SOMEONE was lie for Budwais... Thus group know's Real time's of someone who is criminal's.. mean's all are in Dangerous Situation because they are all criminal's wirh them... Upppss.. hurry Up to save's your's life's like inside this song... Speedy....
nechápu jak tak dobrej song má tak málo zhlidnutí...pecka
Před sto lety viděl na medúze v ČT, pořád mám v PC :D
to jsem jsem mel rad pred roky stejne jako ted..pecka
dobrá kapela, dobrej klip, dobrá music : FAJNÉÉÉ
I saw them live. They are brilliant!! :D
First cd is awesome.
Dost dobrý :-)
Ten mladej Kohák tam :)
0:27 :D
SOMEONE was lie for Budwais... Thus group know's Real time's of someone who is criminal's.. mean's all are in Dangerous Situation because they are all criminal's wirh them... Upppss.. hurry Up to save's your's life's like inside this song... Speedy....
Gw ga tau apa³