I feel like it's the opposite. I feel like it's a show getting to the really upsetting and heavy part that's hard to watch since it's so upsetting, sad, and overwelming.
@@hannahhansen3005 seriously tho, I can't imagine what your going through. I hope things go well for you. And you might not exist to that orange prick, but you exist to me
I saw this clip and I’m losing my mind. How is this the timeline we are in? Also why is this the number one issue we have as a freaking country! We have lost our minds if this matters more than kids dying in schools or people being forced to give birth to kids they can’t provide for!!
@@alexa3797if you really took time and actually read what these comments have to say instead of saying the same thing under every comment maybe. you’d be able to understand where we come from, pls grow up, your parents never taught you to have a nice and civilized conversation and it shows.
I really appreciate you coming out with a video about this so quickly. I was grappling with my own emotions and didn’t know how to address them, so having someone walk through what’s happening really helped ❤️
Can you logically explain why the LGBs and the Ts are on the same team when the very definition of what it means to be trans is a direct contradiction to what it means to be a "gay man" or a "lesbian'?
@@lawrence208well yeah, being gay or being lesbian is a sexual orientation thing, not a gender thing, being transgender is a gender thing not a sexual orientation thing, very different things BUT you’ll see gay people, lesbian people and trans people all getting attacked for simply just existing, so we take each other in regardless of if they’re the same as us or not, the lgbtq is about community & acceptance not discrimination and segregation, being trans isn’t a contradiction to being gay because they aren’t the same thing.
The rule about using the bathroom that you were assigned at birth is just extremely stupid. They're always like "No MEN are allowed in the women's bathroom!" But what about trans men? Like if a trans man tries to use the women's restroom because he's not allowed to use the male one, people are still gonna freak out about a man being in the woman's restroom. You see how stupid these laws are?
Exactly! Same thing when they talk about "keeping men out of women's prisons", they will literally be forcing trans guys into women's prison. They are maliciously ignorant and just want to hurt people.
Isn’t it weird how trans women are treated with discrimination but anyone who is more male still gets less trouble despite being trans. Even in trans identity, the patriarchy struggles March on. It’s just weird to me
@benschlotte8242 we all know you watch trans porn exclusively and that’s why you’re really here. sorry bout your sexual frustration but maybe keep it to yourself.
He can never outlaw reality. We have always been here, are here now, and always will be here. He and others like him can try and try but short of mass moider, we're not going anywhere.
One awful thing is Elon, who has a trans daughter living in the US... And he's supporting a president like this? Just imagine your parent is your bully and he helps change laws to actively bully you this way. Its unreal.
This is sad. People wanting to transition is their freedom. Taking away people's freedom is so un-American ..... Hope this nightmare period will pass sooner than later ......
A lesbian couple in my extended family thought it was funny to say they voted for new kids when I brought up tRUMP in a fam group chat. Wonder how much they'll be laughing when their relationship is illegal.
You can be anything you want. Trust goes both ways. You will find people much more willing to call you any pronoun once they know you and understand you. Pounding them over the head with the HR department and calling people transphobic won't get you very far.
the fact he said there's only two sexes is iso funny to me, does he not know of naturally intersex people? We can get through his term, I believe in you, he's not gonna take our rights if we have any say. edit: yea I know, but he's saying that there are two biological genders, when that is not the case, I'm talking about a flaw in his(Donalds) own concept(though there are many, sorry for the wording I used prior).
As a cis guy it always baffles me - why tf are people (especially alt right) making such a fuss about LGBTQ matters? Let people be who they want to be and sleep with whom they want to sleep with. Why would anyone even care? It could be so simple: Live and let live.
It's an easy minority group to create outrage over for conservatives. When you don't have policies that actually help people, you can always mobilize your voters by making them scared of a group of people and then offering a "solution" for them.
It’s so strange to me that the party for “small government” is consistently the party wanting the government to reach into peoples homes, bedrooms and workplaces to oppress them.
@wanjanechtangrojer I agree with everything you just said! Also this is unrelated but I’m trying to become an extreme metal drummer and I’m signing up for your drum school today! You’re an amazing drummer and I can’t wait to learn from you!
I guess we have to use scientifically accurate terms in social situations now. "Waiter, could I please have a glass of dihydrogen monoxide concentrate to drink? Thank you!" :3
Also the funnest part about this order is the fact that the wording is “at time of conception” and that means that no one is a man. All humans at conception are genetically female
Do you think the US's Muslim community will support LGBT people after months of "Queers for Palestine" protests? Oh wait, they're too busy banning LGBT flags in Hamtramck, Michigan.
I'm so scared now and I know this will just add to my depression and anxiety. I'm nonbinary living in a rural, Trump-supporting town. I have still yet to finish transitioning socially. Now I wonder if I will be able. But at least Samantha's solidarity gives me hope.
I'm a FTM, 15-year-old, turning sixteen this year, and I only truly accepted myself last year. I'm scared about what's to come, and if I won't be able to transition I might actually kms.
Please don't do anything drastic. One reason I sympathize with yous is, I have a history of that myself. I chose life and I'm glad. Things aren't perfect but there's always room for improvement.
Don’t give them the satisfaction to know they ruined yet another life. I’m sure you’ll eventually find a way to live like yourself. Even with all these ridiculous laws, they won’t be able to eradicate trans people, because they were always there, they have always existed, and will always exist. Let’s just hope things get better.
My dad watched his inauguration and he was talking about that first clip you showed.. he told me he did not understand why people did not like him. . . To his (not out yet and probably never will be out now) non-binary child. . . It broke me honestly... And there's a law in my state where If i ask my teachers to use my preferred name they will have to legally call my guardian(s). so I can't be happy even in school! It's so disappointing and disgusting. Can't say that these next few years are gonna be good but we can make it through!!! Keep fighting! ❤ Stay safe and make the most of things!! 💕
I hear you. I love trans women. Now I'm not gonna have that option. I'm broke. I can't imagine what pain you are going through. I'm not even trans or lgbt but I feel so bad for not just you but us all cause I stand with you all!
I’m so sorry. If you do transition though, I wish you luck and hopefully your father will see then just why people hate him so much and how this hate affects people.
As a gay man in his 40s, I can tell you that the disappointment in our parents is universal. As George Carlin once said in his stand up routine, "Hell is full of dads." lol Our beautiful queer hearts are all a little broken, but the breaks just make them grow back stronger. There is a whole world of support out here just waiting for you to arrive dear reader. Don't give up darling, we love you.
I can feel the price of eggs lowering as i write ! Oh... forgive me, it was just an illusion. Edit : i remember a MAGA tell me that "trump would never do these things".
People struggle to afford groceries, california is on fire, the housing market is a joke, there's a genocidal campaign in gaza and an imperilalistic war on Ukraine. But denying Americans their freedom is his priority. This is sickening.
"Genocide in gaza". This is why i dislike alot of lgbt people. Not because what they are but because thier views are horrific. Meanwhile palastinians support russia and dont like lgbt people
He isn't denying anyone he's simply not going along with false identities! You still call yourself whatever you like as you want, have sex with whoever is a willing participant meaning you first disclose your biological sex or there's going to be problems! With all that's going on and to come, you're going to need an unaltered healthy body more than ever! But you are always welcome to leave the US and see how your identities stand up against biological sex somewhere else! Let me know how that works out, somewhere else!
I am a 21 year old gay guy from India, I've always dreamed about living in USA because I thought its the country that accept everyone and you can live freely without having any fear about people attack me for being the person I am, but now I am scared of coming to USA.even tho I am from a conservative society I've never seen any hate crime atleast in the state Im living in. It breaks my heart knowing a lot of people might be suffer from Trump's presidency and I hope and pray none of this bigoted ideologies comes in to reality
I'll say homophobia is lesser in the US, but the phobes view transition as an extension of that. It isn't, but the first challenge to gay marriage on the supreme Court level has already happened. Trans gal was stab not long ago, may end up with no justice for "fooling people" Depends on where you go, west Coast is pretty safe, but there's no telling how far they're gonna take this. I'd always thought the same, the good news is they are not even close to the majority of people, most people don't care either way. Trump won a little under 1/3 the voting population, ~1/4 the total population. Not all of those voters are transphobes, but most of em feel funny about it. Idk if that helps, just depends on where in the US, there are *many* places very accepting, usually cities, rural areas of blue states can still be quite red. Prior to Trump, it was pretty close to what you were thinking at least. It's been a wave, but a majority do still support.
@YewNayVerse oh Thankyou for saying that 🙌 In Indan media about these issues in USA is not portrayed in a postive way,so it ll also effect the youth here about their views on lgbtqia+ as whole, because whatever happens in the US has an indirect or even direct effect on undeveloped and developing countries all around the world.India its self was not against homosexuals or sexual minorities until the foreign influences comes in India,mainly by colonization.Today the youth have mixed opinion about lgbt mainly because of the lack of education on these topics and of course religious believes and stuff,but it never got to a point where people committing genocide just because you are a sexual minority!!.
@safaldas3093 I feel you! Tell you right now, I live in a fairly conservative town. No one here treats people like this. It's always small and loud anonymous voices, and people who think they're too powerful to be held accountable for their hate. We protect those around us, no matter who they are.
To this kind of Republican rhetoric a female is nothing BUT an object, a thing to be sacred and protective about. To define womanhood as anything other than an object is to identify the human, maluable, inherently descriptive, as opposed to prescriptive, nature of womanhood that the Trump administration is attempting to enforce.
An organism that is a 'female' (using 'female' as a noun) is an organism that is 'female' (using 'female' as an adjective). This opinion is transphobic.
I can't understand the problem with preferred pronouns... (as well as names) its as simple as someone asking you to call them by a nickname instead, or "oh, actually name is ___" and then you just move on. I dont know why people get so caught up on it
@collyernicholasjohn everyone has different views on things. Pronouns and gender are different than sex tho. We have rights , freedom. If someone suppressed something just because they didn't agree with it. We'd be back in eras with a certain man who didn't get accepted for art with a mustache. He also didn't understand. As he felt strongly for his emotions, so do you. Still, forcing others to change their mindset for you isn't exactly the way to go about it. If u dislike them. Leave them be. Theres no need to do this stuff when there's way worse problems in the world. Children, wars, food. And of all problems your here bothering people who simply don't want their rights taken away because YOU are bothered by what they do with their body.. There's a clear difference between you and me.
It's not a big deal whether people do it or not. I'm mostly happy to do it, but people put too much emphasis on it. We were finally leaving behind the attitudes of gender being a defining trait of who people are inside, only for those attitudes to be readopted in a different form.
@@LunarrroWHERE IS THE PRIVILEGE? We just want to be called our preferred name and we want to live comfortably in our skin How would you feel if you couldn’t be called by your name? Your identity is denied. What if you couldn’t do activities with the people you feel comfortable the most? What if you couldn’t play sports? What if your passport gave the wrong information about you and you can’t change that? How would you feel if you were put forcefully in a body that isn’t yours? People criticise the trans gender reality, making it worse and worse, while how would you feel if the issue was reversed?
As a genderfluid individual who's helping a transgender woman refine and publish her book, I just hope we get it out there before book bans become book burns... Diversity is not something this country appreciates or stands for anymore, and that's sickening that people think being human isnt about that fact that you have a pulse and thoughts and feelings...
@@lawrence208 Genderfluid individuals are not part of the binary and range the spectrum. My preference is male and female as my pronouns are she/he. Can vary from agender to female to male or generally fluctuating between gender identities.
