Czech Culture Shocks | Part 1

  • Опубліковано 9 лип 2024
  • I've been here for too long to notice when something is unusual. Even when I first arrived 5 years ago, I didn't really experience much culture shock. These are some culture shocks experienced by my friends. Thanks for being fresh and telling me about all the WEIRD things people here do.
    Personally, I have reverse culture shock when I go back to my hometown... more on that later.
    For now, enjoy!


  • @jejda437
    @jejda437 5 років тому +875

    proč by někdo sakra myl vajíčka

    • @wahawaha541
      @wahawaha541 5 років тому +84

      ze stejných důvodů jako my - aby se ochránili před salmonelozou, ale v usa, která je oproti EU třetinová mají osmkrát více případů salmonely :D

    • @TGDan
      @TGDan 5 років тому +32

      Protože Amerika

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 5 років тому +58

      to záleží na tom v jakym stavu je máš, ty z krámu už jsou umytý, ale když si to koupíš od zemědělce tak na tom máš slepičí hovna

    • @birbdoggoguardian
      @birbdoggoguardian 5 років тому +9

      My je ale doma automaticky myjeme... :DD

    • @Memetaroo
      @Memetaroo 5 років тому +93

      @@wahawaha541 Vejce se neomývají právě z důvodu aby se do nich salmonela nedostala. Vejce má totiž na povrchu přirozenou ochranu, když se umyje, tak o tu ochranu vejce přijde a salmonela se může snadno dostat skrz póry skořápky do vnitřku vajec. Ochrana před salmonelou je řádná tepelná úprava.

  • @froggyslime4729
    @froggyslime4729 5 років тому +252

    damn dirty eggs .. It would be great if eggs have some kind of natural packaging... Shell ... maybe.... :D

    •  5 років тому +1

      Lol yea

    • @Cerpery
      @Cerpery 5 років тому +1

      Same like oranges.... mmm.....

    • @Nippon131
      @Nippon131 5 років тому +9

      Froggy Slime Ok, enjoy salmonella if you want 😂😂 i know it sounds crazy but it is true that cleaning of egg shell destroys protecting layer on the surface. When it is gone, gate for microbes is open.

    • @dado4352
      @dado4352 5 років тому +11

      By washing eggs you are removing natural protection. Thats why stores in Europe keep eggs on shelf and yours must put them in refrigerator, otherwise in three days they would gone bad. So how much energy is waisted,on unnecessary washing and refridgerating in whole US?

  • @CG-eg6nq
    @CG-eg6nq 5 років тому +358

    Czechia isn't official name, it's just another name, especially for maps
    edit: Because name "Czech Republic" is too long and our landspace is too small :D

    • @Domihork
      @Domihork 5 років тому +18

      It is official... Countries usually have two names, for example "Spanish kingdom" and "Spain", or "French republic" and "France" where the first one is a formal one (for international contracts etc) and the other informal (for common use - but it's still official) ... it's just that until 2016 our country only had and used the formal one for everything

    • @karamba4875
      @karamba4875 5 років тому +3

      We are not small. We are a medium-sized state in Europe.

    • @Zhuntovany.Kavalir
      @Zhuntovany.Kavalir 5 років тому +8

      Czechia *is* the official name.

    • @jaroslavoswald7566
      @jaroslavoswald7566 5 років тому +17

      Czechia is official short name fo Czech Republic.

    • @jayxfrost8987
      @jayxfrost8987 5 років тому +1

      But it's not wrong either! It's like 'Germany' or 'England' these also aren't official names but everyone uses that (Poor Ireland, no one is mentioning that! xD). Or even the US-- when you use just 'America' it also isn't official.

