With cephalopod park rangers saying: “See kids? The is what the universe looked like in the old-times. Life was tough back then, but the cyborgs were tougher!”
hi ,i just came across your vidios first time ,,bootes void,,, im a 65 yr old retiered tow truck driver,, i love learing about things like this,, thank you for your understandabel way of teaching for someone like me ,,im not shutout of things that are usualy put way over my head,, i love knowing about this incredable univers we live in ,thanks thomas in tucson, im going to try your fermi pardox next
I've just noticed your channel has been growing very quickly!!! You've more than doubled in sub's since I subbed a few months back, I'm so glad you're getting the recognition you deserve, great job Joe!!
Is it possible that bootes void isn't anything special at all, but that the universe is actually so much larger than we realize that on even grander scales that we can hardly imagine voids like this are common? Like we think we are seeing the fine grained structure of the universe when we add up everything within our cosmic horizon. We think this is the end of the structure, the universe as a whole is just more of this same foamyness. But maybe the universe is SO much larger that voids like this are also very very common, it's just that our cosmic horizon is so small that it only contains one of them.
Fascinating information, and Joe, your comedic timing is amazing- I've had to re-watch that moment at 3:40 several times over and show it to my roommate!
When the lockdown hit in the UK in march 2020, I had to go to work, because I am a cleaner in a shopping centre. I felt like the only person on earth. NOBODY was around
“I’ll just create my own Universe with Blackjack and hookers is a play off a line from Bender from Futurama. Great joke for those who know the reference.
Joe, I’ve often wondered what would happen if we pointed the Hubble directly at the Boötes void like we did when we discovered the “Deep Field”. Thoughts?
I believe Hubble's last words were,"Come closer,my good man-I have one last request,and it is this! When deciding where to point my magnificent tellyscope(he was always confusing the name of it with his tv),it's important to remember this one thing-always avoid a void!(cough,splutter!)".
For any of you too young to remember what the word means Booty is a slang used by Afro Americans witch means butt, buttocks, or ass. City slang used in late sixties and seventies and popularized by black wanna be KC and Sunshine Band in mid seventies with song " Shake Your Booty " which gave the slang word relevance in white disco culture. Now mainly a prison slang among black gay inmates. For those who simply forgot what booty was like dont fret my my friend the booty void is temporary. I have seen times when l could not get laid walking through Bangkok with a fist full of hundred dollar Bill's. But as soon as you get your life just right. Making money going out with your friends everything just perfect she will appear out of nowhere to mess all that up for you never fails. They cant have us being content it upsets the balance of power. Just kidding just trying to get you to smile.
Haha I guess so, though I use this technique of substituting sounds from seemingly unconnected english words to teach englishspeakers "nordic" pronounciation and it's been quite successful, they might need to hear it rather than read it first though.. English has all of the sounds already, something english people often don't realize until they connect the sound to a familiar word.
Clicked on the title because I misread it and thought it said "Booties void". I must say, while initially let down, I was very impressed in the end. Best misread ever.
One thing I like about the size of the Universe...it tells us one unquestionable thing... it wasn't made for us! Now once you can get that into your head...that's when the more interesting and terrifying possibilities come to light...
Joe, I like you non pretentious method of relaying this type of information to people. It's a really refreshing concept that sits between the knuckle dragging religious nuts, the left field fringe pseudoscientist crowd, the 'skeptic' crowd and the pretentious science channels out there. Keep up the good work man.
Black holes have more presence then this void... you can't see black holes, but you can 'see' their gravitic bubble, as well as the superheating material as it falls in. This is a void.. it has nothing.
Can you imagine another Earth like our planet having something like UA-cam, playing a video about other life out there. And here we are watching a video about mysteries of the known universe to us. Blows the mind.
There’s some funny math going on here. Joe says it’s a quarter of a percent of the observable universe (one four hundredth) and then states there should be about 10,000 galaxies in that space. Multiplying that out gives 4 million galaxies in the observable universe. That’s way off of the approximately 3 trillion many astronomers estimate.
I have figured out where Joe is WAY unacceptably off. Bootes void is .25% the diameter of the universe in length. Cubing that gives the volume of Bootes void at 0.000001563% the volume of the observable universe. And multiplying that by the estimated 10,000 galaxies in that space gives 640 billion, much closer to normal estimates. That’s one hell of an oversight. Joe, could you offer a correction in a newer video?
Just scrolled through the comments and saw that I was thrown off by the same bad math a year ago when I first saw this video. Lol still waiting for Joe to clear this up.....
