H.E.R. - Hard Place (Official Audio)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,7 тис.

  • @jakebluethunder
    @jakebluethunder 3 роки тому +174

    I've never heard a song about a toxic relationship that captured the anguish as heartfelt as this one does.

  • @Bouttabagc
    @Bouttabagc Місяць тому +7

    Back here 6 years later man this song is such a masterpiece this song brings so many memories like damn I remember them days.❤️‍🩹

  • @negaphone
    @negaphone 5 років тому +361

    Aiight She killed it at the grammys 19 🎸 she's really good

  • @terris.greene3885
    @terris.greene3885 9 місяців тому +11


    • @AlphaEliteLeader23
      @AlphaEliteLeader23 3 місяці тому

      Don’t worry it’s on UA-cam if your cd is missing

  • @oxnerd
    @oxnerd 5 років тому +354

    I just heard her perform at the Grammys and I completely lost it. I started crying uncontrollably. HER performance was absolutely beautiful. It tore my heart open.

    • @GuitarAngel90210
      @GuitarAngel90210 5 років тому +4

      I just watched it and I legit teared up as well. She needs to release a version like she did at the Grammys I prefer that over this one. Both are incredible though.

    • @stephanecurval-ferreira9870
      @stephanecurval-ferreira9870 5 років тому +4

      Exactly the same for me!!!!!

  • @iamremmie
    @iamremmie 5 років тому +2593

    The guitar solo she did at the Grammys channeled Prince I swear. 😎

    • @lyricalsoul54
      @lyricalsoul54 5 років тому +29

      She is so dope!!!

    • @JoBisbee
      @JoBisbee 5 років тому +34

      And on a Crystal guitar!!!!! Sweet Baby Jesus I love this young woman.

    • @megsrini5013
      @megsrini5013 5 років тому +4


    • @tameraa94
      @tameraa94 5 років тому +6

      RachelMieleMusic yes it did I really do love H.E.R

    • @lisaratliff7566
      @lisaratliff7566 5 років тому +2

      RachelMieleMusic Absolutely 😘

  • @womenincharg3
    @womenincharg3 6 років тому +527

    H.E.R and Daniel Caesar bringing R&B Back.

  • @doodlebug9623
    @doodlebug9623 5 років тому +87

    Dope Grammys performance of this song! ❤️H.E.R.

  • @youtubecommenter1000
    @youtubecommenter1000 6 років тому +483

    She’s going to blow up & win a bunch of Grammys, mark my words! She’s unbelievably talented!

    • @keithbyrd5518
      @keithbyrd5518 5 років тому +20

      And she’s nominated for 5❤️❤️❤️

    • @BasDon24
      @BasDon24 5 років тому +15

      You said it!!! I immediately got on YT to find this song

    • @imagine2374
      @imagine2374 5 років тому +7


    • @johndean4727
      @johndean4727 5 років тому +7

      You were right

    • @Lavender81250
      @Lavender81250 5 років тому +4

      Yup you were right

  • @heizie88
    @heizie88 5 років тому +1576

    This is actually a really good song about a toxic relationship. Esp when she says how he is the one to wipe the tears away, he is still the one who caused them in the first place. And she knows too. "I wish there was a right way" "What if nothing ever will change" and even the main lyric "I'm caught between your love and a hard place" meaning her love for this person is stopping her from leaving him even tho the relationship is toxic. She even says she loses the argument against herself. She even says how she "hates him on most days"
    It's basically about a girl letting love cloud her judgement about a person she knows is bad to her and for her but won't listen to her own reasoning. "Do I even have a choice when I have to pick my poison".
    A lot of people are in this sort of relationship and I'm glad she wrote about it. I myself am in one right now but they are a family member so it's a little different.

