Christians please please read bible on your own, build your personal altars, connect with the holy spirit, and stop sugar coating SIN, WE are in the end times ... Your pastor or pope will not be with you on the judgment day, so be wise if you are to inherit the kingdom of God
@@gracewandia5770 this are people God is welling to forgive them even Jesus said to them however is has not sined to stone the prostitute woman and everyone puts the stone down and left. Our God Jesus Christ come so that our sin will be forgiven. Just trust in God and live by his word.
Haifai uwachukie,Bali jaribu kuwavuta karibu uwafunze watabadilika..but if you hate them how will they be delivered and know they are wrong...mipango wa kando hawachukiwi ila Yafaa wajifunze makosa Yao na warekebishe ...ndo maana bibilia inasema REBUKE
@@carendeborah5687 sijakataa bali isiwe tunaendepelea watu ama dhambi zingine na kuwapenda watu Fulani, dhambi zote ni sawa mbele za Mungu, watu wote waonywe kwa upendo
Pst I just love your Teachings from day one..they have changed me alot..I can see change in my life.. Continue praying for our nation and also pray for the church.
Kitu ngani the Lord doesn't compromise with sins instead he's telling us to repent and turn away from evil. Time is over it's either you are with the Lord or not let's preach holiness not the gospel that fits humans the Lord is coming to judge sin he's not a joke be wise
It is important to know about Altars. I connected to a powerfull altar of God that is fighting wicked altars in my parents house. I have been seeing what God's altars has been doing in my life. We should all find God's altars that are very powerfull,otherwise the weak ones are every where that is why the country is being attacked
Pastor you have the annointing i believe🙏🙏now come out an help im fighting lgbtq through prayers.🙏this people needs love and not rejection..when we abuse them they commit suicide and remember we need a live .love covers it all.
Rebuke them sharply kuna dhambi zenye hakuna mchezo nayo..learn the pattern of this people before they start to claim they are Lgbtq. From the Bible you will realise that lgbtq in itself is a curse from God to them because they abused the grace of Jesus so God curses them with that thing so he judge them because they rejected JESUS CHRIST. Read the Bible
Kenya belongs to the Lord! Amen!! Who wants to join me in prayer? Pray below or in your heart. Or if God moves you to, Let’s fast one meal and dedicate it to God’s protection for our beloved country Kenya. Other Nations will also be blessed because we are blessed. Amen
This is exactly pope francis was saying but no one could undetstand him. We hate the behaviour but our love to them will push us to correct them in love
It’s absolutely right, you change with love and you don’t destroy as punishment. If the narrative is okay about having nothing to do with homosexuals. Then Jesus would have died for some and not others. It’s sinners who are being called for redemption every day. So let us do what is right for those afflicted by homosexuality. Journey with them in love to help them heal.
We should also not just sit back like fools and allow it to penetrate by petitioning against the Supreme court's decision and putting on place bills that counteract their plans in such a way our country is impenetrable. Not just sitting back and praying and doing nothing, God did not put intellect in us so we can just be sitting folding our hands and not putting our intellect in action. That is foolishness!
We will never love more or show mercy more than GOD who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah due to this abomination, The book of Romans speaks very clearly about this vice,Romans 1:23-26 [23]And by them the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God were exchanged for and represented by images, resembling mortal man and birds and beasts and reptiles. [24]Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin], [25]Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever! Amen (so be it). [Jer. 2:11.] [26]For this reason God gave them over and abandoned them to vile affections and degrading passions. For their women exchanged their natural function for an unnatural and abnormal one,
Leviticus 20.13,sin is a sin,as a Christian we need zero tolerance to sin,let's call sin sin sio kubembeleza, Hebrew 12.14 without holiness no one will enter into the kingdom of God
If God that created them has already given them up who are you to deliver them? it is a pity and unfortunate that the Lord who delivers, has given them up. Please teach your children the ways of God and they will not depart from them.
Love covers all sins n every sin is spiritual n for us to change them we have to love them n pray for the them we should hate the sin n not the sinner God bless you pst u are full of wisdom
Many will perish because of lack of knowledge be wise people you can't compromise with sins. God has given us opportunity to repent and turn away from evil that's why rapture is still not yet happened matt 24,,,,. 2 Timothy 3,,,,,,, be wise and repent and turn away from evil without this the Lord will punish severely the rebellious. Be wise....
