Here's a quick summary/highlight for those who are unable to watch 6 and half hours of this epic adventure. No timestamp though, sorry. To start off, some background. They decided to do a Hard mode instead of Hardcore. With this they have 2 lives each, so a single respawn is allowed. If they lost both lives, stream ends and they have to leave (even the discord chat). - Everybody logs in at the same time but their adventure decides to start with a bang and by that I mean creeper. - Everybody runs except Rushia who kept hitting it. She dies less than a minute in. Basically, Rushia hard-cored the entire play through. # Lives left: Rushia 1, Peko 2, Noel 2, Flare 2, Marine 2 - General prep of resource collection, Peko found a cave complete with Lava and that becomes their 1st base. - Rushia angered the gods and summoned horse-riding skeletons. Peko went to help but triggered an enderman and perished. # Lives left: Rushia 1, Peko 1, Noel 2, Flare 2, Marine 2 - After basic safety precautions (walls and doors), they dug down for diamonds. - Noel died. Wasn't looking but I assumed she fell into lava or got in contact with a flowing one. She did escaped from it but died anyway to burning. Did not lost her items and diamonds and was recovered by Flare. # Lives left: Rushia 1, Peko 1, Noel 1, Flare 2, Marine 2 - Announcing digging results: Marine came up empty and was licking Peko's shoes in the hope of Diamond equips. Flare was on top, Peko was second, Noel next and last Rushia with 2 diamonds. - Flare built nether gate with lava and was decided people who still have 2 lives left should go (Flare + Marine). It was a great coincidence since both have been pairing to train for this day. Made some diamond equips and off they go. - Of course not without a good share of flair. They have been wanting to jump in all at once, so they decided to do that, at least just by the gate. - Flare went it first to check, screamed but said it was fine. In fact, it was a big win! - Everybody went in and pretty much screamed as well. It was minecraft being minecraft, not loading the blocks yet but the magma at the bottom has, so they thought they felled into magma. - Turned around and the lo' and behold, a fortress! A definite big win. Flare: Have you changed your mind now Peko? Peko: *immediately went back* Nope, too scared. - unfortunately I did not watch FureMari until they have setup their blaze farming traps - - FureMari farmed for Blaze and was pretty successful with it due to the use of trapdoors. Easy to retrieve item and safe from blaze. - Meanwhile Peko and gang went out to look for a village. Again, luck was on their side, a village just accross the river from their 1st base. - Decided to farm Phantom membrane so chose to not sleep. - While waiting for another night, they decided to adventure out. Didn't get much anything out of it but got pretty dangerous as they didn't make it to the village before sunset. But nothing serious happened and they arrived safely. - Since Phantom still has not appeared, all 3 went for Diamond digging. After a while Peko went up for resources (wood for making pickaxes) but kind of went off track with prepping villagers for trading. - Rushia figured it would be good to start fishing. Though her intention was actually for enchanted equips and books. - Another night came and Phantom finally appeared. Wasn't much and only got 2 membranes out of them. - Phantoms did not appear for the next 2 nights so it was mostly filled with mining and prepping with Peko setting up an archery trader for bows and arrows. Another win as the trader later also offered enchanted bow with Power 2. - On FureMari side, as they have enough Blaze, went for Enderman farming. And yet again, lady luck was there. Blue forest was just on the other side of the fortress. It was literally connected and blended into the fortress. - They went separately during this. - Flare trapped an Enderman in a boat and was hitting it until a Pigmin decided to hitch a ride which Flare accidentally hit. Reinforcement was called far and wide while Flare quickly pillar up and encased herself in stones, breaking it to peek out once in while. - Marine continues to farm for a while. After getting a decent amount, went back to help Flare out. - Luckliy, the Pigmins (and Endermans) was very tightly packed so she just caged them. Flare could finally break free of her stone prison. - Killed a few Endermans along they way, trekked through the Fortress yet again and back to Overworld. - FureMari did quick catch-up with Peko team on chat but didn't rejoin. Probably due to lack of communication, Flare thought Peko team is still preparing and will come back to first base so they decided to stay and mined for Diamonds. - Not too long after, it was cleared up, Flare was informed Peko had mined a decent amount of Diamonds and FureMari is off to the village. - At the same time, Phantoms finally spawned and a whole bunch of them too. Peko team fought them off and obtained another 4 membrane which makes a total of 6. 