Hola hello beautiful world God Almighty bless all ❤️yess !! Much much more spiritual movies no hate ,only Love ,Love !!!! God Almighty bless you and all ❤️✨🌟❤️
God Almighty bless you mel for the yrs of great entertainment thank u Mr geb also for shining your brightest light on us for God God Almighty bless you huge !!!!! ❤️🌟✨❤️
Ironically, your comment is not biblical. You sounded spiritual, but not really. There are worse wars fought in the other realm, our action or drama movies are pale in comparison. Movies about Godliness have been around, and they do not represent harsh realities of our spiritual walk, hence they are not interesting to watch and ultimately failed to have big impact in changing our inner man according to His image.
Our worth is in Jesus Christ. The Saviour came and He considered us worthy of Salvation and gave us the gift of endless life with Him, we just need to come to Him and take it with repentance. So we have worth because of what He did!
Absolutely I was a child when I saw it in theaters, I remember seeing grown men crying, atheist converting, murders confessing. God uses the most unlikely to make the biggest impacts, gives me hope. I think about the day I will fall down at his feet and it is undescribable, joy and trembling, love and fear. All Mighty God, I am unworthy but fully believe in your grace and mercy, thank you for all the blessings and lessons you have bestowed on me hallelujah!
@jean-pierreannandale828 absolutely Sir Mel Gibson is angel on Earth no matter how many people try to bring him down including the evil in Hollywood every time he is blessed by the GRACE OF LORD JESUS 🙏 ❤️ AND BE ON THE TOP OF LORD JESUS LIST AMEN 🙏 ❤️ 🙌
I Pray every day that the Lord would reveal himself to me!! Though I Love the him already, so much, but I feel that I need and want more! Oh Lord, You're Beautiful.
Mel, God used you to change my family’s lives! We did not know Jesus and I had this unexplainable urge to go see the Passion of the Christ after we had returned home from our son.’s school event. We drove to the 9pm showing and learned that Jesus is God’s son, we could barely find words on our drive home! I wrestled with what to do with what we had leaned, so I reached out to a friend and she told me how to accept Christ. I prayed in my kitchen that morning in March of 2024. Two weeks later my husband was saved, we started going to church, bought our first Bibles and raised our kids in a Christian home! My Dad was saved 3 years later. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making that movie. Keep allowing God to use your gifts for His glory. I can’t wait to see The Resurection!♥️🙏🏻✝️
Jesus was a Rabbi that spoke like none other saying when Scripture was fulfilled by Him and later explaining how the Scripture spoke of Him and all that He did, but the point of Mel Gibson's film was to force the whole world to recognize the teachings didn't change the whole world. Rather His death and what it meant was the whole of His life. To do it required some flash backs to help us see Him as a person who was loveable, like when He splashed water into His mother's face to get a smile after half a day's work, or to even just allow a breath of air to contemplate what you were seeing (I don't believe in stations of the Cross in the Roman Catholic Church) but without it would probably be too much. In the end, you had to ask yourself one question. Wouldn't any sane man reject the word of Mark 14:62, as opposed to being led as a Lamb to the slaughter. Jesus answered all the questions, but performed no miracles. He controlled the whole trial in the sense Pilate would have no authority over Jesus if only Jesus would repent of the claim that an eternal kingdom was His. Therefore, Pilate put over Him on the cross by a soldier, in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew the following words: "This Jesus of Nazareth; King of Jews." The High Priest wanted it as only He declared it, but Pilate knew the truth of the sense that beating, spitting, mocking, a crown of thorns, scourging until flesh was ripped off His back all had not gotten Christ Jesus to recant Mark 14:62.
♦"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." ♦"Religion is founded on the fear & gullibility of many & the cleverness of few." ♦"Only fools revere the supernatural bs just bc a book says it's the holy truth." ♦"The delusional religious fools are cocksure & the intelligent full of doubt." ♦"The religious believe by the millions what only lunatics believe on their own." ♦"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." ♦"It's difficult to free the religious fools from the chains they revere." ♦“To have faith is precisely to lose one's mind so as to win God.” ♦"The death of dogma is the birth of morality." ♦"Religion fools many bc human brain is susceptible to pareidolia & apophenia." ♦"There is no objective order or structure in the world except what we give it." ♦"Morality is an evolutionary process. Jesus & authors of Bible didn't know slavery is immoral, but today we know slavery is immoral."
