Doublelift Kalista amazing play

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
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    Doublelift with an amazing Kalista play!
    / clgdoublelift
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  • @ShakeDrizzle
    @ShakeDrizzle 9 років тому +238

    That was actually unreal. Wow...

    • @bloodserpent1123
      @bloodserpent1123 9 років тому +3

      Quite normal with Kalista.

    • @clgamonsu8257
      @clgamonsu8257 9 років тому +16

      Blood Serpent Yes I do this everygame but im bronz5.... exactly

    • @MrAreas2
      @MrAreas2 9 років тому

      Blood Serpent Hope you are troling...

    • @clgamonsu8257
      @clgamonsu8257 9 років тому

      Oliver Lemke i honestly think he just got rekt by kalista so many times that he just thinks its an op champ :d

    • @bloodserpent1123
      @bloodserpent1123 9 років тому +1

      Oliver Lemke Not at all. Try playing Kalista a bit, she's extremely strong in lane thanks to her E and her passive. Skill shots with cast time and small hit box can be dodged. Every Kalista game I've played until now I haven't lost my lane, at level 3 you can go HAM on your opponents and there's no need to use ult(SoloQ problems) W passive is all you need from bonding with other champions.
      Clg Amonsu Not really, I play Kalista.

  • @nickg.6462
    @nickg.6462 9 років тому +47

    Doublelift will be destroying the LCS with Kalista.

    • @notmareelnam7545
      @notmareelnam7545 9 років тому +14

      No, doublelift will be destroying LCS with whatever has been banned from him so far, because Kalista will be permabanned.

    • @MalphasMikaelson
      @MalphasMikaelson 9 років тому +3

      No, two videos uploaded, and both video he gets hit by fucking everything. He lived twice low hp, because he was fed, and because he was able to heal up hard on the minion wave.

    • @nickg.6462
      @nickg.6462 9 років тому

      Noctis Caelum Still look at all of the videos. Not just the ones in the last 2 days.

    • @BloolpyGaming
      @BloolpyGaming 9 років тому

      Noctis Caelum Dude did you not see the countless times he used his dash to dodge skill shots? Or that time near tower when he flashed the Leona E. If that was you I bet you would've been stunned under tower. Double-lift's mechanics are nothing to question.

    • @WWEckenman
      @WWEckenman 9 років тому +1

      but there are clips of every other adc too, he will destroy nothing

  • @goldenbager
    @goldenbager 9 років тому +12

    Even vvvortic cant do that with his challanjour mechonics while playing his world wide known tank top tristana.

    • @veselin6917
      @veselin6917 9 років тому +10

      what about ap support lee song and ad soraka juggler

  • @HoMMLoL
    @HoMMLoL 9 років тому +8

    Doublelift best ADC NA, too good.

  • @psysqtv9251
    @psysqtv9251 9 років тому +19

    if vvvortic and all his pets and family members could do this, they wouldnt need their shitty Teammates to reach challenjour, gg

  • @cjm0120
    @cjm0120 9 років тому +2

    Yes. Finally people are realising that sneaky's hurricane build is fucking op

    • @dennislee6861
      @dennislee6861 9 років тому

      only op in team fighting
      1v1 u get shit on

  • @MalphasMikaelson
    @MalphasMikaelson 9 років тому +21

    He gets hit by everything... He's not using it properly.

    • @lolmasn69
      @lolmasn69 9 років тому +77

      Oh look another one
      trying to hard m8

    • @BloolpyGaming
      @BloolpyGaming 9 років тому +1

      Dude did you not see the countless times he used his dash to dodge skill shots? Or that time near tower when he flashed the Leona E. If that was you I bet you would've been stunned under tower. Double-lift's mechanics are nothing to question.

    • @MrAreas2
      @MrAreas2 9 років тому +1

      BloolpyGaming You are saying taht he dodged so much with his dash, but then you bring an example where he flashed something.

    • @MalphasMikaelson
      @MalphasMikaelson 9 років тому +2

      lolmasn69 Not trying hard. I'm one of the few that's sick of the damn overhyping of plays because a professional is doing it. And DL fans are the worst. Two Kalista plays uploaded in a single day, and both times he gets hit by everything and lives low hp with Aphro's peel. This guy is kiting in straight lines, actually dashing into his enemy so Leona could lock him up for free. Kalista's damn passive brings great outplays, like Lee and Leona not hitting spells for free, but somehow in both plays, DL got hit by everything. Even something as simple as Yasuo tornado he got hit by on a Kalista, 'cause he barely moves to the side.

    • @MalphasMikaelson
      @MalphasMikaelson 9 років тому +1

      BloolpyGaming Flashing Leona's E i easy, dodging it on Kalista is also easy. Yet somehow DL gets hit by everything and actually dashes towards Leona, lol.

  • @TheGreatestSpy4life
    @TheGreatestSpy4life 9 років тому +1

    I am doublelift's biggest fan. I want to be just like him when i grow up into a strong and healthy citty cat. Although I think his dad ate my family...

  • @jajurrian
    @jajurrian 9 років тому

    He's so calm. Amazing!