  • @207941
    @207941 5 років тому +38

    The only reason your landlord wanted money in cash and employer payed you in cash is that they didn't want to pay taxes ;)

  • @EmotionalSupportCapybara
    @EmotionalSupportCapybara 5 років тому +30

    Small refrigerators are just a dorm thing, not a Czech thing 🤔

  • @barborapatkova1676
    @barborapatkova1676 5 років тому +193

    I’m from Czech Republic and now live in Prague and I do have a culture shock anyways
    Oh and I never use Czechia
    Noone does

    • @TheCulturalCompass
      @TheCulturalCompass 5 років тому +1


    • @212025510
      @212025510 5 років тому +5

      pro mě byl největší pražský kulturní šok ty neustálá přáníčka hezkého víkendu, velikonoc, vánoc a všeho a taky to "Mějte sé." Tyhlety větičky se v mém kraji neříkají :D

  • @ondrej1893
    @ondrej1893 5 років тому +69

    Interesting. During communism a Czech person would be shocked by existence of credit cards, but in recent decade or so, Czechia actually became "experimental country" for contactless payment cards. About 70% Czechs had them and used them when in the West it was about 15%.
    Regarding tap water, it's ironic as Czech tap water is often excellent and tasty, almost nobody in Czech actually drinks bottled water at home. But when I was in France and we were poor students, nobody ordered a drink. So the waiter brought this caraffe with floral symbols and we thought it was for flowers. We were scared to try it, but in the end we did. So it was a reverse cultural shock:-)

  • @anezkajandova76
    @anezkajandova76 5 років тому +27

    For every foreigner, being paid in cash isn't ok, it means that you aren't legally working there. You can be paid less than is legal, there can be some other tricks, I don't know what exactly you need to work in CZ, but it can cause you troubles. For Czech citizens, it means, that no one pays their social and health insurance, because this is something employer had to do. Be careful with this, if you don't know how it works, everyone will try to get some money from you.

    • @MrSonofsonof
      @MrSonofsonof 5 років тому +3

      "For every foreigner, being paid in cash isn't ok, it means that you aren't legally working there."
      Not necessarily. It isn't actually illegal to pay wages in cash.

    • @klobatoro
      @klobatoro 5 років тому

      she s not talking about paying salary in cash but paying rent in cash... and i am pretty sure it was because her landlord wanted to avoid the taxation on the rental income

    • @eXe09
      @eXe09 5 років тому

      @@klobatoro Actually she talks about both of these things

  • @MajklAstarin
    @MajklAstarin 5 років тому +58

    Great video. As a Czech a I found it very funny. I just have a little objection. The name Czechia did not substitute official name Czech Republic. It was just added as an official shorter version. And the main reason was, that English was probably one of a few languages that did not use any short version of our official name unlike French, German, Spanish and others.

  • @anetanovakova3965
    @anetanovakova3965 5 років тому +6

    I don’t know a single person with such a small fridge tbh

  • @s0urce1
    @s0urce1 5 років тому +18

    nice to see, that you defend those things instead of calling them "weird" like some other foreigners.. being different doesn´t automatically mean being worse.. ;)

  • @freddymarcel-marcum6831
    @freddymarcel-marcum6831 5 років тому +7

    I've been in Kolín as pretty much the only American since 2004, to me, after all these years, America is a culture shock.

  • @StazieAna
    @StazieAna 5 років тому +113

    Whaaat I live here all my life and in the most of the restaurants you can get free water as I know :D

    • @slovniricka
      @slovniricka 5 років тому

      Ana Stázie wtf, no😄

    • @simonspacek3670
      @simonspacek3670 5 років тому +10

      @@slovniricka You just have to ask in Czech. Ask in any other language and you will be viewed as tourist.

  • @lindateatime
    @lindateatime 5 років тому +2

    This was great! I've seen several videos like this on my recommended page, so I was expecting getting upset and needing to defend a lot of Czech stuff again, but this was really respectful and wholesome. Dobrá práce!

