This Is Getting Too Real.. Why Is Nobody Talking About This! The Truth

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
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  • @strongbelieveroftheholybible
    @strongbelieveroftheholybible 2 роки тому +73

    We all been lied to! We don’t live in a spinning wet rocket ball 🏀 we are immovable! God made a strong beautiful firmament! Lord Jesus Christ is our only TRUTH against this satanic world! REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +6

      Amen...God Bless you 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @Redeemed.4salvation
      @Redeemed.4salvation 2 роки тому +5

      In the first chapter of Genesis, Moses wrote “and God said let there be RAKIAH”, that is, “an expanse”, (which in certain texts of the Scriptures is translated as “firmament”) “in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the water.

    • @patriciajackson2684
      @patriciajackson2684 2 роки тому +5

      Amen,stay covered under the wings of our Holy Father our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏.

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      Demons and the Devil are more closely tied to the human condition than you would think- And are still easily to explainable.... Stop trusting a gay man's book 📖 ( James Charles Stuart )
      As with everyone living- you believe so much that you are the person you are labeled. But simply is not true- the name and self image of yourself that you have come to know is your ( False Self ) drive by your very own Devil Complex.
      Let me break that down and explain.
      At birth, you are born into life with no name and no understanding of anything. All dictionary words and their definitions have absolutely no meaning yet. Why? Because you as a child have not learned to except them into your own personal understanding of your very own Reality...
      You as a new born - Are perfectly innocent without sin. You are a clean soul.
      Only through being taught and indoctrinated into life will you begin to learn and start to create yourself or your self image of who you 🤔 Think You Are.
      Now the human so badly fight for their very own understanding of themselves.
      If someone was to put down or insult your own Idea of Who You are Individually... We tend to feel upset or hurt.... Because we have come to believe that is our true self... No, once again this is not the true self but is the ( False Self ) or Ego mind aka Devil Complex.... As even written in your own Bible.... The Greatest Lie the Devil has - is making you believe that he doesn't exist....
      The statement is still very true... But is greatly looked upon wrongly... For everyone is the Devil. The moment you tell yourself that you are less evil or selfish than the person next to you... You are making a judgement and are becoming the ( Adversary/Accuser ) aka ( The Satan ).
      You fight to protect the self image you falsely created for yourself. Within any act of selfishness, you are feeding into your own ( False Self) or Ego. You protect the Man-made image of who you think you are.... You neglect to realize that we are all of the same complexity and we are beyond the bodies that bind us..... My true self IS NOT ( Michael ).... That's the false title that my Ego has created for order for it to exist in my physical reality.
      Now second- the definition of prayer and communion are almost exactly the same concept in terms of understanding.
      Prayer- A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.
      An ernest hope or wish.
      Communion- The sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.
      Now these definitions are very important into understanding the human situation that has been created within the physical experience.
      Once again a New Born child is not going to have any concept of who or what they are in life...till they are taught. And in the first 10-14 years of life every individual person are creating their own self image of who the choose to be.... From every belief or understanding of life you take on as ( truth) all first must be taught and understood... Then examined closely before you chose to except it as real.
      This is why children have more connection to the spiritual realms than adults... Children believe in Ghosts, Monsters, Demons..,exct.
      While adults have been told all their life that things like that don't exist.... The child still has the mental connection or ( Communication ) with the idea of the Ghost being real that their own minds still invite them into their own concept of reality... Now when this comes to the idea of Exorcisms it makes things very tricky.
      ( Gabrielle Amorth ) aka Chief Exorcist for the Vatican.. With hundreds of thousands of exorcisms under his belt and roughly sixty years of experience in the study of Demonology says himself... That spirits are not outside the mental realm but are connected to the mental realm... and before they can enter the physical reality.... The individual person has to make a mental communion with the spirit and invites it into the physical experience.
      This meaning that...Every person has their own demon.... Thus when you die, you take your demons with you!.... Because they are the lies you created during this life.... They are the selfish decisions that we invited or excepted to believe... We ourselves invited our very own demons into our understanding of the physical experience.
      Now you turn around and ask why their was power in the name Jesus for you?
      The answer is clear and still taught in your own book.... It's because you have chosen for yourself to ( Have Faith in the name ).... You yourself have chosen to believe that their is power in the name.
      In your very own concept of reality, the name Zeus has never ment anything to you... You been taught all your life that the name just belongs to a Greek God.... While you have been taught that Jesus on the other hand is the true God.... And somewhere in your own life you Chose to make that man-made name.... Your own personal spiritual protector..... You created a communion or connection to the name Jesus..... And thus there is Power in the name for you.... Because you individually have excepted it as your own truth.
      Now for me personally... There's no power in the name. I have made a spiritual connection to another more ancient name.... Not even Zeus.
      My own Gods are within the family of Gods that Even Zeus himself had feared....
      I call the Erebus and Nyx..
      And in my concept of reality, Jesus is just a English name that was invented in the 16th century by the Catholic Church....
      And once again. Why don't you Christians take the time to read and learn something new... No offense please, but seriously... I have given more than enough factual evidence to support all I say. Every single word historical fact has already been proven and played out... Yet out of pure lack of will... You don't even try learning. I have given you world renowned professors who I HAVE PERSONALLY MET... And sat on their own classes. One being the true Chief Exorcist for the Vatican itself! I give names of their own written books... I give proof of the newly found SIGHT of a temple that was dedicated to Zeus Kasios found in Egypt... that only further provided proof of my claim... I give true historical fact of were your name Jesus Christ derived from.... I give more fact of how many times the Canannite God Elyon is hidden within all the 7 names of your very own Hebrew God.... And still you deny everything..... Who are the blind sheep who want to be lost.
      Your own Bible says it clearly... You know not what you do or server... But worst is that you don't even care to be educated.
      So I leave you with this- Albert Einstein once wrote- A Christian will read from one book for their whole life, but the educated man will read from thousands in there lifetime.
      I was made in the image of my own father the creator. And my father had made no mistakes in making me. I am free and blessed with a God given mind able to choose and create ( like him ) my own beliefs and understanding of the life that I... Not no other Man...walks.
      I don't let anyone decide for me how to be or how I should live for like him...I know that I am free!

    • @VICTORYwarrior1975
      @VICTORYwarrior1975 Рік тому +7

      I agree with you. Water ALWAYS finds it's level ALWAYS. Spin a ball on your finger and dump water on it. On the forth day GOD put the sun moon and stars inside the firmerment. The earth hangs on nothing Father God asked Job did you lay the line tell me the measurements if you can. The earth has a foundation and four corners and four pillars and moves NOT. The heavenly host are living beings and move around us. Father God made them and called them by name. You don't name things that aren't alive.

  • @kevinclint7216
    @kevinclint7216 2 роки тому +78


    • @eugenwhitford6323
      @eugenwhitford6323 2 роки тому


    • @snowbird4788
      @snowbird4788 2 роки тому +1


    • @tanyatmarie2263
      @tanyatmarie2263 2 роки тому +1

      That we are! There's no need to hate your sister or your ex- just their principalities!

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      This is why I despise the Catholic Church and Christian... They blame the Pagan, Witches and Satanists for everything...yet when it comes down to the truth. Their own religion has done more child related sex crimes than any of the above 3.... And they do it under the name of Jesus... Which they hide the truth of that...denial.
      JE-SUS= IA-SVS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew and Latin.
      They Deny that they serve Elyon though it's clear all throughout their society and culture. And the lies are utter trash 🗑️... Might as well call the faith Ambers.... but let's just see the real truth
      Want a Real True Villain- who prays on little children... where here you go.
      Look at what a true Villain looks like.

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +3

      Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart.
      Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready?
      1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years...
      2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world.
      - His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults )
      3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name.
      Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion )
      4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from.
      5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion.
      6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics.
      Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness.
      So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world!
      One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios.
      Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple.
      Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus.
      However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof!
      More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus.
      See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats.
      Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢
      Facts remains this
      Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up.
      For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.

  • @onyeomachinyeremaka6809
    @onyeomachinyeremaka6809 2 роки тому +571

    *I don't know who needs this but be patient...GOD hears your prayers, every time. Even the little ones in your head.Even the ones where you are crying so hard you can't get the words out. I want to encourage you to go to Him no matter how dark things seem. He loves you & wants to ease that pain you having!*

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +17

      Amen...God Bless you 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @NatoshaMarzucco
      @NatoshaMarzucco 2 роки тому +18

      Thank you,God bless you🌹🕊️

    • @mannafromthefatherministries
      @mannafromthefatherministries 2 роки тому +17

      Amen! 🙏 Thank you and may God bless you, keep you, and make His face shine upon you in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen ✝️

    • @felicitasabater6916
      @felicitasabater6916 2 роки тому +15

      Amen, don’t know if that’s for me it sounds like it. I am going through some things right now but, GOD hasn’t brought me this far for nothing. Thank you!🙏 and GOD bless you!👍🥰♥️

    • @ew332
      @ew332 2 роки тому

  • @cruzerm8681
    @cruzerm8681 2 роки тому +88

    If you're going through difficult times. GOD never promised that there would be sunshine every day. Sometimes it rains & your life is going through a storm. Don't worry, don't be afraid, don't be discouraged. Leave your problems, worries fears in GOD'S hands. If your life seems like it's falling apart. It may actually be falling into place. GOD has a way of bringing good out of a bad situation & just because you don't see a way, doesn't mean GOD doesn't have a way. GOD is the way maker. Whatever you're going through, you are never alone. GOD is right there with you. Remember that GOD loves you, He always hears your prayers & you can trust Him. GOD is the promise keeper. Keep praying, keep believing & NEVER GIVE UP. GOD is the miracle worker. He is the light in the darkness. He will see you through the storm. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +1

      Amen...God Bless you 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @brienknazze9810
      @brienknazze9810 2 роки тому +4

      Amen. I needed to know this

    • @kristintipps6735
      @kristintipps6735 2 роки тому +4

      This is true. We will overcome, we will live and not die. He will not leave us or forsake us. We will be ok. Rest in him and rebuke the enemy. Love❤️

    • @cruzerm8681
      @cruzerm8681 2 роки тому +2

      @Momma Bear Amen 🙏

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +1

      @Momma Bear Facts same here preach it my Sister in Christ...Amen !!! 🙏💜✝️🤍🔥🤗

  • @onyeomachinyeremaka6809
    @onyeomachinyeremaka6809 2 роки тому +149

    *GOD Is Saying To You Today;"Don't go backwards, that's what the enemy wants you to do.Your future will be greater than your past.Your past was just preparation for your future. Iam with you.Keep moving forward. Things are better for you up ahead. "Trust in His promises.🕊🕊🕊*

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +5

      Amen...God Bless you 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @brienknazze9810
      @brienknazze9810 2 роки тому +5


    • @freddhernanadez2230
      @freddhernanadez2230 2 роки тому +4

      Amen! God bless you brother. Jesus Christ IS Lord!

