I need y’all to know the actors for Peter and Wendy were FULL ON CRUSHING ON EACH OTHER DURING FILMING like there’s a reason they got such chemistry. Jeremy purposefully messed up the kissing scene a few times so he could get away with kissing her a couple more times. Also he totally may still have a crush on her according to interviews.
I like the "I do believe in Fairies" bit. It's a fun reference to the old play, where Tink would only come back when all the audience clapped and shouted, "I do believe in Fairies."
Yeah, I miss it when studios put a great effort at making live-action adaptations, like the Casper movie (1995) it’s so beautiful and emotional it still makes me cry
Fun fact the actress who played Tiger Lily was speaking an actual Native American dialect (I forget which one) and she was calling Hook all sort of awful names lol. One of my favorite bits in this movie; she says 'no' 😆
When I learned about that in the bts of the film I was so happy. It’s so rare for Hollywood to get it right and get an actual Native actor or actress, especially for a role like this one
@@idaf3028 It won't be as good as this one! I have very few complaints about the 2003 movie (the color palette towards the end is super distracting) but the casting is on point and the music is next leve.
@@joeypotter6051 I'm not comparing it. They will both be very good Peter Pan films in their own right. I also think the casting on both movies is really good, my personal favourite is Tinkerbell.
@@joeypotter6051 you are correct. The one Disney made recently really bombed. And thank goodness for that. Even Ever Anderson's take on Wendy can't hold a candle to Rachel Hurd Wood's Wendy portrayal.
I love the fight scene between Peter and Captain Hook, it shows how scared Peter is thinking that Wendy will forget all about him and Wendy is both his strenght and weakness
that’s a Peter Pan tradition! it began in the original stage productions back in the early 1900s, and so far pretty much every major production of the story has kept up the tradition, which I think is amazing 😇
This live action version is forever cemented in my 2003 8 year old brain. Saw it in theatres, this is as close to a Disney live action remake we will ever get
I personally always preferred the live action, I use to have the biggest crush on Peter Pan when I was younger too, I didn’t know they were making a new one I’m excited for that, also my mind blown too that the guy who played hook and the dad played Draco dad like what?🤯
To me, the “I do believe in faeries” scene has always been to show that Peter CAN love. He loves Tinkerbell, as a best friend and constant companion; and the thought of him losing her is enough to IMMEDIATELY break through his ego and facade and begin pleading for her life in the only way he - a child - knows how. If saying that you don’t believe causes faeries to die, then saying you DO must cause them to live. It’s such simple logic only a kid could have come up with it. Fun fact, the reason that Universal AND Disney were both allowed to do an adaptation of Peter Pan is because Peter Pan wasn’t an original Disney property, it’s a book written by JM Barrie in 1911 and therefore by the time 2006 rolled around and Universal wanted to make their adaptation, the copyright had already expired and they could do whatever they wanted. The live action movie actually follows the book A LOT closer than the Disney version, to the point that a lot of the narration and dialogue is just quoted word for word. They did a fantastic job capturing the emotions of the original work. Not that Disney’s Peter Pan wasn’t amazing, it’s one of my favorites and the ost is my favorite Disney osts of all time. But they definitely adapted it to be for a younger audience, as opposed to having romance and killings. They turned a fantasy book geared mostly for children and made it a children’s movie, and they succeeded. But I feel like the live action one is a fantasy movie with mostly kids in the main roles.
The book takes this on a very dark twist. Tink dies at a certain point, and when Peter comes back to a grown up Wendy and she asks where Tink is, Peter doesn't remember about the fairy.
Nothing can beat 2003 version, NOTHING!!!! It's just one of the most beautiful and magical films i've ever seen! Cryed my soul out, wrote a sequal that i tried to somehow send to the director. Many things.
@Nonaya Bidness True but as Walt Disney said “I do not make films primarily for children. I make them for the child in all of us, whether we be six or sixty.”
The live-action is actually a lot more like the original play and book, so a lot of the elements that differed from the cartoon came from that! (Also you should watch Hook starring Robin Williams because that is also a really good alternative adaptation)
Funny thing is, Disney “borrowed” the flying theme from the 2003 Peter Pan for their advertisements in the mid to late 2000s. Definitely an Underrated gem!
the live action stays closer to the book, than the cartoon did. though neither showed how Peter would forget the Darlings were following him multiple times during the journey.
I was shook hearing that the live action isn’t Disney. It took the exact route as the Disney version, with slight modifications for live action. Since the Disney version took certain liberties with the original story, there’s no way they did this by accident. They clearly based this off of the Disney version and not the book.
I'm sorry but I read the book and it's clearly based off the book, not the Disney version. You can clearly seeing it in the acting. The book very clearly hinted at a romantic relationship between Wendy and Peter. The Disney version only hinted at it while the live action version leaned ALL the way in. The other "slight" modifications are in the book, so that is what you are seeing. For example, all of the narrations were lifted straight from the book. I love the first conversation between Wendy and Peter so much because it is SO ACCURATE to the books. For example, when Peter asks Wendy to come with him to Neverland and Wendy asks if her brothers came come too, the books make it VERY CLEAR that it was ONLY THEN that Peter realized the boys were even there. The live action didf a GREAT job recreating that by literally not showing her brothers until that very moment. And the actor's reaction is straight from the books. Peter is only interested in Wendy, not her brothers. The whole missunderstanding about a kiss and a thimbil and an acorn, plus the acron saving Wendy and, since Peter gave her his acorn as a kiss, him saying "my kiss saved her. All lifted straight from the books.
@@melodramatic7904 I second this; the dialogue was often ripped straight from the book. They had Peter & Tink drink poison as opposed to the bomb in the present Disney had, didn’t have the “it was all a dream” ending and had the lost boys return in the end, added in the Red Handed Jack/Jill line, etc.
I first saw this at my godparents' house, they had paramount channel at that time, and we didn't. Not only I crushed on Peter from the moment I saw him, but I cried at the end because I wanted them to be together SO MUCH. 10 years later, I found the alternate ending or deleted ending here on youtube and I cried even more😅 this is still my favourite remake, and I'm kind of glad that Universal did it instead of Disney, cause those Disney remakes are just not for me, they don't have that thing that the originals have (except maybe Cinderella). But this movie is a beautiful "tribute" to the original💜 And Jason Isaacs is LEGEND💜
Hey, loved your reaction, but just a reminder: this is a clear adaptation from the original book and play from 1906 and 1911, not the Disney version. The 2003 movie actually received the official approval of the Great Ormond Street Hospital, which owns or used to own the rights for Peter Pan. It was the first time Peter Pan was actually played by a male actor, they respected the tradition of having the same actor for Hook and Mr Darling and they managed to add the I do believe in fairies scene, which was pretty ballsy since it originally came from the play and required the audience's participation by shouting the iconic sentence in order for Tinkerbell (who really drank poison, wasn't taken down by a bomb) to come back to life. The reason many people think this movie took a lot from the Disney version was because the Disney version respected many aspects of the original material, like Hook's coat being scarlet, Nana the dog, etc. But the 2003 version is much closer in terms of story to the original than Disney's version.
