Childhood Bully Story

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @bajanyaoikaizer6902
    @bajanyaoikaizer6902 2 роки тому +3

    Here's the thing with bullies:
    - some are completely insufferable gits who need to be eliminated, as they have no intention of correcting their behavior or even apologize for their wrong doings. there is no hope for them and will be dealt with sooner or later. drug abuse, alcoholism, domestic abuse, dead beat on again/off again employment, having kid after kid after kid, jail/prison/institution, overdose, sudden to long drawn out painful demises.
    -there is a very small amount who "grow up" and change for the better and actually/at least try to repent
    -some may or may not be closeted, and are secretly desirous of their victim dominantly topping them.
    -some need to be taken/broken down and have some sense beat into them. they then will either atone, beg for forgiveness or become actually decent chill people. the victim either stands up for themselves and do it, or an older tougher person (relative or military officer)
    -some are just mean and cruel, but unfortunately no justice or repentance is achieved and they go on to have successful careers or rich and famous. cold, narcissistic, shallow and vain . often blissfully ignorant and uncaring of the pain and suffering they caused; or may even insist that their spawn continue the cycle. only if something involving their kid happens, they *might* then have an epiphany.
    -Their victims or someone who has just had enough, goes rage mode or psycho mode and deals with the bullies in a number of ways

  • @marquesetucker6854
    @marquesetucker6854 2 роки тому +19

    I’m almost ashamed to say this now, but I was a bully in middle/high school. I knew exactly what I was doing…and after years of therapy I finally came to the conclusion that I only bullied people because a small part of me just wanted everyone else to feel as miserable as I did. On behalf of all bullies I sincerely apologize for all the mean and hurtful things that were said to you. I graduated high school like 10 years ago and I still haven’t full forgave myself.

    • @RichieWest
      @RichieWest  2 роки тому +6

      Thank you for having the courage to share your story. It really means a lot to me and it shows that you have a heart. We are all human.

  • @jamesclark2206
    @jamesclark2206 2 роки тому +5

    I was bullied in school and was called the same names and as a adult

  • @richarddawson689
    @richarddawson689 2 роки тому +3

    I'm 63 and I still remember being bullied in school. I couldn't understand why. I just kept to myself and had very few close friends so if made no sense to me. Now I've learned over years to speak up for myself. Some of those same people said they were just playing around but they didn't see that i was not laughing with them .

    • @dubon9999
      @dubon9999 2 роки тому +1

      I'm so sorry for it 💔💔💔💔💔💔 I wish you well and I hope you can be better that all those insane bullies that hurted you 💙💙💙💙💙💙 Those people who bully others are totally insane and are so bad and horrible. But you are better than they all 💙💙💙💙💙💙 People like you makes from this world a better place 💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @danawolford5325
    @danawolford5325 2 роки тому +7

    Yes I know exactly what you are talking about. Growing up in a small town and school has its advantages and disadvantages. I have to say I haven't forgotten or forgiven alot of them.

  • @delkster28
    @delkster28 2 роки тому +5

    Most of us have faces bullying in some form. You are really growing as a person and your faith. Regardless, of the bullying and hurt you have endured, you have moved into forgiveness. Once you can let go of the "offense" and forgive, that is when the true healing begins. Keep it up!!!! xoxoxo

  • @okimlistening2u
    @okimlistening2u 2 роки тому +7

    Richie, you are improving and saving lives of young people. I have taught and counseled young kids from middle school and high school and lately in college too. I agree with everything you have said here and I thank you. Young people have NO idea of the damage they are doing when they bully. But the damage is done. Hugs........Ray

  • @tomhess5577
    @tomhess5577 Рік тому

    It takes a strong person to overcome this type of personal abuse. Many cannot. You are an exception and have moved beyond. Always keep positive.

  • @markbailey162
    @markbailey162 2 роки тому +6

    Richie, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I wish you had a larger audience with young people where so much bullying goes on. I have often wished you could become a public speaker. You have what I it takes-poise, ate ability to articulate with a wide and accurate vocabulary, honesty and a genuine spirit of compassion. I also love your nervous laugh. So sweet.

