Hunting For The 0.040% Chance GOLD Charizard! (Pokemon Pocket)

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,5 тис.

  • @PokeRev
    @PokeRev  Місяць тому +25

    Giveaway winners from the past 2 weeks are in the description of this video!

    • @folyer2297
      @folyer2297 Місяць тому

      By the way, whenever you open 10 packs, there’s a chance to get sparkles when the pack opens indicating that there is a pull

    • @Kyle_R_Wolfe
      @Kyle_R_Wolfe Місяць тому

      if you notice when they are opening the 10 packs sometimes there's a rainbow type of shine that comes out of the top of the packs. i think that indicates you got at least a one star rare card in that pack. i went back and watched the ones you got pulls from and its definitely a thing.

    • @Clyde44
      @Clyde44 Місяць тому +1

      Got a god pack on pocket and pulled the gold Charizard! It’s beautiful bro

    • @Henrygaming-g3l
      @Henrygaming-g3l Місяць тому +1

      I got a crown mewtwo in that game

    • @ChimmyChongs
      @ChimmyChongs Місяць тому +1

      Would sick to see you make a deck and actually play 😊

  • @arrowspayceyt1106
    @arrowspayceyt1106 Місяць тому +116

    I’m addicted to this game

  • @JonathanGonzalez-wv8mc
    @JonathanGonzalez-wv8mc Місяць тому +6

    My five year old daughter is OBSESSED with the immersive Mewtwo card. She loves replaying it over and over on my phone

  • @justingreen6083
    @justingreen6083 Місяць тому +75

    The quality control on these cards are nuts

    • @GiggaN8EX
      @GiggaN8EX Місяць тому +5

      I got a psa 10 on an interactive Charizard I sent in. Strange seeing as the card literally comes apart every time you view it.

    • @acrazyguy14
      @acrazyguy14 Місяць тому +1

      I felt some roller marks on some of some cards I pulled out of the genetic apex mewtwo packs, but im sure theyll patch it in the future

    • @nevercold808
      @nevercold808 Місяць тому +1

      Hahaha! Good one!

    • @TwinLitz2
      @TwinLitz2 Місяць тому +2

      @@GiggaN8EXu can grade cards in it???

    • @GiggaN8EX
      @GiggaN8EX Місяць тому +4

      @@TwinLitz2 ohhhh, honey.

  • @MrHiragasaito
    @MrHiragasaito Місяць тому +64

    like if u want to see pokerev battling with a deck!!

  • @lunariafairy
    @lunariafairy Місяць тому +6

    says he's gonna stop peaking then proceeds to keep peaking 😂

  • @Nyfancam01
    @Nyfancam01 Місяць тому +10

    I just pulled that CHARIZARD gold crown today in 1 pack. Amazing.

    • @picanha694
      @picanha694 Місяць тому

      i got it too its easy, for me the hardest card is those animated cards

    • @DannyConcepts
      @DannyConcepts Місяць тому

      @@picanha694 nah immersive rare are a lot more common

    • @picanha694
      @picanha694 Місяць тому +1

      @@DannyConcepts please explain to me that i dont have that one then.

    • @DannyConcepts
      @DannyConcepts Місяць тому +3

      @@picanha694 u got lucky

  • @thegamer-rp3oy
    @thegamer-rp3oy Місяць тому +1

    Bro I understand why every one is addicted to this

  • @FFamily88
    @FFamily88 Місяць тому +38

    At 22:39 Mew appears in the top right of the tank Mewtwo escaped from

    • @PikaNerdYT
      @PikaNerdYT Місяць тому +2

      We all know that lol...

    • @sumliht
      @sumliht Місяць тому +2

      ​@@PikaNerdYTI didnt..

    • @peridt840
      @peridt840 Місяць тому +2

      @@PikaNerdYTI sure didn’t

    • @HamRW
      @HamRW Місяць тому +2

      @@PikaNerdYTwhos we

  • @Pepperrifle
    @Pepperrifle Місяць тому +5

    Apparently once you hit open what you’re gonna get is determined so doesn’t matter which one e you pick. edit: I believe this was proven by the wonder picks

  • @BryceDaBozo
    @BryceDaBozo Місяць тому +8

    I got a Pokémon pocket ad when I clicked on this video

  • @jsellisart
    @jsellisart Місяць тому +4

    A friend of mine casually got the gold crown pikachu and was like "What's this symbol mean?" 🤣

    • @bm7502
      @bm7502 Місяць тому

      Same hahaha

    • @chriswellman3300
      @chriswellman3300 Місяць тому

      Broi had no idea this card was this rare, i pulled it at level 5 and my friend whos level 36 who spends tons on the game, heard me say i pulled a charizard ex and he didnt realize i had the gold card until i shared my screen and he was like BRO WTF DID YOU PULL ONE OF THE 3 MOST RARE CARDS IN THE GAME?!?!

