hahah. That snake lady is doing us a favor
Essa série está ficando muito cansativa hira como sempre sofrendo por causa de mãe cobra 🐍 de Orhun ele tem que abrir mais os olhos e ver o que está acontecendo
Estou rindo da provocações desses dois, porque se a gente levar muito a serio a gente para de assistir de raiva...ta uma palhaçada um pirraçando o outro, parece eu quando brigo com meu marido kkk. Agora a parte da romã que eles lembram a primeira vez dos dois, não vou mentir não, doeu! 🥲
Cada palabras Qué se decían orhira se lastimaban en lo profundo de su corazón pero a la vez que se odian con amor 😮😅 Como adio a ese abogado por la culpa de el todo esto esta pasando por el Hay hay orhun si hubo Bofetada 😅 Esta vez no fue un sueño 😪 Yo necesito ver ese detrás de cámaras 😅quiero ver la Reacción mahascenk 😂
Hira sən artıq çox irəli gedirsən,özünə qarşı hər.kəsdə sevgini azaldırsan,açıqca söylə hər.şeyi Orhuna,sən Afifenin nələrə qadir olduğunu bilməzmisən,şantajlar,şiddətlər,heç ağlına gəlmirmi?Orhunu heç tanıya bilməmisən,o öz yavrusuna kıyardımı heç?
🤧🥺🥺esta escena es profunda Nos sentimos muy tristes 😢 al menos si ellos sufren nosotros con ellos 😢porque nos lastima tanto orhira en lo profundo de nosotros ❤😢hay mis amigos virtuales hay que ser fuerte 😅orhira 😊❤mahascenk 😊❤
Hira calm down you letting your emotions show now…. Who forgot to fix that scene when the glass bowl broke when it hit the floor but wasn’t when she was cleaning it up😂
😢😭😭😭😭😭nn c'è la faccio a vedere tt questo dolore ho pianto per tt la puntata,nn è giusto che i cattivi la passino sempre liscia e i buoni devono soffrire,x quanto tempo ancora dovremo vedere questi due dirsene e farsene di tt i colori x la gioia della cara afifanna, basta vogliamo vederli felici e contenti alla faccia di chi li vuole male,io lo sapevo che sarebbe andata così mi auguro che non sia x tt la serie, facciamo una raccolta firme 😅 una petizione 😂😂😂
What passion, what make up this serie only have pain and suffering maybe on day of laughter and happiness. I cannot stand Afife face anymore . I think I about to do same I did for emanet
Cele doua jumătăți au devenit una,cele doua suflete au devenit unul ,trupurile sau contopit intr-o iubire care apoi sa transformat in cenușă Radacinile însă ❤nu au ars ,focul iubirii va arde sufletele care tinjesc după acele momente de tandrețuri ❤❤❤,lăsați iubirea sa va cuprindă ,ați suferit prea mult Plecați departe de acea casa,de acea mama,de acei șerpi care va sug singele,va distrug visele și va doresc chiar moartea 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤
No lo sé, pero lo que yo veo en Hira y en Orhun; olvidando un poco las malas palabras, los malos modos y todo lo malo que hacen para fejar en claro que no hay nada, yo veo mucha tensión, tensión fisica, emocional y sobretodo. Atraccion 😮 Y pues Sahara quiere estar todo el tiempo que puede con su padre, porque lo admira y se siente segura. El llamado de la sangre ❤ Esos dos todavia se aman y la tonta de Afife piensa que ya gano. ❤❤❤ OrHir ❤❤❤ 4 ever ❤❤❤ & ❤Sahara ❤
Que fuerte esto la Afife como disfruta mientras Hira está barriendo la aviación y el pasmarote no se da ni cuenta que umillacion más grande por parte de la madre e hijo vete ya de hay Hira no te umilles más hay más sitios para trabajar Orhun no te mereces no lo perdones
Boa tarde meus amigos virtuais ❤vai começar mais um capítulo da minha série favorita Esaret 😢💔❤️🩹 Justiça pra hira e orhun 😢que orhun descubra logo as mentiras de Afife e seu advogado bonitinho mais ordinário 🙏🇧🇷🇧🇷👏❤️
The pomegranate scene was the best❤they both had the same exact thoughts. Their honeymoon night🥹 you can honestly tell how both of them are hurting😞 but Hira is angrier🤔 now we're going to see mean Orhun😮 The end scene with Sahra and Orhun and the way Hira was yelling at her, honestly didn't like that😢 Orhun❤ Hira ❤️ Sahra Demirhanli ❤❤❤
Ce trist e acest serial Inca nu vati saturat sa o chinuiți pe Hira ? Acuma a început și Orhun sa o chinuie ! Dar cred ca Sara ii va împăca ! Poate Orhun își va da seama și va face DNA test ! Dar cu nervi lui la pămînt cred ca nici nu observa !😂😂😂😂😂
Não sei porque dão tanto tempo ao núcleo 2 e pouco tempo ao 1?😮 Pelo jeito que tá as coisas, o Orhun não vai descobrir tão cedo o que aconteceu com Hira. Ele tem como investigar, mas parece que ele não quer saber de nada do passado. Como se ele estivesse com medo da verdade!😢😢
Cit a suferit Hira de pe toate tratamentele care lea primit de la Orhun acesta isi merita soarta, sa sufere dubul Orhun, bine ii face, oricum acesta este un film si actori nu ii interesează cit de mult tine filmul, bani merg, iar ei isi fac rolurile bine. 😂
I think the writers are delusional and they never ever regard the audience's feelings towards the leading actress.