    • @YahSarai_w2a
      @YahSarai_w2a 2 роки тому +3

      Thank You!!!! I needed to hear that. Your message was for me.

    • @angelacook7310
      @angelacook7310 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you God … I love Jesus 🥲❤️🙌❤️

  • @joshualowe959
    @joshualowe959 2 роки тому +11

    4:24 "If you give the devil an inch, he will go a mile."
    No. If you give the devil an inch, he will take the whole country.

  • @nunab3321
    @nunab3321 2 роки тому +28


  • @HiddenView1977
    @HiddenView1977 2 роки тому +65

    John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

  • @IsaiahEli
    @IsaiahEli 2 роки тому +144

    May the Lord return! Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!!

    • @nunyabidnazz2311
      @nunyabidnazz2311 2 роки тому +8

      Amen!! So glad I subbed to your channel Bro! You’re a light in this dark world, always glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ! I encourage anyone who hasn’t, to go support this channel. Very encouraging. God bless y’all.

    • @bookaaa2474
      @bookaaa2474 2 роки тому +5

      Amen, God bless you 🖤

    • @reclusiarchgrimaldus1269
      @reclusiarchgrimaldus1269 2 роки тому +5

      Read John 3:16 🙏 🙏

    • @Basedwii
      @Basedwii 2 роки тому +4

      Amen brother ❤️

    • @stephenivy980
      @stephenivy980 2 роки тому +7

      May you be filled with the Holy Spirit. HE IS RISEN!

  • @Ryanjoned163
    @Ryanjoned163 2 роки тому +54

    God bless you who's reading this comment praying for you're situations in Jesus name amen to that

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +3

      Thank you ryan...Blessings love and prayers to you and yours my Christian Brother in Christ 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @NatoshaMarzucco
      @NatoshaMarzucco 2 роки тому +6

      Stay strong forever.🌹🕊️

    • @freddhernanadez2230
      @freddhernanadez2230 2 роки тому

      Father God bless ALL my brothers and sisters around the world in the ONLY name that matters- Jesus Christ!

    • @faith9058
      @faith9058 2 роки тому


    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +2

      Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
      First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
      Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
      Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
      Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
      Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
      Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
      Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
      Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
      The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
      Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
      Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
      Origins of Christ
      Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
      Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
      Egypt- ( Kryst )
      Greek- ( Khristos )
      Latin- ( Christus )
      Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
      Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
      So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
      You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
      You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... See the truth.

  • @onyeomachinyeremaka6809
    @onyeomachinyeremaka6809 2 роки тому +76

    *GOD is working out that situation you've been struggling with*

    • @freddhernanadez2230
      @freddhernanadez2230 2 роки тому +2

      Amen! Absolutely no doubt.

    • @rmason5477
      @rmason5477 2 роки тому

      AMEN, definitely 💯👍

    • @danielsweeneyjr7400
      @danielsweeneyjr7400 2 роки тому +1

      He’s been working mine for. A long time
      Can’t stay clean

    • @reneejohnson6944
      @reneejohnson6944 2 роки тому


    • @jonathondavis170
      @jonathondavis170 2 роки тому

      @@danielsweeneyjr7400 God bless you, brother. I'm a living testament of coming off of opiates/heroin and God changing my hopeless situations of poverty, homelessness, doubt, no self-esteem or self-worth, anger, pain from the military and deployments, and even my health (which isn't the best, but my SPIRITUAL health is what matters the most).
      God can change your situation day by takes years of work and attempts, failure, and having FAITH that your situation will CHANGE!!!!! I LOVE YOU, brother! God can and will help you change your situation, but it's not going to happen on your own self need spiritual and medical treatment and attention, and you need to love yourself as much as God loves you - can't make excuses! 😊 Man, my heart cries out for you, and I will be praying for you! Don't give up on God, and don't give up on YOURSELF!!! YOU GOT THIS!!! Root yourself in a body of believers, and in a good treatment facility! God is closer to you than ever, and you just need to realize just how close he really is...and that place is your heart! He will transform you as long as you give God the ACCESS!!!! Just have FAITH, and remember to do the WORKS...God will do EVERYTHING ELSE!!
      I'm believing that things will start changing for the better TODAY! God bless you, brother! Repent, and ask for Christ to come into your heart and be your Savior! Look for CHANGE! Have a wonderful day, and you are in my thoughts and prayers!

  • @theodessafiles
    @theodessafiles 2 роки тому +28

    Oh Heavenly 🙏 Father, I do love You so much. Amen 🙏❤️🌠

    • @davidludwig4078
      @davidludwig4078 2 роки тому +1

      Amen thank u so much for sharing that💗

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +3

      Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
      First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
      Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
      Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
      Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
      Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
      Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
      Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
      Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
      The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
      Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
      Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
      Origins of Christ
      Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
      Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
      Egypt- ( Kryst )
      Greek- ( Khristos )
      Latin- ( Christus )
      Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
      Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
      So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
      You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
      You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... See the truth.

  • @cruzerm8681
    @cruzerm8681 2 роки тому +13

    May GOD bless you in abundance & grant you the physical, mental & spiritual strength to help you to overcome all the adversity in your life. In JESUS glorious name. AMEN 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @millos0116
    @millos0116 2 роки тому +17

    I Love You with all my heart!

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +2

      Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart.
      Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready?
      1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years...
      2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world.
      - His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults )
      3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name.
      Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion )
      4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from.
      5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion.
      6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics.
      Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness.
      So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world!
      One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios.
      Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple.
      Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus.
      However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof!
      More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus.
      See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats.
      Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢
      Facts remains this
      Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up.
      For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.

  • @tracyoguntokun4284
    @tracyoguntokun4284 2 роки тому +18

    May God bless us all amen 🙏✝️🙏❤️

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +2

      Amen...God Bless you 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      This is why I despise the Catholic Church and Christian... They blame the Pagan, Witches and Satanists for everything...yet when it comes down to the truth. Their own religion has done more child related sex crimes than any of the above 3.... And they do it under the name of Jesus... Which they hide the truth of that...denial.
      JE-SUS= IA-SVS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew and Latin.
      They Deny that they serve Elyon though it's clear all throughout their society and culture. And the lies are utter trash 🗑️... Might as well call the faith Ambers.... but let's just see the real truth
      Want a Real True Villain- who prays on little children... where here you go.
      Look at what a true Villain looks like.

  • @МКДнекој
    @МКДнекој 2 роки тому +16

    Don't worry doesn't matter with what you are struggling with God can help you overcome the problems in your life
    God can use you for something great in life he has a plan and a purpose for you
    Psalm 46:10 ESV Bible. "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +2

      Amen...God Bless you 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @triciaperry2234
      @triciaperry2234 2 роки тому

      @@wwg1wgamaga14 I messed up and did this SPIRITUAL death mess SINNING AGAINST MY BODY AND OUT HERE... I am not right.

    • @elatomala1976
      @elatomala1976 2 роки тому

      @@triciaperry2234 ask for forgiveness. Say some prayers and Read the Bible. Learn from your mistakes. May God bless protect and guide you Amen

  • @JoseJuarez-nd1tr
    @JoseJuarez-nd1tr 2 роки тому +7

    I had to save this.. this is very good. Thank you

  • @dimpochoudhury1073
    @dimpochoudhury1073 2 роки тому +80

    Praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST ❤️

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +3

      Amen....God Bless you 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +3

      You really know your knowledge of the Bible. But I personally would still have to disagree on many levels.
      Your own bible even says it clearly( You will only serve one god)...
      So let me being.
      So first we start in El-ementary school. After 12 years of indoctrination we get our black ( Square ⬛) hats and now become El-der parts of society. The Canaanite God Elyon's Sigil is the black square... More commonly known as the Black Cube of Saturn. It's called this, because the Canaanite believe that the Titan Kings came from Saturn. And on the northern hemisphere of Saturn there is a polar storm that looks like the Jewish star of David... If drawn correctly it makes the perfect cubicle shape.
      Now please take 5 minutes and look around any room and start to count how many square or rectangle objects you see. Why is this important you ask? Because point is this...the human can no longer turn our heads without seeing a square or rectangle object. But we are undoubtedly the only biological creature in all existence that has adopted the square into our culture and think it's normal... We cut ourselves off from Shekinah (or the Greek Gaia). Now Christians and Catholic can try to claim power in the name Jesus. But fact remains that the Hebrew Alphabet has no J in it at all... Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Now let's continue to go forward.
      Like I had already mentioned above, there's no J in the Hebrew Alphabet thus Jesus was a Roman given name invented by the Catholic Church. Fact is that their own statue of the first Saint ( Saint Peter).. well the statue of Saint Peter has an exact copy. Now the Vatican has the first. But on the Greek Islands of Crete ( Largest of the Greek Islands) the second copy still stands only The Greek don't call it Saint Peter... It's Zeus.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      You say that the different mythologies of the world have no similarities or patterns. And as a 15+ year researcher in world mythology, I greatly have to disagree.
      All cultures have the flying serpent. In Greek he is Ouroboros. In Egyptian he is Apophis. In Aztec he is Quetzalcoatl. In Norse he is Jormungandr, In Chinese he is Shenlong....
      The eternal serpent is the he symbol of eternity and nature. The wheel of time that came before Elyon (Chronus). Our own solar system is circular the way our planets and moons rotate around the sun or their given planets. The eternal circle is everywhere. The way the waves move with the gravity of the moon. The cycle of the seasons and the sun. But most importantly- all biological creature have a circular cell of DNA. Ever heard how the double helix looks like a coiled snake?....old idea. But very important.
      Now the few cultures where the Eternal Serpent (Ouroboros) is seen as Evil, the serpent is always an oponet of a Thunder God... In Egyptian culture Apophis fights against Seth, in Norse Mythology Thor fights against Jormungandr. And now in Christianity the serpent Leviathan fights against Jesus Christ... Same story in almost every culture. The Son of God fights against the Eternal Serpent.
      In the Bible Yahweh- say to Adam and Eve... don't eat of the tree, for surely you will die. He didn't lie... Then the serpent says, eat of the tree and you will be more like the gods. Still no lie.... But what is the fruit in question?....
      Well it's not fruit at all but was the mushroom 🍄. See some mushrooms can kill if you don't know what kind are harmful. But if you know what kind are able to eat, the mushroom can get you high and bring the mind to a altered state.
      The Ancients shamans understood this and on the Saturnalia, would collect mushrooms and eat on the morning... The red and white mushrooms later become the color of our Santa Claus... And more importantly the colors of the Catholic Vatican.
      The idea of flying Deer 🦌... Is because the deer would eat the mushroom and get high... shamans would then collect the yerin and drink it.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Even the Illuminati and music industry always call out to the Rain Man (Zeus). Of course the elite will still claim being Christian. They can cause they still serve the same Lord... Zeus. And like Seth of Egyptian culture or Thor of Norse....all are gods of Thunder. Thus in the Hebrew Bible...He will be like a great bolt of lightning ⚡..... Who is lying to who?
      The answers have always been in front of our eyes
      Take it or leave it. You know Christian knowledge, I know Occult Knowledge