  • @marcrics
    @marcrics Місяць тому +30

    Stop peeking!!!! 😂

  • @pankoty1479
    @pankoty1479 Місяць тому

    Love how you found your thing again! It shows your inner passion that you got for pokemon from the depths of the "burnt out" version of you back in the day. Love it!

  • @beachbum20411
    @beachbum20411 Місяць тому +3

    Yo rev! You need to do a giant generations opening, not sure how easy that is of an ask, but I miss seeing those generation pack openings and I don't think I've seen you do a big major generations opening but I could be wrong! Anyone else wanna see a mega generations opening?

  • @iFistedYourFish
    @iFistedYourFish 27 днів тому

    The immersive cards are something else!

  • @riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip
    @riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip Місяць тому +4

    P.S. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet 151 booster bundles are on sale for $50 at Walmart online only. Just bought a few.

  • @mikael1852
    @mikael1852 Місяць тому

    When this game gets a long and really good solo story line it will make BANK

  • @CarolTurner-e1o
    @CarolTurner-e1o Місяць тому +37

    Looking forward for the next one!

  • @scottnew1599
    @scottnew1599 Місяць тому +2

    This is as good as your real pack openings! Get that Charizard!

  • @Reaper0514
    @Reaper0514 Місяць тому +7

    Pokemon would be missing a huge opportunity if they don't print this set irl

    • @BeOunce-u2j
      @BeOunce-u2j Місяць тому

      This game is just gross and just get kids hooked on gambling

  • @alex-pt7wf
    @alex-pt7wf Місяць тому +1

    you might already know this, but if you turn the pack around in the pack selection screen like how you were looking for the bent pack (only for the single pack opening), you can open it backwards and it's a total mystery!

  • @KLC1319
    @KLC1319 Місяць тому +33

    Under 1hr gang I was 3 min

  • @damiano_barbato
    @damiano_barbato Місяць тому

    I don't download this app because I'm scared to be addicted to it 😂

  • @iamjeffreybezos
    @iamjeffreybezos Місяць тому +2

    It’s such a good game for how little time it’s been out.

  • @luna7598
    @luna7598 Місяць тому

    It’s so cool to watch you open them, you can see the excitement in your eyes!!! 😂

  • @SlabbyPatty
    @SlabbyPatty Місяць тому

    “I’m. It going to peak anymore”
    Immediately peaks on the next pack 🤣🤣

  • @salinasrodrigo8258
    @salinasrodrigo8258 Місяць тому

    Never would have thought that I would play this game everyday

  • @hazelfigurine139
    @hazelfigurine139 Місяць тому

    The immersive cards are insane

  • @nizumida1403
    @nizumida1403 Місяць тому

    all of my problems disappear when i see the notification to open packs

  • @BumblebeeTheAutobotScout
    @BumblebeeTheAutobotScout Місяць тому

    My friend has the Charizard card and she got so LUCKY and acted like it was a natural thing for that to happen 😅

  • @LillyM-e4b
    @LillyM-e4b Місяць тому

    That first Charizard ex looks so alive and great😮

  • @andrewtam9620
    @andrewtam9620 Місяць тому

    Been loving playing Pokemon Pocket! Running the Blastoise/Golduck right now!

  • @susanstelmar5469
    @susanstelmar5469 Місяць тому

    The app is just as addicting as opening real packs

  • @RyanMills-bq2ge
    @RyanMills-bq2ge Місяць тому +1

    I just started the app like 3 days ago and I have to say I am NOT disappointed. Would recommend to any poke fans to get into this !!

  • @connerjones5163
    @connerjones5163 Місяць тому +2

    I’ve been HAMMERING this game since it came out. I didn’t think I’d like it and I love it 3:24

  • @StephenChaw-o4n
    @StephenChaw-o4n Місяць тому

    Been pulling FTP with no 2 stars yet! Your expression when the Articuno EX was in front 🤣

  • @Guardiandf5
    @Guardiandf5 Місяць тому +2

    going to get my kids into this but only the daily opening lol

  • @andrewnorthey7763
    @andrewnorthey7763 Місяць тому

    Might have to play this game at one point, cant stop seeing it everywhere lol

  • @thanosg7095
    @thanosg7095 Місяць тому

    Its important to note if anyone does not know that these packs act like different sets. Every card from common to crown cards can only be pulled by one pack art and not from every one.