The Passion was breathtaking, There were times I even found myself holding my breath. I came out of the theater with everyone silently. The whole theater...silently Never experienced that before coming out of a movie theatre. Made me think for days
When Mel Gibson told people in Hollywood that he was making a film about the crucifixion of Jesus, a lot of them thought he was crazy. He got no support from Hollywood, so he turned to the churches for support.
I thank God so much for the passion movie. It changed my life. I was lost when I saw that movie, and it showed me Jesus in a way that I finally understood.
I bought that movie and cry I cried so hard that movie just gave a taste of what Jesus truly went through. I cannot imagine Mel Gibson is truly a good person with a beautiful heart for God. No matter what his demons are God worked his heart and look at him today. It's a true miracle.
It’s true, when you accept Jesus Christ as your savior you will get the good and the bad it’s part of being a follower. You will have spiritual attacks because the enemy wants you to give up on your faith. Keep strong and pray 🙏 every single day for strength to overcome the attacks.
As a non-catholic, I really love the fact that two of the greatest actors who played our Lord Jesus (beside Robert Powell) are Catholics! Protestants, Evangelicals and others denominations keep criticizing Catholics, but God… God keep choosing them to portraying His Messiah. ❤
Exodus 20 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Genesis 2 2 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.( Saturday is the seventh day the Sabbath of the Lord thy God ) NOT SUNDAY OF THE ROMAN PAGAN CHURCH babylon has fallen come out of her. STUDY YOUR SCRIPTURE be as the bereans and seach the scripturs daily to see what you are been tought is correct if not then turn from that church and follow chist not a man. knowone may come to the father except through me..christ talking Exodus 20 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. This is the comandment the Roman pagan church removed so they can bow down to mary statues and kiss the feet of statues. read daniel 7 he is talking about the papacy trust gods word not a man who sits on a throne between two cherrubs and thinks he is god and the father. babylon has fallen come out of her meaning get out of that church and obey gods word and not that of a man who thinks he is the father
@bradleesargent While the original comment here was humble and kind, your comment comes off as very arrogant. Jesus did not found Catholicism. Not one single disciple was called "Catholic" nor adhered to the praying to Mary and saints or any of the very pharisee-like ritual practices that Catholics do. Perhaps God is calling these Catholic actors to see him in a different light and come closer to truth. Don't get me wrong we are all called to love each other and we are all sinners who are seeking Christ, but with all due respect do not arrogantly portray yours as the "one true" church. Jesus is the one way. Leave the man-made and very pagan Catholic doctrine out of it. JESUS is the way. Not the popes. Not Mary or the saints. Not the corrupt rosary prayers. Not the praying before statues and kissing their feet. Do not dare claim your Catholicism is the one true holy church.
For years, I believed, but kept Him on the doorstep. I now Know Him. I walk with Him, talk with Him... He's my Saviour and I so thank God for showing me how to open that door. x
If you want to follow a celebrity and listen to their words, this is the one to listen to. We all have a past. This man cares and truly believes in the shed Blood
Through HIM With HIM In HIM... Thank you Mel and Jonathan for all your hard work reminding the world to love one another. Please keep on keeping on. Much love ❤️ Louis Kennedy Louisiana
Jim, was the BEST to play the part of Our Lord, JESUS. We Love You Brother and I thank you for showing the world the True HEART of JESUS! Praying all that see this movie their hearts fall back in love with our first LOVE…. I would not want to do this thing we call life without HIM to Guide and Walk with me . But most of all is HIS LOVE, He Loves US like No other, so sweet and pure. I love YOU, JESUS With All My Soul
We need that prayer everyday,.... every hour. Walking with Jesus is a minute by minute life. He shows up even when our faith wavers .I've had Him for 80 years now, and still going.
After all these years the Passion is one of the best movies I still cry every time I watch it and I think we should watch it more often because it keeps us humble. All the Glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you to Mell and Jim Caviezel for sharing your talent with us in such a humble way.. Thank You Lord for brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. With love from South Africa
Bog je živ i sada je vrijeme milosrđa. Obratite se i vjerujte evandelju .Ako se ne obratimo svi ćemo propasti .Bog je pravedan sudac.Nije svoga sina dao na križ da bi mi ostali nevjernicima. Obraćajte svoj zivot pod hitno .nema još puno vremena
Jesus had me as a child through little house on the prairie..I had been abused my whole childhood but the lord has given me comfort and so much blessing ..iam so thankful he found me!