One frightening prospect could be that the Bootes void could be the result of the collapse of the Higgs field vacuum state due to high energy density (search for vacuum instability principle or False Vacuum). The collapse would spread outwards at the speed of light, which would also explain why it is spherical. Not sure how this hypothesis would account for the few galaxies within the region still being present, unless the void is made up of more than one instability that haven't merged yet. This would be another explanation for galaxies on the fringe 'going out' as well, so several galaxies vanishing in that region is not conclusively attributable to a Type III civilisation. We needn't worry if the vacuum of space is collapsing in that region though; with 700 million light years between us and it, we'll be long gone before its expansion obliterates our galaxy.
If your analogy holds, that makes perfect sense. But why would something so fundamental to physics turn up only once in the observable universe? Wouldn't it at least be a semi-common phenomenon rather than the anomaly it is?
I think you answered your own question. If this is the only one in the "observable" universe, then it stands to reason that there might be more that we can't see. Who knows?
then it is not an anomaly but simply a very rare occurrence and probably exists somewhere very far away like the answer above says.............or really it is a white hole and it turns out the wormhole destroys the fabric of matter and converts it into invisible ...DARK energy
I just imagine how incredibly lonely the alien civilizations in those void-galaxies would be to the rest of the universe, I personally like to be extremely hopeful in that we will figure out some way to travel the unbelievably vast distances of space that probably would seem like magic to us today but many current physicist presume that our cosmic reach will forever be limited to our own galaxy so if they're saying that about us imagine those civilizations in the void, really sad but I hope they have a bunch of other alien friends to hang out with in their own galaxies lol
"If the milky way was in the middle of Bootes void we wouldn't have known there were any other galaxies in the universe at all, until the 1960's" ... Actual discovery of other galaxies: 1929
What if the void is our universe touching another universe, like bubbles? That could mean that the intruding universe is actually pushing itself inside ours, pushing away galaxies making it appear like a void. I guess measuring the distances between the galaxies would prove this theory wrong, but still, it is one of those WTF places in space, so who knows.
And this is likely the most plausible of reasons. But think of it as a phase in nth dimensional space-time. I believe another universe bumped into that portion of the universe at some point in the distant past and caused a phased out approach to space-time.
Late to the party, but one of these on the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall could be fun, especially since that actually touches the Bootes Void, making the whole "ALIENS!" thing even more funny.
I heard several years ago that a leading theory for the Great Bootes Void is that it is a point of contact between our Universe and another Universe colliding with it.
I love the idea of a cancer civilization. Much like we are a cancer on this planet we may one day be a contending with another cancer civilization in this vast universe.
I could imagine a Scifi story that plays with the idea of humanity determining that the void exists because of a type 3 civilization by observing the galaxies on the edge and inside the void are winking out and they determine that this could be a threat to humanity. I could imagine the story would follow humanity over the course of centuries preparing for a war with this civilization.
I disagree with your characterization of a civilization which takes the material and energy from galaxies and uses it for a purpose as 'cancerous' or 'destructive'. One of the hallmarks of life is that it uses energy to lower the entropy of its surroundings. Taking the high-entropy "natural" universe and transforming it into ordered and intentional structure is the fundamental imperative of life. It is the essence of creation, not destruction. Of course, if that was what had happened with Bootes Void, we'd be able to tell pretty easily from the gravitational effects the light-blocking structures would still have on their surroundings. I don't know if this sort of video would be outside of your preferred topic areas, but I'd like to see a video about memristors, both their use in "neuromorphic" processors and their ability to switch between storing information and processing information on the fly which will enable us to build some truly different types of computers.
@ Dustin -- You are a really interesting fellow. I like how you think. I have another theory regarding life you might find interesting. btw, what are you studying in school? Curious what you think of this interesting notion Digital cameras. Ever picture you could possibly take, now and into the future. They already exist....in the camera.
cseeger1 I'm not sure why you think that I am in school, but I'm not. In college I took computer science and philosophy. I'm 37 now, so I've been out of school for awhile... didn't go on to get a master's degree or PhD (although I wish I had). As for the camera, do you mean all of the pictures that specific camera will ever take, or every picture that I, as the owner of the camera, could personally ever take, or every picture possible to be taken by any owner of any camera? And are those the only pictures it contains, or does it also contain pictures which can never be taken?