  • @bm7502
    @bm7502 Місяць тому +1

    I'm here researching if my gold crown charizard is rare, but dang. I didn't know it is that rare!

  • @joshuar.4168
    @joshuar.4168 Місяць тому +1

    Just want to thank you for all your videos. I've been down with strep all week and really been down in the dumps. Watching your videos have kept my mind off things, while also planning on getting my pokemon card collection back up and again, thank you sir.

  • @ELPUNK418
    @ELPUNK418 Місяць тому

    2 packs a day long waiting time 😂😂

  • @AtlaSC11
    @AtlaSC11 Місяць тому

    Really hope they have an actual set for some of the cards in this set some day!

  • @linda3119
    @linda3119 Місяць тому

    I can see how this game might compete with Pokemon Go in terms of addiction 😂

  • @demetricadement1138
    @demetricadement1138 Місяць тому

    That Charizard was wicked dude!

  • @SuparNerd
    @SuparNerd Місяць тому

    I genuinely like the battle format. Like nice little mini battle

  • @tanookilord
    @tanookilord Місяць тому

    Those immersive cards are pretty dang cool. And the GOAT Mr. Mime makes a cameo appearance! 😎

  • @DriesDamvan
    @DriesDamvan Місяць тому +1

    my brain was not braining at 22.56 with venesaur

  • @GOBLUE4LIFE2023NationalChamps
    @GOBLUE4LIFE2023NationalChamps Місяць тому

    The background sound sounds like the casino! lol

  • @gronkmane
    @gronkmane Місяць тому

    i too love listening to 2 songs at the same time

  • @laciedavis5390
    @laciedavis5390 Місяць тому

    Rev you’ve gotta finish the Pokédex!! I’m here for it! Lol

  • @mohamadelbaf2930
    @mohamadelbaf2930 Місяць тому

    All I want for Xmas is CHARIZARD🐦‍🔥

  • @princeofheartz89
    @princeofheartz89 Місяць тому

    Gotta get Veronica on and try her luck with opening these packs. 😊

  • @braydenberner1899
    @braydenberner1899 Місяць тому

    Idk how you’d look at where the wonder pick goes, they all go on top of each other twice

  • @Michael_Klein_76
    @Michael_Klein_76 Місяць тому

    Damn, I pulled the gold Mewtwo. Didn’t realize how rare it is!

  • @Bogey_putts
    @Bogey_putts Місяць тому

    When you open single packs wait for the swipe colour to turn light blue. Had all my pulls doing that. Got good charizard

  • @swoopgg3720
    @swoopgg3720 Місяць тому

    Need to see this set IRL! Opportunity to make some crazy cool cards

  • @PokéLaya
    @PokéLaya Місяць тому

    I love this game but I can’t bring myself to spend money on digital cards lol

  • @OhWowACookie
    @OhWowACookie Місяць тому

    I mainly just use this app to open packs xD Pretty fun so far

  • @ShadowWing13501
    @ShadowWing13501 Місяць тому

    I'm actively trying to get that secret mew. But without putting money into it, it is going to be a bit challenging. 😅

  • @Surdalegacy
    @Surdalegacy Місяць тому

    It still is more appealing to open packs irl though

  • @chrissty9141
    @chrissty9141 Місяць тому

    I pulled the Mewtwo today! Love the effects, so much work put into it! Great game.

  • @viperace3070
    @viperace3070 Місяць тому

    when rev saw mr mime was such a wholesome moment.

  • @jasonsirota8267
    @jasonsirota8267 Місяць тому

    There’s a secret rare ⭐️⭐️⭐️ mew

  • @Tateman
    @Tateman Місяць тому

    Been opening a few packs, and having a few people joining in :)

  • @sannaaho
    @sannaaho Місяць тому

    I got that mewtwo as well! I have only opened the 2 free packs a day

  • @racso415
    @racso415 Місяць тому +1

    I'm not going to peak No more He says. Proceeds to peak on the next pack 😂

  • @Stewycoke
    @Stewycoke Місяць тому +1

    Just downloaded it! It’s a fun little opportunity to open packs daily, even if it’s virtual haha.