  • @Lukas-on2nu
    @Lukas-on2nu 5 років тому +26

    Jezus we do not have small fridges

  • @KarelPotuznik
    @KarelPotuznik 5 років тому +35

    Ok I'm czech guy and let me tell you this:
    1. if you go shopping and actually check the price tags, you will realize packed water is much cheaper than beer. of course in restaurant the water is same price as beer (not higher, maybe in some places in prague, but i dont have that experience). no matter which kind of drink you want, you will pay more money in restaurant than in shop
    2. ive never had small refrigerator like this at home and ive never seen refrigerator this small at none of my friends or family members. actually most people now have big refrigerators with ice machine like in the US, czech people even often have more than one refrigerator in their house
    3. yeah, we have many small grocery shops, but we dont have mcdonalds every quarter mile like US has. we actually have cities with no mcdonalds or any junk restaurant at all.
    4. i've never got dirty eggs in czech republic shop unless they were home-made and i've never had any problem with that, because we don't eat egg shells here.
    5. if you live in a smaller flat in czech republic, you will probably not have clothes dryer because it takes space, you can hang your clothes on hanger like you showed in the video, or in a hot days you can dry the clothes hangin on the balcony. is it too much work for an american?
    6. we actually had free plastic bags in grocery stores few years ago. but people in europe try to think economically and ecologically and want to motivate people not to buy single use plastic bags becasue its ok if you buy it in a emergency situation, but otherwise its just stupid and if people in america get new plastic or paper bags every day just because it's for free, they're not really clever.
    7. tartar sauce on pizza? so disgusting but it actually fits to american people
    8. ONLY ONCE IN A MONTH? how do I adjust the budget for a whole neverending month? ... is it too hard for people in america to understand that they can't spend all of their money in first week after payday? how sad
    9. never heard of people paying to their landlords in cash and i've never got paid in cash in my job either
    I just wanted to tell you that we don't live in stone age here and we're not stupid nation.

  • @panchemlon3051
    @panchemlon3051 5 років тому +2

    Seeing the light on the wall: You've been sitting there whole day?

  • @prttyflwr
    @prttyflwr 5 років тому +100

    I'm Czech and I think that something from this video is not true

    • @flywritestudios272
      @flywritestudios272 5 років тому +5

      It may not be fully true for you, i.e. local person. But this is from the perspective and experience of a foreigner as to how it is and how it's seen as a foreigner. Whether it's 100% true or not is all about perspective.

    • @veronikavysoudilova9697
      @veronikavysoudilova9697 5 років тому +5

      @@flywritestudios272 even from perspective of foreigner - czech republic is independent country since 1993, not 1992. And Czechia is only short version, we did not change our name.. And there are more.

    • @lvic4
      @lvic4 5 років тому +1

      @@flywritestudios272 Well its not much of a perspective if she says "they dont give free water" but every restaurant is obliged to give you free tap water if you ask for it. And also we didnt change name into Czechia, its just different term. Besides that still good video.

    • @arvenblack5656
      @arvenblack5656 5 років тому +2

      @@flywritestudios272 Its about facts :) And fact is, most people here have normal sized fridge (not the small one). Just as an example. And in most appartments u actually have to buy your own fridge, it doesnt come with the appartment.

    • @patrikspilka3159
      @patrikspilka3159 5 років тому +1

      @@flywritestudios272 But this girl talking about small part of Prague, not the Czech Republic like whole country. Most things in this video is lies because she trying talk about Czech like whole country but she talking about small part of Prague where she l. Do you know what I mean?

  • @seybumarek1769
    @seybumarek1769 5 років тому +1

    I worked as a bartender in prague and i would never refuse to give customer a glass of tap water.

  • @kiksyame1481
    @kiksyame1481 5 років тому +60

    Hi, sorry but I am 30 seconds into the wideo and it's already wrong. Czekia IS NOT new name of the CZECH REPUBLIC. it's has been officialy acknowledged as shot version of it. The second thing... It CZECH REPUBLIC and has been since 1993.
    1. In case you ask for tap water and the restaurant(not a bar) and they don't have it on menu, you should get it.

    • @flywritestudios272
      @flywritestudios272 5 років тому +4

      It's both, so no need to be angry. And you might find one out of 100 restaurants that give you tap water. So also, no need to criticize.

    • @petrskupa6292
      @petrskupa6292 5 років тому

      Kiksyame As already mentioned-> it is both. As Czechia and Czech Republic both are official and in the same relation as France and French Republic.
      The difference is that the short one is geographical and has time-less connotation
      France and Czechia in the fourteenth century do make sense, while French Republic doesn’t, Czech Republic doesn’t! Those are political names to the current state and political situation.
      (in the fourteenth century France wasn’t the French Republic, it had been the French Kingdom and Czechia at that time was under the political name Bohemian Kingdom)

    • @rainbow6siegetutorials328
      @rainbow6siegetutorials328 5 років тому

      There’s a policy for getting free tap water.
      Once I was somewhere in Karlovy Vary and they didn’t “have” it and that made me somewhat angry 😐

    • @kushovna8049
      @kushovna8049 5 років тому

      @@flywritestudios272 ONE out of 100? :-D In what city do you live here for god´s sake? In every restaurant, every bar i ve been as far as i remember I could always order tap water. At some places they wanted some symbolic amount (1-10czk [1euro=26czk] ) but even that isnt the norm. MOST of the times there is no problem ordering tap water for free. So where did you get those 1 in 100 i wonder?