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +3

      Okay let's get more exact!
      Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
      Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
      Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
      Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
      Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
      Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
      The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
      Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
      Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
      Origins of Christ
      Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
      Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
      Egypt- ( Kryst )
      Greek- ( Khristos )
      Latin- ( Christus )
      Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +3

      The human is the only biological creature in all existence that has adopted the square ⬛ shape of Elyon, into all it sees and does... And do we serve it? Please be honest and tell me. From every store logo inside the Malls we spend millions at every day..
      We have cut ourselves away from nature forever and we are serving our own selfish design for a self drivin design of creation... We pulled away from the ancient ways of our ancestors lessons...
      Fact- all humans were once nomadic people living in tribes and followed animals instead of being stuck inside our caged society.
      So I ask you this how well do you truly know your mythology?
      The original Hebrew biblical name of Lucifer before his fall from grace was Amenadiel... as seen now in the modern TV shows best friend of Lucifer Morning Star...
      Anyways off the show and back to mythology... Amenadiel was the angel of Song and Praise. He fell and later becomes Amon Ra- Egyptian God of the Son.... See Lucifer was never Venus. But was the Sun....aka first creation of our Holy Father.
      In Greek Mythology... Lucifer aka Amenadiel aka Amon Prometheus.
      Why? Because he's still the light bringer the one who stole from Zeus and gave fire to mankind....
      Do you understand the Egyptian story of Seth and Osiris?
      See Seth is Zeus and Osiris is Erebus.
      Why is all this mythology important... It's all part of the same story.... Pandora's Box.
      In Egyptian mythology- Seth gives the black sarcophagus to his brother Osiris. And imprisoned the former king.
      And in Greek mythology- Zeus has Pandora create a trap for the Primordial Gods.... the jar that was held inside a black square back - kept locked all the Children of Erebus and Nyx... The original gods of Greek mythology....
      So the sarcophagus became a prison. And yet mankind still serves the shape.
      You work in a cubicle and when you die you are placed in the coffin...cut off from the Mother Goddess forever.
      Who is the mother Goddess.... Shekinah in Hebrew and Gaia in Greek... The same Gaia who is mother of Erebus and Nyx.... Same story of an ancient war between families of Gods...
      Now I said you were wrong about there not being patterns in mythologies... Yes there is...if you ever truly study more than just one book.
      Trust me I know the Bible too- I know it was written by James Charles Stuart the first... In 1593 he began to write it... and it was finally published in 1611.
      James Charles Stuart was a gay king who killed his parents and married his older brother just so he would have a spot to become the next king... He was also a active and well known demonologist and wrote another book on demonology while writing his version of the Bible.. He was a Scottish man who later becomes a english king with no understanding of the Hebrew culture... He took out 40+ books from the original versions of the Bible, just to make his- that the Vatican later adopted and calls their true word of god.... My Butt!
      Last part of the Bible is a message... Thy shall not take from the Word or I will take thy inheritance from the kingdom of God... And thy shall not add to the Word, or I will add plagues upon them after death.
      Yet James Charles Stuart the first...did just that.... Know your Bible... Cause all are indoctrinated to the lie.
      Ever heard of the McMartin Preschool Trial of the 1980's? Where hundreds of children had the same exact story of how their teachers did ritualistic torture upon children from ages 3-10. Hundreds of children same story.... So result is that the US government says that all the children were making it up... The US government called it a Satanic Panic.... And that's where the term came from. Ever since then the Catholic Church and Christian Church blame Satanists for everything wrong with their culture.
      Yet truth is this - A real Satanists or a Luciferin hates to the pedophile probably more than anyone else (example is in the 1997 Bob Larson interview with Zeena Schreck and Nicholas Schreck). To the true Satanists being a pedophile or being gay is a sick and disgusting practice- that goes against our very biological nature. One that goes against the way of biological creation of Mankind. A pedophile or even a murderer are nothing more than just psycopathic.
      I doubt that the Catholic Church would ever tell the Native American that his way of beliefs are wrong... Yet the Catholic Church and Christian sure do blame the Satanists and Pagan Witch for everything.
      Fact all Witch means is - Wise Woman/Man
      Wisdom, Integrity, Truth, Courage and Honor.
      I find little of that inside the lies and denial of the Church.

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +3

      Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart.
      Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready?
      1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years...
      2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world.
      - His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults )
      3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name.
      Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion )
      4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from.
      5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion.
      6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics.
      Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness.
      So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world!
      One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios.
      Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple.
      Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus.
      However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof!
      More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus.
      See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats.
      Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢
      Facts remains this
      Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up.
      For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.
      So Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-der, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH..
      Elyon has always been hidden inside the name of the Hebrew God!

  • @dreamhawklawrence7252
    @dreamhawklawrence7252 2 роки тому +4

    This one should be played for any child as early as middle school! The and us need these tools!

  • @adlihkristopher2906
    @adlihkristopher2906 2 роки тому +9

    For we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free who the son set free is free indeed Amen 👂📖🛐🙏🔥🔥🔥

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому

      Amen...God Bless you 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @user-qq1xg6qn7i
      @user-qq1xg6qn7i 2 роки тому

      @Adlih Kristopher
      How Can The Messiah be the ANCESTOR AND OFFSPRING of David?
      Galatians 4:16
      “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”
      Matthew 22:41-45
      While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
      42 Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The Son of David.
      Jesus is basically asking “What bloodline will Christ come through?”
      43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,
      44 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
      45 If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?
      Jesus is asking “How can the messiah be the ANCESTOR & the OFFSPRING of David?”
      46 And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.
      What is THE ANSWER to this BIBLICAL RIDDLE?
      The answer will set you FREE!
      Matthew 16:28
      “Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, *which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”*
      Jesus is stating that some of the apostles will be alive on earth to see the Second Coming of the Messiah with New Jerusalem.
      But all of the apostles died, right? Crucified upside down, sawn in half, stoned, etc?
      How is this possible?
      Declare if thou hast understanding.

  • @leasandham4813
    @leasandham4813 2 роки тому +5

    Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @CrackaDon1
    @CrackaDon1 2 роки тому +8


    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +2

      Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
      First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
      Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
      Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
      Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
      Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
      Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
      Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
      Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
      The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
      Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
      Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
      Origins of Christ
      Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
      Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
      Egypt- ( Kryst )
      Greek- ( Khristos )
      Latin- ( Christus )
      Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
      Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
      So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
      You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
      You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... Know the truth
      The Mark of the Beast is not the number 666. That's only the number of Man.. says so even in the Bible. And it's not a mystery at all. The most basic building block of all life on Earth is the Carbon Atom. Within it there is 6 protons 6 electrons and 6 neutrons.... making up 666. So why would 666 be written within our own DNA?

    • @justinkirk5165
      @justinkirk5165 Рік тому

      @@michaeltenebris3806my brother in the savior your intentions are true but is not so complicated. This is sacred name doctrine. God hears what you mean not just what you say. I call him Jesus and he knows exactly I’m calling on HIM. You call him yeshua and he knows you’re calling on HIM. Don’t worry about such things, it is a snare into madness.
      Go with peace

  • @misfitking_0143
    @misfitking_0143 2 роки тому +16

    Christ has Risen!!!
    And HE said to Me, It is done ✔ I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End. I will give of the Fountain ⛲ of the water of Life, Freely to Him who Thirst...
    HE who overcomes shall inherit ALL Things, and I Will Be His God 👋 and He Will be my Son 🌞 We are the Children of the Light, the Servants of the Lord 🕊 We are the Light of the World 🌎 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord Jesus 🔥
    🕊 HolySpirit 🕊

    • @misfitking_0143
      @misfitking_0143 2 роки тому +1

      Repent Repent Repent and Sin NO more or risk going to the Lake of Fire

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +2

      Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
      First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
      Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
      Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
      Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
      Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
      Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
      Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
      Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
      The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
      Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
      Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
      Origins of Christ
      Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
      Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
      Egypt- ( Kryst )
      Greek- ( Khristos )
      Latin- ( Christus )
      Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
      Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
      So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
      You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
      You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... See the truth.

  • @markdorr1474
    @markdorr1474 2 роки тому +3

    Iam a believer in Christ...❤❤❤💯🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼iam a child of God these times are here be aware Amen

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      What good is it to live a entire lifetime following a gay King's book instead of your own God given mind?
      Question ❓
      Say you where to really die in the next few seconds and now your face to face with the actual true creator. He asking you a simple question... Why Did You Follow The Words of The World and Not Understand That I Had Already Blessed You As A Perfect Creation In An All Knowing State of Being?
      What would be your response?
      Would you really tell your Creator, that you chose to follow a gay man's book, cause you were told that it was ( his true word).
      Facts- the KJV Bible was written in 1593 and then finally published in 1611. Written by a Scottish man ( James Charles Stuart ) who later became a English King only after killing his own parents and married his older brother just for a chance to become a king. But back then it wasn't strange to marry siblings for a position of royalty. It was simply considered a strategic move for power.. now James Charles Stuart was also a well known Demonologist and wrote another book on demonology that the Vatican itself still uses as it's source. I know this personally for I have met and spoken to Gabriele Amorth himself. Gabrielle Amorth being Chief Exorcist for the Vatican itself.
      So back to my ❓ Question.
      What would you say to the true God?
      He did give you a mind, Right?
      Why did you decide to conform with the rest of society and follow a Worldly Book?
      For a perfect God surely doesn't make un-perfect creations. Don't you know that all creation is perfect itself. We are all made in his own image. Who is great enough to have convinced you that a book that isn't even the size of some Dictionaries. You expect a small book to be the Whole Word of a God?
      Fact 2- James Charles Stuart took out 40+ Previous parts of the former Bible- Aka The Greek Septuagint ( Greek Version ). In Which references that the name of JE-SUS came from the Latin word IA-SVS meaning Hail Zeus All and came from EA-ZEUS meaning .... the Akkadian God EA (god of thunder) and then the Greek equivalent Zeus.
      And if you still read the very last part of any Bible, what does it say?
      And I Quote...
      "Forever whom shall take words out of this book, I will take from their inheritance in my kingdom. And Forever whom should add to this book, I should add plagues upon them after death"....
      Yet you call the KJV Bible- your true word of God, when James Charles Stuart did exactly that...
      Still, it makes no difference when standing face to face with the Creator. So who gets to be let in the kingdom. The man who followed his own heart and mind his whole entire life, or the worldly society who chose to conform to a book... And let a world decide for them... How to live. When you were already born in a perfect state.
      But really, why do you follow a gay King's book? Why do you decide to conform to the rest of society?