Dustin Rodriguez --Plain ol' fashion stereotyping. I automatically assume everyone here is a 15-20 something. Then combine that with "Years later, almost done with college" and a 20 year old MIT student popped out. I'm 58 so technically your still a kid. Glad to meet ya Dustin. FUTURE CAMERA: Yes, every picture that will ever be taken by anyone or anything for the next 100 , 500, 1,000 and more years -- they have already been taken and are resident inside the camera. Our camera is a portal to the future. Think about it. In effect, when you depress the camera button, what you are doing is sending a stream of numbers to the computer in your camera which then displays the corresponding image - one image from a finite set of images that are already resident in the camera - a set of potentialities. There are only so many unique pictures that it can take. It's a finite set.. Think about that for a moment. Isn't that a startling notion? The future, the bloody real future is resident inside the camera. You're a computer guy and I'll bet you're already well ahead of me on this. How big is this data set? It's stupid huge. Before I give you the number consider this: two pixels, two friggin dots of color, can produce 281.5 Trillion combinations. So 10 megapixels is.....it's larger than than all the matter in the universe. In fact way the hell more that all the matter in the universe. Matter in the Universe = 4x10^81 Camera Combinations = 3.0967681899016934 × 10^72247214 Now before you let a few large numbers dampen your enthusiasm, consider that huge swaths could be removed from the data. For example, there a re two pics right of the bat we know are useless. All black and all white. That removes two, so now it's (3.0967681899016934 × 10^72247214) - 2 I'm kidding. But certainly as a computer guy you can see how we could squeeze this data set down to ....I don't know. A manageable set. After the nonsensical colored ones, what if we applied physical law filters? You can't have the sun out at night. Trees don't grow upside down. I think we could eliminate all the nonsense stuff pretty quickly and get the set down to the real future and possible futures. At this point I think you need AI to plow through it and apply probability theory with existing facts and new facts as the future unfolds daily to refine and refine the data set Things like dead people and all their future family pictures and their phantom offspring. Stuff like that can whittle it down immensely using facial recognition. I mean that right there could be huge. You have to be living now in order for the future to be linked back to any one living person. Sort of like common ancestor. No, it is common ancestor. That would create a valid future family tree.There's only one future family tree. It's the computing power isn;t it? That's the limiter. There's what? 7 billion people on the planet. How many have digital images uploaded with verified personal data? Even if you had everyone's pic and data comparing every swinging face the data set against 7 billion images. Christ..... I'm talking out my ass. But what I do know is the future is in that set. And yes I get that its just representations of a future that hasn't occurred yet. Doesn't matter. It's also the exact same pictures that will be taken in the future. The very ones. And there's the thing, the whole of future doesn't have to be decoded in order to benefit. What if you just focused on a vary narrow corner? That could be a workaround the computing power problem but focusing on future technologies first. Cheat! We would be altering the future in real time or just think we are,...? That in instself would answer some qestions would it, about free will and more. Einstein's Block Time Theory. What do you think? And if successful, what do you look at first , what do you do with the information? Keep iit the hell away from the government for starters. Build Super AI.
Didn't blow any wind up your skirt? That ok. I tell ya, this thought experiment is so weird. The first time I heard this it blew my mind, but I've yet to get anyone else excited about it. Still interested in Level One Theory? There's nothing fantastical about it....just straight ahead observation and logic.
cseeger1 Sorry, didn't see your comment until just now. When you get into the upper reaches of data and computation like you're discussing, computation can be seen as nothing more than search. Any computation is, effectively, just searching through the possible answers. There is a great deal of research on what things can and can not be answered even with an infinite amount of data and computation power, that's basically what Computer Science boils down to. Most people assume CS is learning about how to program computers, or even just how to build them and repair them, but that's not the case. There is a famous quote saying that computer science is about computers in the way astronomy is about telescopes. However, addressing the camera specifically and the idea of images and narrowing them down so that you can get images of the future. (First I should note that I do not agree with the claim that the images 'already exist' simply because that would require defining 'exist' in such a way that makes it impossible to know anything about the universe, especially given quantum mechanics.) Imagine that you have whittled it down to just 2 possibilities. A picture of your hand holding a coin face up, and a picture of your hand holding a coin face down. How do you choose between them? If you want to find out if a friend of yours dies from an illness... there would be pictures of them getting better, and pictures of their funeral. How do you choose? I don't believe you would gain anything by having every image potentially available, because it would be impossible to know which were actually going to happen and which are just images of things which could happen.
I’m a little bit sad. I always fancied myself a closet nerd. The fact that I have not heard of (or possibly can’t remember) hearing about the Bootes void. I love this channel! I always learn something new from you, Joe. Maybe if I keep watching I will , one day, attain full nerd status . 👍😜 🤓 ✨💚✨
Dam this is my second UA-cam account I lost my first one but I think I was following him in the early 20,000.. now he is about to hit that 1 million! New he would! I was around when he came out with the video talking about sending singles into space and some of them being picked up by a predatory species in outer space that could come destroy us.. can’t remember the video name but I’m glad to see him coming up!! Can’t wait for him to him that big 1 mill!!
hey joe I was watching your video about simulation than I thought that this may be "The Answer". I mean in Hinduism it is written that this world is not real and its God's dream. may be the dream means simulation and God means future generations with capacity to do so. it will explain Avatars which means physical incarnation or in this case one of the creators entering into simulation. it will also explain after life and other things related to it. what do you think??