Although as a cis woman I won’t know/understand what it’s like to be transgender, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to discriminate against trans people and act like they don’t or shouldn’t exist. It’s funny how America gets painted as a “free country” yet most of the people in charge think it’s okay to deny their citizens basic human rights. We have kids dying at school, violent crime, wildfires, etc, yet taking away rights from a group of people who haven’t done anything wrong is obviously the best move 🙄
@@nocturnal03 Going through female puberty and being on estrogen for 10 years changes you more than you can imagine. It changes your brain, it changes your physique in so many ways and it changes your emotional response. If a cisgender woman does not go through puberty due her ovaries not functioning, she will not develop fully into a woman, she will not develop female secondary sexual characteristics like other women and she might grow facial hair and become much more manly. Sex is not just about chromosomes. Puberty and secondary sexual characteristics is extremely important and changes you profoundly. If you want to exclude that out of sex and gender you are missing a huge part of being or defining womanhood or manhood. So.. if you don't believe me, go on estrogen and stay on it for a few years and see for yourself if you are still a man in appearance or thoughts or emotions or physically.. Your muscles get smaller unless you exercise to make them grow which most of us will never do. You guys look at some extreme athletes that are bizarre to me tbh how a trans woman would want any kind of muscle or masculinity and you think that is what a lot of trans ladies are like. Ban trans women from sports as to not bring hate to the real ladies you don't even know about. But don't for one moment think a trans lady is a man dressed up because puberty is no joke, having periods is no joke
you cant even define what it means to be trans. you dummies are just seeking virtue signaling points. Maybe try to logically explain why the LGBs and the Ts are on the same team when the very definition of what it means to be trans is a direct contradiction to what it means to be a "gay man" or a "lesbian'.
Oh really? And what are the evil trans people forcing you to do? 🥺 change your sex? Are they forcing you to go to trans conversion therapy? Poor thing… so oppressed by the 0,6 of America population 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏 Good luck brother.
I was waiting for him to slip something snide and implicative about us in, and as he droned on in other awful ways, I changed my mind and hoped to just miss it if anything. Yet.. right as I went to take my dogs out, he said his little promise to prioritize binary gender propaganda again, and I felt my actual knees buckle. I'm not gonna lie I'm just so scared right now, for so many reasons.
there is not a single intersex condition that results in a person who is anything but male or female. intersex conditions are conditions of a single sex. theres conditions men can have, and there's conditions women can have. Their conditions doesnt make them a third sex, it doesnt change their sex, or allow them to change sex either. two spirit? are you joking? a person who believes "i have a animal spirit inside me that allows me to talk to god and have magic powers".... thats anti science spiritualism nonsense, literally nothing to do with sex what so ever.
i hate to see people like him use his power for some of the most useless policy ever before seen in history. the man is accelerating the downfall of this country
🤣🤣🤣America is the most powerful country in the world. The other countries that are in America's league like Russia and China have the same social views as Trump. EVEN JAPAN is with Trump on this issue.
Yes, he is, and his 'friends' are boiling slowly; they just don't know it. This guy ran a casino into the ground. Everything he touched turned to shit. We are in for rught times ahead. BUT we will make it. ✊
@@aesop1451 As an Australian, I remember that between 2016-2020 the USA was the global laughing stock. And yet again they have become the laughing stock of the world, and will continue to weaken themselves. Also I really wouldn't be proud of comparing Trump's social views to Russia or China, I feel like that's the exact opposite of what you yanks claim is your values. Also Japan is definitely not like this, they're much more reasonable and are greatly moving forward to accepting people for who they are. Only authoritarians support you.
As a 13 y.o. transmasc, I might honestly give up at this point. I wished this hadn't happened. I cried watching the inauguration, hoping it wasn't real. I hate America.
She's fear mongering. (Probably confused too) I'm a female with dysphoria. You need to stop listening to this echo chamber. No one is taking yours or my rights away. I wish you'd see that, Trump Is only protecting the youth from activists who try to force ideology onto them. You may not believe me now, but the LGBT isnt what it used to be, its gone nuts. Gay, lesbian, trans, there are other yputubers who disagree with this one. Go seek them
@@Blacken2Void So you're pretending that the government isn't now overruling the medical opinions of Rockafellastreeet, rockafellastreeet's parents and their doctors?
@@ThePanMan11 Honestly no. I think they are Just going to be more strict, which they should be, cause this is a serious topic and it shouldn't be as easy as it is to get HRT or Puberty Blockers.
@@Blacken2Void What are you talking about? Its not easy at all. It took more than a year for me to get approved for them in a blue state when I was in my late 30's. Its not easy and never has been.
Here’s a good question: why have I never once before in history heard a right winger express concern over safety in prisons? SA in prisons is well known as an out of control problem everywhere and not a single conservative (and very few liberals) have ever cared. In fact, most people I talk to react with sadistic glee when prisoners suffer, saying something along the lines of “don’t commit crimes then.” Yet when the safety of female prisoners in the company of trans prisoners comes up, suddenly they’re bleeding hearts. Of all the examples of right wing hypocrisy, this has got to be one of the worst.
Because the keep prisons single sex movement comes from the UK where all of the opposition to gender woo is from the left wing. Clearly, you know nothing about history.
I have seen people talk about this on both sides. Not as much as It should be talked about, but It does happen. Look at fleece johnson for example, I’ve seen people speak out against him on both sides. But while we should shed more light on this in general, that doesn’t mean the trans women inmate issue isn’t true. Once you have a rapist saying he’s a woman, going to a female prison and raping 2 women It should be a problem. One issue doesn’t exclude the other.
fully agree. LIke you can be woman and sa another. you can be an man and sa another- like. one person could be in jail for selling weed and can get sa. that isn't fair bc they were just trying to make a living.
@@Laraftw Correct. This means that on top of all the problems and aggressions that occur in a prison between women, they also have to face the additional risk that the presence of a man in their premises implies.
I always knew this was going to happen :( My parents saw a post saying something like 'Trump only allows cis he-or-shes in the workplace and began praising him like he's the new jesus, saying shit like "He's going to save america, this is so good for the earth" and expect me to act the same. Im a cis woman but treating you guys like you have no human value is super duper wrong. Hopefully the future gets better when he's not around
I don't think so! Majority of American people voted for Trump so in the future, they will voted for another republican like Vance or someone else who think like Trump.
@@malikndiaye978 Your epoch will end eventually, fascist. Trump scraped in thanks to non voters. Not a landslide victory by any means. But you keep 'Roman' saluting 🤣🤣🤣
I am a trans woman and I have an F marker on my state real ID, social sacurity card, and birth certificate. You are going to have to pry them from my cold dead fingers to take them from me.
@@notmalk_ Biology can. Like it or not you can't change your chromosomes, I know it maybe doesn't sound right in your head but that's sadly the reality of things.
@guts4347 can u see someone's chromosomes? the whole transition process might not be able to change the chromosomes but it definitely can change mostly everything else. When you look at someone on the street you're not able to see their chromosomes and, if you can, you're either lying or you have the most boring superpower in superhero history
@@goodsoupdad Meanwhile all the comments here possess no logic or nuanced opinions, just jokes and parroting what the video said. It's sad that people genuinely think the dead-internet theory is real just due to how bot-like humans are when in tribes.
Trans people will always be here, as well as allies - such as myself. Hatred stems from fear and ignorance, but love and understanding will always prevail. 🏳️⚧️☮️🫶🏽
What is worrying is there are influential arseh*les in Australia keen to jump on the band wagon who have big money behind them, Queensland LNP are already talking about this crap, and certain Western Australian senator who ran on anti-trans BS is back in office, these people are so bend out of shape that they have to be decent to us, want things how they were in the past when we were the punchline of their jokes and human punching bags to take their frustration out on with no consequences. Where I live in Australia we don't have to worry about the price of eggs because there are none in our local supermarket.
i'm not even trans and i've spent the last 2 days in bed crying because our country is determined to self-immolate. we are following in the jackbooted goosemarching footsteps of 1930s germany and the strength and courage y'all have to continue to stand in defiance of this regime just floors me. you're the heroes we need but don't deserve. 💔
I’m bi and my little brother is trans and pan. I’m 16 and he’s only 14. this whole thing is very scary my parents accept both of us and promised they wouldn’t let anything happen to us. but I can tell they’re worried. I’ve never seen my dad make a solid decision about anything before he absolutely had to. I asked him if we would move if things got bad here and he said yes. no hesitation at all that is enough to tell me how bad things have gotten. I don’t know what’s going to happen only that these next four years likely won’t bring anything good. And that I would rather die than let anything happen to my brother. in my family I was raised to believe that rules are only important as long as they serve you. that you should carefully consider consequences but not be bound by anything that didn’t serve to benefit your chances of being ok. I was also taught to take care of others and show kindness these new laws do not serve me nor do they serve kindness. I will never follow a leader who stands for cruelty.
This sucks a lot. I’m silently suffering and it’s been taking a toll on me. Hopefully things will get better and these people who are trying to take our rights away will fail.
hate to see so many trans youth hurting 💔 i hope you and your brother will be alright. i'm glad your parents are so supportive. stay safe, remind yourselves that you're valid, and keep standing up against cruelty.
youre bi, and your sister has self hatred issues that she covers up by claiming to be things that aren't real. edit: corrected the mistakenly incorrect gendered nouns used after realising you saying your "brother is trans" means she is actually your sister.
10 днів тому
Wow...looks like poster children for a seriously deranged scientific experiment.
i was just watching your podcast episode from right after the election for comfort and i was thinking about how i’d love to have you talk about this. love you samantha keep doing what you’re doing
In my state specifically, we are most democratic, and have reportedly been prepared for his attacks on trans AND immigrants because we've had a lot of the same people since 2018, it's not certain what's going to be what but I feel safer here knowing this. (I am a queer and transgender male who is only a young adult) My heart goes out to everyone in an unsafe state, don't forget that there are queer and trans people everywhere, be safe and remember you are not alone even if it's scary, practice self care and if you can try to connect with local lgbt people as long as it's safe to
Executive orders cannot override SCOTUS decisions. So this ain't going to allow for discrimination legally. Now, does this mean the government or the current SCOTUS will uphold the standard? Who knows. I am sorry all trans people are dealing with this horrible situation now.
I was thinking that surely the states that allow X markers on official ID could (ironically enough) use the Dobbs decision as precedent to fight this in court on "states rights" grounds, which the current SCOTUS is quite amenable to right now.
Can I ask what the scotus decisions are-I know about the Supreme Court not letting discrimination in of lgbtq members not slide but what’s the exactly?
This is America, the majority of voters are low information voters. People here care about kitchen table problems and never look at the bigger picture. That’s where anti-intellectual culture has gotten us.
Fucking terrifying. I'm finally making real progress toward getting top surgery, and now I feel like I'm in a race against the clock to figure everything out before trans healthcare gets messed up or left to the discretion of the red state I live in. :(
@@benschlotte8242 You clearly have no clue what dysphoria feels like. In the time it took you to write that comment you could take time to do a google search and look it up, maybe then you’d understand a fraction.
That sucks. I am lucky to live in a blue state but it’s really hard to transition anywhere. My friend struggled so much just to get puberty blockers. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you.
Intersex individuals still have one of two sexes. They are not a mystery sex just bc they don't present typically. Each sex simply has variations within it, and intersex people will still have to navigate it with nuance and be treated with compassion - the issue isn't that they are one sex or the other, but in how people treat them for their differences in how they experience their sex and phenotype.
