elley duhe - middle of the night // slowed + reverb

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kouyouyt
    @kouyouyt  3 місяці тому +23

    sped up channel: youtube.com/@kouyouspedup

  • @3kyra674
    @3kyra674 3 роки тому +458

    2:37 this part 🥰

  • @edgeOmg16
    @edgeOmg16 2 роки тому +97

    Esto es lo mejor que eh escuchado ese drop, ese climax si es bueno bro!.

  • @vinnieGham101
    @vinnieGham101 2 роки тому +69

    this is a perfect version of an already perfect song

  • @Ayse-ip1ln
    @Ayse-ip1ln Рік тому +49

    there is definitely something like this, starting in the morning and listening to it until the night will give you these. 100% speed 100% motivation 100% entertainment 100% gang 100% you're going to a prom 100% training 100% endurance💪

  • @ii.angelz
    @ii.angelz 3 роки тому +76

    Absolute fire 🔥

  • @alexandruzarea7019
    @alexandruzarea7019 2 роки тому +69

    When I'm angry I listen to this song and then I feel so good. Makes me reborn

    • @randomname5058
      @randomname5058 2 роки тому +14

      Yo that’s actually cringe

    • @sh1v_swo
      @sh1v_swo Рік тому +4

      @@randomname5058lmaoooooo fr

    • @Ace_Pride
      @Ace_Pride Рік тому +6

      @@randomname5058 nah their jus being mature and saying what they think go pick on someone else.

    • @randomname5058
      @randomname5058 10 місяців тому

      ​@@Ace_PrideOK sorry I didn't mean to offend your cringe buddy

    • @Shadow92105
      @Shadow92105 9 місяців тому

      ​@@randomname5058your the Definition of cringe asf and by someone else he didnt mean himself goofball

  • @tarteauxframboises
    @tarteauxframboises 2 роки тому +21

    what a great version!

  • @Dr.RiyaKolesh
    @Dr.RiyaKolesh 7 місяців тому +13

    this song is sooo catchy........i can hear it whole day...

  • @Kit.685
    @Kit.685 4 місяці тому +6

    0:36 is the moment ✨️⭐️🎇

  • @christinagallo7558
    @christinagallo7558 Місяць тому +1

    this edit + zuko ???? I’m WHIPPED

  • @Action0048-id4wd
    @Action0048-id4wd 9 днів тому +1


  • @nasimaakhter8292
    @nasimaakhter8292 2 роки тому +31

    Ok why is this waaaayyyy better than the original one not saying original is bad

    • @tuna540
      @tuna540 2 роки тому +2

      original isn't bad

    • @KS_please
      @KS_please Рік тому

      @@tuna540she just said she wasent saying the original was bad

    • @KenTracer
      @KenTracer Рік тому +1

      @@tuna540 Reading isn't your strong suit hm?

    • @tuna540
      @tuna540 Рік тому

      you really replied to a 1 year old comment? xD
      Anyways nasima edited her comment
      i can read well sir :<

    • @tuna540
      @tuna540 Рік тому


  • @RealAarishOP
    @RealAarishOP 4 місяці тому +2

    Legend Says That She's Still Looking Back to This Day

  • @DanaGarcia-wb9br
    @DanaGarcia-wb9br 8 місяців тому +9

    This cool song makes me remember several moments

  • @jelitazahra4733
    @jelitazahra4733 2 роки тому +46

    2:28 this is the part that everyone wanted ❤️

  • @Free-Palestine01
    @Free-Palestine01 2 роки тому +9

    This song is just like, bro am speechless 🖤🖤

  • @muzammilqureshi950
    @muzammilqureshi950 2 роки тому +5

    This song filled butterflies in my stomach

  • @heist4467
    @heist4467 2 роки тому +24

    2:46 uff 🔥🔥

  • @brendaberardinelli8565
    @brendaberardinelli8565 Рік тому +13

    this song is just like, bro am speechless🖤🖤🖤✨✨

  • @shuwwbi
    @shuwwbi Рік тому +31

    песня конечно и так красивая, но в такой версии это вообще что то нечто! сегодня школьный вальс танцевала под неё..последний школьный вальс...

  • @Tekenen-ogen
    @Tekenen-ogen Місяць тому +2

    2:38 This part of the song is special who want to be focus on his goals😅

  • @Noah_edits26
    @Noah_edits26 Місяць тому +1

    Imagine listening to this song while u drive, and u roll the windows down and wind blows as u drive through a big glowing city at night.