I'm not from the 1900s lol but I'm guessing that Wendy getting her own room back then meant no more nursery and she'll start training to become a future wife. No more Peter Pan stories, just cooking, cleaning and sowing and maybe schoolwork.
I rewatched the live action a few days ago and i swear is such an underrated film. i loved it as a kid. apparently, it flopped in theaters cus it was up against some competition when it dropped but its still one of my fave live action adapations to this day. everything about it just so good. from the casting, to the dialogue, to the cinematography. im glad you checked it out cus i dont think theres any reactions to it on youtube at all.
Yeah they botched the release date, it came out a week after LOTR Return of the King and the same day as Cheaper by the Dozen, so it got kinda lost under those huge films. Such a shame.
I use to like the original when I was little. As I got older I prefer the 2003 version cause it was written well. I enjoy the OUAT S3 of Neverland. I hope you watch all the Tinkerbell movies.
Giiiirrrrlll SAME! 😆 I can't even tell you how many times I watched that movie before I even saw that Hook and the dad were the same actor or how many years it took for me to learn he was also daddy Malfoy 🤣 I couldn't get over it for awhile because I absolutely could not tell, he legit looked like a different person to me as each character lol. This is also my favorite version of Peter Pan🥰
The universal live action was more accurate to the book then Disney was. Also it is a tradition in plays as well as the films that the fathers play hook. A sort of symbol of reinforcing growing up. Also AGAIN if you are reading this Disney Peter Pan and Wendy came out it was terrible 2003 was the perfect version of J. .M Barriers book. As well Jason Isaac is Lucious Malfoy from Harry Potter.
The live action is and will always be my favorite version of Peter Pan. The way it’s written is immaculate. The acting is also spectacular. The sets are beautiful. The score is the standard I set for all movies. I’m down bad for Peter Pan 2003 😩 I can recite it from memory including the songs playing during the scene 😭
19:18 “this could be a love story” excuse me COULD? It’s absolutely no subtext full stop a love story are you kidding me- the way I WORSHIPPED this movie and played it on repeat bc of my massive crush on Jeremy as a kid 😭
In the stage play, Hook and George Darling were always played by the same actor, which is most likely why the two never shared the same stage at once, or the same scene in any live action interpretation. The folks at Disney may have been paying homage to that fact, even in the animation choice to make the two characters look uncannily similar.
There's an alternate ending where Peter goes back to the house, but each time Wendy is older and she gets married and has kids. In the Disney animated second movie, Peter takes Jane, Wendy's daughter, to Neverland. But Peter ends up marrying Wendy's granddaughter, Moira and leaves Neverland to grow up and he forgets all about Neverland until his kids are kidnapped by Hook - which is where the live-action movie Hook comes in. There's also "Finding Neverland" which focuses on James M Barry, the author of Peter Pan, and shows how he got the inspiration for the story. It's very moving.
The alternate ending actually had Peter go back to Wendy, but by then she now has a daughter. That ending is even true to the book when Peter begs Wendy to not turn on the light. Really sad.
@@christiandacanay3086 did they ever play that ending during the reruns on TV ?? because I could swear that's the ending I remember the most since I used to watch it every time the movie was shown on TV, I was wondering if my head made that up
@@dan.dandan no. That ending is unpolished on the 2nd half of it, as in you can see the blue screen and the rigs they use to make Jane fly, no BGM, etc. There's a reason it's an alternate ending, despite its incompleteness.
Thats incorrect. Hook has no connection to this, the animated one.. Peter never grew up in the original story. Hook has always been, and still is, a fan fiction of a "What if Peter did grow up?" scenario.
Note: In the 1900s the kids were just lumped into a nursery until a point, and at the time of course parents stood against childish fantasies, since children were meant to be seen and not heard. Also talking about Mr. Darling looking/sounding like Hook, that's no accident. The kids' dad and Captain Hook have the same voice actor because in Peter Pan play adaptations, it was tradition that the two characters be played by the same person.
The live-action Peter Pan is still one of my favourite movies. So cute but deep at the same time, the actors are all wonderful, plus the music is great and the visuals are fun. Love it!
I honestly love love love the live action! I also like the live action way more than the original disney peter pan but I will always like the original peter pan no matter what. But I don't know how Disney is gonna top the 2003 live action cause it's so extremally amazing. Love your videos!
The live Peter Pan movie is such a treasured childhood movie and I love it so much too. Fun fact there was a deleted scene where peter comes back and it’s been many years he finds Wendy has Grown up in her Adult age and he Meets her Daughter Jane who Peter meets in the sequel animated movie I’m not sure if there was a book after Peter Pan with his adventures with Jane but they had the deleted scene with Jane
I really enjoyed the animated (the first & sequel) growing up, but I really loved this live-action; I watched the movie & the making-of features all the time and owned the soundtrack CD. I could never be as obsessed as my one friend tho... She *really* loved that movie; she made it her personality~
There's a tradition from the stage that the same actor who plays Hook also plays Mr. Darling. When films keep that tradition, it adds to the story, in that Hook represents the children's psychological image of their father. As for Peter Pan, he represents that innermost child in all of us who refused to grow up. After this, I recommend the film Hook, in which the question is asked - what if Peter Pan did grow up?
I've been a fan of Captain Hook since I was 5. I never liked Peter at all. Jason Isaacs as Captain Hook was inspired casting. 55 years later and I'm still one of Captain Hook’s biggest supporter and fan.
The both Peter Pan movies marked my child, i watched them almost everyday alongside Alice in Wonderland and guess what? Katheryn Beaumont voiced both Alice and Wendy. So no wonder I also loved the film. Also, we can all agree we had a crush on Jeremy Sumpter 💞
Wendy definitely knows what a kiss is, but she doesn't want to make him feel stupid for holding his hand out, instead of closing his eyes and "puckering up." But she forgot to copy his movements, so Tink caught the reference and *flipped out *
I love peter pan so much back then. Still is. But am OBSESSED back then. Maybe because i have the book my dad brought home, then I watch the animation. Then, the live action came. Am head over heels towards everything the live action have. Main characters, Darling family, Neverland, lost boys, Hook and his crew, Indians, Fairies, MERMAIDSSS!, the giant crocodile. 🥰🥰
The only slightly depressing part of this story seeing it as an adult is that even in a fantasy playground land which is supposed to be free of the tasks of adulthood Wendy, the only girl child, has to take on the chores and caregiving responsibilities. Putting the lost boys to bed, giving them medicine, telling them stories, being responsible for their safety. Peter brought her there to be a foster parent.