@@CarissaMurphy Or they will just have to deal with the status quo where doctors surgically mutilate their genitals as kids to make them fit into the male or female category. But of course, that's not the child mutilation fascists are concerned about - it's the phantom menace actually.
pushing the trans narrative discriminates against Lesbians Gays and Bisexuals. Someone explain the logic behind the LGBs and the Ts being on the SAME team when the very definition of what it means to be trans directly contradicts what it means to be a "gay man" and a "lesbian".
I’m so glad that I have access to the internet to find people like you that make me feel like I’m not alone. I am a minor that is not out and is terrified of people finding out especially now. I have cried multiple times today, feeling so hopeless and alone. Thank you for being so great❤❤
It's really hard not to be scared. I'm gonna turn 18 when trump is still in office. My parents wont let me transition medically and I'm just worried that by the time I can make those decisions for myself I legally won't be able to. And I was just barely holding on with the knowledge I have less than two years left to go, worrying about college and money and being able to afford to live and transition at the same time. :(
why are you transitioning when you cant even discriminate between what it means to be a woman and a man. maybe have an answer to that question first before you start removing your genitals.
I've felt the same way. 🙂 I've learned to not focus on the fear, and go on with my life. Most of what we're hearing is just talk, and talk can't hurt you unless you let it. Believe me, everything will be okay. ❤
@@Brain-dead-gamer ahahah, you read a bs article that said "were all female", and you believed. it... thats adorable. that has long been disproven. your sex is determined based on your genes. your genetic code is formed from the very first cell, from conception.
I can't believe they see us as so much of a threat to society that they feel the need to do this to us. when all we want to do is be allowed to live our lives.
@@littlecatfeet9064 We have always been in these spaces, they don't belong to you they belong to the PUBLIC. Nobody cares about your children, and there is no law policing anything you say about us.
@@littlecatfeet9064 no one owns a space and teaching kids in about 5th to 6th grade so they support us unlike the last couple of generations is important every kid whether its taught in sex ed or because another kid is trans or gay they will no about it and we are only "policing" speech if its bigoted.
Coming from a german perspective: I feel like you can't make this shit up. A man who has been accused of sexual assault multiple times tries to ban transwomen, who are themselves disproportionally often the victim of such crimes, saying they are the real predators you should be afraid of. Maybe he should start controlling his own behaviour before accusing victims. I wish all Americans who are gonna suffer in the next years the best of luck. I hope you will all get through these tough times unharmed, keeping your strength, hope and power. 💚 Your state is failing you and your government should be ashamed of themselves. A president should show love for all of his citizens and not go after minorities. What he is doing is disgusting and disgraceful.
10 днів тому+1
Germany is circling the drain with this crap. You should be ashamed.
accused does not mean the same as proven guilty. i myself have been SA'ed before so I don't take these allegations lightly. but the allegations against trump, if you read the transcripts, the women who've accused him have changed their testimonies multiple times. something that traumatic is usually imprinted in your memory. so forgive me if i call into question the truthfulness of those accusers.
define what it means to be trans real quick. then logically explain why the LGBs and the Ts are on the same team when the very definition of what it means to be trans is a direct contradiction to what it means to be a "gay man" or a "lesbian'.
I'm terrified! 1 day into this new reality and this is what gets prioritized?! How are we so scary? What makes the right so feverishly concerned with what we do, who we love, how we express ourselves? I am at a loss and I don't know how to make it through 4 years of this
And then, intersex people, I'm deeply concerned on how (possibly medically, even surgically) will they be forced into the binary? If two genders is as natural as they say, why they would need to codified it into law?
Is he going to be able to change people who have already changed their documents back to what they were originally? That’s really going to mess things up with people who have changed their records and documents
Yes from what I’ve seen people with changed documents will have their documents invalidated and likely have to get new documents with their original birth assigned information this law will ruin the lives of many all across the country
Should have never been able to do that. That was Biden and his administration trying to pander for your vote. You lost now get used to TRUMP!!!! Then Vance… then Barron Trump!!!! You will never win the White House again because you won’t change your parties ways. We are over the woke… the DEI… the BS that almost ruined our country. Weak men are DONE and will go away.
After the thought police, you get the genital police. More seriously, this executive order is a slippery slope on plenty of matter. I have women friends that clearly had more testosterone than I did and are not trans, neither gay. What happens when a physically strong women gets flagged for her physique? Or a feminine guy? Sports, work, social life? I am not american, I see this from an outside perspective. I saw musk obvious salutes yesterday. Those are scary times for a lot of people.
One of my closest friends is naturally very masculine and butch. It's literally in her biology that the fascists seem to claim is on their side. But yeah, she's been called to her face a t-slur because she doesn't "look the part"
not scary at all, everyone's biological sex is recorded at birth based on the biological fact of what a persons sex is. Once a doctors has confirmed a persons biological sex. that can be used by the government to know which of the two sexes people are. even the intersex people, who are still only ever either male or female. so all official documentation a person has to prove their identity will have a way to prove what sex they are. or at least that was how everything worked until people became able to lie on their documents and claim to be a sex they aren't.
An issue with this order is that he designated everyone as female... during conception, everyone starts off the same and we develop identically up til the 6th to 7th week when the Y chromosome presents and if it doesn't the fetus keeps developing as female... humans default is technically female at conception. So by him assigning sex at conception didn't he just make us all legally female? Also this completely obliterates intersex people to none existence because he classification system has nothing to do with chromosome pattern. If men were men at conception we wouldn't have nipples its a byproduct of us all defaulting to female during earlier development.
I will never forgive the people who mocked me and said I was fear-mongering when I said this was what he was going to do. And I won't hold my breath waiting for an admission they were wrong, seeing as these were the same people who laughed their asses off at me when I told them Trump would get to appoint SCOTUS judges who'd overturn Roe.
Remember when they said they were "only going to stop minors" from transitioning? Now they are going after the liberties of us adults too... its absolutely ridiculous that we even have to fight for basic stuff like passports and drivers licenses or discrimination protection. So much for "land of the free"
@ We're still going into the bathrooms we want. We will never stop existing or fighting for our rights, no matter how much you throw a temper tantrum. The harder you push against us, the harder we'll fight and the louder we'll be.
10 днів тому+1
I will never forgive trans activists whom initially declared this was a purely adult issue until they went ahead and brought children into it.
While this is very scary, this is bound to be challenged as being discriminatory based on sex. I don't know if it will succeed but we must fight to get our rights back!❤
@ Don't completely count them out. Gorsich has been willing to rule that way before. Whether he will be a hypocrite on this one is another matter, though, sadly.
you have all the same rights as everyone else. you use the private facilities that match your sex, just like everyone else has to. as a man who is not sexually attracted to men, i don't like getting changed in front of other men. i only want to be naked around women. yet i don't have the right to choose to use the changing room with all the women in just because of that fact of how i feel. Using the facilities you feel comfortable in, isn't a right.
@ So you admit to them not having the same rights as anyone else, since cis people can use the facilities they're comfortable in, but not trans folks, based on feelings about them rather than facts.
Someone said that "adult human female" definition to me online once. And I asked "What is an adult? What is a human? And what is a female?" They were unable to provide a consistent answer to any of those 3 follow ups.
Adult: A human being who has reached full biological development. Human: A rational, animated being, male or female. Female: An adult person of the feminine sex.
Adult: A human being who has reached full biological development. Human: A rational, animated being, male or female. Female: An adult person of the feminine sex.
adult: someone above the age of 18 human: by Lineaus, homo sapien. Me,, myself and I female: opposite male(me), has menstrual cycle, carries eggs to be inseminated by male sperm
while giving a definition for "adult" or "human" doesn't seem that hard, i haven't seen anyone give a definition to "female" or "woman" that either doesn't exclude any cisgender woman or doesn't include transgender women
@ I find that getting definitions for adult and human are harder than people think at first, thats why all of them are big political talking points. The argument for the right for women to have access to abortions is an argument that asks us to define what it means to be human and what hierarchy of rights are given to which humans. The definition for adult is questioned when we talk about 18 year old women that are groomed by old creepy men and people say it is ok because the woman was an "adult" when the otherwise illegal acts happened. Its even questioned when we say an 18 year old man is adult enough to fight and die in a war they never started but not "adult" enough to have a beer. And yes I totally agree with your view on the definition for "female" or "woman". The only definition I have ever come up with for a woman that fits ally categories of women is to say that "a woman is anyone that says they are a woman". Which is helpful in many cases but not helpful in others. And I think it is valid in certain cases like when you are studying the effects of misogyny on female presenting people that you are allowed to say something like "for the purposes of this study we defined 'women' as xyz". In many cases, it is not how you define yourself which determines how you are treated, but how others define you based on their perception of you that makes a bigger difference. Especially when that perception is totally incorrect. I think it's important to study those things.
A reminder to fellow trans folks: -The government doesn't determine who you are, you do. -Whether you would like to transition and can't for your safety, or you are of the mindset that you rather risk passing to the next place while being yourself than living a lie, both are valid thought processes. Protect your peace, find community, and focus so much on self love. Do what you need to to thrive- our joy is so much stronger than anything that we face. -Our transcestors fought and died for us, and our trans elders lived so we could look to them and know we could make it too. They/we have been here before. We were always here, are here now, and will always be here- turn to our ancestors, elders and each other for hope. You are loved. You ARE love. Sending my best wishes to you all, may we all be happy, healthy, and safe, because we deserve that. *edits for structural & grammatical fixes
I’m intersex and trans and terrified. I’m disabled and poor, too, no feasible way to get out of even prepare. I can’t defend myself… If someone in a better off country would like to marry me, stay married until we figure out my citizenship then divorce me, that would be lovely. (Joking… Maybe. Eh :’) )
I am so grateful for you, your channel, and your continued mental fortitude during all this. I've been anxious as hell these past couple days, but it's really empowering to see some people still have no patience for this bs. 🙏
@@DavidVanpatten-t1j nope as of 2024 that was the number and why does it matter if there is more they have fitted the regulations set up by professionals
@@Mz_jazzy Well, it kind of does for knowing how many are sentenced to get either SA'd in prison for sure, or sent in isolation (which is absolutely a form or torture) for their "safety", if not both
ONLY two........... thats two TOO MANY you dummy. Do you diots not understand that two will become four and four will become 10 and 10 will become 100? When people figure out they can simply "identify as a woman" and get sent to the womens prison, how many evil people do you think will take advantage of that "loophole"???
Unfortunately for me I am a federally employed healthcare worker and we are unsure what this is going to mean. Heretofore there hasn’t been an issue but there is kinda a dress code. Hopefully the federal courts of appeal will stop this insanity.
Eeoc Sue on ground on religious freedom not all faiths and faith say transgender is nonexistent that they aren’t the gender they say they are. This is a clear violation not only that imply Nuremberg laws it’s still legal
you'll be fine! i hate that so many trans youth have to live through this, but you're gonna be fine. focus on your education and mental health. stay aware but don't let this get you down. be safe. and always remember that you're valid.
well two things could happen. you can either work through your self hatred issues and learn that your sex doesn't determine what person you can be, what character you have, and that you can come to accept yourself for the sex you actually are in reality. or option two is you can ignore your problems, claim to be something you aren't as a way to further ignore those issues, to the point you become convinced you need to permanently castrate yourself in an impossible attempt to become something you can never be, and don't even need to be, and then 5-10 year after this point you will realise what you have been tricked into doing isn't real and that your problems are all still there, and you will feel far far worse then you ever did. Every single person on this planet has body issues, things about themselves they don't like. We all have to learn to accept the things we don't like. we have to learn that if someone bullied us based on something we can't change, the answer is not to cut that thing off of our bodies, the answer is to become stronger than those bullies and accept that their bullying was just their own self hatred. Don't let other peoples opinions control whether you like yourself or hate yourself.