6 membrane, 18 potions. Plenty for the final battle. - The battle occurred as FureMari headed for the village but ended before they reached. Decided to might as well sleep the rest of the night off after FureMari arrives since they already have enough membranes. - A lot of prepping, diamond equips, bows and arrows to prepare them for the last trip. Peko will hold ender eye and leads towards the stronghold. - It was a pretty smooth sailing to the stronghold with losing only 1 ender eye. - Split up to look for the gate and it was Flare that found it. - Some further clean up of stronghold (putting down torches, ransacking libraries for enchantment book for which Rushia misunderstood and started breaking bookshelves for plain books), they start prepping yet again for the glorious battle ahead. - Potion was brewed and, extra gold apples made, final sorting of items. - Gate opened and they stepped in. Another win for the team as the gate was buried so no fear of falling off as they bridge towards the island. It will be a safe area as well if they need to retreat. - Everybody worked together in clearing the crystal, shooting arrows everywhere. Flare with her pro-moves climbed several towers with water. - Once its all cleared, arrows flies everywhere again but this time towards the dragon. Some unfortunately ended on their teammates, essentially making the golden apple they just ate, rather worthless (as they ate them at full health). - It was chaotic as ender dragon very rarely comes down but once it did, its all in! - One of them (possibly Flare) mentioned how amazing things has been going rather smoothly. Jinx exists. - Not long after, about 10% left to its health, Rushia lost her life due to the stinky breath of a dragon. - Rushia stopped streaming but didn't left the discord chat since it was right at the end anyway so it didn't matter. - Team fired up and swore for vengeance. Dragon landed and oh boy it chose the wrong time to finally came down. - It died. - Decided to take some screenshots of their win though it was rather solemn one with only 4 of them. - For screenshot, they use 3rd person camera but accidentally triggered some enderman. Flare died. Peko ran into the portal. - It ended with some very touching speeches from each member with Flare being my personal favorite. # Lives left: Rushia 0, Peko 1, Noel 1, Flare 2, Marine 2 (Flare's death did not count as the challenge was technically over). - They mentioned they might do an actual hardcore seeing how well this has been. Won't be for a while though. Extra note: can't fit it in above, but while the team were separated, FureMari was pretty serious and focused on their objectives. Pekora, Noel and Rushia did a lot of girls talk.
This is definitely the best Gen 3 collab I ever seen, never been so excited to see them all fighting the Ender Dragon, I just lo d every moment!!! Not to mention that op animation is sick, especially Marine showing domInance right after Rushia resurrected her XD
So close..!! I really wanted all of them to make it till the end..! I've never felt so excited watching a minecraft stream before haha. Congratulations on conquering hardcore minecraft! This is the power of hololive's 3rd generation!
何度も見返しても良い 素敵な枠
00:03:44 挨拶
00:05:42 今日は何の日?
00:06:46 ルール説明
00:08:49 ほぼハードコアの世界へ
00:09:22 るしあ1乙
00:10:50 食料集めと穴掘り開始
00:12:44 洞窟発見
00:14:57 3期生初めての頃のマイクラを思い出す
00:18:27 廃坑発見
00:19:19 雷で喜ぶるーちゃん
00:21:24 常にアップグレードしてるるしあ
00:23:20 心配性なみんな
00:24:40 空洞に行かん?
00:26:16 防具にするかツルハシにするか
00:27:51 ネザー行っちゃう?
00:28:51 フレちゃんの掘った穴だと思ったら
00:31:50 ダイヤ3個で1ぺこら
00:32:11 鉱石堀り対決
00:32:41 ダイヤ発見
00:33:07 フレちゃんダイヤ発見、媚びといたほうがいいんじゃないの?
00:34:58 団長ラピス作戦
00:36:34 媚びるしあ
00:40:59 船長ラピス発見
00:41:46 冒険したがるるーちゃん
00:42:19 ラピス発見
00:43:55 うさ建としら建の間で
00:47:47 アメジストをお土産に
00:49:45 残りあと10分
00:50:57 ダイヤ発見
00:52:22 るーちゃんダイヤ発見
00:54:16 最近お腹すかない?
00:54:43 船長迷子に
00:56:23 船長とフレアの絆
00:57:31 食料確保
01:00:36 ノエル1乙
01:02:59 船長だけ裸確定かな?