I love these guys.. Mel and Jonathan, Jim Caviezel, and others that swim against a strong current to make faith films. IF, the Resurrection is made, I pray that Gods hands are on the project, as I am sure they would be, and that it brings many to Christ. I will certainly support the film in every manner.
We love you Mel in Australia- And I’m 81 years old - I am so proud of how you love Jesus Christ and let Him use you to show us just how much Christ loves us here on earth- keep up the vision Father God has given you - And I love your mate Greg - Two good Men --❤
The glorious gospel must be proclaimed the absolute truth of what the word of God has already spoken!! I pray we look to Christ and Christ alone for salvation. Acts 4:12
I love The Passion Of The Christ. Thank you so much for bringing Jesus suffering to us as it really hits home as to what Jesus went through. Thank you Mel, God bless you.
I’ve been praising God that so many actors, producers, etc in Hollywood coming out verbally as Christians and making films, developing Christian agencies for actors. Praise God!!!!
The TRUTH That "If anyone isn't standing with HIM they are against HIM" that cuts and is necessary for everyone to listen and make the active choice to Give their Life to CHRIST JESUS To Lift HIS BLESSED NAME and Share THE GOSPEL when and where it is possible. Tell THE TRUTH OF HIS SACRIFICE for Humankind and The Gift of Redemption for the salvation of The Soul because of HIS spotless SANCTIFIED BLOOD AMEN
Thank you brother Mel, that you have a heart for Our Jesus Christ, that you want those that know Him Not … To SEE the True HEART of Our Lord. By seeing the True Heart of GOD, that religion doesn’t show HIS LOVE, HIS MERCY and GRACE. He is not a GOD that is far off, that we go to others to tell our sins too, and tell you , you are forgiven!!! JESUS is my friend( BEST) , Brother and FATHER and I can have fellowship with HIM, and HE Speaks to You also! If you sit still and listen with your Heart ❤️ you will hear HIS Voice! His a God of the heart, that why I call Him,” The KING OF HEARTS 💕 “ He is the only One That Can Hear The Cries Of Our Hearts, ONLY The ONE TRUE GOD
3:01 Mel Gibson is a genius!!!! It’s not unusual for Satan to step in and try to mess you up after you’ve done something for Christ. Yes he did start drinking & doing some radical stuff, which Hollywood of course put him in a bad light. I know he loves God & remember we all fall. Thanks to God he got his life back on track. I can’t wait to see the resurrection of Christ!
Mel Gibson has always been one of my favorite actors and directors. A flawed man like all of us who has repented of his sins and continues the struggle of this life we all must live. His Passion film(s) are needed now more than ever.
There is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, Christ Jesus, Himself human, who gave Himself - a ransom for all, a testimony at the proper time. Ap. Paul in 1Tim 2:5-6
Life on earth is temporary but Jesus has given us eternal life. Great movie and I can feel the passion for Christ. His death made us possess the freedom from sins. The film is so real.
thank you so very much for this video and Mel Gibson for making the Passion of the Christ, a film that helped me understand more fully what Jesus Christ did to save me from myself; I can't imagine a life without faith, prayer, and studying the Bible and I can confidently say that a life of following the Lord and doing what He asks is an infinitely better life than serving myself
I have watched every one of these movies, they were all spectacular and moved me to the core 🙏🙏😊 I have been a loyal fan of Mel Gibson since Mad Max! The Jesus Revolution was beautiful
Praise be to God. It is beautiful to see people large and small have god act through them. Jesus christ is the prince of peace and he will bring that peace to the storm within you. Just open the door and the peace and hope he gives will set you free from the world of darkness around you. It will show you the flowers of light we can be if we surrender to Him.
What a testament of faith... My our Creator, Holy Father, and His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit help us and shield us from harm... in Jesus name I pray ,Amen
The power of the word and the image is being channeled in spreading the life and works of the Lord....We should be so grateful we have these beautiful movies and shows about the power of our Lord Jesus and the gospels...The Chosen has been major in spreading this amazing spiritual tsunami and together with The Passion and hopefully The Resurrection plus others that had come before, the realism achieved is heart wrenching for all people. We all feel it profoundly. I commend these actors and directors, Dallas Jenkins and Jonathan Roumie , Jim Caviezel, to go through a lot of pain to portray our Lords life, death and resurrection to give us such poignant experiences. Bless, bless all. Bless our God.THANKS!!!!
