Rosary for Vocations: The Sorrowful Mysteries

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • The Rosary for Vocations, the Sorrowful Mysteries, presented by Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr. and the seminarians of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau.


  • @kimfleury
    @kimfleury 7 років тому

    Opening Intention
    O Lord, I unite my heart with all the Saints in heaven and with all the Just on
    earth; I unite with You, my Jesus, to praise Your holy Mother worthily and to praise
    You in her and through her. I renounce all the distractions that may come to me
    while I am praying this rosary.
    O Lord, I offer You this rosary for the increase in vocations to the priesthood,
    religious life and the permanent diaconate and for a strengthening of all current
    vocations, lay or religious.
    O Lord, I offer You this opening Creed to honor the faith You brought to Your
    Apostles upon this earth and to ask You to permit me to share in that same faith.
    Most Holy Trinity, I offer You this opening Our Father to adore You in Your
    oneness and to acknowledge You as the first cause and the last end of all things.
    O Heavenly Father, I offer You these three opening Hail Mary’s to thank You for
    all the graces which You have given to Mary and which You have given to Your
    followers through her intercession. O Jesus, may Your Mother Mary watch over and
    protect all young men and women considering a vocational call to priestly or religious
    The First Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden - Jesus asked His Apostles
    to pray “that you may not undergo the test.” Our Lord knew they needed to pray in
    order to endure what would soon happen. Let us offer this decade for those men
    and women whom God is calling to be priests and religious, that they might have a
    deep and abiding life of prayer. Through the strength given to them through their
    spiritual life may they respond courageously to God’s call.
    The Second Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar - Our Lord’s suffering
    during the scourging was excruciating. For our sake Jesus offered Himself to obtain
    our salvation. Let us offer this decade for the grace that many young people might
    feel the desire in their hearts to offer themselves to God as priests and religious.
    The Third Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning with Thorns - Jesus endured the
    terrible ridicule and mockery of the soldiers even to the point of accepting the painful
    crown of thorns. Let us offer this decade for those who have a calling to the
    priesthood or religious life but find it difficult to say “yes” because of fear or other
    painful obstacles in their lives. May peer pressure or concern over other people’s
    reactions never stand in their way of following God’s will.
    The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross - On the way to Calvary,
    our Lord found comfort and assistance from a number of people: Simon of Cyrene,
    the women of Jerusalem, His Mother, and Veronica. How much those acts of love
    must have meant to Jesus! Let us offer this decade for the grace to always support,
    with our prayers and sacrifices, those whom God is calling to become priests and
    religious. May God find us seriously engaged in this very important apostolate!
    The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion and death of Our Lord - At the foot
    of the Cross, there came into existence a new type of family. Before Jesus died He
    entrusted to the maternal care of Mary all of humanity, represented in the person of
    the “beloved disciple.” Through the New Covenant the notion of family is greatly
    enlarged, it takes on a different dimension. Let us offer this decade for those who
    are being called but are hesitant because of fears of not being able to have a family
    and living a lonely life. Help them, O Lord, to see that in serving You as a priest or
    religious, their desires for family will indeed be completely fulfilled.