I had a 2 hour league session today that consisted of 4 dodges, 2 remakes, 1 early ff, and then one full game where everyone on my team tilted in the first 10 minutes. Definitely reminds me why I stopped playing last time.
It sucks so much because coming from behind is legit the most satisfying thing in this game, but the community is so mentally fragile that it is usually insurmountable
This game is absolute garbage now. Mostly because there isn't real punishment for afk or troll players. If you say bad word though, riot will ban you like kindergarten.
3:26 "i still cant beat the trundle" yeah hes 5/1 with equal farm to you and first tower plus plates, hes exodia if you could beat him there your champ is insane broken
@@plasticfoon he doesnt but thats not even what i was pointing out, its just a bad comment from him to even imply he could win with a lead, its better to say "vs trundle sion cant match the split push at any point in the game"
I'll never understand surrendering in a match where you still can have an impact. If I log in to play League, I might as well play despite how dire a match may seem. In my eyes, those who are quick to surrender should really find a different game to play once in a while. They are way too focused on winning instead of just playing League.
this. i can maybe understand it in normal games, but ranked?! if you aren't starting a game to fight till the end and give it all, why even play ranked?
That’s because you’re addicted. Your last sentence counters the rest of your point, they are surrendering because they don’t care about winning and want to get into a game where they can have fun.
@@billybob2388 addiction is definitely not wanting to play a good game of league without it ending at 15 minutes. addiction is surrendering every game you're not winning by 15 minutes just to go next
Yeah really. If i am losing im still thinking of how to get a kill, or simply how to not die but still get farm. My go to was "oh, lets avoid that fed dude." "ill go bot and when we spot them going through the jungle you hit top, dont group up we die anyways" just keep pushing where they are not, if you dont see them, they are going to you mind set
@@billybob2388 if they don't care about winning then why are they flaming and crying so loud when things don't go their way? Your whole argument is an oxymoron buddy.
Yeah, I totally agree with you on losers queue existing based on experience, but for me It's not that the "game" is out to get you and intentionally places you with loss-streak trolls. it's that literal trolls exist (far, far too many) and, no matter how many reports they get or how many hundreds of thousands of games they collectively ruin, absolutely NOTHING is done about it and since they're all collectively dogfish they tend to congregate in large packs around certain mmr/elo ranges and once you hit those ranges your chances of getting a team of trolls skyrockets exponentially.
the thing is that the match making is not skill based, but entertaining based. in order to climb to diamond you should not be a diamond lvl player, but the one way higher coz once you'll get the positive wr riot will bring you the worst players possible in order to maintain the 50% wr on your account so you keep spending time in league. also the problem is that there is no such thing as a hard reset each season. a lot of players are elo inflated to the abyss. it's quite common i see an aram player that once was an emerald queuing for the first ranked game this season just to never queue ranked after ever again probably just to get a split reward. a lot of players dont play on the level that they rank should to represent and that is just sad
@@RiverNunu wish it was a coinsidence, but that is a pattern. like it is not only me who's getting a 0/20 guy in a team after a winstreak who never plays ranked and it is literally his first match in a half of a year ;p
@@songeer8988 Biased, single-instance experiences like that are not evidence. You getting cucked by matchmaking RNG after a winstreak is not a pattern, that just means you got unlucky.
I truly believe losers queue is real. Once went on a 12 win streak into platinum, was doing great, not feeding any of my games. Then suddenly, I had an ashe supp who had a 30% WR and was intentionally throwing every game (They were on a 16 loss streak), next game my midlaner went 0/12/0. Next three games my junglers decided they didn't wanna do objectives or gank and so basically the enemy jungler took every obj, and ganked nonstop without contestion and we just lost. And then I got the same ashe support who I then discovered was just throwing every game. WEnt from Plat 2 to Gold 2, little sprinkle of wins but it was frustrating just how much no matter what me or a few other players did in these games, nothing could help or save us from our fate of a single player causing so much problems.
its an algorithm that screw you over. your personal mmr was too high and to prevent you from going nuclear ( or your mmr is too high for your tier), riot has programmed the game to match you with people that have their mmr really low. matchmaking does not "match" you with people same mmr in your team, then vs others. Matchmaking works as a fixed number from your side vs enemy, meaning if are in tier where team you in needs 500 mmr, 5 people will need to have 100 mmr to be equal in the bracket but if you alone have 500 other can literally have 0 and you are still placed in same match. And thats the beauty of Riot design. This prevents people from fast ranking up, also enables people to quit playing league.
oh boy only 12? well I’m an actual pro at activationg winners/losers queue😂 my biggest win streak is 48 games with one loss in the middle (24>1>23) and 32 if uninterruped only and my biggest loss streak is 28 games🫠 Winners/losers queue probably have playstyle related conditions for activating, that probably trigger the smurf/account purchase detection algorithms🤔
@@tomislavterek5544This is straight up no true, Riot matches you with people who have similar MMR to you. If you were to have 500 then your teammates would have to have 490-510 MMR. Stop deluding yourself. You’re just bad.😊
@@mansamusa3788Well idk how you can deny that when you yourself are mentioning the MMR matchmaking, you could argue it isn't intentional and it's a small flaw in the system since it's generous for both parties, if you lose a lot of games you'll get matched with those with higher MMR on your team and if you win way too often the same could happen to you due to inflated MMR, hence why sometimes you'd be stuck with a team of Diamonds against grandmasters while you are on master tier. It's way more noticeable in higher elos as the matchmaking tends to take too long and just goes with what it has putting people in auto fill positions (which totally influences the outcome of the game, specially if they are one tricks). This losers Q will always happen to people with a good MMR, if most of your teammates WR is below 46% I think it's obvious the system expects you to carry the game.