Me just now learning that Wendy's dad could've been a lost boy makes SO MUCH sense cause like Peter pan visiting Wendy when she's older that could've happened to Peter and her dad when he met her and her brothers.
I enjoy both these movies. Fun fact: my friend auditioned to be peter pan in the live action and almost got the part but then they decided he was a bit too old.
24:23 Oh my gosh you nailed it, that’s a known theory that the pirates were Lost Boys that grew up because there’s actually no magic in NeverLand that makes people stop growing up, the thing is Peter Pan kills the boys when they show signs of growing up and then he brings new little boys there, so the pirates were actually Lost Boys that managed to scape his hands so Hook actually saved them and he intended to save the others
so which means, disney made a dark story? just to ruined our childhood? dont believe at the conspiracy theories cause its just a THEORY PERSONAL BELIEF
Peter Pan was my favorite cartoon growing up! When I saw the new video I was so happy! Also, fun fact, but the girl who did Wendy’s voice also did Alice !
Peter Pan is my favorite Disney movie. I don't watch it a ton, partly because it is so old and quite problematic. But the idea of not growing up and hanging onto childhood and imagination is quite beautiful to me. I love the 2003 live action. I think it captures the magic of the animated while cutting a lot of the problematic aspects.
I have a thimble tattoo and my best friend has an acorn tattoo because of how much we love Peter Pan (and each other) Also I just need to add how magical this soundtrack is like even after almost 20 years it still gives me goosebumps!
My sister and I want to get matching Peter Pan tats where mine is “second star to the right” on my right shoulder and hers is “and straight on till morning” on her left! It’s our favorite Disney movie☺️
*the best live action adaptations are the ones that stay true to the book ["i do believe in fairies"]; most of the time they're not under disney yet still do 10x better*
Jason Isaacs as Captain Hook is absolutely inspired casting. My mom read the JM Barrie book to me. I hated Peter immediately and just loved Captain Hook! I wanted to go to Neverland and join Captain Hook's crew. LOL! 55 years later and my loyalties have not changed. I still love Captain Hook, maybe even more having seen the Jason Isaacs portrayal.
I recommend reading Peter and the Starcatchers! It’s a great reimagining and prequel to the Peter Pan story line and it’s about how Peter becomes Peter Pan
It broke my heart that in this version Peter and Wendy didn’t end up together. Their chemistry was amazing!!💗🥲 also I love that you didn’t notice that Hook and Darling were played by the same actor. I was 16 when I found out 💀
The funny think them having great chemistry? Both their actors had really great chemistry that the big kiss scene in that movie was their very first one in their lives. I even heard that Jeremy Sumpter (Peter) deliberately messed up the kissing scene many times, so he'd had an excuse for him and Rachel Hurd Wood (Wendy) to kiss as much times as they like. Jeremy even joked about it years later they were hiding on the set just so they can kiss.
The live action Peter Pan is my favourite of all the Peter Pan adaptations ❤️ it’s a lot closer to the book than the Disney version, and it remains a favourite of mine even now as an adult. I mean, I like the Disney version, I even have a tattoo of the silhouettes of the kids flying to Neverland from the Disney one, but the 2003 remains superior for me; the soundtrack (by James Newton Howard), the casting, the visuals, the way that they translated the “audience, clap if you believe in fairies” from the play into the children around the world chanting they believe in fairies… it’s a lot closer to Barrie’s play/book but also cuts out the more racist aspects about the Indians (like calling them the “Pickaninny tribe”) (the Disney animated film also has a problem with this as they have a whole song called “what makes the red man red”) There was also a deleted ending scene for the 2003 film taken from the epilogue of the book where Peter comes back to the nursery years later, and Wendy has grown up and has a daughter named Jane, who goes off to Neverland with Peter. And there’s actually a tradition of the actor who plays Mr Darling also playing Captain Hook that originated back when Peter Pan was a play - unfortunately, the upcoming Disney live action isn’t continuing this tradition and has cast two separate actors for the parts 😭 Also the fact that nearly everyone had a crush on Jeremy Sumpter as Peter Pan growing up 👌🏻😭
You always make me laugh 😂 you need to see Hook with Robin Williams Also I think your theory on the animated dad being Captain Hook is correct because in the live action version the actor who plays Hook also plays the dad! He plays Lucius Malfoy too
This movie is so good. The care that went into this to make a lasting, faithful adaptation to the cultural phenomenons that were the play and book. I think the Victorian as well as 50's versions had their own anxieties about growing up on display in their respective versions. In the 00's version Wendy, roughhouses with her brothers and does less nurturing than the 50's version to make room for her storytelling talent. It makes Wendy's desire to grow up and experience real life so she can be a writer feel justified, and her separation from Peter more sad.
George Darling and Captain hook being played by the same guy isn't anything new. I'm not sure if it was intentional in the original play, but it's sort of symbolic that the Dad and hook are the antagonists for Wendy's story
@@adambrannon8934 Oh, I didn't mean to sound like I have some inside knowledge. All I know is that that was a very common thing to do in Victorian theater, is still common now, and has presumably always been common for stage productions.
10:12 It's a two-in-one - on the one hand, the voice actor for Mr Darling is the same voice actor for Captain Hook, and on the other hand it shows he might once have been a Lost Boy or had once visited Neverland and goes back to the beginning whens the narrator said "This has all happened before, and it will all happen again."
The Peter Pan story has always had a special place in my heart, so seeing you react to two different versions made my morning 😊❤️ Also, if your inclined, I highly recommend Hook, which stars Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, and Dante Basco.
Last time i watched the live action was at least 5 years ago, but i think as a kid my brain took a screenshot of this movie. I remember so much of it and i love it so much too. The scene where Peter turns pink and start flying like crazy is engraved in my brain permanently, I swear this mvoie makes me so happy.
in the brothers Grimm version of peter pan, he is actually the villain, he steals boys from their homes and manipulates them, which in the long run makes them either forget or resent their past lives, so they become his servants while they think they're his "friends" or "crew". they also don't stop growing up unlike peter. (in the show once upon a time, they go on that route too with peter pan...) so it makes sense that when the lost boys grow up he disposes of them and they probably refugee shelter from hook and then grow a hatred for peter, also while wanting him dead to prevent him from kidnapping more boys.. idk maybe this is confirmed somewhere but it's a theory i've always thought of as well THE LIVE ACTION PETER PAN IS MYYY FAVORITEEEEE.. I ADOREEE IT
Disney needs to take a hint from THIS movie when it comes to casting their live action version of Peter Pan.....because their choice for the actor who plays Peter looks about 5 years younger than the girl they chose for Wendy. He looks way too SMALL. I know Peter Pan is the spirit of youth, but he's also the leader of the lost boys. Notice in this version, he's taller than everybody else. He has an air of being the oldest and being in charge.
