bersaglieri harmonie de Landrecies, Octofolies 2012

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • marche des bersaglieri harmonie de Landrecies octofolies 2012


  • @sergiorampanisergio5144
    @sergiorampanisergio5144 4 роки тому +12

    É simplesmente linda e exuberante a apresentação da Fanfarra Bersagliere em todos os eventos e mostra a honradez da Pátria Italiana. E viva a nostra Bella Itália 🇮🇪!

  • @gigliotube
    @gigliotube 5 років тому +15

    Bellissima la marcia dei Bersaglieri suonata da un orchestra sinfonica: un vero onore! Grazie per averla caricata!

  • @chrisfisher5960
    @chrisfisher5960 2 роки тому

    In 40 years time sat on grandads knee, " I never knew you could run Granad, but Granny showd me the film of you playing your trumpet and running, You looked good!" Tears fill Grandads eyes as he cuddles his grandson, happy memories come flooding back!!

  • @mariorossi8866
    @mariorossi8866 5 років тому +7

    W i gruppi d'assalto,W i bersaglieri e alpini.mario da cosenza

  • @Александр213-к1д
    @Александр213-к1д 5 років тому +3

    Восхищён физической подготовке бойцов!

    • @zed007
      @zed007 Рік тому

      А где тут бойцы? Петухи в перьях.

  • @micheldisclafani2343
    @micheldisclafani2343 3 роки тому

    In the true military spirit there is no interruption, weapons and customs may change but the same soldiers that two thousand years ago were ruling the world now run and play music at the same time to entertain some times the public!

  • @vincentpierreelie8286
    @vincentpierreelie8286 Рік тому

    ILS faut le faire quand meme!!BRAVO

  • @giuseppebeccaria6543
    @giuseppebeccaria6543 Рік тому


  • @giovanniromeo462
    @giovanniromeo462 2 роки тому

    Troppo bravi

  • @romanalisato6335
    @romanalisato6335 3 роки тому


  • @michaelrenoth9496
    @michaelrenoth9496 4 роки тому +5

    Italiener ?

  • @orlandofurioso7546
    @orlandofurioso7546 3 роки тому

    Cakko ! Da brividi ....Cosi mi piace vedre la sfilita ,con la divisa verde ,e` fucile .

  • @vincenzorinaldi9196
    @vincenzorinaldi9196 5 років тому +8

    Al ritmo di 180 passi al minuto.

    • @sebastiangonzalezortega3693
      @sebastiangonzalezortega3693 5 років тому +2

      En una batalla son capaces de alcanzar los 160 kilómetros a la hora y si alguna vez han salido ilesos de alguna ha sido por ser los que mas corrían.

    • @foxofdesert79
      @foxofdesert79 4 роки тому +3

      @@sebastiangonzalezortega3693 sono un bersagliere e posso dirti che ne riusciamo a fare anche di piú

    • @contedracula2815
      @contedracula2815 2 роки тому

      @@foxofdesert79 grande! Ciao sono claudio terzo 87 al 27esimo battaglione bersaglieri Jamiano Aviano

  • @mikec9810
    @mikec9810 Рік тому

    Only in Italy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @salvatorecatalano1982
    @salvatorecatalano1982 Рік тому

    Mia madre non ha lasciato senza dote l'unica nipotina! Quella cassa e' di Gaia!
    Non toccatela !

  • @aleksanderkorencanstojakov3631
    @aleksanderkorencanstojakov3631 3 роки тому +1

    Why these guys are running? What`s their problem? What the running has got with the military march?

    • @paolocortese8900
      @paolocortese8900 3 роки тому +3

      1836 A Roma viene istituito il corpo dei Bersaglieri da parte del Generale Alessandro La Marmora. Dotato di ampia autonomia operativa, il corpo era formato da uomini addestrati alla corsa ed al tiro con moderni fucili a retrocarica pronti ad agire, anche isolatamente, per impegnare di sorpresa l'avversario in azioni di disturbo col preciso intento di sconvolgerne i piani, organizzati in piccoli gruppi schierati in quadrato, però, i bersaglieri potevano essere impiegati anche in contrasto alla cavalleria per romperne la carica.

    • @igorxamas5116
      @igorxamas5116 3 роки тому +1

      It'd be their way of marching... They always run

    • @voldicz
      @voldicz 2 роки тому

      they are kinda 'fast assault' + 'minutemen', they were created to be ready fast and strike fast, at a time with no transportation. So, they should run in order to strike fast, and show it in their marching.

    • @luciobenazzi6579
      @luciobenazzi6579 2 роки тому +1

      What's your problem?

    • @f0ns0r
      @f0ns0r Рік тому

      Running IS their march

  • @corradoboccassini5799
    @corradoboccassini5799 Рік тому

    0 alla

  • @aleksanderkorencanstojakov3631
    @aleksanderkorencanstojakov3631 3 роки тому

    Why these guys are running? What`s their problem? What the running has got to do with the military march?

    • @flaviopolli9402
      @flaviopolli9402 2 роки тому +1

      Un personaggio importante diceva:" a volte è meglio tacere e sembrare stupidi che aprir bocca e togliere ogni dubbio!". Lei ha aperto bocca e ha tolto ogni dubbio sulla stupidità!!!

    • @miles7699
      @miles7699 2 роки тому

      When Bersaglieri were founded - in the XIX century - their task was to fight in the area of the battlefield where there was need of help, to defend or to attack: they used to run to reach that area. Today this run is just a spectacle.