  • @SlayingSin
    @SlayingSin 2 роки тому +1

    27:22 As someone who has PERSONALLY encountered evil spirits both in youth involuntarily and in the earliest parts of my return to my faith and love Jesus Christ. They are powerful and you CANNOT handle them on your own, believe me I tried in my desperation once I realized that not only was God real, but that we live in the very last days, the Second Coming would be upon us soon. I struggled for a very long time, and ended up turning to sin even more completely than i had originally because I was SURROUNDED by darkness. It really is true when you are told by a Christian that Jesus Christs light shines through all darkness, because not even a week ago I saw that light. That opportunity of the door being opened, and I took it. Since then not only have I been able to completely turn from my drug and video game addiction, but also my porn addiction. I also can express the deepest most buried positive feelings I had. The consuming fire of the Holy Spirit filled me and gave me a new mind and heart. I am not complete yet, but I know that the Lord is watching over me and working on me with delicate, careful hands. Praise to the Lord and Saviour, King Jesus Christ! Praise to the Lord God our Father in Heaven! Praise to the Holy Spirit, who is a flame of truth and righteousness, living in our temples!

  • @kimberlyhamilton8637
    @kimberlyhamilton8637 2 роки тому +19

    Thank you Lion of Judah for another Very Insightful and Important message from the Holy Spirit

    • @wwg1wgamaga14
      @wwg1wgamaga14 2 роки тому +1

      Amen...God Bless you 🤍✝️💜🙏🕊🔥

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      You really know your knowledge of the Bible. But I personally would still have to disagree on many levels.
      Your own bible even says it clearly( You will only serve one god)...
      So let me being.
      So first we start in El-ementary school. After 12 years of indoctrination we get our black ( Square ⬛) hats and now become El-der parts of society. The Canaanite God Elyon's Sigil is the black square... More commonly known as the Black Cube of Saturn. It's called this, because the Canaanite believe that the Titan Kings came from Saturn. And on the northern hemisphere of Saturn there is a polar storm that looks like the Jewish star of David... If drawn correctly it makes the perfect cubicle shape.
      Now please take 5 minutes and look around any room and start to count how many square or rectangle objects you see. Why is this important you ask? Because point is this...the human can no longer turn our heads without seeing a square or rectangle object. But we are undoubtedly the only biological creature in all existence that has adopted the square into our culture and think it's normal... We cut ourselves off from Shekinah (or the Greek Gaia). Now Christians and Catholic can try to claim power in the name Jesus. But fact remains that the Hebrew Alphabet has no J in it at all... Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Now let's continue to go forward.
      Like I had already mentioned above, there's no J in the Hebrew Alphabet thus Jesus was a Roman given name invented by the Catholic Church. Fact is that their own statue of the first Saint ( Saint Peter).. well the statue of Saint Peter has an exact copy. Now the Vatican has the first. But on the Greek Islands of Crete ( Largest of the Greek Islands) the second copy still stands only The Greek don't call it Saint Peter... It's Zeus.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      You say that the different mythologies of the world have no similarities or patterns. And as a 15+ year researcher in world mythology, I greatly have to disagree.
      All cultures have the flying serpent. In Greek he is Ouroboros. In Egyptian he is Apophis. In Aztec he is Quetzalcoatl. In Norse he is Jormungandr, In Chinese he is Shenlong....
      The eternal serpent is the he symbol of eternity and nature. The wheel of time that came before Elyon (Chronus). Our own solar system is circular the way our planets and moons rotate around the sun or their given planets. The eternal circle is everywhere. The way the waves move with the gravity of the moon. The cycle of the seasons and the sun. But most importantly- all biological creature have a circular cell of DNA. Ever heard how the double helix looks like a coiled snake?....old idea. But very important.
      Now the few cultures where the Eternal Serpent (Ouroboros) is seen as Evil, the serpent is always an oponet of a Thunder God... In Egyptian culture Apophis fights against Seth, in Norse Mythology Thor fights against Jormungandr. And now in Christianity the serpent Leviathan fights against Jesus Christ... Same story in almost every culture. The Son of God fights against the Eternal Serpent.
      In the Bible Yahweh- say to Adam and Eve... don't eat of the tree, for surely you will die. He didn't lie... Then the serpent says, eat of the tree and you will be more like the gods. Still no lie.... But what is the fruit in question?....
      Well it's not fruit at all but was the mushroom 🍄. See some mushrooms can kill if you don't know what kind are harmful. But if you know what kind are able to eat, the mushroom can get you high and bring the mind to a altered state.
      The Ancients shamans understood this and on the Saturnalia, would collect mushrooms and eat on the morning... The red and white mushrooms later become the color of our Santa Claus... And more importantly the colors of the Catholic Vatican.
      The idea of flying Deer 🦌... Is because the deer would eat the mushroom and get high... shamans would then collect the yerin and drink it.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Even the Illuminati and music industry always call out to the Rain Man (Zeus). Of course the elite will still claim being Christian. They can cause they still serve the same Lord... Zeus. And like Seth of Egyptian culture or Thor of Norse....all are gods of Thunder. Thus in the Hebrew Bible...He will be like a great bolt of lightning ⚡..... Who is lying to who?
      The answers have always been in front of our eyes
      Take it or leave it. You know Christian knowledge, I know Occult Knowledge

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      This is why I despise the Catholic Church and Christian... They blame the Pagan, Witches and Satanists for everything...yet when it comes down to the truth. Their own religion has done more child related sex crimes than any of the above 3.... And they do it under the name of Jesus... Which they hide the truth of that...denial.
      JE-SUS= IA-SVS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew and Latin.
      They Deny that they serve Elyon though it's clear all throughout their society and culture. And the lies are utter trash 🗑️... Might as well call the faith Ambers.... but let's just see the real truth
      Want a Real True Villain- who prays on little children... where here you go.
      Look at what a true Villain looks like.

  • @Patricia-rn6xy
    @Patricia-rn6xy Рік тому +2

    I read my Bible and repent daily. I have a hold of Gods hand and no one will rip my hand from my Saviors hand. 🙏🙏

  • @ronaldcossin4525
    @ronaldcossin4525 2 роки тому +2

    If Jesus of The Light lives in me and I in He No dark Demon is coming into this house amen

  • @megaglemyeggo
    @megaglemyeggo 2 роки тому +2

    This is great work. The question, "How do you know the devil" has always plauged me. I asked my Bible once and it went right to a passage that basically said "you will know him by his deeds".
    This is why mindfulness, meditation, and prayer are so important. It's important to look at our selves and remember that we are here to serve the lord and to help those in need. 🙏🏾

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
      First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
      Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
      Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
      Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
      Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
      Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
      Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
      Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
      The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
      Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
      Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
      Origins of Christ
      Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
      Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
      Egypt- ( Kryst )
      Greek- ( Khristos )
      Latin- ( Christus )
      Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
      Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
      So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
      You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
      You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... Know the truth
      The Mark of the Beast is not the number 666. That's only the number of Man.. says so even in the Bible. And it's not a mystery at all. The most basic building block of all life on Earth is the Carbon Atom. Within it there is 6 protons 6 electrons and 6 neutrons.... making up 666. So why would 666 be written within our own DNA?

    • @megaglemyeggo
      @megaglemyeggo 2 роки тому +2

      @@michaeltenebris3806 Thanks for the information. I have heard much of this elsewhere but it never sticks to where I could write it out as you did. And quite eloquently, too. Good for you.

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +2

      Thank you for this message, it truly means much to me and my people. The time of the Native American witches is upon us. Remember that this was first the land of the Pagan.
      Indeed the true father has created you within his own image. And you like all his creation, was made perfect.
      Don't let a book dictate the way of your own heart. For everything was first made with the thought of our own father... And all things are possible within a thought.... You control your own thoughts and decisions. Not a book.

  • @GrannyPreps
    @GrannyPreps 2 роки тому +1

    I know 1 thing, I'm turning away from sin. Hell is so bad demons don't want to be there. I've been watching paranormal shows, and demons be begging for water😱😱

  • @valandracooler5189
    @valandracooler5189 Рік тому +1

    Be mature in God's word daily. Keep Him in your life daily, devil will flee. Live the word 🙏💖☺️

  • @nonexistingmusictrappopedm9657
    @nonexistingmusictrappopedm9657 2 роки тому +5

    Given the gift the first one to watch.

  • @johnbaart1537
    @johnbaart1537 2 роки тому +1

    Very well can you doubt or be blind after this....the word...heals

  • @jahmyia8619
    @jahmyia8619 2 роки тому +3

    Thanks People in Christ Keep Moving Forward And Get God Protection Please 🙏

    • @triciaperry2234
      @triciaperry2234 2 роки тому +1

      How to get back and out of sins of immorality I got rebaptize and did this and see now BIG MISTAKE.

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +2

      Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
      First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
      Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
      Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
      Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
      Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
      Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
      Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
      Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
      The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
      Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
      Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
      Origins of Christ
      Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
      Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
      Egypt- ( Kryst )
      Greek- ( Khristos )
      Latin- ( Christus )
      Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
      Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
      So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
      You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
      You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... Know the truth
      The Mark of the Beast is not the number 666. That's only the number of Man.. says so even in the Bible. And it's not a mystery at all. The most basic building block of all life on Earth is the Carbon Atom. Within it there is 6 protons 6 electrons and 6 neutrons.... making up 666. So why would 666 be written within our own DNA?

