I've had an old broken memory card forever, decided today to take a look at repairing it. Turns out it was this exact issue. I used a bit of putty to fill the gap. It still didn't work, but after cleaning the contacts with some alcohol, bingo. The last save file is timestamped August 2004, so I'm very grateful I decided to hold onto it for 20 years.
Wanted to check out some nostalgic memories via saved data on an old memory card my dad gave me. Memory card wouldn’t read *at all* initially but after following these steps and a little cleaning, the system read it! Unfortunately, it looks like the memory card is corrupted but thank you for this video because if the memory card wasn’t corrupted, your tips would’ve helped me access all of the old saved data. Thank you for your video and I’m happy for all of the people that your video helped :)
Thanks! The plastic brace for my chip was worn down just enough to hold its position for reassembly, but not enough to withstand being plugged in. It's bizarre your chip had no support at all. I wonder how many functioning cards have been tossed in the trash because of this...
I found a temporary fix, I think how the memory card stops the pcb from moving. There is a plastic bit jutting out on the bottom shell. You can temporarily fix it by holding hard on the memory card in the position it should be and putting the screws back in. Im just guessing but I think this is the reason why the other one is loose the screws are not fully down compared to the other one. Which is why the plastic bit on the bottom plate doesn't hold it. Also the loose one shells aren't flush like the other. 0:39
Interesting, might have to take a look at that. I was really confused, as there didn't seem to be anything snapped off or missing, so maybe you're right.
Thanks! Freaking Great Video right to the point I saw this with a memory card that I had from buying a ps2 from a lady for $15 about 2 years ago and all I had to do was put it back in place just from watching your video the ps2 sadly doesn’t work with disc they had a lot of Free McBoot stuff on the memory and the hard drive
That's interesting to hear, still confused how this even happened in the first place as I couldn't find anything broken inside. Hope you manage to get yours fixed.
@@qubitstech thank you. I haven't fixed it yet, it's a weird fault. before you repaired it, did the board in your memory card rattle when you shook it?
No, there was no rattle. I only noticed what was happening as it felt loose when plugging it in. If you can't find anything suitable, it's not ideal but you could plug the card in without the case, you just need to line it up with the connector inside the port.
Maybe you can help. My original ps2 memory card stopped working. I’ve already cleaned it and yes, it makes contact with the ps2 slots. However it doesn’t read at all. My brand new ps2 memory card and my old ps1 card read just fine in either slot.
Hi, if possible I would suggest testing it in another console. Otherwise, flash memory has a limited lifespan, and I would guess the card is probably dead. There's not much else on the PCB to diagnose. These cards are probably around 2 decades old, so wouldn't be a surprise for some to have died by now.
@@qubitstech I can take it to a local game store and try, but if there’s any other way, I just need it to work for as long as I need to transfer EVERYTHING from the old one to new one..
If your console is modded, you could give Memory Card Annihilator a go - it lets you fully format the memory card, which the console itself doesn't let you do. It would effectively reset the card as if it were brand new. Though be aware, it could kill the card completely, especially if there's a hardware issue developing already.
There are 2 pins that look to be about 1.5mm tall that hold the bottom of the PCB. It's almost like it's made to intentionally break over time imo
I've had an old broken memory card forever, decided today to take a look at repairing it. Turns out it was this exact issue. I used a bit of putty to fill the gap. It still didn't work, but after cleaning the contacts with some alcohol, bingo. The last save file is timestamped August 2004, so I'm very grateful I decided to hold onto it for 20 years.
Glad to hear it helped you, still confused how this even happens in the first place!
Wanted to check out some nostalgic memories via saved data on an old memory card my dad gave me. Memory card wouldn’t read *at all* initially but after following these steps and a little cleaning, the system read it! Unfortunately, it looks like the memory card is corrupted but thank you for this video because if the memory card wasn’t corrupted, your tips would’ve helped me access all of the old saved data. Thank you for your video and I’m happy for all of the people that your video helped :)
Thanks for your comment, sorry your data turned out to be corrupted but at least you gave it a chance :)
Thanks! The plastic brace for my chip was worn down just enough to hold its position for reassembly, but not enough to withstand being plugged in. It's bizarre your chip had no support at all. I wonder how many functioning cards have been tossed in the trash because of this...
No problem, glad I could help. I agree it's weird, no idea how it ever worked at all :/
Worked for me! Was able to get both of mine working after being in-storage for 10yrs
That's great to hear :)
I found a temporary fix, I think how the memory card stops the pcb from moving. There is a plastic bit jutting out on the bottom shell. You can temporarily fix it by holding hard on the memory card in the position it should be and putting the screws back in.
Im just guessing but I think this is the reason why the other one is loose the screws are not fully down compared to the other one. Which is why the plastic bit on the bottom plate doesn't hold it. Also the loose one shells aren't flush like the other.
Interesting, might have to take a look at that. I was really confused, as there didn't seem to be anything snapped off or missing, so maybe you're right.
Thanks! Freaking Great Video right to the point I saw this with a memory card that I had from buying a ps2 from a lady for $15 about 2 years ago and all I had to do was put it back in place just from watching your video the ps2 sadly doesn’t work with disc they had a lot of Free McBoot stuff on the memory and the hard drive
I was able to fix mine with hot glue. Thanks for the video!
I noticed my official PS1 memory card has this same issue, I'll try to find something to hold the board in place.
That's interesting to hear, still confused how this even happened in the first place as I couldn't find anything broken inside. Hope you manage to get yours fixed.
@@qubitstech thank you. I haven't fixed it yet, it's a weird fault. before you repaired it, did the board in your memory card rattle when you shook it?
No, there was no rattle. I only noticed what was happening as it felt loose when plugging it in. If you can't find anything suitable, it's not ideal but you could plug the card in without the case, you just need to line it up with the connector inside the port.
@@qubitstech interesting, my PS1 also feels loose when it's plugged in. I might have multiple issues with mine.
Maybe you can help. My original ps2 memory card stopped working. I’ve already cleaned it and yes, it makes contact with the ps2 slots. However it doesn’t read at all. My brand new ps2 memory card and my old ps1 card read just fine in either slot.
Hi, if possible I would suggest testing it in another console. Otherwise, flash memory has a limited lifespan, and I would guess the card is probably dead. There's not much else on the PCB to diagnose. These cards are probably around 2 decades old, so wouldn't be a surprise for some to have died by now.
@@qubitstech I can take it to a local game store and try, but if there’s any other way, I just need it to work for as long as I need to transfer EVERYTHING from the old one to new one..
Mine will read the memory card but when I go to a game it tells me there is no memory card
Hi, is it an official memory card? Some games have issues with third party memory cards
@@qubitstech yes I keep being told it needs cleaning I'll have to round up those proper supplies and give it a shot
Is there any corrupt data on the memory card?
@@Volition_To_The_Max nothing on the memory card at all
If your console is modded, you could give Memory Card Annihilator a go - it lets you fully format the memory card, which the console itself doesn't let you do. It would effectively reset the card as if it were brand new. Though be aware, it could kill the card completely, especially if there's a hardware issue developing already.
Who do I ask for so.one to fix my memory card and controller
The memory card connector chip looks corodded
how to play game on ps2 there is no start
Tomb Raider? This memory card likely belonged to Melanie Mac 😶
thank you so much!
Firstly thanks for god then thanks for you that was incredible it worked from the first try
That's great to hear :)
Thank u you so muck my freind
Thank you!