I love you TBN and GREG LAURIE! I have been a Christian since 1970 at the age of 17. I was deep in sin and i was invited to a Church service by a childhood friend, so i consented, but i sure couldn't figure out why i told her yes. But God, Jesus, had a REALLY GOOD PLAN figured out, and when i was sitting there the Holy Spirit came to me and, long story short, SAVED me! Jesus Revolution happened in my life! I couldn't believe it when that movie was actually made! I said, this is MY story! Needless to say i bought the film ❤❤❤ I have loved Greg and his ministry for many years, Thank You Jesus!!
It's the example of being a father ,soldier,lover,and hero that influenced me the most growing up William Wallace was an unstoppable relentles peaceful monster for his love
Hola hello beautiful world God Almighty bless all ❤️yess !! More spiritual moves and Jesus moves and also loving God with all our heart and soul and Love one another!!! ❤️🌟✨❤️
Hola hello beautiful world God Almighty bless all ❤️yess !! Much much more spiritual movies no hate ,only Love ,Love !!!! God Almighty bless you and all ❤️✨🌟❤️
God Almighty bless you mel for the yrs of great entertainment thank u Mr geb also for shining your brightest light on us for God God Almighty bless you huge !!!!! ❤️🌟✨❤️
Ironically, your comment is not biblical. You sounded spiritual, but not really. There are worse wars fought in the other realm, our action or drama movies are pale in comparison. Movies about Godliness have been around, and they do not represent harsh realities of our spiritual walk, hence they are not interesting to watch and ultimately failed to have big impact in changing our inner man according to His image.
Absolutely 👍 💯 Amen
I cry every time... what Jesus suffered for me... I'm not worthy
No we are not worthy that’s why we need a savior! Praise God He sees us in the righteousness of His ‘Son’s blood.
Our worth is in Jesus Christ. The Saviour came and He considered us worthy of Salvation and gave us the gift of endless life with Him, we just need to come to Him and take it with repentance. So we have worth because of what He did!
"Not worthy"...as it applies to each of us, it is totally true. ❤
Totally true im not worthy...
But it's time to become worthy my brothers and sisters, at least try our best, be brave, be kind and fight against evil 💪🙏✝️
Jesus is the way, truth and the life...
I have prayed that Mel makes it to heaven . Jesus used him to save countless souls through the passion of Christ
At every catholic Mass they pray for all Christians
I🙏 he will very humble and inspiring man
He will
Absolutely I was a child when I saw it in theaters, I remember seeing grown men crying, atheist converting, murders confessing. God uses the most unlikely to make the biggest impacts, gives me hope. I think about the day I will fall down at his feet and it is undescribable, joy and trembling, love and fear. All Mighty God, I am unworthy but fully believe in your grace and mercy, thank you for all the blessings and lessons you have bestowed on me hallelujah!
Pray that he stays sober and listens to what he already knows about Jesus.
Mel Gibson is the best. I like it when he stands up against Hollywood and not keeping quiet
I work in Hollywood. Many Christians here. Can't cross the street without hitting a church here.
@jean-pierreannandale828 absolutely Sir Mel Gibson is angel on Earth no matter how many people try to bring him down including the evil in Hollywood every time he is blessed by the GRACE OF LORD JESUS 🙏 ❤️ AND BE ON THE TOP OF LORD JESUS LIST AMEN 🙏 ❤️ 🙌
The whole world needs lots more Jesus!
I Pray every day that the Lord would reveal himself to me!! Though I Love the him
already, so much, but I feel that I need and want more! Oh Lord, You're Beautiful.
This film should get the top award for every category. Jesus is everything everyone needs. AMEN
Yes ❤❤❤
Passion of the Christ is the best biblical movie and Jim Caviezel is the best portrayal of Jesus.
He was very good, one of the best but I have disagree. I think Jonathan Roumie is the best portrayal of Him
I love both ❤😊
@@CanuckIV...I agree!
@@CanuckIV of HIS human side, but as of the passion of christ, the torture...mel gibbson is the best
@@samueld3469 We haven't got... that far into the Chosen yet...
