Tea with a Druid 85: Spiritual Life - Theory & Practice

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Link to book mentioned in this tea: www.philipcarr...
    Instagram: @philipcarrgomm Website www.philipcarr...


  • @jewelsweaver5865
    @jewelsweaver5865 5 років тому +17

    My mother encouraged me to find my own spiritual path, consequently I gathered bits and pieces from different spirituality’s to make up my own practice. As I grew older, I realized that I was floundering spiritually, and I needed some guidance in my life. I joined OBOD for the guidance as well as the idea of working together regardless of specific religions, To create a more harmonious existence within nature and ourselves. The daily practices of the Order became a lifeline to me during a difficult time, and I still cling to that lifeline today. If I don’t follow my daily spiritual routines, I find myself out of balance physically. The beauty of Druidry Is that I can still continue my quest for enlightenment, but experience the solidarity that I found with in the Order and quite frankly I don’t know if I could find that anywhere else. For me it’s all about freedom, peace, and making a difference in our world. Thank you for yet another inspiring meditation because this type of meditation brings me the solidarity my soul craves even when I must be isolated for a time. I hope others will findInspiration and peace here as well.

  • @freerangemaker
    @freerangemaker Рік тому +1

    As I come to these teachings, I am somewhat shocked. When I was 28 my intuition prompted me to set aside the traditions I was exposed to as a child and a teen and to quest truth, which led me down the artistʻs path, with an awareness, that there was a shamanic nature to it. It was a path of direct revelation, going to the source of knowledge and understanding itself and asking for insight on how to learn, how to grow. Mother nature remained my greatest ally and friend. I realize, somehow, that how I was guided by intuition, creativity, my guides, spirit, the land herself, it seems to have things in common with Druidry. Through my flow in the arts (poetry, singing/songwriting, painting, drawing, danciing) , meditation, mindfulness, studies of shamanism, being in healing modalities, and my land practices I have arrived at a place where life seems to be a lot more about being than doing, and I find myself recovered from the long journey of recovering from complex-PTSD. I have a very deep relationship with the land and find myself receiving teachings from things such as the stones, and the trees, the recent being a sycamore, showing me, when you have sycamore as a companion in life, you donʻt get one tree, but the whole essence of sycamore, and sycamore is a great protector. So, I ordered the starter pack on this tradition because I am hugely curious about this. I watched one ceremony, standing with Standing Rock, and thought, wow, this is a lot like what Iʻve grown to become. Is it possible to get teachings from our ancestors? It feels as if the Celts within have been a part of the great whisperings to the mending soul.

  • @brant8642
    @brant8642 2 роки тому +1

    You're a beautiful person.
    Here I am two years later or so, I enjoyed your words and wisdom.
    I have lots to think about.
    Thank you.

  • @joyceblosser9202
    @joyceblosser9202 9 місяців тому

    Beautiful to think about other people around the world, meditating at the same time. Makes me hopeful that this collective energy can begin to heal the earth..

  • @intuart1
    @intuart1 Рік тому

    My early spiritual experiences occurred in nature, long before I came to druidry through drumming and journeying. I held on to threads of that practice as it dwindled. Now, I love to walk at night. I paused in the dark as I listened to your wonderful recent meditation. As an artist I seek patterns of all linds, ancient and current, and try to discover their meanings by replicating them. My daily practice is caring for others, and as Dolly Parton wisely said, “My religion is kindness.”