  • @chimmymochi234
    @chimmymochi234 2 роки тому +10

    This song hits different for those...😩💔

  • @ticia3874
    @ticia3874 2 роки тому +3

    This song just hits on a different level yk

  • @ashadabhi7260
    @ashadabhi7260 25 днів тому

    An excellent version of an already perfect song.😊

  • @polinalarina5364
    @polinalarina5364 3 роки тому +14

    B O M B

  • @yoongiuwu8072
    @yoongiuwu8072 2 роки тому +185

    I summoned you, please come to me
    Don't bury thoughts that you really want
    I fill you up, drink from my cup
    Within me lies what you really want
    Come, lay me down
    'Cause you know this
    'Cause you know this sound
    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night
    Just call my name, I'm yours to tame
    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night
    I'm wide awake, I crave your taste
    All night long 'til morning comes
    I'm getting what is mine, you gon' get yours, oh no, ooh
    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, oh
    These burning flames, these crashing waves
    Wash over me like a hurricane
    I'll captivate, you're hypnotized
    Feel powerful but it's me again
    Come, lay me down
    'Cause I know this
    'Cause I know this sound
    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night
    Just call my name, I'm yours to tame
    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night
    I'm wide awake, I crave your taste
    All night long 'til morning comes
    I'm getting what is mine, you gon' get yours, oh no, ooh
    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, oh
    And just call on me, ah, just call my name
    Like you mean it
    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night
    Just call my name, I'm yours to tame
    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night
    I'm wide awake, I crave your taste
    All night long 'til morning comes
    I'm getting what is mine, you gon' get yours, oh
    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, oh, whoa

    • @haziqmn1080
      @haziqmn1080 2 роки тому +8

      wow you know all nice

    • @yoongiuwu8072
      @yoongiuwu8072 2 роки тому +9

      @@haziqmn1080 Making it easier for me too 🤣
      Better than going back to find the lyrics I thought so

    • @leucehmiekovid5337
      @leucehmiekovid5337 2 роки тому +1


    • @AmazeAngeloGames
      @AmazeAngeloGames 2 роки тому +1

      @@yoongiuwu8072 ok

    • @alaynawilliams4107
      @alaynawilliams4107 2 роки тому +4

      This is my favorite song ever I always put this music on in the middle of the night 🥰and cool beans

  • @jeewaniumayanga9173
    @jeewaniumayanga9173 2 місяці тому +2

    This is the one I was always waiting for....❤❤❤❤❤🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

  • @darkjester4419
    @darkjester4419 2 роки тому +22

    the anime is Violet evergarden, it's good

  • @xen813
    @xen813 2 роки тому +531

    Anime: Violet evergarden

    • @thequeenofboba6583
      @thequeenofboba6583 2 роки тому +30

      ah yes, the anime that gave me extreme depression T T

    • @spideylazzy9989
      @spideylazzy9989 2 роки тому +6

      you lie,im not found

    • @sachan8061
      @sachan8061 2 роки тому +12

      @@spideylazzy9989 its real

    • @sovereign6532
      @sovereign6532 2 роки тому +4

      Still waitin for the new movie

    • @thequeenofboba6583
      @thequeenofboba6583 2 роки тому +2

      @@sovereign6532 the new movie came out last year tho? Is it cuz of where u are at?

  • @janice606
    @janice606 2 роки тому +13

    2:45 🤩

  • @kellyhalligan2529
    @kellyhalligan2529 2 роки тому +8

    Best version 🥴🥵

  • @zenny-yl4dm
    @zenny-yl4dm 4 місяці тому +4

    Idk man smth abt this makes me feel special

  • @schizoiddiscord6907
    @schizoiddiscord6907 2 роки тому +1

    omg it sounds like weekend is singing lol amazing

  • @evelinakomisarova3900
    @evelinakomisarova3900 2 роки тому +21

    This is so good I love it ❤

  • @Qyrosx
    @Qyrosx 7 місяців тому +3


  • @onelovebatman3862
    @onelovebatman3862 2 роки тому +1

    Continue to do this slowed and reverb thing

  • @sonicthehardchog2404
    @sonicthehardchog2404 2 місяці тому

    I can't stop replaying this song

  • @alexdragon2373
    @alexdragon2373 Рік тому +6

    Lo mejor que pude escuchar de esta canción, no obstante.
    Del minuto 2:46 hasta el final es god...