Mel, God used you to change my family’s lives! We did not know Jesus and I had this unexplainable urge to go see the Passion of the Christ after we had returned home from our son.’s school event. We drove to the 9pm showing and learned that Jesus is God’s son, we could barely find words on our drive home! I wrestled with what to do with what we had leaned, so I reached out to a friend and she told me how to accept Christ. I prayed in my kitchen that morning in March of 2024. Two weeks later my husband was saved, we started going to church, bought our first Bibles and raised our kids in a Christian home! My Dad was saved 3 years later. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making that movie. Keep allowing God to use your gifts for His glory. I can’t wait to see The Resurection!♥️🙏🏻✝️
Jesus was a Rabbi that spoke like none other saying when Scripture was fulfilled by Him and later explaining how the Scripture spoke of Him and all that He did, but the point of Mel Gibson's film was to force the whole world to recognize the teachings didn't change the whole world. Rather His death and what it meant was the whole of His life. To do it required some flash backs to help us see Him as a person who was loveable, like when He splashed water into His mother's face to get a smile after half a day's work, or to even just allow a breath of air to contemplate what you were seeing (I don't believe in stations of the Cross in the Roman Catholic Church) but without it would probably be too much. In the end, you had to ask yourself one question.
Wouldn't any sane man reject the word of Mark 14:62, as opposed to being led as a Lamb to the slaughter. Jesus answered all the questions, but performed no miracles. He controlled the whole trial in the sense Pilate would have no authority over Jesus if only Jesus would repent of the claim that an eternal kingdom was His.
Therefore, Pilate put over Him on the cross by a soldier, in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew the following words: "This Jesus of Nazareth; King of Jews." The High Priest wanted it as only He declared it, but Pilate knew the truth of the sense that beating, spitting, mocking, a crown of thorns, scourging until flesh was ripped off His back all had not gotten Christ Jesus to recant Mark 14:62.
Look.9ollollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllollllllllllllllllll lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllololllll poll lp
♦"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool."
♦"Religion is founded on the fear & gullibility of many & the cleverness of few."
♦"Only fools revere the supernatural bs just bc a book says it's the holy truth."
♦"The delusional religious fools are cocksure & the intelligent full of doubt."
♦"The religious believe by the millions what only lunatics believe on their own."
♦"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
♦"It's difficult to free the religious fools from the chains they revere."
♦“To have faith is precisely to lose one's mind so as to win God.”
♦"The death of dogma is the birth of morality."
♦"Religion fools many bc human brain is susceptible to pareidolia & apophenia."
♦"There is no objective order or structure in the world except what we give it."
♦"Morality is an evolutionary process. Jesus & authors of Bible didn't know slavery is immoral, but today we know slavery is immoral."
Bless you and your family
@@AtamMardesyou are using a limited mind through a limited language to explain the unlimited. No way
Religion has kept a lot of people out of church
Jesus' is not a religion HE is reality
HE is alive!!!
Yes, Jesus isn’t a religion
Wow I hope America becomes Christian again ❤✝️
I think it's starting to get there.
Everything is possible through God’s power. He is omnipotent. ❤️
The Passion was breathtaking, There were times I even found myself holding my breath. I came out of the theater with everyone silently. The whole theater...silently
Never experienced that before coming out of a movie theatre. Made me think for days
Dieser Film entfacht nur noch mehr Sehnsucht und Liebe nach Jesus❤
Mel Gibson is not only the best actor this country has ever seen he is a real HERO!
When Mel Gibson told people in Hollywood that he was making a film about the crucifixion of Jesus, a lot of them thought he was crazy. He got no support from Hollywood, so he turned to the churches for support.
I thank God so much for the passion movie. It changed my life. I was lost when I saw that movie, and it showed me Jesus in a way that I finally understood.
"In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."
(Proverbs 3:6)
We all love Mel gibson
I have no respect for Hollywood, except a chosen few and Mel Gibson is top on my list. God Bless Mel Gibson 🙏🙏🙏
Mel Gibson is a fool who can't discern religious fairy tales, fictions, myths, and bs from facts.
I bought that movie and cry I cried so hard that movie just gave a taste of what Jesus truly went through. I cannot imagine Mel Gibson is truly a good person with a beautiful heart for God. No matter what his demons are God worked his heart and look at him today. It's a true miracle.
Mel Gibson is a very talented actor-producer although he is an eccentric, but God knows his heart and He’s using him for His glory.
That's why Jesus went to the cross ,to make us all worthy .His Blood made the way.Be Blessed
Christ is King 💖
All praise to The Father!
thank you jusses AMEN m'y friend
I love Mel's answer to the question about making the film
The Resurrection.
Most definitely a huge undertaking.
To get it right.
Go Mel.