    • @LivinNluvinLife-yj3xl
      @LivinNluvinLife-yj3xl 5 років тому +34

      Kookie's Bunny Smile
      After being reunited with a past luv and his not telling me he was an alcoholic, by the time I even knew what that truly meant and also being in a relationship with an addict, it was too late. I was back in luv with the man I only knew as kind, respectful, moral and decent. After 4 years of pure hell and now the understanding of how easy it is to get sucked in by an addict, I can say I’m no longer between a rock and a hard place. It takes a lot of strength, but your worth it 💕

    • @LivinNluvinLife-yj3xl
      @LivinNluvinLife-yj3xl 5 років тому +10

      ps I wish you well 💕

    • @sucroseskulls7488
      @sucroseskulls7488 5 років тому +13

      Love this comment, just broke up with an ex and I can relate so well. Wish him well and look forward to the happiness that is on the horizon.❤

    • @GabrielaAkasha
      @GabrielaAkasha 5 років тому


    • @NetSkillNavigator
      @NetSkillNavigator 5 років тому +2

      that's what I thought too

    @BOSSIIBIITCH 5 років тому +1643

    She killed it at the GRAMMYS🔥❤️

    • @sorangelvargas2227
      @sorangelvargas2227 5 років тому +11


    • @rockinrich90
      @rockinrich90 5 років тому +11

      I was waiting for the standing ovation

    • @swierzc
      @swierzc 5 років тому +16

      Oh she sure as heck did!!! My husband and I were like... 😍😍

    • @ashleypg1708
      @ashleypg1708 5 років тому +9

      So good!

    • @Jastherealest
      @Jastherealest 5 років тому +12

      Omg yes!!! Thats what brought me here! Simply beautiful 😩😍😍😍😍😍

  • @sarahbates8228
    @sarahbates8228 3 роки тому +35

    How I’ve been feeling my entire 4 year relationship!! I love that people write songs about how people truly feel so we can relate to situations. It makes me feel the song so much more when I relate to it.

  • @BriannaK_
    @BriannaK_ 6 років тому +486

    I can never get over the smoothness of her voice. It's so mesmerizing to hear
    Edit: Damn... now I'm laying in bed thinking of my past relationships

  • @Feelthefeels75
    @Feelthefeels75 5 років тому +91

    "I'd rather fight, than lose sleep at night." This hits me hard.

    • @0314kina
      @0314kina Місяць тому

      And for me.."if I have to choose my heart or you, I am gonna lose" hits me HARD 😔

  • @ashleyclark4971
    @ashleyclark4971 6 років тому +184

    Had to stay awake just to hear!!!! She is bomb!!!

  • @tinamarief51
    @tinamarief51 Рік тому +4

    I love HER music. She is incredible. She is a great guitarist too. ❤🎶 I blast HER music on my huge outdoor speaker
    My neighbors love HER too

  • @shellzy715
    @shellzy715 6 років тому +1397

    She's got India Arie vibe yasss she can do it all

  • @highwayranger75
    @highwayranger75 5 років тому +17

    I watched you on the Grammy’s strum that electric guitar then shredded that bad boy and your voice OMG you absolutely WOWED ME never heard of you or heard your music, Loved Loved loved it!

  • @jazmynepaez8710
    @jazmynepaez8710 6 років тому +78

    I'm caught between your LOVE and a HARD place 🎶🎶🎶 😩🙌🙌🙌

  • @LiyaKed
    @LiyaKed 5 років тому +163

    I watched the trailer of "The Photograph" and I loved the song they were playing, but had no idea what the name was. I just recognized the voice and took a guess and I'm so happy I found it lol

    • @mariad5985
      @mariad5985 5 років тому +11

      bruhhhh i went and watched harriet in theaters and they played "the photograph" during the previews and THIS SONG WAS PLAYINT LOUD ASF AND I KEPT HUMMING IT BUT WHEN I GOT HOME IT LEFT MY MIND AND IVE BEEN STRESSING SINCE THEN BOOM IT WAS ON MY RECOMMENDED

    • @smharris6732
      @smharris6732 4 роки тому +3

      Lol I did the same thing!

  • @c.e.potter1164
    @c.e.potter1164 5 років тому +284

    I just looked up at the TV and wondered who was shredding on stage. I'm a metalhead but this is excellent for a genre I don't typically listen to, and the lyrics are particularly pertinent. Glad I checked it out.