  • @dr.campbell9196
    @dr.campbell9196 5 років тому +5

    Thank you so much for this talk and meditation, Philip. 😊 I’m a half century old, and I’ve just recently discovered OBOD. As a child, I was adrift as my parents were not a part of any spiritual practice. Yet, I felt a connection to the earth and the heavens - particularly in the evenings when I laid in bed looking up at the sky, stars, and moon. I had a sense of a “Higher Power” and would connect with this Great Spirit through talk. As a teen, I ventured into Christianity but didn’t understand the mysteries it portrayed. I wouldn’t call my time with it a practice but more of a curiosity. My first real spiritual practice occurred in my early 20s with a new age Buddhist sect. I practiced daily for three years with meditation, chanting, gatherings, etc. At the time, it fit me very well. Then there was a break within the sect, and I left while feeling very lost. I then met my husband, got married, and delved into Christianity again. With a bit more maturity, I understood it a bit better and practiced it daily with prayer, reading, studying, and emulation. Yet, the “mysteries” that couldn’t be explained still haunted me. Though I was devoted to it for 18 years. The latter half of those years met with much controversy as the churches I attended also split and seemed to venture into power, hatred, and materialism. Just like the break with my Buddhist sect, this broke my spirit. The first few years of not being connected to a people I could relate to wore on me heavily. Feeling like I didn’t know where I belonged for the last 10 years was painful internally. I became a hobbit for the most part. Though I don’t regret any of it all. This last decade allowed me a time of cleansing. Since the beginning of this year, I have started to find “my way.” I guess you would call it a “rebirth.” I’ve been doing some energy work through crystal healing and listening to solfeggio music. Both have helped me tremendously. As I’ve been reading books and websites on energy healing, I somehow found the topic of Druidry. I read so much information on different Druid sects, and OBOD clicked with me 100 percent. I couldn’t believe there is a community that actually believes as I do! 😍 I’ve read through the introductory lessons and look forward to starting the Bardic course which I’ve ordered. My plan is to make this my main spiritual practice with added energy work as I’ve discovered this year. I finally feel like I’ve found HOME. ❤️ I look forward to reading your new book too. 😊

  • @user-gr9pz7xu4h
    @user-gr9pz7xu4h Рік тому

    I always knew there are people who believe in thisway of being.Thank you ❤❤❤

  • @bitterblue
    @bitterblue 5 років тому +7

    I guess I'm still building my spiritual world view, even though I read and studied different things for a couple of years now. I want to join the Order as soon as I have a bit more money and right now feel like this is my spiritual home. I think my world view is made up of Druidic/ Celtic and Wiccan bits as well as an interest in shamanism, mythology and an interest in chakras and aryuveda. To be honest, I'm struggling a bit to put things into practise, to come up with a daily routine. I feel it would help me deal with my mental health issues (like depression and anxiety) but I don't really know where to start and what to do. So these weekly Video sessions are great for me, because I always come away inspired and motivated.

  • @ellarosebud7556
    @ellarosebud7556 5 років тому +3

    A really interesting talk that puts voice to questions & spiritual dilemmas that have been haunting me for a while. I have felt the need & drive to find my ‘one true path’ the way that perfectly resonates with my felt sense of truth, that I can truly commit to 100% but as my spiritual life has developed this seems less & less possible. A Buddhist practitioner, who follows aspects of Advaita Vedanta philosophy yet craves the connection & spiritual practice of earth centred traditions within the ‘pagan’ umbrella. What speaks to me most is when a teacher, no matter their tradition, has true connection to the sacred oneness at the heart of all, I love the poetry of the Sufi’s, the wisdom and insight of the Upanishads, the practical grounded-ness of the Buddhas teachings, the free flowing way of the Tao and the spirit and energy of the trees & wild nature all around me.....somehow my spiritual path winds round and through all of these and perhaps it is time I make peace with that & stop trying to beat myself into boxes that will never contain the all.....much love to all the seekers on their unique and beautiful paths and much love to you Philip for these exquisitely timed questions 💚

    • @PhilipCarrGomm
      @PhilipCarrGomm  5 років тому +3

      Thank you Ella. Isn't it strange the way we create 'rods to beat ourselves with' - like you, I too have struggled for years to find the one discipline I could totally commit to, and always felt that my roaming through many approaches was somehow a sign that I hadn't yet 'arrived', until I learned to embrace the diversity and surrender to the One that underlies them all! :)

