thanks for your report. it's very helpful. hope to meet you someday in the skifield. I just came back from Osaka. I went to the Kyocera Doom for snow board outlet, thanks for your recomemdation.
I have a question. is skate board skill can be transferred to snowbarding. but not the other way around. is it true that almost all skate boarder can learn snow board quickly and transfer skate board tricks into snow board tricks ?
i think so, the most importance is "balance", once you can catch up how to stand up, you can learn snowboard quickly. by the way, i am quite good in roller and ice skating, so my body balance can easily pick up.
好長的雪道 真的想去玩玩 謝謝你的分享 👍
拍得好好 喜歡你片的平實風格 已subscribed 繼續努力
Man Yan Mak thx
Meiho Snow Resort 未去過,
看落都幾好玩, 看來這樣落雪情況
岐阜Dynaland+Takasu, 喺Meiho附近
最特別是 Dynaland - 可以夜滑雪到晚上十一點, 值得介紹畀觀眾
thanks for your report. it's very helpful. hope to meet you someday in the skifield. I just came back from Osaka. I went to the Kyocera Doom for snow board outlet, thanks for your recomemdation.
buy any good stuff? 😍
@@Snowboardfans just a bag. not related to sb.
Takayama - 多謝介紹高山市
坐hong Kong express到名古屋機票比較平,
租車由名古屋去高山, 兩個人去五日租細車
Brian Ho 多人揸車係抵,不過我多數介紹啲雪場多數係唔使揸車
I have a question. is skate board skill can be transferred to snowbarding. but not the other way around. is it true that almost all skate boarder can learn snow board quickly and transfer skate board tricks into snow board tricks ?
i think so, the most importance is "balance", once you can catch up how to stand up, you can learn snowboard quickly. by the way, i am quite good in roller and ice skating, so my body balance can easily pick up.
片入便show埋雪場地圖比大家參考下就好 加油
Lok Tam 有呀 入面有拍雪埸地圖呀,thx
我建議係上網搵個PDF/JPG 直接剪落條片,或者比條LINK 係下面備註欄到。又穩啲又清楚啲。
暫時冇咗高山免費巴士, 唯有係自駕, 呢個滑雪場多數是日本人去, 所以諗住去學可能會有啲麻煩
@@Snowboardfans 謝謝你回覆!我地應該會自駕去mont reusable雪場
@@calvincai3259 如果想找華人教練, 白馬那一邊會多啲
@@Snowboardfans 好的
Alex Chong 明寶比較好d, 因為近立山黑部
not bad 同夠濶 land
@@Snowboardfans 希望你日後拍多d介紹片