    • @joremunderfoemangler
      @joremunderfoemangler 5 років тому +6

      This song has the exact same beat to an older song I just can't quite figure it out. It's a good song but the beat is probably unintentionally a knock off.

    • @Trice1108
      @Trice1108 5 років тому +3

      Sounds like another song but I can’t think of the name

    • @bluesweater8465
      @bluesweater8465 5 років тому

      joremunderfoemangler sounds like some coldplay to me

    • @imagine2374
      @imagine2374 5 років тому +4

      check more of her songs! they good ugh

    • @bradychristians748
      @bradychristians748 5 років тому +2

      The song uses lyrics and I believe the beat to 'No Air' by Jordan Sparks. I swear there is an older song with the same beat but no one knows it...

  • @wlee6685
    @wlee6685 5 років тому +6

    I am not even a singer or musician but I get jealous when I hear a freakin PERFECT SONG like this. Why there isn't an official video of this song is beyond me as it doesnt get better than this.

  • @Iamppp
    @Iamppp 6 років тому +45


  • @asdfghjklmao
    @asdfghjklmao 5 років тому +4

    H.E.R had been one of those artists that I had heard of a few times before, but hadn't really heard any of their songs or even knew what they looked like. Today I saw her performance of this song at the Grammys and I almost cried. This girl has IT.

  • @pumpkinboiii
    @pumpkinboiii 6 років тому +611

    This gives me early 2000s vibes

    • @mapleoak9981
      @mapleoak9981 5 років тому +10

      Gaby Ariola yo sameeee

    • @Blasdell3590
      @Blasdell3590 5 років тому +25

      Ya it does, like Brandy, and TLC, 2000 vibes.

    • @Maetherion
      @Maetherion 5 років тому +31

      sounds like no air by Jordan Sparks kinda

    • @evanrossstuart
      @evanrossstuart 5 років тому +3

      @@Maetherion good call! Was trying to think of what this reminded me of forever

    • @levigriffith4008
      @levigriffith4008 5 років тому

      Gaby Ariola yes !! Agreed !

  • @TheBeatnikAndrew
    @TheBeatnikAndrew 5 років тому +2

    She killed it at the Grammys last night! Probably my favorite performance from the show! Never listened to H.E.R.'s music before, but now I will!

  • @asiatv143
    @asiatv143 6 років тому +34

    havent even heard the song fully and i literally am loving her!!!!! like yall dont understand man.. she really is something special. 💙 our very own lauryn hill of our generation!!!

  • @scottallen3698
    @scottallen3698 4 роки тому +2

    This is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard in my life. Ive been listening to it over and over again for days. I can't believe how young she is...H.E.R. is gonna be around for a long time, I think she is a genius.

  • @Alphaaminatamusic
    @Alphaaminatamusic 6 років тому +65

    Thank you for bringing me back real R&B like music to my soul 💜

  • @kaudiawilliams4917
    @kaudiawilliams4917 4 роки тому +6

    H.E.R just gets me every time with her voice. It's s graceful and calming!!

  • @Azeel0828
    @Azeel0828 6 років тому +53

    I'm caught between your love and a hard place. So deep and relatable 😭💜🙌

  • @msdemeanour
    @msdemeanour Рік тому +7

    Smoothest song ever about a toxic relationship. I felt this one.

  • @BirgittaDenver
    @BirgittaDenver 6 років тому +63

    the chord progression and her punchy, yet soft voice gracing though is amazing. everything about this song is beautiful 😍

  • @elishanene2709
    @elishanene2709 4 місяці тому +6

    Years later I still come back ❤

  • @DeadBeanz23
    @DeadBeanz23 5 років тому +652

    Damn you sound like a cross between lauryn hill and alicia keys. U talented

    • @TheJFS123
      @TheJFS123 5 років тому +3

      I said the same exact thing last night, holy shit dude

    • @abdulrahim-tz4bb
      @abdulrahim-tz4bb 5 років тому +6

      I thought she was Lauryn Hill at the Gramys... Her voice is something that bring us to the more beautiful music in the past....