  • @hanes4411
    @hanes4411 3 роки тому +13

    very good From thailand

  • @zombilicafied
    @zombilicafied Місяць тому

    Love this version

  • @sparkierpoem4072
    @sparkierpoem4072 3 роки тому +25

    Temazo de locos 🔥🔥🔥🤟

    • @MarylondonMary
      @MarylondonMary 10 днів тому +1

      Very loud.. like. meme 🫡❤️‍🩹🫴

  • @holloway123
    @holloway123 7 місяців тому +1

    All i can say is well done 🤝

  • @LivingTheDream911
    @LivingTheDream911 2 роки тому +2

    This song helps ease my mind. 🫶🏻

  • @sonicthehardchog2404
    @sonicthehardchog2404 2 місяці тому

    Who ever made it is the goat

  • @katmagic0252
    @katmagic0252 3 місяці тому

    Love listening to this song loud. So soulful and sensual. It just hits

  • @ShaniShani-u5e
    @ShaniShani-u5e Місяць тому

    Uffff it's so painfull😢beats liryks voice music everything is amazing❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @shadowhawk-1005
    @shadowhawk-1005 2 роки тому +2

    Bro this is straight awesome music

  • @evelynpolychroni5638
    @evelynpolychroni5638 6 місяців тому

    This song is very good and this song make you feel something terrible.!!❤️❤️❤️❤️😝😝

  • @hard8
    @hard8 2 роки тому +5

    Comment to show this masterpiece to my sons :)

  • @DarkeeX
    @DarkeeX 2 роки тому +5

    2:37 my favoriot line😍😍

  • @myra6680
    @myra6680 2 роки тому +1

    i like this!

  • @gargidwivedi3804
    @gargidwivedi3804 2 роки тому

    Who else is Vibin' to this masterpiece 🔥 💯

  • @jincyponnu1
    @jincyponnu1 Рік тому

    In the middle of the night in the middle the night just call my name in yours tame this part is so cool👌👌👌👌👌

  • @wallygaming3596
    @wallygaming3596 2 роки тому +1

    This Is Vibe 💕

  • @vaqifmemmedov5656
    @vaqifmemmedov5656 2 роки тому +1


    • @SifaraInDream
      @SifaraInDream 2 роки тому +2

      Güzel söyledin ama bu şarkının altına bunu niye yazıyonki yani ne alakası var😒😤

  • @leucehmiekovid5337
    @leucehmiekovid5337 2 роки тому +2

    Woah !!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍.

  • @aboshfra122
    @aboshfra122 2 роки тому +2

    GOOOOD music

  • @Basicofbehavior-x2w
    @Basicofbehavior-x2w 10 місяців тому

    I like this music❤😊

  • @parthibsaha1360
    @parthibsaha1360 2 роки тому +5


  • @kashiyt0215
    @kashiyt0215 2 роки тому +2

    Perfection from 1:41

  • @sujithapreman361
    @sujithapreman361 2 роки тому +4

    It's good 👍

  • @DanaGarcia-wb9br
    @DanaGarcia-wb9br 8 місяців тому

    Cette chanson est cool et j'aime beaucoup cette chanson

  • @aadifb9187
    @aadifb9187 2 роки тому +2

    😌😌 dope

  • @Silly_.GenshinEdits
    @Silly_.GenshinEdits 7 місяців тому +1

    Me staring at the name kouyou cause i love how its a bsd character

  • @centilion303
    @centilion303 2 роки тому +3


  • @Anna-s7d3y
    @Anna-s7d3y 4 місяці тому +2

    ❤know this middle night middle night crazy to be gone middle came me come down because I know this because I know this middle night middle night

  • @sarbelansius3270
    @sarbelansius3270 8 місяців тому

    Nice to hear

  • @LoveMe-xo6jj
    @LoveMe-xo6jj 11 місяців тому

    That look 😳

  • @Nesh-dl4ky
    @Nesh-dl4ky 2 роки тому

    0.37 maked me cry

  • @amplifierconnectionbd
    @amplifierconnectionbd 2 роки тому +1

    Love From Bangladesh🖤

  • @chara2279
    @chara2279 2 роки тому +3


  • @daro_gaming1482
    @daro_gaming1482 2 роки тому +1

    Song 🎧 🖤!!