I highly recommend Peter Pan 2 being the sequel to the original Disney film that came out in 2002. I'm not a fan of Disney sequels but I really enjoyed that one!! I also recommend Mary Poppins if you haven't seen it!
The origin of Peter Pan goes like this. (This is considering more modern movies which talk about his backstory). He was a normal boy growing up in Victorian England. He saw that growing up wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. So he managed to run away from his mother, who had been taking him out for a walk. Although, along the way, he encountered another group of children who didn’t necessarily feel the same way as him. So Peter essentially kidnapped them by luring them in with false promises about childhood. They would eventually become the lost boys. Both Peter and the Lost Boys would eventually forget all about their time as normal humans, and forget about the life they had before coming to Neverland. They were all kidnapped by Captain Hook, who took them to Neverland. But they escaped. One thing that people never consider is that Captain Hook is actually a good guy (Well, kinda). I mean, he tries to stop Peter Pan from kidnapping anymore kids.
I got scared of Peter Pan because of this conspiracy. You know how Peter Pan also makes the lost boys pretend eat? TW BELOW! Yeah it's so that they don't gain weight or else they won't fit through the tree house door. Someone said that he'd try to cut of the fat off of the bigger kids so they'll fit, but they end up dying so he gets new kids that he kidnaps. Took me a while to get over these.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. This is not the origin of Peter Pan. This may be a modern added backstory, but it is not the original origin. If you want the actual origin of Peter Pan, read Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens by J.M. Barrie. You you know, the actual author of Peter Pan. Read that and the original book. Anything else is pure fanfiction. Peter flew away from home at one week old and escaped to Kensington Gardens in London. Babies were birds before they became human so they still remember how to fly. He lived in the park with the fairies and the birds for a very long time and had many adventures. There's even a statue of Peter Pan on the Hyde Park side of the gardens today. Now how exactly he went from an eternal one week old living in Kensington Gardens, to a bit older boy living in Neverland is never said. Different books. But, Lost Boys are said to be boys who fall out of their prams when their nurses aren't looking. Girls are too clever to fall out of their prams, which is why there are no Lost Girls. If I had to guess, most of these boys likely fall out and get lost in Kensington Gardens and end up in Neverland maybe with the help of fairies like Peter did. But that's my own guess, it doesn't say. Peter does have a terrible memory, that is true. He has a tendency to forget anything that's not in front of him. As for the other boys, it's not really talked about much, though it's implied they don't really remember the before time either. Hook was educated at Eton College, and it is implied it would be a great scandal if his real name was known, but we don't know how he or his crew got to Neverland either. He claims to have been the bo'sun of Blackbeard himself, and the only man of whom Barbecue was afraid. And he regularly murders members of his own crew. Don't fool yourself into thinking he's a good guy.
So, now I'm here after watching Disney's 2023 live action and omg I never really expected them to win over 2003's adaptation but seriously, how could they get it sooo wrong?
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You need to react to pan
Its about peter pan not wendy
This is the link to the live action edit to Peter and Wendy❤️
@@cryochain3334 she should!!!
@@cryochain3334 I was going to say that !!!
The CRUSH I had on Jeremy Sumpter playing Peter in the live action when I was younger... He did so good in his role!! All of them did!!
Me too! 😭
everyone was jealous of ms. wendy darling bc she had all of peter's attention it's not her fault that she's that girl
right 💅
@@LakiaJaiTV jude law we'll be playing Captain Hook
@@LakiaJaiTV Jason Isaac should have reprise role of Captain Hook
I need y’all to know the actors for Peter and Wendy were FULL ON CRUSHING ON EACH OTHER DURING FILMING like there’s a reason they got such chemistry. Jeremy purposefully messed up the kissing scene a few times so he could get away with kissing her a couple more times.
Also he totally may still have a crush on her according to interviews.
aww that's so CUTE 😭🥺
No way!!! That makes it so much more adorable
thats why the chemistry is so amazing especially the fairy daNCE MOMENT
Young love ❤️ so sweet and pure 🥰
They actually dated. He calls her his first over. He made an Instagram post about her a few years ago 😭
I like the "I do believe in Fairies" bit. It's a fun reference to the old play, where Tink would only come back when all the audience clapped and shouted, "I do believe in Fairies."
That was always my favorite part of this movie as a kid
It’s a tradition on stage for Captain Hook and Mr. Darling to be played by the same actor, so both of these films paid homage to that.
I always preferred the live-action before the original just cause it was so beautiful but I still love both
Yea I enjoyed it more it was so cute to me
Yeah remembering now I prefer the live action better than the animated one, that's a first 😳.
Yeah, I miss it when studios put a great effort at making live-action adaptations, like the Casper movie (1995) it’s so beautiful and emotional it still makes me cry
The 2003 one is more based off the book and the play. There's some similarities to Disney's, but they are very different.
@@macklyon7476in Wikipedia it says it’s based on the book and the Disney film
Fun fact the actress who played Tiger Lily was speaking an actual Native American dialect (I forget which one) and she was calling Hook all sort of awful names lol. One of my favorite bits in this movie; she says 'no' 😆
When I learned about that in the bts of the film I was so happy. It’s so rare for Hollywood to get it right and get an actual Native actor or actress, especially for a role like this one
I think the behind the scenes said she spoke Iroquois!
It’s so funny. You’re like “Why does the dad look so familiar?” Hahaha. Well he is Hook as well as Lucius Malfoy.
Holy crap, how did I not notice that?
When she froze I thought she connected the dots that Jason Issacs is Lucius
They better not EVER try to remake the live action one, it will never live up to this one. The score, the cast, the nostalgia. They could never
they're not remaking nothing (hopefully). The new adaptation is a live action from disney.
@@idaf3028 It won't be as good as this one! I have very few complaints about the 2003 movie (the color palette towards the end is super distracting) but the casting is on point and the music is next leve.
@@joeypotter6051 I'm not comparing it. They will both be very good Peter Pan films in their own right. I also think the casting on both movies is really good, my personal favourite is Tinkerbell.
@@joeypotter6051 you are correct. The one Disney made recently really bombed. And thank goodness for that. Even Ever Anderson's take on Wendy can't hold a candle to Rachel Hurd Wood's Wendy portrayal.
@@joeypotter6051I hear that the coloring was from the stage directions in the play. I’ve never read the play so I can’t confirm that.
I love the fight scene between Peter and Captain Hook, it shows how scared Peter is thinking that Wendy will forget all about him and Wendy is both his strenght and weakness
Yes in both versions the actor playing Hook is also the actor for Wendys father. The live action version is my favorite. Thanks for reacting 😊
that’s a Peter Pan tradition! it began in the original stage productions back in the early 1900s, and so far pretty much every major production of the story has kept up the tradition, which I think is amazing 😇
This live action version is forever cemented in my 2003 8 year old brain. Saw it in theatres, this is as close to a Disney live action remake we will ever get
Umm…she literally read the cast for the upcoming Disney Live-Action remake in the video…so…FAIL
@@thomaskilroy4573 I’m here from the future . This did not end well .