    • @MrNikkdo
      @MrNikkdo 5 років тому

      @@flywritestudios272 Well, it is both, but we didn't "change" the name to Czechia, we've just ackonwledged another one, but the name "Czech Republic" is still one of the official ones. There IS a difference.
      As for the tap water, yes, you are perfectly right - that depends on the restaurant. There are some of them that don't serve the tap water for hygienic reasons (or so they tell their customers).

  • @theduchessoflocaltrashcans4855
    @theduchessoflocaltrashcans4855 5 років тому +49

    amazing video

  • @radekgabriel3276
    @radekgabriel3276 5 років тому

    We have big fridges... but what I do miss - free refills of drinks in restaurants, turn right on red, twin peaks, in’n’out...

  • @lovelyruixi
    @lovelyruixi 5 років тому

    Hi, i am planning to go to czech , can you recommend the must buy snacks and the brand of the tartar sauce, and what supermarket that might be easier for foreigner to shop by. Thank you

  • @Dean-li1yw
    @Dean-li1yw 5 років тому +2

    Charging for tap water in bars and restaurants is the biggest disgrace in the Czech Republic, it's not a cultural thing! We just do not have an option and the government doesn't give a shit about anything.

  • @kubiyyo2402
    @kubiyyo2402 5 років тому +1

    Můj největší kulturní šok byl když sem byl v Americe a bylo tam až bych řekl že povinné platit dýška v restauracích, v Česku dáš dýško jen když se ti číšník fakt hodně a dobře věnuje, nebo když jdeš na oběd s přítelkyní a nebo když tě obsluhuje potencionální šuk/budoucí přítelkyně

  • @alexandervu6015
    @alexandervu6015 4 роки тому

    Water may not be served in the Czech Republic, as it may be considered impolite to give something simple.
    Hence the joke: He asks the customer the craftsman at home: Are you thirsty? The craftsman: Yes please. The customer then hands him a glass of water. Then the craftsman replied, I was thirsty, I didn't want to wash myself.

  • @MonikaVighovaCZ
    @MonikaVighovaCZ 5 років тому

    I feel you!! Tartar sauce is amazing! As a czech girl living in Ireland I truly miss it every day 😂😍 Love the video!

  • @vasekharna5483
    @vasekharna5483 5 років тому +18

    There are VERY interesting ideas here and all of it is true (sometimes even a little bit too kind to the CZ) but I really enjoyed it and I want to see more. I had a lot of fun watching this. Thaks for a great evening Arie :D

  • @martinx3450
    @martinx3450 5 років тому

    Hi Ariel, nice vids, thank you for truly but politely showing culture of my nation.

  • @danaondrackova3431
    @danaondrackova3431 5 років тому +10

    When you talk about our land, you talk about it so nicely I feel so proud for our republic :D

  • @212025510
    @212025510 5 років тому +1

    I ordered free tap water and got it every time. It's actually pretty common in many clubs around closing time. Air drying also does not damage the fabrics like the drying machine does. The rest is well pronounced and true :)

  • @kristynakubesova808
    @kristynakubesova808 5 років тому +20

    Jen ji všichni hezky opravte s tim názvem :D ono to 3x nestačí :D

  • @kubbakubbynator2621
    @kubbakubbynator2621 5 років тому +45

    Ponožky v sandálech.