Funny you didn't mention my favourite theory which I thought was one of the more popular ones, which is that some super voids like the cmb cold spot were caused by another parallel universe crashing into our reality and causing massive voids in both. No offence I love your channel but your presentation basically just copies verbatum what is on wikipedia about Boötes void.
Its just a glitch in the programme. Our technicians are working on it. Thankyou for your patience. We value your perception.
The computer is down .
"Have you tried to reboot your universe?"
Go reboot your brain because you need it saying this crap 😂
Aliens. And the galaxies that are left are like, national parks.
With cephalopod park rangers saying: “See kids? The is what the universe looked like in the old-times. Life was tough back then, but the cyborgs were tougher!”
Astronomer sees another galaxy's lights go out: "We are dead"
well Mr. Trump would just shoot some nuclear rockets to the location and problem solved !!!
The Emporium of Man will conquer Bootes Void.
Thats basically the beginning of the pandora's star commenwealth saga. xD
boots void i will still cal it that
@@t4rv0r60 Is that a book/TV series?
hi ,i just came across your vidios first time ,,bootes void,,, im a 65 yr old retiered tow truck driver,, i love learing about things like this,, thank you for your understandabel way of teaching for someone like me ,,im not shutout of things that are usualy put way over my head,, i love knowing about this incredable univers we live in ,thanks thomas in tucson, im going to try your fermi pardox next
I prefer to think that one of those 60 galaxies has bad gas and the others are "keeping a safe distance."
Greg's Garage lol
Greg's Garage those gas giants
Silent but gassy!
It's Lebanon, Kansas... not Nebraska. I've been there. Kind of out in the middle of nowhere. Though, I guess that describes about 99.9% of Kansas.
Yep. Lebanon, NE is not far from Lebanon, KS, but it is Lebanon, KS that is identified as the geographic center.
Is that the place that has a small town with one stop sign that say's "Whoa" instead of "Stop" ?
101perspective Actually both
I was gonna say... that looks a lot like the Kansas state flag lol
Hunting things saving people
I've just noticed your channel has been growing very quickly!!! You've more than doubled in sub's since I subbed a few months back, I'm so glad you're getting the recognition you deserve, great job Joe!!
i nearly pissed myself laughing at the Aliens comment.
Is it possible that bootes void isn't anything special at all, but that the universe is actually so much larger than we realize that on even grander scales that we can hardly imagine voids like this are common? Like we think we are seeing the fine grained structure of the universe when we add up everything within our cosmic horizon. We think this is the end of the structure, the universe as a whole is just more of this same foamyness. But maybe the universe is SO much larger that voids like this are also very very common, it's just that our cosmic horizon is so small that it only contains one of them.
Locut0s Don't you have a horrible online book to write, Mr. Published Author?
That's what I'm wondering
Tyrian Callo who knows? there could be one about to swallow us as i type
Seems solid.
Bryan gfriffin
3:43 made me sub.
The answer is always: *aliens*.
And if that doesn't work, use more aliens.
Sounds like a recipe for alien stew.
Can only use that line with crazy hair.
i murderd your toys aswell, hon hon hon
Wtf is your profile picture
"Imagine you're the only one in the United States"
Paradise, but go on.
I swear Joe's comment section is the best on UA-cam
Fascinating information, and Joe, your comedic timing is amazing- I've had to re-watch that moment at 3:40 several times over and show it to my roommate!
The “aliens” THX gag earned a like. I mean, I like most of your videos, but damn.
When the lockdown hit in the UK in march 2020, I had to go to work, because I am a cleaner in a shopping centre. I felt like the only person on earth. NOBODY was around
“I’ll just create my own Universe with Blackjack and hookers is a play off a line from Bender from Futurama. Great joke for those who know the reference.
No doubt a reference to their parallel universe episode lol "Bite my glorious golden ass!"
Futurama is proof that we live in the best bubble of the multiverse.
Joe, I’ve often wondered what would happen if we pointed the Hubble directly at the Boötes void like we did when we discovered the “Deep Field”. Thoughts?
I believe Hubble's last words were,"Come closer,my good man-I have one last request,and it is this! When deciding where to point my magnificent tellyscope(he was always confusing the name of it with his tv),it's important to remember this one thing-always avoid a void!(cough,splutter!)".
Interesting idea. Maybe just some stray stars though
Imagine floating in that void, surrounded by pure nothingness
Whoa....that would just be something else!!
You could always hop in a sensory derivation tank and see it for yourself.
it is like my love life
Even though it could be devastating in years to come I like the idea of a type 3 or type 4 civilisation harnessing all that power and energy.
Hey at least it's 700 million light years away!