How much longer will they hurt each other before they start rebuilding?💔 Hira and Orhun's beautiful love has turned into a path of torment and is currently being effectively destroyed😢 The scattered pomegranate seeds, so symbolic for them, in a place as important and intimate as their former shared bedroom full of their love memories, open up more wounds in their hearts, trigger a cold war of words between them and once again they hurt each other😢 Only, under their apparent composure, a fire of pain, regret, longing and mutual claims is raging, and everything inside them is screaming with despair that one no longer belongs to the other💔Hira cannot cope with the pressure of Orhun's presence next to her and her daughter, and when she hears his critical remark, something inside her breaks, and the old anger, bitterness and pain of rejection make her stop holding back and slap him😒
It's painful.
Hira deu esse tapa em orhun por 6 anos atrás quando ela pensou que ele não queria o bebê deles 💔❤️🩹😢
Хира больна за вас😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Hola 😊.. La escena de la granada me dolió más 💔 que esa bofetada te lo juro 😢
@@mrosariocpintocastropinto This is true, and for now it doesn't look like it's going to get any better...😒😒
Did anyone noticed? When the pomegranate felt the dish shattered, but when Hira went to clean it up, it was not broken 😮😂
🎇🎇Es hora de que Orhun descubra toda la verdad y saque a estas serpientes a la calle, El hermoso amor de Hira y Orhun está siendo destruido 😢 una vez más se lastiman😢
Orhun should find out the whole truth not part of the truth. I suspect that Afife's actions toward Hira forcing her to abort her pregnancy will not be unmasked for Orhun. When he finds out about his daughter, he will blame Hira for lying to him and not telling him the truth. This is what the writers prefer to unmask part of the truth.
The bowl full of pomegranate fell and broke....when Hira started cleaning and picking up the pg the bowl was "whole" again. A miracle! 😅
Que des erreurs dans cette série, nous ne sommes pas amnésiques!!!😂😂😂😂
أنا أيضا لاحظت هذا الشئ 😅😅
Eu percebi isso 😂
Me too
Нашли что замечать😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh dear, this was so heartbreaking, i cried my eyes out on the pomegranate scene.. they took their most intimate, sacred and most beautiful moment and just stepped on it 💔😭😭😭
😅Šlápl na něj bohužel Orhun!!!!
Cenk Torun and Mahassine Merabet are great actors!
👋👋👋perfeitos na atuação
فعلا أداء رائع من البطلين تقمص الشخصية بطريقة احترافية ❤❤❤❤❤❤
The BEST! ❤
Maravilhosos 👏👏👏❤❤❤❤❤
They would not be where they are right now if Hira had never kept anything from Orhun, the abuse from Afife, and Orhun’s cousin whose games sent him to prison. Hira is to blame allot for all of this because of her silence. Even now she is staying silent and actually protecting Afife who forced her into an abortion (which didn’t take place). Hira protected Afife while Orhun was in prison by failing to tell Orhun about being locked up in the dungeon of his home and only brought out when he wanted to see her.
It’s like being married to an abusive husband and every time you have the opportunity to report him and get free from him you go right back for more of the same. That is what Hira has done for 3 seasons with Afife…
Qué triste es ver a Hira y Orhun que se amaron y aun se aman tanto, destruirse con palabras fuertes y tan hirientes 💔😢 hasta donde llegará esto 🥺
Stupidity is emotional attachment mistaken for love.
@@37tara I did not look at this way but you analyzed it correctly.
Afife deve ter ciúmes da hira só pode mulher louça 😅😅😅
Ya se porque cenk se lastimo la mano de tanto que le pega a las paredes 😅😂😂
Ele se entregue totalmente ao personagem 😂😮
@@katiabarbosa1999 jajajajaja total 🤣🤣
We cried in season one and two for these two, now we are going to cry again for them in season 3 also? I feel sorry for myself along with feeling sorry for them because what is this atrocity? They should just give us back our Cenk and Mahassine. Hira is so unrecognizable and Orhun is getting worse. Heartbreak and anger are a bad combination.
Această explozie a Hirei după faza cu rodiile împrăștiate în dormitorul lor și apoi văzându-l pe Orhun lagăr Sahra dându-i și sfaturi…poate-l determină pe Orhun să-și dea seama ca este mai mult decât acel divorț…și va începe să investigheze..🙏❤️
I agree, if this keep going on, is the hate going to be so bad that they don't come back from it. I don't recognize Hira anymore. I knew Orhun would come looking for his only love when he got out. Why can't Hira talk to him about this? Would you be surprised that Orhun wouldn't have a clue to what you are talking about? Yes, Orhun wanted you to live your life so he wanted a divorce, but the Orhun I know would have come out if he knew you were pregnant. Why doesn't Orhun ask why she is so angry with him. Orhun isn't asking any questions and Hira is not telling why she is so angry. Now, really, Hira would take Afife Hanim for her word that Orhun does want you to have this abortion. Really I guess in this season Hira still hasn't learned. She still doesn't tell Orhun that Afife Hanim kept her in that basement. No lessons were learned. I didn't understand when she got in the car with Afife Hanim. I was saying why did you do that?
