That is adorable! My grandson is a huge Gengar fan. I’m thinking about trying to make him one. Thank you for the great instructions and not placing so much on perfection. I tend to overwork things to try for perfection and you did a great job and had fun. I can definitely learn from you. For the eyes and teeth, I think with, I might try using a fine tip micron pen or marker. I couldn’t imagine trying to paint the lines. Have a great and creative day. ❤
That is adorable! My grandson is a huge Gengar fan. I’m thinking about trying to make him one. Thank you for the great instructions and not placing so much on perfection. I tend to overwork things to try for perfection and you did a great job and had fun. I can definitely learn from you.
For the eyes and teeth, I think with, I might try using a fine tip micron pen or marker. I couldn’t imagine trying to paint the lines. Have a great and creative day. ❤
Definitely inspiring! I loved it!!!
looks so good!:) this video was so inspiring!
Just wondering what LED lights you used, I need some for a project but don't want cheap or unreliable ones