Where is Home? Romania and Bulgaria | ARTE.tv Documentary

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • It was only when Dora left Bulgaria that the young architect realised that the immense communist monument at Busludja was a national treasure worth protecting. Emanuel and Andreea, on the other hand, never wanted to leave their native Romania. Unlike many young people of their generation, they did not go abroad, but left the big city to live a rural life.
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    Where is Home? Romania and Bulgaria | ARTE.tv Documentary
    🗓 Available until the 24/04/2025
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  • @artetvdocumentary
    @artetvdocumentary  3 місяці тому +6

    👉🏻 Our dreams: Romania and Moldova | ARTE.tv Documentary

  • @r.a.3984
    @r.a.3984 3 місяці тому +71

    As a Bulgarian, born in the early 90s I am also a child of the change…. For many years I thought as that’s what I’ve been told that life in the west is much better and easier. Spend some time in USA then many years in UK but finally I returned back to my roots. I love Bulgaria and the time being away made me realise the good things that exist in Bulgaria but not in the west.

    • @gizemlikisi6213
      @gizemlikisi6213 3 місяці тому +3

      hi, I also want to turn back to Bulgaria. Are you happy there, and have u ever felt regretful about your decision?

  • @robertn.2474
    @robertn.2474 3 місяці тому +5

    România este și rămâne în inima mea până mor. Asta e ce am jurat atunci la plecare. Pentru cei ce au murit pentru mine la Vaslui, la Mărășești...

  • @mya22833
    @mya22833 3 місяці тому +50

    Ro and Bulgaria has lots of space to grow ❤

    • @nicolaeadrian7882
      @nicolaeadrian7882 3 місяці тому +1

      not as eu members ... should never join this corupt western thieves organization at all.. nato neither

  • @mimisor66
    @mimisor66 3 місяці тому +19

    5:06 you translated as countryside what should have been translated as country.

  • @RalucaIancu
    @RalucaIancu 3 місяці тому +19

    There are some couples in Romania like the one in the video, who are moving back to the country side. But the problem is there’s not enough of them and perhaps not enough community. A lot more are moving into the cities and there’s less and less investment in the rest of the country - no doctors, few schools etc, and then there’s the government, who instead of helping these people makes it harder for them to get what they need. That’s what this video should have looked into. I have spoken to many uber drivers who came back because they missed their country but wish they had not made that choice because everything has to be harder here. For every step forward we make, there’s always a lot more setbacks

    • @teodora7219
      @teodora7219 3 місяці тому

      It is the same in a foreign country. You work like a slave to pay the rent.

    • @winKat1
      @winKat1 3 місяці тому

      There are less investments in the countryside because the main goal of the politicians is to get rich and provide benefits and oportunities to their families. They are not interested in economical growth, they are more corrupt than ever… they just changed the way how they steal the money.

    • @ekesandras1481
      @ekesandras1481 3 місяці тому

      Around Sibiu already a lot of young and also older couples who left their life in a big stressy city came and started to buy all the houses in the quiet pictoresque villages. Ten years ago you could buy an abandoned farm house for EUR 10.000,- .... now they are 80.000,- or more. Check out the situation in Richiș, Hosman, Sibiel, Cașolț, Hamba, Amnaș, Șomartin, Gherdeal, etc.
      Not to mention the villages immediately around Sibiu, that have become suburbs of the city and have all doubled their size: Cisnadoara, Șura Mare, Șura Mica, Turnișor, Gușterița, Cristian, Șelimbar, Daia, Bungard ...

  • @Dsc870
    @Dsc870 3 місяці тому +21

    Most europeans goes to western countries BUT they WORK ans pay tax… not applying for beneffits

  • @seherandac
    @seherandac 3 місяці тому +11

    I think only one thing is precious, being and living on the earth. That’s why saving the earth is more than important from everything. Thank you very much, good lucks. 🌎

    • @eedragonr
      @eedragonr 3 місяці тому

      Yes your politicians are doing it

    • @claudiuflorea2090
      @claudiuflorea2090 3 місяці тому +1

      I must agree.
      We are all humans, first of all, brothers and sisters, all the same type of being, wherever we were born.

    • @AnaMaria-wg8xb
      @AnaMaria-wg8xb 3 місяці тому

      Look how we save the Earth: ua-cam.com/users/shortsVbh8kAfu0b0

  • @gueswhathappened
    @gueswhathappened 3 місяці тому +4

    I call bs on Dora's statement that we heard nothing about Communism in school or from our parents. We sure as hell did, maybe not in the German school she attended, but the normal ones had lessons. And I wonder if her parents were a part of that regime given they did not tell her anything. Mine weren't, they were not supporters, and they told me stories of their resistance and how things were back in that time. So in short Dora sounds like she had somewhat privileged and mid to higher class upbringing that does not represent most. There is most certainly still uncertainty about the people's future and the statement of "not something current generation worries about" is a delusion. Most people have no savings, country will steal again their pension as they always do, if people get to live that long at all to get pension it will be so minimal you need to have a garden and farm in your old age. Buying property is impossible for most, and if you have property you can get cheated out of it with one wrong move, and end up being on the street. That is not a life free of worries for your stability, for young or old people. Her story about her project has nothing to do with where is home or why. I wish her to finish the project, it will be cool but again, irrelevant.

