THUNDERING in NASHVILLE - Andrew Strom's Warning

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • A warning to America. Andrew Strom's most fiery sermon ever. Preached in Nashville in mid-2003 - during Andrew's first visit to the USA. See more at our website - www.revivalscho...


  • @scottmacpherson2062
    @scottmacpherson2062 4 роки тому +16

    I read where this message was preached by Andrew in 2003; I heard this on June 10, 2020, and it’s like nothing has changed; just gotten worse/more lukewarm...and I am so tired of it all! My Spirit is broken and in a humble state. I and several other friends have not been to church for quite some time because we are not being fed the Word of God. It all seems so pointless, and yet when I hear a much-needed message like this, it gives me hope: I am not alone after all! Thanks for sharing with us!!

    • @lifelessons2998
      @lifelessons2998 4 роки тому +2

      I have a suggestion for you. Why don't you and your "several other friends" get together and be the church. The true Church is not man's idea or creation. Rather it is Christ's creation and He calls each of us to "not forsake the assembling of ourselves together." Christ said, '"Where two or three are gathered together there am I in the midst of them." Because you and others have left the institutionized "church" gives you no right to not be the church together with others of like precious faith. God bless you as you launch out into His will in this matter.

  • @pattymattus1673
    @pattymattus1673 4 роки тому +8

    Mr Strom, Ive been walking the streets proclaiming the same message. So many will not hear the gospel. My worst adversaries are those who go to church. I havent even been in a church for 1.5 years. Im very upset with Christendom. It makes me sick to my stomach. Im going through much persecution in SW Wisconsin but i will not back down my message. Thank you, Mr Strom, for this message. Repentance is what I preach to all and very few want to hear my message. At least im a voice for my God and will give up all to preach the beautiful gospel of peace. Ive been saved for 45 yrs and am a grandmother. I agree with you, mr strom. Americans put more trust in constitution than in the bible. This is what happens when politics supercede God's power and repentance.

  • @thedesertshulamite1967
    @thedesertshulamite1967 4 роки тому +5

    Amen Andrew. I’ve been saying this for years. You know I worked with some of the “Elijah List” ministers and there was very little in the ways of repentance. I lived and ministered in Kelowna, BC and lived with one of the ministries for 6 months. My heart was preaching intimacy with Christ, preeminence given to Him, that there is a big difference from making Him Lord than just making Him Saviour, I was in tears often repenting for the misrepresentation of Yeshua. The carnival I saw there at the church I was involved with, that was attached to these famous ministries, was so disturbing that many times I was on my face. The Holy Spirit showed me that a couple were going to be asked to step down and the Lord asked me to tell them, it was not received well. The funny thing was, I was being called to “meetings” with them often and when I shared some things that were about money issues and about repentance, I was asked to leave. When I flew back to the states, I was sent a newspaper clipping from a Christian bulletin and there it was, the couple, who are famous Elijah list people, were indeed asked to step down. My last Sunday there at that church I was crying out and fell on my face again and I saw the Feet of the Lord asHe walked in and I saw cracks going under the pulpit and the pews and He then said; “The foundation is faulty and must be broken apart and poured anew.” That’s when He showed me the many ministries there would be dispersed. I stand with you Andrew and there are hidden ones that are hearing the Lord and they will be led to come out from hiding in His perfect time and speak His heart. Blessings my brother, leaning upon our Beloved Yeshua, your sister and friend, Kristine

    • @vry3555
      @vry3555 2 роки тому

      The real church left the buildings a long time ago. Personally been out since 2006. I had a similar experience to you. We are leaving the church buildings but we haven't left Messiah.

  • @dianalang3844
    @dianalang3844 3 роки тому

    Love it...he will blister the walls with His Words!Elijah...yes!The true prophets will arise, firebrands in the hand of God...bless you Andrew...

  • @davydwilsson7470
    @davydwilsson7470 4 роки тому +8

    I got sent this sermon earlier today, just after the funeral "honouring" George Floyd. UK Baptists are up in arms about his death, but not about the murders of hundreds of children and people by Boco Haram. We need such a Revival here in the UK because there has not been a real "Big" Revival in the UK since 1949-70 years ago.

    • @firstbornjordan
      @firstbornjordan 4 роки тому +1

      All lives matter.

    • @davydwilsson7470
      @davydwilsson7470 4 роки тому

      @@firstbornjordan Sadly, the baptists in the UK are not protesting the deaths of black people or white at the hands of terrorists

  • @jeremiahlarkin1134
    @jeremiahlarkin1134 4 роки тому +6

    You are So Right my brother! God Wake Up this Slumbering Church! Even so Lord Jesus Come Quickly!!! Yet there is a Great Apostasy in the Church!!!! We Left the Church too! To much Show, and not ENOUGH HOLY SPIRIT POWER!! Thankyou for this Message!!!