What is the booty void? My life.... Huck huck huck huck... :'-(
mine too :/
For any of you too young to remember what the word means
Booty is a slang used by Afro Americans witch means butt, buttocks, or ass. City slang used in late sixties and seventies and popularized by black wanna be KC and Sunshine Band in mid seventies with song " Shake Your Booty " which gave the slang word relevance in white disco culture. Now mainly a prison slang among black gay inmates.
For those who simply forgot what booty was like dont fret my my friend the booty void is temporary. I have seen times when l could not get laid walking through Bangkok with a fist full of hundred dollar Bill's. But as soon as you get your life just right. Making money going out with your friends everything just perfect she will appear out of nowhere to mess all that up for you never fails. They cant have us being content it upsets the balance of power. Just kidding just trying to get you to smile.
I love the way you preamble the word "aliens"... with the thx jingle🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍😘
Do a video on the great attractor please, that thing is mind-bogglingly big and powerful and we don't know what it is.
Joe : Boötes
Auto caption : booties or bootys eh, let’s just mix em up
Boötes, try to pronounce the 'ö' like the 'i' in bird and you'll be set.
-Your friendly neighbourhood Swede
Benjamin Antman so it would sound somthing like Boat-Is void ????
Hmm, I might have made it more complicated than it should have been - more like Boh-Uh-Tess Void
Benjamin Antman lot easier when you have an accent lol
Haha I guess so, though I use this technique of substituting sounds from seemingly unconnected english words to teach englishspeakers "nordic" pronounciation and it's been quite successful, they might need to hear it rather than read it first though..
English has all of the sounds already, something english people often don't realize until they connect the sound to a familiar word.
Alexander Billos sounds berd when we say bird
I just thought: Joe should make a video on the Boötes void! And of course you already did...
Isaac Arthur channel rocks! Thanks for mentioning!!
Clicked on the title because I misread it and thought it said "Booties void". I must say, while initially let down, I was very impressed in the end. Best misread ever.
I've always been a solitary man.
I'm packing my bags now!
I discovered your videos a few days ago and have been stuck watching your channel ever since. Good stuff!
Level 3 civilization
Doofus66 what If they’re cloaking
I think it would have to be a level 4
@@Virdybird -no point to cloaking. By the time it would occur to them to do it, the cat would already be out of the bag with radio signals.
level 23
more like level 4, since level 3 is only one galaxy, level 4 would be multiple galaxies
You never fail to make me laugh, I mean seriously belly laugh (Aliens). There’s not a lot to laugh about lately so thanks for that.
that alians bit was perfect 😂☝
One thing I like about the size of the Universe...it tells us one unquestionable thing... it wasn't made for us!
Now once you can get that into your head...that's when the more interesting and terrifying possibilities come to light...
When God created the Universe,he included the Bootes void as his vacation spot to get away from it all.
Your transitions to talking about aliens are the best
My theory: chance. The Universe has voids. This one is just the biggest among them.
but is is just so big that like he said iit is probably just 2 voids merged together
The milky way is in the center of a supervoid called kbc , one of the biggest void of our universe. :)
Joe, I like you non pretentious method of relaying this type of information to people. It's a really refreshing concept that sits between the knuckle dragging religious nuts, the left field fringe pseudoscientist crowd, the 'skeptic' crowd and the pretentious science channels out there. Keep up the good work man.
It's aliens that experimented with blackhole technology. They said good bye to their neighbors
Jim Bones black hole guns
Black holes have more presence then this void... you can't see black holes, but you can 'see' their gravitic bubble, as well as the superheating material as it falls in. This is a void.. it has nothing.
Jim Bones or a galactic scale snowblower run amok
great idea they had their CERN
Not how that works.
So good being informed and entertained at the same time . Your jokes crack me up Joe.
Good work mate !
Are the galaxies "around" the void(few light years) packed closer together(denser), than galaxies say 100 light years away?
Galaxies are generally a couple hundred thousand light years across.
@@shannonm7981 You didn't understand the question.
Can you imagine another Earth like our planet having something like UA-cam, playing a video about other life out there. And here we are watching a video about mysteries of the known universe to us. Blows the mind.
Joe I lol'd when you pronounced my name at the end of this video. It's Brandon, and I just stylized it with a three and a seven
Your humour is so dry, i love it!
There’s some funny math going on here. Joe says it’s a quarter of a percent of the observable universe (one four hundredth) and then states there should be about 10,000 galaxies in that space. Multiplying that out gives 4 million galaxies in the observable universe. That’s way off of the approximately 3 trillion many astronomers estimate.
I have figured out where Joe is WAY unacceptably off. Bootes void is .25% the diameter of the universe in length. Cubing that gives the volume of Bootes void at 0.000001563% the volume of the observable universe. And multiplying that by the estimated 10,000 galaxies in that space gives 640 billion, much closer to normal estimates. That’s one hell of an oversight. Joe, could you offer a correction in a newer video?