Now how is the Pastor comprising with sin when he is talking about love? He is talking the gospel the unfiltered truth. Jesus told us to love our neighbors,and the love he talked about was not with conditions. It was love your neighbor as you love yourself,your neighbor could be gay,a thief ,a different religion but Jesus said love. Hiyo ingine ya convict is the work of the Holy spirit not ours
Romans 1:26-28 KJV cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change u the natural use into v that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate ab mind, to do those things which are not convenient;h
Huyu hayuko serious if ur mtu wa mungu no compromise on evil. Ghai watu am telling am afraid that Kenya will hav earthquake ati this are people’s follow my God soddoma na Gommorra God punishment was upside down if God was angry who are u to compromise watu wa nguvu za Giza
Okay let me get you well you mean kama ni mtoto wako will compromise or will you demolish the person?what is evil to my understanding evil it's spiritual world how ukiwa shoga hauta sema untill ianze kukuafect so lgbtq it's spiritual if you see one and you can help him/or her please do for the kingdom of God is near🖐🖐🖐
You rebuke the sin but you do it with love don't hate people who are homosexuals try to win them to God but don't agree with this acts they are doing -
Is it a disability to be shown love? Do we go out there and tell people to understand us coz we are straight? Do your things huko kwa bedroom na hatutaki kujua what you do, Same to us here
Let's repent the messiah is coming. Let's stop compromising with sin. God judges sins his mercy ends when one doesn't repent and leave sin. Remember wages of sin is death. Did God judge sodom and gomorah fairly or harshly oh the people of the earth be wise. Brazil mocked God few days later God judged them. The gospel to fit the interest of humanity stop this the Lord is not a joke he's a holy God. In tribulations and great tribulations no mercy will be shown. Let's repent before its too late read the Bible and pray and fast the gospel of flesh will us nowhere. Kingdom of God is near be wise. And know that God judges sins
Hey pst Ezekiel you are right we should not punish them coz that is the work of God BUT we can't compromise, are you aware that Sodom and Gomorrah were judged hurshly because of this sin, are you aware that they all perished, are you aware that they were not even given time to repent , I disagree with you to some extent, we should not hate them ofcose but that behaviour we must hate coz it's a sin
My own take is, God came down purposely to see what was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah, if God Himself never accepted it, I will not, leave alone showing them love I will not even pray for them, Why??? It is evil The bible says they exchanged their natural use for the unnatural, so God handed them over to their desires Pastor explain it right, don't say we show them love rebuke it, God never showed them love who are we??
You are confused pastor listen to yourself well. You cannot even mention anything in the Bible even how God judged homosexuality do you think he didn't love them but HE Killed all of them. God did not care even if there were innocent children there He finished them all! That's how serious this sin is na wewe unapembeleza dhambi? Ole wako mchungaji Mungu atakuchinja kwanza ndio awamalize hao. Incase you don't know kuna vitu Mungu hawezi tolerate
Witchcraft Sickness coming on ua way dear Kemea na uombe sana if possible you fast too,,,,enway follow his teaching for more utaelewa meanings za ndoto
Sex is a desire and not a spirit. Mtu akishamwaga, ambia pastor hata ukimuuliza atakuambia hajui alifanya nini. That's why may opt kunyonga. Let pastor not lie to us that it's a spirit. Desire is different from longtime spirits.
Oh my days, what is this a prophet?can you read Romans chapter 1 all of it you will understand that homosexual spirit was given to them by God for not worshipping Him as their God,there is no redemption for them. Read your Bible well my friend
Excuse as pastor and withdrawal that statement.....The wrath of God is very painful....Let us call sin,sin, not sugar-coat things. God is God of jealousy...
Wewe unapaka injili mafuta ili iwe tamu kwa wasikilizaji. In short u compromise pastor. Ur not bold like the earlier apostles who condemned and rebuked sin until they were killed. Now I know why people love you.
Na vile unaua mipango ya kando? Which is worse? Many women or ushoga? David was loved by God despite his promiscuity. I don't like this teaching. It's abomination even animals don't do it.
Thank God for giving you that wisdom, seek the face of God with a broken heart Joshua,read psalms 51 and God will help you, ezekiel is a snake,a false prophet and a God hating evil man,only few will understand
Christians please please read bible on your own, build your personal altars, connect with the holy spirit, and stop sugar coating SIN, WE are in the end times ... Your pastor or pope will not be with you on the judgment day, so be wise if you are to inherit the kingdom of God
Sister this is spiritual and they need to be delivered ❤
Imagine bible yenye anasomanga kila siku mungu amesema mtu wa jinsia moja auawe naye anapindua😮careful
So you support wauwawe what deference does it make am gay its a sin you kill me its a sin what different does it make😏😏😏
Tutandanganywa sin sin.