  • @joeseeking3572
    @joeseeking3572 2 роки тому +3

    I was bullied in junior high, but more because I was a nerd/geek, smart and came from a (perceived anyway) different social class - we were on the tail end of a bussing experiment 7th and 8th grades. Did I 'know' then? Yes, but I was very aware of the strategic importance of being as 'normal' as possible. And everyone like me was in the same boat - I mean these people set kid's hair on fire and flushed people's heads in toilets (fun crowd) HS was a different story - academic success was now valued, my team (cross country & track) was state champion 3 years and I was trophy winning JV and later a dependable varsity in CC - ended up quitting track because I just got sick of indoor practice in the winter and - job. So I was pretty set up, and from there it was fairly minimal effort to date the right girls, drink more than most and drive better than - or at least more recklessly with very good luck thankfully - than everyone. I could indulge 'me' by knowing new wave, and surreptitious crushes - that always ended up in friendships that no one in my immediate circle understood. But yeah, it was all part of the plan - and it worked. I don't know what what path I would have chosen in today's more open environment - at the time I didn't see any credible options: I wanted a hassle free life and having achieved pretty high status, I sure didn't want to lose it. Looking back, it still seems like a reasonable compromise AND I knew college was coming, I knew I could pick where I wanted to go (and be who I wanted to be) - result of a lot or work and really good grades - so I was OK with a couple year's delay / and I was having fun. So why not. My guess is not everybody has this option. and I'd hate to see my kid, for example, suffer because of it. Why - in so many areas of life - can't we just be civil. You don't have to like everyone, but how about just letting people BE?

  • @kamareemyricks8314
    @kamareemyricks8314 Рік тому

    This is very interesting, because I've noticed that the bullies in my life have been desiring a connection with me while at the same time being hurtful. I found myself saying nothing and just trying to avoid them, but the problem with that is things never change. They're in my close circles. In the moment things are okay, but I find myself focused more on surviving encounters or holding apart of myself back, then truly giving myself to the moment. I have been talking with one and it has improved things with them a lot. Very interesting story.

  • @mikeflege5733
    @mikeflege5733 2 роки тому +2

    I would have told that guy that" hell would freeze over before I hang out with you"..And also, if he wasn't man enough to apologize to you, why would you owe him one?

  • @richardmerk4326
    @richardmerk4326 Рік тому

    Hi Richie, Rich here, near Phoenix. Stumbled, if you will, across your page, and I am really glad I did. Watched your video 'Older Guys are Better' and the one on 'Bullying', and it was totally refreshing to hear and empathize with most of your thoughts in your experiences described in both vids. As an 'older guy', I think you may relate as to why I liked, clicked on, and subscribed. Anyway, I think we share some of the same ideas and thoughts and basically enjoyed your ease of conversation with your audience. I am sort of on the same page as you about openess, honesty, and sharing in conversing with you. For what it is worth. I will look forward to viewing more of your videos, and send you my best regards.

  • @nbk9td
    @nbk9td 2 роки тому +3

    Hi Richie. I so look forward to listening to you. You are right up front on everything. Bullying is so prevalent in today's society. A bully can hand it out but cannot take it. .

  • @charlesmiller8573
    @charlesmiller8573 2 роки тому +2

    Hey Richie, I really thought this was a great video. I liked your perspective on this issue. You are right when you say everyone gets bullied. I just want to add it does not stop after your education but even continues in the adult work force. It really is a shame that very insecure people are the first ones to bully others.

  • @wetken
    @wetken 2 роки тому +4

    I was a tiny guy during high school. Always bullied. Especially by “the jocks”. I had some friends from my band membership in the high school band. Among other things, I was considered a band geek. Over the years, I’ve met some of the guys who bullied me. Very respectable and nice guys with families. My thought is “we were kids. Kids are mean to each other”. In retrospect, some of it was about “skinny jeans.” The jocks wore them , and they were made by Levi’s. If you didn’t wear them they called you “fag!” Now that they’ve been around again (the jeans) people call guys a fag if they do wear them! This is all about masculine public perception.

  • @johnmckinstry6057
    @johnmckinstry6057 2 роки тому +2

    Hey Richie, I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and I can somewhat relate to what you went through. I was also bullied some in school mostly until I was in senior high school, because I was different. I remember I was in the marching band and I think that was one area where I didn’t have to worry about bullying. This was a great video and I think you look good with the facial hair!

  • @themagickalmermaid
    @themagickalmermaid 2 роки тому +2

    I feel ya Richie!! With all my heart I say... Reclaim those words!! Don't let anyone put that on you! Come out with a Candle with 'Gay' in the name. It could be anything but make it positive!!

  • @paulbland7526
    @paulbland7526 2 роки тому

    Thank you, Richie. You have great insight and dignity. I was bullied as a child and it made more empathetic and understanding. You’re an inspiration.