@@Manuel_Chinaski So that cast didn’t play the characters she said they would…because they definitely did. Your reply didn’t fucking age well.
I like how in the live-action movie, Hook is a complex and vulnerable character, but still retains his villainous traits.
I personally always preferred the live action, I use to have the biggest crush on Peter Pan when I was younger too, I didn’t know they were making a new one I’m excited for that, also my mind blown too that the guy who played hook and the dad played Draco dad like what?🤯
Jason Isaacs (who plays Captain Hook) also voiced Admiral Zhao from Avatar: The Last Airbender
@@kellydepaz525 and lucius malfoy in harry potter :)
Tinkerbell in her movies : 😇
Tinkerbell in Peter Pan : 👹
The way Jeremy Sumpter had me in a chokehold during my childhood-
Why does this movie make me so emotional??? 😭 the live action has to be one of my all time faves
To me, the “I do believe in faeries” scene has always been to show that Peter CAN love. He loves Tinkerbell, as a best friend and constant companion; and the thought of him losing her is enough to IMMEDIATELY break through his ego and facade and begin pleading for her life in the only way he - a child - knows how. If saying that you don’t believe causes faeries to die, then saying you DO must cause them to live. It’s such simple logic only a kid could have come up with it.
Fun fact, the reason that Universal AND Disney were both allowed to do an adaptation of Peter Pan is because Peter Pan wasn’t an original Disney property, it’s a book written by JM Barrie in 1911 and therefore by the time 2006 rolled around and Universal wanted to make their adaptation, the copyright had already expired and they could do whatever they wanted.
The live action movie actually follows the book A LOT closer than the Disney version, to the point that a lot of the narration and dialogue is just quoted word for word. They did a fantastic job capturing the emotions of the original work. Not that Disney’s Peter Pan wasn’t amazing, it’s one of my favorites and the ost is my favorite Disney osts of all time. But they definitely adapted it to be for a younger audience, as opposed to having romance and killings. They turned a fantasy book geared mostly for children and made it a children’s movie, and they succeeded. But I feel like the live action one is a fantasy movie with mostly kids in the main roles.
Love it, great post!!
The book takes this on a very dark twist. Tink dies at a certain point, and when Peter comes back to a grown up Wendy and she asks where Tink is, Peter doesn't remember about the fairy.
Correction: the Universal adaption was released in 2003, so I had a feeling they shot it at least between 2001 and 2002.
Nothing can beat 2003 version, NOTHING!!!! It's just one of the most beautiful and magical films i've ever seen! Cryed my soul out, wrote a sequal that i tried to somehow send to the director. Many things.
I agree. Not even the Disney+ Peter Pan and Wendy movie can hold a candle to it!
"we were only trying to drown her" I miss the days when Disney writers had a spine lol
@Nonaya Bidness True but as Walt Disney said “I do not make films primarily for children. I make them for the child in all of us, whether we be six or sixty.”
@Nonaya Bidness fair enough
The live-action is actually a lot more like the original play and book, so a lot of the elements that differed from the cartoon came from that!
(Also you should watch Hook starring Robin Williams because that is also a really good alternative adaptation)
Agreed. (Though Hook is a sequel, not a alternative adaptation.)
Funny thing is, Disney “borrowed” the flying theme from the 2003 Peter Pan for their advertisements in the mid to late 2000s. Definitely an Underrated gem!
the live action stays closer to the book, than the cartoon did.
though neither showed how Peter would forget the Darlings were following him multiple times during the journey.
I was shook hearing that the live action isn’t Disney. It took the exact route as the Disney version, with slight modifications for live action. Since the Disney version took certain liberties with the original story, there’s no way they did this by accident. They clearly based this off of the Disney version and not the book.
No wonder it was something-good 🤪
I'm sorry but I read the book and it's clearly based off the book, not the Disney version. You can clearly seeing it in the acting. The book very clearly hinted at a romantic relationship between Wendy and Peter. The Disney version only hinted at it while the live action version leaned ALL the way in.
The other "slight" modifications are in the book, so that is what you are seeing. For example, all of the narrations were lifted straight from the book. I love the first conversation between Wendy and Peter so much because it is SO ACCURATE to the books. For example, when Peter asks Wendy to come with him to Neverland and Wendy asks if her brothers came come too, the books make it VERY CLEAR that it was ONLY THEN that Peter realized the boys were even there. The live action didf a GREAT job recreating that by literally not showing her brothers until that very moment. And the actor's reaction is straight from the books. Peter is only interested in Wendy, not her brothers.
The whole missunderstanding about a kiss and a thimbil and an acorn, plus the acron saving Wendy and, since Peter gave her his acorn as a kiss, him saying "my kiss saved her. All lifted straight from the books.
@@melodramatic7904 I second this; the dialogue was often ripped straight from the book. They had Peter & Tink drink poison as opposed to the bomb in the present Disney had, didn’t have the “it was all a dream” ending and had the lost boys return in the end, added in the Red Handed Jack/Jill line, etc.
Apparently Disney is making their own live action remake of Peter Pan that’s coming out later this year.
@@kellydepaz525 but didn't Disney just say they were scrapping all live action remakes 🤨
I first saw this at my godparents' house, they had paramount channel at that time, and we didn't. Not only I crushed on Peter from the moment I saw him, but I cried at the end because I wanted them to be together SO MUCH. 10 years later, I found the alternate ending or deleted ending here on youtube and I cried even more😅 this is still my favourite remake, and I'm kind of glad that Universal did it instead of Disney, cause those Disney remakes are just not for me, they don't have that thing that the originals have (except maybe Cinderella). But this movie is a beautiful "tribute" to the original💜
And Jason Isaacs is LEGEND💜
Hey, loved your reaction, but just a reminder: this is a clear adaptation from the original book and play from 1906 and 1911, not the Disney version.
The 2003 movie actually received the official approval of the Great Ormond Street Hospital, which owns or used to own the rights for Peter Pan. It was the first time Peter Pan was actually played by a male actor, they respected the tradition of having the same actor for Hook and Mr Darling and they managed to add the I do believe in fairies scene, which was pretty ballsy since it originally came from the play and required the audience's participation by shouting the iconic sentence in order for Tinkerbell (who really drank poison, wasn't taken down by a bomb) to come back to life.
The reason many people think this movie took a lot from the Disney version was because the Disney version respected many aspects of the original material, like Hook's coat being scarlet, Nana the dog, etc. But the 2003 version is much closer in terms of story to the original than Disney's version.
The Great Ormond Street Hospital still owns the rights to this day.
@@christiandacanay3086The book is in the public domain. I believe they still have the copyright to the play until the end of 2023.