You’ll just be recognized as the gender you were born as. You’ll still have all your rights and freedoms. You can still identify as what you want, but now people will have the freedom to say no to trans ideology
LOL It never really was. I mean, when the country was founded, most of the "Founding Fathers" owned slaves. Does that sound like "the land of the free" to you?
@ It's not a lie when people are literally born trans. Brain scan studies have proven that transgender brains are neurodevelopmentally different. That's not a lie, it's a FACT.
@@DavidVanpatten-t1j Politics isn't some game where one side looses and that's that. Trump is literally going to get trans people killed for being who they are. To say such is so evident of how little you care about the value of human life
As someone who's dealt with actually violent gay bashers, I think this generation will be fine. It was a lot worse for previous generations of American LGBT, and current LGBT in repressive regimes in other countries. Unless you venture into a white supremacist town, I think you'll be fine.
As a trans person, how are you defining what it means to be trans??? and maybe you can logically explain why the LGBs and the Ts are on the same team when the very definition of what it means to be trans is a direct contradiction to what it means to be a "gay man" or a "lesbian'.
I read somewhere that the ACLU is already preparing lawsuits and challenging this decision. I really hope that article was right. I'm bi and cis and I'm here to stand with you. We have to keep fighting, and I hope you're ok
Thank you for covering this!! Semicloseted trans kid and just about everything happening in my government right now makes me feel sick. Perspectives like yours really keep me from giving up.
What's sickening is how he's wasting no time like he was just waiting for it but all in all love is love and people are who they are no matter what laws and bills are passed
Obama started the common practice of presidents using EO's to get what they want. Trump's first term, he signed a bunch of EO's to overturn Obama's EO's. As soon as Biden entered office, like Trump right now, he also signed a bunch of EO's right away to overturn Trump's first term EO's. So Trump right now is doing what Biden did to him, which he did to Obama.
I'm trans so this just really gets to me especially since I've never been able to be myself. I'm a trans man but nobody has ever seen me that way. You are such a beautiful person and give me some hope
I support my trans folks and know that they are most affected by this but I can't help to also be annoyed on a personal level that all the paperwork at my federally funded clinic are going to have to be changed and updated AGAIN. And when the boomer trumplicans that come in and complain more about paperwork that they have to do again I'm gonna tell them to thank big orange daddy trump for making them do more paperwork.
@benschlotte8242 You didn't make Trans people disappear little one. They're still here and they're always going to be here no matter what you say or do.
Trump hates character customization
To be fair, conservatives hating creativity and individual expression is nothing new
@@alexa3797 jump
which is Ironic because he wears a toupee.
I feel like I'm watching a show get really really bad in the later seasons. But the show is my government and Im not allowed to stop watching.
Omg real
I feel like it's the opposite. I feel like it's a show getting to the really upsetting and heavy part that's hard to watch since it's so upsetting, sad, and overwelming.
If your show is all happy and sunshine, then it's not a good show. I wish ironman didn't have to sacrifice himself but he did
I'm in the other side of the planet watching this show because this government influences all the other governments.
Lol you people really need a brain
He’s being sued by 24 states.
Yes, but not about this issue. He’s being sued about birthright citizenship
He doesn't care, he will win anyways, because there is no such thing as justice. I wish that one guy didn't miss him.
@@benschlotte8242 Please go kiss pavement
Remember, we shouldn’t have to pay taxes if we don’t exist.
404 page not found (trump is such a frickin 🍊)
@@hannahhansen3005 seriously tho, I can't imagine what your going through. I hope things go well for you. And you might not exist to that orange prick, but you exist to me
true, they can't tax the dead I guess.
Agreed, 🏳⚧schizophrenic lives matters 🏳⚧
What did they think would happen when he said that? We would just evaporate? Oh, oh god guys oh no I-- **evaporates**
Yeah I guess you don't exist.
aaaaaa I'm fading away
Omg. He used the stones.
@@frogonwall I’m currently vanishing into thin air as I’m typing this, I don’t know if I can fi~~
i-i...i d-dont feel so g-good i- **gone, reduced to atoms**
I saw this clip and I’m losing my mind. How is this the timeline we are in? Also why is this the number one issue we have as a freaking country! We have lost our minds if this matters more than kids dying in schools or people being forced to give birth to kids they can’t provide for!!
You have to realize people are idiots and you are the smart one
2 genders
Man and Woman
Yeah exactly, why do people care about changing their gender when there are bigger problems to worry about in the world
@@alexa3797if you really took time and actually read what these comments have to say instead of saying the same thing under every comment maybe. you’d be able to understand where we come from, pls grow up, your parents never taught you to have a nice and civilized conversation and it shows.
I really appreciate you coming out with a video about this so quickly. I was grappling with my own emotions and didn’t know how to address them, so having someone walk through what’s happening really helped ❤️
Can you logically explain why the LGBs and the Ts are on the same team when the very definition of what it means to be trans is a direct contradiction to what it means to be a "gay man" or a "lesbian'?
@@lawrence208well yeah, being gay or being lesbian is a sexual orientation thing, not a gender thing, being transgender is a gender thing not a sexual orientation thing, very different things BUT you’ll see gay people, lesbian people and trans people all getting attacked for simply just existing, so we take each other in regardless of if they’re the same as us or not, the lgbtq is about community & acceptance not discrimination and segregation, being trans isn’t a contradiction to being gay because they aren’t the same thing.
The rule about using the bathroom that you were assigned at birth is just extremely stupid. They're always like "No MEN are allowed in the women's bathroom!" But what about trans men? Like if a trans man tries to use the women's restroom because he's not allowed to use the male one, people are still gonna freak out about a man being in the woman's restroom. You see how stupid these laws are?
Well maybe trans people just shouldn't use a bathroom! Simple, easy, and dehumanizing solution.
if you pass it's not an issue bc no one will know anyway. but trans men are biological women and should use the women's bathroom.
Exactly! Same thing when they talk about "keeping men out of women's prisons", they will literally be forcing trans guys into women's prison. They are maliciously ignorant and just want to hurt people.
Isn’t it weird how trans women are treated with discrimination but anyone who is more male still gets less trouble despite being trans. Even in trans identity, the patriarchy struggles March on. It’s just weird to me
@Silly_Jillybean exactly… i wish people would think critically about this, but that’s probably gonna take a bit
As someone who is hoping to come out this year MTF and start my transition, I'm scared as hell, But I will ALWAYS fight for LGBTQ+ peoples existence
Get your head checked… something is wrong with you. Too much TikTok
I came out a few months ago I’m doing it anyway. ❤ best of luck in your walk
Stay true to who you are, not who you might be.
@benschlotte8242 we all know you watch trans porn exclusively and that’s why you’re really here. sorry bout your sexual frustration but maybe keep it to yourself.
I wish you the absolute best 💛
I personally don’t get why anyone would be transphobic. Such a ridiculous thing to be mad about.
(I’m trans btw)
It comes from a lack of understanding and lack of wanting to understand.
First it was gay people but now it's trans.
@ I have noticed that
ikr it''s so dumb like why do these old men care
We are not afraid of you! We want you to leave our kids alone !!! Stay out of women’s spaces!!!
He can never outlaw reality. We have always been here, are here now, and always will be here. He and others like him can try and try but short of mass moider, we're not going anywhere.
You’re going to get back in the closet!!! You will leave our kids alone !!
Theyre gonna mass moider us honey
thank you for making me feel better, i didn’t think anything could but this is a great perspective
Yup, while we're not as scrappy, we'll have to repeat history. We'll be the next Marsha P Johnson's of today
No way a dude who can't use self tanner properly is going to tell ME what to do with myself
You ate with that 😂
He’s the president and you’re not so I mean, what can you do? Lmao
@@harmonyjohnson2401 Revolution, according to the constitution
Trump didn't tell you to do anything lol. live life!
@@smartistnerd366 good luck with that, it hasn’t gotten anyone far but have at it
One awful thing is Elon, who has a trans daughter living in the US... And he's supporting a president like this? Just imagine your parent is your bully and he helps change laws to actively bully you this way. Its unreal.
I mean he dissowned her or something 🤷♂️
@@Uragan00829 It was the other way around iirc
@ Ooohhhh... Good to know, thanks!
@@walrien9359 no he kicked her out and then she had to cover her back by saying she chose to leave, some of her friends have said this
@MaxMarshall-m3m Nooooo who to trust now? 😭
But what you said makes more sence considering what type of person Musk is
This is sad. People wanting to transition is their freedom. Taking away people's freedom is so un-American ..... Hope this nightmare period will pass sooner than later ......
A lesbian couple in my extended family thought it was funny to say they voted for new kids when I brought up tRUMP in a fam group chat. Wonder how much they'll be laughing when their relationship is illegal.
so called land of the free
What's wrong Trump did only do what is right. You guys LGBTQIA are such too entitled.
Im entitled for wanting to change my body? My body that does not affect you? A letter on a piece of paper? Really? @@ajbat
You can be anything you want. Trust goes both ways. You will find people much more willing to call you any pronoun once they know you and understand you. Pounding them over the head with the HR department and calling people transphobic won't get you very far.
the fact he said there's only two sexes is iso funny to me, does he not know of naturally intersex people? We can get through his term, I believe in you, he's not gonna take our rights if we have any say.
edit: yea I know, but he's saying that there are two biological genders, when that is not the case, I'm talking about a flaw in his(Donalds) own concept(though there are many, sorry for the wording I used prior).
Guaranteed he has no idea that intersex even exists.
He didn't say sexes, he said genders.
@@pursaveer9027He’s wrong about both and he said both.
Intersexualität is gender!!!!
He is right there are only 2 .sexes . Even intersex ppl are either xx or xy . He is the only honest one in this whole debate
As a cis guy it always baffles me - why tf are people (especially alt right) making such a fuss about LGBTQ matters? Let people be who they want to be and sleep with whom they want to sleep with. Why would anyone even care? It could be so simple: Live and let live.
It's an easy minority group to create outrage over for conservatives. When you don't have policies that actually help people, you can always mobilize your voters by making them scared of a group of people and then offering a "solution" for them.
It’s so strange to me that the party for “small government” is consistently the party wanting the government to reach into peoples homes, bedrooms and workplaces to oppress them.
Because they don't want to acknowledge that people who don't fit in their narrow minded worldview exist.
@wanjanechtangrojer I agree with everything you just said! Also this is unrelated but I’m trying to become an extreme metal drummer and I’m signing up for your drum school today! You’re an amazing drummer and I can’t wait to learn from you!
Muh bible
I guess we have to use scientifically accurate terms in social situations now. "Waiter, could I please have a glass of dihydrogen monoxide concentrate to drink? Thank you!" :3
Dihydrogen monoxide isn't a concentrate. Quit trying to re-write science!
Also the funnest part about this order is the fact that the wording is “at time of conception” and that means that no one is a man. All humans at conception are genetically female
@pursaveer9027 it's a concentrate when it doesn't contain foreign particles
@ No. It isn't.
@@pursaveer9027 so a pure substance isn't concentrated?
This is so terrifying for the lgbtqia+ community. It’s time for allies to step up to help protect the trans community!
@@alexa3797 jump
2 genders
Man and Woman
it's been time for far too long but it's better late than *too late*.