  • @qwertykeyboard3869
    @qwertykeyboard3869 9 років тому

    The only reason runaan's hurricane will ever be useful

  • @rRozu
    @rRozu 9 років тому +1

    he would have died if he didn't kill both of them because the dangerous game mastery kept him alive from the two turret shots. what a god.

  • @chilloutsloth
    @chilloutsloth 9 років тому +6

    nice 15 fps dude

  • @le0leven
    @le0leven 9 років тому

    oh wow! did anyone notice the grab + kalista ult while grabbing quinn? that's so cool they even knock her up after grab lol

  • @MobBossBobRoss
    @MobBossBobRoss 9 років тому

    My brain cannot understand what just happened.

  • @ryukishin187
    @ryukishin187 9 років тому

    Everyone who comments on these videos is always challenger level skilled. "Doublelift is shit", "Kalista is garbage". Some sweet bronze/silver talk in here.

  • @noturhero8574
    @noturhero8574 9 років тому

    one of the best champions ever

  • @aaaaalllss
    @aaaaalllss 9 років тому

    thats was a insane play but imagine Graves reaction when he is chasing a 90hp free kill that suddenly turns into a 700 hp monster that is sitting under a turret.

    • @timmynguyen3797
      @timmynguyen3797 9 років тому +1

      pretty sure Dyrus(Graves) was real salty after that xD

  • @servantofthe99
    @servantofthe99 9 років тому +1

    i suck so bad i had to watch it three times just to know whats even going on lol

  • @SeeNyuOG
    @SeeNyuOG 9 років тому +27

    Not even close to Sneaky level

    • @oscarmatsusaki2582
      @oscarmatsusaki2582 9 років тому +61

      Doublelift kalista>sneaky kalista

    • @TheXtReMeBaSheR
      @TheXtReMeBaSheR 9 років тому +3

      oscar matsusaki

    • @Drayken
      @Drayken 9 років тому +30

      Doublelift completely shits on Sneaky both in mechanics and 2v2 laning.

    • @unpopularopinion101
      @unpopularopinion101 9 років тому

      Michael Plangger you are wrong :P

    • @TheXtReMeBaSheR
      @TheXtReMeBaSheR 9 років тому +2

      Kagami Gaming
      dude i am a clg and doublelift fan but i have to say that Sneaky is playing really fcking amazing in the last few events like IEM San Jose and even Worlds.
      I dont know but I think it will be close between Sneaky, Doublelift and Piglet

  • @snakeeyes51
    @snakeeyes51 9 років тому

    i love watching streams under water

  • @hichem20627
    @hichem20627 9 років тому

    that devil laugh at the end niahahaha

  • @أيوب-خ4ب
    @أيوب-خ4ب 9 років тому +1

    dat ahpromoo laugh

  • @purplesmoke6236
    @purplesmoke6236 9 років тому

    lol thats sneakys build and that Graves was drunk but nice play

  • @tkadn338
    @tkadn338 9 років тому

    blown away

  • @Aesolexo9598
    @Aesolexo9598 9 років тому

    i remember the dyrus(graves) salty burn ater this happened, on stream haha :D

  • @ExteelPaprika
    @ExteelPaprika 9 років тому

    minions thanking turret for him mvp

  • @AlixWii
    @AlixWii 9 років тому +4

    As many doublelift haters there are out there, you have to admit this was good.

  • @Tenshin66
    @Tenshin66 9 років тому +1

    I do this everyday with Braum top but I'm stuck in Elo hell so I can't get to challenger

    • @gambeta1337
      @gambeta1337 9 років тому

      you , you mean challengour

  • @highestpants1340
    @highestpants1340 9 років тому

    I don't know why just because Double gets hit by a couple of skill shots that it warrants the play being not incredible. The reason why he stayed at such close range to Leona and didn't kite her (making it easy for Leona to land e +q) was he was targeting the Quinn in the back to kill her first (and therefore greatly reduce any potential damage and the blind) and also resetting his E. Double had no knowledge of the Lee Sin coming (as lee sin safeguarded from out of his vision into the play) so he figured after he killed the Quinn he would only have to deal with the e+q combo of Leona and the Graves (which he figured he could). However the Lee Sin shows up last second just as he is getting snared and stun locked by Leona and therefore takes a Q from him as well. (only reason he got hit by so many skill shots). Then Doublelift has the presence of mind to kite towards the enemy tower (where most people would kite back towards there own base) killing Lee Sin on he way to life steal from creeps. Then he only reengages Graves once he is just outside of turret range, he also left stacks on some of the creeps, so when he Q'd through them and hits Graves it would pass along the Rend stacks to him and therefore deal more dmg when he uses Rend. His Rend (E) is only up at this time because he used it to kill the Quinn earlier to reset it. He then uses the Q that hit graves to kite back under tower back towards his base to escape any potentially danger coming from enemy base combined with a flash that dodges the Leona E and gets himself out of turret range with a sliver of hp to finish them both off.