  • @milanrott8203
    @milanrott8203 5 років тому +1

    Řekne mi někdo o čem ta slečna celou dobu plácala ? :)

  • @davidrubes7928
    @davidrubes7928 5 років тому

    Small fridges: false
    Drunk fighting: often, not never

    @KOROZEC1 5 років тому

    nice video tbqh wish there was part two :)

  • @ketihrendrag9489
    @ketihrendrag9489 5 років тому

    HHHHHHerbSSSS. not "erb". Only the French, wrongly, say "erb")))) Naughty girl!!! Apart from that I really like you!!! So much so, I have subscribed!! I have been once, to Prague (of course!), and I LOVED it.

  • @jankasl7409
    @jankasl7409 5 років тому

    A few things about water in Czechia. Yes, If you order water in the restaurant will be more expensive than beer. But otherwise it is cheaper than beer, of course. When you see cheaper beer than bottled water in a store, do not buy it. I call it a "cheap laxative". In many restaurants you can get water for free, if you want water from the tap. You have to ask yourself if it is possible, because businesses are trying to make money. That's why they do not offer it themselves. In some restaurants, even water from tap is charged. In most cases, not.

  • @adris432
    @adris432 5 років тому

    This is such a cool video. :D I can't fathom why it has so many dislikes. I'm Czech and I enjoyed it immensely. :D

  • @MicaCZ
    @MicaCZ 5 років тому

    You got me on the tatar sauce :D

  • @JohnBatman111
    @JohnBatman111 5 років тому +8

    you should not put avocado in a fridge ;)

  • @firestorm165
    @firestorm165 5 років тому +3

    "paying in cash makes so much easier" I have been saying this for years

  • @xkeydog
    @xkeydog 5 років тому

    Hi Ariel, as Czech living abroad I've been always enjoying to hear back from foreigners how is their experience living in Czechia. Just one comment, if landlord pays you in cash, they most probably don't tax this income, if employer pays you in cash, that's almost certain that they don't pay taxes. Czechia is way more cashless than Germany but far away from states.

  • @FormerPig
    @FormerPig 5 років тому +1

    I like the way you say "us" talking about the Czech republic. :) Welcome.

  • @dyxtcz537
    @dyxtcz537 5 років тому

    U can buy a clothes dryer we have one at home, the shops are selling bags but you have to ask if they have one

  • @eliska861
    @eliska861 5 років тому +1

    wth i’ve literally never seen a small refrigator, we all have the big ones

  • @marekbenes8060
    @marekbenes8060 5 років тому

    Paying for water is the thing I hate most about my otherwise amazing homeland.

  • @veronikarovenska4671
    @veronikarovenska4671 5 років тому

    1. If you want tap water or ice just ask. If it is not some fancy restaurant, they will give you tap water.
    2. People drive drunk, maybe not so often, but they do.
    3. The size of the fridge depends on your preferences. Personally, my family and people that we know have a large fridge. It just depends on the person, who furnished the house/flat.
    4. Who in their sane mind would wash their eggs?
    5. Having a dryer is a choice.
    6. For a long time you didn't have to pay for the plastic bags, but because it was wasting resources and we are becoming to be more ecologic, you have to pay for them now
    Sorry this wasn't suppossed to sound mean

  • @MartinKincl1993
    @MartinKincl1993 5 років тому

    Recently I was in a rather expensive restaurant in Prague and I asked for a full decanter of water. It wasn't part of the bill.

  • @tomasvrana6765
    @tomasvrana6765 5 років тому +4

    Its so easy to order a free water in restaurant here, you just going to the wrong places ;)

  • @arvenblack5656
    @arvenblack5656 5 років тому

    The thing about fridge is not really a thing here. More people have big fridges than small fridges. Small fridge is only in case people cant afford big one or when they live alone (therefore they dont need bigger fridge). Every single house I went into, everyone had normal big fridge.
    Drier is again, above standard. It costs money to buy a drier. If u have them, and u have space also, you can get a drier, we have drier at home, but wont have at our new appartment because it wont fit and its just too expensive to buy while u can dry stuff just on the hanger.
    And for the cash part, thats just simply very unusual even for here. Its not a common practise to get payed in cash or to pay rent in cash. Every job I went to asked me for a bank account so they can send me money and I have honestly never heard of anyone close to me that they would get payed in cash/had to pay in cash. U might have indeed encounter some strange things here xD
    Ps: I agree, our tartar sauce is amazing xD anything fried, I need tartar sauce.