  • @amyrahhaqeesya4623
    @amyrahhaqeesya4623 2 роки тому +3

    2:35 everyone want

  • @СабжамалМаматакунова
    @СабжамалМаматакунова 6 місяців тому

    Like music 😍😍😍

  • @krishnarana4093
    @krishnarana4093 2 роки тому

    Lyrics touched my heart 🤣😂

  • @kurtwynn1090
    @kurtwynn1090 Рік тому +1

    R.I.P Retsu Kaioh

  • @MisterMe-yl1hh
    @MisterMe-yl1hh 2 роки тому


  • @hacker-ec5pm
    @hacker-ec5pm 2 роки тому

    2:23 AZ💓💓💓💓🖤🖤💗💓😂💓😂💓💓😂💓💗💓😂💓😂🖤🖤😂🖤😂💓💓😂💓😂😂💓💓🥵

  • @Slytherins95
    @Slytherins95 Рік тому +2

    Here’s a short story for you to imagine. It’s not the best but it’s something…
    I walked into the giant ball room and looked around. I was on a mission so staying focused was my key objective. I headed towards the bar to grab a drink but in the corner of my eye I noticed someone was watching me. I couldn’t be completely sure since they was loads of people here…
    ~1 day earlier~
    I was sat in my seat when my boss walked in.
    Christian: ah, y/n, your here. On time?
    Y/n: yeah. I had figured since I had finished my assignments I should come here on time.
    Christian: well I’ll get started then. I need you to head to L.A. There’s an event happening tomorrow and one of are targets will be there. The plane will leave at nine am and you’ll have agent black with you. Will you do that for me?
    Y/n: of course I will. Do we have an apartment to stay at because I’ll need time to get ready?
    Christian: that’s already sorted out.
    Y/n: thanks.
    As I’m about to leave the room I feel warm hands wrap around my waist and pull back. Knowing who it is and why they did that I turned around and put my hands around his neck. Burying my fingers deep into his hair.
    Y/n: what is it now Christian?
    Christian: I want you.
    Y/n: we’ll tough. Cause you can’t. I don’t work like that.
    With that I left to get my stuff ready for tomorrow.
    ~present day (9:00am)~
    I walk up the steps that lead into the plane and explore all around. I come across a room that I fancy and decided to make it mine. I sat on the bed and ran through what I needed to do but suddenly I felt a jerk. The next thing I know, we’re in the air. I was feeling a bit off today but I didn’t want anyone else to know in case they judged or something, and I like to keep to myself, so I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I know, a shower. On a plane? Strange, but to my surprise it was actually alright. After my shower I got changed into my usual full black, tight outfit and my black heeled boots. I left my room and headed to the cockpit to se how long left we had.
    Y/n: hiya Reggie.
    Reggie: hi y/n. How are you?
    Y/n: I’m okay, just wondering how long we have left.
    Reggie: another half an hour then we’ll be there.
    Y/n: thanks Reggie.
    ~Half an hour later~
    I will finish this another time bc it’s a lot to do in one day…( for me) I hope you have enjoyed it so far and have a great day❤

  • @gamif3r
    @gamif3r Рік тому

    violet evergarden was so good thooooo dammnnn

  • @rezendli
    @rezendli 4 місяці тому

    Class room of the elite
    Kushida kikio

  • @rorogh4915
    @rorogh4915 2 роки тому +1

    The best part when she moves her head

  • @slowedreverb3096
    @slowedreverb3096 2 роки тому +1

    Just remember everyone YOU are your worst enemy

  • @Yesansa_pahandi
    @Yesansa_pahandi 4 місяці тому +1


  • @Paula_Po_Prostu_
    @Paula_Po_Prostu_ Рік тому +2


  • @CasianaBotezatu-wf1sg
    @CasianaBotezatu-wf1sg 5 місяців тому


  • @k.l.c2809
    @k.l.c2809 8 місяців тому +1


  • @Schk8
    @Schk8 2 роки тому +1


  • @helena17143
    @helena17143 2 роки тому +1


  • @DanaGarcia-wb9br
    @DanaGarcia-wb9br 8 місяців тому

    그 노래 멋지다

  • @sivapalananujan1724
    @sivapalananujan1724 2 роки тому +1

    Starit to favourtites👍🔥

  • @ehsanzakri8895
    @ehsanzakri8895 2 місяці тому


  • @luxuryxnoah2059
    @luxuryxnoah2059 2 роки тому +1


  • @chibi1732
    @chibi1732 2 роки тому +2

    when my friend betrays me

  • @Kureiamisa
    @Kureiamisa Місяць тому

    someone make a caitvi edit with this song

  • @SanjayKumar-p6h2z
    @SanjayKumar-p6h2z 10 місяців тому

    Background anime name??

  • @lautarobenites7099
    @lautarobenites7099 Місяць тому