    • @leticias.4966
      @leticias.4966 5 років тому

      I've been saying this the whole time

    • @keiwa-yourdreamvacationstl6537
      @keiwa-yourdreamvacationstl6537 5 років тому +8

      and india arie

    • @CMGRAPH-fk3xz
      @CMGRAPH-fk3xz 5 років тому +1

      Total agree

  • @Lincolntowncoupe
    @Lincolntowncoupe 4 роки тому +78

    Man, this sounds like it could have been made in 1998. I like it.

  • @TheBlah404
    @TheBlah404 6 років тому +22

    This album is a breath of fresh air!

  • @keialove-black3950
    @keialove-black3950 5 років тому +9

    Already loved this song, now excited it’s in the The Photograph movie trailer. 💃🏾

  • @nontokozomkhize4449
    @nontokozomkhize4449 6 років тому +16

    Listening to this with my 3 week old...he's not complaining. Beautiful💜🙏

  • @pattycabarcas9074
    @pattycabarcas9074 5 років тому +4

    The Grammys brought me here and I’m so thankful for that! H.E.R. is pure talent!

  • @jamargriffin8471
    @jamargriffin8471 6 років тому +136

    R&B on another level 🔥🔥🔥

  • @prettyparker6217
    @prettyparker6217 4 роки тому +650

    I’m not gon lie, the movie trailer has me here. I hate I was late lol

    • @myotsuki8471
      @myotsuki8471 4 роки тому +5


    • @claudette_starbucks
      @claudette_starbucks 4 роки тому +2

      pretty parker me too! I just saw it on Snapchat

    • @nansymatos3530
      @nansymatos3530 4 роки тому +2

      Lmao me too.

    • @Jasminekuwonu
      @Jasminekuwonu 4 роки тому


    • @sherellharris2075
      @sherellharris2075 4 роки тому +1

      Me too fell in love this song when I heard it from the preview of the movie ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @m.m4605
    @m.m4605 6 років тому +64


  • @TigerEye35
    @TigerEye35 5 років тому +121

    Beautiful voice and song love you girl
    At the Grammy you were supper👍❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @TigerEye35
      @TigerEye35 5 років тому

      Thanks 👍

    • @colep3414
      @colep3414 5 років тому


  • @Lexib11
    @Lexib11 6 років тому +47

    I can't stop hitting replay....someone help! 😂😍

  • @lonnieturnerii1874
    @lonnieturnerii1874 5 років тому

    Saw H.E.R. perform this song on The Late Show last night. I admit that as someone in their late 40s I don't tend to pay much attention to modern stuff. Especially modern pop, which as far as I can tell consists primarily of singers who don't write their own songs, let alone play an instrument. But there I was, watching the show, and Colbert introduces her, and she's flawlessly strumming a clean electric guitar and singing at the same time without missing a beat, and then she rips out this sweet little solo...I was sold. I literally said aloud, "Damn, go, girl!" You can tell a real artist when you see one, and this young lady is a real artist. I'll definitely be checking out more of her stuff.

  • @imagine2374
    @imagine2374 6 років тому +47

    H.E.R is bringing back R&B!

  • @goldenxronnie3739
    @goldenxronnie3739 5 років тому +5

    She went from downtempo Alternative R&B over trap beats to smooth, acoustic soul. Almost indie folk Lauryn Hill like. She deserves every Grammy and future accolade to come. She’s ridiculously talented.

  • @theonewiththekey3482
    @theonewiththekey3482 6 років тому +12

    This gives me nostalgia for some reason. ❤️ H.E.R

  • @jaybee8132
    @jaybee8132 4 роки тому +12

    Finally some real rnb mellow music I can listen to.

    @LOVE-HUMILITY33 6 років тому +14

    H.E.R - my absolute favorite right now! On repeat.