  • @Tinyjb0
    @Tinyjb0 9 років тому

    Inb4 vvvortic comments about his lee song challenjour mechanx

  • @AlbertChang17
    @AlbertChang17 9 років тому

    oh my fucking god

  • @a76714andy
    @a76714andy 9 років тому


  • @Rasairi
    @Rasairi 9 років тому

    What a god

  • @squegg
    @squegg 9 років тому +7

    Holy shit this champ is broken LOL

    • @bloodserpent1123
      @bloodserpent1123 9 років тому +3

      Matt Millward Actually it's more of "the champion is broken" than the player is skilled.

    • @AaronGodderis
      @AaronGodderis 9 років тому +2

      Blood Serpent He's 10/3 he couldv done that with sivir just as well and probably easier. No one wouldv bat an eye

    • @TheXtReMeBaSheR
      @TheXtReMeBaSheR 9 років тому

      Matt Millward
      jeah but Kalista is really op, you will see that she will get nerfed after sneaky reks everbody with her in lcs

    • @ValkyriesNova
      @ValkyriesNova 9 років тому

      yeah! doublelift is too good

    • @thebeyblademaniac
      @thebeyblademaniac 9 років тому

      Blood Serpent No, it's definitely the player just being good.
      Kalista is a mediocre ADC lol.

  • @jujurawks
    @jujurawks 9 років тому

    ADC Mains watch videos like this, feel inspired. then go 3-10 and blame support and jungler for sucking.

  • @ZeqHDx
    @ZeqHDx 9 років тому

    Can somebody explain this bind attack/move to mouse 1 and 2 thinf?

  • @TheGreatslyfer
    @TheGreatslyfer 9 років тому

    lol aphros laugh xD

  • @janherfs3063
    @janherfs3063 9 років тому

    damn i cant follow his mouse.
    is he actually attacking, or just attack move click?

  • @vpambs1pt
    @vpambs1pt 9 років тому

    Stop it gosu!

  • @Jounin8
    @Jounin8 9 років тому +1


  • @hiimblackline9371
    @hiimblackline9371 9 років тому

    Donation song?

  • @Pirrrola68
    @Pirrrola68 9 років тому

    Where is vortic?:(

  • @darkhedgehog45678
    @darkhedgehog45678 9 років тому


  • @CantWorkDeezGadgets
    @CantWorkDeezGadgets 9 років тому


  • @bronze5player337
    @bronze5player337 9 років тому

    Now THAT is a Reddit worthy video. GEE GEE

  • @Smuthole
    @Smuthole 9 років тому

    sneaky who?

  • @srtrdd
    @srtrdd 9 років тому

    Riot literally gives adcs dashes as a passive.

  • @Yelkovan39
    @Yelkovan39 5 років тому


  • @OdysseyZZGaming
    @OdysseyZZGaming 9 років тому


  • @brandonheid4381
    @brandonheid4381 9 років тому

    Holy fuck

  • @monica72691
    @monica72691 9 років тому +1

    omfgg LOL

  • @justeunefille5815
    @justeunefille5815 9 років тому

    where is vvvortic gg

  • @RyanPlayful
    @RyanPlayful 9 років тому

    Aphromoo lol

  • @kevinharris1995
    @kevinharris1995 9 років тому

    Oh look at me I'm vvvortic I have chalonghior mechonics and my team suck and stuck in elo hell in bronze.

  • @ppgab
    @ppgab 9 років тому

    ho lee fuk

  • @mardoxxe-lababouch6318
    @mardoxxe-lababouch6318 9 років тому


  • @IntMiko
    @IntMiko  9 років тому +8

    Reddit :

    • @purdudan
      @purdudan 9 років тому +3

      Dafuq, why u steal my name? Get stuck in taco bell, gg scrub!

    • @IntMiko
      @IntMiko  9 років тому +2

      Miko Wu Friends call me Miko for last 9 years, so... :P

    • @purdudan
      @purdudan 9 років тому +3

      Int Miko
      I was given the name by the great God-Emperor vvvortaco 800 years ago.

  • @KyuubiRNG
    @KyuubiRNG 9 років тому

    and this is why ladies and gentlemen, i hate this champion :) Its nidalee pounce on steroids!

  • @BBD1
    @BBD1 9 років тому

    I have made plays like this on my games but still cant get pass silver fucking noobs afk and trolls :S

  • @NeverPlayification
    @NeverPlayification 9 років тому

    I dont wanna hate on his play but theyre both fed. He is 9-3-8 and the enemies arent full life either. It was a good play, i give him that. But its not out of this world. Stop the clickbait shit already.

  • @18Jinno
    @18Jinno 9 років тому

    Great play, toxic comments, "pro analyses," and wanna be vvvortics.
    Too much for a 32 sec vid.

  • @ShunSakamoto
    @ShunSakamoto 9 років тому +1

    so laggy

  • @ProReplaysTV
    @ProReplaysTV 9 років тому

    That lifesteal though.

  • @cikaiva3
    @cikaiva3 9 років тому

    The god boys

  • @pokingotaku
    @pokingotaku 9 років тому

    Poor Dyrus