@@harunyny451 :D ye imagine thinking shadowlands m+ is somehow superior to this WHEN in shadowlands all you do is line up CDs for 2-3 pack pulls and after that you do exactly nothing just waiting for your CDs to come up again GGs legion balance druid was the most fun i had in game since then this class is just complete garbage
Nice to see some old legion content for a new player like me
What is this addon for innervate and dispell?
Healium its so usefull i used resto too
hadihadi thx man
@@harunyny451 Why not healbot or vodoo?
why are not in your moonkin form ???
its Glyph effect you can see moonkin form buff on right top side
İts more fun then pressing convoke
@@harunyny451 :D ye imagine thinking shadowlands m+ is somehow superior to this
WHEN in shadowlands all you do is line up CDs for 2-3 pack pulls
and after that you do exactly nothing just waiting for your CDs to come up again
GGs legion balance druid was the most fun i had in game since then this class is just complete garbage