01:04:46 天敵クリーパー
01:06:20 クリーパー処理
01:08:16 ぺこら1乙
01:10:10 結果報告
01:12:16 る「あそこにマグマあるよ」
01:13:16 望遠鏡
01:15:26 誰がネザーに行くか
01:19:31 いざネザーへ!
01:20:29 目の前の要塞
01:24:48 豚を処するーちゃん
01:25:12 ネザー組:マリフレ、探索組:ぺこるしノエ
01:27:52 探索に出発
01:28:50 村発見
01:29:30 村キッズ
01:32:37 猫
01:36:07 働かないゴーレム
01:37:18 最近何してる?、漫画
01:43:00 夜って長くない?
01:43:55 るーちゃんの猫が、スコティッシュフォールド
01:45:19 猫飼いたい
01:46:07 夜明け
01:49:33 冒険に出発
01:51:42 長迷子になる
01:52:46 兎肉
01:53:38 るーちゃんは兎が飼いたい
01:55:31 迷子のお知らせです
01:56:51 るーちゃん確保
01:59:28 仕事するゴーレム
02:00:59 女子会して夜を耐える?
02:02:00 ダイヤ堀り再び
02:03:43 パジャマダイヤ堀りパーティー、寝る時パジャマ着る?
02:04:21 きゅっぷい、ぺこメロ
02:05:58 団長はクロミちゃん派、クロミちゃんのいいところ
02:07:30 これは似てますわたし
02:08:11 それぞれのシンジくん
02:09:14 パジャマパーティースタート
02:10:38 この3人珍しくない?
02:11:39 中間報告
02:13:05 ダイヤ発見、るーちゃん最近悪い事した?
02:14:20 お祓い行った話
02:16:29 普段何してるの?
02:17:14 最近のコンビニの話題、しゃぼん玉売ってるの初めて見た
02:19:10 ぺこーらのお兄ちゃん
02:19:39 団長の兄上
02:20:03 るーちゃんの兄妹
02:20:25 フレマリの兄妹
02:21:28 フレアのどんなところが好きなの?
02:22:43 女子トークしよう、最近食べた美味しいもの
02:24:43 るーちゃんラピス発見
02:27:52 ネザー組青い森発見
02:33:14 宝くじ
02:34:34 人生山あり谷あり、るしあには
02:38:58 ファントムチェック
02:43:28 つたつたつたつたー
02:44:59 るーちゃんダイヤ発見
02:47:17 バグった村人
02:51:20 交易
02:52:57 マイメロバトル
02:53:42 貿易センターのおじさん
02:54:12 るーちゃんの弓は正義
02:56:02 ノエルとフレアは似てる?
02:58:07 来ないファントム
03:02:13 ネザー組に報告
03:08:18 クロスボウは
03:11:46 兎の皮
03:13:03 書見台、みんな大好きガチャの時間
03:13:40 夏の初めはお腹すかなかった、セブンのナチュラルポテト
03:15:14 働けぺこー
03:16:07 食べてる時が一番幸せ
03:16:48 日光浴びてる?
03:18:53 いい湯だな~
03:21:20 ファントム狩り
03:23:01 ぺこら渡すね、それぺこらじゃない!
03:24:39 もぐもぐタイム
03:26:41 牛…可愛いよなぁ…、牛の顔
03:27:53 弟欲しかった
03:31:04 妹は喧嘩しそう?
03:34:13 ネザー組の二人はどんな旅してるのか
03:37:02 英語得意?
03:39:45 二郎ラメーン、ルール
03:44:26 るーちゃんネザー組に突撃
03:46:39 団長ネザー組に突撃
03:50:44 ダイヤがぁぁぁ
03:53:11 村人をなぐるしあ
03:55:22 あつめましょ
03:56:10 誕生日に何してる?
03:58:50 るしあにはない谷間が
04:00:47 流れ星
04:01:33 みんなでオールしてるみたい
04:03:40 エンドラ戦で船作戦
04:07:32 消えたエンダーマン
04:09:51 5人で分担するといい感じ
04:11:21 荷物整理の苦手な団長、ぺこーらも
04:12:39 るーちゃんは家綺麗派?
04:13:41 実家での配信は
04:16:08 九州出禁のぺこーら、るーちゃんは
04:19:07 カンニングしてたるーちゃん
04:21:17 鉱石掘り
04:21:59 英語の時間
04:26:03 ノーデス、おけーい?
04:26:54 おばかさん
04:27:44 でぇやもんどかむかむかむ
04:30:23 ラピスラズリ発見
04:34:27 ダイヤモンドきたー!