  • @SamL3onard24
    @SamL3onard24 Місяць тому

    In my second day I pulled the gold Mewtwo. Haven't spent a penny...yet haha

  • @mattweg09
    @mattweg09 Місяць тому

    It’s cool but I’d miss the smell of a fresh pack lol

  • @Jimboslice23Gaming
    @Jimboslice23Gaming Місяць тому

    I pulled the gold charizard fairly early on. Didn’t realize how lucky I was lol

  • @AlphonsusAng
    @AlphonsusAng Місяць тому

    Really enjoying the game at the moment. Need to open more packs!!!

  • @deggers
    @deggers Місяць тому

    This game has definitely got alot of us hooked ❤

  • @jerryoliver7387
    @jerryoliver7387 Місяць тому

    Taking a break from the pikachu chases aye😂😂😂😂

  • @Bigjay_e_g
    @Bigjay_e_g Місяць тому

    Didn't know how to play pokemon card game till this app lol great vid

  • @Tortellini24
    @Tortellini24 Місяць тому

    I love the immersive cards in this game! I want them to create those for physical cards as well

  • @BreadHead64
    @BreadHead64 Місяць тому +2

    I pulled the golden Charizard late at night and i almost woke up the house 😂

  • @greeboto9728
    @greeboto9728 Місяць тому

    Got the Gold Pika a few days ago!

  • @yorkshirebhoy4049
    @yorkshirebhoy4049 Місяць тому

    It would be fun to see you try and get all the promos, I only just got the last one I needed from the Lapes event. For the event, you battle against the AI, which uses a Lapres deck, and there are 5 promo cards to get from it.
    The free wonder pick you pressed on is a Chansey/Meowth promo.

  • @Ezpokemon1
    @Ezpokemon1 Місяць тому

    why all your thumbnails look like if uncle ray from scary movie grabbed you from behind 😂

  • @FanShoe
    @FanShoe Місяць тому

    Got the Gold Charizard in my first 10 free packs. If only I was this lucky with real packs.

  • @WJNGWJNG2012
    @WJNGWJNG2012 Місяць тому +2


  • @MrMLPfim
    @MrMLPfim Місяць тому

    Immersive cards are pretty cool.

  • @user-hf6vy8xc4i
    @user-hf6vy8xc4i Місяць тому

    Can you imagine if they brought back the OG cards on here?! You could have Base set, Jungle and Fossil as the 3 different pack options to start. Then go Rocket, Challenge and Heroes etc. Us old kids could finally get a chance to play with the Pokémon cards we collected as kids how they were intended to be played

  • @KorounganbaKonsam
    @KorounganbaKonsam Місяць тому +1

    I got the gold Charizard in first release day

  • @staldion7039
    @staldion7039 Місяць тому

    Honestly, it's been fun opening packs

  • @Jerm8
    @Jerm8 Місяць тому

    My daughter's and I have had fun opening packs everyday.

  • @FriggenHugeOrc
    @FriggenHugeOrc Місяць тому

    Pull some 🔥 get the gold Zard and you have to play the battle event to get the promo cards

  • @PrismosPickles
    @PrismosPickles Місяць тому

    Got the gold Charizard my first day playing the game. It blew my mind

  • @doobster3650
    @doobster3650 Місяць тому

    I'm addicted to this game ngl

  • @AGreenfield1986
    @AGreenfield1986 Місяць тому

    The 3 star pikachu is really cool

  • @Lakeyz
    @Lakeyz Місяць тому

    I got the gold Charizard, did not realise how rare it was 😅

  • @j-man7000
    @j-man7000 Місяць тому +1

    I was so excited to finally get my first emersive art, Charizard!

  • @tanmaylanjewar7748
    @tanmaylanjewar7748 Місяць тому +1

    I'm addicted to tcgp

  • @towguy82
    @towguy82 Місяць тому

    To get the mew emmirsive, you just need 1 card of each species.

  • @danielbeaird8028
    @danielbeaird8028 Місяць тому

    To get the immersive new, you only need to get one of each type of pokemon in the kanto dex. Anything with the name counts.

  • @DragonFangDan
    @DragonFangDan Місяць тому

    I've been enjoying the game more than I thought I would. The collecting part is great, but I've even tried building decks and battling other people.

  • @ToadyBro3759
    @ToadyBro3759 Місяць тому

    Ppl who have been playing this nonstop and have a horrible addiction to it

  • @joshdennis9163
    @joshdennis9163 Місяць тому

    I'm loving this game. Not only is it great to collect the cards but I'm also learning to play the game. It's awesome.