  • @ArduousPun
    @ArduousPun 4 роки тому +7

    The younger gentleman laughing near the end while you’re preaching conviction and repentance is telling of America’s standing. Not sure if it’s a nervous laugh, but it disturbed me. I’ve been feeling this for years and your message is spot on. I’m just as guilty as the worst. Who dares, wins. Thank you for posting this today.

    • @thedesertshulamite1967
      @thedesertshulamite1967 4 роки тому +1

      It sounds like a mocking spirit coming through him.

    • @ArduousPun
      @ArduousPun 4 роки тому +1

      Kristine Langridge Yes, exactly what I felt, too!

    • @thedesertshulamite1967
      @thedesertshulamite1967 4 роки тому +4

      To recognize spirits is one thing, to know when to call them out is another and the line between that is maturity and a seasoned vessel who knows how to discern by the Spirit’s leading. Another thing about that fake movement is everyone seems to be on a witch-hunt, running around frantically, with no authority. When I was doing a conference at this one particular church many people came up to me wide eyed with no peace saying, “Kristine, there are witches here, we see them, we can see into the Spirit realm. Well wonderful, seeing and discerning need the Holy Spirit’s balance of what to do, if to do, or to do at all. What these ones didn’t realize is they were giving more spotlight to the enemy than to God’s majesty. I said let’s pray and ask the Lord to show us what He wants to do about it. (I knew they were there but I didn’t feel to call any of them out publicly at that time because I felt the Lord say He was going to deliver one of them.) So we prayed and the Father said to me when we stop glorying the enemy and keep our focus on glorying His Son we will see more clearly and will remain in perfect peace for it is His Son Who is the Man of peace. (Ephesians 2:17) When we behold Him we get His heart and begin to understand His ways like Moses did, but we know the children of Israel looked to the acts of God more than God Himself and that is why we have an imbalance in the prophetic. The enemy uses the things of God many times to trip up the people of God because the people of God many times fix their eyes on things and people, not Him. Anyway, there was one ‘white witch’ who was convicted and gave her life to Jesus after the conference. Blessings Brandon.

    • @thedesertshulamite1967
      @thedesertshulamite1967 4 роки тому

      Ephesians 2:14 I mean.

    • @Ballaurena13
      @Ballaurena13 4 роки тому +1

      @@thedesertshulamite1967 Praise God!

  • @garysheriff3398
    @garysheriff3398 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for having enough guts to tell the truth many are going to hell because most don't

  • @Ballaurena13
    @Ballaurena13 4 роки тому +5

    Some needed context: God is calling people out of the church as we've known it. This is the wilderness.

    • @lynettestreak4865
      @lynettestreak4865 4 роки тому +1

      God is calling men out of religion, not the church, if prayer groups of about 6 all over the church audience, in homes, in streets this will happen

  • @KingsDaughter.
    @KingsDaughter. 4 роки тому +3

    How sad also for New Zealand! Declining so fast in faith

  • @stealth48nurse
    @stealth48nurse 4 роки тому +10

    We were warned and now the judgment of God is here. Repent

  • @michaelmakinney20
    @michaelmakinney20 4 роки тому +1

    Thank You, Lord, for sending this msg through this man ✨

  • @ArduousPun
    @ArduousPun 4 роки тому +1

    Amen, brother.

  • @brotheramartey777
    @brotheramartey777 4 роки тому

    A timely message of repentance in America and in the apostate church!

  • @smilingscottsman
    @smilingscottsman 4 роки тому

    I quit going to my last church on Feb 16th after almost 3 years of diligent attendance and volunteer work because the main lead pastor told me in no uncertain terms that the churches "doctrine", (aka: HIS doctrine), takes precedence over Gods Word and he's NOT going to discuss it with me. I still pray for the staff a little but not like I used to. I just hang my head in sorrow for them and I've met others who feel the same way.

  • @gman411111111
    @gman411111111 4 роки тому +1

    We're going to start a prayer meeting next week seeking God. Please join us Andrew and anyone else that are mature

  • @stevekennedy5329
    @stevekennedy5329 4 роки тому

    Great Word my brother..only one small correction... Elijah never went to grave to spin. Amen

  • @smilingscottsman
    @smilingscottsman 4 роки тому

    Good word Andrew.

  • @ronnihall444
    @ronnihall444 4 роки тому +1

    You are here?!? Sir we need you here so bad... many of us have been heartbroken at this city... her history and her present are so far apart from each other....

  • @jacquelinejess5679
    @jacquelinejess5679 4 роки тому +1

    God blessings to

  • @dhearndon
    @dhearndon 4 роки тому

    My pastor scheduled 4 revivals a year.

  • @lifelessons2998
    @lifelessons2998 4 роки тому +1

    While I agree with your premises and conclusions, except that God would raise up revivalists within the next 7 years. It is now 2020 and 17 years after this was preached. Let us be careful not to dictate and predict how and when God will do certain things. We can lay out the issues and the Scriptural remedies, but be careful about stating when and how. God has His own plans and ways, which are high above our ways. Just because He did it this way or that way before does not mean that He will do it that way again. Just a word of caution, brother.
    Keep preaching the truth and may God richly bless you, brother.