You missed out 2 spirit person in your LGBTQ alphabet password. Don't deny my 2nd spirit
Do you think the US's Muslim community will support LGBT people after months of "Queers for Palestine" protests? Oh wait, they're too busy banning LGBT flags in Hamtramck, Michigan.
I'm so scared now and I know this will just add to my depression and anxiety. I'm nonbinary living in a rural, Trump-supporting town. I have still yet to finish transitioning socially. Now I wonder if I will be able.
But at least Samantha's solidarity gives me hope.
Please dont give up. Stay safe. ❤ from Australia
How about you grow up ?!
@@benschlotte8242How about you shut your mouth and watch egg prices.
@Dragonwriter14 Stay safe please!!
@@benschlotte8242 jump
I'm a FTM, 15-year-old, turning sixteen this year, and I only truly accepted myself last year. I'm scared about what's to come, and if I won't be able to transition I might actually kms.
Please don't do anything drastic. One reason I sympathize with yous is, I have a history of that myself. I chose life and I'm glad. Things aren't perfect but there's always room for improvement.
Don’t give them the satisfaction to know they ruined yet another life.
I’m sure you’ll eventually find a way to live like yourself. Even with all these ridiculous laws, they won’t be able to eradicate trans people, because they were always there, they have always existed, and will always exist.
Let’s just hope things get better.
My dad watched his inauguration and he was talking about that first clip you showed.. he told me he did not understand why people did not like him. . .
To his (not out yet and probably never will be out now) non-binary child. . .
It broke me honestly...
And there's a law in my state where If i ask my teachers to use my preferred name they will have to legally call my guardian(s). so I can't be happy even in school! It's so disappointing and disgusting.
Can't say that these next few years are gonna be good but we can make it through!!! Keep fighting! ❤
Stay safe and make the most of things!! 💕
I hear you. I love trans women. Now I'm not gonna have that option. I'm broke. I can't imagine what pain you are going through. I'm not even trans or lgbt but I feel so bad for not just you but us all cause I stand with you all!
I’m so sorry. If you do transition though, I wish you luck and hopefully your father will see then just why people hate him so much and how this hate affects people.
As a gay man in his 40s, I can tell you that the disappointment in our parents is universal. As George Carlin once said in his stand up routine, "Hell is full of dads." lol
Our beautiful queer hearts are all a little broken, but the breaks just make them grow back stronger. There is a whole world of support out here just waiting for you to arrive dear reader. Don't give up darling, we love you.
Please understand true happiness comes from within, if you are happy with you, no one can take that from u.
Did he see elons arm shoot up
I am a cis woman. I stand up for all of you. This is ridiculous. 😢
@@alexa3797 jump
2 genders
Man and Woman
@mai-deum3731 yeah he looks like a fully fit man, I'm sure he can do many more jumping jacks than you
I can feel the price of eggs lowering as i write !
Oh... forgive me, it was just an illusion.
Edit : i remember a MAGA tell me that "trump would never do these things".
And then he proves them wrong by literally doing it and they still don't care. It's a weird cult and nothing else at this point.
feel free to move to gaza
Well that MAGA lied, because we were totally into banning DEI and overall gettting rid of gender ideology being even remotely mainstream.
People struggle to afford groceries, california is on fire, the housing market is a joke, there's a genocidal campaign in gaza and an imperilalistic war on Ukraine. But denying Americans their freedom is his priority. This is sickening.
even if you hate trans people i don't get why make them such a high priority, they aren't doing anything
You had 4 years of inclusivity and dogshit, they caused all of this, the morons you voted for.
"Genocide in gaza". This is why i dislike alot of lgbt people. Not because what they are but because thier views are horrific. Meanwhile palastinians support russia and dont like lgbt people
You have to start somewhere.
He isn't denying anyone he's simply not going along with false identities! You still call yourself whatever you like as you want, have sex with whoever is a willing participant meaning you first disclose your biological sex or there's going to be problems! With all that's going on and to come, you're going to need an unaltered healthy body more than ever! But you are always welcome to leave the US and see how your identities stand up against biological sex somewhere else! Let me know how that works out, somewhere else!
I am a 21 year old gay guy from India, I've always dreamed about living in USA because I thought its the country that accept everyone and you can live freely without having any fear about people attack me for being the person I am, but now I am scared of coming to USA.even tho I am from a conservative society I've never seen any hate crime atleast in the state Im living in. It breaks my heart knowing a lot of people might be suffer from Trump's presidency and I hope and pray none of this bigoted ideologies comes in to reality
I'll say homophobia is lesser in the US, but the phobes view transition as an extension of that. It isn't, but the first challenge to gay marriage on the supreme Court level has already happened. Trans gal was stab not long ago, may end up with no justice for "fooling people"
Depends on where you go, west Coast is pretty safe, but there's no telling how far they're gonna take this.
I'd always thought the same, the good news is they are not even close to the majority of people, most people don't care either way. Trump won a little under 1/3 the voting population, ~1/4 the total population. Not all of those voters are transphobes, but most of em feel funny about it.
Idk if that helps, just depends on where in the US, there are *many* places very accepting, usually cities, rural areas of blue states can still be quite red.
Prior to Trump, it was pretty close to what you were thinking at least. It's been a wave, but a majority do still support.
@YewNayVerse oh Thankyou for saying that 🙌 In Indan media about these issues in USA is not portrayed in a postive way,so it ll also effect the youth here about their views on lgbtqia+ as whole, because whatever happens in the US has an indirect or even direct effect on undeveloped and developing countries all around the world.India its self was not against homosexuals or sexual minorities until the foreign influences comes in India,mainly by colonization.Today the youth have mixed opinion about lgbt mainly because of the lack of education on these topics and of course religious believes and stuff,but it never got to a point where people committing genocide just because you are a sexual minority!!.
Hello from USA! Thanks for sharing that. I wish we had better news to report. Love to you.
Yeah, I live in the US and this place SUCKS.
@safaldas3093 I feel you! Tell you right now, I live in a fairly conservative town. No one here treats people like this. It's always small and loud anonymous voices, and people who think they're too powerful to be held accountable for their hate. We protect those around us, no matter who they are.
I'm cis and bi and stand with all my trans and non binary Americans
Me too ❤
Me too 🏳️⚧️❤️
"cis" is an offensive self-serving term invented by a delusional ideology.
Who gives a $hit.
Trans rights, Baybeeee
"adult human female" is not even grammatically correct! It would be "adult female human"! Omg, like, "female" is an adjective, not the noun!
To this kind of Republican rhetoric a female is nothing BUT an object, a thing to be sacred and protective about. To define womanhood as anything other than an object is to identify the human, maluable, inherently descriptive, as opposed to prescriptive, nature of womanhood that the Trump administration is attempting to enforce.
It's a meme from British transphobes.
An organism that is a 'female' (using 'female' as a noun) is an organism that is 'female' (using 'female' as an adjective). This opinion is transphobic.
It can be both.
What's correct is no man can be a women and vice versa! Get over yourself and stay in your biological lane or else! Trump 2025!
I bought my trans daughter pepper spray to protect herself on campus. I'm scared for her
hope she's safe!
You are an amazing parent! I hope ur daughter is safe, and that you as a supportive parent are also safe!
Don't believe the hype they are fear mongering your people are good
I hope she's safe, you're an amazing parent
I’m praying to God she’s safe. Since trans people are people. And I support transgender people and their rights.
I can't understand the problem with preferred pronouns... (as well as names) its as simple as someone asking you to call them by a nickname instead, or "oh, actually name is ___" and then you just move on. I dont know why people get so caught up on it
It’s lying. Simple as that.
@collyernicholasjohn everyone has different views on things. Pronouns and gender are different than sex tho.
We have rights , freedom. If someone suppressed something just because they didn't agree with it. We'd be back in eras with a certain man who didn't get accepted for art with a mustache. He also didn't understand.
As he felt strongly for his emotions, so do you. Still, forcing others to change their mindset for you isn't exactly the way to go about it. If u dislike them. Leave them be. Theres no need to do this stuff when there's way worse problems in the world. Children, wars, food. And of all problems your here bothering people who simply don't want their rights taken away because YOU are bothered by what they do with their body.. There's a clear difference between you and me.
You can't understand because you're caught up in your own narcissism.
@@collyernicholasjohnI'm being honest when I call a trans woman "her".
It's not a big deal whether people do it or not. I'm mostly happy to do it, but people put too much emphasis on it. We were finally leaving behind the attitudes of gender being a defining trait of who people are inside, only for those attitudes to be readopted in a different form.
"Trump isn't planning on taking anyone's rights away. You're being dramatic."
Meanwhile Trump:
It was never a right but a privilege.
@@LunarrroWHERE IS THE PRIVILEGE? We just want to be called our preferred name and we want to live comfortably in our skin
How would you feel if you couldn’t be called by your name? Your identity is denied. What if you couldn’t do activities with the people you feel comfortable the most? What if you couldn’t play sports? What if your passport gave the wrong information about you and you can’t change that? How would you feel if you were put forcefully in a body that isn’t yours?
People criticise the trans gender reality, making it worse and worse, while how would you feel if the issue was reversed?
Girl i cant handle this rn. I am going to school in a skirt tomorrow though
Congratulations for you 💛 being you is beautiful
You remind me of my pookie who would probably say and do the same.
I love skirts
Love that 💕
@@aesop1451 clothes don't have gender also I hope there parents support
As a genderfluid individual who's helping a transgender woman refine and publish her book, I just hope we get it out there before book bans become book burns... Diversity is not something this country appreciates or stands for anymore, and that's sickening that people think being human isnt about that fact that you have a pulse and thoughts and feelings...
So move to Mexico...
the diversity that really matters is the diversity of thought. alt-left echo chambers aren't diverse in thought.
define "gender fluid" real quick so we'll all on the same page. 🤔
@@lawrence208 Genderfluid individuals are not part of the binary and range the spectrum. My preference is male and female as my pronouns are she/he. Can vary from agender to female to male or generally fluctuating between gender identities.
@ still a little confusing. how are you discriminating between male and female? whats the difference?
He can’t outlaw your existence no matter how hard he tries
Nope but we can take your pride month away!!! And we will take the rainbows back as well !! It was ours FIRST!!
@@benschlotte8242 jump
@mai you first!! Jump back into the closet
@@benschlotte8242 why does this person so desperately want us to be unhappy? Who hurt them
@@benschlotte8242"it was ours first" what are you, a child?
Although as a cis woman I won’t know/understand what it’s like to be transgender, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to discriminate against trans people and act like they don’t or shouldn’t exist. It’s funny how America gets painted as a “free country” yet most of the people in charge think it’s okay to deny their citizens basic human rights. We have kids dying at school, violent crime, wildfires, etc, yet taking away rights from a group of people who haven’t done anything wrong is obviously the best move 🙄
it's not a basic right to pretend to be something you're not and force others to indulge you
@@nocturnal03 Going through female puberty and being on estrogen for 10 years changes you more than you can imagine. It changes your brain, it changes your physique in so many ways and it changes your emotional response. If a cisgender woman does not go through puberty due her ovaries not functioning, she will not develop fully into a woman, she will not develop female secondary sexual characteristics like other women and she might grow facial hair and become much more manly.
