Considering they hardly ever have the kids on the show, how do you know who the good parents are on the show. How broke is the show that they can’t have little ones on the show anymore? I mean poor Bailey Lou didn’t trick or treat because she’s already in bed. The girl is 3 now! Not a fan of how they tape the show anymore. There’s never a huge gathering like the nurse’s ball, MetroCourt attack, or Hospital Fire. Even the Quartermaine Christmas Party was lame even with the Fireworks.
Spinelli and Michael and Mac
Considering they hardly ever have the kids on the show, how do you know who the good parents are on the show. How broke is the show that they can’t have little ones on the show anymore? I mean poor Bailey Lou didn’t trick or treat because she’s already in bed. The girl is 3 now! Not a fan of how they tape the show anymore. There’s never a huge gathering like the nurse’s ball, MetroCourt attack, or Hospital Fire. Even the Quartermaine Christmas Party was lame even with the Fireworks.