@@catalinneagu2608 Aller au travail Orhun découvre tout le mal que affiffi a fait avec son sultant
Scuze 🙏 dar au lungit serialul foarte mult, cu multă Suferință, violență verbală etc😢și acest serial își perde farmecul
Nu am terminat ideea cred că din acest motiv abandonez acest serial este foarte lung și multă violență cred că acest scriitor promovează violență 😢scuzați-mă dar este opinia mea.
Como pode uma série que tinha tudo pra ser uma das melhores seguir um rumo de torturas,agrecividades e maldades,que decepção 😢😢
Mas e assim cd vês que começa tem novas complicações ninguém sabe de ND não descobre ND cd vês mais humilhação mais sofrimento vão fazer hora da um tapa em orum
Nazmiye Yilmaz qui écrit cette série, a écrit aussi Emanet et c'est pareil. Que des tortures, souffrance et mort. Cette femme ne connais pas le bonheur.
Quando eu falo que esses autores são masoquistas, ninguém acredita 😅
@@solenerodrigues8161ba da vă credem🤓
@@annesimoes9902îmi pare rău ca am început să văd acest film, nu știam de această producatoare…a fost primul serial și ultimul sigur
Elif ve aziz diziye renk kattı onların sahnelerini biraz daha çogaltmasını istiyoruz senaristten
The first seen orhun's working in the room and on bed 😂😂 hira finally using the vacuum cleaning then changed to broom,dustpan 😅😅 two sights crack me up
😂😂😂😂 vacuum cleaner
Afife referring to Hira as her "new employee" was hilarious
Somos concientes que está verdad será un largo camino por recorrer 😢 Orhun está adentrado en su dolor de haber perdido a Hira por su culpa, ésa actitud ruda hacía ella sólo para demostrarle que no la ama 🥺 cuándo en realidad sus corazones todavía laten🔥❤️ Hira dice borrar el pasado dónde claramente ninguno de los dos lo han olvidado ❤️🥺 y con ése hermoso recuerdo íntimo con los granos granada realmente dolió hasta el alma esa escena 💔😭😭 ambos se están lastimando entre sí, con cada palabra hiriente que se dicen, cómo una daga en sus propios corazones 💔💔
Hello 🤗 I'm glad we see Orhun the same way, because it seems that not everyone understands why he behaves like this and what a high price he pays for it... They both suffer a lot, only each shows it differently... Now Hira is the angry one, and he is the withdrawn one.😒😒
Verdade amiga 😢
@@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbitHola 😊 es que ellos sólo piensan que Hira solamente es la que ha sufrido todo esté tiempo y no, no es así..ambos sufren aunque el otro piense que no es así 😢
A verdade só vai ser revelada com a morte da Hora,aí sim vitória pra todos , gente a maldade que prevalece ,isso está me fazendo mal só vejo o resumo não tenho estômago pra ver tanta maldade com uma pessoa só tô fora!
And Afife is loving it being at each others throats.
I'd rather die than live with a monster like afifi
Que barbaridad con estos escritores joden la serie casi 400 capitulos d maldad ,humillacion, tiros etc y poca creatividad para tantos capitulos que quieres enseñar al publico q asi se vive en turkia guau paso😢 ningun actor se rie ni es feliz que libreto y que aguante de todos los actores😮 y la Hira modo resentida y muda por no decir la verdad y Orhun ciego queremos al orhun de antes el inteligente ,la flacucha abogada q se hace la tontita😂y la rata🐀 del yektar un entrevero todos lo unico hermoso e inteligente la niña Sahra ❤ saludos 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷💯💯
😂😂😂 definiu tudo e todos 😂😂
Coitada da Sahra no meio dessa guerra de ódio , mentiras e agressão sem necessidade .
Please let Hira reveal the truth to Orhun so they can be together and raise there daughter
I can't wait for that moment. I wonder if we have to wait until 2025 for it?
Hira z każdym dniem staje się nie do poznania a jej agresja wobec Orhuna zaczyna wymykać się spod kontroli. Ta scena w sypialni..Rozsypane nasiona granatu uderzyły OrHir w czułe miejsce bo mają wyjątkowe znaczenie i kiedyś były zapowiedzią magicznych chwil 💔 a teraz przywołują bolesne dla nich wspomnienia ale to nie wina ani Hiry ani Orhuna, że skrawki ich przeszłości ciągle do nich wracają zbyt wiele dla nich 😟. Widząc Orhuna i Sahrę razem wściekłość Hiry sięga zenitu i znów go rani przez co jest mi szczerze żal Orhuna bo nie zasłużył na tak podłe traktowanie z jej strony. Ale ostre słowa Hiry bolą go mocniej niż to, że go spoliczkowała..nie rozumie dlaczego tak się zachowuje 😥..Szkoda tylko, że w przypływie złości podniosła też głos na Sahrę.. 😟.