  • @TheQueenGlam
    @TheQueenGlam 5 років тому +1

    Who is touching her with the vocals NOBODY !!! My favorite singer

  • @Mimitoocool4u
    @Mimitoocool4u 6 років тому +13

    I can't be the only one who's feeling the hip hop beat with that guitar tho. Like from the beginning it sounded like it can be her sounds from the past with that r&b vibe,then I heard that beat and I'm like "OK"

  • @theshelftv430
    @theshelftv430 5 років тому +2

    Oh my god thank you for making real music, real art, bringing real skill. Saw this on the Grammys for the first time. LOVE IT

  • @34ksk95
    @34ksk95 6 років тому +9

    This song is so honest. I can’t get over these lyrics😩

  • @makotonarukami7468
    @makotonarukami7468 5 років тому +10

    This song supported me during my first ever heartbreak months ago.

  • @Catchmarley
    @Catchmarley 6 років тому +6

    The world needed this album we need this kind of artist now

  • @kellyfelten2652
    @kellyfelten2652 5 років тому +11

    Best song I have heard in a really long time. Gets you right in the feels. ❤❤❤

  • @makgotsofaith6303
    @makgotsofaith6303 6 років тому +74

    I have no choice but to stan for HER for the rest of my life 👏🏾👏🏾

  • @quincywho
    @quincywho 5 років тому +3

    This key is soooo flattering for her voice. What a beautiful song.

  • @leeshalu
    @leeshalu 5 років тому +29

    Yaaaaassssd H.E.R....you KILLED your Grammy performance of this piece! I don’t know you personally; but seeing your performance makes me feel SO proud of you! Keep up the awesome work, Sis!

  • @agentgringo5238
    @agentgringo5238 5 років тому +1

    OMG this song is da bomb! She's my new favorite artist since I saw her perform this song last night at the grammys. WOW, This song is speaking str8 to my ♡! So glad she won her Grammys last night. Congratulations Her. Will be seeing you in concert soon baby girl!!!!! Feeling this song and love it!!!

  • @Marc-lq2qf
    @Marc-lq2qf 3 роки тому +3

    Very nice song. Heard it at Grammy's Awards . She played a guitar solo on a special guitar, transparent if my memory is right...

  • @speeknoevil1803
    @speeknoevil1803 5 років тому

    Wow! Just watched this woman on the Today show. Blown away!!! Best solo act I've seen in 30 years. That blues'ish solo at the end was killer. Girl you rock!

  • @faithfaith5154
    @faithfaith5154 6 років тому +62

    oh lawddddd... how is she this amazing?

  • @goldenbowl1046
    @goldenbowl1046 3 роки тому +1

    Black and Filipinos like myself know how to do things correctly...this woman gets it

  • @Nina07103
    @Nina07103 6 років тому +11

    Yaaaaaassssssss!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾😍😍😍😍

  • @davigreen754
    @davigreen754 2 роки тому +1

    This song never ceases to amaze me with the way it resonates...its like no matter what your hard place is...you can always relate and I love that...its the kind of music that will always stay relevant

  • @absolutelymichelle
    @absolutelymichelle 6 років тому +9

    But for real .....where is the LOVE button. My heart cannot deal with just liking this!

  • @missymoonwillow6545
    @missymoonwillow6545 5 років тому +1

    just heard this song on cbc radio for the first time. brought tears to my eyes. SO HEALING, exactly the right message at just the right time. Many blessings to you little bird, fly strong. soar.

  • @GiovanaGuidousa
    @GiovanaGuidousa 4 роки тому +495

    In love with this song!

    • @sisiphozondani2148
      @sisiphozondani2148 4 роки тому +10

      I'm in love with it too just the song.