  • @KaelSvalcembelk
    @KaelSvalcembelk 4 роки тому +1

    "Czechia" is not acceptable term for many people here. We still use Czech republic (we say Česká republika) and Czechia is some try be world-class, but it is quite funny for meny of us. Historicaly we are something like Czech lands (three historical lands: Čechy, Morava and Slezsko). So if we wanna obstinately need some one-word term for foreigns, is best Czechlands (similar like Netherlands). Czechia is .... artificial term. :-/

  • @Ailinion
    @Ailinion 5 років тому

    There is actually free tap water in restaurants. In some, you will have tap water on the table and you can drink how much you want and they will even refill if necessary. I've mostly experienced that in vegetarian and vegan restaurants and not only in Prague. Also, even if they officially only sell water in bottles, you can still ask specifically for tap water and you will get it for free, although sometimes it depends on the waiter/waitress or if they are allowed to do that. Also, most people have a large fridge at home :)

  • @vojtasks
    @vojtasks 5 років тому

    The water from a tap does not come for free. The reason why there is no free water is that drinks especially beer is incredibly cheap.

  • @Chmln66
    @Chmln66 5 років тому +2

    Haha so true I'm learning so much about my country 😂

  • @filippfeifer6027
    @filippfeifer6027 5 років тому +1

    Hey I'm Czech and paying in cash is sketchy af. Usually it means that they're evading taxes because income tax is high for them.

  • @godfather00cz
    @godfather00cz 5 років тому +1

    so you got hooked on the tartar sauce, right? good stuff...

  • @tomaszavadil2106
    @tomaszavadil2106 4 роки тому

    In 2016 the name wasn't changed to Czechia. Only the government decided more than 25 years after foundation of the state to start using the correct geographical name of the country. The political name is still Czech Republic and geographical name is Czechia. Political name should be used in "official" situations, therefore in similar situations, where we for example expression The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is used. In other situations geographical names should be used.

  • @Sporkekw
    @Sporkekw 5 років тому

    At small town or even a village... Water is free... It's even concidered rude if you want to pay for that water... Underage drinking here is really serious problem (still talking about small towns). Most of parties, that are organized by official organizators will still pour a beer for a 13yo child...

  • @lukaskrtek5212
    @lukaskrtek5212 5 років тому +1

    Where's part two?

  • @Jana-ns5sg
    @Jana-ns5sg 5 років тому +1

    Haha, I expected way worse. Interesting to hear your opinion.

  • @m.y.tangaroanui8345
    @m.y.tangaroanui8345 5 років тому +2

    We live in Czech Republic.. No one uses Czechia here!

  •  5 років тому

    1.) It depends on a restaurant - but true is that 70% of them offers only paid "tap water"
    2.) It's not cheaper - somewhere is same / somewhere is cheaper / somewhere not... ( 1l of beer = ~2€ / 1l water

  • @tonyaxis3063
    @tonyaxis3063 5 років тому

    No, we don't drink Beer, cuz Water is too expensive. We drink Beer, cuz we like it!

  • @stevenschwartzhoff1703
    @stevenschwartzhoff1703 4 роки тому

    This may have been changed in the last few years, but it was true that by law employers are required give employees the option of being payed in cash. They may make this difficult in real life (later pay day…) as They then have to carry a lot of money…, But they cannot refuse. I was payed in cash by the university until 2011 when the bank insisted I have an account to get a mortgage and I was no the last person doing this.

  • @terezablazkova7123
    @terezablazkova7123 5 років тому +1

    Okey with the tap water its weird cause i ask for tap water and i get it all the time

  • @kat_vel_
    @kat_vel_ 5 років тому

    Although I live on the other side of Czechia from Prague I'd say all of these except the fridge thing are right. As some people said the payment thing might be a bit sketchy sometimes but as you said sometimes they just don't want foreigners to bother with bank accounts.