04:41:43 ネザー組帰還
04:47:24 団長のおやつは焼肉弁当
04:51:27 弓か矢か
04:53:27 矢にしようや
05:03:05 ネザー組の出来事
05:05:08 村人を釣るるーちゃん
05:09:53 羊飼いマリン
05:10:51 たたたたんたんたん
05:12:37 出発準備
05:17:48 代表エンパを、やんやんやんやん
05:23:06 要塞に向けて出発
05:24:59 前からいい匂いが
05:25:43 5人で移動久しぶり
05:26:07 村発見
05:31:19 村出発
05:35:18 ぶ~たの名産地~
05:35:23 当たりの強いノエル
05:40:03 要塞到着
05:41:48 要塞探索
05:43:36 マリンは団長の盾な
05:44:44 フレちゃん祭壇発見
05:45:36 るーちゃん図書館発見
05:46:18 図書館発見
05:51:04 祭壇到着
05:55:45 歌
05:59:59 点呼
06:02:40 エンダーアイ設置
06:03:25 決戦前の
06:05:59 エンドへ
06:08:29 安置で作戦会議
06:09:17 円陣
06:09:53 エンダードラゴン戦開始
06:18:18 るしあ2乙
06:18:44 エンドラ討伐
06:20:54 最後に暴れるエンダーマン
06:21:57 これで満足してないよね?
06:22:31 感想
06:26:44 おふぁんたじー!
thank you!
Took a lot of scrolling to see this. This needs more replies
22 時間前(編集済み)
00:03:44 挨拶
00:05:42 今日は何の日?
00:06:46 ルール説明
00:08:49 ほぼハードコアの世界へ
00:09:22 るしあ1乙
00:10:50 食料集めと穴掘り開始
00:12:44 洞窟発見
00:14:57 3期生初めての頃のマイクラを思い出す
00:18:27 廃坑発見
00:19:19 雷で喜ぶるーちゃん
00:21:24 常にアップグレードしてるるしあ
00:23:20 心配性なみんな
00:24:40 空洞に行かん?
00:26:16 防具にするかツルハシにするか
00:27:51 ネザー行っちゃう?
00:28:51 フレちゃんの掘った穴だと思ったら
00:31:50 ダイヤ3個で1ぺこら
00:32:11 鉱石堀り対決
00:32:41 ダイヤ発見
00:33:07 フレちゃんダイヤ発見、媚びといたほうがいいんじゃないの?
00:34:58 団長ラピス作戦
00:36:34 媚びるしあ
00:40:59 船長ラピス発見
00:41:46 冒険したがるるーちゃん
00:42:19 ラピス発見
00:43:55 うさ建としら建の間で
00:47:47 アメジストをお土産に
00:49:45 残りあと10分
00:50:57 ダイヤ発見
00:52:22 るーちゃんダイヤ発見
00:54:16 最近お腹すかない?
00:54:43 船長迷子に
00:56:23 船長とフレアの絆
00:57:31 食料確保
01:00:36 ノエル1乙
01:02:59 船長だけ裸確定かな?
01:04:46 天敵クリーパー
01:06:20 クリーパー処理
01:08:16 ぺこら1乙
01:10:10 結果報告
01:12:16 る「あそこにマグマあるよ」
01:13:16 望遠鏡
01:15:26 誰がネザーに行くか
01:19:31 いざネザーへ!
01:20:29 目の前の要塞
01:24:48 豚を処するーちゃん
01:25:12 ネザー組:マリフレ、探索組:ぺこるしノエ
01:27:52 探索に出発
01:28:50 村発見
01:29:30 村キッズ
01:32:37 猫
01:36:07 働かないゴーレム
01:37:18 最近何してる?、漫画
01:43:00 夜って長くない?
01:43:55 るーちゃんの猫が、スコティッシュフォールド
01:45:19 猫飼いたい
01:46:07 夜明け
01:49:33 冒険に出発
01:51:42 長迷子になる
01:52:46 兎肉
01:53:38 るーちゃんは兎が飼いたい
01:55:31 迷子のお知らせです
01:56:51 るーちゃん確保
01:59:28 仕事するゴーレム
02:00:59 女子会して夜を耐える?
02:02:00 ダイヤ堀り再び
02:03:43 パジャマダイヤ堀りパーティー、寝る時パジャマ着る?