  • @fleurlewis
    @fleurlewis 4 роки тому +1

    There is a scripture in the King James "May Christ dwell in your heart by faith " Ephesians 3:17, so to someone sincere in prayer they can ask Christ to dwell in their heart by faith As Christ does knock at the door of our heart

    • @kereama0
      @kereama0 4 роки тому

      14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what [is] the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him [be] glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

    • @oonagoodman8811
      @oonagoodman8811 4 роки тому

      Yes, I think the problem seems to be how many people use those words like a magic incantation. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to enter our spirit.

  • @shawnmcgill
    @shawnmcgill 4 роки тому +1

    I think some of these spectators in the church have some unclean spirits in them. You can hear them laughing!

  • @smilingscottsman
    @smilingscottsman 4 роки тому

    Andrew, what is the name of that preacher who recently spoke about the US being invaded? I can't find that video ANYWHERE. Thanks for the help.

  • @jenniferjones1299
    @jenniferjones1299 4 роки тому

    Thank you for posting this, Andrew. Excellent message, but has that window you saw in 2003 passed America by??? Or is revival still possible?

  • @cultdoctor100
    @cultdoctor100 4 роки тому +1

    You have forgotten the Jesus movement of 1968-1979 all sound Ministers I know of and Church members came out of it.But their children are not following,and they are dying off.

  • @lynettestreak4865
    @lynettestreak4865 4 роки тому

    I would love to see holiness return to the church, fear of God, and not laughing at truth instead of bowing our heads in shame at where we are! Thankyou for this frank message, I have been thinking this for a long time and there is nobody to join with true repentance in the streets

  • @smilingscottsman
    @smilingscottsman 4 роки тому

    I think revival will only come to "Ahmedikah" after a national emergency through destruction. But I hope I'm wrong.

  • @kerussonikao1041
    @kerussonikao1041 4 роки тому +1

    I am concerned about Andrews comment about I HOP. They are into much foolishness now that he must not be aware of. The so called worship is evil. They are part of the love this so called new move of the HOLY SPIRIT with no repentance.

    • @andrewvidler6693
      @andrewvidler6693 4 роки тому

      Don't forget IHOP might be a den of kundalini, iniquity and superficial religious nonsense now, bug back then in 2003 they were obviously different! I am certain Andrew would all them out now!

  • @truthfreed7
    @truthfreed7 4 роки тому

    Amein and amein.

  • @suzanneharwood1157
    @suzanneharwood1157 4 роки тому

    Awesome, much needed sermon for today. I'm saddened by the laughter in the audience. I didn't find anything funny about your sermon. Keep preaching the truth!

  • @christinsongbird
    @christinsongbird 4 роки тому

    The kid laughing in the background is annoying.

  • @user-kq5qp6dh8l
    @user-kq5qp6dh8l 4 роки тому

    Tongue talking, pentecostal charasmatic, kundalini deciever.

  • @BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua
    @BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua 4 роки тому +2

    you mean zionist tv

  • @7perry
    @7perry 4 роки тому

    Why are people leaving the church?They have never really had an encounter with the Power of Christ,the Holy Spirit.Moses had an encounter at Mt Horeb that sustained him through the wilderness.Apostle Paul had an encouter that sustained him through his persecution.Jacob had an encounter.I think every believer have to experience a God encounter with the Holy Spirit to seal and guaratee our faith.

    • @BloodBoughtMinistries
      @BloodBoughtMinistries 4 роки тому +3

      That sounds nice but is not biblical, you cannot go on an experience to give you assurance of salvation. People who leave the church due to not having an experience should consider why they even go to church, are they even saved? We need to have fellowship!

    • @KingsDaughter.
      @KingsDaughter. 4 роки тому

      tim watts your response sounds like it's coming from a pastor who is in denial about what is happening to the ministers who lead churches without the Holy Spirit

    • @magdjesu7715
      @magdjesu7715 4 роки тому

      I left the church because I asked and I'm asking still pastors three questions: why we have homosexuals in the church? why we are going back to the Catholic Church? why we allow "christian yoga" in our churches? these are only three things beside much more.

    • @7perry
      @7perry 4 роки тому

      @@KingsDaughter. Yahweh is a Faithful God of relationship.Do not rely on man for your salvation.You should do your own reseach and live a Righteous life.(Mathew 6:33)My encounter was from my personal search for the Lord with all my heart.I hope to encourage anyone who is seeking the Lord.
      Jeremiah 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

    • @martaaltheide5146
      @martaaltheide5146 4 роки тому +1

      We left the church for the Truth.
      Our repentance is our salvation. Confirmation
      Repent pray and pray no mercy on the church. It has been empty for Jesus left and no one noticed

  • @sandysliver7
    @sandysliver7 4 роки тому

    we were in Kansas City and saw all he spoke of in the Charismatic Movement ....weare not in church today for all he said is true.