@@gracewandia5770 this are people God is welling to forgive them even Jesus said to them however is has not sined to stone the prostitute woman and everyone puts the stone down and left. Our God Jesus Christ come so that our sin will be forgiven.
Just trust in God and live by his word.
Na tuwapende mipango ya kando pia, yes! let's show them love too.
Apo umesema ukweli asiwe anasema tupende lgbtq na mpango wa kando wafe, that is contradictory
Haifai uwachukie,Bali jaribu kuwavuta karibu uwafunze watabadilika..but if you hate them how will they be delivered and know they are wrong...mipango wa kando hawachukiwi ila Yafaa wajifunze makosa Yao na warekebishe ...ndo maana bibilia inasema REBUKE
@@carendeborah5687 sijakataa bali isiwe tunaendepelea watu ama dhambi zingine na kuwapenda watu Fulani, dhambi zote ni sawa mbele za Mungu, watu wote waonywe kwa upendo
God help us and give us a descerning spirit and show us the way.
Pst I just love your Teachings from day one..they have changed me alot..I can see change in my life.. Continue praying for our nation and also pray for the church.
Mimi najua kupitia kwa maombi yako watoto wetu wataokolewa
@@abigaeloyole7315 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It's true
pastor, God choose you by his own favour ,to be the saviour for more and more souls be blessed abundantly , your teaching have changed me alot amen.
My brother you must rebuke sin
Mungu tusamehee kwa kukosa ufahamu ,,God bless you man of God 🙏,,kuna kitu umeweka kwa moyo wangu
Kitu ngani the Lord doesn't compromise with sins instead he's telling us to repent and turn away from evil. Time is over it's either you are with the Lord or not let's preach holiness not the gospel that fits humans the Lord is coming to judge sin he's not a joke be wise
Amen and Amen pastor Ezekiel
Pastor that is true, let them came to God's hospital 😙😗😗😗😙😙
It is important to know about Altars. I connected to a powerfull altar of God that is fighting wicked altars in my parents house. I have been seeing what God's altars has been doing in my life. We should all find God's altars that are very powerfull,otherwise the weak ones are every where that is why the country is being attacked
Thank you Pastor..
Kudos Pastor love love....keep on educating us
Great advice pastor
Pastor ezekiel I love your teaching you.change my life
Thanks to Pastor for such encouragement word
Naomba familia Angu iokoke katika Jina la Yesu Amen
I hope the same spirit can be used to deal with corruption. Corruption is a big issue than homosexuality.
Corruption pertains to physical health, while homosexuality is spiritual issues
Yes,Pastor you can destroy the Altor of corruption in Kenya
Pastor you have the annointing i believe🙏🙏now come out an help im fighting lgbtq through prayers.🙏this people needs love and not rejection..when we abuse them they commit suicide and remember we need a live .love covers it all.
Rebuke them sharply kuna dhambi zenye hakuna mchezo nayo..learn the pattern of this people before they start to claim they are Lgbtq. From the Bible you will realise that lgbtq in itself is a curse from God to them because they abused the grace of Jesus so God curses them with that thing so he judge them because they rejected JESUS CHRIST. Read the Bible
@@georgenganga2548 it's like sodom and gommorah we aren't supposed to support them ,we are supposed kukemea io pepo
Amen and Amen pastor I love you so much
Kenya belongs to the Lord! Amen!! Who wants to join me in prayer?
Pray below or in your heart. Or if God moves you to, Let’s fast one meal and dedicate it to God’s protection for our beloved country Kenya. Other Nations will also be blessed because we are blessed. Amen
This is exactly pope francis was saying but no one could undetstand him. We hate the behaviour but our love to them will push us to correct them in love
Was about to say that.....he actually said that but many thought he was advocating.
Very true...
It’s absolutely right, you change with love and you don’t destroy as punishment.
If the narrative is okay about having nothing to do with homosexuals. Then Jesus would have died for some and not others. It’s sinners who are being called for redemption every day. So let us do what is right for those afflicted by homosexuality. Journey with them in love to help them heal.
We should also not just sit back like fools and allow it to penetrate by petitioning against the Supreme court's decision and putting on place bills that counteract their plans in such a way our country is impenetrable. Not just sitting back and praying and doing nothing, God did not put intellect in us so we can just be sitting folding our hands and not putting our intellect in action. That is foolishness!