02:04:21 きゅっぷい、ぺこメロ
02:05:58 団長はクロミちゃん派、クロミちゃんのいいところ
02:07:30 これは似てますわたし
02:08:11 それぞれのシンジくん
02:09:14 パジャマパーティースタート
02:10:38 この3人珍しくない?
02:11:39 中間報告
02:13:05 ダイヤ発見、るーちゃん最近悪い事した?
02:14:20 お祓い行った話
02:16:29 普段何してるの?
02:17:14 最近のコンビニの話題、しゃぼん玉売ってるの初めて見た
02:19:10 ぺこーらのお兄ちゃん
02:19:39 団長の兄上
02:20:03 るーちゃんの兄妹
02:20:25 フレマリの兄妹
02:21:28 フレアのどんなところが好きなの?
02:22:43 女子トークしよう、最近食べた美味しいもの
02:24:43 るーちゃんラピス発見
02:27:52 ネザー組青い森発見
02:33:14 宝くじ
02:34:34 人生山あり谷あり、るしあには
02:38:58 ファントムチェック
02:43:28 つたつたつたつたー
02:44:59 るーちゃんダイヤ発見
02:47:17 バグった村人
02:51:20 交易
02:52:57 マイメロバトル
02:53:42 貿易センターのおじさん
02:54:12 るーちゃんの弓は正義
02:56:02 ノエルとフレアは似てる?
02:58:07 来ないファントム
03:02:13 ネザー組に報告
03:08:18 クロスボウは
03:11:46 兎の皮
03:13:03 書見台、みんな大好きガチャの時間
03:13:40 夏の初めはお腹すかなかった、セブンのナチュラルポテト
03:15:14 働けぺこー
03:16:07 食べてる時が一番幸せ
03:16:48 日光浴びてる?
03:18:53 いい湯だな~
03:21:20 ファントム狩り
03:23:01 ぺこら渡すね、それぺこらじゃない!
03:24:39 もぐもぐタイム
03:26:41 牛…可愛いよなぁ…、牛の顔
03:27:53 弟欲しかった
03:31:04 妹は喧嘩しそう?
03:34:13 ネザー組の二人はどんな旅してるのか
03:37:02 英語得意?
03:39:45 二郎ラメーン、ルール
03:44:26 るーちゃんネザー組に突撃
03:46:39 団長ネザー組に突撃
03:50:44 ダイヤがぁぁぁ
03:53:11 村人をなぐるしあ
03:55:22 あつめましょ
03:56:10 誕生日に何してる?
03:58:50 るしあにはない谷間が
04:00:47 流れ星
04:01:33 みんなでオールしてるみたい
04:03:40 エンドラ戦で船作戦
04:07:32 消えたエンダーマン
04:09:51 5人で分担するといい感じ
04:11:21 荷物整理の苦手な団長、ぺこーらも
04:12:39 るーちゃんは家綺麗派?
04:13:41 実家での配信は
04:16:08 九州出禁のぺこーら、るーちゃんは
04:19:07 カンニングしてたるーちゃん
04:21:17 鉱石掘り
04:21:59 英語の時間
04:26:03 ノーデス、おけーい?
04:26:54 おばかさん
04:27:44 でぇやもんどかむかむかむ
04:30:23 ラピスラズリ発見
04:34:27 ダイヤモンドきたー!
04:41:43 ネザー組帰還
04:47:24 団長のおやつは焼肉弁当
04:51:27 弓か矢か
04:53:27 矢にしようや
05:03:05 ネザー組の出来事
05:05:08 村人を釣るるーちゃん
05:09:53 羊飼いマリン
05:10:51 たたたたんたんたん
05:12:37 出発準備
05:17:48 代表エンパを、やんやんやんやん
05:23:06 要塞に向けて出発
05:24:59 前からいい匂いが
05:25:43 5人で移動久しぶり
05:26:07 村発見
05:31:19 村出発
05:35:18 ぶ~たの名産地~
05:35:23 当たりの強いノエル
05:40:03 要塞到着
05:41:48 要塞探索
05:43:36 マリンは団長の盾な
05:44:44 フレちゃん祭壇発見
05:45:36 るーちゃん図書館発見
05:46:18 図書館発見
05:51:04 祭壇到着
05:55:45 歌
05:59:59 点呼
06:02:40 エンダーアイ設置
06:03:25 決戦前の
06:05:59 エンドへ
06:08:29 安置で作戦会議
06:09:17 円陣
06:09:53 エンダードラゴン戦開始
06:18:18 るしあ2乙
06:18:44 エンドラ討伐
06:20:54 最後に暴れるエンダーマン
06:21:57 これで満足してないよね?