    • @miken.1506
      @miken.1506 2 роки тому +2

      Why aren't you able to protect yourself?

    • @jahmyia8619
      @jahmyia8619 2 роки тому


    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      Demons and the Devil are more closely tied to the human condition than you would think- And are still easily to explainable.... Stop trusting a gay man's book 📖 ( James Charles Stuart )
      As with everyone living- you believe so much that you are the person you are labeled. But simply is not true- the name and self image of yourself that you have come to know is your ( False Self ) drive by your very own Devil Complex.
      Let me break that down and explain.
      At birth, you are born into life with no name and no understanding of anything. All dictionary words and their definitions have absolutely no meaning yet. Why? Because you as a child have not learned to except them into your own personal understanding of your very own Reality...
      You as a new born - Are perfectly innocent without sin. You are a clean soul.
      Only through being taught and indoctrinated into life will you begin to learn and start to create yourself or your self image of who you 🤔 Think You Are.
      Now the human so badly fight for their very own understanding of themselves.
      If someone was to put down or insult your own Idea of Who You are Individually... We tend to feel upset or hurt.... Because we have come to believe that is our true self... No, once again this is not the true self but is the ( False Self ) or Ego mind aka Devil Complex.... As even written in your own Bible.... The Greatest Lie the Devil has - is making you believe that he doesn't exist....
      The statement is still very true... But is greatly looked upon wrongly... For everyone is the Devil. The moment you tell yourself that you are less evil or selfish than the person next to you... You are making a judgement and are becoming the ( Adversary/Accuser ) aka ( The Satan ).
      You fight to protect the self image you falsely created for yourself. Within any act of selfishness, you are feeding into your own ( False Self) or Ego. You protect the Man-made image of who you think you are.... You neglect to realize that we are all of the same complexity and we are beyond the bodies that bind us..... My true self IS NOT ( Michael ).... That's the false title that my Ego has created for order for it to exist in my physical reality.
      Now second- the definition of prayer and communion are almost exactly the same concept in terms of understanding.
      Prayer- A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.
      An ernest hope or wish.
      Communion- The sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.
      Now these definitions are very important into understanding the human situation that has been created within the physical experience.
      Once again a New Born child is not going to have any concept of who or what they are in life...till they are taught. And in the first 10-14 years of life every individual person are creating their own self image of who the choose to be.... From every belief or understanding of life you take on as ( truth) all first must be taught and understood... Then examined closely before you chose to except it as real.
      This is why children have more connection to the spiritual realms than adults... Children believe in Ghosts, Monsters, Demons..,exct.
      While adults have been told all their life that things like that don't exist.... The child still has the mental connection or ( Communication ) with the idea of the Ghost being real that their own minds still invite them into their own concept of reality... Now when this comes to the idea of Exorcisms it makes things very tricky.
      ( Gabrielle Amorth ) aka Chief Exorcist for the Vatican.. With hundreds of thousands of exorcisms under his belt and roughly sixty years of experience in the study of Demonology says himself... That spirits are not outside the mental realm but are connected to the mental realm... and before they can enter the physical reality.... The individual person has to make a mental communion with the spirit and invites it into the physical experience.
      This meaning that...Every person has their own demon.... Thus when you die, you take your demons with you!.... Because they are the lies you created during this life.... They are the selfish decisions that we invited or excepted to believe... We ourselves invited our very own demons into our understanding of the physical experience.
      Now you turn around and ask why their was power in the name Jesus for you?
      The answer is clear and still taught in your own book.... It's because you have chosen for yourself to ( Have Faith in the name ).... You yourself have chosen to believe that their is power in the name.
      In your very own concept of reality, the name Zeus has never ment anything to you... You been taught all your life that the name just belongs to a Greek God.... While you have been taught that Jesus on the other hand is the true God.... And somewhere in your own life you Chose to make that man-made name.... Your own personal spiritual protector..... You created a communion or connection to the name Jesus..... And thus there is Power in the name for you.... Because you individually have excepted it as your own truth.
      Now for me personally... There's no power in the name. I have made a spiritual connection to another more ancient name.... Not even Zeus.
      My own Gods are within the family of Gods that Even Zeus himself had feared....
      I call the Erebus and Nyx..
      And in my concept of reality, Jesus is just a English name that was invented in the 16th century by the Catholic Church....
      And once again. Why don't you Christians take the time to read and learn something new... No offense please, but seriously... I have given more than enough factual evidence to support all I say. Every single word historical fact has already been proven and played out... Yet out of pure lack of will... You don't even try learning. I have given you world renowned professors who I HAVE PERSONALLY MET... And sat on their own classes. One being the true Chief Exorcist for the Vatican itself! I give names of their own written books... I give proof of the newly found SIGHT of a temple that was dedicated to Zeus Kasios found in Egypt... that only further provided proof of my claim... I give true historical fact of were your name Jesus Christ derived from.... I give more fact of how many times the Canannite God Elyon is hidden within all the 7 names of your very own Hebrew God.... And still you deny everything..... Who are the blind sheep who want to be lost.
      Your own Bible says it clearly... You know not what you do or server... But worst is that you don't even care to be educated.
      So I leave you with this- Albert Einstein once wrote- A Christian will read from one book for their whole life, but the educated man will read from thousands in there lifetime.
      I was made in the image of my own father the creator. And my father had made no mistakes in making me. I am free and blessed with a God given mind able to choose and create ( like him ) my own beliefs and understanding of the life that I... Not no other Man...walks.
      I don't let anyone decide for me how to be or how I should live for like him...I know that I am free! And because I am free, I have the power in my own Name to Protect Myself from any whom shall trespass upon my way of being!

  • @johnmuir2960
    @johnmuir2960 2 роки тому +1

    Your message is so true. There are so many false prophets today, and so many have very large minisrties. Their time is very short.

  • @victoryinchrist8594
    @victoryinchrist8594 2 роки тому +3

    Please PRAY 🙏 FOR AMERICA 🇺🇸.....🌎

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
      First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
      Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
      Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
      Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
      Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
      Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
      Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
      Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
      The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
      Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
      Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
      Origins of Christ
      Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
      Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
      Egypt- ( Kryst )
      Greek- ( Khristos )
      Latin- ( Christus )
      Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
      Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
      So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
      You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
      You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... Know the truth
      The Mark of the Beast is not the number 666. That's only the number of Man.. says so even in the Bible. And it's not a mystery at all. The most basic building block of all life on Earth is the Carbon Atom. Within it there is 6 protons 6 electrons and 6 neutrons.... making up 666. So why would 666 be written within our own DNA?

  • @tgraz6751
    @tgraz6751 2 роки тому +2

    Demons have NO FAITH!
    Because they KNOW God exists!
    Faith is believing without seeing hearing / KNOWING !
    That is exactly what Jesus meant when he told the Apostle Thomas
    'Blessed are those who believe without seeing .' !

  • @tracyoguntokun4284
    @tracyoguntokun4284 2 роки тому +8

    Amen 🙏✝️🙏❤️

  • @elizabethpaton6807
    @elizabethpaton6807 2 роки тому +1

    God might take a while to help u with things because he wants u to overcome things by yourself first my brother died and I cried and I grieved for him for two years one night when I was crying I said out loud please god help me to stop this grieving and it was like time stopped for a few seconds and the joy I felt was amazing I stayed up all night with this joy iv never felt anything like it after that it was better and iv lost family and friends since but it wasn't so bad this was in 1989 god listens

  • @tonybutler513
    @tonybutler513 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you so much for sharing this, I needed so badly to here this message. May God bless you and yours!

  • @KathleensVlog
    @KathleensVlog 2 роки тому +2

    Demons don't have faith, as you said, they know God is real. Faith is the substance if things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      Demons and the Devil are more closely tied to the human condition than you would think- And are still easily to explainable.... Stop trusting a gay man's book 📖 ( James Charles Stuart )
      As with everyone living- you believe so much that you are the person you are labeled. But simply is not true- the name and self image of yourself that you have come to know is your ( False Self ) drive by your very own Devil Complex.
      Let me break that down and explain.
      At birth, you are born into life with no name and no understanding of anything. All dictionary words and their definitions have absolutely no meaning yet. Why? Because you as a child have not learned to except them into your own personal understanding of your very own Reality...
      You as a new born - Are perfectly innocent without sin. You are a clean soul.
      Only through being taught and indoctrinated into life will you begin to learn and start to create yourself or your self image of who you 🤔 Think You Are.
      Now the human so badly fight for their very own understanding of themselves.
      If someone was to put down or insult your own Idea of Who You are Individually... We tend to feel upset or hurt.... Because we have come to believe that is our true self... No, once again this is not the true self but is the ( False Self ) or Ego mind aka Devil Complex.... As even written in your own Bible.... The Greatest Lie the Devil has - is making you believe that he doesn't exist....
      The statement is still very true... But is greatly looked upon wrongly... For everyone is the Devil. The moment you tell yourself that you are less evil or selfish than the person next to you... You are making a judgement and are becoming the ( Adversary/Accuser ) aka ( The Satan ).
      You fight to protect the self image you falsely created for yourself. Within any act of selfishness, you are feeding into your own ( False Self) or Ego. You protect the Man-made image of who you think you are.... You neglect to realize that we are all of the same complexity and we are beyond the bodies that bind us..... My true self IS NOT ( Michael ).... That's the false title that my Ego has created for order for it to exist in my physical reality.
      Now second- the definition of prayer and communion are almost exactly the same concept in terms of understanding.
      Prayer- A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.
      An ernest hope or wish.
      Communion- The sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.
      Now these definitions are very important into understanding the human situation that has been created within the physical experience.
      Once again a New Born child is not going to have any concept of who or what they are in life...till they are taught. And in the first 10-14 years of life every individual person are creating their own self image of who the choose to be.... From every belief or understanding of life you take on as ( truth) all first must be taught and understood... Then examined closely before you chose to except it as real.
      This is why children have more connection to the spiritual realms than adults... Children believe in Ghosts, Monsters, Demons..,exct.
      While adults have been told all their life that things like that don't exist.... The child still has the mental connection or ( Communication ) with the idea of the Ghost being real that their own minds still invite them into their own concept of reality... Now when this comes to the idea of Exorcisms it makes things very tricky.
      ( Gabrielle Amorth ) aka Chief Exorcist for the Vatican.. With hundreds of thousands of exorcisms under his belt and roughly sixty years of experience in the study of Demonology says himself... That spirits are not outside the mental realm but are connected to the mental realm... and before they can enter the physical reality.... The individual person has to make a mental communion with the spirit and invites it into the physical experience.
      This meaning that...Every person has their own demon.... Thus when you die, you take your demons with you!.... Because they are the lies you created during this life.... They are the selfish decisions that we invited or excepted to believe... We ourselves invited our very own demons into our understanding of the physical experience.
      Now you turn around and ask why their was power in the name Jesus for you?
      The answer is clear and still taught in your own book.... It's because you have chosen for yourself to ( Have Faith in the name ).... You yourself have chosen to believe that their is power in the name.
      In your very own concept of reality, the name Zeus has never ment anything to you... You been taught all your life that the name just belongs to a Greek God.... While you have been taught that Jesus on the other hand is the true God.... And somewhere in your own life you Chose to make that man-made name.... Your own personal spiritual protector..... You created a communion or connection to the name Jesus..... And thus there is Power in the name for you.... Because you individually have excepted it as your own truth.
      Now for me personally... There's no power in the name. I have made a spiritual connection to another more ancient name.... Not even Zeus.
      My own Gods are within the family of Gods that Even Zeus himself had feared....
      I call the Erebus and Nyx..
      And in my concept of reality, Jesus is just a English name that was invented in the 16th century by the Catholic Church....
      And once again. Why don't you Christians take the time to read and learn something new... No offense please, but seriously... I have given more than enough factual evidence to support all I say. Every single word historical fact has already been proven and played out... Yet out of pure lack of will... You don't even try learning. I have given you world renowned professors who I HAVE PERSONALLY MET... And sat on their own classes. One being the true Chief Exorcist for the Vatican itself! I give names of their own written books... I give proof of the newly found SIGHT of a temple that was dedicated to Zeus Kasios found in Egypt... that only further provided proof of my claim... I give true historical fact of were your name Jesus Christ derived from.... I give more fact of how many times the Canannite God Elyon is hidden within all the 7 names of your very own Hebrew God.... And still you deny everything..... Who are the blind sheep who want to be lost.
      Your own Bible says it clearly... You know not what you do or server... But worst is that you don't even care to be educated.
      So I leave you with this- Albert Einstein once wrote- A Christian will read from one book for their whole life, but the educated man will read from thousands in there lifetime.
      I was made in the image of my own father the creator. And my father had made no mistakes in making me. I am free and blessed with a God given mind able to choose and create ( like him ) my own beliefs and understanding of the life that I... Not no other Man...walks.
      I don't let anyone decide for me how to be or how I should live for like him...I know that I am free!