Yes na kwanini anachukia mpango wa kado sana si hata wao awaombee hiyo spiritual itoke kwao
Let's show love even mpango wa kando wote ni watoto wetu
😄😄😄 weuh umeongea nka feel karibu n open up haha
We will never love more or show mercy more than GOD who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah due to this abomination, The book of Romans speaks very clearly about this vice,Romans 1:23-26
[23]And by them the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God were exchanged for and represented by images, resembling mortal man and birds and beasts and reptiles.
[24]Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin],
[25]Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever! Amen (so be it). [Jer. 2:11.]
[26]For this reason God gave them over and abandoned them to vile affections and degrading passions. For their women exchanged their natural function for an unnatural and abnormal one,
Leviticus 20.13,sin is a sin,as a Christian we need zero tolerance to sin,let's call sin sin sio kubembeleza, Hebrew 12.14 without holiness no one will enter into the kingdom of God
@@eunicecherono8729 be blessed child of God.. Sin is a sin.. I don't know why this PERVERSE GENERATION keeps on sugar coating sinners..
true. its spiritual thus we must fight it spiritually
Thanks for wisdom knowledge you've shared to us may God bless you abundantly 🙏🙏🙏
Amen Amen Amen Pastor your ward heals
Good advice
Leviticus 20:13 states clearly
It doesn't mean you stone or take their lives but kill the habit
You are very intelligent and wise Pastor
If God that created them has already given them up who are you to deliver them? it is a pity and unfortunate that the Lord who delivers, has given them up. Please teach your children the ways of God and they will not depart from them.
We shall know them by there fruits
Love covers all sins n every sin is spiritual n for us to change them we have to love them n pray for the them we should hate the sin n not the sinner God bless you pst u are full of wisdom
Many will perish because of lack of knowledge be wise people you can't compromise with sins. God has given us opportunity to repent and turn away from evil that's why rapture is still not yet happened matt 24,,,,. 2 Timothy 3,,,,,,, be wise and repent and turn away from evil without this the Lord will punish severely the rebellious. Be wise....
Now how is the Pastor comprising with sin when he is talking about love? He is talking the gospel the unfiltered truth. Jesus told us to love our neighbors,and the love he talked about was not with conditions. It was love your neighbor as you love yourself,your neighbor could be gay,a thief ,a different religion but Jesus said love. Hiyo ingine ya convict is the work of the Holy spirit not ours
Very true
Do you think they don't know that it is a sin?Y do we continue to rebel against our God Kenya? Let us repent and believe good news Mark 1.15
My brother even God wants us to separate from them 2corinth6.14-18 because they will affect us
Pastor Ezekiel nakuomba ulete injili Tanzania huduma inahitajika
True pastor
God sent man of God pastor Ezekiel my the almighty God keep you and bless you 🙏
Pastor Y do we compromise with sin?
Ameen tuombe
It's true
Romans 1:26-28 KJV
cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change u the natural use into v that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate ab mind, to do those things which are not convenient;h
Israel is the first country to regalize
Pastor waambie ukweli.
Kenya will we love those who hate God?
Read leviticus 20.13
Huyu hayuko serious if ur mtu wa mungu no compromise on evil. Ghai watu am telling am afraid that Kenya will hav earthquake ati this are people’s follow my God soddoma na Gommorra God punishment was upside down if God was angry who are u to compromise watu wa nguvu za Giza
Okay let me get you well you mean kama ni mtoto wako will compromise or will you demolish the person?what is evil to my understanding evil it's spiritual world how ukiwa shoga hauta sema untill ianze kukuafect so lgbtq it's spiritual if you see one and you can help him/or her please do for the kingdom of God is near🖐🖐🖐
Who is Holy on earth?God ALONE,
We umekimbilia kucomment hujaskiza chenye amesema,,wacha kukaa Kama mfarisayo
You rebuke the sin but you do it with love don't hate people who are homosexuals try to win them to God but don't agree with this acts they are doing -
@@maryannengaruiya7807 Exactly,some people here behaving like Pharisees,
pastor I recall the other day you said 'mpango wa kado auliwe' how comes now you're protecting LGBTQ
Is it a disability to be shown love? Do we go out there and tell people to understand us coz we are straight? Do your things huko kwa bedroom na hatutaki kujua what you do, Same to us here
We as Kenyans and the pastors should not legalized their marriages in the church of Christ
Pastor Muganga sio human being , na muchawi sio human being, mpango wa kando sio mtoto wa mutu. mbona basi unauwa wachawi na waganga ?