Sex is not just about chromosomes. Puberty and secondary sexual characteristics is extremely important and changes you profoundly. If you want to exclude that out of sex and gender you are missing a huge part of being or defining womanhood or manhood. So.. if you don't believe me, go on estrogen and stay on it for a few years and see for yourself if you are still a man in appearance or thoughts or emotions or physically.. Your muscles get smaller unless you exercise to make them grow which most of us will never do. You guys look at some extreme athletes that are bizarre to me tbh how a trans woman would want any kind of muscle or masculinity and you think that is what a lot of trans ladies are like. Ban trans women from sports as to not bring hate to the real ladies you don't even know about. But don't for one moment think a trans lady is a man dressed up because puberty is no joke, having periods is no joke
you cant even define what it means to be trans. you dummies are just seeking virtue signaling points. Maybe try to logically explain why the LGBs and the Ts are on the same team when the very definition of what it means to be trans is a direct contradiction to what it means to be a "gay man" or a "lesbian'.
Oh really? And what are the evil trans people forcing you to do? 🥺 change your sex? Are they forcing you to go to trans conversion therapy? Poor thing… so oppressed by the 0,6 of America population 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏 Good luck brother.
I was waiting for him to slip something snide and implicative about us in, and as he droned on in other awful ways, I changed my mind and hoped to just miss it if anything.
Yet.. right as I went to take my dogs out, he said his little promise to prioritize binary gender propaganda again, and I felt my actual knees buckle. I'm not gonna lie I'm just so scared right now, for so many reasons.
Me too. Hopefully we can endure ❤
If it makes you feel any better, he can't take away our identities. We define ourselves, not the government.
He has every right to say whatever he wants.
But you have your rights so you should be fine.
I'm from Brazil 🇧🇷
But even here I'm terrifying with what's happening there....
But it's good! Finally we don't have to play pretend anymore!
@@enrique9953 You were playing Pretend.... What are you a child
Get off the Phone
@@Leon-ir3gm No I wasn't
@@Leon-ir3gm Says the tr00n with a Fortnite pfp
transphobia aside, he literally is just wrong. what about intersex people? two spirit people? they’ve been around for centuries
An anomaly doesn't make a rule. That is exactly what being a hermaphrodite is.
Bold of you to assume they would care about anything medical or spiritual...
@JunweTheFay fr😭🙏🏻 they clearly don't care about medical stuff if they don't even give us free healthcare
Literally what I’ve been thinking. Blatant transphobia aside, so much about this is literally just straight up wrong.
there is not a single intersex condition that results in a person who is anything but male or female. intersex conditions are conditions of a single sex. theres conditions men can have, and there's conditions women can have. Their conditions doesnt make them a third sex, it doesnt change their sex, or allow them to change sex either.
two spirit? are you joking? a person who believes "i have a animal spirit inside me that allows me to talk to god and have magic powers".... thats anti science spiritualism nonsense, literally nothing to do with sex what so ever.
i hate to see people like him use his power for some of the most useless policy ever before seen in history. the man is accelerating the downfall of this country
🤣🤣🤣America is the most powerful country in the world. The other countries that are in America's league like Russia and China have the same social views as Trump. EVEN JAPAN is with Trump on this issue.
@@aesop1451Russia soon will be North Korea 2.0, surprised that you mention it
@@aesop1451 i hope you get well soon ❤️
Yes, he is, and his 'friends' are boiling slowly; they just don't know it. This guy ran a casino into the ground. Everything he touched turned to shit. We are in for rught times ahead. BUT we will make it. ✊
@@aesop1451 As an Australian, I remember that between 2016-2020 the USA was the global laughing stock. And yet again they have become the laughing stock of the world, and will continue to weaken themselves.
Also I really wouldn't be proud of comparing Trump's social views to Russia or China, I feel like that's the exact opposite of what you yanks claim is your values.
Also Japan is definitely not like this, they're much more reasonable and are greatly moving forward to accepting people for who they are. Only authoritarians support you.
Can't wait to see what Blair White has to say...
Yeah can't wait...
Blaire supports it because Blaire is just a Cis Person pretending to be Trans.
@millyofdaworldhola984 I just checked, and her last video was apperently about the Covid 'conspiracy-theory' being true...🤮
As a 13 y.o. transmasc, I might honestly give up at this point. I wished this hadn't happened. I cried watching the inauguration, hoping it wasn't real. I hate America.
She's fear mongering. (Probably confused too) I'm a female with dysphoria. You need to stop listening to this echo chamber. No one is taking yours or my rights away. I wish you'd see that, Trump Is only protecting the youth from activists who try to force ideology onto them. You may not believe me now, but the LGBT isnt what it used to be, its gone nuts. Gay, lesbian, trans, there are other yputubers who disagree with this one. Go seek them
@@Blacken2VoidYeah that’s what they all say.
@@Blacken2Void So you're pretending that the government isn't now overruling the medical opinions of Rockafellastreeet, rockafellastreeet's parents and their doctors?
@@ThePanMan11 Honestly no. I think they are Just going to be more strict, which they should be, cause this is a serious topic and it shouldn't be as easy as it is to get HRT or Puberty Blockers.
@@Blacken2Void What are you talking about? Its not easy at all. It took more than a year for me to get approved for them in a blue state when I was in my late 30's. Its not easy and never has been.
Here’s a good question: why have I never once before in history heard a right winger express concern over safety in prisons? SA in prisons is well known as an out of control problem everywhere and not a single conservative (and very few liberals) have ever cared. In fact, most people I talk to react with sadistic glee when prisoners suffer, saying something along the lines of “don’t commit crimes then.” Yet when the safety of female prisoners in the company of trans prisoners comes up, suddenly they’re bleeding hearts. Of all the examples of right wing hypocrisy, this has got to be one of the worst.
Because the keep prisons single sex movement comes from the UK where all of the opposition to gender woo is from the left wing. Clearly, you know nothing about history.
I have seen people talk about this on both sides. Not as much as It should be talked about, but It does happen. Look at fleece johnson for example, I’ve seen people speak out against him on both sides.
But while we should shed more light on this in general, that doesn’t mean the trans women inmate issue isn’t true. Once you have a rapist saying he’s a woman, going to a female prison and raping 2 women It should be a problem. One issue doesn’t exclude the other.
fully agree. LIke you can be woman and sa another. you can be an man and sa another- like. one person could be in jail for selling weed and can get sa. that isn't fair bc they were just trying to make a living.
@@Laraftw Correct. This means that on top of all the problems and aggressions that occur in a prison between women, they also have to face the additional risk that the presence of a man in their premises implies.
nice strawman you made yourself there spence
I heard his only two gender remark on tv at work. Total cringe.
Did they switch the channel?
Your woke gibberish is cringe. We are done being forced to celebrate YOU!!!!
It’s cringe cause it’s like saying the sky is blue, unnecessary
I always knew this was going to happen :( My parents saw a post saying something like 'Trump only allows cis he-or-shes in the workplace and began praising him like he's the new jesus, saying shit like "He's going to save america, this is so good for the earth" and expect me to act the same. Im a cis woman but treating you guys like you have no human value is super duper wrong. Hopefully the future gets better when he's not around
I don't think so! Majority of American people voted for Trump so in the future, they will voted for another republican like Vance or someone else who think like Trump.
@@malikndiaye978 Your epoch will end eventually, fascist. Trump scraped in thanks to non voters. Not a landslide victory by any means. But you keep 'Roman' saluting 🤣🤣🤣
@@malikndiaye978 welp. were fucked :((
5:47 so they want Trans men in prison? But don’t like men in women’s prisons. I’ve seen trans men and some if not most aren’t clockable
I am a trans woman and I have an F marker on my state real ID, social sacurity card, and birth certificate. You are going to have to pry them from my cold dead fingers to take them from me.
great point. who can force you to reverse this entire process? absolutely no one.
But your not a women never will be
@@notmalk_ Biology can. Like it or not you can't change your chromosomes, I know it maybe doesn't sound right in your head but that's sadly the reality of things.
@guts4347fun thing: not all men are born xy. Not all women are XX.
@guts4347 can u see someone's chromosomes? the whole transition process might not be able to change the chromosomes but it definitely can change mostly everything else. When you look at someone on the street you're not able to see their chromosomes and, if you can, you're either lying or you have the most boring superpower in superhero history
be a respectful person challenge impossible
be a respectful person challenge: trump edition
difficulty level: infinite
They deliberately fail.
@@goodsoupdad Meanwhile all the comments here possess no logic or nuanced opinions, just jokes and parroting what the video said. It's sad that people genuinely think the dead-internet theory is real just due to how bot-like humans are when in tribes.
@ are things ok at home?
@ No argument
Trans people will always be here, as well as allies - such as myself. Hatred stems from fear and ignorance, but love and understanding will always prevail. 🏳️⚧️☮️🫶🏽
Transwomen can exist outside of women's spaces.
Trumps voice hurts my ears when he said his speech
(Saying this from Australia)
He’s not your president. Concern yourself with BI- kangaroos 🦘
What is worrying is there are influential arseh*les in Australia keen to jump on the band wagon who have big money behind them, Queensland LNP are already talking about this crap, and certain Western Australian senator who ran on anti-trans BS is back in office,
these people are so bend out of shape that they have to be decent to us, want things how they were in the past when we were the punchline of their jokes and human punching bags to take their frustration out on with no consequences.
Where I live in Australia we don't have to worry about the price of eggs because there are none in our local supermarket.
Plz adopt us ❤
Joe can't speak 😂
Yeah as an Aussie I swear his voice makes my ears bleed, and the same goes for everybody here too
Welp, looks like im illegal in *73* countries now
Edit: chat it was a joke why we fighting, also im not delusional stop it with that bs
That's okay, because states are merely the collusion of power and capital.
Defy the system. Become ungovernable.
Solidarity, friend.
Come visit us in Australia!
@@thisiscait Australia is good for gays, but trans people not so much
As long as I have a say in it, you are always welcome in Canada!
You're not illegal in america. Don't be bloody ridiculous.
i'm not even trans and i've spent the last 2 days in bed crying because our country is determined to self-immolate. we are following in the jackbooted goosemarching footsteps of 1930s germany and the strength and courage y'all have to continue to stand in defiance of this regime just floors me. you're the heroes we need but don't deserve. 💔
They are the villains of the age
you cant even define what it means to be trans. youre just seeking virtue signaling points. its sad.
I’m bi and my little brother is trans and pan. I’m 16 and he’s only 14. this whole thing is very scary my parents accept both of us and promised they wouldn’t let anything happen to us. but I can tell they’re worried. I’ve never seen my dad make a solid decision about anything before he absolutely had to. I asked him if we would move if things got bad here and he said yes. no hesitation at all that is enough to tell me how bad things have gotten. I don’t know what’s going to happen only that these next four years likely won’t bring anything good. And that I would rather die than let anything happen to my brother. in my family I was raised to believe that rules are only important as long as they serve you. that you should carefully consider consequences but not be bound by anything that didn’t serve to benefit your chances of being ok. I was also taught to take care of others and show kindness these new laws do not serve me nor do they serve kindness. I will never follow a leader who stands for cruelty.
This sucks a lot. I’m silently suffering and it’s been taking a toll on me. Hopefully things will get better and these people who are trying to take our rights away will fail.
hate to see so many trans youth hurting 💔 i hope you and your brother will be alright. i'm glad your parents are so supportive. stay safe, remind yourselves that you're valid, and keep standing up against cruelty.
I send you all love and support to you and your brother ❤🙏
youre bi, and your sister has self hatred issues that she covers up by claiming to be things that aren't real.
edit: corrected the mistakenly incorrect gendered nouns used after realising you saying your "brother is trans" means she is actually your sister.
Wow...looks like poster children for a seriously deranged scientific experiment.
i was just watching your podcast episode from right after the election for comfort and i was thinking about how i’d love to have you talk about this. love you samantha keep doing what you’re doing
am I the only one thinks this sound like 1930s/40s Germany?