  • @myricawalls2582
    @myricawalls2582 2 роки тому +11

    Amen! In Jesus Christ name!🙏🙏🙏

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +2

      Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
      First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
      Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
      Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
      Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
      Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
      Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
      Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
      Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
      The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
      Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
      Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
      Origins of Christ
      Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
      Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
      Egypt- ( Kryst )
      Greek- ( Khristos )
      Latin- ( Christus )
      Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
      There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
      The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
      Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
      Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
      Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
      Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
      Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
      J becomes H
      Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
      Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
      All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
      And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
      At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
      So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
      You will serve but only one God.!
      Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
      And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
      The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
      Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
      The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
      They have taken out the Holly Mother.
      It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
      So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
      Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
      The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
      Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
      Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
      So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
      You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
      You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... Know the truth
      The Mark of the Beast is not the number 666. That's only the number of Man.. says so even in the Bible. And it's not a mystery at all. The most basic building block of all life on Earth is the Carbon Atom. Within it there is 6 protons 6 electrons and 6 neutrons.... making up 666. So why would 666 be written within our own DNA?

  • @garyeckel1656
    @garyeckel1656 2 роки тому

    Creapy,...Love your Neighbor as yourself, Putting God First removes all doubt and fear. Love the Lord, amen.

  • @myheavenlyfather7335
    @myheavenlyfather7335 2 роки тому +3

    Thank u heavenly father I love u heavenly father amen

  • @akiababra8873
    @akiababra8873 2 роки тому +2

    May Lord Jesus Christ bless very one who getting this chanla AMEN

  • @nonexistingmusictrappopedm9657
    @nonexistingmusictrappopedm9657 2 роки тому +5

    give the word the first one.

  • @MaryKapferer-xm2ph
    @MaryKapferer-xm2ph Рік тому +1

    This is all absolutely correct and nobody should deliberately even attempt to open up there 3rd eye for it wasn't gifted for a purpose all will pay in Jesus name I pray amen

  • @seektruth3307
    @seektruth3307 2 роки тому +2

    If fallen angels have seen God in person then they have fact, not faith. They physically knew the truth of God and, like Adam and Eve, they chose to reject God. "How happy are those who believe without seeing me!”

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 2 роки тому

      Wanna see a fallen angel? Look in the mirror. We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      Jesus came into THEIR system to reconcile fallen angels to himself.

    • @seektruth3307
      @seektruth3307 2 роки тому

      @@qwerty-so6ml I am not quite sure if you are speaking metaphorically but we are not angels in any sense though momma may have called us her angel. Angels are beings created before God created man. They hold a special place in God's presence and have been endowed with powers we can scarcely even fathom. Remember how Daniel fell on his face in fear and trembling in the presence of an angelic being his appearance was so powerful. There is no forgiveness for fallen angels because they rejected God to His face, in His very presence, not through being deceived like humanity who can only see God but dimly and has some room for doubt and also for faith in what is not currently physically seen.

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 2 роки тому

      @@seektruth3307 There is only ONE Gospel: The Gospel of Reconciliation.
      Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
      We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Satan's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
      Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 2 роки тому

      @@seektruth3307 Unsealed for this generation, Daniel's sealed scroll. Watch/listen to the angel of the Church of Philadelphia:

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 2 роки тому


  • @godson1977
    @godson1977 2 роки тому

    Great video this video should be shown in all public schools. Amen

  • @udrawatiesharma2527
    @udrawatiesharma2527 2 роки тому +2

    Lord HolyFather HolyGhost HolyJesus Holy Bible Have Mercy

  • @sandraalegria3439
    @sandraalegria3439 2 роки тому

    I feel so loved. My life is better now, God is real and wants to give you the best gifts. Please believe that if you hang on to your faith, you will be healed and the desires of your heart will appear. Ask ! I repeat ask your father ,he is good and has great plans for us. I send anyone who believes , love ,nonjudgement ,forgiveness.

  • @songilangston3688
    @songilangston3688 2 роки тому +4

    The things I want not too many people want not even the devil himself LOL even thank God I don't even fall in love with pretty people that are beautiful thank God I know God got to hand me everything I want and I don't look towards nothing on this Earth except for everyday of trying to be humble obedient honest and faithful and faith that's why it hurts me if I do a bad or wrong thing or even be around wrong things and people not saying I can't get got get got but I thank God I didn't put out nothing negative myself for me myself and I I did not do it thank God I know the truth, I deserve and I know why I be attacked thank God I always keep my eyes towards the heavens thank you for the warning now I know what is attacking me for sure and what is holding on to me for sure

  • @nomanabotha9942
    @nomanabotha9942 Рік тому

    OMG !!
    No weapon formed against us shall prosper in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ

  • @anthonydsouza9219
    @anthonydsouza9219 2 роки тому +9

    Praise to our Lord Jesus ✝️🙏Amen.

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      This is why I despise the Catholic Church and Christian... They blame the Pagan, Witches and Satanists for everything...yet when it comes down to the truth. Their own religion has done more child related sex crimes than any of the above 3.... And they do it under the name of Jesus... Which they hide the truth of that...denial.
      JE-SUS= IA-SVS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew and Latin.
      They Deny that they serve Elyon though it's clear all throughout their society and culture. And the lies are utter trash 🗑️... Might as well call the faith Ambers.... but let's just see the real truth
      Want a Real True Villain- who prays on little children... where here you go.
      Look at what a true Villain looks like.

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +2

      It's simply called reading. If you don't know how, then I suggest not trying to.
      Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart.
      Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready?
      1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years...
      2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world.
      - His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults )
      3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name.
      Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion )
      4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from.
      5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion.
      6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics.
      Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness.
      So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world!
      One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios.
      Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple.
      Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus.
      However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof!
      More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus.
      See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats.
      Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢
      Facts remains this
      Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up.
      For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.
      So Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-der, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
      El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
      What now? Did the cat catch your tongue 😜... I suggest you think 🤔 before you comment. You never know who or how old the person on the other side is.
      Now I clearly marked above just a few of the men that I have studied under... And then I still add support for every claim I present...
      I really suggest looking the material up for yourself before dislabeling it as fake or untrue... that only makes you seem foolish in the end... Don't set yourself up for failure.🥴🤪
      Instead take the time to learn something real instead of following just a single individual book.

  • @TimJones-wm8lo
    @TimJones-wm8lo 2 роки тому

    Burst some bubbles here- God said Repent of your Sins-Amen,United States of America in 1960 throw out God's Word (KJV) out,they invited Satan that year to this present day. We the US Citizens need to get back to our Sense sooner the better, Apostle Paul's Gospel -1 Corinthians 15:1+4 (KJV)-
    1.A-Admit I am a Sinner,
    2.B-Believe from the Heart Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son,he died for our Sins,was buried,on 3rd day He Arose from the Dead, This is Sinners Prayer- before it's too late,Get Saved, when a human beings Die,it's too late to get Saved- become Child of God, Amen, Worst is yet to come in Tribulation -Anti-Christ taken over,be in charge for 7 years,than shall be Cast in the lake of fire with Brimstones, Amen

  • @Driftman-yb9bk
    @Driftman-yb9bk 2 роки тому +3

    Amen 🙏

  • @maudeannelockhart7844
    @maudeannelockhart7844 2 роки тому +3


  • @raulsalazar6653
    @raulsalazar6653 2 роки тому +1

    Examine the fools fruit to spot him from a distance!