I'm not from the 1900s lol but I'm guessing that Wendy getting her own room back then meant no more nursery and she'll start training to become a future wife. No more Peter Pan stories, just cooking, cleaning and sowing and maybe schoolwork.
as someone born in 1991, I'm cracking up!! Because I am from the 1900s 🤣
Yes. She starts to have privacy, 'cause a lady needs a space where getting properly dressed
I rewatched the live action a few days ago and i swear is such an underrated film. i loved it as a kid. apparently, it flopped in theaters cus it was up against some competition when it dropped but its still one of my fave live action adapations to this day. everything about it just so good. from the casting, to the dialogue, to the cinematography. im glad you checked it out cus i dont think theres any reactions to it on youtube at all.
Yeah they botched the release date, it came out a week after LOTR Return of the King and the same day as Cheaper by the Dozen, so it got kinda lost under those huge films. Such a shame.
Oh yes, hard to compete with Return of the King and Harry Potter.
I use to like the original when I was little. As I got older I prefer the 2003 version cause it was written well. I enjoy the OUAT S3 of Neverland. I hope you watch all the Tinkerbell movies.
yes!! OUAT neverland season *chefs kiss*
@@LakiaJaiTV no one could compare to evil Pan 😍 oohweee
It’s a some actor as Mr darling and Captain Hook
@@LakiaJaiTV do lion king! Next!
*snap snap snap* ouat neverland always slays, evil peter pan will always have me leaning to the dark side
Giiiirrrrlll SAME! 😆 I can't even tell you how many times I watched that movie before I even saw that Hook and the dad were the same actor or how many years it took for me to learn he was also daddy Malfoy 🤣 I couldn't get over it for awhile because I absolutely could not tell, he legit looked like a different person to me as each character lol.
This is also my favorite version of Peter Pan🥰
No one ever talks about the soundtrack. The soundtrack is criminally underrated
The universal live action was more accurate to the book then Disney was. Also it is a tradition in plays as well as the films that the fathers play hook. A sort of symbol of reinforcing growing up. Also AGAIN if you are reading this Disney Peter Pan and Wendy came out it was terrible 2003 was the perfect version of J. .M Barriers book. As well Jason Isaac is Lucious Malfoy from Harry Potter.
The live action is and will always be my favorite version of Peter Pan. The way it’s written is immaculate. The acting is also spectacular. The sets are beautiful. The score is the standard I set for all movies. I’m down bad for Peter Pan 2003 😩 I can recite it from memory including the songs playing during the scene 😭
19:18 “this could be a love story” excuse me COULD? It’s absolutely no subtext full stop a love story are you kidding me- the way I WORSHIPPED this movie and played it on repeat bc of my massive crush on Jeremy as a kid 😭
In the stage play, Hook and George Darling were always played by the same actor, which is most likely why the two never shared the same stage at once, or the same scene in any live action interpretation. The folks at Disney may have been paying homage to that fact, even in the animation choice to make the two characters look uncannily similar.
There's an alternate ending where Peter goes back to the house, but each time Wendy is older and she gets married and has kids.
In the Disney animated second movie, Peter takes Jane, Wendy's daughter, to Neverland.
But Peter ends up marrying Wendy's granddaughter, Moira and leaves Neverland to grow up and he forgets all about Neverland until his kids are kidnapped by Hook - which is where the live-action movie Hook comes in.
There's also "Finding Neverland" which focuses on James M Barry, the author of Peter Pan, and shows how he got the inspiration for the story. It's very moving.
The alternate ending actually had Peter go back to Wendy, but by then she now has a daughter. That ending is even true to the book when Peter begs Wendy to not turn on the light. Really sad.
@@christiandacanay3086 Thank you for reaffirming what i said :)
@@christiandacanay3086 did they ever play that ending during the reruns on TV ?? because I could swear that's the ending I remember the most since I used to watch it every time the movie was shown on TV, I was wondering if my head made that up
@@dan.dandan no. That ending is unpolished on the 2nd half of it, as in you can see the blue screen and the rigs they use to make Jane fly, no BGM, etc. There's a reason it's an alternate ending, despite its incompleteness.
Thats incorrect. Hook has no connection to this, the animated one.. Peter never grew up in the original story. Hook has always been, and still is, a fan fiction of a "What if Peter did grow up?" scenario.
Note: In the 1900s the kids were just lumped into a nursery until a point, and at the time of course parents stood against childish fantasies, since children were meant to be seen and not heard. Also talking about Mr. Darling looking/sounding like Hook, that's no accident. The kids' dad and Captain Hook have the same voice actor because in Peter Pan play adaptations, it was tradition that the two characters be played by the same person.
The live-action Peter Pan is still one of my favourite movies. So cute but deep at the same time, the actors are all wonderful, plus the music is great and the visuals are fun. Love it!
I honestly love love love the live action! I also like the live action way more than the original disney peter pan but I will always like the original peter pan no matter what. But I don't know how Disney is gonna top the 2003 live action cause it's so extremally amazing. Love your videos!
Honestly I can't see Peter Pan the same way since Once Upon a Time
Lol I’m dead
So true!! I do love him as the villain too
Fun fact the actor of Peter and actress of Wendy were actually dating during filming that’s why the chemistry was so good ❤️❤️❤️
The live Peter Pan movie is such a treasured childhood movie and I love it so much too. Fun fact there was a deleted scene where peter comes back and it’s been many years he finds Wendy has Grown up in her Adult age and he Meets her Daughter Jane who Peter meets in the sequel animated movie I’m not sure if there was a book after Peter Pan with his adventures with Jane but they had the deleted scene with Jane
I really enjoyed the animated (the first & sequel) growing up, but I really loved this live-action; I watched the movie & the making-of features all the time and owned the soundtrack CD. I could never be as obsessed as my one friend tho... She *really* loved that movie; she made it her personality~
There's a tradition from the stage that the same actor who plays Hook also plays Mr. Darling. When films keep that tradition, it adds to the story, in that Hook represents the children's psychological image of their father. As for Peter Pan, he represents that innermost child in all of us who refused to grow up.
After this, I recommend the film Hook, in which the question is asked - what if Peter Pan did grow up?
I remember that I had a huge crush on Captain Hook and thought he was beautiful!
I've been a fan of Captain Hook since I was 5. I never liked Peter at all. Jason Isaacs as Captain Hook was inspired casting. 55 years later and I'm still one of Captain Hook’s biggest supporter and fan.