Nope. Hopefully it doesn’t escalate. This has been on my mind for years.
@@JustMeMessingAroundNo, it's exactly like the Nazis started their Anti-Semitic Holocaust.
No this is just an honest man
elon seems to agree
intolerance should not be tolerated sadly this is a dog whistle to the evil to bully any one who is different it breaks my heart
You mean like the intolerance of the left when it comes to opinions and free speech?
Thanks for talking about this Samantha!
In my state specifically, we are most democratic, and have reportedly been prepared for his attacks on trans AND immigrants because we've had a lot of the same people since 2018, it's not certain what's going to be what but I feel safer here knowing this. (I am a queer and transgender male who is only a young adult)
My heart goes out to everyone in an unsafe state, don't forget that there are queer and trans people everywhere, be safe and remember you are not alone even if it's scary, practice self care and if you can try to connect with local lgbt people as long as it's safe to
Are you terrified?
and you have blue states like RI immediately bending the knee.
Executive orders cannot override SCOTUS decisions. So this ain't going to allow for discrimination legally. Now, does this mean the government or the current SCOTUS will uphold the standard? Who knows. I am sorry all trans people are dealing with this horrible situation now.
I was thinking that surely the states that allow X markers on official ID could (ironically enough) use the Dobbs decision as precedent to fight this in court on "states rights" grounds, which the current SCOTUS is quite amenable to right now.
Can I ask what the scotus decisions are-I know about the Supreme Court not letting discrimination in of lgbtq members not slide but what’s the exactly?
I don't think discrimination is the goal. and don't be sorry, this is what I voted for.
Lmfao there were trans people that voted him? Talk about low information voters
Yeah. It’s a bit silly but not everyone is informed and it doesn’t matter who you are.
He did say he loves the uneducated 🤷♂️
This is America, the majority of voters are low information voters. People here care about kitchen table problems and never look at the bigger picture. That’s where anti-intellectual culture has gotten us.
trump loves the uneducated.
Fucking terrifying. I'm finally making real progress toward getting top surgery, and now I feel like I'm in a race against the clock to figure everything out before trans healthcare gets messed up or left to the discretion of the red state I live in. :(
Why are you angry at your breasts?? That is something on TikTok has ruined you
@@benschlotte8242gender dysphoria, I'm guessing. Original commenter that's it, yeah?
@@benschlotte8242why are you so concerned with body parts that aren't yours? Twitter and Tiktok has ruined you!
@@benschlotte8242 You clearly have no clue what dysphoria feels like. In the time it took you to write that comment you could take time to do a google search and look it up, maybe then you’d understand a fraction.
That sucks. I am lucky to live in a blue state but it’s really hard to transition anywhere. My friend struggled so much just to get puberty blockers. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you.
I seriously do not understand what he's going to do about intersex people. Like are they going to not exist now?????
Do I still have to pay my taxes? 😭
@@daffadilly 😂 if not let us know!
He doesn't know that they exist at all.
Intersex individuals still have one of two sexes. They are not a mystery sex just bc they don't present typically. Each sex simply has variations within it, and intersex people will still have to navigate it with nuance and be treated with compassion - the issue isn't that they are one sex or the other, but in how people treat them for their differences in how they experience their sex and phenotype.
@@CarissaMurphy Or they will just have to deal with the status quo where doctors surgically mutilate their genitals as kids to make them fit into the male or female category. But of course, that's not the child mutilation fascists are concerned about - it's the phantom menace actually.
That's Trump. Spreading hate, discrimination... We need actually a leader, président who unites people.
Like whom? People always say things like that, but every election cycle the choices are grim. Trump is your President whether you like it or not.
joe biden really "united" people right?
Yeah until 2028
pushing the trans narrative discriminates against Lesbians Gays and Bisexuals. Someone explain the logic behind the LGBs and the Ts being on the SAME team when the very definition of what it means to be trans directly contradicts what it means to be a "gay man" and a "lesbian".
I’m so glad that I have access to the internet to find people like you that make me feel like I’m not alone. I am a minor that is not out and is terrified of people finding out especially now. I have cried multiple times today, feeling so hopeless and alone. Thank you for being so great❤❤
He's an orange. His opinion doesn't count
But your opinion maters ?? Orange people have rights just like YOU
*annoying orange
@@benschlotte8242 but not us apparently
Technically he's a sandwich
It's really hard not to be scared. I'm gonna turn 18 when trump is still in office. My parents wont let me transition medically and I'm just worried that by the time I can make those decisions for myself I legally won't be able to. And I was just barely holding on with the knowledge I have less than two years left to go, worrying about college and money and being able to afford to live and transition at the same time. :(
why are you transitioning when you cant even discriminate between what it means to be a woman and a man. maybe have an answer to that question first before you start removing your genitals.
I love how they always focus on transwomen and never transmen 😆
Misogyny affects ALL WOMEN,even Trans women.
Even Transphobes know that Trans Women are not Men,but they will never admit it, obviously
Have you ever seen transmen cause any trouble?
@@vanderful2397when they do republicans ignore it because it destroys their narrative and rhetoric instantly
.....because trans men do not pose a threat to REAL men. a trans man going into the mens room is not going make other men feel "unsafe"
Because there way less common, take less care to the smaller issues obviously I would thing that would be common sense
I’m so scared. Thank you for covering such important topics
I've felt the same way. 🙂 I've learned to not focus on the fear, and go on with my life. Most of what we're hearing is just talk, and talk can't hurt you unless you let it. Believe me, everything will be okay. ❤
@ thank you, I just feel I need to do something to go against this but I feel so helpless in the situation
Should be!!! Leave our kids alone!!
@@benschlotte8242 no one is coming for your kids
@@benschlotte8242 yeah, trump shouldn't go after our trans kids! i agree!
Didn't he specify "At conception" in the order though? Did maybe more than he wanted with that one... 🤭🤭
We're all female now! YEEEEEAAAAA
We can’t even produce gametes at conception, so I guess we are all agender for a time
@@Brain-dead-gamer ahahah, you read a bs article that said "were all female", and you believed. it... thats adorable. that has long been disproven.
your sex is determined based on your genes. your genetic code is formed from the very first cell, from conception.
you know your genetics are determined at conception right?
I can't believe they see us as so much of a threat to society that they feel the need to do this to us. when all we want to do is be allowed to live our lives.
In everyone else’s spaces and with everyone else’s children. Oh, and I forgot, and policing everyone else’s speech.
@@littlecatfeet9064 We have always been in these spaces, they don't belong to you they belong to the PUBLIC. Nobody cares about your children, and there is no law policing anything you say about us.
@ The projection with y'all. 🤣
@@littlecatfeet9064 no one owns a space and teaching kids in about 5th to 6th grade so they support us unlike the last couple of generations is important every kid whether its taught in sex ed or because another kid is trans or gay they will no about it and we are only "policing" speech if its bigoted.
@@moviemaestro800 care to elaborate?
Coming from a german perspective:
I feel like you can't make this shit up.
A man who has been accused of sexual assault multiple times tries to ban transwomen, who are themselves disproportionally often the victim of such crimes, saying they are the real predators you should be afraid of.
Maybe he should start controlling his own behaviour before accusing victims.
I wish all Americans who are gonna suffer in the next years the best of luck. I hope you will all get through these tough times unharmed, keeping your strength, hope and power. 💚
Your state is failing you and your government should be ashamed of themselves.
A president should show love for all of his citizens and not go after minorities. What he is doing is disgusting and disgraceful.
Germany is circling the drain with this crap. You should be ashamed.
accused does not mean the same as proven guilty. i myself have been SA'ed before so I don't take these allegations lightly. but the allegations against trump, if you read the transcripts, the women who've accused him have changed their testimonies multiple times. something that traumatic is usually imprinted in your memory. so forgive me if i call into question the truthfulness of those accusers.
define what it means to be trans real quick.
then logically explain why the LGBs and the Ts are on the same team when the very definition of what it means to be trans is a direct contradiction to what it means to be a "gay man" or a "lesbian'.
I'm terrified! 1 day into this new reality and this is what gets prioritized?! How are we so scary? What makes the right so feverishly concerned with what we do, who we love, how we express ourselves? I am at a loss and I don't know how to make it through 4 years of this
Grow up!! You make everything about you. Leave our kids alone and use the correct bathroom. No one cares about your YOU BS.
And then, intersex people, I'm deeply concerned on how (possibly medically, even surgically) will they be forced into the binary? If two genders is as natural as they say, why they would need to codified it into law?
Probably the whole minors being allowed to medically transition. That’s what started a lot of the hate.
theyre just obsessed with us for some reason???? like ig they jelly we can actually dress well.
theyre just obsessed with us for some reason???? like ig they jelly we can actually dress well.
Is he going to be able to change people who have already changed their documents back to what they were originally? That’s really going to mess things up with people who have changed their records and documents
Yes from what I’ve seen people with changed documents will have their documents invalidated and likely have to get new documents with their original birth assigned information this law will ruin the lives of many all across the country
Should have never been able to do that. That was Biden and his administration trying to pander for your vote. You lost now get used to TRUMP!!!! Then Vance… then Barron Trump!!!! You will never win the White House again because you won’t change your parties ways. We are over the woke… the DEI… the BS that almost ruined our country. Weak men are DONE and will go away.
@benschlotte8242 Would now be a bad time to tell you that Barron has started showing less and less interest in politics.
@benschlotte8242 Woke doesn't exist
@benschlotte8242 Also: They were able to do that BEFORE Biden. They were literally able to do that during Trump's last term 😂😂😂😂😂😂
After the thought police, you get the genital police.
More seriously, this executive order is a slippery slope on plenty of matter.
I have women friends that clearly had more testosterone than I did and are not trans, neither gay. What happens when a physically strong women gets flagged for her physique? Or a feminine guy? Sports, work, social life?
I am not american, I see this from an outside perspective. I saw musk obvious salutes yesterday.
Those are scary times for a lot of people.
One of my closest friends is naturally very masculine and butch. It's literally in her biology that the fascists seem to claim is on their side. But yeah, she's been called to her face a t-slur because she doesn't "look the part"
not scary at all, everyone's biological sex is recorded at birth based on the biological fact of what a persons sex is. Once a doctors has confirmed a persons biological sex. that can be used by the government to know which of the two sexes people are. even the intersex people, who are still only ever either male or female. so all official documentation a person has to prove their identity will have a way to prove what sex they are.
or at least that was how everything worked until people became able to lie on their documents and claim to be a sex they aren't.
@@ge2719 So what happens now? The genital police? You think trans people will suddently disapear because the law says so?
@@ge2719 After stop and frisk, its now stop and grope? Which is deeply ironic. I my mind, your obsession is just projection.
@@ge2719 They claim to be a different gender, not a different sex
An issue with this order is that he designated everyone as female... during conception, everyone starts off the same and we develop identically up til the 6th to 7th week when the Y chromosome presents and if it doesn't the fetus keeps developing as female... humans default is technically female at conception. So by him assigning sex at conception didn't he just make us all legally female? Also this completely obliterates intersex people to none existence because he classification system has nothing to do with chromosome pattern. If men were men at conception we wouldn't have nipples its a byproduct of us all defaulting to female during earlier development.
And the real world implications would be?
I will never forgive the people who mocked me and said I was fear-mongering when I said this was what he was going to do. And I won't hold my breath waiting for an admission they were wrong, seeing as these were the same people who laughed their asses off at me when I told them Trump would get to appoint SCOTUS judges who'd overturn Roe.