    • @flaviopolli9402
      @flaviopolli9402 2 роки тому

      @@miles7699 I was bersagliere for 37 years! For a soldier to be fit is basic even today! Running it is not a spectacle for bersaglieri! Did you serve in bersaglieri???? If not shut up!!!

    • @miles7699
      @miles7699 2 роки тому +2

      @@flaviopolli9402 *Ho voluto rispondere* a quello straniero, *per fargli capire che quella corsa ha un senso,* al contrario di quel che credeva. _Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!_ *Quanto all’origine, ho scritto* (in un inglese verosimilmente non buono) *ciò che so* e che mi pare non molti in Italia sappiano. *Scrivendo **_«this run»_* - poi - *ho inteso riferirmi al video, cioè alle parate,* e non a ciò che - come scrive lei stesso - conosce soltanto chi ha prestato servizio nei bersaglieri. In servizio militare, correvo da allievo ufficiale di complemento, quando ero in squadra; altrimenti no.

    • @marossi8755
      @marossi8755 Рік тому

      @@miles7699 -today they runs with tanks. But they runs always in anyway

  • @jaimehanfig9618
    @jaimehanfig9618 5 років тому +1

    De que huyen...

  • @michaelpalmer937
    @michaelpalmer937 5 років тому

    Quick lads, fucking leg it. the British 8 th army's coming ?
    English Mik

  • @christianschwender675
    @christianschwender675 5 років тому +5

    en france, on avait compris depuis longtemps que c'est moins fatiguant et plus rapide d'aller à cheval !

    • @lauraferrari9572
      @lauraferrari9572 5 років тому +5

      christian schwender
      Veillez à ce que la cavalerie italienne n’ait rien à apprendre de la vôtre. Allez voir la bataille d'Isbuscenskij et étudiez un peu plus sur l'Histoire

    • @luccisanoserge8354
      @luccisanoserge8354 5 років тому

      t 1 marrant toi

    • @sebastiangonzalezortega3693
      @sebastiangonzalezortega3693 2 роки тому

      Si, pero estos italianos van a las guerras en bicicleta.

    • @sebastiangonzalezortega3693
      @sebastiangonzalezortega3693 2 роки тому

      @@lauraferrari9572 Seguro. No han aprendido nada.

    • @mauibra
      @mauibra 2 роки тому +3

      hahaah Quand ici en Italie il y avait déjà de la cavalerie en France vous vous poursuiviez encore avec des massues. Et ce n'est qu'avec Astérix, plusieurs siècles plus tard, que vous avez pu la vaincre

  • @olivierkrb
    @olivierkrb 5 років тому +1

    Now I understand why Italy is always losing battles and wars. They runs... away... far away...

    • @danioa9414
      @danioa9414 5 років тому +23

      now i understand why you are so idiot...And learn history before to open your shitmouth...

    • @mariomancuso631
      @mariomancuso631 5 років тому +21

      We runs in economy, Italy is the 2 Manifacture power in Europe and sixth in world, in wars from Roman Empire till 1 WW italians won and fought bravely, except 2 ww because we fought against all world! study and don’t be envy!

    • @sebastiangonzalezortega3693
      @sebastiangonzalezortega3693 5 років тому +1

      @@mariomancuso631 El Romano Imperio tenía ejércitos de mercenarios reclutados en España, Francia, Grecia, norte de Africa y los Balcanes, además en el momento cumbre de su esplendor fueron emperadores nacidos en España quienes gobernaron y dirigieron sus conquistas . Solo los generales estrategas eran romanos. A los italianos actuales les queda muy poco o casi nada de romanos. Yo les admiro por ser los mas grandes músicos, pintores, arquitectos, estrategas, e incluso científicos de la Humanidad. Pero para ellos la guerra es otra cosa, prefieren los espagueti.
      Por otra parte, el Imperio Romano era solo Roma, el resto de la península italiana era tierra conquistada.

    • @mariomancuso631
      @mariomancuso631 5 років тому +3

      @@sebastiangonzalezortega3693obviously roman soldiers were recruited every where, as for all armies, and some Emperors were born outside Italy because Roman Empire was also an opened society that gave roman citizenships and take the best from all new country conquested: is the same for all people in Europe to be different in centuries in politics and in governments, but the ancestors and blood remain connected ! italians founded modern science (Galileo Galilei), modern education (first Universities were in Italy) revolutioned military across Europe( first modern fortress, first to use firearms over white weapons, first to use armies not made up by mercenaries in the middle ages) fought valiantly against Muslims (crusades) Ottomans (Battle of Lepanto),French and Spanish (Battle of Assietta, Siege of Turin), Germany (battle of Legnano, Italian Resistance in WW2, Opration Herring, and Repubblica Sociale as allied), Austria (battle of Piave, Monte Grappa and Vittorio Veneto), founded the first paratroopers (Folgore), founded the first mountain troops (Alpini), the first frogmen (X Flottiglia MAS), the first Marines (San Marco Regiment) and used planes, vehicles and radio for the first time on battlefield in 1912 and in WW1 they invented the first SMG (Beretta M1918) while in the middle ages italians invented the Howitzer:
      Italians also invented a good part of what we defines the modern world; Telephone (Meucci), Radio (Marconi), Eyeglasses, Battery (Volta), founded modern economy (Banks and modern financial theories such as capitalism come from Italy, acconting Partita Doppia, Also the italian food is known in every part of the world to be the most various and the most healty and deliciuos.. Our Roman Ancestors will sure be proud of what we did after them.

    • @oscarberolla9910
      @oscarberolla9910 5 років тому +2

      @@sebastiangonzalezortega3693 Y quien conquisto Hispania...