The both Peter Pan movies marked my child, i watched them almost everyday alongside Alice in Wonderland and guess what? Katheryn Beaumont voiced both Alice and Wendy. So no wonder I also loved the film. Also, we can all agree we had a crush on Jeremy Sumpter 💞
Wendy definitely knows what a kiss is, but she doesn't want to make him feel stupid for holding his hand out, instead of closing his eyes and "puckering up." But she forgot to copy his movements, so Tink caught the reference and *flipped out *
The way everyone had a crush on LA Peter when we were kids. 😅
I love peter pan so much back then. Still is. But am OBSESSED back then. Maybe because i have the book my dad brought home, then I watch the animation. Then, the live action came. Am head over heels towards everything the live action have. Main characters, Darling family, Neverland, lost boys, Hook and his crew, Indians, Fairies, MERMAIDSSS!, the giant crocodile. 🥰🥰
The only slightly depressing part of this story seeing it as an adult is that even in a fantasy playground land which is supposed to be free of the tasks of adulthood Wendy, the only girl child, has to take on the chores and caregiving responsibilities. Putting the lost boys to bed, giving them medicine, telling them stories, being responsible for their safety. Peter brought her there to be a foster parent.
When i was younger i had a big fat crush on peter pan...both the live action and the animated one
Me just now learning that Wendy's dad could've been a lost boy makes SO MUCH sense cause like Peter pan visiting Wendy when she's older that could've happened to Peter and her dad when he met her and her brothers.
This movie had 8 year old me saying 'poppycock' for WEEKS😂😂. My mum hated it so much
I had never seen this live-action Peter Pan and it was legit so adorable and such a great adaptation that I watched your reaction to it twice 😂
It's such a good movie, really needs to be viewed in full!
In the DIsney film Hook and the dad are both voiced by the same actor. I love that they did this for the live action as well.
I enjoy both these movies. Fun fact: my friend auditioned to be peter pan in the live action and almost got the part but then they decided he was a bit too old.
Jason Isaccs is one of my favorite actors.
from the Patriot to Harry Potter, he has a wide range
Bobby Driscoll was a wonderful voice actor. So sad his life was cut short when it was.
Yeah. He really got the short end of the stick.
Jeremy Sumpter who played the live action Peter Pan is a few months younger than me and now he's older, he's absolutely gorgeous
24:23 Oh my gosh you nailed it, that’s a known theory that the pirates were Lost Boys that grew up because there’s actually no magic in NeverLand that makes people stop growing up, the thing is Peter Pan kills the boys when they show signs of growing up and then he brings new little boys there, so the pirates were actually Lost Boys that managed to scape his hands so Hook actually saved them and he intended to save the others
so which means, disney made a dark story? just to ruined our childhood?
dont believe at the conspiracy theories cause its just a THEORY PERSONAL BELIEF
@@gwenieunierb8038 I didn't mean dark in a disparaging way. I can dig it.
Peter Pan was my favorite cartoon growing up! When I saw the new video I was so happy! Also, fun fact, but the girl who did Wendy’s voice also did Alice !
Peter Pan is my favorite Disney movie. I don't watch it a ton, partly because it is so old and quite problematic. But the idea of not growing up and hanging onto childhood and imagination is quite beautiful to me. I love the 2003 live action. I think it captures the magic of the animated while cutting a lot of the problematic aspects.
I have a thimble tattoo and my best friend has an acorn tattoo because of how much we love Peter Pan (and each other)
Also I just need to add how magical this soundtrack is like even after almost 20 years it still gives me goosebumps!
My sister and I want to get matching Peter Pan tats where mine is “second star to the right” on my right shoulder and hers is “and straight on till morning” on her left! It’s our favorite Disney movie☺️
*the best live action adaptations are the ones that stay true to the book ["i do believe in fairies"]; most of the time they're not under disney yet still do 10x better*
Jason Isaacs as Captain Hook is absolutely inspired casting. My mom read the JM Barrie book to me. I hated Peter immediately and just loved Captain Hook! I wanted to go to Neverland and join Captain Hook's crew. LOL! 55 years later and my loyalties have not changed. I still love Captain Hook, maybe even more having seen the Jason Isaacs portrayal.
I recommend reading Peter and the Starcatchers! It’s a great reimagining and prequel to the Peter Pan story line and it’s about how Peter becomes Peter Pan
The crush I had on Hook in this movie was huge. Jason Isaacs is so handsome . He always pulls off long hair well like when he played Malfoy.
AAAHH I'm so excited you're watching the live action Peter Pan! It was one of my favorite childhood movies and still one of my favorite movies today
It broke my heart that in this version Peter and Wendy didn’t end up together. Their chemistry was amazing!!💗🥲 also I love that you didn’t notice that Hook and Darling were played by the same actor. I was 16 when I found out 💀
The funny think them having great chemistry? Both their actors had really great chemistry that the big kiss scene in that movie was their very first one in their lives. I even heard that Jeremy Sumpter (Peter) deliberately messed up the kissing scene many times, so he'd had an excuse for him and Rachel Hurd Wood (Wendy) to kiss as much times as they like. Jeremy even joked about it years later they were hiding on the set just so they can kiss.
The "I know how your kind likes a deal" took me out LOL. before the actual video. Girl! lol 😂
The live action Peter Pan is my favourite of all the Peter Pan adaptations ❤️ it’s a lot closer to the book than the Disney version, and it remains a favourite of mine even now as an adult. I mean, I like the Disney version, I even have a tattoo of the silhouettes of the kids flying to Neverland from the Disney one, but the 2003 remains superior for me; the soundtrack (by James Newton Howard), the casting, the visuals, the way that they translated the “audience, clap if you believe in fairies” from the play into the children around the world chanting they believe in fairies… it’s a lot closer to Barrie’s play/book but also cuts out the more racist aspects about the Indians (like calling them the “Pickaninny tribe”) (the Disney animated film also has a problem with this as they have a whole song called “what makes the red man red”) There was also a deleted ending scene for the 2003 film taken from the epilogue of the book where Peter comes back to the nursery years later, and Wendy has grown up and has a daughter named Jane, who goes off to Neverland with Peter. And there’s actually a tradition of the actor who plays Mr Darling also playing Captain Hook that originated back when Peter Pan was a play - unfortunately, the upcoming Disney live action isn’t continuing this tradition and has cast two separate actors for the parts 😭
Also the fact that nearly everyone had a crush on Jeremy Sumpter as Peter Pan growing up 👌🏻😭
You know, there is a scraped ending scene from this movie, every time I watch it I feel emotional
While everyone else was crushing on Jeremy Sumpter as Pan I was mad simping for Jason Isaacs as Hook 😅
Same😂 Him and Mrs. Darling🔥
Is anyone else kinda mad Peter never came back💀 cuz bro I’m heated. I shipped them from start to finish ALL FOR HIM TO NEVER RETURN???
You always make me laugh 😂 you need to see Hook with Robin Williams
Also I think your theory on the animated dad being Captain Hook is correct because in the live action version the actor who plays Hook also plays the dad! He plays Lucius Malfoy too
I know this is late but the actor who was Mr Darling in the animated version is also the voice of Hook in it
You may keep recognizing the Dad because he's the same actor for Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter. Draco's dad.