Witaj🤗 Jeżeli nie dadzą nam i im trochę wytchnienia, to to ciśnienie sprawi, ze ro będzie nie do zniesienia.😒😒Hira tez nie wytrzymuje tego ciśnienia... Wszystko się w niej burzy... Odzywają się stare rany i sobie z nimi obok niego nie radzi... Orhun cierpi i jest załamany, ledwo to znosi i udaje chłód i obojętność... Matko kochana... To się robi coraz straszniejsze do oglądania 😢😢
@@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit Witaj 🤗 Ciężko się patrzy na nich..takich obolałych i poranionych.. Takich wspomnień będzie coraz więcej i coraz trudniej będzie im znieść siebie nawzajem..😟😟. Najgorzej, że Orhun jest zszokowany coraz większą wrogością Hiry i ten wymierzony przez nią jest coś czego się nie spodziewał..I nawet Sahra nie pojmuje dlaczego tak "wujka" nie lubi , przecież jest dla niej dobry 😢😢..
@@SabaL-gu9wu Najgorsze jest to, że rozcierają ich miłość na taką miazgę, ze nie mam pojęcia, jak długo to będą potem składać i odbudowywać... Na razie można się udusić od ich smutku i bólu😢😢Sahra nie rozumie, czemu mama jest zła, Orhun nie rozumie, czemu jest aż tak zła, a Hira nie rozumie, ze tak wielka wściekłość na byłego męża, nie przystoi szczęśliwej mężatce i matce... Orhun nie widzi drugiego dna tej sytuacji...
كل هذا بسبب كذبة عفيفة الشريرة استطاعت بهذه الكذبة تفريق عصافير الحب وجعلت حياتهم مثل ساحة حرب ضارية كل واحد منهم يوجه سلاحه في وجه الآخر الاثنان ينزفان من الداخل والغضب لم يقتصر عليهم فقط بل وصل هذا الغضب الى ابنتهما الوحيدة الان حتى صحراء لم تسلم من هذا التوتر هيرا غاضبة من ارهون لانه من رغم من معرفته بحملها تركها وزاد من غضبها هو اعتقادها انه اراد تخلص من حملها وهو مستسلم لفكرة انها تزوجت برجل غيره كلاهما وقعا في فخ عفيفة الشريرة اتمنى ان الحب الذي بداخلهما يظل قوي ولا يستسلم اتمنى من ارهون ان لا يستسلم لأمه ويتقرب من دفنا اذا الكاتبة ذهبت في هذا الاتجاه وفرقتهم سيكون ظلما لكليهما وقصة حبهما تنهار وبالتالي سينهار معه المسلسل باكمله
@@FatimaHamri-yj4obAfife w kłamstwach, intrygach i niszczeniu życia wszystkim dookoła nie ma sobie równych, niestety 😏. To co zrobiła OrHir na początku tego sezonu jest nie do wyobrażenia..te sidła które na nich zastawiła po to by jej to cholerne nazwisko, status społeczny , majątek i opinia publiczna nie daj Boże nie ucierpiały 😡😡.. Miłość między Orhunem a Hirą nie upadnie ale będzie blisko dna od którego mam nadzieję że się odbiją 🙏🙏.. Kurczę..kiedy piekło się o Afife upomni..
when that bowl fell there love is scattered like the seeds so sad.
Orhun needs to do some math with regard to Sahra. The script writers do love their "poison." Please stop the physical and mental abuse of Hira. Orhun's mother's plans need to backfire-- one evil act after another by her, and she suffers no consequences. The script writers must spend enormous amounts of time engaging in and feeding their inner aggressions; this is not entertainment for viewers who watch. Cenk Torun and Mahassine Meherabet deserve better. They are amazing actors who are delivering masterful performances in spite of the writers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it CL, I was wondering if anyone else was going to ask why he hasn't said a word about her age but I guess since he wasn't told Hira was pregnant. You'd think he would calculate and realize that Hira would have taken a lot longer to be with someone so more than likely that child is his. I don't get Orhun, he seems like such a smart good man but look at how his mother has more control of his life than he does. Orhun can say something, Afife Hanim does the total opposite. You'd think that Orhun would have moved with Hira so he can live his life, but no. He goes and here comes his mother and all her evil. That baby girl didn't deserve to be yelled at by Hira because you are mad at her dad. Orhun is not at fault here, you are for listening to Afife Hanim and getting in that car with her.
Zatən hepisi bir birlerine zalimlikler yapıyorlar
Awkward moment for Orhun, Hira, and Sahra. All in a difficult situation because of the hatred between them, and now Sahra is caught in the middle.
They're both denying the love they once had. How are they going to move into a calmer days?
Sad but true. 😢
I don’t know how much longer I can keep watching. It’s so sad right now.
ملخص الحلقة :اورهون رجعت شخصيته في الموسم الاول كل همه يجرح هيرا الان كبريائه مجرووح وهذا سبب تصرفاته ويحاول يتجاهل مشاعره اتجاه هيرا😭💔💔
يي صح😭💔 بس هيه رادت ترجع شخصيته مثل الأول من اعترف لها وكال احبج كامت تبجي بس هسه قهرها اكثر من كلمه احبج 😭💔
تصرفاته لا علاقة لها بكبريائه هو كل همه انها لاتترك القصر لو تابعتى حلقه إمبارح بعد مشهد بكائها فى الحديقه قال ماذا لو تركت القصر كيف ساحميهما فضل انها تكره وتبقي عن انها تعرف بحبه لها وترحل للمجهول
@@nohaelhanafy2985صحيح أتفق معك 👍🏻
احد يشرح لي كيف تتابعون ليس هناك ترجمة للعربية
@@nohaelhanafy2985true 👍
Corações quebrados por mentiras e entrigas hira e orhun juntos de novo ❤🌙🌞
Hira raising her voice at Sahara is uncalled for. Let's not make Hira a Afife.