@@supimzazz No if you win to many games you will get matched with harder opponents since your MMR will increase, if you lose to many you will be matched with worse people.
I don't believe in Loser's Queue, but sometimes you just get rolled into bad lobbies game after game, after game, after game. You get plunged into Elo Hell and it leaves you wondering why you even bothered playing On a different note, thanks for all the content over the years, Tilt. You a trooper o7
@@Randompikachuisblue1 from what I've gathered, people say loser's queue is something that Riot themselves have created that lumps people on loss streaks together rather than just unfortunate luck. My take is that it's the latter rather than the former
Idk if anyone remembers what ranked games used to be like in other older games. You'd go on win sprees quite easily and you'll quickly find where you stagnate from skill or comp. But in league you'll have a plat player have an account stuck in bronze while him main is high plat with both accounts rocking a 50% winrate. Infact everyone's account is rocking near 50% winrate and everyone getting "bad games" as soon as they have a win rate higher than 55-60%. You cannot convince me riot doesn't do this on purpose. You never saw this in any other rank game ever back in the day, now you see this being the standard right after Ubisoft leaked their player retention system based on wins and losses. Reaching 55% winrate used to mean you are doing something wrong and need to change. Now 55% winrate means you need to play more games and climb cause your wins vs loss is in your favour.
@@LardDude32they have stated before that it doesn’t exist, it’s just bad luck after bad luck, it sometimes happens In life, while flipping a coin you can get heads 10 times in a row, league is just like that, when you play a bunch of league eventually this will happen to you
@@joalo67 I feel like you don't understand that it would be in Riots best interest to state it doesn't exist. If you genuinely believe that they are forthright about even a fraction of the crappy shit they do, I'd like to point your attention to the 500$ Ahri skin and the fact that they milk every last penny possible out of Wild Rift with gambling microtransactions. Of course they'd implement a losers queue. The whole point is that tilted gamers play games more even if they are tilted. Someone having fun will enjoy the game until they don't have fun anymore, which is why it used to be a winning streak would end and that one loss was enough to convince most people to take a break and hop off for a bit. The toxic state of ranked as a whole in most multiplayer games literally supports there being an on purpose losers queue because those people will continue their addiction chasing the "lucky win streak".
8:13 I thought i was going crazy when i heard the exact same music as an elden ring lore video i just watched. I had to go rewatch it and come back to this to make sure
@@DevourerSated even Janna stealing role and playing it adc isn’t reportable. Both players tried their best given the picks they chose. That’s the only requirement in the summoner code.
Quit League ages ago. It's hard to enjoy a game where you are only in control of 20% of the outcomes. You're at the mercy of the queue algorithm (yes, the game decides who should win and lose).
21:23 I quit because they catered to ultra-short fights by upping overall damage output over the years and continued to roll down that path. I would much prefer the game in a state where you need to be at least 10 kills ahead of someone to be able to one-combo them from full health, no matter by what means.
This is exactly why I quit. The game is not fun, you either get bursted or burst someone. Plus, the fact that people nowadays have such inflated egos and low attention spans, giving up as soon as something goes wrong and they don't want to try to comeback, are the reasons I stopped playing league. Only a casual aram or a TFT with friends.
@@lotus8847 Yep. It's because you in modern League get so far ahead by only a kill or two, that most give up preemptively and just opt to surrender sadly. Kills matter insanely more than objectives in most of the game's duration, which makes it even worse.
@@ForsakenSanityGaming Its infuriating... It doesn't feel like the strategy game it once was. Not to mention Riot has been becoming greedier and greedier with so many gacha elements in the game, and lack of events.
I'm late, thanks for the shoutout king. Your PMA towards the game is the main proponent for me being able to continue enjoying this game, so again.. thanks
I was so frustrated. ex masters and this season i get placed into emerald one after my placement games (4 wins 1 loss) and then it began, im sitting on a 25 persent winrate with 12 losses and 4 wins, and im just getting lanes that either run it down or going afk, im playing toplane and the game is over by 10 minutes before i can even participate in the game, it is soooo frustrating, know you arent alone, we all here struggling with you, but the grind continues
Every League content creator I watch makes me extremely glad I swore off playing Ranked years ago. After trying to hit Gold during the last week of a Ranked season because I wanted the Victorious Skin from the season. On the last day in my Silver 1 to Gold 4 Promos I ended up getting literal Disco Nunu in one game and AFKs and Trolls in others, every single one of my promos. Managed to pull 2 of those out despite that but was unable to promote and went to bed pissed off that night. Swore off Ranked and haven't touched it since.
Grandmaster/Challenger players will say there's no such thing as Elo hell, "just get better" but will lose their minds if you tell them loser's queue isn't real and to "just play better".
People in high elo always do this to themselves. Pidgeon holing themselves into 1 role and often times one champion in only one role which is basically double jeopardy. An example of putting all your eggs in one basket if I've ever seen one. This is the high elo equivalent of low elo saying they're hard stuck because their team keeps holding them back. I think it's funny. It's a problem that could solve its self, if the people weren't so lazy.
He doesn't just play one role. He plays Sion in 2 roles. He doesn't even just play Sion, he just primarily plays Sion. Regardless, one tricking a champion isn't lazy. You're putting more work into your one champion than other players. You understand their strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else and can focus more on the macro of the game and how your champion fits into it.
@@765craven4 RIght, i know his exploits. But the people trolling him with their one role cries is rediculous. The above stands. Tilt has a leg up above many, but, i mean, if he could add 1 more role . . .
To be fair, it is really hard for most people to be good in more than 2 roles. I'm shit at the game and have low rank and even I get outclassed in all but the two roles I play. The mechanical know how is much more important in higher elos.