  • @miguellehman6951
    @miguellehman6951 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you Richie .. you are correct LIFE is too short to hold grudges.. but I understand how you felt by being bullied.. its horrible.. you gave some very sensible opinions and ways to avoid bullying and you are to be thanked for that . Do keep on telling us about yourself and be safe and happy as always... like your "new" look also ... Lots of love dear. xxxxxx.

  • @ezelldaniels6064
    @ezelldaniels6064 2 роки тому +1

    This story was so intriguing. I enjoyed your story time bro. It's so relatable and deep. Appreciate it. 👏👏👏👏

  • @georgeneuhauser4752
    @georgeneuhauser4752 2 роки тому +2

    Maya Angelou: "Hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!"

  • @thomasrodgers3802
    @thomasrodgers3802 2 роки тому +3

    OMG. liking the facial hair. Looks good. 👍

  • @peterpatrick620
    @peterpatrick620 2 роки тому +2

    . . . a great post . . . insightful and relatable . . . btw, lovin' the facial hair, and the Peter Pan hair . . . you look amazing :) . . .

  • @CCGR-2024
    @CCGR-2024 2 роки тому +1

    I got bullied by the guys on my Dads construction crew, so I even got bullied after high school! I am glad it turned into a growth experience for you. Take care, stay safe.

    • @dubon9999
      @dubon9999 2 роки тому +2

      I'm so sorry for that 💔

    • @CCGR-2024
      @CCGR-2024 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you, but it was a long time ago and you shouldn't let it bother you. Thank you.

  • @dubon9999
    @dubon9999 2 роки тому +1

    It's time to take legal actions against bullies. Sad is that majority of the people do not know that they can take legal actions against bullying

  • @ryanhill2774
    @ryanhill2774 2 роки тому +1

    Humans have the unique ability to tease and antagonize. At best, it can be playful behavior and part of our complex social structure. At worst, it is shallow, hurtful and destructive. A good comedian reads the crowd, delivers their edgy material, hopefully leaving the audience with some laughs and feeling better about themselves. "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" got me through basic training but, in real life, at work or play, words definitely can hurt. Richie, you nailed it when you finished with "There will always be rude people" lol😃

    • @ryanhill2774
      @ryanhill2774 2 роки тому

      positive gay voice teasing-

  • @Trecesolotienesdos
    @Trecesolotienesdos 2 роки тому

    forgiveness is for oneself really, not the other person.

  • @mjohnson9563
    @mjohnson9563 2 роки тому +3

    I was never bullied in school but I was more known as the weird kid at times. I had some great friends back then as we all lived closed to each other. in elementary and junior high. matter of fact there was this one time where we all ganged up on this one kid we knew at school and tossed him in the creek after school. A decade later after I came out I admit I think he may have been gay. Also, in elementary school there was this one kid who everyone said was a bully and to avoid him at all costs. In other words, bullies bully everyone. I hear stories similar to yours and I think what happens is some guys who realize they are gay when really young are intimidated by other guys and some girls and thus they tend to just be by themselves which opens them up for being attacked. It is kind of like when a dog can since fear in a person who is afraid of dogs. In this type of scenario I would advise the youngster to seek professional counseling to deal with the fears and anxieties and learn how to become a stronger person and have school friends. On the other hand many similar to myself may end up with different problems due to supression such as alcohol and drug abuse as well as homelessness. Thank you Ritchie!!!!

  • @fizzyplazmuh9024
    @fizzyplazmuh9024 2 роки тому

    I had a 19 yr old tell me during a heart to heart one time that there was no way in hell he would ever touch someone like me. I hadn't even said or done a damn thing to insinuate I had an interest. Then three months later he texts me and asked me how long I thought his d was. By the end of the texting he set up a date to claim my ass. He was always really considerate on dates. Clueless but considerate.

  • @Zinatra
    @Zinatra 2 роки тому

    Thank you Richie for sharing the story of how you were bullied at school. Thank you for not letting me be. I did not like football or wrestling but liked more what the girls did for things. That you could resist bullying and pretend you did not care what they said indicates your intelligence! Va? does he not get sad and start crying? Then it was not so fun to tease anymore! You are a role model for other boys and help them to get through school. You give them the strength to move on. All honor and happiness in the future Richie ❤️🌅🌻🌸🏵️🤩

  • @Babyposhx
    @Babyposhx 2 роки тому

    Thank you Richie ❤

  • @finniangallagher8172
    @finniangallagher8172 2 роки тому

    Richie thanks for this nice testimony

  • @dubon9999
    @dubon9999 2 роки тому +1

    I'm so sorry to hear that Richie 💔💔💔💔💔💔 I feel better to know that you are good nowadays and remember that you are not alone in this cutie 💜💜💜💜💜 I wish you well and I hope you can be better that all those insane bullies that just hurt other people 👎👎👎👎👎👎 People like you makes from this world a better place Richie 💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @joer9323
    @joer9323 Рік тому

    I absolutely despise people who make it their mission in life to injur and humiliate others. Like they see others that are different than they are as being beneath them or something. In my experience however, karma is a real thing, and it doesn't forget.