Até quando vai durar tanta agressividade entre eles e até quando está hostilidade vai acabar entre os personagens que só estão se atacando mutuamente, mas sempre com a sombra do passado entre eles, quando Orhun descobrirá que Sahar é sua filha para ter uma aproximação entre o casal.
Juste pour nous faire enrager!!!😂😂 mais c'est une série!!!❤
Hira está momentaneamente fora de controle, a dor e a decepção são tão presentes que ela está no limite. Contudo, ainda vejo que Orhun sofre mais, pois ele é totalmente inocente quanto todas essas mentiras.
Estou desanimada, o amor está sufocado por brigas e desentendimentos e para piorar Hira continua em silêncio, mas eu sou persistente, perseverante e esperançosa. Vou aguardar!❤❤❤
Hira has only herself to blame for turning a blind eye and not opening her mouth, foolish woman ur going to push ur daughter away gurl wakey wKey. Ur just pissing me off even more
Oh! Hira está mal, ele tem que saber porque é que está a apanhar, assim não está certo, mulher.😁😁😁
Lamentável, decepcionante, Hira descontando sua raiva na própria filha, ela que sempre foi tão meiga, delicada, bondosa, deveria descontar sua raiva e revolta na Afife, Orhun não sabe mais o que falar, como agir, está confuso, e a cobra mãe triunfante, está muito triste assistir, mas ainda assim torço por ORHIR, descubram logo a verdade! 😢😢
Orhun pisando nas sementes de romã é tão bom doloroso para ambos, que mais parece que está pisando no coração de Hira😢😢
❤Acest episod a fost sfasietor, amintirile primei nopți de dragoste, rodia și melodia care a dat sens acelei nopți au ajuns sa i rănească atât de mult😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Quanti episodi ancora ci sono prima di vedere Hira e Orhun insieme.????
Writers if there is an ounce of good left in your pen, let Orhun reflect on this and ask why? Why is she so angry? What is she harboring? What does it have to do with him? Hira has never raised her had before what is it? Orhun should be asking himself this and investigate it? Writers please stop painting him as a dumb person when it comes to women let him figure it out
He look so cute with that slap😂
La violencia ya no es solo contra Hira ahora la ejercen sobre la niña Sara que desepcion de guión
I love this show, more and more everyday! One day we will see them work all these problems out and be back together and then we will all be happy! Let the truth be told!
Gente é muita crueldade nessa série
Tá na hora Orhun descobrir toda verdade e botar essas cobras pra rua não aguento de ver tanta maldade
Eu não aguento tanta maldade eu gostaria de ver os três juntos eu já não sei mais tanto sofremento orhun hira e Sahra
إلى متى هذا التعذيب نسيت من تكون هذة المراءة لقت ضحت كثيرا لقت اهنتها كثيرا يكفي
Hira is screaming for love. Make orhun kiss her and they make up and fight later. Years of rejection and pain . Love hurts
Onemli degil 🤗
Orhun 😘 Hira
is possible if Esaret is a western production
Kiss and make up
😃 😆
Kolay gelsin 🙌
She needs love
It’s getting closer to the truth 😊❤
Yes! Sadly, the angrier they get the closer we get to at least one lie being revealed! It’s the Esaret way! 🤦♀️
The great Orhun telling Hira how to treat her own daughter. Sheesh
Olha essa novela se tornou um elefante branco✍️ eles realmente não sabe o que fazer inventar essa história da paternidade um assunto muito fraco pra nove meses de gravação não está tendo como assistir mesmo a gente gostando muito é impossível ver isso
I have watched all of Naz dizi's and honestly they are all toxic. The reason all her dizi's have such a huge fanbase is because of the casting of the leads🔥🔥🔥 The chemistry of the leads be lit🥵🥵🥵🥵 As much as we love OrHir and if you read my post sometimes I say I wish I had me an Orhun but in real life. If I saw a Orhun in real life I'd run for the hills. I would never want a man that's a mama's boy. She does everything possible to humilate me and abuse me yet we still in the same house. I'd make him chose either we live in a different house or it's over. Now with Hira she never tells Orhun anything always hides things. Trust is a major role in relationships. Now she acting like love is the worst thing in the World she's crying because Orhun loves her wtffff. OrHir needs serious therapy because they both have major issues. Orhun looking extrememly handsome sitting on the bed without that hot jacket🥵 Both of them affected by the pomegrante's and thinking about their night together. At least Orhun didn't intentionally knock over the pomegrantes he accidently did it. The fb the song and the looks🤧 Orhun stepping on the pomegrante's telling her the night meant nothing,but secretly dying inside after hurting her and himself these writers are something else. Orhun in so affected by Sahra🤧 Sahra is the only thing that calms OrHir's storm🥰 Poor Sahra caught in the crossfire Orhun trying to ignore her and Hira's yelling at her😒 All the child is doing is loving her parents and this is what she get in return🤧 Hira's angry at Orhun for giving her advice about her daughter then remembers the divorce and abortion. I wish Orhun will start to doubt why Hira is so angry and slapping him.