@@MultiUkkoPekkaLol, its not mechanical know how. Its the strengths and weaknesses of your champion: Matchup Knowledge, and Champion Limits. If you’re a one trick you only need to focus on your champion vs every champion in the game. The more champions you play the more you have to know. Mechanics top out at plat, past that there is no real difference in mechanics just knowledge and usage of that knowledge.
it's been like 1-2 years since ive touched summoners rift without a 5 stack. only thing worth solo-queuing in that game is arena. i play aram if im feeling especially decroded some days, though
here is a fact about "Losers queue" technically there are multiple queues you get thrown in. that is true but its not a "losers" queue its a different queue yes. and people end up calling it losers queue. what it actuaally is, when you duo more than you soloQ you get thrown into a different queue. so even if u go and plaay soloQ afterwards you will be in a game with 4 premades (2 on each side) so keeping ur account over 90% soloQ is how you get into said "winners queue"
i left the game about 5 years ago because i realized how much bs this game and its community is. I decided about a month ago to try it again and get back into ranked. holy. fucking. shit. worst mistake of my life, last 8 games have been me winning lane despite my teams best efforts to lose it and then losing the entire rest of the map to the point where it doesnt matter im ahead of my laner, the rest of the map is 10/0 and all objs have been taken by the enemy. love that no matter where you get in rank its still the same
Loser queue is definitely real. Last night I played two games. The first one I played Brand support with a jinx adc who actually is a nami support player and they were duoed with the jungler. I know this because my Jinx gets caught by a Lux root after I engaged on the enemy MF after which my adc misses a W, paths incorrectly to escape, lands one auto and then holds onto her Barrier and Flash until after she gets rooted and then ignited, dies, preceeds to blame me and right afterwards the jungler jumps in and starts blaming me too. We lose, fast forward to next game. I wanna play Brand again, enemy support steals it, lock in Pantheon with my adc Ziggs vs Brand and an Akshan. We DEMOLISH them, but my jgl is a lvl 40 newbie and my mid doesn't have any awarness (but they play safe at least, albeit too safe) and my top doesn't get to play because ranged top exists. The real kicker? Enemy jungle is Darius running an assortment of crit, lethality, and bruiser items and just has a field day against my inexperienced jgl, my unaware mid, and my helpless top. We lose, again, why? Because the Akshan was on a 6 game loss streak and was due for a win.
Personally, I think this is a problem with the fundamentals of League as a whole. The whole game is set up on whether or not your champ wins lane, wins lane, or wins lane. A lot of champs whose focus is on losing lane, but winning games feel weaker by comparison. So the whole mentality players have is, "If I can win my lane, then I've essentially won the game." Which in my opinion makes you, tilt, so special as a player because you consistently consider "If I throw my lane to make my allies win, then we all win." Which is so, remarkable and genuinely special in this game. Even the baussen law is to essentially still WIN LANE BY TRADING YOUR LIFE OVER AND OVER AGAIN TO SECURE POSITIONING OVER KILLS. People refuse to consider the game as a whole, as in doing so refuse to do anything outside what they believe will win lane. They'll throw games they don't get their main champ, they'll throw games where they lose "because X person lost their lane". It's completely ridiculous how Single Minded League is set up to be.
OUTRO Opinion: I would personally add a bit more contrast to the overall image of sion with vibrance on the red . Now the image looks undersaturated a little compared to your game colors.
As someone who won playing most atrocious strategies and feeding my ass off, I agree winners queue is real. You sometimes can't lose even if you're 1/15.
God damn. I can't believe your Talon gave up in that last game. Absolutely 0 joke here: If I were that Smolder or the Karthus with the absolutely ruined Jungle, I would be tying some choice knots in a piece of rope. I can't believe the Talon managed to crybaby his way into letting those two with completely ruined mental BEAT him because he wanted to give up.
Game 1: Troll ADC Pick -Lose Game 2: ADC went afk - Lose Game 3: ADC went mental in mid game - Lose Game 4: Talon AFK - Lose They will get no punishment but if u get mad in game 4 and flame the one who is dancing in base u will get a punishment. Thats the main problem in League of Legends.
It's crazy the mentality of some soloQ players... is what i thought at first, and it's not wrong, but after a bit more thoughts, i think it's a wider problem. peoples don't consider soloQ enough as a competitive ladder, most peoples go here as default when they want to play. I think it's a parent cause if not a root of the problem of mentality. It's natural to be tilted after a bad time, be it irl or just after a few bad games, but when it happen and peoples want to keep playing, they don't consider going normal draft or quickplay to manage the tilt and pressure. Anyway, at the end we don't change league, league change us xD
God, every time even a trace of thought about playing league again appears in my mind, I see videos like these and get instantly reminded why I stopped playing this cesspool of a game.
5:50 "there are days where no matter what you do, you just seem to lose" same guy first times bard in ranked and dies level 1 then dies non stop until he loses
@@Tilterella bro you first time bard in ranked, fed first blood in a horrific fashion, and died for the second time in 4 minutes again in a horrific fashion. and you still try to say you are a tryhard? cmon man
Not sure if the editor changed but the music seemed to miss the mark for me, and there was missing media near the start. Sorry for being negative. Normal Vids are 10/10 for you, just want to keep your quallity up.
i really dont think loser's queue is real. Well, its real in the same way winner's queue is real, sometimes you get a streak of lucky games and sometimes unlucky, thats just how flipping a coin 1000 times will go; sometimes you'll get 7 heads in a row
@@ricoselkum There's no way a company that releases balance patches every two weeks to keep winrates at 50% manage to keep winrates somewhat near 50%. Right.
Losers q is real. Only thing important is when your put on a doomed lobby you need to play for kd and just sack the game. Just treat it as a way to boost your mmr rather than lp.