  • @dirkmannaert
    @dirkmannaert 2 роки тому +1

    Dear Richie,
    I THINK this is an GOOD and AMAZING story...
    I think You should become an Pscho-analist !!!
    We support You. You are totally NOT stupid !

  • @slurvtrutl526
    @slurvtrutl526 2 роки тому +2

    Bullies usually do it for social climbing. If they just mean alone they sadists lol. Just as you let whatever go also forgive yourself unless you want him romantically no need to cut him too much slack ☺️

  • @jrichardharwood506
    @jrichardharwood506 2 роки тому +1

    I know how you fill richey…it happened too me too but we have moved on from that a … but I do not see or here from any of them now …..❤️❤️ and I still get it now and I am 53. But it’s just sad people now.. that do not have a life and are jé less of me been happy in min ❤️❤️

  • @brucerowe2895
    @brucerowe2895 2 роки тому +1

    As you say a bullies like you or he or she would not spend the time harassing you , but how do you turn the bulling off, even if one knows that. I was bullied by another man at an a group event, last week, I did my best to ignore him, at 77 not worth my time. Pretty stupid, back in grade school again. I am sure he had a problem.

  • @richardhasbrouck7423
    @richardhasbrouck7423 2 роки тому

    Really like the new look

  • @toddpankonen3053
    @toddpankonen3053 2 роки тому +1

    Hair looks better

  • @clemsonbloke
    @clemsonbloke 2 роки тому

    Richie, don't do facial hair! You look so nice clean shaved! hi! BTW, people bullied me through from elementary all the way through high school.

  • @geraldgoyette2676
    @geraldgoyette2676 2 роки тому +1

    Another well done video 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @lelandhurtjr6308
    @lelandhurtjr6308 Рік тому

    Hi. I’m surprised that you would accept his invitation to “ hang out “ and actually be willing to go for a ride in his truck. Didn’t you even consider that this might be a ploy to get you alone and then he, and possibly a couple of friends, might beat you up or worse? 😮

  • @koyihung321
    @koyihung321 2 роки тому

    The bullys needs to be stop

  • @davidburris6873
    @davidburris6873 2 роки тому

    Richie you give me such a lift as a gay person. I find your advice wonderful...look for you each day!!!

  • @tonyanderson6235
    @tonyanderson6235 2 роки тому

    So true

  • @dubon9999
    @dubon9999 2 роки тому +1

    Bullies sucks 🤢

  • @danielintheantipodes6741
    @danielintheantipodes6741 2 роки тому +1

    People often say 'they are kids' but children do know the difference between right and wrong. They know it is wrong. I feel that the schools could do more to stop it. (What is the 'g' word? I just looked it up on Google. Gay?) Thank you for the video!

  • @sladersawyer5576
    @sladersawyer5576 2 роки тому

    I really appreciate this video as I can relate. Thanks for making this video. It felt really raw. I feel less alone for my experiences after watching it. BTW... your facial hair really threw me for a loop, as it really changes your appearance - in an extremely VERY HOT, and mature & sophisticated, kind of way 🥵😍👍💖!!!

  • @tadziosquest
    @tadziosquest 2 роки тому +1

    understand the "F' word ,what is the "G"word

    • @danielintheantipodes6741
      @danielintheantipodes6741 2 роки тому +3

      I looked it up on Google. I think the G word is gay. Traumatic to be called that when young.

  • @billyhorr7126
    @billyhorr7126 2 роки тому

    We all want u Richie…#HollyWoodHearthThrob🤦🤦🤦

  • @joedunn7567
    @joedunn7567 2 роки тому

    Have you dropped only fans ?

    • @RichieWest
      @RichieWest  2 роки тому

      No I still post M-F

    • @joedunn7567
      @joedunn7567 2 роки тому

      @@RichieWest how are you listed on only fans. I have tried all combinations of your name.

  • @ford4991
    @ford4991 2 роки тому

    You are so cute.