Maiv ntxawm Ua cas koj tuaj txog mekas lawm los koj tseem yuav txom nyem li tseem Nyob nplog teb os …. Txawm li cas los thov kom ua siab ntev mog … rau2 siab khwv thiab mus kawm ntawv mog es thiajli tau haujlwm zoo mog …..
This poor girl sound so sick. Vong you need to get this girl to a doctor. Quit being lazy apply for medical or get some money together! You brought her here, she is your responsibility.
@touthao5795 when she went live a few days ago she said she was sick. She does sound sick too. I know at the end the mic is messed up but you can tell.
Maiv Ntxawm koj muab cov zaub txhwb de thaum es cov lwg ghuav tag es tsis ntub dej lawm cov lo muab ntawv ci qhwv cia rau tub yees thiaj tau noj ntev, rho hauv pau kuj haj yam zoo dua, cov hauv teb ko txhawv tas los koj tseem tau cov koj de cias noj os.
Ntau2 li coj mus tso muag tab lai Asia thiab tab laj tc khw moos loob tau nyiaj os hla ib zaug de mus tso ib zaug ces tau nyiaj kawg noj tsis tas li os
maiv ntxawm cas koj cov zaub paj ntau2 cas tsis de muag tam sim no taj laj hmoob twb tsis muaj zaub tom taj laj es noj tas de mus muag tsis. txaus neeg yuav koj mus ib tug naj npawb tom taj laj muas loos thiab taj laj tsav foom lawv ob taj laj es kom muaj ib tug naj npawb ces tso rau cov taj laj mas tau nyiaj kawg li kuv hauv Fresno no thiab kuv de cov zaub mus rau lawv ob lub taj laj mas tsis hmoob yuav li
Zaub zoo zoo txim qab heev li os yu rau siab ua tsi muaj nyiaj yuav lo yu thiaj muaj noj os mog
Maiv ntxawm Ua cas koj tuaj txog mekas lawm los koj tseem yuav txom nyem li tseem Nyob nplog teb os …. Txawm li cas los thov kom ua siab ntev mog … rau2 siab khwv thiab mus kawm ntawv mog es thiajli tau haujlwm zoo mog …..
Leej twg hais tais tuaj mekas yuav tau zoo na tsis khwv tsis tau noj ma
Sisters you have to sell some your vegetables it's very beautiful if I living near you I will buy it
This poor girl sound so sick. Vong you need to get this girl to a doctor. Quit being lazy apply for medical or get some money together! You brought her here, she is your responsibility.
she's not sick, she has a microphone that's y she talk like that....
@touthao5795 when she went live a few days ago she said she was sick. She does sound sick too. I know at the end the mic is messed up but you can tell.
@ That's also how I know Vong don't have health care for her because she said it would be too expensive if they went to the doctor.
She is the smart one. She doesn’t need his help. Other videos when he helped her she yapped at him. If you know so much you don’t need others help.
Come on Cali Hmong people, help a brother out. If Vong was in Minnesota, the Hmong community up here would help his family out.
Ntxim qab kawg
Maiv Ntxawm koj muab cov zaub txhwb de thaum es cov lwg ghuav tag es tsis ntub dej lawm cov lo muab ntawv ci qhwv cia rau tub yees thiaj tau noj ntev, rho hauv pau kuj haj yam zoo dua, cov hauv teb ko txhawv tas los koj tseem tau cov koj de cias noj os.
Cas koj yuav lau ua luaj li lawm na maiv. Koj khwv dhau lawm os.
Maiv ntxhawm koj cov zaub mas zoo heev li os thov ib qhov rau kuv noj thiab os
Ntau2 li coj mus tso muag tab lai Asia thiab tab laj tc khw moos loob tau nyiaj os hla ib zaug de mus tso ib zaug ces tau nyiaj kawg noj tsis tas li os
She looks so sad and lonely...
Nej cov zaub ntxim qab tiag tiag
Maiv ntxawm koj tue Fb yog li ca os
Tell niam kij to send you some things to sell!!!! Make some money!
Tau tus txiv nyob tua game xwb ce tsi muaj twg yuav uv taus li os tua los tua lub sij hawm mus hauj lwm los nyob tsi muaj dab tsi ua ma tua ua si po
Koj nyob tsev xwb ces koj ua zaub muag kom tau me ntsis nyiaj for koj siv.
maiv ntxawm cas koj cov zaub paj ntau2 cas tsis de muag tam sim no taj laj hmoob twb tsis muaj zaub tom taj laj es noj tas de mus muag tsis. txaus neeg yuav koj mus ib tug naj npawb tom taj laj muas loos thiab taj laj tsav foom lawv ob taj laj es kom muaj ib tug naj npawb ces tso rau cov taj laj mas tau nyiaj kawg li kuv hauv Fresno no thiab kuv de cov zaub mus rau lawv ob lub taj laj mas tsis hmoob yuav li
Maiv ntxawm ed ca lub neej twb txom nyem txaus los tseem tau tus txiv tsi paub sib pab es yuav ua ca lub neej thiaj kawg os