  • @JeremiahIsacc
    @JeremiahIsacc 2 роки тому +1

    "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
    When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually through time to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.
    It’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.
    No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.
    This truth will free you to seek for the Living God in the Spirit and to truly KNOW GOD instead of just knowing ABOUT HIM.
    The GOSPEL is NOT written with ink, nor on tablets of stone, but on our hearts by the Spirit of the Living God.
    The gentiles who have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, then they are a law unto themselves.
    Under the New Covenant we are to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the bible.
    I was searching for truth when Jesus told me, "The bible is an idol" which completely changed my direction. After that I only sought for Him in the Spirit and He has taught me many things on life's journey.
    The most important of which is that He died so we could be regenerated by the Holy Spirit into sons and daughters of God.
    The gospel is simple, repent from living after the flesh, ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit and then be led and controlled by Him through the Spirit.
    The bible is only history and has absolutely no authority from God to control us, the outward law was under the old covenant. Jesus died to redeem us from the curse of the written law because we were unable to keep it.
    Have a great journey through life with the Living Christ guiding you.
    When Jesus words are written down and Satan is using them, then the bible becomes the word of Satan.
    Constantine (1st) beast compiled 50 bibles, legalized Christianity and set up the false prophet (pope).
    King James (2nd) beast, born 6/1566, 6th of Scotland, authorized a bible in 1611 that now has 66 books to control people with, an image of God's word they make to speak (the bible says).
    By having faith in the bible which has been made into an idol, they break the new covenant of having faith in the Living Christ through the Holy Spirit, who is the true word of God.
    Ask Jesus -Yeshua for the Holy Spirit.
    Link To Blog Site Book:
    UA-cam Channel:

  • @scottingledue7999
    @scottingledue7999 2 роки тому +1

    You can walk boldly in the spirit realm but it must be divinely inspired through the lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and be there only to serve his divine purposes.

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      Demons and the Devil are more closely tied to the human condition than you would think- And are still easily to explainable.... Stop trusting a gay man's book 📖 ( James Charles Stuart )
      As with everyone living- you believe so much that you are the person you are labeled. But simply is not true- the name and self image of yourself that you have come to know is your ( False Self ) drive by your very own Devil Complex.
      Let me break that down and explain.
      At birth, you are born into life with no name and no understanding of anything. All dictionary words and their definitions have absolutely no meaning yet. Why? Because you as a child have not learned to except them into your own personal understanding of your very own Reality...
      You as a new born - Are perfectly innocent without sin. You are a clean soul.
      Only through being taught and indoctrinated into life will you begin to learn and start to create yourself or your self image of who you 🤔 Think You Are.
      Now the human so badly fight for their very own understanding of themselves.
      If someone was to put down or insult your own Idea of Who You are Individually... We tend to feel upset or hurt.... Because we have come to believe that is our true self... No, once again this is not the true self but is the ( False Self ) or Ego mind aka Devil Complex.... As even written in your own Bible.... The Greatest Lie the Devil has - is making you believe that he doesn't exist....
      The statement is still very true... But is greatly looked upon wrongly... For everyone is the Devil. The moment you tell yourself that you are less evil or selfish than the person next to you... You are making a judgement and are becoming the ( Adversary/Accuser ) aka ( The Satan ).
      You fight to protect the self image you falsely created for yourself. Within any act of selfishness, you are feeding into your own ( False Self) or Ego. You protect the Man-made image of who you think you are.... You neglect to realize that we are all of the same complexity and we are beyond the bodies that bind us..... My true self IS NOT ( Michael ).... That's the false title that my Ego has created for order for it to exist in my physical reality.
      Now second- the definition of prayer and communion are almost exactly the same concept in terms of understanding.
      Prayer- A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.
      An ernest hope or wish.
      Communion- The sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.
      Now these definitions are very important into understanding the human situation that has been created within the physical experience.
      Once again a New Born child is not going to have any concept of who or what they are in life...till they are taught. And in the first 10-14 years of life every individual person are creating their own self image of who the choose to be.... From every belief or understanding of life you take on as ( truth) all first must be taught and understood... Then examined closely before you chose to except it as real.
      This is why children have more connection to the spiritual realms than adults... Children believe in Ghosts, Monsters, Demons..,exct.
      While adults have been told all their life that things like that don't exist.... The child still has the mental connection or ( Communication ) with the idea of the Ghost being real that their own minds still invite them into their own concept of reality... Now when this comes to the idea of Exorcisms it makes things very tricky.
      ( Gabrielle Amorth ) aka Chief Exorcist for the Vatican.. With hundreds of thousands of exorcisms under his belt and roughly sixty years of experience in the study of Demonology says himself... That spirits are not outside the mental realm but are connected to the mental realm... and before they can enter the physical reality.... The individual person has to make a mental communion with the spirit and invites it into the physical experience.
      This meaning that...Every person has their own demon.... Thus when you die, you take your demons with you!.... Because they are the lies you created during this life.... They are the selfish decisions that we invited or excepted to believe... We ourselves invited our very own demons into our understanding of the physical experience.
      Now you turn around and ask why their was power in the name Jesus for you?
      The answer is clear and still taught in your own book.... It's because you have chosen for yourself to ( Have Faith in the name ).... You yourself have chosen to believe that their is power in the name.
      In your very own concept of reality, the name Zeus has never ment anything to you... You been taught all your life that the name just belongs to a Greek God.... While you have been taught that Jesus on the other hand is the true God.... And somewhere in your own life you Chose to make that man-made name.... Your own personal spiritual protector..... You created a communion or connection to the name Jesus..... And thus there is Power in the name for you.... Because you individually have excepted it as your own truth.
      Now for me personally... There's no power in the name. I have made a spiritual connection to another more ancient name.... Not even Zeus.
      My own Gods are within the family of Gods that Even Zeus himself had feared....
      I call the Erebus and Nyx..
      And in my concept of reality, Jesus is just a English name that was invented in the 16th century by the Catholic Church....
      And once again. Why don't you Christians take the time to read and learn something new... No offense please, but seriously... I have given more than enough factual evidence to support all I say. Every single word historical fact has already been proven and played out... Yet out of pure lack of will... You don't even try learning. I have given you world renowned professors who I HAVE PERSONALLY MET... And sat on their own classes. One being the true Chief Exorcist for the Vatican itself! I give names of their own written books... I give proof of the newly found SIGHT of a temple that was dedicated to Zeus Kasios found in Egypt... that only further provided proof of my claim... I give true historical fact of were your name Jesus Christ derived from.... I give more fact of how many times the Canannite God Elyon is hidden within all the 7 names of your very own Hebrew God.... And still you deny everything..... Who are the blind sheep who want to be lost.
      Your own Bible says it clearly... You know not what you do or server... But worst is that you don't even care to be educated.
      So I leave you with this- Albert Einstein once wrote- A Christian will read from one book for their whole life, but the educated man will read from thousands in there lifetime.
      I was made in the image of my own father the creator. And my father had made no mistakes in making me. I am free and blessed with a God given mind able to choose and create ( like him ) my own beliefs and understanding of the life that I... Not no other Man...walks.
      I don't let anyone decide for me how to be or how I should live for like him...I know that I am free!

  • @Captaincustom74
    @Captaincustom74 2 роки тому +1

    God help my son!

  • @udrawatiesharma2527
    @udrawatiesharma2527 2 роки тому +3


  • @jimmyrisley4843
    @jimmyrisley4843 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this teaching!!! I preach this message all the time. This division in Gods house. And I have lost many friends and family members because of this message. Well God said a house divided will fall. The whole house of God is divided. You see and I quote, what is has already been and what was will be, there's nothing new under the sun. Just read the scriptures the house of Jacob did it not fall. Lord have mercy upon us for we all have fallen short of your righteousness.

  • @raiamil
    @raiamil 2 роки тому +3

    Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏

  • @jeannewman7846
    @jeannewman7846 Рік тому +1

    For greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
    This 1 John 4:4):

  • @Wesearchwifme
    @Wesearchwifme 2 роки тому +1

    I think that it’s just as evil to assume that God created An inherently flawed and evil creation in his own image. It’s evil to write off others as evil, whilst claiming you’re all good because you told a third party you’re sorry.
    No if God I’d love, God is all of us. Each one, the collective conscious, we must have empathy and compassion for all people, no need to repent, just do no harm.

  • @tamaralynnp1
    @tamaralynnp1 2 роки тому +2

    God bless you for sharing the only truth in this world, the Word of God 💖💖💖

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      This is why I despise the Catholic Church and Christian... They blame the Pagan, Witches and Satanists for everything...yet when it comes down to the truth. Their own religion has done more child related sex crimes than any of the above 3.... And they do it under the name of Jesus... Which they hide the truth of that...denial.
      JE-SUS= IA-SVS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew and Latin.
      They Deny that they serve Elyon though it's clear all throughout their society and culture. And the lies are utter trash 🗑️... Might as well call the faith Ambers.... but let's just see the real truth
      Want a Real True Villain- who prays on little children... where here you go.
      Look at what a true Villain looks like.

  • @oscardelarosa8737
    @oscardelarosa8737 2 роки тому

    I pray and ask for more power, love and a sound mind.

  • @revolutionaryking6049
    @revolutionaryking6049 Рік тому +1

    I'm just as worried as, you , nobody seams to care, they're so brainwashed.... This is all real and we are living the apocalypse, literally, people need to share , wake up. Before its too late.... This is it, its time.... God have mercy.....

  • @gerripeach2396
    @gerripeach2396 2 роки тому +1

    It Is What It Is, Not Worried

  • @JohnPhillips-t6u
    @JohnPhillips-t6u Рік тому +1

    Wonderful video! thank you. John.

  • @waynejohnson3579
    @waynejohnson3579 2 роки тому +1

    God save us all with hiss love.

    • @miken.1506
      @miken.1506 2 роки тому +1

      Somebody has Daddy issues

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому

      What do we have? Let's try a background of 18 years of study of multiple cultures from around the world and countless hours of classroom discussions with real renowned professors in their specific fields of study. . I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready?
      1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years...
      2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world.
      - His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults )
      3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name.
      Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion )
      4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from.
      5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion.
      6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics.
      Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness.
      So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world!
      One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios.
      Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple.
      Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus.
      However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is "MY" proof! --- it part of your own world Whether you like it or not! Historical facts still are Truth. To discredit me is to discredit all the archaeologist over in Egypt at this current moment in your own world history.
      More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus.
      See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats.
      Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢
      Facts remains this
      Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up.
      For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.
      Unlike the modern Christian who believe that the KJV is the true word of God.
      I have read and followed the World's previous version Known as the Greek Septuagint Bible... You know that one that I have already mentioned how your Scottish Demonologist turned King only after murdered his own parents and married his older brother- took out 40+previous parts of the Bible.
      Go to the very end of your own Bible and re-read what it says... Cause James Charles Stuart did exactly that in creating his own version that the Vatican adopted!
      You were saying what again? I have what as my evidence?
      Did the Black Cat catch your tongue 😜.