Yep this is the main reason I stopped. Game quality fell off and I can't even blame op champs or frustrating playstyles. It's literally just the community. They say the game is over, then they int or afk to prove it. The whole game felt less like a combination of macro and micro matchups, and just a pressure cooker where we'd wait and watch which team cracked first.
I just love how so many people are delusional to the point where they see someone successfully doing a "off meta" or "not normal" strat, to the best of their ability, and throw a tantrum and decide to COMPLETELY TROLL. Then say to report you and not them...............
Yep it's why I hardly play any more. My team straight up int's and not for just one game but multiple. I go from a gold player to bronze. I don't want to waste my time anymore playing or caring about this game when it is in this state.
Back when I started the game missfortune when she was new she was spouted by riot to be a new mid solo pick (champion spotlight). Mind you the meta was not ap mid, just mid solo. These ad carries that need a support are just noobs. I feel most ap carries have more grit and can or are easily better at playing ad carry than most ad carries these days because they they learn better because they are in a situation of im alone, i can get pincered from either side. Back in the day the meta was you need a split of ad and ap damage dealers else the enemy team stacks one side deffense and win easy, very straight forward still true today. The only reason ap gets solo lane is because spells can wipe out waves fast and means they can get CS without being out of postion for long or at all to get all CS. Riot made the game brain dead by saying there is a meta with ridged roles
as a low elo player im embarrassed about the behaviors i see why do u play a game in this intense with this mentality going afk trolling for someone that high is just cringe and immature
Some people take games way too seriously. Like, I can understand getting angry and quitting in a fighting game, cause that only affects you. But how can you be so quick to give up and ruin things for your entire team, in a game like League? Riot ought to make FF votes show who called it, so quitters are outed more easily.
Is it really worth to give up waves of minions + 5 plates and first turret to get the adc ahead? If the jg or mid isn’t there to catch it kinda seems int no? Especially on Sion
There’s no right and wrong when it comes to solo queue. Sitting in lane and going 0/0 into a lane you can’t beat while your adc gets dove on repeat isn’t ideal. You’re basically coin flipping. At least the way we played it the coin flip has some enjoyment.
Your gameplay is very conducive to tilt. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it, but in high elo - nay, this happens in my gold games too - people are such primadonnas that you mostly lose because people REFUSE to play the fucking game.
i don't get why people tilt so hard at having tilterella on their team like, is it really such a curse to let waves push into you and zone out for 15 minutes on adc and take the free lp
I had a 2 hour league session today that consisted of 4 dodges, 2 remakes, 1 early ff, and then one full game where everyone on my team tilted in the first 10 minutes. Definitely reminds me why I stopped playing last time.
Only rankeds
jesus crist, god bless you my man
God bless you bro, couldn't be worse than this when you feel like to play and this happen 😢
this is indeed why i stopped playing. hours on end where people around you just tilt
It sucks so much because coming from behind is legit the most satisfying thing in this game, but the community is so mentally fragile that it is usually insurmountable
Looking at what happened to you make me think that I'm right not taking this game seriously lol
This game is absolute garbage now. Mostly because there isn't real punishment for afk or troll players. If you say bad word though, riot will ban you like kindergarten.
@@RussellMiller-i5h Yeah, I only play with friends and do no touch ranked, game can be fun when you stack five at least haha
@@guppyXtytyXGI I only play alone and it's like being in purgatory
@@RussellMiller-i5hthen don't say a bad word? It cannot be that hard, right?
@@MultiUkkoPekkabad words that aren’t even bad words like” idiot” or “dogwater player” will get you banned these days
3:26 "i still cant beat the trundle" yeah hes 5/1 with equal farm to you and first tower plus plates, hes exodia if you could beat him there your champ is insane broken
well, then it comes to gold Spent and levels they are equal, so its just the champion difference
@@weraz420 he also says "no matter how far ahead i am" hes not ahead at all, if anything hes behind the trundle
In what world even if sion is ahead does a trundle lose the 1v1?
@@plasticfoon he doesnt but thats not even what i was pointing out, its just a bad comment from him to even imply he could win with a lead, its better to say "vs trundle sion cant match the split push at any point in the game"
@@KaoVTstop nitpicking 2 sentences he said you shouldent care so much about something so pointless
I'll never understand surrendering in a match where you still can have an impact. If I log in to play League, I might as well play despite how dire a match may seem.
In my eyes, those who are quick to surrender should really find a different game to play once in a while. They are way too focused on winning instead of just playing League.
this. i can maybe understand it in normal games, but ranked?! if you aren't starting a game to fight till the end and give it all, why even play ranked?
That’s because you’re addicted. Your last sentence counters the rest of your point, they are surrendering because they don’t care about winning and want to get into a game where they can have fun.
@@billybob2388 addiction is definitely not wanting to play a good game of league without it ending at 15 minutes. addiction is surrendering every game you're not winning by 15 minutes just to go next
Yeah really. If i am losing im still thinking of how to get a kill, or simply how to not die but still get farm. My go to was "oh, lets avoid that fed dude." "ill go bot and when we spot them going through the jungle you hit top, dont group up we die anyways" just keep pushing where they are not, if you dont see them, they are going to you mind set
@@billybob2388 if they don't care about winning then why are they flaming and crying so loud when things don't go their way? Your whole argument is an oxymoron buddy.
Yeah, I totally agree with you on losers queue existing based on experience, but for me It's not that the "game" is out to get you and intentionally places you with loss-streak trolls. it's that literal trolls exist (far, far too many) and, no matter how many reports they get or how many hundreds of thousands of games they collectively ruin, absolutely NOTHING is done about it and since they're all collectively dogfish they tend to congregate in large packs around certain mmr/elo ranges and once you hit those ranges your chances of getting a team of trolls skyrockets exponentially.