If anyone can Do it - Mel Can 🎉
It’s true, when you accept Jesus Christ as your savior you will get the good and the bad it’s part of being a follower. You will have spiritual attacks because the enemy wants you to give up on your faith. Keep strong and pray 🙏 every single day for strength to overcome the attacks.
As a non-catholic, I really love the fact that two of the greatest actors who played our Lord Jesus (beside Robert Powell) are Catholics! Protestants, Evangelicals and others denominations keep criticizing Catholics, but God…
God keep choosing them to portraying His Messiah. ❤
yea...they just need to take back their church from satan.
You are always welcome to come home to the one true holy apostolic catholic church founded by Jesus Christ
Exodus 20
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Genesis 2
2 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.( Saturday is the seventh day the Sabbath of the Lord thy God ) NOT SUNDAY OF THE ROMAN PAGAN CHURCH babylon has fallen come out of her. STUDY YOUR SCRIPTURE be as the bereans and seach the scripturs daily to see what you are been tought is correct if not then turn from that church and follow chist not a man. knowone may come to the father except through me..christ talking
Exodus 20
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
This is the comandment the Roman pagan church removed so they can bow down to mary statues and kiss the feet of statues. read daniel 7 he is talking about the papacy trust gods word not a man who sits on a throne between two cherrubs and thinks he is god and the father. babylon has fallen come out of her meaning get out of that church and obey gods word and not that of a man who thinks he is the father
I second this always welcome @@bradleesargent
@bradleesargent While the original comment here was humble and kind, your comment comes off as very arrogant. Jesus did not found Catholicism. Not one single disciple was called "Catholic" nor adhered to the praying to Mary and saints or any of the very pharisee-like ritual practices that Catholics do. Perhaps God is calling these Catholic actors to see him in a different light and come closer to truth.
Don't get me wrong we are all called to love each other and we are all sinners who are seeking Christ, but with all due respect do not arrogantly portray yours as the "one true" church. Jesus is the one way. Leave the man-made and very pagan Catholic doctrine out of it.
JESUS is the way. Not the popes. Not Mary or the saints. Not the corrupt rosary prayers. Not the praying before statues and kissing their feet. Do not dare claim your Catholicism is the one true holy church.
For years, I believed, but kept Him on the doorstep. I now Know Him. I walk with Him, talk with Him... He's my Saviour and I so thank God for showing me how to open that door. x
If you want to follow a celebrity and listen to their words, this is the one to listen to. We all have a past. This man cares and truly believes in the shed Blood
Jesus is life and breath and hope for tomorrow today and every second he is GOD
Through HIM
With HIM
In HIM...
Thank you Mel and Jonathan for all your hard work reminding the world to love one another.
Please keep on keeping on.
Much love ❤️
Louis Kennedy
Praise the Lord. Thankful to these directors who used their gifts to advance the Kingdom. Thankful for the Passion and the Chosen!
Jim, was the BEST to play the part of Our Lord, JESUS. We Love You Brother and I thank you for showing the world the True HEART of JESUS! Praying all that see this movie their hearts fall back in love with our first LOVE…. I would not want to do this thing we call life without HIM to Guide and Walk with me . But most of all is HIS LOVE, He Loves US like No other, so sweet and pure. I love YOU, JESUS With All My Soul
I agree with Pastor Greg Laurie; "The Passion of the Christ" was done perfectly in Aramaic! Very real!
We need that prayer everyday,.... every hour. Walking with Jesus is a minute by minute life. He shows up even when our faith wavers .I've had Him for 80 years now, and still going.
Mel is one of my favorite humans ever. A great, great man. Best actor out there, too.
Praise Jesus Christ, Son of the Living G-d! G-d bless you all. 🙏
After all these years the Passion is one of the best movies I still cry every time I watch it and I think we should watch it more often because it keeps us humble. All the Glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you to Mell and Jim Caviezel for sharing your talent with us in such a humble way.. Thank You Lord for brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. With love from South Africa
Bog je živ i sada je vrijeme milosrđa. Obratite se i vjerujte evandelju .Ako se ne obratimo svi ćemo propasti .Bog je pravedan sudac.Nije svoga sina dao na križ da bi mi ostali nevjernicima. Obraćajte svoj zivot pod hitno .nema još puno vremena
Jesus had me as a child through little house on the prairie..I had been abused my whole childhood but the lord has given me comfort and so much blessing ..iam so thankful he found me!
Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel excellent
I love these guys.. Mel and Jonathan, Jim Caviezel, and others that swim against a strong current to make faith films. IF, the Resurrection is made, I pray that Gods hands are on the project, as I am sure they would be, and that it brings many to Christ. I will certainly support the film in every manner.
Passion of the Christ is the best movie of all time and as close to what Jesus truly suffered for our salvation.
Thank you Mel for what you done ❤
Jesus is the way. Today Tomorrow Forever Amen ❤
We love you Mel in Australia-
And I’m 81 years old - I am so proud of how you love Jesus Christ and let Him use you to show us just how much Christ loves us here on earth- keep up the vision Father God has given you - And I love your mate Greg - Two good Men --❤
Love from The U.S . We love Australia
It's a great Movie, Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for Saving us on the Cross, please forgive me
World needs his movies. A movie can heal so many people…
❤ Thank you Jesus for dying for all of humanity. Thank you for Salvation.
We really do. ❤ you ( the message)
The glorious gospel must be proclaimed the absolute truth of what the word of God has already spoken!!
I pray we look to Christ and Christ alone for salvation.
Acts 4:12
I love The Passion Of The Christ. Thank you so much for bringing Jesus suffering to us as it really hits home as to what Jesus went through. Thank you Mel, God bless you.
I'm so thankful for Mel Gibson making The Passion of Christ. That was so awesome.
I’ve been praising God that so many actors, producers, etc in Hollywood coming out verbally as Christians and making films, developing Christian agencies for actors. Praise God!!!!
WOW, I cant wait to see that ! The BIBLE was born because of RESURRECTION. I WANNA SEE THAT IN BIG SCREEN
C'mon Mel, in Christs strength you can do it! The world needs the resurrection movie!
Life is a TEST..Good Versus Evil..Choose your path, before its too late..Sending ❤ to the world, wherever its needed..🙏🌍
Amen Live your life with God first He made my heart grow
The TRUTH That "If anyone isn't standing with HIM they are against HIM" that cuts and is necessary for everyone to listen and make the active choice to Give their Life to CHRIST JESUS To Lift HIS BLESSED NAME and Share THE GOSPEL when and where it is possible. Tell THE TRUTH OF HIS SACRIFICE for Humankind and The Gift of Redemption for the salvation of The Soul because of HIS spotless SANCTIFIED BLOOD AMEN
Will make a point to watch The Passion of The Christ.
Truly grateful for Mel and his craft.
prepare to cry
I think that was one of the most best directory edited movie ever thank you Mel Gibson
I’ve been waiting forever for the next part from the passion of the cross before I die of old age
Wonderful to see Mel happy again ❤️🩹🤍🤍
From Nepal🇳🇵🇳🇵love for mel Gibson sir and praise lord❤❤❤😊
Thank you brother Mel, that you have a heart for Our Jesus Christ, that you want those that know Him Not … To SEE the True HEART of Our Lord. By seeing the True Heart of GOD, that religion doesn’t show HIS LOVE, HIS MERCY and GRACE. He is not a GOD that is far off, that we go to others to tell our sins too, and tell you , you are forgiven!!! JESUS is my friend( BEST) , Brother and FATHER and I can have fellowship with HIM, and HE Speaks to You also! If you sit still and listen with your Heart ❤️ you will hear HIS Voice! His a God of the heart, that why I call Him,” The KING OF HEARTS 💕 “ He is the only One That Can Hear The Cries Of Our Hearts, ONLY The ONE TRUE GOD
This man stands with /for God and Jesus Christ-Amen 🙏
3:01 Mel Gibson is a genius!!!! It’s not unusual for Satan to step in and try to mess you up after you’ve done something for Christ. Yes he did start drinking & doing some radical stuff, which Hollywood of course put him in a bad light. I know he loves God & remember we all fall. Thanks to God he got his life back on track. I can’t wait to see the resurrection of Christ!
Dear, dear brother Gibson. We hear you; we see you and so thank God for "A man born in such at time as this". He blesses. Amen.
Thank you son of god Jesus 🙏♥️ for the love you give us❤
The Robert Powell movie, The Passion and now The Chosen, have had huge impacts. Even those directly involved, personal impacts.
Passion of the Christ... my salvation .
Mel Gibson has always been one of my favorite actors and directors. A flawed man like all of us who has repented of his sins and continues the struggle of this life we all must live. His Passion film(s) are needed now more than ever.