Just scrolled through the comments and saw that I was thrown off by the same bad math a year ago when I first saw this video. Lol still waiting for Joe to clear this up.....
I thought there was something wrong with that 🤣
The imagination with this story is endless. Thanks for doing this one.
"A.I. driven, mechanistic civilization...."
(I just broke out in a cold sweat, envisioning The Tet from Oblivion)
Thanks for the Isaac Arthur channel suggestion. Been wondering for a while what are top 3, top 5 channels that you subscribe / go back to on you tube?
goku clashed with beerus and created bootes void
Boryumu AMV which lasted for an entire 17 episodes
I respect this comment
Boryumu AMV hmmm this theory is most possible to happen
probably thanos
Boryumu AMV this is so believable.
I totally forgot about the Aliens thing 🤣 and I died laughing again!
"The *Booties* Void: A Giant Hole in the Universe"...that's what I read =D
We love you man, don't ever get down on yourself again! You're awesome, great vid-
Because if we start some more lights go out...............................Yikes! lol
Great video as always, but I’m totally meming your aliens schick lmfao!!!
For a minute I thought it might be pronounced the same as bootys. As in What gap could Beyonce fill.
The aliens part was super hilarious! Loved the video
One frightening prospect could be that the Bootes void could be the result of the collapse of the Higgs field vacuum state due to high energy density (search for vacuum instability principle or False Vacuum). The collapse would spread outwards at the speed of light, which would also explain why it is spherical. Not sure how this hypothesis would account for the few galaxies within the region still being present, unless the void is made up of more than one instability that haven't merged yet. This would be another explanation for galaxies on the fringe 'going out' as well, so several galaxies vanishing in that region is not conclusively attributable to a Type III civilisation. We needn't worry if the vacuum of space is collapsing in that region though; with 700 million light years between us and it, we'll be long gone before its expansion obliterates our galaxy.
Or it could be an intergalactic war between multiple Type III's using vacuum energy weapons... imagine WW3 on an intergalactic scale...
+There is no try - it is not spreading at light speed so it is not Higgs field collapse
Remember he said it was found in the sixties. Ergo, no change in fifty years, no Higgs Bossan collapse.
700 million years let the sun live in peace until it gets old..!!
It isnt spherical, it's shaped like an L with the vertical side much thicker than the horizontal side.
Bootes void is the center of the universe. Every thing was blown out from this point.
If your analogy holds, that makes perfect sense. But why would something so fundamental to physics turn up only once in the observable universe? Wouldn't it at least be a semi-common phenomenon rather than the anomaly it is?
I think you answered your own question. If this is the only one in the "observable" universe, then it stands to reason that there might be more that we can't see. Who knows?
then it is not an anomaly but simply a very rare occurrence and probably exists somewhere very far away like the answer above says.............or really it is a white hole and it turns out the wormhole destroys the fabric of matter and converts it into invisible ...DARK energy
Joe: "Spherical"
Me: (immediately pictures Josh Peck)
"The universe is insane."
I really enjoy this channel. Thanks for the upload.
Planet Remina's obviously been at work....
I love how you always make me think
There was a theory that related Bootes Void to the Cold Spot on the cosmic microwave background wansn't it?
I just imagine how incredibly lonely the alien civilizations in those void-galaxies would be to the rest of the universe, I personally like to be extremely hopeful in that we will figure out some way to travel the unbelievably vast distances of space that probably would seem like magic to us today but many current physicist presume that our cosmic reach will forever be limited to our own galaxy so if they're saying that about us imagine those civilizations in the void, really sad but I hope they have a bunch of other alien friends to hang out with in their own galaxies lol
maybe it's nanomachines gone rogue
The way you introduced aliens made me laugh a real life laugh... by myself... at night. It felt weird, but I appreciated it nonetheless
"If the milky way was in the middle of Bootes void we wouldn't have known there were any other galaxies in the universe at all, until the 1960's" ...
Actual discovery of other galaxies: 1929
You are so entertaining. Thx
What if the void is our universe touching another universe, like bubbles? That could mean that the intruding universe is actually pushing itself inside ours, pushing away galaxies making it appear like a void. I guess measuring the distances between the galaxies would prove this theory wrong, but still, it is one of those WTF places in space, so who knows.
And this is likely the most plausible of reasons. But think of it as a phase in nth dimensional space-time. I believe another universe bumped into that portion of the universe at some point in the distant past and caused a phased out approach to space-time.
its the lair of dr manhattan
Read an SCP with that premise.
There's a "cold spot" that is also looked at as possible evidence of bumping into another universe.
Im loving this channel. the THX intro with that face cracked me up haha
6:33 please dont tell me the futurama bender quote went over Joe's head....
The success of casinos is founded on probability.