  • @star4all930
    @star4all930 3 місяці тому +4

    В България умишлено символите на социализма не се премахват или реновират , а са оставени да се рушат.
    На тяхно място могат да бъдат изградени по достойни и типично български символи, които да обединяват българите за да продължат напред по пътя на развитието си , но това не се прави . Защо ?
    Защото това е начинът българите да бъдат заключени в нещастието си. Ние имаме велики периоди в нашата история , велики владетели , просветление и култура , но културата ни е концентрирана в периода на Османското владичество.
    Носии , потури , цървули , бакъри , менци ,каруцарски колела , песни , хорца , чевермета .....и спасителите ни , освободителите ни , избавили ни от тежките мъки в лицето на дядо Иван . Кои въобще нарисува тези картини в съзнанието на хората ? Кога те бяха нарисувани ? Кой измисли как изглежда българската носия ? Кой въобще създаде понятието носия ? Ние никога ли не сме имали друго облекло ? Италианците са една от водещите нации за мода и облекло . Когато обаче става дума за история те се обличат с римски одежди , които са символ на сила и успехи. Нашата измислена носия на какво е символ ? На робство ? На невъзможност сам да вземеш съдбата в ръцете си , а да чакаш дядо Иван да дойде ? Историята ни е програмирана да сме неможачи , да сме васали на Русия , а тя в замяна ни обявява за вражеска държава няколко пъти , окупирайки ни и до днес.
    Защо тези монументи на социализма не отиват в музеи на соца , или на други места в които могат да бъдат изложени , и защо на тяхно място няма новопостроени , функциониращи сгради или символи ?
    Защото всичко което се направи ще показва че е по добро от онова старото , по модерно и свободно , хората ще се устремят напред обединени в новото без да поглеждат назад , но винаги докато има "камък" да виси на шията им , той ще те тегли надолу .
    Публична тайна е че власта в България е наследена от възпроизвелите се наново комунистически семейства в тесни връзки с престъпни организации подпомагани от Русия. Това са същите хора които вместо в затвора , днес отново са на власт .
    Докато на българина настоящето му е сведено до вторачване в миналото , то бъдещето му ще принадлежи на същите тези отвратителни хора които днес все още ни управляват.

    • @apersonfromthebalkans1105
      @apersonfromthebalkans1105 3 місяці тому +1

      Един от най-смислените коментари на българин в Ю Туб! Поздравявам те за начина, по който мислиш. Но за съжаление масата у нас предпочита евтиния псевдо-патриотизъм.

  • @enkaipritie4955
    @enkaipritie4955 3 місяці тому

    Of course people wants to leave Germany, Austria or Switzerland, some people can some others unfortunately no. Life is much familar, social, good people and more fun in south europe, east europe and balkan countries.

  • @VeryScaryLarry2024
    @VeryScaryLarry2024 3 місяці тому +14

    the romanian couple live a rather okish rural life... there is worse and poorer rural life across the country. maybe it's based on the profile you picked for the documentary

    • @eedragonr
      @eedragonr 3 місяці тому +9

      Everybody lives as they want and they are able to

    • @florinmoldovanu
      @florinmoldovanu 3 місяці тому +7

      I was wondering how did they manage to find this Romanian couple. They are the "white piquet fence" couple anyone would aspire towards in Romania. As others have pointed out there are solid reasons people leave the country in the millions. The documentary is more soft power propaganda probably meant to discourage immigration more than anything else.

    • @mireliris4799
      @mireliris4799 3 місяці тому +4

      actually, most of them are decent now, bar really small villages that will be gone in a few years. Most have water and the septic tank is big in that environment, plus there is high-speed internet. I'm talking small comune in Moldova with fiber in the house. I wouldn't be surprised especially since a lot of IT people work from home, if that becomes a common thing. And the old villages slowly become suburbs with very large yards. And some of the houses are stupid cheap.

    • @teodora7219
      @teodora7219 3 місяці тому +2

      @@mireliris4799I’m an accountant working fully remote and living in the center of a city. I’m seriously considering moving to a village near the city where I live. Fresh air, healthy food, and I can work just the same.

  • @eedragonr
    @eedragonr 3 місяці тому +5

    Nothing to do with the EU

    • @baihui7349
      @baihui7349 3 місяці тому +2

      Absolutely ,we from eastern europe need to grow .

    • @romaniaplus
      @romaniaplus 3 місяці тому

      Why? The EU azzez are so high that raises between the eyes? EU grows in the last 20 years bc of the cheap work of these guys. Give them a five for that and stop treating them from your high heels. You know what am I saying?