    • @katinawilliams6161
      @katinawilliams6161 4 роки тому +1


    • @josephcarter6687
      @josephcarter6687 4 роки тому

      Me too

    • @lifewithshayla8227
      @lifewithshayla8227 4 роки тому


    • @eva-kay4464
      @eva-kay4464 4 роки тому


  • @kyrasamuels1307
    @kyrasamuels1307 8 місяців тому +2

    this whole album just makes my heart full😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

  • @TheBlah404
    @TheBlah404 6 років тому +57

    India Arie mixed with Jazmine Sullivan vibes. Both of my favorite women.. I’m in love 😍

    • @keiwa-yourdreamvacationstl6537
      @keiwa-yourdreamvacationstl6537 5 років тому

      yesssssssssss very india arie ...yesss

    • @misslady5263
      @misslady5263 5 років тому

      Thank you for that more accurate description....bc she sounds nothin like Ascreecha Keys like a lot of ppl are saying

    • @aaronnewman7573
      @aaronnewman7573 5 років тому

      Miss Lady but her vibe is similar to alicia’s

  • @lucysapam2411
    @lucysapam2411 5 років тому +1

    💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 i will be ever grateful to The Grammy for introducing me to HER. She is so good.... Aaahhhhh her voice👏👏👏❤💜

  • @deshariberry1446
    @deshariberry1446 6 років тому +41


    • @juanc4873
      @juanc4873 6 років тому

      DeShari Berry Same!

  • @darrenwolfe5363
    @darrenwolfe5363 5 років тому +1

    I love this song and S.H.E. was awesome on the Grammys. She had my attention for sure!

  • @nailju28
    @nailju28 5 років тому +7

    I've known her thanks to BTS, and I fell in love with her music, what a live performance, wow.

  • @gloriarollins5660
    @gloriarollins5660 3 роки тому +2

    I love this song for so many reasons. It is hard to give someone a good life, and receive nothing in return. The good news, I made it on my own. I do not need anyone. Iam Strong and fend on my own! Amazing satisfaction!!

  • @sannydaley253
    @sannydaley253 6 років тому +7

    I can't stop hitting the replay button... ur such an amazing song writer and musician. Keep up the great work!!

  • @Thac1403
    @Thac1403 Рік тому +2

    Watched your performance here in Brazil at The Town Festival in São Paulo. Been listening to your songs all day long non stop and this one caught me immediately. Thanks for your art! Keep up the good work, girl. 😉

  • @jediakasse
    @jediakasse 6 років тому +2098

    Wanna believe what you say
    But I hate you on most days
    You've been testin' my faith and my patience, yeah
    And you know that I be headstrong
    But you know that you be dead wrong
    Tellin' me to relax when I'm reacting
    But I, I'd rather fight
    Than lose sleep at night
    At least you're all mine
    And if I have to choose
    My heart or you
    I'm gonna lose, yeah
    What if nothing ever will change?
    Oh, I'm caught between your love and a hard place
    Oh, I wish there was a right way
    I'm caught between your love and a hard place, oh
    Woah, woah-oh-oh-oh
    Do I even have a choice when
    I'm gonna have to pick my poison?
    How you hurt me so good, it's so good
    And even when you cause tears
    You're the one to wipe them away
    Maybe that's the reason I stay, I stay
    But I, I'd rather fight
    Than lose sleep at night
    At least you're all mine
    And if I have to choose
    My heart or you
    I'm gonna lose
    What if nothing ever will change?
    Oh, I'm caught between your love and a hard place
    Oh, I wish there was a right way
    I'm caught between your love and a hard place, oh
    Woah, woah-oh-oh-oh
    What if nothing ever will change?
    I'm caught between your love and a hard place
    Oh, I wish there was a right way, yeah
    I'm caught between your love and a hard place, oh
    Woah, woah-oh-oh-oh
    Oh, I'm caught between your love and a hard place
    Oh, I wish there was a right way
    Woah, woah-oh-oh-oh
    I'm caught between your love and a hard place, oh
    Woah, woah-oh-oh-oh
    I'm caught between your love and a hard place
    What if nothing will ever change?
    I'm caught between your love and a hard place

  • @melodywillis3104
    @melodywillis3104 Рік тому

    Girl !
    How is it that you're easy on the eyes.
    Smart, talented, one helluva song writer, as well as a singer???
    . . . Come on H.E.R.
    You can tell me. . .
    You ain't from this earth, are you?
    You can tell me. I promise I won't tell nobody.
    Cause, I'M CAUGHT BETWEEN A HARD PLACE, trying to pick a favorite song of yours 😊