Wait why does this make so much sense tf
the thing is that the match making is not skill based, but entertaining based. in order to climb to diamond you should not be a diamond lvl player, but the one way higher coz once you'll get the positive wr riot will bring you the worst players possible in order to maintain the 50% wr on your account so you keep spending time in league. also the problem is that there is no such thing as a hard reset each season. a lot of players are elo inflated to the abyss. it's quite common i see an aram player that once was an emerald queuing for the first ranked game this season just to never queue ranked after ever again probably just to get a split reward. a lot of players dont play on the level that they rank should to represent and that is just sad
@@songeer8988 that's objectively not how it works but alright.
@@RiverNunu wish it was a coinsidence, but that is a pattern. like it is not only me who's getting a 0/20 guy in a team after a winstreak who never plays ranked and it is literally his first match in a half of a year ;p
@@songeer8988 Biased, single-instance experiences like that are not evidence. You getting cucked by matchmaking RNG after a winstreak is not a pattern, that just means you got unlucky.
I truly believe losers queue is real.
Once went on a 12 win streak into platinum, was doing great, not feeding any of my games. Then suddenly, I had an ashe supp who had a 30% WR and was intentionally throwing every game (They were on a 16 loss streak), next game my midlaner went 0/12/0. Next three games my junglers decided they didn't wanna do objectives or gank and so basically the enemy jungler took every obj, and ganked nonstop without contestion and we just lost. And then I got the same ashe support who I then discovered was just throwing every game. WEnt from Plat 2 to Gold 2, little sprinkle of wins but it was frustrating just how much no matter what me or a few other players did in these games, nothing could help or save us from our fate of a single player causing so much problems.
its an algorithm that screw you over. your personal mmr was too high and to prevent you from going nuclear ( or your mmr is too high for your tier), riot has programmed the game to match you with people that have their mmr really low. matchmaking does not "match" you with people same mmr in your team, then vs others. Matchmaking works as a fixed number from your side vs enemy, meaning if are in tier where team you in needs 500 mmr, 5 people will need to have 100 mmr to be equal in the bracket but if you alone have 500 other can literally have 0 and you are still placed in same match. And thats the beauty of Riot design. This prevents people from fast ranking up, also enables people to quit playing league.
oh boy only 12?
well I’m an actual pro at activationg winners/losers queue😂
my biggest win streak is 48 games with one loss in the middle (24>1>23) and 32 if uninterruped only
and my biggest loss streak is 28 games🫠
Winners/losers queue probably have playstyle related conditions for activating, that probably trigger the smurf/account purchase detection algorithms🤔
@@tomislavterek5544This is straight up no true, Riot matches you with people who have similar MMR to you. If you were to have 500 then your teammates would have to have 490-510 MMR. Stop deluding yourself. You’re just bad.😊
@@mansamusa3788Well idk how you can deny that when you yourself are mentioning the MMR matchmaking, you could argue it isn't intentional and it's a small flaw in the system since it's generous for both parties, if you lose a lot of games you'll get matched with those with higher MMR on your team and if you win way too often the same could happen to you due to inflated MMR, hence why sometimes you'd be stuck with a team of Diamonds against grandmasters while you are on master tier. It's way more noticeable in higher elos as the matchmaking tends to take too long and just goes with what it has putting people in auto fill positions (which totally influences the outcome of the game, specially if they are one tricks). This losers Q will always happen to people with a good MMR, if most of your teammates WR is below 46% I think it's obvious the system expects you to carry the game.
@@supimzazz No if you win to many games you will get matched with harder opponents since your MMR will increase, if you lose to many you will be matched with worse people.
9:04 “We got the gold from the Shit’sante!”
Nothing he said was wrong in any way.
Your videos make me more and more confident in my decision to never fucking touch ranked with a 100 foot pole
Normals is far worse. Play ranked. HIgher quality games.
@@HomicidalTh0r Alternatively: only play during event game modes and leave when riot removes them
Just drop League. I am way more happy now, ex-plat player here.
I love the nostalgic runescape music.. brings so many memories🥲
I love the edits and the little change in music when situation gets intense. Love the zelda songs
I don't believe in Loser's Queue, but sometimes you just get rolled into bad lobbies game after game, after game, after game. You get plunged into Elo Hell and it leaves you wondering why you even bothered playing
On a different note, thanks for all the content over the years, Tilt. You a trooper o7
But isn't getting rolled into bad lobby after bad lobby, exactly what losers queue is lmao
@@Randompikachuisblue1 from what I've gathered, people say loser's queue is something that Riot themselves have created that lumps people on loss streaks together rather than just unfortunate luck. My take is that it's the latter rather than the former
Idk if anyone remembers what ranked games used to be like in other older games. You'd go on win sprees quite easily and you'll quickly find where you stagnate from skill or comp.
But in league you'll have a plat player have an account stuck in bronze while him main is high plat with both accounts rocking a 50% winrate. Infact everyone's account is rocking near 50% winrate and everyone getting "bad games" as soon as they have a win rate higher than 55-60%.
You cannot convince me riot doesn't do this on purpose. You never saw this in any other rank game ever back in the day, now you see this being the standard right after Ubisoft leaked their player retention system based on wins and losses.
Reaching 55% winrate used to mean you are doing something wrong and need to change. Now 55% winrate means you need to play more games and climb cause your wins vs loss is in your favour.
