Shenzhen | 深圳徐記海鮮黑金旗艦店套餐 且食就且珍惜 地鐵2號線僑城北站| 僑城一號 | English subtitle

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • 僑城一號,一個今年才建成的商住項目,位於華僑城僑香路以北的區域。在它樓下就有一間由湖南人創辦遍佈全國的海鮮餐廳名店“徐記海鮮”,而且僑城一號這間還是黑金期間店。
    OCT One, a commercial and residential project built just this year, is located in the area north of Qiaoxiang Road in OCT. Downstairs, there is a famous seafood restaurant "Xu Ji Seafood" founded by Hunan people all over the country, and this one in Qiaocheng No. 1 is a black gold period store.
    Recently, the restaurant is offering an 8-course group purchase set meal for 398 yuan. Not only is the price convenient, but the environment and service are also very commendable. Although not every dish is expensive, after accounting for costs, rent, labor, etc., it is obvious that every order is sold at a loss. I don’t know how long the set meal will be available, but just eat it and cherish it.
    另App新的自動英語字幕翻譯在嘗試使用中,目前看來非常糟糕😰(主要是AI算法無法把握粵語 的語境界和意思)但小弟我也都懶得去改,大家忽略就好。
    In order to reduce the workload, the subtitles are automatically translated using tools and then manually proofread. The subtitles have a heavy workload and are mixed with traditional and simplified Chinese. We apologize for your understanding.
    In addition, the App's new automatic English subtitle translation is being tried out, and it seems to be very bad so far😰 (mainly because the AI ​​algorithm cannot grasp the context and meaning of Cantonese), but I am too lazy to change it, so everyone can just ignore it. Suk
    #shenzhen #深圳 #深圳美食 #港人北上 #港人灣區攻略 #深圳餐廳 #華僑城 #徐記海鮮


  • @takcatty9583
    @takcatty9583 9 місяців тому +1

    不錯, 好好食喎!😊😊

  • @kklee6383
    @kklee6383 9 місяців тому


    • @kimspaexplore
      @kimspaexplore  8 місяців тому

      Yes,幾抵食,最緊要服務好 😆

  • @chaolan-dc3ur
    @chaolan-dc3ur 3 місяці тому

    你好 有工作接洽,請問如何聯絡?

  • @chaolan-dc3ur
    @chaolan-dc3ur 3 місяці тому

    你好 請問如何聯絡?

  • @gundamiota
    @gundamiota 9 місяців тому


  • @creami
    @creami 7 місяців тому

    你好 有工作接洽,請問如何聯絡?