Ask him, anauwa wachawi,waganga,na mpako wa kando is this nit attacking God's altar
You didn't understand his teaching acha siasa
Let's repent the messiah is coming. Let's stop compromising with sin. God judges sins his mercy ends when one doesn't repent and leave sin. Remember wages of sin is death. Did God judge sodom and gomorah fairly or harshly oh the people of the earth be wise. Brazil mocked God few days later God judged them. The gospel to fit the interest of humanity stop this the Lord is not a joke he's a holy God. In tribulations and great tribulations no mercy will be shown. Let's repent before its too late read the Bible and pray and fast the gospel of flesh will us nowhere. Kingdom of God is near be wise. And know that God judges sins
Your heading is misleading
God is LOVE,wenye wanasema pastor is wrong ,,mliunderstand vibaya.
Hey pst Ezekiel you are right we should not punish them coz that is the work of God BUT we can't compromise, are you aware that Sodom and Gomorrah were judged hurshly because of this sin, are you aware that they all perished, are you aware that they were not even given time to repent , I disagree with you to some extent, we should not hate them ofcose but that behaviour we must hate coz it's a sin
My own take is, God came down purposely to see what was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah, if God Himself never accepted it, I will not, leave alone showing them love I will not even pray for them,
It is evil
The bible says they exchanged their natural use for the unnatural, so God handed them over to their desires
Pastor explain it right, don't say we show them love rebuke it, God never showed them love who are we??
Poster ulikua wapi hii muda yote? Lakini kwa sasa tumejua ukweli tulikua tanaenda to church lakini hatukuambiwa ukweli
LGBT is a great sin and we must condemn it because it makes our lovely father angry.No to LGBT ezakiel
Pastor headed to destruction leading people that follows him. Message ya Nyota Ni uongo tupu
Naeza kupata aje bro
True pastor
You are confused pastor listen to yourself well. You cannot even mention anything in the Bible even how God judged homosexuality do you think he didn't love them but HE Killed all of them. God did not care even if there were innocent children there He finished them all! That's how serious this sin is na wewe unapembeleza dhambi? Ole wako mchungaji Mungu atakuchinja kwanza ndio awamalize hao. Incase you don't know kuna vitu Mungu hawezi tolerate
Poster ukiota ukikura nyama nini inaderea
Witchcraft Sickness coming on ua way dear Kemea na uombe sana if possible you fast too,,,,enway follow his teaching for more utaelewa meanings za ndoto
Bible Leviticus 20:13 say the opposite what pastor Ezekiel said 😂😂
Most Christians follow pastors instead of God...😂😂😂
Sex is a desire and not a spirit. Mtu akishamwaga, ambia pastor hata ukimuuliza atakuambia hajui alifanya nini. That's why may opt kunyonga. Let pastor not lie to us that it's a spirit. Desire is different from longtime spirits.
Pastor this people they're there problem ni kuhararisha
True Poster let approach it Spiritual
Hata mpango wa kando na wachawi waombewe wasiuliwe.
Be careful with the teachings you are following messiah is coming
Oh my days, what is this a prophet?can you read Romans chapter 1 all of it you will understand that homosexual spirit was given to them by God for not worshipping Him as their God,there is no redemption for them. Read your Bible well my friend
your words looks wise but in bible students like me is false
Na sasa kama schule imeingiliwa. Naiyo . Tut a peleka watoto wapi. nilikuwa napikilia uko Schule ni kusuli paster tuombee kenya
Excuse as pastor and withdrawal that statement.....The wrath of God is very painful....Let us call sin,sin, not sugar-coat things. God is God of jealousy...
I want you to explain to us why God killed 4.5billion people without mercy during the days of Noah,,
Wewe unapaka injili mafuta ili iwe tamu kwa wasikilizaji. In short u compromise pastor. Ur not bold like the earlier apostles who condemned and rebuked sin until they were killed. Now I know why people love you.
Na vile unaua mipango ya kando? Which is worse? Many women or ushoga? David was loved by God despite his promiscuity. I don't like this teaching. It's abomination even animals don't do it.
Wasiojua maandiko watakufuata.. Ur wrong sir. Kama Mungu aliwaua Sodom and Gomorrah wewe ni Nani. Maisha ya mashoga imefupishwa
Wewe bro haujui do you understand grace and spiritual things....sikudanganyi.tulia ufudishike dio ujue Cha kucorrect
Wewe unajua maandiko fuata Yale unayajua live man of God alone don't talk against him
Thank God for giving you that wisdom, seek the face of God with a broken heart Joshua,read psalms 51 and God will help you, ezekiel is a snake,a false prophet and a God hating evil man,only few will understand
Nenda urudie Tena uskize vzuri vle anasema uelewe😅😅😅
He is not God himself oo