@@LardDude32they have stated before that it doesn’t exist, it’s just bad luck after bad luck, it sometimes happens In life, while flipping a coin you can get heads 10 times in a row, league is just like that, when you play a bunch of league eventually this will happen to you
@@joalo67 I feel like you don't understand that it would be in Riots best interest to state it doesn't exist. If you genuinely believe that they are forthright about even a fraction of the crappy shit they do, I'd like to point your attention to the 500$ Ahri skin and the fact that they milk every last penny possible out of Wild Rift with gambling microtransactions. Of course they'd implement a losers queue. The whole point is that tilted gamers play games more even if they are tilted. Someone having fun will enjoy the game until they don't have fun anymore, which is why it used to be a winning streak would end and that one loss was enough to convince most people to take a break and hop off for a bit. The toxic state of ranked as a whole in most multiplayer games literally supports there being an on purpose losers queue because those people will continue their addiction chasing the "lucky win streak".
8:13 I thought i was going crazy when i heard the exact same music as an elden ring lore video i just watched. I had to go rewatch it and come back to this to make sure
Yeah it's Zullie the witch.
Players like Crowd Pleasa (Janna) really ruin the fun. They have main character syndrome. It should be a perma ban for that shit.
then again tilterella picked a champ he didnt want to play in hopes of someone else taking the loss and dodging. Fuck them both.
Tilt also trolled. Picking bard just in the hope janna dodges is reportable as well.
@@DevourerSated even Janna stealing role and playing it adc isn’t reportable. Both players tried their best given the picks they chose. That’s the only requirement in the summoner code.
@@DevourerSated he played supp champ on a supp role, how is it reportable lmao
@@DevourerSatedJust admit it. You are janna, aren't you? 😂
Quit League ages ago. It's hard to enjoy a game where you are only in control of 20% of the outcomes. You're at the mercy of the queue algorithm (yes, the game decides who should win and lose).
Yes system controls you. Its called Loser que. System decides who has better players.
I think about playing league again, then I watch your videos, and I remember league players play league.
21:23 I quit because they catered to ultra-short fights by upping overall damage output over the years and continued to roll down that path.
I would much prefer the game in a state where you need to be at least 10 kills ahead of someone to be able to one-combo them from full health, no matter by what means.
This is exactly why I quit. The game is not fun, you either get bursted or burst someone.
Plus, the fact that people nowadays have such inflated egos and low attention spans, giving up as soon as something goes wrong and they don't want to try to comeback, are the reasons I stopped playing league. Only a casual aram or a TFT with friends.
@@lotus8847 Yep. It's because you in modern League get so far ahead by only a kill or two, that most give up preemptively and just opt to surrender sadly. Kills matter insanely more than objectives in most of the game's duration, which makes it even worse.
@@ForsakenSanityGaming Its infuriating... It doesn't feel like the strategy game it once was. Not to mention Riot has been becoming greedier and greedier with so many gacha elements in the game, and lack of events.
thats isnt true at all you guys are just bunch of silvers
Love the runescape music on these edits
14:41 - Maybe just go around the wolf camp wall on the right instead of the left?
Too low health, if karthus goes blue which is likely I’m at risk of death
7:26 he wasn’t forcing the enemy away, they were gonna get the plate and dip with that last auto, him walking up was a logical move
never surrender un till the fat Sion, " WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH"
I'm late, thanks for the shoutout king.
Your PMA towards the game is the main proponent for me being able to continue enjoying this game, so again.. thanks
Amazing music choice this episode, mr rella.
I was so frustrated. ex masters and this season i get placed into emerald one after my placement games (4 wins 1 loss) and then it began, im sitting on a 25 persent winrate with 12 losses and 4 wins, and im just getting lanes that either run it down or going afk, im playing toplane and the game is over by 10 minutes before i can even participate in the game, it is soooo frustrating, know you arent alone, we all here struggling with you, but the grind continues
Very informative commentary here, Tilterella!
Hey Tilterella; big fan from the US, been watching for years. Keep making awesome videos you're amazing.
Thanks champ
Every League content creator I watch makes me extremely glad I swore off playing Ranked years ago. After trying to hit Gold during the last week of a Ranked season because I wanted the Victorious Skin from the season. On the last day in my Silver 1 to Gold 4 Promos I ended up getting literal Disco Nunu in one game and AFKs and Trolls in others, every single one of my promos. Managed to pull 2 of those out despite that but was unable to promote and went to bed pissed off that night. Swore off Ranked and haven't touched it since.
Love this videos from time to time to reminded me why i quit this game 😂 u r a hero men
Grandmaster/Challenger players will say there's no such thing as Elo hell, "just get better" but will lose their minds if you tell them loser's queue isn't real and to "just play better".
20:14 it’s nice to know that even high elo games have to deal with afk scumlords and not just people stuck in the lower levels of elo hell
God damn it. OSRS music right off the bat. Now I'm hooked...
People in high elo always do this to themselves. Pidgeon holing themselves into 1 role and often times one champion in only one role which is basically double jeopardy. An example of putting all your eggs in one basket if I've ever seen one. This is the high elo equivalent of low elo saying they're hard stuck because their team keeps holding them back. I think it's funny. It's a problem that could solve its self, if the people weren't so lazy.
He doesn't just play one role. He plays Sion in 2 roles. He doesn't even just play Sion, he just primarily plays Sion. Regardless, one tricking a champion isn't lazy. You're putting more work into your one champion than other players. You understand their strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else and can focus more on the macro of the game and how your champion fits into it.
@@765craven4 RIght, i know his exploits. But the people trolling him with their one role cries is rediculous. The above stands. Tilt has a leg up above many, but, i mean, if he could add 1 more role . . .
To be fair, it is really hard for most people to be good in more than 2 roles. I'm shit at the game and have low rank and even I get outclassed in all but the two roles I play. The mechanical know how is much more important in higher elos.