    • @simonab.i.angheluta2769
      @simonab.i.angheluta2769 3 місяці тому

      You simpleton !!!!

    • @kristalperla2239
      @kristalperla2239 3 місяці тому

      @@baihui7349 romania is not in eastern europe :)) you stupid peoples

    • @enigmaticzigfried7557
      @enigmaticzigfried7557 3 місяці тому +4

      Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007. Have you been living under a rock?

  • @emmads
    @emmads 3 місяці тому +1

    again about Romania and Bulgaria 🤣

    • @lapusan2008
      @lapusan2008 3 місяці тому +8

      I hope next documentary will be all about you

  • @lilhotbanana
    @lilhotbanana 3 місяці тому


  • @claramanea3712
    @claramanea3712 3 місяці тому +15

    It would be interesting to make a documentary about the young creatives of Romania and how they maintain their lifestyle. There could be some surprising lessons to be learned there.

  • @zyraxesdac7583
    @zyraxesdac7583 3 місяці тому +16

    European directive.... Send worker to west to pay pension

    • @dannyboy-vtc5741
      @dannyboy-vtc5741 2 місяці тому

      You don't have to at all, you are welcome to go to russia or turkey, india, zimbawe whatever, to earn there for their pensions.
      Stop playing the victim and gtfo of europe if you don't like it, very simple.

  • @navigator2002ro
    @navigator2002ro 3 місяці тому +6

    I whant my country back

  • @bogdib4326
    @bogdib4326 3 місяці тому +5


  • @dyawr
    @dyawr 3 місяці тому +3

    4:56 Correction: here she says she's never thought about leaving the *country,* not the countryside.

  • @MPXVM
    @MPXVM 3 місяці тому +2

    is this the Bulgarian building 1:18 used also in the movie "The Mechanic 2"?

  • @FundamentalTips
    @FundamentalTips 2 місяці тому +1

    People fail to see that the West peaked already and now it's time for other parts of the World to shine. For me this is Eastern Europe + Asia. USA and West Countrie have a long way to decline.

  • @mmanewz3018
    @mmanewz3018 3 місяці тому +2

    Romania is the best

  • @cooltrades7469
    @cooltrades7469 3 місяці тому +11

    There si a number of solid reasons why people leave this countries . 2 or 3 case studies prove nothing compared to millions who choose to leave and never look back . FACT.

    • @maryanneevans8812
      @maryanneevans8812 3 місяці тому +2


    • @enigmaticzigfried7557
      @enigmaticzigfried7557 3 місяці тому +3

      What?! Romania has had the highest economic growth in the EU for a decade or so, next to Poland. This isn't the 1990's anymore.

    • @omi685
      @omi685 3 місяці тому

      The reason is lack of education, not as many opportunities without a higher degree or skills.

    • @cooltrades7469
      @cooltrades7469 3 місяці тому

      @@omi685 Not as many oportunities without an education anywhere ;-)). Your logic is fractured . Actually there is a huge number of very educated people who leave the country and develop careeres elsewhere . You don't really understand the problem.

    • @omi685
      @omi685 3 місяці тому +4

      @@cooltrades7469 Those with higher education leaving Romania are a MINORITY 😉 A competent, educated Romanian has infinite more chances of finding decent paying jobs in 2024, paired with the fact that more than 90% of Romania's population OWN their own properties. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of the Romanians living abroad are spending more than 50% of their wages on rent alone. So you must be REALLY desperate to end up living in rental properties abroad, far away from the loved ones, tasty food, Romania's low crime rate, etc.
      Romania sends massively: construction workers, labourers, drivers, elderly carers, etc.

  • @MPXVM
    @MPXVM 3 місяці тому +1

    "Romania este mediul inconjurator in care te poti conecta" la retelele interlope si politice, si cam atat ...

  • @kristalperla2239
    @kristalperla2239 3 місяці тому

    romania is not in eastern europe

    • @MPXVM
      @MPXVM 3 місяці тому +2

      correct, is in far eastern europe, where gangs and mafia operates on a daily basis

    • @ferdinand8994
      @ferdinand8994 3 місяці тому +11

      ​@@MPXVMbut still not as much as in the west european islamic states.

    • @enigmaticzigfried7557
      @enigmaticzigfried7557 3 місяці тому +8

      ​@@MPXVM RO is located in South Eastern Europe. Look at a map. Also, Bucharest, Cluj or Timișoara are far safer than Paris, Berlin or Bruxelles.

    • @MPXVM
      @MPXVM 3 місяці тому

      @@enigmaticzigfried7557 good joke with "far safer" :)))
      Romania e pe primu loc la accidente in Europa, hai ca a fost buna gluma ta

    • @enigmaticzigfried7557
      @enigmaticzigfried7557 3 місяці тому +7

      @@MPXVM accidente de trafic? Posibil. Banuiesc ca n-ati vizitat gara centrala din Frankfurt sau banlieu-urile din Paris? :)