You are funny guy. Just subscribed to your channel. Keep going.
Oh my God, could it be the death Star in the middle ?
wouldn't surprise me, the creators of that movie seemed to be privy to some things
Late to the party, but one of these on the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall could be fun, especially since that actually touches the Bootes Void, making the whole "ALIENS!" thing even more funny.
do a video on experience before birth & experience after death.
+The deathless face of the unborn mind. Stop smoking crack
MrFireman164 lol
what could an unborn mind think about and when does a human become conscious? Like at 6mths gestation?
It is a reference to The Unborn Mind school of Zen. It's just one way of describing what is called "The Dharmakaya, in the Dharmakaya Sutra.
It's summed up at 8:58
I heard several years ago that a leading theory for the Great Bootes Void is that it is a point of contact between our Universe and another Universe colliding with it.
I love the idea of a cancer civilization. Much like we are a cancer on this planet we may one day be a contending with another cancer civilization in this vast universe.
I don't understand, all they're doing is harvesting stars. What's wrong with that?
You should revisit Voids. Especially with the newly discovered voids and the superclusters and the new voids larger than bootes
Simple. It’s the center and all the galaxies are moving away as the universe expands.
I could imagine a Scifi story that plays with the idea of humanity determining that the void exists because of a type 3 civilization by observing the galaxies on the edge and inside the void are winking out and they determine that this could be a threat to humanity. I could imagine the story would follow humanity over the course of centuries preparing for a war with this civilization.
I disagree with your characterization of a civilization which takes the material and energy from galaxies and uses it for a purpose as 'cancerous' or 'destructive'. One of the hallmarks of life is that it uses energy to lower the entropy of its surroundings. Taking the high-entropy "natural" universe and transforming it into ordered and intentional structure is the fundamental imperative of life. It is the essence of creation, not destruction. Of course, if that was what had happened with Bootes Void, we'd be able to tell pretty easily from the gravitational effects the light-blocking structures would still have on their surroundings.
I don't know if this sort of video would be outside of your preferred topic areas, but I'd like to see a video about memristors, both their use in "neuromorphic" processors and their ability to switch between storing information and processing information on the fly which will enable us to build some truly different types of computers.
@ Dustin -- You are a really interesting fellow. I like how you think. I have another theory regarding life you might find interesting. btw, what are you studying in school?
Curious what you think of this interesting notion
Digital cameras.
Ever picture you could possibly take, now and into the future.
They already exist....in the camera.
cseeger1 I'm not sure why you think that I am in school, but I'm not. In college I took computer science and philosophy. I'm 37 now, so I've been out of school for awhile... didn't go on to get a master's degree or PhD (although I wish I had).
As for the camera, do you mean all of the pictures that specific camera will ever take, or every picture that I, as the owner of the camera, could personally ever take, or every picture possible to be taken by any owner of any camera? And are those the only pictures it contains, or does it also contain pictures which can never be taken?
Dustin Rodriguez --Plain ol' fashion stereotyping. I automatically assume everyone here is a 15-20 something. Then combine that with "Years later, almost done with college" and a 20 year old MIT student popped out.
I'm 58 so technically your still a kid. Glad to meet ya Dustin.
FUTURE CAMERA: Yes, every picture that will ever be taken by anyone or anything for the next 100 , 500, 1,000 and more years -- they have already been taken and are resident inside the camera. Our camera is a portal to the future.
Think about it. In effect, when you depress the camera button, what you are doing is sending a stream of numbers to the computer in your camera which then displays the corresponding image - one image from a finite set of images that are already resident in the camera - a set of potentialities.
There are only so many unique pictures that it can take. It's a finite set..
Think about that for a moment. Isn't that a startling notion? The future, the bloody real future is resident inside the camera. You're a computer guy and I'll bet you're already well ahead of me on this.
How big is this data set? It's stupid huge. Before I give you the number consider this: two pixels, two friggin dots of color, can produce 281.5 Trillion combinations. So 10 megapixels is.....it's larger than than all the matter in the universe. In fact way the hell more that all the matter in the universe.
Matter in the Universe = 4x10^81
Camera Combinations =
3.0967681899016934 × 10^72247214
Now before you let a few large numbers dampen your enthusiasm, consider that huge swaths could be removed from the data. For example, there a re two pics right of the bat we know are useless. All black and all white. That removes two, so now it's
(3.0967681899016934 × 10^72247214) - 2
I'm kidding. But certainly as a computer guy you can see how we could squeeze this data set down to ....I don't know. A manageable set.
After the nonsensical colored ones, what if we applied physical law filters? You can't have the sun out at night. Trees don't grow upside down.
I think we could eliminate all the nonsense stuff pretty quickly and get the set down to the real future and possible futures.