@@MultiUkkoPekkaLol, its not mechanical know how. Its the strengths and weaknesses of your champion: Matchup Knowledge, and Champion Limits. If you’re a one trick you only need to focus on your champion vs every champion in the game. The more champions you play the more you have to know. Mechanics top out at plat, past that there is no real difference in mechanics just knowledge and usage of that knowledge.
@@mansamusa3788 Reckon you could take a 1v1 full build with someone 1 tier higher than you?
5:47 that yone is looking different
it's been like 1-2 years since ive touched summoners rift without a 5 stack. only thing worth solo-queuing in that game is arena. i play aram if im feeling especially decroded some days, though
bro how old are these games? lmao this was from at least 3 weeks ago
here is a fact about "Losers queue" technically there are multiple queues you get thrown in. that is true but its not a "losers" queue its a different queue yes. and people end up calling it losers queue. what it actuaally is, when you duo more than you soloQ you get thrown into a different queue. so even if u go and plaay soloQ afterwards you will be in a game with 4 premades (2 on each side) so keeping ur account over 90% soloQ is how you get into said "winners queue"
My problem with league is the player mentality of "If I'm not having fun, I'm not trying" - Main Character Syndrome that some players have.
This is just one of the reasons why I play normal draft with friends
Quit this game a few months ago and I’ve been less stressed and irritable
Condolences and thank you for your sacrifice.
i left the game about 5 years ago because i realized how much bs this game and its community is. I decided about a month ago to try it again and get back into ranked. holy. fucking. shit. worst mistake of my life, last 8 games have been me winning lane despite my teams best efforts to lose it and then losing the entire rest of the map to the point where it doesnt matter im ahead of my laner, the rest of the map is 10/0 and all objs have been taken by the enemy. love that no matter where you get in rank its still the same
Wanna see some double jungle with other junglers, especially ones that are very strong early and can jump over walls
7:48 lol, why is everyone's videos showing this thing
ah, it's a plug in we use to edit has apparenlty broken, that's lame. no biggie.
@@Tilterella is it a plug in you're using with premiere pro?
Loser queue is definitely real. Last night I played two games. The first one I played Brand support with a jinx adc who actually is a nami support player and they were duoed with the jungler. I know this because my Jinx gets caught by a Lux root after I engaged on the enemy MF after which my adc misses a W, paths incorrectly to escape, lands one auto and then holds onto her Barrier and Flash until after she gets rooted and then ignited, dies, preceeds to blame me and right afterwards the jungler jumps in and starts blaming me too. We lose, fast forward to next game. I wanna play Brand again, enemy support steals it, lock in Pantheon with my adc Ziggs vs Brand and an Akshan. We DEMOLISH them, but my jgl is a lvl 40 newbie and my mid doesn't have any awarness (but they play safe at least, albeit too safe) and my top doesn't get to play because ranged top exists. The real kicker? Enemy jungle is Darius running an assortment of crit, lethality, and bruiser items and just has a field day against my inexperienced jgl, my unaware mid, and my helpless top. We lose, again, why? Because the Akshan was on a 6 game loss streak and was due for a win.
deserved for not playing support.
Anecdotal evidence at its finest.
Draven with the mental of a snail? Who could've imagined!
9:03 “shit’sante “😂 fr tho
Painful game man, best of luck in the next ones
Personally, I think this is a problem with the fundamentals of League as a whole. The whole game is set up on whether or not your champ wins lane, wins lane, or wins lane. A lot of champs whose focus is on losing lane, but winning games feel weaker by comparison. So the whole mentality players have is, "If I can win my lane, then I've essentially won the game." Which in my opinion makes you, tilt, so special as a player because you consistently consider "If I throw my lane to make my allies win, then we all win." Which is so, remarkable and genuinely special in this game. Even the baussen law is to essentially still WIN LANE BY TRADING YOUR LIFE OVER AND OVER AGAIN TO SECURE POSITIONING OVER KILLS. People refuse to consider the game as a whole, as in doing so refuse to do anything outside what they believe will win lane. They'll throw games they don't get their main champ, they'll throw games where they lose "because X person lost their lane". It's completely ridiculous how Single Minded League is set up to be.
did they switched yone's abilities and skin in game 3 ? looks like another champ dayum
i love his post game commentary
OUTRO Opinion: I would personally add a bit more contrast to the overall image of sion with vibrance on the red . Now the image looks undersaturated a little compared to your game colors.
Losers queue is 100% real, people who dont believe in it havent played enough
TF2 music goes disgustingly hard
Tf2 soundtracks brings the little kid in me great choices!
As someone who won playing most atrocious strategies and feeding my ass off, I agree winners queue is real. You sometimes can't lose even if you're 1/15.
I feel like you should always put a notification saying 'on OCE' when you show your rank
God damn. I can't believe your Talon gave up in that last game. Absolutely 0 joke here: If I were that Smolder or the Karthus with the absolutely ruined Jungle, I would be tying some choice knots in a piece of rope. I can't believe the Talon managed to crybaby his way into letting those two with completely ruined mental BEAT him because he wanted to give up.
The TF2 music made this for me!
Game 1: Troll ADC Pick -Lose
Game 2: ADC went afk - Lose
Game 3: ADC went mental in mid game - Lose
Game 4: Talon AFK - Lose
They will get no punishment but if u get mad in game 4 and flame the one who is dancing in base u will get a punishment. Thats the main problem in League of Legends.
Thanks to you I don't need to play, only watch
It's crazy the mentality of some soloQ players... is what i thought at first, and it's not wrong, but after a bit more thoughts, i think it's a wider problem. peoples don't consider soloQ enough as a competitive ladder, most peoples go here as default when they want to play.
I think it's a parent cause if not a root of the problem of mentality. It's natural to be tilted after a bad time, be it irl or just after a few bad games, but when it happen and peoples want to keep playing, they don't consider going normal draft or quickplay to manage the tilt and pressure.