06:22:31 感想
06:26:44 おふぁんたじー!
3期生最 & 高
What do you do?は普段何してますか?から派生して何の仕事をしてますか?という意味になります。
もし今、何をしていますか?と聞きたい時はWhat are you doing?が最適となりますね。
4:00 game set. 8:43 stand by and game start.
6:09:40 いざ最終決戦 / Last Battle
3:37:59 Peko Chan teaching to Noel some English in the same way she teaches Moona Japanese.... sasuga shachou
thank you for the stream it was fun to watch you all play together
35:50 さかなクン感強い
Holy cow she won the diamond race almost immediately. Her luck is wild.
4:22:30 - English Battle
Pekora , Noel, Rushia
4:24:24 - Ender pearl pls gib me
4:26:23 - do you like Minecraft
4:28:14 - English powah
1:08:15 peko death
1:29:20 ナイスぺこパン〜
6:09:17 3期生の円陣。感動して涙が出たシーン。
感動をありがとう!ホロライブ ファンタジー!
Very goodo engrishu
Chat: Did you kill the dragon?
Gen 3: Yes
Chat: What did it cost?
Gen 3: A cutting board
you have balls friend XD
the wall have ears and a knife XD
Here's a quick summary/highlight for those who are unable to watch 6 and half hours of this epic adventure. No timestamp though, sorry.
To start off, some background. They decided to do a Hard mode instead of Hardcore. With this they have 2 lives each, so a single respawn is allowed. If they lost both lives, stream ends and they have to leave (even the discord chat).
- Everybody logs in at the same time but their adventure decides to start with a bang and by that I mean creeper.
- Everybody runs except Rushia who kept hitting it. She dies less than a minute in. Basically, Rushia hard-cored the entire play through.
# Lives left: Rushia 1, Peko 2, Noel 2, Flare 2, Marine 2
- General prep of resource collection, Peko found a cave complete with Lava and that becomes their 1st base.
- Rushia angered the gods and summoned horse-riding skeletons. Peko went to help but triggered an enderman and perished.
# Lives left: Rushia 1, Peko 1, Noel 2, Flare 2, Marine 2
- After basic safety precautions (walls and doors), they dug down for diamonds.
- Noel died. Wasn't looking but I assumed she fell into lava or got in contact with a flowing one. She did escaped from it but died anyway to burning. Did not lost her items and diamonds and was recovered by Flare.
# Lives left: Rushia 1, Peko 1, Noel 1, Flare 2, Marine 2
- Announcing digging results: Marine came up empty and was licking Peko's shoes in the hope of Diamond equips. Flare was on top, Peko was second, Noel next and last Rushia with 2 diamonds.
- Flare built nether gate with lava and was decided people who still have 2 lives left should go (Flare + Marine). It was a great coincidence since both have been pairing to train for this day. Made some diamond equips and off they go.
- Of course not without a good share of flair. They have been wanting to jump in all at once, so they decided to do that, at least just by the gate.
- Flare went it first to check, screamed but said it was fine. In fact, it was a big win!
- Everybody went in and pretty much screamed as well. It was minecraft being minecraft, not loading the blocks yet but the magma at the bottom has, so they thought they felled into magma.
- Turned around and the lo' and behold, a fortress! A definite big win.
Flare: Have you changed your mind now Peko?
Peko: *immediately went back* Nope, too scared.
- unfortunately I did not watch FureMari until they have setup their blaze farming traps -
- FureMari farmed for Blaze and was pretty successful with it due to the use of trapdoors. Easy to retrieve item and safe from blaze.
- Meanwhile Peko and gang went out to look for a village. Again, luck was on their side, a village just accross the river from their 1st base.
- Decided to farm Phantom membrane so chose to not sleep.
- While waiting for another night, they decided to adventure out. Didn't get much anything out of it but got pretty dangerous as they didn't make it to the village before sunset. But nothing serious happened and they arrived safely.
- Since Phantom still has not appeared, all 3 went for Diamond digging. After a while Peko went up for resources (wood for making pickaxes) but kind of went off track with prepping villagers for trading.