At this point I think you need AI to plow through it and apply probability theory with existing facts and new facts as the future unfolds daily to refine and refine the data set
Things like dead people and all their future family pictures and their phantom offspring. Stuff like that can whittle it down immensely using facial recognition. I mean that right there could be huge. You have to be living now in order for the future to be linked back to any one living person. Sort of like common ancestor. No, it is common ancestor. That would create a valid future family tree.There's only one future family tree.
It's the computing power isn;t it? That's the limiter. There's what? 7 billion people on the planet. How many have digital images uploaded with verified personal data?
Even if you had everyone's pic and data comparing every swinging face the data set against 7 billion images. Christ.....
I'm talking out my ass. But what I do know is the future is in that set. And yes I get that its just representations of a future that hasn't occurred yet. Doesn't matter. It's also the exact same pictures that will be taken in the future. The very ones.
And there's the thing, the whole of future doesn't have to be decoded in order to benefit. What if you just focused on a vary narrow corner? That could be a workaround the computing power problem but focusing on future technologies first. Cheat!
We would be altering the future in real time or just think we are,...? That in instself would answer some qestions would it, about free will and more. Einstein's Block Time Theory.
What do you think? And if successful, what do you look at first , what do you do with the information? Keep iit the hell away from the government for starters. Build Super AI.
Didn't blow any wind up your skirt? That ok. I tell ya, this thought experiment is so weird. The first time I heard this it blew my mind, but I've yet to get anyone else excited about it.
Still interested in Level One Theory? There's nothing fantastical about it....just straight ahead observation and logic.
cseeger1 Sorry, didn't see your comment until just now. When you get into the upper reaches of data and computation like you're discussing, computation can be seen as nothing more than search. Any computation is, effectively, just searching through the possible answers.
There is a great deal of research on what things can and can not be answered even with an infinite amount of data and computation power, that's basically what Computer Science boils down to. Most people assume CS is learning about how to program computers, or even just how to build them and repair them, but that's not the case. There is a famous quote saying that computer science is about computers in the way astronomy is about telescopes.
However, addressing the camera specifically and the idea of images and narrowing them down so that you can get images of the future. (First I should note that I do not agree with the claim that the images 'already exist' simply because that would require defining 'exist' in such a way that makes it impossible to know anything about the universe, especially given quantum mechanics.) Imagine that you have whittled it down to just 2 possibilities. A picture of your hand holding a coin face up, and a picture of your hand holding a coin face down. How do you choose between them?
If you want to find out if a friend of yours dies from an illness... there would be pictures of them getting better, and pictures of their funeral. How do you choose? I don't believe you would gain anything by having every image potentially available, because it would be impossible to know which were actually going to happen and which are just images of things which could happen.
If space is truly infinite, Boo'tes Void is a drop in the bucket.
Sound the alarms guardsmen! The tyranids are coming!
I thought the same thing too.
I’m a little bit sad. I always fancied myself a closet nerd. The fact that I have not heard of (or possibly can’t remember) hearing about the Bootes void.
I love this channel! I always learn something new from you, Joe. Maybe if I keep watching I will , one day, attain full nerd status . 👍😜 🤓 ✨💚✨
"challenges our understanding of the universe itself" These days, what doesn't?
Love the gonzo fist on the shelf behind him!
Thanos used the infinity gauntlet to make all those galaxies disappear.
But it's only a quarter.
@@joebidengaming191 of a percent
@@SpahGaming probably less lol
Dam this is my second UA-cam account I lost my first one but I think I was following him in the early 20,000.. now he is about to hit that 1 million! New he would! I was around when he came out with the video talking about sending singles into space and some of them being picked up by a predatory species in outer space that could come destroy us.. can’t remember the video name but I’m glad to see him coming up!! Can’t wait for him to him that big 1 mill!!
It's Thanos.
I love this channel! :D
This proves Thanos is coming
No, he's just breathing hard.
Great video. Thank you
the chunk didn't load
I understood that reference.
It is the reminescence of the biggest heavy metal concert in the universe... it was a BLAST
hey joe I was watching your video about simulation than I thought that this may be "The Answer". I mean in Hinduism it is written that this world is not real and its God's dream. may be the dream means simulation and God means future generations with capacity to do so. it will explain Avatars which means physical incarnation or in this case one of the creators entering into simulation. it will also explain after life and other things related to it. what do you think??
Wtf does that have to do with this video fucktart
Finally, a video on Bootes Void that doesn't incorrectly use an image of Barnard 68 in describing it
Funny you didn't mention my favourite theory which I thought was one of the more popular ones, which is that some super voids like the cmb cold spot were caused by another parallel universe crashing into our reality and causing massive voids in both. No offence I love your channel but your presentation basically just copies verbatum what is on wikipedia about Boötes void.
The way you introduced ALIENS in the video xD you got a new subscriber