I loved the slap 👋 that’s some passion lol 😂 in Naz twisted world. I can’t wait to see orhun face on Monday when Hira either flirt with him or do something weird because that juice she drank was meant for Defne not her. It’s not poison as everyone thinks it’s some love potion or viagra lol 😂 for woman . Poor guy will be so perplexed 🤔 It be funny. One minute she slaps him across the face the next she is batting her eyelashes haha 🤣 orhun will be like wtf. Maybe that’s why she had the purple dress he will take her to doctor .
ليش هيرا رجعت خادمة عند اورهون فهموني بليز
@@samali6066acel suc era pentru Hira s-o discrediteze…in fata lui Afife s-o alunge din conac..ea a vazut ca Orhun inca o iubește și știa ca Defne nu va putea ajunge la Orhun…alta Perihan, poate mai periculoasă 🤓
Așa se înțelege în lumea lor când ești puternic trebuie să fii violent, agresiv…așa ca și Hira a învățat ceva…să trântească usi( când s-a întors din Franța) și acum să-l plesnească pe Orhun…ar fi amuzant dacă nu m-ar deprima🤓😀❤️🇷🇴acest scenariu oribil
Ce fericită este Afife ca Hira matură și Orhun a vorbit urat cu ea…dar s-o văd când va afla…
Stop hira acting like your hard cause your not. Just explain to Orhun what the hell happen
The moment when he crushes the pomegranates seeds it is terribly painful, heartbreacking. OMG! Both are briliant! We are crying, we fill all their pain, magnificent! We love them! ❤
Tudo isso vai passar é Hira e Orhun vão fica mais fortes por seguir com suas vidas e cuida de sahra 🙏🇧🇷🌞🌛💞
Pelo amor essa mãe bruxa tem que pagar 🤦🏻♀️por todas maldades 😖
Desconozco a Hira en su actitud con su hija Onur le a demostrado que daría su vida por protegerla y su actitud es para enojar si su disque marido las abandonó 😢
Haha, so Orhun finally got that much deserved slap he's been asking for occasionally since season 1😅
The scene when I spilled the pomegranate, I didn't realize my tears were falling. I felt Hira's heartache when I remembered that, how long would they both hurt each other?
In this film, will there be a defeat for Afife, because we know that many of her crimes have not been revealed, especially against Hira and her daughter?
I want to see Afife's destruction in season 3 and I want to see Orhun cry tears of blood because of regret and not learning from previous events, especially his own mother.
Oh I cried......So heartbreaking for the both of them.
It's already to long
@@EvaEva-gu9do Moi aussi affifi détruite wow quel joie ca va etre
Хира наша любимая это же твой Орхун очнись😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
E muito sofrimento pra hira e orhun 😢😢😢
So heartbreaking watching them like strangers and Orhun that gives orders to her in that harsh way 😢😢😢😢when this hell will end ??In the beginning when they argued and she was only a guest in his home we can accept it but now she is his maid ..I can’t stand him that submitted her 😢😢😢
It is a real torture 😢😢😢
@@red9774yeah it reminds me the old Orhun 🙄😞😭😭😭😭
Afifədən adam iyrənir
Não vejo a hora que orhun descobrir que sua mãe fez pra eles dois aí orhun vai colocar afife no seu lugar de verdade 👏🌞🌙🇧🇷❤
@@AndreaDomingos-c2j 🥲🥲🥲I hope we finally can watch it ..Afife never get punished for her crimes
A Hira quer dá uma de superada na frente do Orhun,o Orhun também quer dá um de superado na frente da Hira,mas é nítido ver o quanto eles estão sofrendo,não sei por quanto tempo a mais eles vão continuar se machucando desse jeito,queria muito que a Hira falasse pro Orhun, tudo o que tá engasgado desde muito tempo 🤔 seria maravilhoso.
Eu tô achando que ela vai beber aquele suco, e vai ficar loucona e vai jogar tudo na cara do Orhun . Estou torcendo pra isso acontecer kkkkk
@katiaestorilho Eu também kkkkk
plus que merveilleux
I’m very interested in the side story, is anyone else? The main story is taking just so long for Hira, Orhan & Sahara to be properly united isn’t.
Svaki dan tisuće ljudi diljem svijeta sa ljubavlju prati seriju bez obzira sto razumijemo samo svaku trecu,i desetu rečenicu turskoga jezika. I VELIKA JE SRAMOTA da se nemoze staviti prijevod na engleski jezik. A snima se več treča sezona. Pa zar je to toliko neizvedivo i nemoguće u danasnje vrijeme? Ne razumijem...Pozdrav svim gledaocima koji prate i vole, seriju, i slažu se sa mojim mišljenjem. A ja cu polako na satove turskoga jezika neka mi je Bog na pomoci.🤪 Zagreb- Croatia....❤😘😘
It is translated in English , this is how I view Esaret
@@nazekallan9723Ja nemam prijevoda. Probala sam uključiti i nista.