- Rushia figured it would be good to start fishing. Though her intention was actually for enchanted equips and books.
- Another night came and Phantom finally appeared. Wasn't much and only got 2 membranes out of them.
- Phantoms did not appear for the next 2 nights so it was mostly filled with mining and prepping with Peko setting up an archery trader for bows and arrows. Another win as the trader later also offered enchanted bow with Power 2.
- On FureMari side, as they have enough Blaze, went for Enderman farming. And yet again, lady luck was there. Blue forest was just on the other side of the fortress. It was literally connected and blended into the fortress.
- They went separately during this.
- Flare trapped an Enderman in a boat and was hitting it until a Pigmin decided to hitch a ride which Flare accidentally hit. Reinforcement was called far and wide while Flare quickly pillar up and encased herself in stones, breaking it to peek out once in while.
- Marine continues to farm for a while. After getting a decent amount, went back to help Flare out.
- Luckliy, the Pigmins (and Endermans) was very tightly packed so she just caged them. Flare could finally break free of her stone prison.
- Killed a few Endermans along they way, trekked through the Fortress yet again and back to Overworld.
- FureMari did quick catch-up with Peko team on chat but didn't rejoin. Probably due to lack of communication, Flare thought Peko team is still preparing and will come back to first base so they decided to stay and mined for Diamonds.
- Not too long after, it was cleared up, Flare was informed Peko had mined a decent amount of Diamonds and FureMari is off to the village.
- At the same time, Phantoms finally spawned and a whole bunch of them too. Peko team fought them off and obtained another 4 membrane which makes a total of 6. 6 membrane, 18 potions. Plenty for the final battle.
- The battle occurred as FureMari headed for the village but ended before they reached. Decided to might as well sleep the rest of the night off after FureMari arrives since they already have enough membranes.
- A lot of prepping, diamond equips, bows and arrows to prepare them for the last trip. Peko will hold ender eye and leads towards the stronghold.
- It was a pretty smooth sailing to the stronghold with losing only 1 ender eye.
- Split up to look for the gate and it was Flare that found it.
- Some further clean up of stronghold (putting down torches, ransacking libraries for enchantment book for which Rushia misunderstood and started breaking bookshelves for plain books), they start prepping yet again for the glorious battle ahead.
- Potion was brewed and, extra gold apples made, final sorting of items.
- Gate opened and they stepped in. Another win for the team as the gate was buried so no fear of falling off as they bridge towards the island. It will be a safe area as well if they need to retreat.
- Everybody worked together in clearing the crystal, shooting arrows everywhere. Flare with her pro-moves climbed several towers with water.
- Once its all cleared, arrows flies everywhere again but this time towards the dragon. Some unfortunately ended on their teammates, essentially making the golden apple they just ate, rather worthless (as they ate them at full health).
- It was chaotic as ender dragon very rarely comes down but once it did, its all in!
- One of them (possibly Flare) mentioned how amazing things has been going rather smoothly. Jinx exists.
- Not long after, about 10% left to its health, Rushia lost her life due to the stinky breath of a dragon.
- Rushia stopped streaming but didn't left the discord chat since it was right at the end anyway so it didn't matter.
- Team fired up and swore for vengeance. Dragon landed and oh boy it chose the wrong time to finally came down.
- It died.
- Decided to take some screenshots of their win though it was rather solemn one with only 4 of them.
- For screenshot, they use 3rd person camera but accidentally triggered some enderman. Flare died. Peko ran into the portal.
- It ended with some very touching speeches from each member with Flare being my personal favorite.
# Lives left: Rushia 0, Peko 1, Noel 1, Flare 2, Marine 2 (Flare's death did not count as the challenge was technically over).
- They mentioned they might do an actual hardcore seeing how well this has been. Won't be for a while though.
Extra note: can't fit it in above, but while the team were separated, FureMari was pretty serious and focused on their objectives. Pekora, Noel and Rushia did a lot of girls talk.
Looking forward to the next hardcore collab which everyone only have one life
This is definitely the best Gen 3 collab I ever seen, never been so excited to see them all fighting the Ender Dragon, I just lo d every moment!!!
Not to mention that op animation is sick, especially Marine showing domInance right after Rushia resurrected her XD
So close..!! I really wanted all of them to make it till the end..! I've never felt so excited watching a minecraft stream before haha. Congratulations on conquering hardcore minecraft! This is the power of hololive's 3rd generation!