  • @richardianson
    @richardianson 5 років тому +5

    Wow this video really struck a chord with me Philip. I would say my practical experience draws mainly from around 12 traditions and my theoretical experience from many hundreds! I too started with transcendental meditation (at age 14). Since then I have studied several forms of hermetic magick based loosley around the golden dawn tradition with a bit of chaos magick and shamanism. But I have also studied the sciences as well as things like memory, accelerated learning, NLP, hypnosis, yoga, qui gong, tarot, enochian magick and many modes of healing (I am also a Reiki master). I have been very lucky in that I have found sticking with practice easy because I am so fascinated with it all. More recently I tend to live consciously 'in the moment' during the day and find I can change perception and state of consciousness at will which has kind of made, dare I say it, daily practice of a technique irrelevant (although I still have to do it purely for fun!). I would liken varied practice to the knowledge of an inventor where he is able to come up with new gadgets that are beyond other peoples ability because he is not 'just an engineer' but has mixed it up by adding knowledge of ALL science and engineering disciplines rather than specialising in one. I agree with the feeling of people finding their own seperate way but with the sense of doing it together or 'being as one' in the search. If I had to single out specific techniques that have helped the most to get where I am then I would have to say that working hard at visualisation, creating a sacred space (casting a circle) and channeling energy (learned through reiki and other energy work) have been of the greatest benefit. I agree that the internet is able to give us a kind of magickal connection. I have found that the most powerful and useful tool to use as a healer is that of guided meditation which is something you do so well at end of your videos Thankyou Phillip. Blessings

  • @meggiecoughlin8305
    @meggiecoughlin8305 2 роки тому

    I'm viewing this video 2 yrs or so after it was made however will comment - In my childhood I had a mix of sources from those around me. In my adult years a further mix continued and I would say by life's experiences more than what I was taught or told. Further on, I had one strong and very deep source. Now I can see there is more! I don't believe it is from my own desire for a change or trend - nothing like that, but that there really is more which has to be discovered for me to feel more complete and connected. Looking back, I now see that Nature and all it means, has to offer, teach and heal, was severed at some point in history - it has to be brought back into the realm of spirituality and teaching. I am not learning about the Wheel/Seasons from a qualified friend but at the same time considering Druidry. Thankyou for this meditation....

    • @meggiecoughlin8305
      @meggiecoughlin8305 2 роки тому

      should say - I am NOW learning not NOT learning - sorry! :(

  • @editharevalo2806
    @editharevalo2806 9 місяців тому

    I love this. This was recorded some time ago but it still has so much beauty and power. Thank you 🙏🏽 🤣

  • @billylyons7212
    @billylyons7212 Рік тому

    I combine heartmath freeze frame and the inner grove. In other words I use my inner grove as the way to the feelings of peace and joy that connects my heart and brain. Its my way to access intuition when I need it plus as a meditation practice throughout the day.

  • @sephanisbetartist5213
    @sephanisbetartist5213 2 роки тому

    Thank you Philip, for the feeling of connected expansiveness of all that is... I have combined several earth based traditions to live in harmony with our Mama Earth and its citizens ... the official study of Druidry is bringing many things together for me! Thank you again...

  • @duncanmacbean6949
    @duncanmacbean6949 2 роки тому +1

    Lovely thoughts and wise words.
    Thank you Philip for being a significant positive influence on my personal spiritual development.

  • @guerabella
    @guerabella 3 роки тому +1

    Your meditations are awesome!

  • @HonestlyAnnaFun
    @HonestlyAnnaFun 4 роки тому +2

    I'm exploring spiritual syncretism, and druidry is my new interest to discover. I was raised UU.

  • @billylyons7212
    @billylyons7212 2 роки тому

    Integrity discrimination (discernment) application patience moderation detachment and relaxation is my precepts I follow

  • @pflvtmh
    @pflvtmh 2 роки тому

    Good stuff. I'll be looking at this one again.

  • @rayfindley1052
    @rayfindley1052 3 роки тому +1

    I feel I don't have a spiritual practice that sticks. I've been studying my nature and notice I'm so sensitive to cycles of the earth-the seasons, day to night to day, perhaps even the moon cycles.
    Most of what I've been exposed to is Christian or Buddhist. I don't find either of these have practices that really work for me. the closest spiritual practice I have is planting seeds, watering plants and making sure they have the light they want to thrive.

  • @domijean8023
    @domijean8023 5 років тому

    Thank you Philip. I need this. Your help. Everyone's help.