I am watching on UA-cam with English translation. In fact We can choose any listed language we want. @@AnaNovaković-i2w
The whole episode was so tensed,my heart hurt when Hira turned her anger to Sahra,,,i remembered my childhood 💔 😢my whole life i witnessed my father and my mother fighting for some reasons only them can understand,,their concern is thier own feeling and forget that thier kid's haved feeling also😢❤❤😢
Waw! Cel mai trist episod! Amândoi suferă mult…așa ceva le-a făcut Afife și ea este foarte satisfăcută …Hira putea exploda reproșându-i lui OHNUR, dar poate ceva bun va declanșa această palmă venită pentru ca OHNUR i-a dat sfaturi în legătură cu Sahra după faza cu rodiile împrăștiate pe care el a călcat și totul s-a petrecut în dormitorul lor…ce scene pline de regrete, suferință, cat de greu este pentru amândoi știind ca nu mai aparțin unul altuia…totul fiind o mare minciună…care sper și cred ca va exploda ( minciuna) cat de curând🥲🇷🇴❤️
هيرا مو مظطرة لهذا الذل كلو الكاتبة كرهتنا التفراج
Wow finally hira slapped Orhun. Nice at least she will get her venom out this way, take it on him not poor Sahra. It’s going the right way. Slowly but surely on the right path.
I don't think it's any wow matter in this scenes of Hira slapping Orhun. That's not done, neither she to him nor he to her, it is lack of respect. When it comes to that, there is no more respect. So there is nothing left to unite them💔..
@@papiaadas5794 girl it’s not that deep . It’s not lack of respect it’s passion and love . Orhun will be just fine don’t worry 😉 . I am his biggest fan Howe he sure deserved a slap a long time ago not today but whatever it happened anyway. I think it’s good because he will know something is up with her. Hira is not a violent person per nature so he will wonder what caused that . I think hira too will question his behavior with Sahra after the little girl tell her how he treated her so gently and nicely in her absence. Like I said puzzle will fall into place soon enough we have to be patient. Haha the potion Hira will drink was meant for Defne. I think 🤔 it’s something naughty. So Hira will probably flirt with orhun or act weirdly. Poor guy I can’t wait to see his face on Monday. First slap 👋 then maybe some gushing from Hira. He will be confused as fuck hahah. That snake lady is doing us a favor
Ta facka se vám líbila? Úbohost, to dokáže jenom psychicky narušený člověk. A to Hira pomalu bude.
@@zdenkasafrankova8750like I said it’s not that deep. You slap when you love someone and they hurt you. Get over yourself.
Hira está ainda nessa mansão porque quê, vai embora mulher com sua filha ganhar o mundo, agora fica sendo humilhada por todos, ai não dá né aff......
Que actorazos éstos dos, cada mirada, cada trago amargo, cada paso que duele! Gracias MahaCen!! Son lo más!
أنا دور الخادمة مستفزني جدا جدا.كتير غلط من الكاتبة انه أعطتها هذا الدور
ليش هيرا قبلت ترجع خادمة عند عفيفة
Hira nə üçün Orxundan məsələni soruşmursan??
Aydınlıq gətir hər şeyə.....
Uma hora trabalhando na cama outra na mesa e a tigela se regenerou kkkk show de ótica kkkk😊😊😊
Essa série está ficando muito cansativa hira como sempre sofrendo por causa de mãe cobra 🐍 de Orhun ele tem que abrir mais os olhos e ver o que está acontecendo
Estou rindo da provocações desses dois, porque se a gente levar muito a serio a gente para de assistir de raiva...ta uma palhaçada um pirraçando o outro, parece eu quando brigo com meu marido kkk. Agora a parte da romã que eles lembram a primeira vez dos dois, não vou mentir não, doeu! 🥲
Cada palabras Qué se decían orhira se lastimaban en lo profundo de su corazón pero a la vez que se odian con amor 😮😅
Como adio a ese abogado por la culpa de el todo esto esta pasando por el
Hay hay orhun si hubo Bofetada 😅 Esta vez no fue un sueño 😪
Yo necesito ver ese detrás de cámaras 😅quiero ver la Reacción mahascenk 😂
Hira sən artıq çox irəli gedirsən,özünə qarşı hər.kəsdə sevgini azaldırsan,açıqca söylə hər.şeyi Orhuna,sən Afifenin nələrə qadir olduğunu bilməzmisən,şantajlar,şiddətlər,heç ağlına gəlmirmi?Orhunu heç tanıya bilməmisən,o öz yavrusuna kıyardımı heç?
🤧🥺🥺esta escena es profunda
Nos sentimos muy tristes 😢 al menos si ellos sufren nosotros con ellos 😢porque nos lastima tanto orhira en lo profundo de nosotros ❤😢hay mis amigos virtuales hay que ser fuerte 😅orhira 😊❤mahascenk 😊❤
Bu dizi kiyamete kadar surse gene bi adalet ve gercekler ortaya cikmiycak. O yuzden izlemeyi birakin derim. Cunku biraz daha izlersem sizofren olucam
Hira calm down you letting your emotions show now…. Who forgot to fix that scene when the glass bowl broke when it hit the floor but wasn’t when she was cleaning it up😂
😢😭😭😭😭😭nn c'è la faccio a vedere tt questo dolore ho pianto per tt la puntata,nn è giusto che i cattivi la passino sempre liscia e i buoni devono soffrire,x quanto tempo ancora dovremo vedere questi due dirsene e farsene di tt i colori x la gioia della cara afifanna, basta vogliamo vederli felici e contenti alla faccia di chi li vuole male,io lo sapevo che sarebbe andata così mi auguro che non sia x tt la serie, facciamo una raccolta firme 😅 una petizione 😂😂😂
❤❤❤❤Muy emotivo el capítulo de hoy . Esperando el lunes ansiosa❤
Sahara's nic name pomegranate
La escena de la granada...que triste fue😢@@patriciaclevenger7620
Eu creio que essas maldades um dia terão fim e esse casal tão sofrido vsi finalmente se amar em paz e cuidar da sua filhinha ❤❤❤❤❤
When they make up, it is going to be so much passion, love, cuddling, and family time.
