Had coolant leaking in the oil pan on my own tractor recently. I remember thinking "What the heck, I just rebuilt this engine not that long ago" referring to my freshman year of college. Then I did the math and realized it was 18 years ago. 😂 A person remembers it like it was yesterday, but forgets how fast time and life move forward. Fixing these older machines is way better for the planet than letting them go to the scrap heap.
Had coolant leaking in the oil pan on my own tractor recently. I remember thinking "What the heck, I just rebuilt this engine not that long ago" referring to my freshman year of college. Then I did the math and realized it was 18 years ago. 😂 A person remembers it like it was yesterday, but forgets how fast time and life move forward. Fixing these older machines is way better for the planet than letting them go to the scrap heap.
I am not a mechanic, nor am I a farmer. But I do love your videos. In Australia, without our farmers and truckers, our country stops.
Way to persevere! I am a farmer's wife and watch the Minimal Mom!
That is a crazy expensive story. But it made a great video!!!
Thank you for the video.
Just get a $2,000 school bus, put the engine/automatic transmission connected directly to final drive. Or just put a BELARUS DIESEL in there💪
Great video! If it were me,,,,I’d get a couple cans of red paint and fix it for good!
Deere sells reman engines and you’d have a new motor.
Deere reman engines are about a 1/3 shot of it being a good engine.
@@pistonringfarms8107 really, they have refurbished which I can see that, re-manufactured with all new parts, and new motors.
Great. Vid. Buddy.
Should have put an engine in it instead of a motor.
Tell Larry PP says Hi
Sounds like a crankcase ventilation problem