  • @juanc4873
    @juanc4873 6 років тому +56

    I love this new style 🔥 oh god my adrenaline is going crazy

  • @Telepathy97
    @Telepathy97 5 років тому +1

    Ever since watching H.E.R.'s performance at the Grammys, I've been obsessed with this song ❤️

  • @freakaway
    @freakaway 5 років тому +5

    my country radio station just started playing this song now....love her voice and this song is pure gold....Love it!! Hope she gets more recognition worldwide, she's really talented

    • @donnellhicks
      @donnellhicks 5 років тому

      What station do you listen to?

  • @emilyannecolon4704
    @emilyannecolon4704 5 років тому +1

    she's so slept on! i cant wait for so many more people to notice her talents even more! shes going to make it so far man honestly and i know it

  • @mallykat4607
    @mallykat4607 5 років тому +4

    She gives me chills every time! I can't get over H.E.R

  • @seamusjones5516
    @seamusjones5516 5 років тому +1

    The 4 Agreements
    Be Impeccable with my word
    Don't Assume
    Don't take things Personally
    Do my best
    Not necessarily in that order. Ancient Toltec Wisdom. Great way. Also Jimmy Valvano ESPY award speech 1983. If his speech don't move you, seek professional help. you are an amazing performer H.E.R. ! I've been around the block at least twice and you got it!! You made this salty old thrasher cry like a lil 👶. Good on ya young lady!!! Stay away from the party and keep yourself, find a way....

  • @edgarcontreras7382
    @edgarcontreras7382 5 років тому +8

    I'm absolutely in love with this song!

  • @livinggood7522
    @livinggood7522 5 років тому

    So this was a Lean on me remakish?Im so in love with this feeling I get. The words were so touching....true spoken word artist! My gosh S.H.E. is amazing

  • @dancemt1573
    @dancemt1573 6 років тому +13

    This the best one so far ❤️❤️🙌🏽🙌🏽on part 2

  • @ardiacrm6277
    @ardiacrm6277 5 років тому +1

    Congratulation H.E.R winning best R&B Album

  • @tr3yholy761
    @tr3yholy761 6 років тому +4

    It was never RNB singers we were missing!!It was black female RNB artist.

  • @Indianprincess1619
    @Indianprincess1619 Рік тому +2

    Im so glad im listening to this song, i finally got out of a abusive relationship 😢

  • @armaniguy83
    @armaniguy83 6 років тому +17

    I love part 1, but part 2 resonates with me even more. You can't help but feel every single one of these tracks.

  • @Kenh2os03
    @Kenh2os03 4 роки тому +1

    I have to admit, I had never heard your music till the ad came out for "The Photograph". But I have to say that you have the most amazing voice I have heard in a long while. I now have listened to several of your tracks. The feeling, and emotion you bring out, touches my soul. Thank You...

  • @asiajanai508
    @asiajanai508 6 років тому +76

    Really feeling this

    • @asiasharmin105
      @asiasharmin105 6 років тому +2

      Asia williams same name. 😅👋🏼

    • @asiajanai508
      @asiajanai508 6 років тому

      Oh, Heyyyyy name twin😭

  • @alvinadhin5400
    @alvinadhin5400 5 років тому

    Another brilliant Grammy Award winner in 2019. H.E.R. has a beautiful R&B pop sound that is so reminiscent of the 90s (the nostalgia feels divine!). It’s great to see good music starting to make a comeback. 🙂 👌💯🎹🎼🎤

  • @cathya1645
    @cathya1645 5 років тому +6

    Who’s from the Bay Area and feeling proud. Thank you, H.E.R. For representing the Bay perfectly. ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Calgal2
    @Calgal2 5 років тому +1

    Heard her before the Grammy's, but Damn, she nailed it in that performance. Hope she continues to get recognition!!