This movie is so good. The care that went into this to make a lasting, faithful adaptation to the cultural phenomenons that were the play and book. I think the Victorian as well as 50's versions had their own anxieties about growing up on display in their respective versions. In the 00's version Wendy, roughhouses with her brothers and does less nurturing than the 50's version to make room for her storytelling talent. It makes Wendy's desire to grow up and experience real life so she can be a writer feel justified, and her separation from Peter more sad.
Since Hook is identical to George Darling, maybe his love problems will be solved by finding a woman who is identical to Mary Darling.
19:27 well there is a deleted scene that's kinda like that
The score for the live action is something special. It makes me so happy
George Darling and Captain hook being played by the same guy isn't anything new. I'm not sure if it was intentional in the original play, but it's sort of symbolic that the Dad and hook are the antagonists for Wendy's story
The original play just did it to save money. Why hire two different actors for two characters that share no stage-time?
@@itzakpoelzig330 that's what I've heard, about the original. But I didn't want to speak without knowing for sure.
@@adambrannon8934 Oh, I didn't mean to sound like I have some inside knowledge. All I know is that that was a very common thing to do in Victorian theater, is still common now, and has presumably always been common for stage productions.
10:12 It's a two-in-one - on the one hand, the voice actor for Mr Darling is the same voice actor for Captain Hook, and on the other hand it shows he might once have been a Lost Boy or had once visited Neverland and goes back to the beginning whens the narrator said "This has all happened before, and it will all happen again."
The live action is such a comfort movie
The Peter Pan story has always had a special place in my heart, so seeing you react to two different versions made my morning 😊❤️
Also, if your inclined, I highly recommend Hook, which stars Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, and Dante Basco.
they even put the hat on the dog for the live action, this is real dedication folks
Last time i watched the live action was at least 5 years ago, but i think as a kid my brain took a screenshot of this movie. I remember so much of it and i love it so much too. The scene where Peter turns pink and start flying like crazy is engraved in my brain permanently, I swear this mvoie makes me so happy.
My favorite Disney movie the OG 😌❤️
in the brothers Grimm version of peter pan, he is actually the villain, he steals boys from their homes and manipulates them, which in the long run makes them either forget or resent their past lives, so they become his servants while they think they're his "friends" or "crew". they also don't stop growing up unlike peter. (in the show once upon a time, they go on that route too with peter pan...)
so it makes sense that when the lost boys grow up he disposes of them and they probably refugee shelter from hook and then grow a hatred for peter, also while wanting him dead to prevent him from kidnapping more boys.. idk maybe this is confirmed somewhere but it's a theory i've always thought of as well
Please watch Peter Pan 2!! It's the sequel to the animated one, and it's very underrated imo
28:40 his eyes reflecting the stars 🥺
Disney needs to take a hint from THIS movie when it comes to casting their live action version of Peter Pan.....because their choice for the actor who plays Peter looks about 5 years younger than the girl they chose for Wendy. He looks way too SMALL. I know Peter Pan is the spirit of youth, but he's also the leader of the lost boys. Notice in this version, he's taller than everybody else. He has an air of being the oldest and being in charge.
Lakia: What if lost boys grow up to be pirates
Disney: Yep...that's the story we are going to run with.
Fun fact: the little boy who plays Michaels older sister is the girl who played Susan in the Narnia movies
Does this mean Freddie (Michael) and Anna (Susan) Popplewell are really siblings?!
Peter: *shows feet*
Me: EwW cRusTY MUsTy DUsty FEET 🤧
I highly recommend Peter Pan 2 being the sequel to the original Disney film that came out in 2002. I'm not a fan of Disney sequels but I really enjoyed that one!! I also recommend Mary Poppins if you haven't seen it!
The origin of Peter Pan goes like this. (This is considering more modern movies which talk about his backstory). He was a normal boy growing up in Victorian England. He saw that growing up wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. So he managed to run away from his mother, who had been taking him out for a walk. Although, along the way, he encountered another group of children who didn’t necessarily feel the same way as him. So Peter essentially kidnapped them by luring them in with false promises about childhood. They would eventually become the lost boys. Both Peter and the Lost Boys would eventually forget all about their time as normal humans, and forget about the life they had before coming to Neverland. They were all kidnapped by Captain Hook, who took them to Neverland. But they escaped.
One thing that people never consider is that Captain Hook is actually a good guy (Well, kinda). I mean, he tries to stop Peter Pan from kidnapping anymore kids.
Wow that's interesting! so that means that those conspiracy theories saying peter pan is actually the bad guy are true?😳
@airplane mode v2 Yeah, that’s true. When I was typing, I knew I’d forgotten some things after finishing and was in bed.
I got scared of Peter Pan because of this conspiracy. You know how Peter Pan also makes the lost boys pretend eat? TW BELOW!
Yeah it's so that they don't gain weight or else they won't fit through the tree house door. Someone said that he'd try to cut of the fat off of the bigger kids so they'll fit, but they end up dying so he gets new kids that he kidnaps. Took me a while to get over these.
@@sabinagubova6453 Yeah, it’s something that I didn’t notice myself till much later 😅
Wrong, wrong, wrong. This is not the origin of Peter Pan. This may be a modern added backstory, but it is not the original origin. If you want the actual origin of Peter Pan, read Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens by J.M. Barrie. You you know, the actual author of Peter Pan. Read that and the original book. Anything else is pure fanfiction. Peter flew away from home at one week old and escaped to Kensington Gardens in London. Babies were birds before they became human so they still remember how to fly. He lived in the park with the fairies and the birds for a very long time and had many adventures. There's even a statue of Peter Pan on the Hyde Park side of the gardens today. Now how exactly he went from an eternal one week old living in Kensington Gardens, to a bit older boy living in Neverland is never said. Different books. But, Lost Boys are said to be boys who fall out of their prams when their nurses aren't looking. Girls are too clever to fall out of their prams, which is why there are no Lost Girls. If I had to guess, most of these boys likely fall out and get lost in Kensington Gardens and end up in Neverland maybe with the help of fairies like Peter did. But that's my own guess, it doesn't say. Peter does have a terrible memory, that is true. He has a tendency to forget anything that's not in front of him. As for the other boys, it's not really talked about much, though it's implied they don't really remember the before time either. Hook was educated at Eton College, and it is implied it would be a great scandal if his real name was known, but we don't know how he or his crew got to Neverland either. He claims to have been the bo'sun of Blackbeard himself, and the only man of whom Barbecue was afraid. And he regularly murders members of his own crew. Don't fool yourself into thinking he's a good guy.
So, now I'm here after watching Disney's 2023 live action and omg I never really expected them to win over 2003's adaptation but seriously, how could they get it sooo wrong?
It’s my birthday today, and I am so happy that you posted a video! I’m sure this will be great! Keep being amazing!
Happy Birthday 🥰