What passion, what make up this serie only have pain and suffering maybe on day of laughter and happiness. I cannot stand Afife face anymore . I think I about to do same I did for emanet
Cele doua jumătăți au devenit una,cele doua suflete au devenit unul ,trupurile sau contopit intr-o iubire care apoi sa transformat in cenușă
Radacinile însă ❤nu au ars ,focul iubirii va arde sufletele care tinjesc după acele momente de tandrețuri ❤❤❤,lăsați iubirea sa va cuprindă ,ați suferit prea mult
Plecați departe de acea casa,de acea mama,de acei șerpi care va sug singele,va distrug visele și va doresc chiar moartea 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤
Porque o orhun começa sentir a dor no coração dele pra Rira cuidar dele de novo.
Coitadinha dessa criança, fica o dia todo nesse lugar presa 😢
No lo sé, pero lo que yo veo en Hira y en Orhun; olvidando un poco las malas palabras, los malos modos y todo lo malo que hacen para fejar en claro que no hay nada, yo veo mucha tensión, tensión fisica, emocional y sobretodo.
Atraccion 😮
Y pues Sahara quiere estar todo el tiempo que puede con su padre, porque lo admira y se siente segura.
El llamado de la sangre ❤
Esos dos todavia se aman y la tonta de Afife piensa que ya gano.
❤❤❤ OrHir ❤❤❤ 4 ever ❤❤❤
❤Sahara ❤
A Hira agora anda valente dá bofetada em tudo e todos 😢😢😢💔💔💔💔🇵🇹😘😘
Orhun plesnește pereții 😂😂😂
Orice dragoste se transforma in suferința ,de așa sunt sigura ,am trăit-o pe propria pele😢
Hira ate pensou um pouco, quando ele falou do pai, mas a raiva dela é tão grande que ela também e nem ele enxergaram as pontas soltas 😢
Que fuerte esto la Afife como disfruta mientras Hira está barriendo la aviación y el pasmarote no se da ni cuenta que umillacion más grande por parte de la madre e hijo vete ya de hay Hira no te umilles más hay más sitios para trabajar Orhun no te mereces no lo perdones
Хира очнись спроси узнай, почему он так поступил😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
❤Dizini televizyondan izlemeye fırsat bulamayıb, telefondan izleyenler burda mı?🎉💞❤
Boa tarde meus amigos virtuais ❤vai começar mais um capítulo da minha série favorita Esaret 😢💔❤️🩹 Justiça pra hira e orhun 😢que orhun descubra logo as mentiras de Afife e seu advogado bonitinho mais ordinário 🙏🇧🇷🇧🇷👏❤️
I don't mind if they fight each other meaning we still have hope 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
Pra quem a chamava de minha roma hoje esta mais pra minha jilo 😂
Vamos dormir com o coração sangrando por conta do nosso casal que sofre...mas impactados pela atuação de Cenk e Marrassine ! Show! Parabéns ❤❤❤❤.
I can't stand that lawyer and her sister and that woman. All evil. When will they go away.
Orhun is going to marry her. I saw this in real life. It call revenge. Even though he doesn't love her. REVENGE.
😅😅😅😅😅😅the bowl broke when Hira pick the bowl want broken 😅😅😅😅😅
Wow wow what a miracle 😅😅😅😅😅
The pomegranate scene was the best❤they both had the same exact thoughts. Their honeymoon night🥹 you can honestly tell how both of them are hurting😞 but Hira is angrier🤔 now we're going to see mean Orhun😮 The end scene with Sahra and Orhun and the way Hira was yelling at her, honestly didn't like that😢 Orhun❤ Hira ❤️ Sahra Demirhanli ❤❤❤
Ce trist e acest serial Inca nu vati saturat sa o chinuiți pe Hira ? Acuma a început și Orhun sa o chinuie ! Dar cred ca Sara ii va împăca ! Poate Orhun își va da seama și va face DNA test ! Dar cu nervi lui la pămînt cred ca nici nu observa !😂😂😂😂😂
Não sei porque dão tanto tempo ao núcleo 2 e pouco tempo ao 1?😮
Pelo jeito que tá as coisas, o Orhun não vai descobrir tão cedo o que aconteceu com Hira. Ele tem como investigar, mas parece que ele não quer saber de nada do passado. Como se ele estivesse com medo da verdade!😢😢
Hoje eles se odeiam com muito amor. E agem como crianças feridas, que só querem se vingar da dor que o outro causa. É desespero e amargura sem fim.
Cit a suferit Hira de pe toate tratamentele care lea primit de la Orhun acesta isi merita soarta, sa sufere dubul Orhun, bine ii face, oricum acesta este un film si actori nu ii interesează cit de mult tine filmul, bani merg, iar ei isi fac rolurile bine. 😂
أنصح الممثلين الاتراك بعدم التعامل مع مؤلفة هذا النص أطلاقاً 😡