Story Of A City

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • From the Film Australia Collection. Made by The National Film Board 1945. Directed by Shan Benson. This is the story of a city built on coal. The film illustrates the fact that Australia's Newcastle, like its British counterpart, has developed into a large city but still retains its essential mining atmosphere. The great steel industry which feeds on its black gold is shown in full blast. But the film reaches beyond coal, steel and the activity of a great port into the lives of the people of Newcastle. It covers not only the mines and the mills but moves into the dwelling and working places and the natural beauty of their surroundings where they find their pleasures.


  • @geoffwebber8317
    @geoffwebber8317 4 роки тому +4

    god i miss those good old days when we had manufacturing jobs give anything to have those days back if felt good to work at the old steelworks felt like you had a purpose in this world cant wait to get out of this material world 🙏☯️

  • @theruneofdoom
    @theruneofdoom 13 років тому

    lol i see u all MR SCULLY

  • @brad123254
    @brad123254 10 років тому +7

    the tech college in this video is now TAFE i go there

  • @gunnersteinbeck235
    @gunnersteinbeck235 4 роки тому +2

    You might want to amend the production date of this film based on the following newspaper articles.
    08 March 1946
    The Newcastle Sun, Page 03
    “Star” ranking was conferred on Newcastle’s City Engineer (Mr. J. E Knott) this morning when members of the Cultural Centre Executive Committee were photographed in technicolor.
    The “shots,” which were taken on the balcony of the City Hall, will complete the cultural and art sequence of the technicolor film of Newcastle being prepared by the Department of Information.
    After being photographed in the first group, Mr Knott retired to the background. Under his arm were tucked plans and photographs of the proposed civic centre area in which it is expected the Cultural Centre will be erected.
    Turning to Mr. Knotty, the director (Mr. R. Maslyn Williams) said: “You are the star of this show; you can’t hide back there.”
    Mr Knott then advanced and assumed a more prominent position with a group which was photographed inspecting the plans.
    After being photographed in color, members of the committee disclaimed film ambitions.
    One modest member said: “I hope they don’t screen this in Newcastle.”
    The city solicitor, Mr. H. L. Wheeler, almost “stole” one scene. Unthinkingly, he walked up to a group which had specially posed just as the cameras were about to whirl.
    Mr. Williams said that the shots, which had taken an hour to secure, would occupy approximately 40 seconds on the screen.
    Main shots yet to be taken are the Technical College at Tighe’s Hill, the mining township of Dudley, and a comparative sequence of Newcastle suburbs.
    Work completed, or practically completed, includes the coal mines industries, coal wharves, shipyards, city and beach sequences, Lake Macquarie holiday camps and yachting, National Fitness, horse racing and cultural and art sequences.
    This morning cameraman were at Nobbys at 5 o’clock to get shots of a ship entering port, but it was too cloudy for film purposes.
    To date approximately 4000 feet of film has been shot. When completed the film will run for 20 minutes.
    28 March 1947
    The Newcastle Sun, Page 06
    “The Story of a City,” the film which the Department of Information cameramen recently made in Newcastle, will be shown at the W.E.A. rooms tonight.
    It will be part of the monthly documentary film group’s monthly programme. Other pictures will include “Border Weave” (the Scottish woollen industry) and “The English Inn.”
    Discussion leader will be Mr. W. F. Anderson, B.Ec.. The admission fee will be 11s 6d.

  • @dieseldavetrains8988
    @dieseldavetrains8988 3 місяці тому +1

    Fond memories of my teen years in Newcastle, great town, great people and great to grow up in. I lived in Mayfield and Wallsend, considered rough areas at the time, but I had no problems. Take the odd sickie off work and head surfing at Stockton beach for a few days, a great life. Remember the Newcastle Permanent Building Society advert jingle from the 1970's? "Hey this is our town..."😉

  • @26TptCoy
    @26TptCoy 5 років тому +3

    Totally different place today. Being a major sea-port hopefully what's left is managed properly with the regional growth kept in regard. Coal, grains, general cargoes, bulk cargoes are the lifeblood of the greater Newcastle and the Hunter. Develop to make the port first choice by any shipper to bring prosperity. I always wondered why the little SMR trains had large alphabetical letters painted on the carriage sides.

    • @gunnersteinbeck235
      @gunnersteinbeck235 4 роки тому +2

      The letters on the coal waggons represented the different coal mines companies that owned each waggon.
      "CC" was Cessnock Collieries.
      "B" was J. and A. Brown.
      "BE" was Burwood Extended.
      "W.B.I.C" Wickham and Bullock Island Colliery.

  • @budda55555
    @budda55555 11 років тому +2

    I grew up in Newcastle, Im 64 now. Now living in Dallas Texas USA since 2000. ... the city has come a LONG WAY. But I still call Newcastle 'HOME'! Great place for kids, or at least it used to be!

  • @budda55555
    @budda55555 11 років тому +2

    I just loved this clip ... lots of very familar places and scenes, for me anyway. I think that some are still there!

  • @Devo5310
    @Devo5310 13 років тому +2

    A real bit of history of Newcastle and the people.

  • @dannyboy6106
    @dannyboy6106 3 роки тому +2

    Love living and growing up in this city of Newcastle

  • @jonglewongle3438
    @jonglewongle3438 3 роки тому +1

    I saw a picture in the Newcastle Herald in 2005 which was from the 1920s of some precinct in the Newcastle region, a riverbank area with people sitting around mostly in the modern gear of the time but still the occasional showing of the striped full body Victorian bathing attire. Elsewhere you could pick out the cameo of some old geriatric bloke through some trees. In the distance community swimming pools with families taking dips, some girl paused hesitantly on one of the diving boards. People splashing around everywhere. Some matter-of-fact mom striding along the main thoroughfare there with the teen daughter sashaying along behind her with scarfs and so forth on her shoulders and arms, and indicating merrily to people she must have been acquainted with.

  • @runningrapture-lk7kr
    @runningrapture-lk7kr 9 місяців тому

    watching with my special someone

  • @ade425mxy
    @ade425mxy 13 років тому

    Would love to Restore this, Yeah, LOVE to, Check me out, Im quite good....

  • @IanGorton
    @IanGorton 13 років тому

    They showed this and alot of other historical film at the Newcastle Show This year

  • @markwilesmith5599
    @markwilesmith5599 3 роки тому

    Angus Young at 2:46

  • @Devo5310
    @Devo5310 13 років тому

    Billy your a legend

  • @maureenhough4622
    @maureenhough4622 7 років тому


  • @theruneofdoom
    @theruneofdoom 13 років тому

    HI SIR