  • @ruiseartalcorn
    @ruiseartalcorn 5 років тому +1

    Hallo Philip :) Many thanks for this :) I consider my personal Druidry as being a collective combination of all the traditions that I have been trained in (Druidry, Wicca, Ceremonial Magic, "other stuff", etc). To me, it is all "Druidry". :):):)

  • @druidhdhubh4735
    @druidhdhubh4735 3 роки тому

    Who would dislike this??

  • @audelherault2745
    @audelherault2745 3 роки тому

    Thank tou

  • @jwilliams1260
    @jwilliams1260 3 роки тому +1

    Where does the acknowledgement of cultural appropriation, co-opting, and colonialism happen in this conversation? Eclecticism can be natural and an integral part of the pagan mindset but it’s also spiritual bypassing of theft. Syncretism is natural in all animistic practices BUT it’s done with deep respect and without profit. I see a lot of ‘druids’ profiting off of teaching chakras, smudging, metta, etc. which is super problematic. I’d love to see these important issues addressed.

  • @hollysukulelemunford2432
    @hollysukulelemunford2432 3 роки тому

    Awen is holy spirit! NUYFRE IS BREATH!

  • @dianamc5304
    @dianamc5304 3 роки тому


  • @hollysukulelemunford2432
    @hollysukulelemunford2432 4 роки тому


  • @hollymunford6857
    @hollymunford6857 3 роки тому

    Energy ball!

  • @fieldandstream9362
    @fieldandstream9362 3 роки тому


  • @dominiquegoedert256
    @dominiquegoedert256 5 років тому +2

    It's too complex for my poor english! Mes parents étaient très chrétiens et mon enfance a baigné dans cette religion; j'en garde une tendresse pour la figure christique, comme j'ai une vraie tendresse pour le Roi Arthur, sans croire au messianisme pour autant. On m'a raconté qu' un jour, en revenant du catéchisme, je devais avoir huit ans, j'ai rapporté à mon père ce que le prêtre nous avait dit de la Genèse, en ajoutant que je n'étais pas du tout d'accord sur ce point : Dieu n'avait pas donné à l'Homme la Terre - et les plantes et les animaux pour le servir! J'étais sûre d'une chose à cet âge : les chiens aussi avaient une âme! Mes désaccords se sont multipliés avec l'adolescence, j'ai décidé de lire la Bible intégralement et cela n'a rien arrangé. En cessant de croire au Dieu des chrétiens, j'ai cru un moment que je ne croyais plus en Dieu du tout et je n'étais pas formatée pour le matérialisme . Puis à 14 ans , j'ai découvert Thoreau ,qui a calmé cette crise spirituelle, puis le rapport au monde des Indiens d'Amérique du Nord, puis Spinoza ("Dieu ou la Nature") et, assez rapidement, , le panthéisme est devenu une évidence pour moi; Le druidisme m'était familier, naturel ; c'est le chemin qui me convient. Mais je sais que d'autres chemins convergent.Je pratique de manière assez libre, je fais les 8 cérémonies une ou deux fois chacune (une en temps et en heure, pour être au diapason avec les autres druides et parfois une seconde fois , si l'esprit de la fête s'impose à moi de nouveau. Je médite trois ou quatre fois par semaine, pas assez, souvent avec les méditations guidées de Sacred Nature ou Wild wisdom et avec mes cd d'ovate que je continue à tant aimer, mais parfois seule en silence, dans la colline ou le jardin. J'ai souvent recours au lightbody et Sacred Grove, souvent à la visualisation de manière plus large. En fait, chaque jour, il y a un moment, des moments où, en regardant le monde, j'ai conscience d'être en train de mettre en pratique ma spiritualité. Thank you very much for this tea, Philip, and for this inspiring meditation! Blessings

    • @PhilipCarrGomm
      @PhilipCarrGomm  5 років тому +1

      Thank you so much Dominique! I love how Thoreau rescued you at age 14!

  • @melindaroop1346
    @melindaroop1346 5 років тому +1

    I blend Wicca with Druidry.

  • @Rocco27274
    @Rocco27274 5 років тому

    Ancient Ireland 🍀

  • @billylyons7212
    @billylyons7212 2 роки тому

    Say something if you can't hear me lol