Mel Gibson is a fool who can't discern religious fairy tales, fictions, myths, and bs from facts.
Absolutely, we are flawed. Thank God for his Grace.
There is one God
and one mediator between God and humanity,
Christ Jesus, Himself human,
who gave Himself - a ransom for all,
a testimony at the proper time.
Ap. Paul in
1Tim 2:5-6
Life on earth is temporary but Jesus has given us eternal life. Great movie and I can feel the passion for Christ. His death made us possess the freedom from sins. The film is so real.
thank you so very much for this video and Mel Gibson for making the Passion of the Christ, a film that helped me understand more fully what Jesus Christ did to save me from myself; I can't imagine a life without faith, prayer, and studying the Bible and I can confidently say that a life of following the Lord and doing what He asks is an infinitely better life than serving myself
From a young, bright Actor to a seasoned, wise Director. I have enjoyed your story so far... 🤟🏼
I have watched every one of these movies, they were all spectacular and moved me to the core 🙏🙏😊 I have been a loyal fan of Mel Gibson since Mad Max! The Jesus Revolution was beautiful
I can’t wait to see The resurrection, God is guiding your steps, your mind and ideas. You are bless Mel, you are bless 🙏♥️
Praise be to God. It is beautiful to see people large and small have god act through them. Jesus christ is the prince of peace and he will bring that peace to the storm within you. Just open the door and the peace and hope he gives will set you free from the world of darkness around you. It will show you the flowers of light we can be if we surrender to Him.
Absolutely a visual masterpiece period. Love The Passion. Amazing Mel 😊😊😊
I'm soooooo Very Thankful for People who are in the faith ad we follow Our Lord Christ Jesus 🙂 ❤🎉
❤️on yah, Mel Gibson ✊🇦🇺all glory to God our Father the Son the Holy spirit ✌️🌏❤️
The devil didnt want mel gibson to do any good works for GOD GOD HAS HIM PRAISE GOD amen 🙏 🙌 ❤️
We need to have more about the disciples. Mel is great!
What a testament of faith... My our Creator, Holy Father, and His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit help us and shield us from harm... in Jesus name I pray ,Amen
The power of the word and the image is being channeled in spreading the life and works of the Lord....We should be so grateful we have these beautiful movies and shows about the power of our Lord Jesus and the gospels...The Chosen has been major in spreading this amazing spiritual tsunami and together with The Passion and hopefully The Resurrection plus others that had come before, the realism achieved is heart wrenching for all people. We all feel it profoundly. I commend these actors and directors, Dallas Jenkins and Jonathan Roumie , Jim Caviezel, to go through a lot of pain to portray our Lords life, death and resurrection to give us such poignant experiences. Bless, bless all. Bless our God.THANKS!!!!
I hope and pray this movie resonates through a young peoples lives. God is real and I love my God amen.
This is your greatest gift to JESUS..Ty for the gift of JESUS IN LIFE
Mel Gibson is a beast. Great actor, great director.
I love you TBN and GREG LAURIE! I have been a Christian since 1970 at the age of 17. I was deep in sin and i was invited to a Church service by a childhood friend, so i consented, but i sure couldn't figure out why i told her yes. But God, Jesus, had a REALLY GOOD PLAN figured out, and when i was sitting there the Holy Spirit came to me and, long story short, SAVED me!
Jesus Revolution happened in my life! I couldn't believe it when that movie was actually made! I said, this is MY story! Needless to say i bought the film ❤❤❤
I have loved Greg and his ministry for many years, Thank You Jesus!!
It's the example of being a father ,soldier,lover,and hero that influenced me the most growing up William Wallace was an unstoppable relentles peaceful monster for his love
And..we follow our Lord Christ Jesus 🙂 🎉❤
Bless you sirs for your standing up for Jesus Christ. You will be in heaven one day
I love you Mel ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mel and Jim ❤
Amen Amen 🙏 I received Jesus Christ in my life 🙏 Amen 🙏
La meilleure version du christ de tous les temps pour moi !❤❤❤
Amen Amen🙌🙌God is good all the time🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌💖💖
Hola hello beautiful world God Almighty bless all ❤️yess !! More spiritual moves and Jesus moves and also loving God with all our heart and soul and Love one another!!! ❤️🌟✨❤️
I thank God for you.... for helping us understand the extent of the sacrifice Jesus did for us.
We love Mel Gibson.God bless him