Anyway, at the end we don't change league, league change us xD
I was thinking to myself: "wow, finally someone who plays Talon and knows how to!"
Gives up. 💀
We mourn for the lp lost to trolls today. A sad day it is
God, every time even a trace of thought about playing league again appears in my mind, I see videos like these and get instantly reminded why I stopped playing this cesspool of a game.
5:50 "there are days where no matter what you do, you just seem to lose"
same guy first times bard in ranked and dies level 1 then dies non stop until he loses
Let’s ignore that I only died three times and had 100% kp to fit your narrative. Nice
@@Tilterella bro you first time bard in ranked, fed first blood in a horrific fashion, and died for the second time in 4 minutes again in a horrific fashion. and you still try to say you are a tryhard? cmon man
@@erichiguera he had a janna adc ????
Why don't you do full game videos unedited I want to see more if possible
The banjo kazoo musics. Great game
Are these games on the new split?
might have lost but still enjoyed watching
Not sure if the editor changed but the music seemed to miss the mark for me, and there was missing media near the start.
Sorry for being negative. Normal Vids are 10/10 for you, just want to keep your quallity up.
How did echo get 2 kills in that 3v1. That’s insane
18:16 explain to me why he doesn't ping these wards
explain to me PLEASE this guy is GM
Dude Ive seen higher ranked players than him not ping wards, as much as it bothers me I think they just don't care to do so in higher elo
Broooo u mean me with all those Videos XXXD
LOVE THE TF2 soundtracks
What bothers me is why would I even try to climb out of my shithole elo when even in CHALLENGER people randomly go afk xD
its always that draven main who tilted,like everydamn time
Sometimes you lose, sometimes the other team wins.
Many close game, you played that well!
10monthes legue sober.
i really dont think loser's queue is real. Well, its real in the same way winner's queue is real, sometimes you get a streak of lucky games and sometimes unlucky, thats just how flipping a coin 1000 times will go; sometimes you'll get 7 heads in a row
There's no way most ppl has 50% winrate, or so close to it, without someone tipping the chances of outcome.
@@ricoselkum There's no way a company that releases balance patches every two weeks to keep winrates at 50% manage to keep winrates somewhat near 50%. Right.
@@JumalaPlays im pretty certain riot has stated before that they do not do patches to keep winrates at 50%, they do patches to keep the game fresh
@@JumalaPlays I'm 85% sure there are riot bots in game to keep everything 50-50 as well.
Losers q is real. Only thing important is when your put on a doomed lobby you need to play for kd and just sack the game. Just treat it as a way to boost your mmr rather than lp.
Yep this is the main reason I stopped. Game quality fell off and I can't even blame op champs or frustrating playstyles. It's literally just the community. They say the game is over, then they int or afk to prove it. The whole game felt less like a combination of macro and micro matchups, and just a pressure cooker where we'd wait and watch which team cracked first.
Why didnt you get lose mignated on the afk smolder? Your team even ff with 3 votes usually they only make you lose 16/18
I just love how so many people are delusional to the point where they see someone successfully doing a "off meta" or "not normal" strat, to the best of their ability, and throw a tantrum and decide to COMPLETELY TROLL. Then say to report you and not them...............
With this treasure i summon: Tilterella 😊
Yep it's why I hardly play any more. My team straight up int's and not for just one game but multiple. I go from a gold player to bronze. I don't want to waste my time anymore playing or caring about this game when it is in this state.
Love the videos
People who dont believe in lose streaks are insane. I ended Challenger last split and now I'm on a 20 game lose streak in Emerald lol
Back when I started the game missfortune when she was new she was spouted by riot to be a new mid solo pick (champion spotlight). Mind you the meta was not ap mid, just mid solo. These ad carries that need a support are just noobs. I feel most ap carries have more grit and can or are easily better at playing ad carry than most ad carries these days because they they learn better because they are in a situation of im alone, i can get pincered from either side. Back in the day the meta was you need a split of ad and ap damage dealers else the enemy team stacks one side deffense and win easy, very straight forward still true today. The only reason ap gets solo lane is because spells can wipe out waves fast and means they can get CS without being out of postion for long or at all to get all CS. Riot made the game brain dead by saying there is a meta with ridged roles
as a low elo player im embarrassed about the behaviors i see why do u play a game in this intense with this mentality going afk trolling for someone that high is just cringe and immature
Loser queue is 100% real
Sorry about the losses. But I just wanted to mention the plural of anecdote is not data. There is no losers queue; just statistics.
Some people take games way too seriously. Like, I can understand getting angry and quitting in a fighting game, cause that only affects you. But how can you be so quick to give up and ruin things for your entire team, in a game like League?
Riot ought to make FF votes show who called it, so quitters are outed more easily.
Is it really worth to give up waves of minions + 5 plates and first turret to get the adc ahead? If the jg or mid isn’t there to catch it kinda seems int no? Especially on Sion
Do what ever u need to in order to get a win con
There’s no right and wrong when it comes to solo queue. Sitting in lane and going 0/0 into a lane you can’t beat while your adc gets dove on repeat isn’t ideal. You’re basically coin flipping. At least the way we played it the coin flip has some enjoyment.
We sure love riot not moderating its game
Tf2 soundtrack goated
Your gameplay is very conducive to tilt. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it, but in high elo - nay, this happens in my gold games too - people are such primadonnas that you mostly lose because people REFUSE to play the fucking game.
3:16 putting smolder ahead ye.. cait gets a kill :D
Gwen orphan
5:45 yone lookin real african
i don't get why people tilt so hard at having tilterella on their team
like, is it really such a curse to let waves push into you and zone out for 15 minutes on adc and take the free lp