  • @jimgoose9146
    @jimgoose9146 2 роки тому

    God has perfect plan . Bring it on

  • @itsshuler
    @itsshuler 2 роки тому

    Got up in my eyes recently and he told me that all of these churches need to be sitting down we shouldn't be coming to these preachers to learn about God we should go into our homes alone and be one with God that is how I've learned. Every church I went to I'd always felt like it was fake love and I never understood why until I was finally enlightened and now I see the answer to world Peace and I think that Revelations we've been going through it already and we're close to the end of Revelations and it's time to make the world right because the war is over or it's about to end

  • @williamcarroll4490
    @williamcarroll4490 2 роки тому +1

    The most important message is if you believe in resurrection of life after death as Jesus was most certainly killed by the Romans because they were good at that.
    But he lived AGAIN !
    And if you believe you will also die and believe in life ever after. Then you also believe in resurrection.
    So if you can be resurected why couldn't Jesus?

  • @lioneldawson
    @lioneldawson 2 роки тому +1

    I know People like that...The qualities of the devil.

  • @Shannon71172
    @Shannon71172 2 роки тому +2

    Doubt, Is my Biggest Hate about satan….Blessings. 🙏❤️🕊

    • @freddhernanadez2230
      @freddhernanadez2230 2 роки тому


    • @davidodiniru9370
      @davidodiniru9370 2 роки тому +2

      We all have that as humans, the devil is a liar

    • @Shannon71172
      @Shannon71172 2 роки тому +1

      @@freddhernanadez2230 Meaning when I have “ doubt “.

    • @freddhernanadez2230
      @freddhernanadez2230 2 роки тому +3

      @@Shannon71172 got it. If you think about it That's THE point of his existence. That's his speciality; his bread and butter his EVERYTHING . to get you to doubt. God bless you. The more you get closer and closer to Jesus Christ the more you believe in Him and the less and less you doubt. You get extremely close to Jesus Christ and are always abiding in HIS Spirit it gets to the point where it's impossible to doubt.

    • @Shannon71172
      @Shannon71172 2 роки тому +2

      @@freddhernanadez2230 Thank you so much for your encouraging and kind words brother, that means a lot.
      God is so Great ! Blessings. 🙏❤️🕊

  • @ken9268
    @ken9268 2 роки тому +1

    I never understood why some people worship me devil he hates humans makes no sense stick with God at least he loves us 😔🙏

  • @rustyshackleford7288
    @rustyshackleford7288 2 роки тому +1

    I pray for sinner!! I pray for everyone. I pray. To those who dont believe tell them the world is a matrix and the universe. In their lies there is truth. Tell them everything is mathematical and there is a davichi code or golden scale or scattered geometry. Pythagoras theory. They will wake up. The creator put his math in nature.

  • @tammyshaftner
    @tammyshaftner 2 роки тому +1

    The Devil is liar..

  • @rickeygaskill7319
    @rickeygaskill7319 2 роки тому +1

    My children perish because of lack of knowledge. His holy word is out sword, learn how to use it for his glory Jesus Christ. Amen

  • @Terence-yx6hr
    @Terence-yx6hr Рік тому

    Amen in Jesus name and may God bless you and keep you safe for all the days of you life you've said the right word's. Thank you

  • @chriscangelosi9438
    @chriscangelosi9438 2 роки тому +1

    He will come to you disguised as the pope!

  • @mayrollins4363
    @mayrollins4363 Рік тому

    Christian brothers sisters believer.
    If you want to have power.
    God or Jesus will give to you
    When you ready .
    Any time you need to work
    For the power is not from
    The Devils 👹 and the demands..
    Is Excellent tape 👌 👏
    Please pass to the nations
    And the nations.

  • @alilihasnothorns5372
    @alilihasnothorns5372 2 роки тому

    Amen🙏We are all light some have none but if you have the willpower to soften your heart and ask for forgiveness as well as learning to have empathy and respect for others even the vulgar and ignorant then your spirit can be set free, no one is perfect and we all will be forgiven if we believe in ourselves and our saviour.

  • @tonya8652
    @tonya8652 2 роки тому +1

    I want to say how much I enjoy watching and learning from your videos, this is one of the ways I have substituted my church, although I am aware it's not the perfect solution. I moved from Ohio where I was born and raised and only had ever went to one church 2 of my uncle's are preacher's and my grandfather before he passed away so I had only been to mostly my uncle's church only other was my grandfather's church we visited when we went to Kentucky. I moved to south Carolina five almost 6 years now and I have yet to find myself a home church , I won't lie I only visited 1 and it just wasn't what I was used to. Listening to myself as I write I definitely need to pray for God to help me find a new church I'm pentecostal I miss my family church but I need back to church so I pray for God to lead me to a new church for myself

    • @donaldcannon6113
      @donaldcannon6113 2 роки тому

      Just read your Bible and as you do Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to Fill you with the Holy Spirit, to guide your understanding of his Word, Jesus Christ build's his Church through the Power of the Holy Spirit ! God Bless You Sister in Jesus Christ

    • @tonya8652
      @tonya8652 2 роки тому +1

      @@donaldcannon6113 Thank you for your guidance and kind words. God bless you

    • @donaldcannon6113
      @donaldcannon6113 2 роки тому

      @@tonya8652 Thank you Sister in Jesus Christ

  • @scottalan833
    @scottalan833 2 роки тому +1

    I was very angry at Satan for all the mayhem He's caused in my life & in the lives of others. I called Him a fallen bat. 😔 God's Word says, "Even the Archangel Michael didn't bring a reviling accusation against the Devil in disputing over the body of Moses but said the LORD rebuke you." We have authority over Satan as we are submitted to Jesus Christ. Do Not go into spiritual warfare against the Enemy if living in willful sin. He'll tar & feather you. Jesus said, "The ruler of this world has come & He has found nothing in Me." Jesus had no sin in Him for Satan to get to Him, we do. 📖🙏🕊️✝️

  • @jeannewman7846
    @jeannewman7846 Рік тому +1

    He is the first father of lies the devil he come to steal and destroy. And he only know how to lies.
    Man shall not live on bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of GOD.

  • @jackbrown7341
    @jackbrown7341 2 роки тому

    Yashua told us; Blessed, are those who do not see, but yet still believe; for, He has seen, and His 13 have seen, so it's easy for them to believe. And Blessed are those who make it through trials and tribulations; for, the second death will have no power over them. The sixth seal will soon be broken; than, there will be no doubt in the minds of many people.

  • @suenummy
    @suenummy 2 роки тому

    Thanks it speaks to me. I'm otherwise a very anxious person with daily transgressors. For the first time in a very long time, I've cast my anxieties to God and sought His divine intervention after sleepless nights and a terrible headache. Last night I slept well and woke up calm and refreshed. It really works! And then the devil had to bother me again 😒

  • @podersa241
    @podersa241 Рік тому

    We cannot see into the spiritual realm but I read somewhere that when we ask GOD for help our guardian angel must see GOD and with his permission is delivering the answer to our prayer but at times the angel must battle demons and if there are too many our guardian angel must call upon the arch angels for help just to get back to you for the answer to your prayer. Just as this angel is about a minute or days from delivery you just give up. So I always think about this and stay in faith. Much Love

  • @1TruGODreality
    @1TruGODreality 2 роки тому

    We Glorify our Father not ourselves and this is the evidence.

  • @jarodsmith558
    @jarodsmith558 2 роки тому

    Okay, can I submit a request? Turn down the master volume in your post production. I have to turn down my UA-cam volume to 20%, while my PC volume is on 38. Other than that, keep doing the Lord's work!

  • @leasandham4813
    @leasandham4813 2 роки тому

    Kyrie Eleison!
    Christe Eleison!
    Kyrie Eleison!
    Christe Eleison!
    Kyrie Eleison!
    Christe Eleison!
    Kyrie Eleison!
    Christe Eleison!

  • @stetsonleary197
    @stetsonleary197 2 роки тому

    This message really touched me, God bless the world and peace and blessing to all amen

  • @gayletodd2236
    @gayletodd2236 2 роки тому

    This so very to the point . What is said is what the devil is doing and has done . One would have to be blinded to not realise this .

    • @michaeltenebris3806
      @michaeltenebris3806 2 роки тому +1

      What do we have? Let's try a background of 18 years of study of multiple cultures from around the world and countless hours of classroom discussions with real renowned professors in their specific fields of study. . I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready?
      1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years...
      2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world.
      - His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults )
      3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name.
      Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion )
      4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from.
      5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion.
      6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics.
      Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness.
      So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world!
      One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios.
      Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple.
      Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus.
      However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is "MY" proof! --- it part of your own world Whether you like it or not! Historical facts still are Truth. To discredit me is to discredit all the archaeologist over in Egypt at this current moment in your own world history.
      More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus.
      See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats.
      Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢
      Facts remains this
      Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up.
      For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.
      Unlike the modern Christian who believe that the KJV is the true word of God.
      I have read and followed the World's previous version Known as the Greek Septuagint Bible... You know that one that I have already mentioned how your Scottish Demonologist turned King only after murdered his own parents and married his older brother- took out 40+previous parts of the Bible.
      Go to the very end of your own Bible and re-read what it says... Cause James Charles Stuart did exactly that in creating his own version that the Vatican adopted!
      You were saying what again? I have what as my evidence?
      Did the Black Cat catch your tongue 😜.

  • @devywhite8940
    @devywhite8940 2 роки тому

    I can't figure out why if the devil is the king of this world we as believers are still here 2,000 years later suffering. I can hardly distinct distinguish that I'm really not in hell already

  • @workaholic5318
    @workaholic5318 2 роки тому

    There is only one mission in this life and that is to either to decide for or against God and his Christ. Nothing else matters and His Word will lead you from that point. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God". Christ sacrificed himself and shed His precious blood for all to have access to that salvation by faith in Him.

  • @finauaulelenanovo9149
    @finauaulelenanovo9149 2 роки тому +1

    Amen in Jesus name, may we believe in the only true God and Jesus whom he sent ( Jn 17:3)
    Fear God which is Wisdom and to shun evil (Job 28:28)
    Have faith and be doers of God's word.
    Fruit of Spirit must be produced ( Gal 5:22-23)
    God is not mocked, for those who use other powers to gain wealth and power to heal.
    God bless and stay blessed.

  • @fastmoney310
    @fastmoney310 2 роки тому

    Also The devil will appear to you with everything you don’t want. he also love to tempt you with stuff you not interested in. Always