  • @karelmrzena1615
    @karelmrzena1615 5 років тому

    Okay, you obviously missed a lot of things about the Czech Republic. You can get free water in restaurants, they just don't do it in Prague because they can profit of of people easier there. In summer you DO get ice in your drinks, we do follow the law, the police just don't enforce all of them as strictly. It's clear that you are a Prague girl, because you can see drunk people getting into fights in the smaller cities, unlike in Prague which is filled with tourists to the point where meeting a Czech person after 10pm is exciting (also we love our drinks and we know how to drink them, so 5 large beers is still okay for most of us). Eggs don't have to be washed, just put the egg with the feather in the boiling water, or if you're frying them or whatever, just crack it, the feathers are outside, washing them is just a waste of water. Being payed in cash doesn't have to be sketchy, some smaller firms will pay in cash so they don't have to pay tax, and neither do you, it's not sketchy, many people do it.
    I'm not trying to be annoying or a smartass, I just think you should spend more time around the country, talk to older Czechs and get to know our real culture, because Czech culture is very different to the culture in Prague.

  • @kamilfejtek81
    @kamilfejtek81 5 років тому

    The biggest problem, you don't get free water in restaurants, wow .....

  • @KaelSvalcembelk
    @KaelSvalcembelk 4 роки тому

    -In America is indecent drying washed clothes publicly on twine. In Czech rep. it is common practice drying clothes on twines on a garden.
    -In America are big malls, you go there by car several kilometres, buy for a week and than you need big refridgerator. In Czech rep. there are realy small shops on every corner and is common for us shopping little, but dayly.
    -You don't say anything about religions. :-) We are first on the World (!!!!) in ateism. Opposite all Americans say on everything "Ooooh myyyy Gaaad" :-D This si big cultural shock for me in America, for example. :-)
    There are many differents between our societies. :-)

  • @thalapeng
    @thalapeng 5 років тому +1

    Thanks for the video, would only make small notices regarding cash use :-) I've been working fulltime since 2007 for five different companies and only got paid via wire transfer till now. The same goes for my rent, never paid it in cash myself - however it is more common - my suspicion being it is a way of dodging the taxes :-)
    Czech Republic (bigger cities especially) is generally very card(visa/mastercard) friendly, to there is not that much need for cash anyways:)

  • @heidi9081
    @heidi9081 5 років тому

    Some American city's have to pay for plastic bags also. Chicago charges 7 or 8 cents a bag.

  • @darthportus
    @darthportus 5 років тому

    The Tap water thing is abused here that's why are restaurant owners reluctant to provide it.

  • @mareksykora5197
    @mareksykora5197 5 років тому

    It is about money balance. Tips in czech restaurants are much smaller than in american and also the price for food is pushed down, because people much more concentrate on low price here. Therefore even the water is something they can get some money from. But the total price for the visit is still much cheaper than in american fast food, not mention a restaurant.

  • @grimlord4765
    @grimlord4765 5 років тому +1


  • @blinder3305
    @blinder3305 5 років тому +2

    they will give you tap water in restraurant but you must ask first

  • @CeckoJeBorec
    @CeckoJeBorec 5 років тому +1

    Nobody uses a word Czechia.
    People here actualy hate that...

  • @ChristiPetaloti
    @ChristiPetaloti 4 роки тому +2

    I love everything about Czech Republic!

  • @jirkahlustik8778
    @jirkahlustik8778 5 років тому +2

    Do u speak czech?

  • @katka7634
    @katka7634 5 років тому

    We DIDN'T change our name. This is just another way of saying it, shorter, so therefore. We are still CZECH REPUBLIC! ;)

  • @adrianhudek9111
    @adrianhudek9111 5 років тому

    You get ice everytime.
    You do not get free water as they want you to buy coke,beer etc
    You have a small fridge because you rent place.Everyone in CZ has a big fridge and freezer,just check in store what they sell.

  • @danielzajic6789
    @danielzajic6789 5 років тому +3

    Interesting accent, where are you from?

  • @EllieHGade
    @EllieHGade 5 років тому

    Ariel I'm really recommending you to look up the 'being paid in cash' and 'paying rent in cash'.. Cause somebody is probably not paying taxes out of the money you're getting. Also there's almost always a tap water and extra ice if you ask for it (for free usually), eggs are not usually covered in feathers, Czechia is just a shortened version now, these type of fridges are not common, etc etc... Please don't share wrong informations 😅. Sending love from Denmark 🇩🇰, this was funny to watch😅

  • @MyMatK
    @MyMatK 5 років тому

    Eggs are washed with water, also they are deeply treated by gama x ray (beacuse of salmonela) and washed by desinfection fluids, but where are chickens, theres are feathers, from that milions of egs sometimes happen they some small feather stuck on it.