Remember when they said they were "only going to stop minors" from transitioning? Now they are going after the liberties of us adults too... its absolutely ridiculous that we even have to fight for basic stuff like passports and drivers licenses or discrimination protection. So much for "land of the free"
@@Randomidable you are free to lie all you want. but you just can't lie to the government, or to get into protected spaces.
@ We're still going into the bathrooms we want. We will never stop existing or fighting for our rights, no matter how much you throw a temper tantrum. The harder you push against us, the harder we'll fight and the louder we'll be.
I will never forgive trans activists whom initially declared this was a purely adult issue until they went ahead and brought children into it.
what does trans rights have anything to do with Roe?
While this is very scary, this is bound to be challenged as being discriminatory based on sex. I don't know if it will succeed but we must fight to get our rights back!❤
By judges picked by...
@ Don't completely count them out. Gorsich has been willing to rule that way before. Whether he will be a hypocrite on this one is another matter, though, sadly.
you have all the same rights as everyone else. you use the private facilities that match your sex, just like everyone else has to.
as a man who is not sexually attracted to men, i don't like getting changed in front of other men. i only want to be naked around women. yet i don't have the right to choose to use the changing room with all the women in just because of that fact of how i feel. Using the facilities you feel comfortable in, isn't a right.
@ So you admit to them not having the same rights as anyone else, since cis people can use the facilities they're comfortable in, but not trans folks, based on feelings about them rather than facts.
it's gonna be fought over for awhile.
Someone said that "adult human female" definition to me online once. And I asked "What is an adult? What is a human? And what is a female?" They were unable to provide a consistent answer to any of those 3 follow ups.
Adult: A human being who has reached full biological development.
Human: A rational, animated being, male or female.
Female: An adult person of the feminine sex.
Adult: A human being who has reached full biological development.
Human: A rational, animated being, male or female.
Female: An adult person of the feminine sex.
adult: someone above the age of 18
human: by Lineaus, homo sapien. Me,, myself and I
female: opposite male(me), has menstrual cycle, carries eggs to be inseminated by male sperm
while giving a definition for "adult" or "human" doesn't seem that hard, i haven't seen anyone give a definition to "female" or "woman" that either doesn't exclude any cisgender woman or doesn't include transgender women
@ I find that getting definitions for adult and human are harder than people think at first, thats why all of them are big political talking points. The argument for the right for women to have access to abortions is an argument that asks us to define what it means to be human and what hierarchy of rights are given to which humans.
The definition for adult is questioned when we talk about 18 year old women that are groomed by old creepy men and people say it is ok because the woman was an "adult" when the otherwise illegal acts happened. Its even questioned when we say an 18 year old man is adult enough to fight and die in a war they never started but not "adult" enough to have a beer.
And yes I totally agree with your view on the definition for "female" or "woman". The only definition I have ever come up with for a woman that fits ally categories of women is to say that "a woman is anyone that says they are a woman". Which is helpful in many cases but not helpful in others. And I think it is valid in certain cases like when you are studying the effects of misogyny on female presenting people that you are allowed to say something like "for the purposes of this study we defined 'women' as xyz". In many cases, it is not how you define yourself which determines how you are treated, but how others define you based on their perception of you that makes a bigger difference. Especially when that perception is totally incorrect. I think it's important to study those things.
America is cooked
We're healing
LA is...
@@ja-mm1mz naw Trump america is
A reminder to fellow trans folks:
-The government doesn't determine who you are, you do.
-Whether you would like to transition and can't for your safety, or you are of the mindset that you rather risk passing to the next place while being yourself than living a lie, both are valid thought processes.
Protect your peace, find community, and focus so much on self love. Do what you need to to thrive- our joy is so much stronger than anything that we face.
-Our transcestors fought and died for us, and our trans elders lived so we could look to them and know we could make it too. They/we have been here before. We were always here, are here now, and will always be here- turn to our ancestors, elders and each other for hope.
You are loved. You ARE love.
Sending my best wishes to you all, may we all be happy, healthy, and safe, because we deserve that.
*edits for structural & grammatical fixes
trans folk cant even define what it means to be trans
I’m intersex and trans and terrified. I’m disabled and poor, too, no feasible way to get out of even prepare. I can’t defend myself…
If someone in a better off country would like to marry me, stay married until we figure out my citizenship then divorce me, that would be lovely.
(Joking… Maybe. Eh :’) )
I am so grateful for you, your channel, and your continued mental fortitude during all this. I've been anxious as hell these past couple days, but it's really empowering to see some people still have no patience for this bs. 🙏
trump is big mad that he knows he could never pull a trans baddie
You're actually so right
TikTok isn't really back. It's a hollow shell of its former self.
its so wild how you dummies have no idea tiktok is a backdoor into your phones. or maybe you just dont care?
I deleted it last year
@@BEACHDUDE71 tik tok creates a backdoor into your phone. deleting it does not close the back door.
There were 2 trans women in prison. TWO, TWO!!!!! This was put before Congress. It was only 2 in prison and 2 in NCAA Sports. Stop it Trump you idiot.
More then that
@@DavidVanpatten-t1j nope as of 2024 that was the number and why does it matter if there is more they have fitted the regulations set up by professionals
@MaxMarshall-m3m thank you for backing me up, and yeah why would it matter if it was more than 2 🙄
@@Mz_jazzy Well, it kind of does for knowing how many are sentenced to get either SA'd in prison for sure, or sent in isolation (which is absolutely a form or torture) for their "safety", if not both
ONLY two........... thats two TOO MANY you dummy.
Do you diots not understand that two will become four and four will become 10 and 10 will become 100?
When people figure out they can simply "identify as a woman" and get sent to the womens prison, how many evil people do you think will take advantage of that "loophole"???
This world is getting so fucked up and tbh I'm feeling kinda scared being a 12 year old trans male....😔
Then man up
You aren't alone. I'm a trans man too
Unfortunately for me I am a federally employed healthcare worker and we are unsure what this is going to mean. Heretofore there hasn’t been an issue but there is kinda a dress code. Hopefully the federal courts of appeal will stop this insanity.
Oh, and I miss the clicking nails.
It means goodbye Dick Levine, for a start.
Eeoc Sue on ground on religious freedom not all faiths and faith say transgender is nonexistent that they aren’t the gender they say they are. This is a clear violation not only that imply Nuremberg laws it’s still legal
As a America trans kid I have no idea what's gonna happen and I'm lowkey terrified
you'll be fine! i hate that so many trans youth have to live through this, but you're gonna be fine. focus on your education and mental health. stay aware but don't let this get you down. be safe. and always remember that you're valid.
@ ty I rly needed this
well two things could happen. you can either work through your self hatred issues and learn that your sex doesn't determine what person you can be, what character you have, and that you can come to accept yourself for the sex you actually are in reality. or option two is you can ignore your problems, claim to be something you aren't as a way to further ignore those issues, to the point you become convinced you need to permanently castrate yourself in an impossible attempt to become something you can never be, and don't even need to be, and then 5-10 year after this point you will realise what you have been tricked into doing isn't real and that your problems are all still there, and you will feel far far worse then you ever did.
Every single person on this planet has body issues, things about themselves they don't like. We all have to learn to accept the things we don't like. we have to learn that if someone bullied us based on something we can't change, the answer is not to cut that thing off of our bodies, the answer is to become stronger than those bullies and accept that their bullying was just their own self hatred. Don't let other peoples opinions control whether you like yourself or hate yourself.
You’ll just be recognized as the gender you were born as. You’ll still have all your rights and freedoms. You can still identify as what you want, but now people will have the freedom to say no to trans ideology
you'll be fine, the stuff Trump is doing functionally changes nothing.
I thought America was a place of freedom!?
LOL It never really was. I mean, when the country was founded, most of the "Founding Fathers" owned slaves. Does that sound like "the land of the free" to you?
@Kleineganz since you reminded me of that.... No.... I guess not but that's just in the eyes of a British guy so....
BTW the British guy is me....
It is but not for u apparently
youre free to lie to yourself or other all you want. you just can't lie about your sex to the government.
@ It's not a lie when people are literally born trans. Brain scan studies have proven that transgender brains are neurodevelopmentally different. That's not a lie, it's a FACT.
Dr Strange just checked. We got the worst timeline.
I can't believe we have to endure him again.
We had to endure Biden
Now it's your turn
@@DavidVanpatten-t1j Politics isn't some game where one side looses and that's that. Trump is literally going to get trans people killed for being who they are. To say such is so evident of how little you care about the value of human life
feel free to move to gaza. they love dummies like you over there
2016-19 was the best time of my life, I would like to know what exactly you were “enduring”
As a trans person in the US, Im frickin terrified for the next 4 years
You will be kicked out soon. Who wants to be in a fox hole with a freak?
@@benschlotte8242nobody which is why nobody wants to be around u benjamin
As someone who's dealt with actually violent gay bashers, I think this generation will be fine. It was a lot worse for previous generations of American LGBT, and current LGBT in repressive regimes in other countries. Unless you venture into a white supremacist town, I think you'll be fine.
As a trans person, how are you defining what it means to be trans???
and maybe you can logically explain why the LGBs and the Ts are on the same team when the very definition of what it means to be trans is a direct contradiction to what it means to be a "gay man" or a "lesbian'.
@@lawrence208 Are you asking how I am trans? I am an ftm boyflux.
can he just chill like does it matter no. trump or should i say great grandpa it doesn't effect you just let ppl be happy it's not hard
I read somewhere that the ACLU is already preparing lawsuits and challenging this decision. I really hope that article was right. I'm bi and cis and I'm here to stand with you. We have to keep fighting, and I hope you're ok
Thank you for covering this!! Semicloseted trans kid and just about everything happening in my government right now makes me feel sick. Perspectives like yours really keep me from giving up.
Stay in the closet.
What's sickening is how he's wasting no time like he was just waiting for it but all in all love is love and people are who they are no matter what laws and bills are passed
Obama started the common practice of presidents using EO's to get what they want. Trump's first term, he signed a bunch of EO's to overturn Obama's EO's. As soon as Biden entered office, like Trump right now, he also signed a bunch of EO's right away to overturn Trump's first term EO's. So Trump right now is doing what Biden did to him, which he did to Obama.
@HigumaHoney but at what cost
who would win?
president of the USA, leader of the "free" world
the humble brick?
@@Frinkle2007 CORRECT ✅
Threatening to kill a guy for not thinking like you do.
You really belong to this community :)
I'm trans so this just really gets to me especially since I've never been able to be myself. I'm a trans man but nobody has ever seen me that way. You are such a beautiful person and give me some hope
I support my trans folks and know that they are most affected by this but I can't help to also be annoyed on a personal level that all the paperwork at my federally funded clinic are going to have to be changed and updated AGAIN. And when the boomer trumplicans that come in and complain more about paperwork that they have to do again I'm gonna tell them to thank big orange daddy trump for making them do more paperwork.
This is so crazy I feel so sad and scared for all LGBT+ people living in the US currently 😢❤
I was diagnosed female 16 years ago. People’s lives are in danger here. Trump doesn’t have to care, he’s rich
🤣😂🤣😂 you were diagnosed as a female??? OMG STtTaaAaPpp!!
@ I was born female only my body didn’t know it. Estrogen insensitivity syndrome
@@MistressV-s7eSee how ignorant his supporters are?
@just… 🤣we won.. we won the popular vote as well… the problem is YOU!! Not us.
@benschlotte8242 You didn't make Trans people disappear little one. They're still here and they're always going to be here no matter what you say or do.
Always and forever an ally ❤🏳️⚧️
🫡 we will win