  • @prasedomaci9264
    @prasedomaci9264 5 років тому

    One does not simply order a water in the Czech republic.

  • @miliussporttravel9996
    @miliussporttravel9996 5 років тому

    It is always interesting to hear what is strange for the people coming to our country.But be sure, that if you come to Moravia or to North part of Czechia, there will be more culture shocks :)What I think is something what you don´t talk about here and is also very important is that the Czech people are very honest. They don´t tell you that something is nice if it is not. They don´t tell you in the job or on some party "Woow, you look great!!" when they don´t think it. That could be very shocking for Americans. But because of this honesty and also open talking about alcohol tolerancy, we don´t have so many psychical troubles, because we can say what we think and no one punishes us for that :) And with the paying for water - it is finally getting better on some places. Specially when you drink a wine. But you have to visit the wine-growing regions, not Prague.Regarding being paid in cash - it is very rare and it is maybe for foreigners. So - always try to get your money to your bank account, this must be done in case you don´t get a job without permission.

  • @janjal8995
    @janjal8995 5 років тому +1

    Yes, you do get water from the tap.

  • @RadkaCone
    @RadkaCone 5 років тому

    really nice video!

    @KAFKUBA 5 років тому

    I hear ya...wished I ran into you there :)

  • @joefromravenna
    @joefromravenna 5 років тому

    As an ethnic Slovak i might be irked being called a Czech if not for the 20% Czech in me.
    My favorite taboo thing is with regard to food. Many Americans find eating horse being as taboo as eating a family pet. Being able to buy horse salami on Vaclavak was a tasty treat.
    Our wash machine 30+ years ago had 2 compartments. One for washing, one for wringing.
    Good thing our mom knows how to make knedlik, because i would really miss it here in the States.

  • @Stashix
    @Stashix 5 років тому +1

    In all probability they want you to pay in cash so they don't have to declare taxes.

  • @Oli_Bess
    @Oli_Bess 5 років тому +1

    First of all in every restaurant and pub has to be water cheaper than anything else so you can’t see beer cheaper than water. Czechia is not official name of Czech Republic. i don’t agree with most of it 😂

  • @tereziepokorna9022
    @tereziepokorna9022 5 років тому

    Ice is a luxury in Czech Republic.

    • @michals725
      @michals725 5 років тому

      Money is a luxury in Czech Republic.

  • @slovensketitulky5193
    @slovensketitulky5193 5 років тому

    They are actually supposed to give you tap water. I think it is the law. But apparently there are different rules for americans

  • @Monstrikism
    @Monstrikism 5 років тому

    You could visit other regions (cities) of Czech Republic than just Prague. Not only Prague has nice history buildings and nice places , etc etc... But also in other cities its way cheaper than in Prague. Obviously Prague is kinda cash trap for tourists.

  • @Koorenn
    @Koorenn 5 років тому

    I have never heard of somebody being paying in cash in our country. That's 100% suspicious.

  • @rudolfblaha7701
    @rudolfblaha7701 5 років тому

    hi. im from slovakia. i lived in london for over twoo years. some people still think its czechoslovakia, we are in eastern europe, we use azbuka. in slovakia we have the same traditions

  • @nemoandthewhale
    @nemoandthewhale 5 років тому

    You should never. ever. wash an egg. (the shell is porous, therefore you allow the bacteria to enter the egg)
    Nor store them in the fridge either. (they're not in a fridge when you buy them! and that's because they would absorb all the smells from the other foods in the fridge)

  • @SisinkaHaricefka
    @SisinkaHaricefka 5 років тому +1

    I don't agree with 10... I think most of employers pay to a bank account :D

  • @gachalifeashley3532
    @gachalifeashley3532 5 років тому

    I live in Prague, and i can say all of the Czech Republic is not "very cash based culture", Prague is mostly for tourists, so its a bit expensive here. Intresting video.